Sample application form for university. How to write an application for admission to a university. By target direction

What documents are needed? And other subtleties of admission.

To enter universities, you need to collect a package of documents:

Copy of the passport;
- a copy of the certificate with the application;
- ;
- originals of documents confirming benefits (for privileged categories, target recipients, olympiads)
- (sometimes) (this document is not mandatory, which should be specified on the website of the university).

Certificates of the results of the exam

In 2014, there are no USE certificates, all information about your results is in an electronic database. Admissions committees will view your USE score in this database. We remind you that the results of the exam are valid for 4 years.

If you passed the exam in previous years, then you have the right to choose the best result.

How to write an application for admission? Where can I find a sample application for admission to a university?

A sample application for admission can be found on the website of the university or in the admissions office.

Application for admission can be submitted to universities in 3 ways:
by email;
by regular mail (When sending documents to the university by mail, it is important to take into account that post offices sometimes do not have time to cope with a large amount of work. Therefore, sending letters can take from 5 to 7 days. It is better to send documents as early as possible).

Please note that not all universities accept documents by e-mail. Check the school website to see if this is possible.

Where to send copies of documents?

You have the right to apply to 5 universities for 3 specialties. At the first stage of receipt, you send only copies (originals for preferential categories). Copies of documents are accepted until July 25 (check the date on the website of the university), and begins on June 20, 2014.

On July 28, lists of applicants will be posted on the websites of universities.
July 30 - by this day, all beneficiaries, target recipients and Olympiads must submit ORIGINALS of documents.
July 31 - Universities issue orders for the enrollment of preferential categories of applicants who have submitted the ORIGINALS of their documents.

How do you know if you are accepted on a budget?

This information can be found on the website of the university or at the admissions office at the end of July. You need to go to the section for applicants or applicants.

When and where to bring the original documents?

1. You should study the lists of “recommended for enrollment” on the websites of the universities where you submitted copies of your documents or at the admissions office.
2. Until August 4, you need to hand over the ORIGINALS of documents. If you find your name in the lists of several universities, then you need to choose one. This will confirm your desire to study at this higher educational institution.
3. On August 5, an order for enrollment is issued.

If there are still free places, then the second wave of enrollment begins. On August 8, the admission committees finish accepting the original documents, and on August 11, an order for enrollment is issued.

In exceptional cases, universities are allowed to conduct a third wave of admission.

As soon as the student graduates from school, a new next path opens before him. It is associated with the adoption of independent decisions in which parents may not participate. This is difficult for some students. Therefore, our resource exists to help those students, schoolchildren, applicants and graduates to facilitate their choice and make their studies more fruitful and easier. Today we will talk about how to write an application for admission to a higher educational institution.

Documents for admission to the university

The application is written in order to submit all documents for admission on time. Each university has its own rules for submitting such an application. We will focus on the general rules that are common to many educational institutions. First, it is worth listing the list of documents that are attached to the application:

medical certificate;
USE results;
diploma of the winner of the Olympiad;
certificate confirming benefits upon admission;

In many cities of our country, there are rules that a student can apply to several universities at once. Their number can reach up to five. One university can apply for no more than 3 specialties. But such rules are not typical for all higher educational institutions. When an applicant makes his choice, he must consult with the admissions committee on this issue. Documents can be submitted to several universities so that the applicant in the future has the right to choose the specialty for which he will enter. It is also done for reinsurance. For example, a situation may arise when a student does not enter a certain specialty, but due to the fact that he has submitted documents to several universities, he can enter one of them.

Documents for admission to the applicant must be submitted within certain deadlines, which are established by selection committee. You should not postpone the submission of documents until the very last moment, as there is a possibility that some documents will not meet the requirements of the educational institution, and the applicant will not have time to correct the shortcomings. Lack of paperwork ahead of time lies in the fact that at this moment it is still unknown how many people have submitted documents and what is the preliminary competition for certain specialties.

How to fill out an application

Care must be taken when filling out the application for admission. Surely all the requirements for filling out the applicant will be told by the members of the selection committee, or these requirements will be written on a separate form, which will be in the educational institution on the information board. These rules must be observed unquestioningly and unconditionally. This is due to the fact that the applicant should not spend a lot of time rewriting the forms. Stupid mistakes lead to unnecessary waste of time.

The application form contains information such as: full name of the applicant, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, details of an identity document, place of residence, information about previous education, specialties for which the applicant is applying, results of the Unified State Examination, diplomas of the winner of school olympiads , Availability special rights for admission and the need to provide a hostel.

Also, the selection committee will need data on the education received at school. It should be carefully reviewed to ensure that all necessary seals and grades are affixed to this document. The commission also checks that the number of the insert matches the number of the main document. It is also worth checking the spelling of the last name and first name. Some schools make mistakes because of the difficulty of pronouncing the full name. If at the time of submission of documents the applicant changed his surname, for example, due to marriage, then you need to have a marriage certificate, which confirms that the student changed his surname due to certain circumstances. If an applicant submits documents to several educational institutions at the same time, then he will need to make photocopies of the certificate. A photocopy can be certified by a notary or in the selection committee itself, if it provides such an opportunity. Some universities do not allow you to submit a photocopy of the certificate, only the original is required. If you are applying for a master's program, you will need to provide a bachelor's or specialist's diploma.

In addition to the passport, you should have several photographs, the design of which is established by the selection committee. For admission to most universities, a medical certificate forte 086 / y is required. Applicants receive such a certificate at the polyclinic at the place of residence, having passed the necessary medical commission. Accordingly, you can also provide a photocopy of the certificate, but this is also not suitable for all admissions committees, in some situations, for example, they require you to undertake to undergo a medical examination at the university itself after admission, or before it. Some educational institutions are equipped with medical units, where all the necessary doctors are located.

If an applicant has certain privileges when entering a higher educational institution, for example, medical indications or a diploma of the winner of a specialized Olympiad, then you should definitely take these documents with you so that they can indicate the presence of a privilege. If the achievements of the applicant are not considered preferential for admission, you still need to take everything with you Required documents. Their presence can positively affect the appeal commission in the case of a semi-passing score.

You will need

  • - pen;
  • - passport;
  • - certificate;
  • - medical certificate;
  • - USE results;
  • - photos;
  • - Diploma of the winner of the Olympiad;
  • - a certificate confirming benefits upon admission;


You will need documents for admission within a certain time frame, which is established by the selection committee. It is not worth postponing the submission of documents to the very last moment, as there is a danger that some documents will not meet the requirements of the university, and you will not have time to correct the shortcomings. The disadvantage of submitting documents at the very beginning is that at this moment it is still unknown how many people have submitted documents and what is the preliminary competition for certain specialties.

When filling out an application for admission, be careful. Follow all the requirements that the compilers of the form make. After all, it’s a shame to spend extra time rewriting an application because of a stupid mistake. In the application, you will need to indicate the following mandatory information: last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, details of an identity document, place of residence, information about previous education, specialties for which you are applying, results of the Unified State Examination, diplomas of the winner of school olympiads , the presence of special rights for admission and the need to provide a hostel.

You will also need to provide the admission committee with a document on secondary education. Make sure that the document has all the necessary seals and grades, and the number matches the number of the main document. Check the spelling of the last name. If you have changed your last name since the issuance of the document, then have a document confirming this with you. If you are applying to several educational institutions at the same time, then you will need to make photocopies of the certificate. A photocopy can be certified by a notary public or at the selection committee itself, if such an opportunity is provided. Some universities do not allow you to submit a photocopy of the certificate, only the original is required. If you are applying for a master's program, you will need to provide a bachelor's or specialist's diploma.

You also need to have your passport and photographs with you. The photo parameters are set by the admission committee.

For admission to most universities, a medical certificate forte 086 / y is required. You can get such a certificate at the clinic at the place of residence, after going through the necessary doctors. Accordingly, you can also provide a photocopy of the certificate, but not all admissions committees are satisfied with this either, in some situations, for example, they require you to undertake to undergo a medical examination at the university itself after admission.

Rules for filling out the application form

The application form is printed on both sides of A4 sheet!

The application form is filled out PERSONALLY an applicant BLUE pen!

1. Contact details

1. Full Name spelled in GENENTIAL(For example, ).

2. Date of Birth It is entered in the format dd/mm/yyyy (the month can be specified both in letters and numbers).

3. In the graph Place of Birth the city is indicated, then the region ( for Moscow enough to write Moscow).

4. In the graph citizenship the country is indicated (for example: RF \ Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan).

5. In the graph document proving identity and citizenship, the word is written - passport. Next, the series and number of the passport are indicated, as well as by whom and when it was issued.

6. In the graph address the address of permanent residence (according to the passport) and the actual address are indicated. The address is indicated charmingly with a postal code.

If the address of permanent residence and the actual address are the same, write it twice.

7. In the graph contact number indicate your home or cell phone number, which you can call if necessary. It is desirable to indicate the phone number of one of the parents.

2. Admission

1. In the column direction of training to which you are applying, first indicate the code of the direction, after which the full name of the direction is indicated in quotation marks (for example: 100400.62 "Tourism").

ATTENTION! When applying in several areas of specialization, a separate application is filled out for each area of ​​training.

2. Form of study spelled out and underlined.

ATTENTION! When applying for several forms of education, a separate application is filled out for each form of study.

3. Tick (þ) the type of training - from federal budget(free training basis) or on paying places(paid basis of education).

ATTENTION! When applying for free and paid education, a separate application is filled out for each basis of study.

ATTENTION! Applications for targeted admission are accepted only at the head university - VGOUVPO "RGUTiS".

ATTENTION! Applications for abbreviated curriculum accepted from applicants entering the correspondence course in the direction of training 080200.62 "Management" and having diploma of secondary vocational education in the following specialties.. An abbreviated training program is being implemented only on a paid basis!

3. Entrance tests

1. In the presence of USE results complete the following table.

Item name

(certificate number or place passing the exam in add. terms)


Details of the diploma of the winner / prize-winner of the Olympiad

I confirm the results of the exam

The first column contains the name of the subject (for example, Russian language). In the second - the USE score in this subject. The number of the USE certificate is entered in the third column (the USE certificate number is located on the side of the USE certificate where subjects and points are indicated). The sixth column contains the signature of the applicant.

If it is necessary to pass the exam (you must register before July 05, 2011), only the name of the subject is prescribed. The score and number of the certificate are not indicated.

If there is a Diploma of the winner of the schoolchildren's Olympiad, the subject is indicated in the first column; the fourth column indicates the name of the Olympiad; the fifth column indicates the number of the diploma. The sixth column contains the signature of the applicant.

2. If the applicant passes the internal exam, then in the column "Please allow me to entrance examinations conducted by the University in the following general education subjects” indicates the subjects that the applicant takes in the internal exam, for example - mathematics.

4. Additional information

1. In the column graduated- first, the year of receipt of the certificate (or diploma) of education is indicated. Further - the full name of the educational institution (indicating the city) in which the education was received. For example: GOU SOSH No. 000 of Moscow.

2. Below is indicated and underlined by itself education document, For example - certificate or vocational diploma. After that, its number, series is indicated.

ATTENTION! Applicants with a diploma about secondary vocational education received after grade 11, must indicate the data of the certificate for grade 11!

3. If the applicant is Winner of the All-Russian Olympiads (team member)- the name of the Olympiad, the subject and the number of the diploma are prescribed, if not, then write "I am not"

4. Foreign language indicated on the document on education, on the basis of which the applicant enters. If there is more than one foreign language, the one that the applicant wants to continue studying at the institute is indicated.

5. If the applicant has benefits upon admission (documents are submitted to the deputy executive secretary in rooms 414, 202) and a corresponding entry is made in the application.

ATTENTION! In the absence of benefits upon admission, it is written - " I don't have benefits ».

6. If the applicant needs hostel, then the corresponding checkbox is put:

need þ. Nearby, the applicant indicates the following: “I am familiar with the rules for submitting the hostel.” Painting.

ATTENTION! The hostel is represented by the head university - VGOUVPO "RGUTiS". The hostel is provided only for full-time (daytime) education and is located in the Pushkinsky district, Moscow region. More detailed information can be obtained on the website of the head university, in the applicant section - www. *****

8. In the column - additional information about myself- you can write any information that the applicant considers important. This field may or may not be filled in.

5. Signatures

On the right, the Applicant signs for familiarization with the constituent documents, admission rules and internal regulations (documents, admission rules and information for the applicant can be found on the website of the Institute - www.***** in the entrant section (in the admission committee tab) and at the selection committee stand.)

The applicant notes and signs for the fact that higher professional education is for the first time or not for the first time.

ATTENTION! Receipt second higher vocational education carried out commercial only.

The applicant signs and thereby confirms that they have submitted documents to no more than five universities.

The applicant notes and signs for being familiar and informed about the deadlines for submitting original documents (the deadlines for submitting original documents are determined by the admission rules).


The applicant signs and thereby confirms the authenticity of the submitted documents on education and the authenticity of information about the results of the exam I confirm.

ATTENTION! In the absence of the results of the exam, a signature is not required.

The applicant signs for the fact that in case of non-admission to the university, he undertakes to pick up documents on education within a month after the order for enrollment is issued.

The applicant signs and thereby consents to the processing of his personal data.