Famous actress Alexandra Zavyalova. The son of actress Zavyalova admitted to killing his mother. Dmitry, grandson of Alexandra Zavyalova

Once upon a time, the beauty of this actress was called witchcraft. Directors offered her leading roles in their films, fans gave her flowers and dedicated poems. Actress Alexandra Zavyalova was one of the most popular in the Soviet Union after filming the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon.” In 2016, one day short of her eightieth birthday, she was killed. Why was actress Alexandra Zavyalova killed? Who did it? Why did the once popular actress stop starring in films? What do we know about her? Alexandra Zavyalova’s biography, personal life and other interesting information are presented in our article.

There are lucky people who are given everything in abundance from birth. I belonged to such people Soviet actress Alexandra Zavyalova. Beauty, talent, fans, true love. She had everything to be happy. It seemed that the whole world lay at her feet, and only good things should await her in life. However, everything turned out completely differently. Why did the life of this beautiful woman and talented actress end so badly? What was it? Tragic accident or intentional murder? Let's try to figure this out.

Biography facts

Despite her bright, aristocratic appearance, Alexandra Zavyalova was born into a family of simple workers in Tambov region. It should be noted that Sasha’s parents were very beautiful people. Her grandmother was Greek. Alexandra inherited her bright, unusual appearance from her parents. Unfortunately, information about the actress’s childhood and hobbies could not be found.

At the age of 22, she graduated from the theater institute in Leningrad. Alexandra played her first role while still a student. The film was called "Song about Koltsov" (1959). The girl played the poet's beloved - the serf girl Dunya. She coped with the role very well, but after graduating from the institute she was assigned to the theater in Brest. There were offers to act in films, but Zavyalova believed that her calling was not the film set, but the stage. However, when director Alexander Zarkha offered her main role in the film "People on the Bridge", Alexandra Zavyalova (photo below) did not refuse.

First roles and films

In the film she played the bomber Lena. Her heroine is a strong woman capable of heroic deeds. Saving people, she sacrifices her life. The actress managed to convey this image so well that viewers and directors turned their attention to her. After this picture new proposals followed.

Alexandra Zavyalova (actress) gained wide popularity after the film “Aleshkina Love”. She played the main character Zinka here. This role could have been played by: famous actresses, like Izolda Izvitskaya, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Iya Arepina. But Alexandra Zavyalova was chosen for filming. Her partner in the film was actor Leonid Bykov. Alexey’s tender and touching love story amazed the audience. The actress showed how she is changing in better side an ordinary girl Zina, who at the end of the film was able to appreciate all the beauty of the feelings of a young man in love.

"Shadows disappear at noon"

Alexandra Zavyalova was 35 years old when she auditioned for the above-mentioned film. The directors of the film were amazed by her beauty and the special magnetism that her eyes emitted. The decision was made instantly and unanimously; Alexandra Zavyalova was approved for the role of Serafima Klychkova (Pistemea Morozova).

Many talented actresses dreamed of playing her. But this role required an actress with a special inner strength with external softness and charm. After all, it was necessary to show three ages in the film main character: a very young girl, a middle-aged and elderly woman. This role required incredible effort and complete dedication from the actress.

Despite the fact that Alexandra Zavyalova played a negative character, it was impossible not to admire her performance. Playing the enemy Soviet power, she won the love of a huge audience. How could this be? The fact is that the actress was able to show the main thing - life and the development of a person. And she did it brilliantly. But despite this, after the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon,” the actress was not invited to act in film. Her last role was in the film "White Clothes" (1992).

Filmography (list)

What other films has Alexandra Zavyalova starred in? Let's remember them.

  • "Bread and Roses" (1960). Plays the kulak's daughter Lyubasha. Interesting picture, in which such famous actors as Pavel Kadochnikov and Lyudmila Kasatkina star together with Zavyalova.
  • "Wait for Letters" (1960). The girl Rimma (played by Alexandra Zavyalova) leaves for a youth construction site in the hope that she can forget her love.
  • "Fro" (1964). Alexandra Zavyalova played the young girl Frosya. Her heroine yearns for her husband, who left his young wife and went to work on a construction site. A brilliant performance by an actress capable of conveying without words, just with a glance, all the melancholy of a tormented female soul.
  • "Four Pages of One Young Life" (1967). The actress played a spoiled beauty here.

In total, Alexandra Zavyalova starred in 14 films. All her heroines are strong and beautiful women. No matter who Alexandra Zavyalova starred with, all the attention of the audience was focused only on her. She literally hypnotized with her beautiful almond-shaped eyes. Fans followed her in droves, and the wife of Leonid Bykov (partner in the film “Alyoshkina Love”) was very jealous of her husband and was even present at the filming of the film.

Alexandra Zavyalova: personal life

Despite the huge number of fans, there was only one official marriage in her life. They met their future husband, artist Dmitry Buchkin, when Alexandra was still studying at the theater institute. He immediately lost his head, but there was a reason to lose it. What is she? The girl was used to admiration and attention and did not attach much importance to their acquaintance.

Dmitry Buchkin painted portraits of an unapproachable beauty, gave flowers and looked after her beautifully. Alexandra Zavyalova already had roles in several films, so it was difficult to surprise her with signs of attention. Nevertheless, Alexandra appreciated Dmitry’s reliability and devotion, and a few years after they met, they got married. The marriage produced a daughter, Tatyana.

Acting fame and popularity, as well as numerous fans, did not allow this wonderful couple to enjoy themselves for long family life. Alexandra soon became interested in another man, her husband did not forgive her for her betrayal, and they divorced. But Dmitry could not forget about his flighty beauty and loved her all his life.

Fatal meeting

Perhaps if this acquaintance had not happened in the life of the actress, everything would have been different. But fate has its own plans for each of us. An American businessman, the owner of a large production, and a Soviet film star met and fell in love with each other. He was a tall, handsome man. Despite the fact that he was married, a meeting with a Russian beauty turned his whole life upside down. He was even ready to divorce his wife for her sake. Real love, moreover, also mutual, which is not so often found in life, could illuminate their whole life with its light and give happiness.

If this had happened in the 21st century, Alexandra Zavyalova could have gone to America and, perhaps, would have become a Hollywood star. In any case, the actress had all the necessary data for this. But in the 60-70s of the twentieth century, everything happened differently.

The American was expelled from the country by Soviet intelligence services. But for Alexandra Zavyalova, her star life ended, and the path to oblivion began. They stopped inviting her to act in films, and her fans disappeared somewhere. She was faced with terrible depression, treatment in a psychiatric hospital and life on the brink of poverty. Fortunately for Alexandra Zavyalova, all these years he was with her ex-husband, Dmitry Buchkin. He even adopted her second child. The children of Alexandra Zavyalova are daughter Tatyana and son Peter, whom she gave birth to at the age of about forty. There is no information about the boy’s father; the actress did not want to make this information widely public.

Alexandra Zavyalova: cause of death

In 2016, the day before the actress’s birthday, a terrible tragedy occurred. Alexandra Zavyalova lived with her son, who had big problems with alcohol. He could drink for several days, and while intoxicated he had absolutely no control over himself. Another of his drunken sprees ended with him stabbing his mother. The woman died after receiving her injuries.

People who knew Peter say that it was a terrible and absurd accident. Perhaps he dreamed of something terrible; it is very difficult to judge this now. Peter confessed to the crime and was taken into custody. But most of all, he punished himself by killing his beloved mother. Relatives and friends say that they had an excellent relationship, they took care of each other. Alexandra Zavyalova hoped that she would be able to cure her son of his addiction. Unfortunately, she was unable to do this.

In custody

It is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of who is to blame for the fact that Alexandra Zavyalova’s life turned out this way and not otherwise. Perhaps if she had been born in another time and in another country, her fate would have been happier. But no one will ever know about this. It’s good that viewers still have the opportunity to watch and review films with this amazingly beautiful and talented actress. This is how Alexandra Zavyalova will remain in the memory of lovers of Soviet cinema.

In St. Petersburg, the son of the famous actress Alexandra Zavyalova was officially charged with the murder of his own mother. The man is currently in custody. He fully admitted his guilt. A terrible tragedy occurred on the night of February 3. According to investigators, 40-year-old Pyotr Zavyalov, while drunk, quarreled with his mother and hit her with a knife. The woman died on the spot from her injuries.

“I think I killed our mother” - these terrible and seemingly unthinkable words were spoken by 40-year-old Pyotr Zavyalov to his sister over the phone. On the night when Alexandra Zavyalova died from knife wounds in her apartment from February 2 to February 3. Honored Artist of Russia, one of the most beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema.

“According to the investigation, on the night of February 3, 2016, Zavyalov, while intoxicated, in one of the apartments at 6 on Gavrskaya Street, due to a sudden personal hostile relationship, stabbed his mother, Alexandra Zavyalova, born in 1936, Honored Artist of Russia. ", who died at the scene. As a result of investigative actions and operational search activities, the accused was detained," said Sergei Kapitonov, senior assistant to the head of the department for interaction with the media.

All-Union fame came to Alexandra Zavyalova after the film adaptation of Anatoly Ivanov’s novel “Shadows Disappear at Noon,” where she played the unique role of Serafima Klychkova. The film was shot for three years, and the actress “led” her heroine from a 17-year-old girl to a 70-year-old woman. By that time, everything was fine in the actress’s personal life, too. 36-year-old Alexandra Zavyalova was the beloved wife of the famous Leningrad artist Dmitry Buchkin and the happy mother of their common daughter Tatyana. And suddenly one chance meeting turned her whole life upside down. Alexandra met an American businessman. He was fabulously rich, almost twice her age, and had family overseas. Their whirlwind romance lasted only two weeks, the actress managed to abandon her family... But everything turned into a tragedy. The foreigner was accused of espionage and expelled from the country. We said goodbye with sobs. Zavyalova gave birth to a son, Peter. The boy became her whole life, because the “unreliable” actress was no longer offered film roles.

Alexandra's daughter Tatyana followed in her father's footsteps - she became an artist-designer. But Petya never became a “good boy” in life. IN Lately I didn’t work anywhere officially.

Alexandra Zavyalova did not let anyone in on the details of her personal life, and her neighbors had no idea about the difficult situation in her family. Honored Actress of Russia - she received this title many years later. Meanwhile, she lived with her beloved son Peter below the poverty line. Her modest pension was divided between two. Neighbors say: Alexandra Semyonovna has been acting strange lately, avoiding everyone. And my son often used alcoholic drinks, but at the same time did not stop caring for his mother.

“He does not associate himself with these events”

Eight years in prison strict regime. Pyotr Zavyalov listened to the verdict of Judge Marina Krutko indifferently. He just smiled sadly at his relatives and offered his hands to the guards to take him away.

He was found guilty of murdering his mother, the star of the film “Shadows Vanish at Noon,” Alexandra Zavyalova.

On the night of February 3, 2016, in an apartment on Gavrskaya Street, due to a sudden personal hostile relationship, Zavyalov stabbed his mother. She died on the spot, the press service of the prosecutor’s office commented.

Earlier in the debate, the state prosecutor insisted on ten years in prison. The judge knocked off two years and only satisfied civil action prosecutor in the amount of 3,071 rubles for the work of the ambulance team. But even this option did not please Zavyalov’s defense.

“We will appeal the court’s decision,” said his lawyer Valentin Pyshkin. “My client does not admit guilt and does not in any way associate himself with these events.

In the coming days, the defender will file an appeal in the city court. He has something to cling to. As Pyshkin says, the investigative actions were carried out with violations. In particular, Zavyalov was taken for interrogation while he was still drunk.

Mocker - fate

Since February last year, Zavyalov has been under arrest, sitting in Kresty. When the sentence comes into force, his sentence will include these long months of serving in a detention center.

In court, the son of a popular actress stated that he did not remember what could have happened in their apartment on Gavrskaya Street, that he did not know why his mother was dead. True, Zavyalov had not complained about such serious memory loss before.

On February 4, Alexandra Zavyalova was preparing to celebrate her anniversary. She would have turned 80 years old. The actress received wide recognition from the public after her role as Pistimea Morozova in the film “Shadows Vanish at Noon.” Among the films with her participation are “People on the Bridge”, “Wait for Letters”, “Alyoshka’s Love”, “Bread and Roses”, “Everyday Life and Holidays”.

Zavyalova played in “Shadows Disappear at Noon” when she was 35 years old. Her colleagues remember how her character changed along with the heroine. Gloomy, taciturn, she took herself very seriously. And I was worried about my appearance. She didn’t want to look like an old woman even for the role.

Fate took a cruel toll on Alexandra Semyonovna. After wild popularity in the 70s, she disappeared from the screens for twenty years. In 1994, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. But rather by inertia...Zavyalova did not have any more serious roles.

I didn’t love it, I didn’t live long enough

The artist’s personal life also did not work out. In 1963, Alexandra Zavyalova married the artist Dmitry Buchkin, and they had a daughter, Tatyana - outwardly a copy of her mother. But in the mid-60s, Alexandra Semyonovna met 50-year-old foreign businessman Othello Ceresolli. The romance did not last even two weeks. The American was being followed by KGB officers. He was suspected of being a spy and expelled from Soviet Union.

After this story, Zavyalova’s husband filed for divorce. Alexandra Semyonovna fell into a terrible depression. She was treated several times at the neurosis clinic. The only outlet she still held on to was her little son Petya.

Peter was a late child; his actress gave birth at the age of forty.

“I needed a child to whom I would give all my unspent tenderness,” Zavyalova later admitted.

But even after the birth of Peter, life did not go well. The actress was placed in a mental hospital for two months. And when she checked out, it turned out that their apartment had been robbed. They brought out diamonds, porcelain, furs, money... Daughter Tatyana was taken in by her artist father, and little Peter was sent to an orphanage.

For a long time, Zavyalova did not want to return her son, but a year later she was again taken to a hospital... After that she received disability.

And yet Peter lived with his mother. By the age of forty, he had achieved nothing special in life: neither a specific job, nor a woman. He drank a lot and they constantly had quarrels because of it.

According to investigators, on the night of February 3, Peter came home drunk again. The mother began to voice complaints...Then he grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed the elderly woman in the chest. After that, he called his sister and said: “I think I killed her.” Everyone learned about Zavyalova’s death only four days later. And only on February 8, investigators announced the cause of the tragedy.


Press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg:

- The investigation and the court established that Zavyalov, while intoxicated, on the night of February 3, 2016, in one of the apartments of building 6 on Gavrskaya Street, due to a sudden personal hostility, stabbed his mother, Alexandra Zavyalova, born in 1936, an honored artist. Russia, who died at the scene from a stab wound.

Investigators from the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of Russia in St. Petersburg carried out a large volume of investigative actions aimed at clarifying all the circumstances of the incident. As a result, Zavyalov’s guilt in committing this crime was fully proven, despite the fact that the accused himself did not admit his guilt. For example, after committing a crime, Zavyalov wrote an SMS to his friend saying that he had killed his mother. During the investigation, analysis of Zavyalov’s telephone conversations, and seizure of the phone itself, this SMS message was restored.


Alexandra Semenovna ZAVYALOVA was born on February 4, 1936 in the village of Titovka, Tambov region. Graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute named after. Ostrovsky.

She entered the cinema in 1959 - she starred at the personal invitation of director Alexander Zachry in his film “People on the Bridge”. Afterwards there were “Song about Koltsov” (1959), “Aleshkina’s Love” (1960), “Bread and Roses” (1960).

In 1961, Alexandra's photograph appeared on the pages of the American Life magazine. Photographer Philippe Halsman decided to photograph the most famous people Soviet Union - including a rising film star.

In 1963, she married the artist Dmitry Buchkin and had a daughter, Tatyana.

In total she starred in 14 films. After the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon” (1972), Zavyalova was not invited to the cinema for more than 20 years. Which resulted in deep depression.

She was placed in a psychiatric hospital for two months. Daughter Tatyana was taken in by her father, and little Petya was sent to an orphanage. For a long time, Zavyalova did not want to return her son, and a year later she was again taken to a hospital. Therefore, Dmitry Petrovich Buchkin adopted Peter.

In 1994, Zavyalova was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia.”

On April 10, 2017, the Vyborg District Court of St. Petersburg sentenced the son of actress Alexandra Zavyalova for what he committed in February 2016. Pyotr Zavyalov was sentenced to eight years in a maximum security colony, reports L!FE.

According to the source, at the trial, Zavyalova’s son did not admit to committing the murder of his own mother, whom he inflicted fatal stab wounds while heavily intoxicated. The man said that he does not remember that day, but considers himself guilty of allowing a situation, the consequences of which cost the life of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Lawyers for Zavyalova’s son do not agree with the court’s decision, since they do not rule out that the actress was killed by someone else. Since at the stage preliminary investigation and the court rejected all versions of the presence of third parties in the actress’s apartment, human rights activists consider the court’s verdict to be unfounded, and the results of the investigation to be biased.

The actress’s neighbors share the same opinion, who characterize Peter, accused of murdering his mother, only with positive side. They claim that he is very a kind person and for the last 40 years he has been caring for his mother alone. But the investigation established that on February 3, 2016, it was Pyotr Zavyalov who killed the actress - the man stabbed the actress, as a result of which she died at the scene.

Let us remind you that Alexandra Zavyalova was an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, whose title she received for her roles in the films “Shadows Disappear at Noon,” “Aleshkina’s Love” and “The Hippocratic Oath.” Last job actresses on big screen There was a film called "White Clothes" released in 1992.

Alexandra Zavyalova is an actress whose name was widely known in the 60s. This beautiful woman Photographers from both Soviet and foreign magazines took pictures with pleasure. The directors offered Zavyalova exclusively leading roles. And then it all ended one day and the artist disappeared from the screens forever. Why?

Alexandra Zavyalova: biography. early years

Alexandra was born in February 1936 in the Tambov region. Almost nothing is known about her childhood or the hobbies of the future actress. It is only known that Alexandra Zavyalova graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute in 1958 and moved to Brest to work as an assigned worker at the local theater. However, the young actress with an exotic appearance showed herself very well in the graduation performance “Marriage” and she regularly began to receive offers to act in films.

Alexandra refused for a long time because she wanted to focus only on her work in the theater. But in 1959, the actress could not resist and for the first time gave her consent to filming.

Films 1959

Alexandra Zavyalova made her debut in the film “The Song of Koltsov”, where she immediately got the main role.

In the center of the plot of the film is the biography of the famous Russian poet Alexei Koltsov, or rather a segment of his life that fits into the 30s. XIX century. Koltsov’s biography is notable for the fact that the poet devoted almost his entire life to entrepreneurship, continuing the family business (which is not typical for writers). The only outlet for Alexei was poetry and love for a serf girl, played by Alexandra Zavyalova. But fate separated the main characters; Koltsov soon married an unloved woman, and after some time he died at the age of 33.

Immediately after the role of Dunya, the fatal beauty with jet-black hair was offered another leading role - in the drama “People on the Bridge”. The heroine of Zavyalova is the bomber Lena. The woman is brave, beautiful, with a certain past (the heroine has a She attracts the attention of the young son (Oleg Tabakov) of the head of the bridge construction (Vasily Merkuryev). This connection becomes the heroine Zavyalova turns into an evil genius for the intelligent Bulygin family. In the finale of the picture, Lena dies while saving other people's lives.

It must be said that after the role of the temperamental Lena, the actress became assigned the role of a “troubled” woman. And all her subsequent heroines were no less strong, attractive, but in some sense dangerous.

Films of the 1960s

Alexandra Zavyalova was very popular in the 60s. Largely thanks to the role of Zinka from the melodrama “Aleshkina Love”. Then the actress's partner film set there was Leonid Bykov (“Only old men go into battle”). He played the same Alyoshka who was crazy about the switchwoman Zinaida. Zavyalova, in one of her few interviews, recalled that the actor’s wife was very jealous of him and was constantly present on the set.

I wish I could be jealous: Alexandra Zavyalova’s photos were featured not only on the covers of Soviet Screen, but even in the American Life magazine. American journalists called the actress Soviet, and Russian directors offered the actress exclusively leading roles.

In the 60s, such films as “Wait for Letters” by Y. Karasik, “Bread and Roses” by F. Filippov, “Fro” by R. Esadze and many other films were released with the participation of Zavyalova. The actress was invited to dinner parties at the US Embassy and was entrusted with the honorable mission of meeting foreign guests arriving at Soviet cultural events.

Latest film projects in the actress’s career

However, it was the artist’s close communication with foreigners, as well as the interest that foreign media showed in her, that played a fatal role in Alexandra’s fate.

In the 65s, the KGB began to regularly summon Zavyalova for interrogation. A little later, the special services forbade the director of Lenfilm to feature the actress in his films. But Alexandra Zavyalova did not despair and continued to collaborate with other film companies.

In the 70s the artist played her last film role - Pistimea Morozova. This image became one of the most colorful in Soviet cinema. Pistimea's real name is Serafima Klychkova. She is the heiress of a wealthy family, who is forced to hide under a false name in the Siberian taiga.

In the film, Zavyalova’s heroine is demonized, because it’s about aristocrats in Soviet time They said either nothing or bad. The actress added more “wood to the fire”, masterfully performing her work, and the embodiment of evil appeared on the screen before the viewer. Considering the label of “unreliability” that already weighed heavily on Alexandra, nothing good could be expected. The worst fears came true: after the role of Pistimea Zavyalova, access to any Soviet cinema was blocked.

Alexandra Zavyalova: personal life

The only official husband of the actress is the artist Dmitry Buchkin. From him Zavyalova had a daughter, Tatyana.

Alexandra Zavyalova is an actress with an unforgettable appearance. And it was beauty that played a cruel joke on the woman. In 1964, in Odessa, she met an American billionaire and accepted his advances. Subsequently, the American was accused of espionage and expelled from the country. Zavyalova was forced to divorce Buchkin and was interrogated by the KGB for the first time.

After the path to cinema was blocked for the actress, she gave birth to her second child and began to lead a secluded life. Since then, little has been known about Alexander.