Secrets of the Bible: what information from the Book of Books is confirmed by science. The main mysteries of the bible Bible mysteries

In modern atheistic society, it is customary to oppose religion and science. And, for example, the opening in 2013 of the Department of Theology at the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) is perceived as an oxymoron, an absurdity.

Nevertheless, there is a lot of evidence of how the Bible, or rather, the information contained in it, formed the basis of scientific discoveries.

Or new data allowed us to take a fresh look at those biblical facts that scientists previously considered simply fiction. So how can you trust the Holy Scriptures?

Not obvious but likely

In modern theological science, apologetics (from the Greek "protect") is an independent section. She is engaged in the rational justification of the Christian faith. A discipline based on accumulated scientific knowledge and practical experience, is at the intersection of history, archeology, psychology and more, and it allows the doubters to find evidence and answers.

The classic apologists were Blessed Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, or, for example, Clive Lewis, who is better known for his "Chronicles of Narnia" created by him. Modern Christians are well aware of the writings of the Protestant publicist Josh McDowell of Michigan, or The Sacred bible story"Metropolitan of Vladivostok and Primorsky Veniamin (Pushkar) with detailed description events set forth in the Old and New Testaments, confirmed by archaeological finds.

Looking for the Hittites

The mysterious Hittites are mentioned on many pages Old Testament. The Bible describes how Abraham, having settled in southern Palestine, met and befriended the Hittites.

The Jews, who left Egypt under the leadership of the prophet Moses, again met the Hittites in the Promised Land. The warrior Uriah was also a Hittite, from whom King David ugly took away his wife, the beautiful Bathsheba.

For many centuries, scientists have not been able to find alternative references to this people. Herodotus did not write anything about the Hittites, they were not mentioned in Egyptian papyri, in Roman and Greek manuscripts.

At the same time, the Fourth Book of Kings contains a mention that the Hittite kingdom was equal in military power to Egypt.

rooted to late XIX century, the opinion that the Hittites are a mythical people was refuted by the British Egyptologist Flinders Petrie. He was able to read hieroglyphs on clay tablets found in the Amarna settlement, a couple of hundred kilometers from Cairo.

The scientist bought clay tablets found on the east bank of the Nile, on the Cairo "black market". As it turned out, the peasants discovered the archive of Pharaoh Akhenaten, which includes correspondence with the rulers of the largest rulers of that time, including the king of the Hittites named Suppilulima I. A colleague congratulated Akhenaten on his accession to the throne and familiarly called him brother. Other kings complained to the pharaoh about the Hittites who had invaded Syria and Lebanon.

A few years later, archaeological research in Turkey revealed to the world the ruins of Hatussa, the capital of the Hittite empire. And ten years ago, a Hittite settlement was discovered during excavations in the European part of Istanbul.

Naughty Wife Punishment

Tourists who come to relax by the Dead Sea in the Israeli town of Ein Bokek are invariably offered to go on an excursion to look at what is left of the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed, as the Bible says, for the wickedness of their inhabitants. Not far from these places is a rock resembling a woman wrapped in a veil. She is called the Wife of Lot.

The book of Genesis describes how Abraham's nephew was led out of the city of Sodom by angels along with his wife and daughters. The angels told them to run up the mountain without stopping anywhere. But Lot's wife turned around and turned into a pillar of salt.

The rock that bears the name of the Wife of Lot cannot be the same one, if only because its height is more than ten meters. At the same time, there are many other salt formations in the vicinity. The American chemist Klotz of Northwestern Illinois University in 1988 published data suggesting that Lot's wife was killed by the greenhouse effect caused by the fire burning Sodom.

Most likely, says Dr. Klotz, the woman was covered with a powerful stream of hot air, almost entirely composed of carbon dioxide. This caused deadly reactions in the body, calcium began to combine with carbon dioxide and there was an instantaneous crystallization of calcite. The body is literally petrified.

Scientists first began to think that the described story of turning into a stone pillar was real when the excavations of the city of Pompeii began in the nineteenth century. In the first century after the birth of Christ, the ashes of Vesuvius instantly covered the city and preserved the outlines of the bodies of its inhabitants. The voids found in the hardened ash make it possible to see that people are forever frozen in those positions in which they were caught by the eruption. The corpses decayed, and their hardened shells remained.

It remains to add that scientists from the UK and the US independently came to the conclusion that Sodom and Gomorrah died as a result of an earthquake that caused the ignition of oil and sulfur.

Sulfur balls from this monstrous fireworks are still found on the coast. There is nothing like it anywhere in the world. The physical characteristics of the balls, meanwhile, correspond to the catastrophe described in the Bible.

Crane watches the time

"And the stork under the sky knows its certain times, and the turtledove, and the swallow, and the crane observe the time when they fly; but My people do not know the definition of the Lord," writes the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah about the Jews who forgot their God and fell into idolatry .

For the modern reader, these lines are not surprising. However, the righteous man, who lived six centuries before Christ, simply had nowhere to draw information about the seasonal migration of birds.

At that time, of course, people noticed that different types birds appear and disappear at certain times of the year, but there were no clear explanations for this phenomenon. For example, Aristotle, who is two centuries closer to us than Jeremiah, believed that birds simply change from one species to another.

The Swede Carl Linnaeus began to study the movements of birds in the 18th century. He combined and analyzed information collected by observers in different places. The imperfection of the method led to the fact that the naturalist, for example, could not imagine the flight of small birds across the ocean.

It wasn't until 1890 that Danish schoolteacher Christian Mortenson invented ringing. Scientists on all continents joined his initiative, and in the end detailed maps of bird migration were compiled.

But to explain what makes the birds set off and find the right path, modern science fails. Scientists talk about instinct. Christians tend to understand instinct as the original will of the Creator.

The Bible is a source of undeniable truth for millions of people, but this book (or rather, a number of books) is so ancient that many questions can arise about the reliability of the events presented in it. In this list, we want to introduce you to several of the historical and theological mysteries that the Bible contains.

holy grail

Riddle: Where is the Holy Grail?
According to Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, or cup that Jesus used during the Last Supper, which supposedly had miraculous properties. Belief in the Holy Grail and interest in its potential location never ceased. Ownership of the bowl has been attributed to various groups, including the Templars.
There were bowls that were said to be the Grail. They were in some churches, for example, in the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Valencia. The Valencian chalice can indeed be considered a contender for the true Grail, since scientifically it is said to have been created between the fourth century BC and the first century AD, in the Middle East. Other stories claim that the Holy Grail rests under Rosslyn Chapel or is located at a spring on the rocky peak of Glastonbury. And also that a secret dynasty of protectors possess the Grail, or that it was hidden by the Templars on Oak Island, known as the "Money Pit of Nova Scotia."

Riddle: Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
The Ark of the Covenant is the container described in the Bible. According to legend, the stone Tablets of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments were kept in it, as well as, according to the Epistle to the Hebrews, a vessel with manna and Aaron's staff. The ark was kept in Jerusalem until the Babylonians plundered and destroyed the temple. Since then, he has become a kind of legend and disappeared forever.
There are several theories about where it might be: Deliberate concealment by the priests of the Jerusalem Temple, the removal of the Ark from Jerusalem by the inhabitants of Babylon, and the removal of the Ark by the Prince of Ethiopia.
One of the most important Islamic shrines, the Dome of the Rock Mosque was built in the same place where the first temple of Solomon supposedly stood. The Bible says that during the construction of the temple, a special platform was installed for the Ark of the Covenant, which descended into the underground tunnels if the temple was attacked. Perhaps this is the real location of the shrine.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Riddle: Were they real cities, and if so, where were they located?
Because of the sins of the inhabitants of Sodom, Gomorrah, Adm, Sevoim, were destroyed, "The Lord began to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, sending fire and burning brimstone from heaven." In Christianity and Islam, the names of these cities have become synonymous with hardened sins and their fall from the wrath of God.
The historical existence of Sodom and Gomorrah is still disputed by archaeologists. The Bible indicates that they were located near the Dead Sea. Possible contenders for the title of Sodom and Gomorrah are sites discovered in 1973, including structures excavated as early as 1965 by archaeologist Paul Lapp. After all, they were all located near the Dead Sea, as well as on many stones, traces of burning and sulfur were found there.

Riddle: Where were the Gardens of Eden located?
While most theologians believe that the story of Eden is most likely fictional, there are people who think that he really existed. In addition, the Bible mentions its specific location. This led to numerous attempts to find the gardens. Among the possible options, such rivers as the Araks, Ganges, Kerkhe, Karun, Diyala, Wadi al-Ruma and even the Nile are mentioned. There are hypotheses that place Eden at the source of the Tigris and Euphrates (northern Mesopotamia), in Iraq (Mesopotamia), Africa and Persian Gulf.
While the true location remains a mystery, there is one exciting twist to this story. In the Bible, Ethiopia is mentioned as being near gardens. Since 1974, paleontologists have studied six million years of life and have come to the conclusion that Ethiopia is the scientific location of the origin of man, which means that, scientifically, this is where the true Eden was located.

Riddle: There are coded messages in the Bible, is this a coincidence?
The Bible code, also known as the Torah code, is a sequence of letters allegedly found in the text of the Bible that, when decoded, reveals predictions and prophecies. The research and results of this code were popularized in the book The Bible Code. The main deciphering method was the equidistant alphabetical sequence. To reveal the encrypted code, choose the starting point (any letter) and the number of gaps you want. Then, starting from the starting point, choose the letters at equal intervals and highlight the ones you need. The use and publication of "predictions" based on the codes of the Bible has succeeded in causing a popularization of code understanding, primarily based on the work of journalist Michael Drosnin. Most famous prediction Drosnin, made according to the Bible code, in 1994, was the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.

Riddle: What happened to the lost tribes?
The ten lost tribes are the tribes of the descendants of Israel, who, after the death of the Northern Israelite kingdom, fell into Assyrian captivity. Many Jewish groups have doctrines regarding the continued hidden existence or future public return of these tribes, which is based in part on the authenticated and recorded historical fact, partly in writing religious tradition, and partly on assumptions. There were also bizarre theories about who might have descended from the lost tribes. Some opinions include Irish, Native American, British and Japanese. The Jews of Kaifeng, according to the Chinese, could come from one of the lost tribes.

Riddle: Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus?
The Pharaoh of the Exodus is the pharaoh (king) who ruled Ancient Egypt during the Exodus of the Jews. The chapters of the Book of Exodus describe how the sons of Israel were enslaved in Egypt, how the Lord sent a plague on Egypt in order to rescue the people, the subsequent escape of the Israelites, the persecution by the army and the crossing of the Red Sea. The name of the pharaoh in this story is unknown, he is referred to simply as "pharaoh" and the question of his identity is a burning issue for all who believe the Book of Exodus is true.
IN popular culture, there is an opinion that he was Ramesses II the Great, but there is no documentary or archaeological evidence that during his reign there were epidemics, or that he persecuted Jewish slaves fleeing Egypt.

Riddle: Where is Noah's Ark located?
Since 200 AD, the search for the physical remains of Noah's Ark has inspired enthusiasm and admiration among Christians, Jews and Muslims from all over the world. Despite rumors, sightings and expeditions, no scientific evidence has ever been found for the existence of the ark. Archaeologists call the search for the ark "chasing ghosts." The only thing that led archaeologists from all over the world was the mention of Mount Ararat.
By the middle of the 19th century, archaeologists had identified the location of the summit, presumably in the mountains of present-day Armenia and eastern Turkey. Until the 19th century, these areas were not significantly developed, and it was virtually impossible to conduct western expeditions. By the beginning of the 21st century, two main candidates for research appeared: the so-called Ararat anomaly, located near the main peak of Ararat (the "anomaly" is visible on air and satellite images and is a dark spot on the snow of the peak), as well as the area near Dogubayazit, 29 kilometers to south of the Great Peak of Ararat.

Riddle: Who Was Jesus' Beloved Disciple?
One of the most big secrets in the Bible is the person of the "beloved disciple of Jesus". According to the gospel of John, this was one of the 12 disciples who, during the Last Supper, "lay at the breast of Jesus." However, there is an opinion that the Gospel of John was written from the memoirs of this very disciple. The strangest thing is that his name is not mentioned anywhere.
The lack of references only adds to the mystique of the story. Many scholars claim that the "Beloved Disciple" was Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The reason for this opinion is the fact that when the sisters called Jesus to help Lazarus, they said, "Lord, the one you love is sick."

Riddle: Who wrote the gospel?
The Gospels are probably the most important part of the New Testament, and until the 18th century, their authorship was not usually considered a mystery. But as modern theologians explored the history of the four books, they began to question the fact that the gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. There is a lot of speculation (mostly based on the writing style of the books) that the sacred books were written by people who knew the apostles, but not by the apostles themselves.
This is a mystery that is unlikely to ever be solved unless the "master" source for all gospels is discovered. For only he can explain all the anomalies that are spoken of in support of non-apostolic theories of authorship.

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Strange impression from the first series.
An attempt to prove that there was no God, there were no miracles. At the same time, the Torah is true, but it does not describe "miracles", but natural phenomena, allegedly common and frequently encountered.
At the same time, the facts are manipulated, distorted, contradictions in the narrative are hushed up.
Stretching an owl on a globe.
The confessional affiliation of the creators of this shit product is not clear: they don’t look like atheists, they don’t look like Protestants either.
After looking at it for a while, I saw sidelocks carelessly disguised under a mask of pseudo-objectivity.

The Bible is Holy Scripture!? Very, well, very interesting in what place is it sacred? retelling historical events those times does not make it sacred. Then each book that carries the material of history is sacred. You study history and observe, you understand how humanity, namely the church and its followers, due to the influence, power and wealth of 120 words (such an approximate number carried the word of God from the source) inflated writings from everyone who didn’t get there, those who didn’t even was a disciple of Jesus (Eishua, Musa). They wanted to be burned at the stake (they say the little man interfered), and in a year or two we will rank as "the face of saints" and all the pens are then "clean". Some "Crusades" were worth what, how many lives they claimed. And Jesus himself is just one of many prophets, and not the son of God sent to earth to suffer for the sins of mankind. Everyone creates his own Paradise and Hell for himself according to his own mind and faith ... And God is one and all WE (mankind) are his children.


The Bible is truly Holy Scripture because:
“... And besides, we have the surest prophetic word; and you do well to turn to him as to a lamp that shines in a dark place, until the day begins to dawn and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing first of all that no prophecy in Scripture can be solved by oneself.
For prophecy was never uttered by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke it, being moved by the Holy Spirit.
(2 Peter 1:19-21)
In the books of the Old Testament, among other things, prophecies are described; in the books of the New Testament it is written about how prophecies come true. The meaning of the Bible is many times greater than the text. In the Bible, the wisdom is not human, God's. And God reveals His truths to whom He wants and when He wants... :)))

You should not interpret biblical records from Wikipedia (every fool knows how to spoil and copy), the point is not how it is written and even more so by whom, but how it is interpreted and perceived. The commandments of God that you write about here only 10, remind 10... and they were written on clay tablets in the amount of 5 pieces (this is so for information) And that's it ... there is no word of God in them. Agree, the commandment and the word are 2 different concepts, and the testaments, like the old and the new, were interpreted by people who tend to make mistakes and, oddly enough, exaggerate both their own merits and those of others, let me remind you that this is arrogance and arrogance (which is also enters into the commandments of God). Do you really think that the son of God Jesus (he is also a prophet) was more stupid than his disciples and could not himself keep records from the words of his father, like his disciples (it is strange that after the death of the prophet). But alas, there are no such records, and even if they are, I guarantee you 100% that they are buried in the archives of the Vatican and are unlikely to ever be opened even during the lifetime of your great-grandchildren. Oh yes, why not declassify such materials? And everything is tritely simple: you should not bring confusion into the tired horses of the church, so as not to undermine faith in God (as such, in the current worldview of people) and, of course, not to lose power, wealth and land on which the church is enriched. Why not distribute to the poor, wretched and God's people, at least a fraction of what was tidied up with the long hands of the church. Ask how much the Pope's car costs, and why he needs it ... because he is God's chosen one and he is protected by faith, as it were said by the way. If you believe in something, then my advice is not to impose your faith on others - it ends in tears (and this is a respected sir HISTORICAL fact)


The Bible was written by people for centuries, but God dictated what to write. That is why the Bible is also called the "Word of God". But I also note that God Himself began to write the Bible:
“And the Lord said to Moses, Come up to me on the mountain, and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and the commandments, which I wrote to teach them.”(Exodus 24:12)
“And when God stopped talking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him two tablets of revelation, tablets of stone, on which it was written with the finger of God”(Exodus 31:18)
If God decided through His Prophets and Apostles to convey the necessary information to mankind, then, being omnipotent, He is able to keep His word unchanged. Yes, for some reason there are some minor distortions that do not change the essence of Christianity, for example, in Russian synodal translation In the Bible, Revelation 1:10 says “on the day of the resurrection,” although the original says “on the day of God,” because the only day that God has blessed and hallowed is the seventh day of the week: Sabbath. Orthodoxy is here, but in other translations it is written correctly, as in the original ... :)))


The Bible is a unique book, especially when years later you study places and find new meaning in them, spiritual food that inspires the heart and mind.

Today we will discuss spiritual images, which in the Old Testament were a shadow, but in the New Testament we saw their true purpose.

The story of Abraham, a man who believed God.

I propose to remember part of this amazing story.

We learn that he did not have children and by his 80-90 years he despaired. But God promised that he would have a son!

Years of expectations, doubts, finally - joy. But Abraham also had a trial where he had to sacrifice his only son. Father's heart was worried, just as much as mine is going through when a child cries in pain. No parent would wish pain on their child.

2 [God] said, Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac; and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I will tell you about.
(Gen. 22:2)

Abraham's Faith Tried.

What will happen to his son, will he survive or not?

5 And Abraham said to his servants, Stay here with the donkey, and I and the son will go there and worship, and we will return to you.
(Gen. 22:5)

Even before climbing the mountain, Abraham determined the outcome of history. He believed that God would allow both him and his son to return. What kind of hope warmed the heart?

17 By faith Abraham, being tempted, offered up Isaac, and, having the promise, offered the only begotten,
18 of which it was said, In Isaac your seed shall be called.
19 For he thought that God was able to raise from the dead, and therefore he received him as a sign.
(Heb. 11:17-19)

When Abraham stretched out his hand and took a knife to stab his son, the Angel of the Lord stopped him.

What new can we emphasize from this story?

There is nothing in the Bible that is superfluous and not useful for spiritual growth. Today we can draw a parallel and compare the story of Abraham - Isaac, the Father of God and Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament from afar showed a future in which Jesus would also be sacrificed. This is a deep topic to study. Let's just focus on the place where Abraham was tested in our study of the Bible.


And what is the most amazing thing about this place? As it turned out, too interesting coincidence is connected with him.

Moria The place where Abraham sacrificed his son Isaac. Hundreds of years later, David built an altar in the same place, where later his son Solomon built the Temple of God.

Several thousand years ago, God provided a sacrifice:

14 And Abraham called the name of that place, Jehovah-Jireh. Therefore [and] now it is said: on the mountain of Jehovah he will be seen.
(Gen. 22:14)

And here are a few observations in our study: we can talk about Jesus Christ, who was personified by sheep in the story of Abraham, later the sacrifice of David was brought in the image, and already in the Temple of Solomon, once a year the high priest sacrificed an animal, a sheep. And all this was in Moria.

All this is given to us as images so that we can see the depths of all the wisdom of the Bible, the book in which God is revealed to us.


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