How to force yourself to write to your ex. What if you can’t force yourself to write texts. Now to the point

I have students who have already completed two courses on website promotion and seem to know everything. But they have no desire to write - that’s why there is no special result.

Those who write articles and optimize them correctly will undoubtedly achieve success.

But those who rarely write, although they optimize it correctly, will not promote their site.

Therefore, in addition to the laws of search engines, it is imperative to learn the ability to write articles frequently.

How to force yourself to write articles a lot and often

1. Discipline

Make it a habit to write every day. At least a paragraph, at least one sentence. But every day.

Many people believe that if you write, then immediately write an article. But this doesn’t always work out (even sometimes I can’t write an article right away, I have to spend 2-3 days collecting information or my thoughts, or just wait until the understanding of the issue settles in my head).

Of two evils - “not writing at all” and “writing little”, choose the second, you won’t go wrong.

The main thing in this matter is regularity, and not the volume of information created.

Get an internal or external supervisor who won’t let you sleep peacefully until you complete the task assigned for today - to write at least something.

I have a good internal taskmaster (which I have trained for several years) and it awakens my conscience whenever I decide to postpone the process of writing an article (lecture) until tomorrow.

But if you don't already have one, you can ask someone else to fill this role. The best supervisors are children (they are active and do not get tired). Let your child (younger sibling) walk around you all day and ask, “Did you write anything today?” And they will leave you only when you assure them that you wrote (or, if you can lie, you must show them what you wrote).

2. Get angry

A very good motivator (or even inspiration) is anger or anger (at yourself or someone else). An angry person is capable of miracles of determination and creativity. An angry mumbler can speak with inspiration from the stage in front of a crowd of strangers. Driven to the point of rage, a modest employee can put his boss in his place and fearlessly and beautifully tell him everything he thinks about him. An aspiring author in a state of anger or frustration can write a speech that even Joe Vitale himself can appreciate (if, of course, he learns Russian).

I tried this instant burst of creativity and inspiration while recording some of my video lectures (which I am an inexperienced beginner at, as opposed to writing). One day I couldn’t write down one lesson for a very long time. Either I would forget to say something important, or I would blurt out something wrong - and I had to stop recording and start all over again (you can’t release a video where you make a lot of mistakes).

This went on several times until I got angry with myself (“What is this! How long can you repeat the same thing! But when will you finally say everything correctly?!”).

And very immediately I suddenly felt some new strength in myself. , which enveloped me like a cloud and stood up to protect my budding creativity. I suddenly saw my entire performance in volume. I saw what needed to be said at this stage and at another. What you can even joke about, what it’s better not to touch (so as not to be profane), and so on. It was as if I was standing on a bridge and confidently managing my speech and the facts available for the speech.

If before that I felt like a mess who needs to do something (but I don’t want to, my tongue doesn’t move, my thoughts don’t listen), then after a good spanking (to myself) everything became clearer. My muscles and consciousness tightened, I began to see more, think better, I became interested in teaching this video lesson (I wanted to talk more and more...).

This is what the power of anger (or a kick in the ass, as you wish) means.

Do you know that after a wife and husband have a fight, the house begins to be restored to order? The wife begins general cleaning, the husband goes to fix a long-leaking faucet or repair the washing machine... All for the same reason. Each of them receives a dose of inspiration and finally gets down to business with pleasure.

That's how it is with writing articles. Get angry with yourself if things don't work out for you. Fight with someone. Run into a scandal with your wife (husband). Create the necessary tone for yourself to start creative work.

And then even the incompetent will write it down.

3. Desire to teach

Imagine that you want to teach a stranger something that you know very well (on the topic of your site). The desire to teach is also a good engine of creativity.

It's not for nothing that so many smart people are boring - they want to teach everyone. But don’t be afraid to become boring in writing - here tediousness and meticulousness are more of a plus than a minus. The more detailed and thorough you describe everything you know, the more voluminous and complete your article will be.

4. The desire to do it beautifully

The other day I was shown a site with recipes, where the pages were designed simply awful. Text and pictures mixed together in some kind of chaos. One article was not completed at all (apparently, the author did not have the patience to finish it). And the author of this site just complained that she could not write much and often. I wrote 8 articles in September - and that’s it, I’m exhausted. There was only 1 article each in October and November.

And I remembered another blog, also with recipes, the author of which not only did everything beautifully, she even found fault with the sentences once written - everything seemed to her that it was not written perfectly.

One who feels beauty can draw from the desire to create similar beauty (another article) again.

I remember they changed the template for me on one blog (I had to change it because the engine was updated, and the old template did not fit it). I really didn't like the new template. At first I somehow put up with it. And then I realized that I can’t write on such a blog. Well, I don't like him!

I picked out a new template for myself - and it started!

You see, even such a small thing as a beautiful/ugly template can influence the creativity of writing articles.

If you feel like you have a lot of information, but don’t want to post it on this site, maybe you should just change the template?

5. Fresh impressions

One blogger friend of mine said: if I don’t write an article right away, then I won’t be able to. Immediately, from a fresh impression, the words come together successfully, you don’t even need to think, I just sit and write. And when time passes, I don’t remember anything, I don’t want anything and nothing works out.

It’s like the phenomenon of “getting angry.” As long as there is a sensation, a feeling, everything works out on its own. The feeling has passed - the desire and skill have passed.

Therefore, if something captivated or inspired you during the day, do not put it off until the evening or until tomorrow. Sit down and write.

I also tested this rule on myself. I very often look for new business ideas on the Internet (for the “Home Business” website), this is my persistent vital interest. And I noticed: as soon as I find several interesting ideas, I want to write about them all at once. But since I physically cannot describe them all at once (writing one idea sometimes takes a whole day, or even two), I put them off for later (I bookmark them or write notes in a notebook).

But the next day these ideas are no longer interesting to me (they seem too familiar, unoriginal). I leave them in my bookmarks and go looking for new ideas that can create in me a new feeling of novelty and a desire to say: “Ah! How great it is!”

6. Urgently needed

And the last very good motivator is when you urgently need (a lecture, a manual or something else).

Have you noticed that schoolchildren almost never write the assigned essay at the moment they are assigned it? They write it only when there is one day left before it is due.

I wrote it that way myself. And not because I was too lazy to write right away. But because right away it didn’t work out very well.

And when you realize that time is running out, that the essay needs to be submitted tomorrow, it turns out very well.

I still write all my lectures for teaching website promotion on the very last day, when it’s time to send them out to students. Not because I’m very busy and procrastinate until the last minute. But because I already know that on the very last day we will get what we need. I will write everything clearly and logically, I won’t forget anything. Moreover, I will remember a lot of examples from practice and insert them into the text of the case. And the text will sound beautiful and rhythmic, like music.

How to apply this to daily writing?

Set a timer or alarm clock in the morning for the evening. And know that it will ring at a certain time. And that by this time you should have already written the article. The less time you have, the more stressed and anxious you will feel.

And one fine moment this excitement will force you to sit down at the table and write (you will feel such relief and such joy from creativity when you write the first lines and they will pull the rest along with them...).

And if you manage to write on time, it will be such a reward that you will feel happy for a moment. And all evening you will be warmed by the feeling that you did it. You are a creator (not a doormat). You can write articles.

Isn't this the real reward?

how not to be lazy and write blog posts

Hi all. Surely it happens to everyone that over time they become too lazy to write articles. It seems that I’ll create a blog or website for myself and write articles every day, etc. But after a certain period of time, you become too lazy to write posts, and even to work on your creation. So I thought about it and decided that it would be good to write a post about how to motivate yourself to write posts. Now I will try to give you some tips that I myself use so as not to be lazy in writing on my blog.

How to force yourself to write on your blog?

1) Turn off the music or TV until you have completely written the post, or vice versa. Turn on your favorite music, maybe it will be easier and more fun for you to write your article.

2) Set yourself a specific goal, for example, write 60 posts in a month. And follow her. Then you yourself will understand that if you haven’t written 2 posts today, then tomorrow you will have to write not two, but 4 posts.

3) Create a plan for yourself for each month, which will tell you what you need to do on your blog. To do this, you can use a regular text document or Microsoft Excel. I actually make a monthly plan for myself in a text document, because it’s more convenient for me. This method is very effective, because thanks to it you can already divide the day into certain parts. For example, you work on your blog until 12 o’clock, and then you can go about your business, etc.

4) Develop a plan for writing a future article. This includes both the title of the post and the approximate beginning and end of the article. You can also break the writing of an article into several points. For example, write the beginning of the post in the morning, and the middle and end in the evening.

5) Sometimes a moment comes when some interesting thought comes to mind about the topic of a future post, or even the entire post itself. Therefore, I recommend that you always carry a small notebook with you in which you will write down your thoughts, which will certainly help when writing a post.

6) Don't pay attention to trolling your posts. Because this is precisely why you can become depressed, and you certainly won’t have time to post here. Just don't take such people as serious.

7) Try to write regularly. For example, if you have a website about real estate, try to write 1 post about every two or three days. Firstly, it will be easier for you to distribute your plans for the day, and secondly, there is an opinion that search bots get used to updating your blog, which is very good for your blog in terms of its promotion and quick indexing of new posts.

8) Communicate with other bloggers and also answer questions from your users. Sometimes the same questions can give you an idea for writing your own new and interesting post.

I hope I helped you, the main thing is not to be lazy and everything will be fine. Don't forget about this blog. Thank you for your attention. See you.

Good health!

Do you like to write texts? Do you love working as a web writer or web copywriter? Don’t feed you bread, just let me write an article or a selling text? Then, most likely, this post is not for you. It will be of interest only to those who do not know how to force themselves to write texts.

Yes, unfortunately, there are many people who face this problem. I don’t want to write to them and that’s it. They try sitting, standing, and lying on the sofa hugging a laptop... It doesn’t work.

And today one of my subscribers gave me an idea for another post, asking the question:

“How to force yourself to write articles for the site? Every time I need to do this kind of work, I sit at the computer for a long time, looking for something else I can do other than write text. But you have to earn money. What should I do? Give me some advice."

Regular readers probably know that I have already given answers to similar questions more than once. He talked about... Gave, which helped many writers. I shared that (this happens to me very rarely, but it happens).

However, today I will pay attention to one more point...

So, we all know that a person’s mood changes over time. Our desires and well-being change. And it is clear that it is not easy for a freelance writer who has to work almost every day to constantly maintain a great desire to write texts.

Even if you love your job! Whatever one may say, sometimes days may come when you don’t feel like writing texts at all. And not only texts. I don't really want to work.

For example, you planned that on Wednesday you would work actively and write so many texts for the customer. However... it turned out that on that day there was rainy weather outside, which made you sleepy, someone spoiled your mood, you felt tired, you didn’t sleep well at night or something else...

In general, it turns out that activity and desire to work are clearly low to complete the required volume of tasks. In a simplified form, this can be represented as a graph:

What to do in this case, if there is no way to postpone work? What if deadlines are running out?

Of course, you have to force yourself.

You made a promise to the customer, which means you need to keep your promises. And the point here is not that the person does not like his job. It’s just how the stars aligned - on this day the mood is not right, activity is reduced. In such situations, the advice I mentioned above helps a lot.

There are people who have to force themselves to write texts VERY often. There are writers who constantly work in this state:

I don’t want to, it’s disgusting, but I know what I need...

For them, writing texts is necessarily some kind of barrier. They almost constantly have to force themselves to work. And they ask: what to do, how to force yourself to write a text?

And here I can’t help but want to ask them a counter question:

Are you actually doing your job?

Maybe writing isn't your thing?

After all, if a person really likes some type of activity, then... most likely, another problem arises: how to break away from work. Yes, how to break away in order to eat on time, stretch, take a walk outside, etc.

I know from myself: when I get carried away by some project, I can’t tear myself away. I write, I write texts. Here's an idea, another one, you can write this, and this...

Internet, Internet, let me go to the toilet!)))

This happens when you love what you do.

Of course, I also have slow days. Days when I don't feel like writing. Simply because the mood and well-being are not the same. I think this happens to everyone. We're not robots. We cannot remain highly active and productive at work every day. Anything can happen...

But basically, when you love your job, then, as a rule, you don’t need to force yourself to do it. Everything happens by itself.

But when every time, when you try to start work, you experience some difficulties and have to force yourself... The question arises: is this really the kind of work that is worth doing? Maybe you should choose another job - a job you like?

How to force yourself to write text if they pay you pennies?

I agree, this is an important point. Indeed, when earnings are not encouraging, it is difficult to constantly be active and do your work with great pleasure.

It’s especially hard for those writers who, from the very beginning, got stingy clients and never saw good earnings in freelancing.

I seem to enjoy writing, but the earnings are a complete disappointment.

In this case, you need to do everything to get out of this “hole” as soon as possible. Because you can truly feel how good it is to be a freelance writer when you earn at least 30,000 rubles a month.

After all, in freelancing (as in any other job), earning money is an additional, very strong motivation.

How can a writer reach normal prices to fully appreciate the beauty of your work? I think my next publications will include something that will help solve this problem.

And I hope you understand the essence of this post.

If the writer for real loves his work, he often does not have the question of how to force himself to write texts. And if it does arise, it’s very rare, when you’re completely tired, not in the mood, and have a lot of urgent work to do.

By the way, I didn’t have to force myself at all to write this post (for which no one will pay me a penny). I just wanted to, sat down and wrote. In one breath.

Because I love writing blog posts for you and reading your comments.

Sergey Sokarp

02/11/2016 by

What if you can’t force yourself to write texts?: 18 comments

  1. Artem 02/11/2016

    So I once said to my friend: “Why did you even take up copywriting?” I never really knew how to write and didn’t want to. And I registered on the stock exchange. For what? The answer was: “I want to earn money. They say it's easy! Yeah, how...

  2. Natalie 02/11/2016

    It's right. How to force yourself to write texts for websites - no way! What kind of work is this if you constantly have to force yourself. Better do something else. We will have fewer competitors.)))

  3. Basil 02/11/2016

    An interesting approach to answering such a question. I never thought about this before. It really turns out that if a person constantly forces himself to do something, then he is not doing his job.

  4. Roman S 02/11/2016

    “... I didn’t have to force myself at all to write this post (for which no one will pay me a penny). I just felt like it, sat down and wrote.”
    The fact of the matter is that writing what you came up with and want yourself is completely different. Rather than if you need to fill out a website about drilling machines that are not at all interesting to you. And I can blog about my travels around the clock.
    And the word procrastination has not yet been used here. When you do more pleasant things, but not what you get paid for. For example, I am a very inquisitive person and can spend days reading a bunch of articles, interviews, watching videos, including those related to the profession (not only copywriter, but also SMM). And here’s the problem - to stop everything, stop going from link to link and writing comments (as I do now) and finally start writing about drilling machines, installing sockets or the problems of going on maternity leave.

  5. Ivan 02/11/2016

    Roman S, who forces you to take on orders that are not interesting to you? And especially no one forces you to write comments here. Why torture yourself like that?)))
    For example, I never take on topics that I don’t understand well or that I don’t like at all. In my opinion, a freelancer always has the right to choose. That's why he's a freelancer!

  6. Victor 02/11/2016

    I have another problem. I write rewrites on any topic and it almost always works out. Yes, and there is a desire (if you forget about the price). However, the situation with webwriting is different - I’m afraid of it, I can’t start writing text for a long time, although I sometimes write and clients don’t complain. And this has been going on for years - I just don’t know what to do with it. Well, what kind of earnings is this from rewriting? I just can’t break myself! Can you recommend something?

  7. Ivan 02/11/2016

    Victor, in my opinion, your problem is far-fetched, it simply does not exist. Write articles, don't be afraid. Especially if sometimes you write and customers don’t complain. What is the problem? By the way, if you do rewriting for websites, then this also applies to web writing.)

  8. Catherine 02/11/2016

    And I always have a barrier of beginning, as I call it. I write articles quickly, everything works out great, but I can walk for hours, or sit and think about the first paragraph. If you come up with an idea, that’s it, consider the article written, the rest comes out quickly. And while you’re sitting there, “catching the thought by the tail,” that’s when you feel sad.

  9. Catherine 02/11/2016

    In general, my friend tells me that it’s still easier to stand on the assembly line for 2100 than to sit at home in the warmth of a computer, constantly increasing your earnings. I don’t even argue with her anymore)))))

  10. Irina 02/11/2016

    Ekaterina, this is different. This happens to every writer; they think about the first paragraph for a long time.

  11. Irina 02/11/2016

    Ekaterina, regarding your friend - to each his own, as they say:)))

  12. Andrey 02/11/2016

    Something I see is that Sokarp began to reduce the number of people who want to engage in web writing with his publications.))) Apparently on purpose - he removed several thousand subscribers, then did a screening by closing Smartresponder (he offered to re-subscribe whoever wanted), then he begins to talk at all about how complicated everything is and you have to work a lot, like think, maybe it’s not yours. And now this post is clearly not conducive to the growth of those who want to start writing texts for websites. Others lure you in, promise mountains of gold, but Sokarp does the opposite. I suspect that there is a special screening of subscribers. Probably too many extra people have accumulated over the years))) I think that soon in the closed section of the blog - the Cream of KPM - there will be something for a very narrow circle of subscribers, for the very best. No, well, I can’t find any other explanation. I hope I won’t be removed from the subscriber base after this comment?)))

  13. Catherine 03/11/2016

    Andrey, I could give you a like)))))

  14. Sergey Turbin 08/11/2016

    Hello, Sergey and colleagues.
    In my opinion, the ability to write with interest on unloved topics is a sign of skill. Remember the proverb: “If you make something difficult habitual, then the familiar will become easy, and the easy will become pleasant.”
    You, Sergey, apparently were lucky. Apparently my previous teaching career taught me how to skip difficult steps. But yesterday's schoolchildren have an aversion to writing. Costs of education. How to love what you were forced to do “under pressure”?
    Internal conflict prevents people from writing. Emotional barrier. I want to tell you about something and I’m afraid that they won’t understand.
    It is enough to remove this barrier and everything will work out. At least with the help of the same EFT (emotional freedom technique). After all, it doesn’t happen that a person doesn’t like to talk. Those. verbally express your thoughts. So why should he not like to express his thoughts in writing :-)

  15. Vlad 09/11/2016

    Work must be done. Of course, there are stagnations or the task is not very interesting. But if writing texts itself is difficult, then you really should think about whether you are doing your own thing.

  16. Natalia Izotova 11/11/2016

    During my student years, I was bursting with new thoughts and always wanted to write them down on paper. This is actually why I decided to work as a web writer. I remember well that feeling when thoughts just pour out onto paper, you just have time to write them down. But now such a state is difficult to achieve. And I know why this happens. This happens because in adulthood we do not learn on our own and stop systematically processing a large amount of information. I think in this situation there is only one way out: study every single day, read a lot, listen to educational audios and watch educational videos. It’s very difficult to do this on your own, but you have to!

  17. Irina 03/12/2016

    I really liked the proverb about the familiar - easy - pleasant. Sergei Sokarp can be understood in his efforts to protect himself from unnecessary efforts and expenses, and each of his readers from such an Internet space from information noise.

  18. Ivan 04/01/2017

    It’s difficult to start after a long break... That’s where the reluctance to work comes from!

8 chosen

Writing a thesis is one of the most recent and perhaps most difficult tests for students. We have never had to write such large works before. And although at first it seems that we have more than enough time, there is a great danger that because of this deceptive impression we will miscalculate the time and leave everything until the last moment. Let's think about how to plan work on your diploma so that this doesn't happen. And, what’s even more difficult, how to force yourself to work on it here and now, without postponing it.

Almost half of the graduates I know thought at the last minute about postponing their thesis defense to next year. But among them there were excellent students! Fortunately, in the end everyone coped with it and wrote the work on time. Although it cost them a lot of nerves and sleepless nights. To prevent this from happening, you need to plan the writing of your thesis in advance.

The sooner you start thinking about your future diploma, the better. Decide on a topic, make a bibliography, and start reading the necessary books. It is best if the topic of the thesis is related to the professional tasks that you want to do in the future. Then the work will be more interesting, and later this experience will be useful in your professional life.

A few months before your defense, draw up a work plan, think over the structure of your thesis and thematic sections. Next, set yourself a deadline for each of them and strictly adhere to this schedule in the future.

A diploma is a big, complex job, which, let’s be honest, is quite difficult to approach. In order not to be afraid of it, you need to break this task into many small steps. Make it a goal to write a few pages every day. This is much easier than trying to process a large amount of information once a week or once a month.

It happens that a student cannot sit down to work, complaining that he has no inspiration. But just as appetite comes with eating, inspiration often comes with working. Force yourself to work for at least 20 minutes and you may not want to be distracted.

If you feel like your writing isn't quite up to par, don't quit. It will be much easier to change or edit what you have written later than to write everything from scratch. If nothing comes to mind at all, switch to another work on your thesis: think about its structure, write outlines or main ideas for the next chapter.

If you stick to a clear plan and manage to do everything, you shouldn’t deny yourself rest and entertainment. Life while writing a thesis should not seem gray and hopeless. On the contrary, a variety of positive emotions will help you study your diploma with joy. Plus, if you have something interesting planned for the evening, you will be motivated to get the job done faster.

Getting enough sleep while writing a thesis is also very important. When we're sleepy, our productivity is seriously reduced, so limiting your sleep will only make you lose. To work effectively, you need to stick to a daily routine. Psychologists advise engaging in mental work in the morning and early afternoon, and not going to bed too late. However, each situation is individual. There are people who work best at night.

Was it easy for you to work on your diploma? Did you prepare it in advance or at the last minute?

By the way...

If, despite all the advice, you have not sat down for your thesis in advance, there is a high probability that in the near future you will have to sacrifice sleep and rest. Care products will help remove signs of fatigue on your face. Of course, they won’t replace a good night’s sleep, but they will improve your appearance.

Many people have crises, but creative people experience them more often than usual.

It happens that you sit for hours in front of your laptop, but the idea still doesn’t come to fruition. The clock is ticking, sometimes the customer starts to worry in ICQ, is everything okay, how is the work going, is there any data needed...

What to do in such a situation?

Well, don’t rape your brain, really. There is a way out, and it is very simple, in fact. During preliminary communication with the customer, I make notes in a Word document or notepad, highlighting important points and copying quotes directly from ICQ. I create the essence of the customer’s desires, collecting answers to questions that interest me. What you need to know to complete your order. I advise you to do the same, it helps.

Now to the point.

Before starting work, go to the kitchen and make yourself a cup of coffee or tea, depending on your personal preferences. Then return to your workplace and sit in front of the monitor. Set a timer for 30 minutes and relax. Open the document where you will write and where there are those same quotes and answers to questions. Relax again.

For the next 30 minutes, you are free to do whatever you want, but without getting up from your desk or closing the document. Take a sip of fresh coffee or tea, enjoy the look of the document and the color of quotes from ASI, look at the buttons, you might even think that it’s time to change your old keyboard. Crumbs on the keyboard may also attract attention, but they won't keep you busy for long.

As a rule, after five minutes it becomes boring. You can’t get up, you can’t open a contact and you can’t climb in it either. You can’t even water the beds in “Favorite Farm,” no matter how much you want to do it.

This is where the fun begins. The only thing your brain can occupy itself with is quotes and notes in a document. You start reading them, and gradually thoughts about the text appear in your head. Write down each of them; you can sort them later, after a break.

This method works for me 100 times out of 100, and, as a rule, within 30 minutes I manage to collect a fairly interesting text. Proofreading, proofreading and structuring will have to wait.

Now, during these 30 minutes, there is a pure stream of consciousness, thoughts and ideas that simply need to be recorded in a document.

Why does this technique work?

It's simple: while we can distract ourselves with something more interesting than work and writing text, our brain will be distracted by extraneous things.
Many examples from history prove that it is when we lock our thoughts inside, not allowing them to wander into trifles, that miracles happen. Newton was relaxing peacefully under a tree when an apple fell on him, right?

Interesting ideas come to me at the most unexpected moments: when I’m brushing my teeth or preparing lunch. That's why my laptop moves with me from room to room so that I have time to write everything down. If I leave home, I have a piece of paper and a pen with me. As a last resort, use a telephone.