Photos of completely naked Dana Borisova. Naked photo of Dana Borisova for Maxim. Intimate video of Dana Borisova

Another scandal about a popular blonde has surfaced on social networks. An anonymous user leaked a video online where naked Dana Borisova pleases and caresses herself. Borisova claims that these are the tricks of one of her ex-men.

This is not the first scandal involving a naked girl; photographs of a personal nature have already surfaced several times in the media and online. Thus, the British tabloid The Sun published last year.

“I am, of course, pleased that such a respected Western tabloid is interested in my person. But seriously, the man who sent them to the newspaper, in my opinion, simply took stupid revenge on me for leaving him,” Borisova shared.

Intimate video of Dana Borisova

But these are not the last troubles that befell Dana Borisova. The presenter, after a scandal with Maxim Aksenov, the father of her daughter Polina, handed over the child to him to raise. After some time, Dana Borisova was ridiculed by her own mother, accusing her daughter of abusing illegal drugs and needing the help of specialists.

Let them talk on air Dana Borisova is a drug addict

But recently, a video appeared online where the presenter’s mother was lying on the floor in an incomprehensible state, reminiscent of alcohol intoxication. Perhaps it's not just the blonde who needs treatment.

According to Andrey Malakhov, Dan Borisov is currently undergoing treatment in one of the specialized clinics in Thailand.

Dana Borisova undergoing treatment in Thailand

According to Oksana Romanenko, Dana Borisova considered the clinic where she conducts treatment to be a film set. All because Dana's friends came up with a plan to force her to turn to specialists. After the scandalous broadcast of “Let Them Talk,” Andrei Malakhov, Elena Vorobey, Prokhor Chaliapin and Oksana Romanenko went to Dana’s home. As Oksana Romanenko reports: “I personally went up to the apartment and collected things for Dana, who was already overjoyed at the offer to star in a new reality show in Thailand.

“Dana believed that she would star in our fictitious project “Melting Before Our Eyes,” Oksana continued. “The most interesting thing is that, upon arriving in Thailand, she did not immediately realize that this was not a reality show. She thought for a long time ", that everything happening around is just a part of the director's plan. I imagine how Dana now hates us all, having realized that there is no filming. But the main thing is that she can recover. Now her body is very exhausted, it resembles anorexia. Oh, how It is known to be the most difficult to treat."

“It seems to me that everyone in the family needs to undergo treatment, not excluding Dana’s mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna, since the mother looks codependent against the backdrop of her daughter’s illness,” Romanenko noted. “Dana and her mother sometimes, to put it briefly, could not find a common language "After all, even at Dana's wedding, the parent was not present. Dana not only did not invite, but also strictly forbade her mother to be allowed into the celebration. This means that the cause of the conflict in their family did not start now, but much earlier."

The beauty is not one of the shy celebrities and is not shy about showing off her naked forms. So, naked Dana Borisova was filmed twice for Maxim, and if the first time there were only 3 photos, then the second time there were already 5. In the second photo set it is already clear that the TV presenter’s boobs have noticeably become rounder. For Penguin magazine she poses in nude style, wearing stockings against a pink background, which gives the photographs tenderness and femininity.

Dana Borisova nude photo for Penguin

It turned out to be a very interesting and truly exciting photo shoot for Penguin magazine, where Dana not only looks sexy, but also demonstrates all the beauty of her body in nude style, in stockings on a pink background.

Nude Dana Borisova in intimate photographs from her personal archive

In addition to official photo shoots and exposures on the network, there are personal intimate photos without censorship, where Dana Borisova poses naked. Such an undisguised “strawberry” performed by the TV presenter became available to the public thanks to hackers who somehow stole erotic photographs of the 18+ star. In these leaked photographs, the TV presenter is even before plastic surgery, so all men can appreciate the natural charms of the star.

Erotic photos with Dana Borisova for Playboy

Almost at the very start of her career as a TV presenter at the Army Store, Borisova was filming for Playboy magazine. Before this, not a single Soviet girl could afford such a hot and frank photoset. In her debut shoot in a men's magazine, the TV presenter undressed for Playboy without much embarrassment, although she poses completely naked in hot photos.

Candid shots of Dana Borisova from the filming of “The Last Hero”

Our star also took part in the program “The Last Hero” in seasons 3 and 5. It was life on the island that became an excellent source of pictures with naked Dana Borisova, where you can enjoy her natural beauty, absolutely without makeup. In this program, she shows off her slender legs, toned butt, and small and neat breasts. Dana often appears in shots not only in a swimsuit, but only in panties or a thong. In this reality show, the TV presenter’s appearance has not yet been touched by the hand of a plastic surgeon. Later, Dana Borisova’s boobs, like her lips, will acquire more curvaceous shapes.

About Dana Borisova

The Russian journalist and TV presenter is a real star in the media industry and knows how to attract attention. Despite her conversational talent, fans are much more concerned about what Dana Borisova looks like in her underwear. Although she can boast not only of half-naked photographs from the family archive, but also of footage from men’s glossies where Borisova starred completely naked.

Since childhood, Dana was raised in strictness and taught self-discipline. She loved music and playing the piano. As a teenager, an inconspicuous and thin “gray mouse”, who was not distinguished by her outstanding abilities, as her classmates noted, managed to pass a difficult competition for a journalism class in Norilsk. This was precisely the beginning of Borisova’s future activities. But no one then could have imagined that after some 5-7 years, piquant photo shoots of modest women, especially in negligee, would be actively discussed on the Internet and cause delight among members of the opposite sex. For Dana herself, being naked in front of the lenses of the best photographers in Russia turned out to be a piece of cake.

The TV presenter first appeared on screen at the age of 16 in a youth program on local television. After graduating from school, she moves to Moscow, enters Moscow State University and runs the Army Store program. By the way, Dana never graduated from university; she chose a career. The bright and extraordinary TV personality was immediately remembered by the audience, they began to recognize her on the street, and she received many letters with declarations of love from the opposite sex.

In 2002, Dana became the most popular girl on the Runet. The men noted that the sexy celebrity knows how not only to host television programs, but also to expose herself for men’s glossy magazines.

Now that the celebrity is already in her fifties, and after the drug scandal, she does not often appear in public. In addition, the girl is not in the best shape. Therefore, you shouldn’t expect a new batch of fresh intimate photos from Dana Borisova. But should we be sad? After all, all the erotica that she could show “without censorship” is available in full. Now she is being treated for drug addiction and is trying to improve her relationship with her daughter, whose parental rights she was deprived of.

It is not surprising that many wanted to see the girl naked. Probably feeling this, she once undressed in front of the cameras and could no longer stop.

Intimate photos of Dana Borisova first appeared in 1997 in Playboy magazine - the fragile, gentle, almost innocent TV presenter did not hesitate to show her boobs, covering her lower area with a hat. These photographs became the reason for an official investigation organized by Defense Minister Igor Rodionov. Interestingly, in the same year she was awarded a certificate for patriotic propaganda, sexy Dana Borisova turned out to be that little thing!

Having repeatedly become the most popular girl on the Internet among Russian stars, Dana understood the main thing - fans are interested not only in her projects, but also in herself. The girl’s career included two photo shoots in Maxim magazine, where the star posed gorgeously. In one of the photos, Dana Borisova appeared without panties; the shot turned out to be promising. The host's gaze allows you to continue intimate communication with her, even in personal fantasies.

There are a lot of nude photos where Borisova shows off her intimate areas without covering herself with underwear. Despite her age, the beauty is getting prettier, like an expensive, high-quality wine; you can look at her charms endlessly! She takes care of her figure, paying attention to all parts of the body, which evokes sincere respect.

A candid photo from the star’s personal archive, which became a real sensation, deserves special attention. Dana knows how to present herself; not everyone can evoke sexual desire by wearing cute slippers. Only with Dana Borisova, who is both spectacular and sweet, can this happen. By the way, this picture was sent by an offended lover, whom the presenter rejected after several months of communication.

Thanks to several projects, including “The Last Hero,” there is nudity where Dana Borisova is naked, she repeatedly showed her ass and other parts of her body. In these photos, the Belarusian diva shines in all her natural beauty. It’s hard to call her a shameless babe, but her naked genitals and breasts with protruding nipples seduce, leaving no one indifferent. The erotica performed by the idol of millions was a success - Dana, despite many scandals and gossip, will be on the wave of discussions for a long time, continuing to delight her secret admirers with strawberries.