On a hot day, I am the most desirable. Riddles about water for children. Poems, riddles, incantations about water and the water element Riddles about water about the river about the seas

Yes, because without water - and neither here nor there! 🙂 This funny riddle not only everyone over thirty knows about water, but also many younger readers.

But the youngest children need other riddles about water. Which not only captivate and develop the imagination, but also introduce the child to the outside world. These are the riddles about water and its different states that we have collected for you on this page.

Riddles about water for children

She doesn't drink, but she makes us.

Very good-natured - soft, obedient.

But, when he wants, the stone will exude.

She is both a cloud and a fog.

She is the stream and the ocean.

She flies and runs

And maybe glass.

Everyone says it flows.

Everyone says she is playing.

She always runs ahead

But he doesn't run away.

Without legs, but running.

No arms, but sleeves.

Lives in seas and rivers

But often in the clouds hovering.

And how bored she is of flying,

Falls to the ground again.

And - not land, not water.

You can't swim on it and you can't walk on it.

Hidden under the moss

Nor walk,

Nor ride.

Young aspens look at him,

Colored their trying on scarves.

Young birch trees look at him,

Putting on your earrings in front of him.

And the month, and the stars - everything is reflected in it.

What is this mirror, tell me, is it called?

Everyone goes around this place

Here the earth is like dough.

Sedge is everywhere, mosses.

No leg support.

Nor walk,

Nor ride a horse

What is hidden under the moss.

In the morning, the beads sparkled.

All the grass was tucked in.

We went looking for them during the day.

We search, we search - we will not find.

In the evening - is born,

At night, enjoy.

In the morning, it dies.

It doesn't happen during the day

It will always fall in the morning

No rain, no star.

And sparkles in the meadows

On trees and bushes.

There is a trough filled with water.

Winds, winds in the distance

Ribbon in space.

The narrow tip is in the spring,

And wide - in the sea.

Runs and walks in summer

And in winter, he rests.

In winter, hiding

In the spring - wakes up.

Summer is fun.

In autumn, he goes to bed.

It pours into it, it pours out of it,

She's dragging herself along the ground.

Under the grass on the sand

Lost the belt.

He lies, but do not raise.

He runs, but do not catch up.

To the river sister

Runs, water gurgles.

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

And no arms and no legs

I was able to get out of the ground.

All of us in the summer, in the hot heat

Drink ice water.

Where the grass curls, on the forest path,

The blue saucer is hidden in the grass.

Whoever passes by, approaches, bends down.

He will gain strength for his road.

He runs on the mountain slopes,

Chatters with himself.

And in the thick green bushes

Hides blue tail.

White as chalk.

Came from the sky.

lay all winter,

And in the spring he ran away to the ground.

In these water deserts

The waves are like dunes.

And among the bottomless blue -

Storms, hurricanes.

(Seas and oceans).

Wide, deep

The wave crashes against the shore.

There is always a lot of water in it,

But she doesn't drink.

(Sea ocean).

White cotton wool floats on the water somewhere.

There is a commotion in the yard.

Peas are falling from the sky.

I ate five peas of Zina,

She now has angina.

He's busy all the time

He can't help but go.

And goes, then paints white

Everything that meets on the way.

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles in flight.

And you touch - it melts quietly

On the palm and in the mouth.

Tablecloth white

She covered the whole earth.

What kind of stars are

On the coat and on the arm?

All funny, cut out,

And you take it - water in your hand.


Lived in the courtyard

Where did the kids play?

But from the sun

It suddenly turned into a stream.


The mirror lies in the middle of the field.

The frame is green, the glass is blue.

All around, water

And drinking is a problem.

white lambs

They walk along the blue meadow.

(Waves, sea).

The day was good at first.

Suddenly peas fell.

I put thirty pieces in my pocket,

And in the hands - one water.

And the fire does not burn

And it doesn't sink in water.

It is transparent like a diamond.

There are no roads.

Born by his mother

And he gives birth to her.

Transparent like glass.

But don't put it in the window.

Fish live under it warmly.

The roof is thick glass.

This is winter glass.

In the spring the water flowed away. (Ice).

I cry from the sun.

I can't help it!


Climbed up on the ledge

The nose hung down.

Hiding tears at night

Cries from the sun during the day.


Hanging under the eaves

Ice cube.


I'm not there - everyone is waiting for me.

And when I come, everyone runs.

Born in the sky

Useful on earth

Buried in the ground.

The whole day goes on and on.

Flimsy weather.

Maybe it's a helicopter

Is it pouring water on the ground?

No! Cloud water.

Tell me who is he?

Small, large often

And watered the whole earth.

He is long and big

He lay down from cloud to earth.

Let it go stronger, more

So that the mushrooms grow faster.

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

It grows upside down.

And the sun suddenly bakes

She runs water.


Over you and over me

She grows upside down.


The children sat on the ledge

And they grow upside down.


A white nail hangs under the roof.

The sun will bake - and the nail will fall.


Ran - noisy.

She fell asleep - she shone.

White, not sugar.

Without legs, but walking.

The white blanket is not made by hand.

Not woven and not cut -

It fell from the sky to the fields.

Gray geese flew by

They dropped white fluff.

(Clouds, snow).

Water - knee-deep, but you won't get drunk.

Light as a feather.

White as sugar.


White, not hare.

Flying, not a bird.

Comes quietly.

Lays down softly.

The fluffy carpet is not woven by hand and not sewn with silk.

In the sun and in the moon, how silver glitters.

Girl Belyan

Whitewashed all the fields.

A white blanket covered the ground.

The sun was hot - the blanket flowed.

Winter is a star!

Spring is water.

Flies - silent.

Lying - silent.

And how he dies

That will roar.

On the street - a mountain!

And in the room - water.

Grandfather gray-haired near the gate

Shut everyone's eyes.

Over river and valley

Hanging white canvas.

It swirls, but not smoke.

Falls, but not snow.

These are the riddles about water and relationships with it, we have collected for you. Of course, many of them are already somewhat outdated. And with water now the situation is simpler than thirty years ago. You can, for example, call one of the companies involved in the supply of water, and we will bring water directly to our homes. But this is on the one hand. On the other hand, who would have thought relatively recently that ordinary water would need to be bought? However, this is a completely different song.

And we hope you liked these riddles about water, snow, rain, steam and other states of water. And you will be happy to see others on our site. There are many interesting things there: from to. And 44 more different collections. See for yourself!

Charades about water in the format of a game can explain to children about all the varieties of its existence and that it is very important in the life of man and nature. Since the topic is very familiar, it will be quite easy for everyone, without exception, to guess riddles about one of the elements. It will be very interesting for children to guess these riddles, because, by solving them, they are immersed in wonderful world and learn many secrets related to this most interesting topic.

In the oceans, lakes happens,
Often flies through the sky
And when she gets tired of flying,
Returns to earth again.

Run, rush across the ocean,
And they will reach the shore - they will stop running.

Water all around, but we don't drink.

Not a horse, but rushing.
Not a child, but laughing.

And we have a commotion: Peas are falling from above. (grad)

In the ocean I'm always salty
And I'm fresh in the river,
But in the hot desert
Everyone needs me.

In the morning the beads sparkled
They covered the grass all over,
Decided to find them in the afternoon,
We won't find it anyway.

We broke glass in a transparent wall
Someone put it in overnight.

Runs but cannot escape.

And - not land, not water.
You can't swim on it and you can't walk on it.

There is a trough, water is poured.

Runs and plays in the summer
And rests in the winter.

Down I fly drops,
Up - invisible.

When he flies in a flock, Shines brightly in the sun,
When it gets warm
You won't see him again.

The cold fell on the city, And the whole world was transformed,
And all the water that flowed
Now more transparent than glass.

What are the colored stars
On the hat and on the sleeve
All beautiful, carved,
Will you take water in your hand?

And we have a commotion: Peas are falling from above. (grad)

Bridge - transparent glass,
Funny, smooth, light.

And under our roof
Transparent nail hanging
The sun appears
The nail is reduced.

I'm watering the flowers
Sometimes thirst is quenched
Everywhere I need
Who am I?

And don't wash your clothes
And do not clean up the apartment,
Without what not to survive, so to speak?

The stone sharpens
And the legs tickle.

What can not be transferred in a sieve?

I am a cloud, and fog, A stream and an ocean, And I fly and run, And I can be transparent!

To avoid trouble
We can't live without...

And the fire does not burn
And it doesn't sink in water.

When I'm not there, everyone is waiting for me
When I come, they run, they run.

Rain walked around the world, He lost his mirror. This mirror lies on the road, The breeze blows - it trembles.

If we want tea, we will boil it.

Day and night - runs, but does not get tired.

Children's puzzles about Water

What can we not live without?
Without which you can’t cook porridge
And won't you wash the dirt off your face?
One answer -
Everyone needs
For this - (water).

I got a little dirty.
But, it doesn't matter!
Now I'll wash it all
It's good that there is (water) in the tap.

I run along the banks in the forest.
I fall to the ground with rain and snow.
I freeze on the roads under the ice.
I flow through the water supply to every house.
You all probably already guessed
What is my name (water).

I caught a snowflake in my palm:
I wanted to take a better look.
But, the snowflake has evaporated somewhere.
I got a little upset:
After all, instead of a fluffy beauty
Remained on my mitten (water).

It is present everywhere:
In the clouds and on the ground
Underground and on a frozen window.
She is everywhere, she is all around.
We wake up with her and spend our day:
First, first of all, we wash ourselves,
And here without it - nothing!
And then: she needs
To drink tea
Need it, and to cook dinner for us!
This is water).

This is a wonderful elixir
which gives life.
It rains from the sky
To water the whole earth.
It flows from the tap into every house,
It is necessary for life
And gives strength to people, and plants, and everyone, everything!
Guess what it is, we can easily.
After all, it has probably become clear to everyone,
What a wonderful elixir this -
Plain (water).

We will not buy it in a pharmacy,
And doctors won't prescribe it.
But, we all know
That we can't live long
If it disappears on earth (water).

You won't find my legs
And I run faster than most.
I love to run through the forests along the coast
River, lake.
But, at the same time, I live in every house.
After all, I am so well known to everyone
Assistant in everything - (water).

She is different:
cold, warm,
Clean, dirty.
She flows from the faucet
And hits from under the ground.
What is this? Maybe,
Immediately guessed
I don't have to tell you,
What is it about (water).

She, from the surface the globe evaporating
It rises up - to the very clouds,
To then fall back as raindrops,
To then fill the rivers and seas.
What is this? (water).

It is full of seas, lakes, rivers.
She lives all around:
On a hot day she
Will save meadows and fields from drought.
And when winter will come,
That will cover everything in the form of snow,
So that the sleepy earth does not freeze.
This is water).

We need her for everything
It is necessary for everyone.
If it weren't for her, it would have been long ago
No one lived on earth
Flowers and herbs would wither,
I would torture the whole globe then
Terrible, dry thirst.

I live everywhere: in the cloud and on the ground.
I go into the house without knocking for a visit,
Because they are waiting for me everywhere.
I am everyone's helper!

I run along the coast
Doesn't exist for me
No barriers, no shackles.
I'm tired of swimming in the river -
I will rise above the clouds!
And, when you get tired of flying in transcendental expanses -
I'll fly back to the ground.
I can go back to the shores
And I can just on any road,
On any path find a haven for yourself!

What can we not live without?
What we need so much
Nothing more than air?
This is water).

Not soap, but washes.
Not a man, but everyone will feed and drink.
What do you think it is? This is water).

I run, I fly, I swim - I do whatever I want!
You can't hold me in your palms -
I will definitely run away!
This is water).

From a chemical point of view, water is a transparent, colorless liquid that has no taste, color or smell, which is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen. From a human point of view, water is a liquid, a drink intended for drinking (in fact, all drinks contain water in one way or another). Moreover, all living things, even humans, consist of water. In a figurative sense, water is the contentless and verbose content of the statement. In such cases, the speaker is told: stop pouring water!

Interesting facts about water.

- according to the norms, for each resident of the city there are 220 liters of water per day;
- taking a shower for 5 minutes, you spend about 100 liters of water;
- every time you brush your teeth, you use 1 liter of water;
- filling the bath only to half, you spend 150 liters of water;
- one-time flush in the toilet - 8-10 liters of water;
- during wet cleaning, at least 10 liters of water are consumed;
- each wash of clothes in a washing machine requires over 100 liters of water;
- 15 liters of water per minute passes through a regular faucet;
- about 1000 liters of water per hour are poured through an open tap;
- even the smallest leak carries away up to 80 liters of water per day.

Scientists have calculated that an average of 119,000 cubic meters a year falls on land every year. km of water, or the same number of billions of tons, and on the entire surface of the globe - almost 5 times more: over 500,000 cubic meters. km, which is approximately equal to the volume of water in the Black Sea, or six such reservoirs as the Caspian. As for the amount of water that falls daily on our planet, it can be imagined as a lake with an area of ​​1024 square meters. km and a depth of 3 m. However, all this moisture is distributed extremely unevenly.



Water is power
Water is weakness
Water is life for all of us.
conquers you,
We are taming
she loves all the power - Water
And gently touching the shore
The secret water is killing us.
There are many riddles
And again, water:
World Ocean.
Triangle, mainland Atlantis ...
Water is power
Water is weakness
Water is main secret
For us!


Key, key, fontanel,
Pure Wave!
Someone's round fist
It hits loudly from the bottom.


Wand twisted?

Goat hooves
It would be nice to get drunk!

Dipped your muzzle?
And the shepherd on the perch

He has a flute
Oh oh!
Stop, stop!

And the piper sang?
Oh oh!

All the crows croak
Do frogs croak?

A bubbling brook?
Where is the wand now?
Trill trul!


Meet my friend -
small and fast
Blue-eyed brook
The cup is silvery.
He runs from afar
On stones and branches.
I envy a little:
Oh, how lucky!
He sees the ocean
Ships and seagulls.
Every boy is a captain
Dreaming about this.
The brook hurries
On grass and cones
And on the back he is lucky
Boy's boat.


We cannot find the source of the great river
From hundreds of keys your way starting
She, the mainland was able to bypass
Filling your strength with tributaries.

From pure streams from mountain range
Seething, foaming, young as a maiden
She turned into streams of water
Calmly flowing like a queen.

She exposed thousands of blocks
Making my way forward
Has become a haven for many fish
And yet, do not forget about the main thing.

She quenches people's thirst
Drinking water, priceless source
Serves as a way for ships
And what does he get for his incorruptible work?


About the rocks menacingly breaking,
Lightly waking up from a dream
And washed off into the sea with splashes,
The wave lives for a short time.

Eagerly swallowing steamships,
Clinging to the clouds,
Water moves water
A wall of salt and sand.

Playing with the wind in "tags",
The ocean keeps a secret
Breaking sand castles
Dressing granite with foam.

Fearing only the calm and the abyss,
Satan straightened his hand.
The deeds of the wave are inexplicable,
She brings life and death.


In the morning, the rain does not sleep.
He knocks on our window.
Us yesterday with my girlfriend Zina
He caught up with the store.
We didn't run away
We started playing with him.
We danced in the puddles
Like in a river, they got wet themselves.
He again knocks on the window -
Calls to play a little.
We are in a puddle - there.
We are in a puddle - here.
And still run - there.
And again - back and forth.
We would still, but here's the trouble:
The puddle ran out of water.


Wet path
I'm running home.
Frequent rain
They whip into my umbrella.
Saber of gold
Cloud of thunder split.
And runs after me
voiced stream

White snow

And today it snowed
It crashed across the rooftops.
Snow on the roofs - a white bear,
Dozing, as if he does not hear.

There is still road snow
This snow is crunchy piggy.
Grunts if a person
He will trample his ears with a scissor.

White, White snow on the rooftops
It is not in nature quieter -
Having swooped down, falls down,
Turning into a pig with a bear.

And today I took a run
Snow-bear - rolled down from the roofs:
"I don't want to lie all my life!",
And turned into icicles.

Piglet has also become real -
He is dirty now.
Chomped loudly underfoot
He clapped and rang his ears.

Old melted snow on the roofs
He heard the coming of spring
Falling asleep, falling
And a drop of ringing is heard.

Water element and people.

A raindrop is pouring...

Drives a raindrop
brook after brook,
They run recklessly
The rivers are fast. After…
And then the blue of the sea!
And behind it - the ocean!
Water in vain without releasing,
Shut the faucet tight!

Snowball and Alyoshka

From the street home Alyoshka
brought the first snow in the palm of your hand.
"Mother! - shouted the little boy,
extended his hand forward. -
I brought a snowball here! .. "-
And shut up. One water
dripped on the floor from the palm of your hand.
Alyoshka roared out loud:
"Someone stole my snow,
poured water into my palm!”
Leshke is his sister here
shouted with a loud laugh:
"I couldn't figure it out myself.
that your snow has melted!”


- What do you drink all the time, Leshka?
- I have a fish inside!
She cannot live without water.
How can I not drink now?
- Where is the fish from?
— I ate some caviar yesterday.

Who does not wash

Who washes with hot water
It's called young.
Who cold water washes,
It's called brave.

Who doesn't wash
Not called at all.


How can I get past the puddle?
I am very friendly with water.
I scour the bottom with my foot -
Checking depth.
Here you can not see the boot,
So the puddle is deep.
Don't worry, I'm seasoned
My boot swam deeper.

Riddles about water

They drink me, they pour me.
Everyone needs me
Who am I?
A lot of me - the world would be gone,
If I wasn't enough, the world would be gone
Droplets fly down
And above - invisible.
On a hot day
The most desirable happens.
We say: it flows;
We say: she is playing;
She always runs forward
But he doesn't run away.
I am cloud and fog
And the stream and the ocean
And I fly and I run
And I can be glass!
Lives in seas and rivers
But often it flies through the sky.
And how bored she is to fly,
Falls to the ground again.
Very good-natured
I am soft, obedient,
But when I want
I will even wear out a stone.

If our hands are in wax,
If there are blots on the nose,
Who then is our first friend,
Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?
What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing
Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For the ships to sail
We cannot live without...

The shepherd breeze blew his horn.
Sheep gathered at the heavenly river.

Flowing, flowing - will not flow out,
Runs, runs - does not run out.

Slightly shaking in the breeze
Ribbon in space.
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And wide - in the sea.

It pours into it, it pours out of it,
she walks on the ground herself.

I run like a ladder
Ringing on the pebbles
From afar by the song
Recognize me.

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

There is water all around, but there is nothing to drink.

There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (Sea).

Not the sea, not the land
Ships don't sail
And you can't walk.

There is a commotion in the yard:
Peas are falling from the sky.
Nina ate six peas,
She now has angina.

First, shine
Behind the brilliance - crack,
Behind the crackle is a splash.
(Lightning, thunder, rain)

Here a horse rushes across the sky -
Fire is flying from under your feet.
The horse beats mighty with its hoof
And breaks the clouds.
So he runs hard
That the earth is trembling below.
(Lightning Thunder)

The longest-legged walks without a path and without a road.

Not a pedestrian, but walking
Wet people at the gate.
The summer resident catches him in a tub.
Very difficult riddle?

Pure, clear, like a diamond,
But there are no roads.
Born from mother
And he gives birth to her.

He's like a diamond
And hard and clean, sparkles in the sun,
But the rays will begin to warm, it immediately melts.

Invocations (almost spells or conspiracies).

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make the eyes sparkle
To make cheeks blush
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.

flowing water,
The child is growing.
Goose water
You're skinny!
water down,
And the child to the top!

Rain, lei! Rain, lei! For me and people! A spoonful for me, A bowl for people, And for the goblin in the forest - Ley a whole bucket!

Cloud, cloud, don't hide the rain! Leisya, rain, Dam kalach!

Rain, pour, pour, pour! The grass will be greener, Flowers will grow On a green meadow!

// January 29, 2010 // Hits: 206,860

Riddles about water tell children about all its diversity: about rivers, lakes, oceans. It can be liquid, solid and "invisible". Without food, a person can live for 30 days, but without water can only last 3-4 days.

Solving riddles about water and memorizing them is easy enough. Children are happy to try to guess the riddle, plunging into the amazing water world, knowing Interesting Facts about water. If possible, take a walk on a sunny day to the river and spend time solving useful riddles about everything related to water.

For the little ones, simpler riddles about water are needed, such as where it happens to be snow, hail, a stream, a cloud ...

There is a commotion in the yard: peas are falling from the sky!

Riddles about water for children 3-4 years old with answers

If it wasn't for her,
Mom wouldn't wash
Dad would not wash the floor,
But the ship didn't sail.

Without it, neither soup nor porridge will work for sure.
If thirst is overcome, you need to drink it urgently.

There is a commotion in the yard:
Peas are falling from the sky.

White as chalk.
Came from the sky.
lay all winter,
And in the spring he ran away to the ground.

The bridge is like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light.

under our roof
Hanging white nail
The sun will rise,
The nail will fall.

Fluffy cotton
Floats somewhere.
The cotton is lower
The closer the rain is.

In the morning the beads sparkled,
All the grass was tangled up,
And let's go look for them during the day,
We search, we search - we will not find.

What kind of stars through
On a coat and on a scarf,
All through, cut,
Will you take water in your hand?

Walking on the sea, walking
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear.

Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble.

To the river sister
Runs, water gurgles.

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

For your kids, a video with riddles about water and aquatic inhabitants.

Giraffes can do without drinking water longer than camels, and a person can live without water for no more than 3-4 days.

Everyone needs me. Who am I?

Riddles about water for preschoolers 5-6 years old with answers

We say: it flows;
We say: she is playing;
She always runs forward
But he doesn't run away.

If it were not for her, know, children,
Every living thing in the world would die
People, animals and flowers
What is it about, do you know?
(About water)

Droplets fly down
And above - invisible.

They drink me, they pour me.
Everyone needs me
Who am I?

Lives in seas and rivers
But often it flies through the sky.
And how bored she is to fly,
Falls to the ground again.

If our hands are in wax,
If there are blots on the nose,
Who then is our first friend,
Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?
What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing
Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For the ships to sail
We cannot live without...

Everyone is calling me, waiting
I won’t come for a long time - oh, and they swear!
And as soon as I came
And immediately went to the ground.

Under the sedge, on the sand,
Lost the belt.
He lies - but do not raise,
He runs - but do not catch.

Flowing, flowing
Won't leak
Runs, runs
Won't run out.

It looks like the river is frozen.
And covered myself with a blanket
And it can't open up
If the sun doesn't help.
But when spring comes
The blanket is gone.
(Ice on the river)

Early morning in the yard
Ice has settled on the grass.
And the whole meadow became light blue.
Sparkling silver...

Sleeping in winter
And noisy in the summer.

Everyone bypasses this place:
Here the earth is like dough,
Here sedge, tussocks, mosses -
No leg support.

I am related to Moidodyr,
Open, open me.
And cold water
I will kill you alive.
(Water faucet)

Riddle trick

He drums on the roof -
He took a run straight from the sky.
I went to him happy
I love July...
(Not snow, but rain)

Water is the beauty of all nature. Water is alive, it runs or is agitated by the wind, it moves and gives life and movement to everything around it.
Sergey Aksakov

I am a cloud, and a fog, and a stream, and an ocean

Riddles about water for schoolchildren in grades 1-2-3 (the world around)

A lot of me - the world would be gone,
Not enough of me - the world would be gone

I am a cloud, and fog, and a stream, and an ocean,
And I fly, and I run, and I can be glass!

On a hot day
She is the most desirable.

Why not roll up the hill
Do not carry away in a sieve
And not to hold in your hands?

Very good-natured
I am soft, obedient,
But when I want
I will even wear out a stone.

No arms, no legs
And the mountain is destroyed.
(A drop)

Flies to the ground in the evening
The night is on earth
In the morning it flies again.

Not a pedestrian, but walking.
Wet people at the gate.
The janitor catches him in a tub.
A very difficult puzzle?

Transparent, like glass, but you can’t insert it into the window.

No legs, but she does not stand still,
There is a bed, but does not sleep,
Not a boiler, but seething,
Not a thunderstorm, but thundering.
No mouth, but she is never silent.

He is without arms, he was able to break out of the ground without legs,
In the summer, in the most icy heat, he gives us water to drink.

Not the sea, not the land
Ships don't sail
And you can't walk.

It does not drink water
Because it's not tasty
And bitter and salty.
Around the water
And drinking is a problem.
Who knows where it happens?
(In the sea)

Astronaut in the dark of night
He sees a bright globe of the earth -
Mountains, steppes, forests, deserts,
Pole, tundra and volcano,
Endless blue-blue
And deep...

Young mountain ash look at him,
Colored their trying on scarves.
Young birch trees look at him,
Straightening her hair in front of him.
And the moon and the stars -
It reflects everything...
What is this mirror called?
(Pond, lake)

Do you hear? The blizzards say:
"At winter - our mistress, -
There's a dress for the trees
All winter outfits are more beautiful.

Milk floated over the river
Nothing was visible.
Dissolved milk -
It became visible far away.

Bold sailed in the sky
White bear cubs.
A dirty bear came running
Started washing right away.
Washed the field, roofs, forest,
The unwashed one himself disappeared.
(Clouds and clouds)

Your school children will love these fun water experiments. Spend them together and let the children try to explain why this is happening.

Why is there water in a glass?

Logic puzzles about water

Why is there water in a glass?
(Behind the glass)

How long should a hard-boiled chicken egg be boiled in boiling water?
(This is a pointless business - the egg is already boiled)

Who can easily light a match underwater?
(Sailor on a submarine)

What glass can you not drink water from?
(From empty)

It was raining outside. A trolleybus was driving through the city. There were only six passengers in it, and they were all asleep. The driver didn't sleep. What windows were in the driver's cab?

Is it possible to find last year's snow, and if so, where to find it?
(On New Year's Eve after 12 o'clock in the morning, all last year's snow)

When can water be pulled out with a net?
(When the water turns to ice)

All day the fisherman stood in the water, Filling the bag with fish. Having finished fishing, he took the catch, He rose up and was like that.

20% of all fresh water not contained in glaciers and underground is located in just one lake - Baikal.

Read to your kids riddles about the inhabitants of the reservoirs:

A lovely children's song about water from an old cartoon will surely be remembered by many adults and your kids will like it.

They drink me, they pour me.
Everyone needs me
Who am I?

We say: it flows;
We say: she is playing;
She always runs forward
But he doesn't run away.

I am cloud and fog
And the stream and the ocean
And I fly and I run
And I can be glass!

Lives in seas and rivers
But often it flies through the sky.
And how bored she is to fly,
Falls to the ground again.

She does not drink herself
And it forces us.

Very good-natured
I am soft, obedient,
But when I want
I will even wear out a stone.


Falling from a great height,
Terrible he roars
And, breaking on the stones,
Foam rises.


wide wide,
deep deep,
Day and night
It beats on the shore.

It does not drink water
Because it's not tasty
And bitter and salty.
Around the water
And drinking is a problem.
Who knows where it happens?


White cotton wool floats somewhere
Catch it, don't catch it
You won't catch.

wave, waves

Walking on the sea, walking
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear.

In calm weather
We are nowhere
How the wind blows
We run on water.


I run like a ladder
Ringing on the stones.
From afar by the song
Recognize me.

Slightly shaking in the breeze
Ribbon in space
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And wide - in the sea.

Flowing, flowing - will not flow out,
Runs, runs - does not run out.


Two brothers through mother
They look at each other.
Two brothers look at each other
And they can't get along.


Not water, not land -
You can't sail on a boat
And you can't walk with your feet.
You won't pass, you won't pass
You will bypass.
And you won't drink water
With a bluish veil.

Not the sea, not the land
And ships can't swim.

Everyone bypasses this place:
Here the earth is like dough;
There are sedges, tussocks, mosses...
No leg support.


In the middle of the field lies a mirror:
blue glass,
The frame is green.
young birches
His in front of him
Fixing hair.
And the month, and the stars -
It reflects everything...
What is this mirror called?


He has no arms, he has no legs.
I was able to break out of the ground
He us in the summer, in the heat,
Ice drink water.

Where the roots curl
On the forest path
small saucer
Hidden in the grass.
Everyone who passes
Fit - fit
And again on the road
Strength will be gained.


Under the sedge on the sand
Lost the belt.
And lies - but do not raise,
And he runs - but do not catch.

I run to my mother-river
And I can't be silent.
I am her own son
And he was born in the spring.

Who runs on the mountain slopes,
Chattering with himself
And in the thick green grass
Hiding a blue ponytail?


In the morning the beads sparkled,
All the grass was tangled up,
And let's go look for them during the day,
We are looking, we are looking - we will not find.

Born in the evening
The night lives
Dies in the morning.

I always fall in the morning
Not a rain, not a star -
And I sparkle in burdocks,
On the edges and meadows.


He's busy all the time
He cannot go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything you see along the way.

He is fluffy, silver,
white, white,
Clean, clean
Cotton wool lay down.

He flies off in a white flock
And sparkles in flight.
He melts like a cool star
On the palm and in the mouth.

White as chalk
Came from the sky.
The winter lay
Fled to the ground.

white blanket
Dressed the earth.
The sun is hot -
The blanket is leaking.

Bel, but not sugar,
No legs, but walking.

Sits on everyone
Nobody is afraid.

Blanket white
Not made by hand
Not woven and not cut,
It fell from heaven to earth.

Warm in winter
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in summer
Comes alive in autumn.

Lives - lies,
Die - run.

lay, lay,
Yes, he ran into the river.

White tablecloth
Covered the whole earth.

In the courtyard of a mountain
And in the hut with water.

No bucket, no brush
No hands
And whiten everything around.


What kind of stars through
On a coat and on a scarf,
All through, cut,
Will you take water in your hand?

An asterisk circled
A little in the air
Sat and melted
On my palm.


I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids are playing.
But from the sun
I have become a stream.

snow woman

I wasn't raised
-Blinded from the snow.
Instead of a nose deftly
Inserted a carrot
Eyes - coals,
Lips are bitches.
Cold, big.
Who am I?


Roll on the snow -
I will grow up.
Warm up on the fire -
I'll be lost.


Grain falls from the sky.

There is a commotion in the yard:
Peas are falling from the sky.

Nina ate six peas,
She now has angina.

crumbled peas
For seventy roads:
Nobody will pick him up.


without boards,
without axes
The bridge over the river is ready.

Bridge - like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light.

In Tanya's hands
Winter in a glass.

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water.

winter glass
Spring flowed.

Pisces live warmly in winter:
The roof is thick glass.

ice hole

Fur coat is new
And there's a hole in the bottom.

In the new wall
In the round window
Broken glass during the day
And inserted overnight.


What grows upside down?

under our roof
Hanging white nail
The sun will rise,
The nail will fall.

Climbed up on the ledge
Nose hung down.
Hiding tears at night
And crying in the sun.

It grows upside down
It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
And the sun will bake it -
She will cry and die.

Hanging outside the window
Ice bag
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring.

I live under the roof
It's scary to even look down.
I could live higher
If only there were roofs.