The name ratmir is the meaning of the name for the child. Positive features of the name. Zodiacal and sacred number of the name Ratmir


The meaning of the name Ratmir

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 7


Planet Neptune.
Element: Water, cold-humidity.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Colour: Aquamarine, sea green.
Day: Thursday, Friday.
Metal: Rare earth metals, platinum.
Mineral: Topaz, aquamarine.
Plants: Grapes, poppies, roses, saffron, weeping willow, algae, mushrooms, water lily, henbane, hemp.
Animals: Deep sea fish, whale, seagull, albatross, dolphin.

The name Ratmir as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
T Firmly
M Think
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ratmir

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.
M - a caring person, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

What does the name Ratmir mean?
From the Old Slavic language, this name is translated precisely as - "warrior".

Origin of the name Ratmir:
This is a Slavic name.

Character transmitted by the name Ratmir:
Ratmir is always an incredibly sociable and extremely patient person, his character is unusually gentle, which is probably why he will always be easily hurt enough. But he can never be called a careerist, because he does not know how to obey or “dance to the tune” of his boss, as he often has simply exorbitantly developed pride. He is also always ready to come to the aid of any of his acquaintances in time, give advice, he, of course, knows how to empathize. Ratmir is also an unequivocal intellectual, he reads unusually a lot, and is really interested in a lot, then he absorbs all the most diverse information, because at the same time he has an unusually good memory. Also, he never and practically does not trust anyone just like that, and therefore he tries to check all the information received in every possible way. But before acting, he necessarily makes plans and calculates everything, especially so that everything turns out exactly as it should. Among other things, he can easily master almost any even the most difficult profession, but he is so interested in everything that the final choice is always incredibly difficult for him.

He is also very few people, able to immediately and completely trust, and probably, therefore, he is especially selective, happens in his friends. However, when he still finds a person whom he can believe one hundred percent, then of course he tries to spend an incredibly long time with this person and practically does not part with such a person absolutely all his life. And of course, therefore, for the sake of such a strong friendship, he is able to humble his complex character and, of course, he tries not to start the slightest quarrels at all, in order to be able not to spoil such a wonderful and strong relationship.

I must admit that he postpones his marriage for a long time, since he is always incredibly prudent when choosing his only life partner, since he considers this a really extremely serious step in his life. And, of course, his life partner should never be too independent, it is really very important for him that she, as often and thoroughly as possible, could rely on him alone in anything. He loves very much when his wife is able to share with him all his most intimate experiences, and, of course, he always tries his best to resolve all her problems, he is extremely pleased when she turns to him for help only. In marriage, he is always incredibly accommodating and as open as possible. For him, really, the most important thing is hollow sincerity and reciprocity, and, of course, he gives all his strongest love to his wife. But at the same time, of course, he will require absolutely the same attitude towards himself in return, and this is probably why the responses of his wife to the manifestations of his love and good deeds are always extremely important to him.

Translated from Old Russian as "peace army" or "peacemaker". This fully corresponds to the character and life position of this boy and man. In the family, they are most often called diminutively: Mirchik, Ratmirchik.


From a very young age, Ratmir has a peaceful and even character. He does not like fights and conflicts and always tries to avoid them. If someone quarrels with him, then Ratmir will certainly make every effort to appease and reconcile opponents. The name Ratmir characterizes the boy as vulnerable and touchy. He is very sensitive to criticism and reacts painfully even to tactful and insignificant remarks. This does not mean that he is fearful or shy.

At school, Ratmir studies well. He is smart and has good memory. Sometimes he lacks interest and motivation, but resourcefulness helps him out. Humanitarian sciences Ratmir is given worse than accurate. He loves when everything can be explained using mathematical formulas and logic. The meaning of the name Ratmir is manifested in his desire to subordinate everything to the rules. He loves sports, especially those types where you can calculate everything. The boy loves his parents and is very attached to them. He worries if he sees that they are arguing.

Adult Ratmir

The meaning of the name lies in the determination and responsibility of this man. These qualities will allow him to make a good career in industries such as engineering or high technology. He does not like empty talk and is reputed to be a somewhat reserved person. He has little enthusiasm for meeting new people. Random encounters are not for him.

Can be revealed as cheerfulness and friendliness. He readily displays these traits when meeting with old friends. With them, he is ready to go hiking or to a party. In this case, he is likely to act as their organizer. Such activities fill his life with meaning and entertain.

Family life

Ratmir does not shy away from the female sex and does not mind spending the evening in the company of a charming girl. He approaches the choice of his wife carefully. Marriage is very important to him. In women, he appreciates kindness and loyalty. Ratmir knows how to find a compromise and solve any problems. It is shaping up well. He treats his wife with tenderness and favorably looks at all her whims. But she should not often start scandals and sort things out. This can lead Ratmir to complete discouragement and destroy the marriage.

Ratmir loves his children. They mean more to him than anything in the world. He will take care of them and protect them from all adversity.

Adult Ratmir never ceases to take care of his parents. He tries to maintain warm relations with them. Relations with his wife's relatives are also important for him. He tries to live with them in peace and harmony. Ratmir is kind to the history of his family. Most likely, he already compiled a family tree of his kind.


According to astrologers, the meaning of the name Ratmir is most in harmony with the characteristics of people who were born under the signs of Scorpio and Aries. Therefore, it is best to call a boy who was born in November or April that way.

The meaning of the name Ratmir - detailed description origin and features of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Ratmir. Ratya, Mira, Ratik, Ratek, Ratko, Ratmirek, Mirek.
Synonyms of the name Ratmir. Ratimir, Racimir, Racimezh, Ratomir, Ratsha.
Origin of the name Ratmir The name Ratmir is Slavic.

The name Ratmir is a Slavic name, formed from two parts "army" (army) and "peace". Literally, the name is translated as "advocating for peace", there are translation options for "warrior of the world", "army of the world", and also "warrior".

The name became well-known after the appearance of A.S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", where this name was borne by one of the characters - "the young Khazar Khan Ratmir". It is possible that the prototype of this hero was the combatant of Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, the hero of the Battle of the Neva - Ratsha (Ratmir).

The Serbs have a female version of the name - Ratimirka. And the diminutive address of the World is also an independent name and a short form for many female and male names.

The name Ratmir was borne by a real historical character - a Novgorod hero of the 13th century, an ally of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The name of this hero is mentioned among the six main characters of the Battle of Neva in the chronicle "The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky". The chronicle says that he died during the battle, but some researchers claimed that he survived and later served Nevsky's brother, Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavovich. It is possible that several heroes had the same name.

Ratmir was a symbol of Novgorod greatness, a particularly revered hero. His sword was kept by the Novgorodians and passed down from generation to generation. The most famous episode is when this sword was handed over to the young commander Miroslav, son-in-law of Marfa Posadnitsa, for the defense of Novgorod from the Moscow prince Ivan the Great.

The name Ratmir is quite rare. Its owner is distinguished by cunning, purposefulness and pride. To achieve his goal, he will stop at almost nothing. Ratmir is very smart, he is often capricious. A short temper can prevent him from succeeding in life.

In the team, this man tries to stay apart. Not everyone can find an approach to it. In communication, he is quite a complex person. He rarely makes contact, he is not talkative. There is gloom. In some situations, he is able to show patience and gentleness.

celebrating a birthday in autumn months, Ratmir is a calmer person. Rarely offended by anyone. The summer owner of the name is distinguished by restraint and closeness. He tends to hide his feelings. Such Ratmir trusts few people. Careful choice of friends. With a congenial person, he avoids quarrels, cherishes his attitude.

Ratmir is a hospitable host of the house. He likes to invite guests to his place, but often gets tired of them. He is always cozy and comfortable. Ratmir feels a certain attraction and attachment to the house. But for a quiet existence, this man needs to have personal space.

Born in autumn, Ratmir is generous and merciful. If necessary, he will share with another the last thing he has. The man leads an active lifestyle. He is fond of football, loves cycling. Differs in restlessness.

"Winter" Ratmir is very attached to father's house. Since childhood, he needs to feel parental love and care. The opinion of the parents for him is a weighty argument in any situation. At school, he is distinguished by exemplary behavior, receives good grades. Has an excellent memory.

Career growth for him is not the main thing in life. Pride would never let him suck up to management for a promotion. He is always ready to help people in need. Rejection is rarely heard. Ratmir likes to spend time reading books. He is an intellectually developed person.

The married life of Ratmir is developing quite calmly. He behaves complaisantly, rarely enters into disputes with his wife. Choose your spouse carefully. This man gives great importance family life.

Notable people named Ratmir

  • Ratmir or Ratsha ((d.1240) combatant of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, hero of the Battle of Neva)
  • Ratmir Shishkov ((1988 - 2007) Russian singer, rapper)
  • Ratmir Kholmov ((1925 - 2006) Soviet and Russian chess player, grandmaster (1960), champion of Moscow (1987))
  • Ratmir Bobovikov ((1927 - 2002) Soviet party and statesman)
  • Ratmir Komratov ((born 1951) representative of the high command armed forces Republic of Kazakhstan, Rear Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008 - 2009))
  • The name Ratmir is a Slavic name, formed from two parts "army" (army) and "peace". Literally, the name is translated as "advocating for peace", there are translation options for "warrior of the world", "army of the world", and also "warrior". Expressed mental abilities, a peculiar personality, courage.

    Quite rare, but so attractive and unusual male name Ratmir endows its owner with no less unusual characteristics. Translated from Old Russian, the meaning of the name Ratmir consists of a combination of the words "army" and "peace". The combination of such opposite meanings - war and tranquility, give a man some duality of personal qualities.

    Positive features name:

    Expressed mental abilities, a peculiar personality, courage. Ratmir is ready to stand up for justice, does not tolerate tension in society, sacrifices himself for the common cause. Since childhood, he intuitively feels people and the situation, although he cannot explain his likes and dislikes. He has a gift for persuading people, quickly picking up weaknesses in the arguments of his opponents.

    Negative traits of the name:

    Awareness of one's superiority, increased demands on others. Ratmir manifests himself as the master of his own destiny, having excessive independence in his thoughts and actions.

    Origin of the name Ratmir

    The ancient Russian origin of the name Ratmir goes back centuries with its roots, and the etymology consists of two parts that are different in meaning - the army and the world. In the area where this name came from, he would have been called a "warrior of freedom", but linguists are more inclined to mean "those who care for peace and tranquility."

    Exists ancient history about Khan Ratmir, who ruled in the Crimea, whose name was remembered by contemporaries for great honor, justice and kindness. The secret of the name of this man was the creation of good deeds, which he did disinterestedly - for the benefit of all the people.

    The great Crimean Khan took care of his people during the seven-year drought, and allowed people to open the "damn spring", the water from which caused insanity. This did not lead to trouble - the sage helped the khan, who read a prayer on a high mountain, which helped the people withstand madness.

    Psychology named after Ratmir

    Ratmir is cunning, capricious and not always easy to handle and life together. He has a very developed sense of isolation, so he often feels lonely even in a large team. Little gives in to extraneous influence, rarely expresses his opinion, does not differ in great talkativeness and gaiety. He is very proud, persistent in achieving his goals. Exceptionally smart, has analytical abilities, scientific inclinations, but does not always achieve success - the inability to control one's passions interferes.

    In addition, the meaning of the name Ratmir for a child gives the owner a unique resemblance to his mother, both in temperament and in appearance. Children usually named like this often get sick, but the disease rarely causes far-reaching consequences - everything literally passes without a trace.

    In adolescence, a boy can be called a little unsociable, he often thinks about completely unchildish things, frowns, withdraws into himself. Another interpretation of the name includes a minimum of touchiness, and a maximum of obedience - but this is only for parents and loved ones. In the company of peers, on occasion, he can show himself to be a real leader.

    A guy rarely trusts anyone other than his family with his emotional experiences. The only stranger whose words he attaches great importance to may be his closest friend. And for girls, a young man in general can forever remain a mysterious prince, he will even protect his beloved from his inner world.

    Characteristics of the name Ratmir

    The main characteristic of the name Ratmir is a certain isolation, which is quite harmoniously combined with justice and a willingness to help. A man will never speak empty - only on the topic, clearly stating the facts. He does not like empty chatter, it is much nicer for him to be silent and think.

    If you look objectively, then such character traits can be ranked both pluses and minuses. Unsociableness leaves an imprint on the environment of this person - only proven, reliable friends who can be trusted and give importance to their actions. On the other hand, the circle of acquaintances is quite narrow, which does not provide opportunities for comprehensive communication.

    Love and family named after Ratmir

    Ratmir takes the choice of a partner very seriously, and not every girl, even though the guy is quite handsome, will be able to start a relationship with him. The inability to make easy and relaxed contact simply interferes with starting an acquaintance. This means that often a sweet person from the already familiar becomes a companion: a classmate, classmate, or even the one with whom he played in the same sandbox as a child.

    Almost the most important thing in a relationship for a guy is sexual intimacy, he gives it such a dominant importance that if the partner does not arrange in bed, he will easily part with her. Only harmonious, mutual, both spiritually and intimately, relationships are of particular importance to him.

    The wife of this man will always feel like "in Christ's bosom." The husband is worthy of praise: he will be able to protect his soul mate from any misfortunes. Persistence, and even stubbornness, will help curb the character of any woman - only he will be the head of the family.

    But Ratmir is not a dictator. This means that he does not quarrel over trifles, he attaches special importance to peace and harmony in the family. It is important for him not to injure either his own or someone else's psyche, and in the event of a conflict situation, he simply leaves the “battlefield” and waits for his wife to cool down.

    Kids mean a lot to him, along with their appearance, the gloomy and gloomy type disappears, and a loving and caring father appears, carefully engaged in the comprehensive upbringing of his beloved children. For him, the main thing is that the children grow up as worthy people, with strict principles.

    Sexuality of the name Ratmir

    Those Ratmirs who were born in May, especially Alexandrovichs, are accommodating in marriage. They do not marry for a long time, they carefully approach the choice of a spouse. The wife should not be too independent, he needs to feel her defenselessness; she should share all her problems with him, he will always help, he likes to be needed. In addition, the house should be in perfect order, the spouse should be attentive to Ratmir's relatives, take part in all his affairs.

    An important factor is the wife's attitude to sex - she must always be ready to respond to his feelings. Ratmir strives for equality in sex, is not inclined to suppress his spouse, therefore he expects sincere love from her. More than others, a woman born in August will suit him, less than others - “December”.

    Business and career for Ratmir

    Inborn purposefulness helps a man quickly and easily climb the career ladder. He always acts fairly, which means that he will not go ahead of a more worthy person - he will improve until he feels ready to move to a new level.

    He attaches great importance to his independence, he will never “sit on the neck” of either his parents, or even more so, his wife. He will do a great job with his business, he often has amazing plans and ideas in his head that he strives to bring to life.

    But even in the field of simple work in a company, he will achieve significant success, and again, intelligence and ingenuity will help him here. Only from this guy can we expect the issuance of "with a bang" exciting thoughts on optimizing production, improving efficiency.

    The character of Ratmir

    The name Ratmir is quite rare. Its owner is distinguished by cunning, purposefulness and pride. To achieve his goal, he will stop at almost nothing. Ratmir is very smart, he is often capricious. A short temper can prevent him from succeeding in life.

    In the team, this man tries to stay apart. Not everyone can find an approach to it. In communication, he is quite a complex person. He rarely makes contact, he is not talkative. There is gloom. In some situations, he is able to show patience and gentleness.

    Ratmir is cunning, capricious and not always easy to handle and live together. He has a very developed sense of isolation, so he often feels lonely even in a large team. Ratmir is not very susceptible to outside influence, rarely expresses his opinion, and is not distinguished by great talkativeness and gaiety.

    The name Ratmir is very proud, persistent in achieving his goals. Exceptionally smart, has analytical abilities, scientific inclinations, but does not always achieve success - the inability to control one's passions interferes.

    A man named Ratmir attracts people to his side with decency and reliability.

    In the company of boys, the name Ratmir enjoys unquestioned authority for courage and justice.

    He needs a reliable rear, psychological support, as great difficulties and the burden of responsibility lie on his shoulders.

    The mystery and meaning of the name Ratmir

    “Protecting the world” (glory.) The character is soft, easily vulnerable. Ratmir is sociable, very patient. "September" - more balanced, knows how to find a middle ground, not so touchy. Ratmir, unwittingly, often presents his parents with many surprises: he comes home with injured knees, with a black eye, with a broken nose. He may often have stomach ache, weakened immune system. Born in July - secretive, never complains, endures all insults in silence.

    Ratmir is selective in friendship, he trusts few people. However, if he finds a friend to his liking, tries not to part with him, avoids quarrels, cherishes him good attitude. Often invites friends to play at his home, where he feels more comfortable; parents should reckon with this and try to consolidate his attachment to the house, although this creates some inconvenience for them.

    He is very active and cannot sit still. Curious, happy to solve crossword puzzles, solve charades, puzzles. Having matured, he prefers intellectual games, which completely contradicts his childhood inclinations.

    « December » Ratmir is in dire need of parental affection, and as an adult, he constantly feels a connection with his parental home, he needs to know the opinion of his parents about his every act. Ratmir has no problems with his studies, he is disciplined, has an excellent memory, he does not need to prepare oral homework, he immediately remembers everything that is said in the lessons. He is dutiful and, if he is calmly explained what needs to be done, he will never disobey. But screaming is perceived as an insult. "Noyabrsky" Ratmir is calm, balanced, fond of art, but he should be closely monitored: when choosing a profession, he will have problems and need the help of his parents.

    Ratmir is fond of philately; there are many rare stamps in his collection. Many qualities of his character change with age in better side. He tries to get higher education seeks to acquire fundamental knowledge. On occasion, he is able to quickly retrain. He is not a careerist, he does not know how to adapt to his superiors, he is too proud for this. Seeks to help everyone, does not know how to refuse. Ready to help with advice, sympathetic, capable of empathy.

    Professions: programmer, prosecutor, head of a large enterprise, head of the personnel department, investigator for especially important cases, journalist, artist-designer, tax inspector, head of the criminal department, diplomat, urologist, surgeon, leather cutter, trolley bus driver, electrician, bank manager . He is strict in his work, his colleagues respect him very much.

    RATMIR - peace army (Old Russian)

    • Gemini.
    • Planet - Mercury.
    • Color - gray-blue.
    • Auspicious tree - plane tree.
    • The treasured plant is edelweiss.
    • The patron of the name is the condor.
    • Talisman stone - rock crystal.