The world's largest seaweed. Amazing algae. Macrocystis is the largest and longest seaweed.


Brown algae, whose length reaches 200 m, lives off the Pacific coast of America. Its pseudostem is attached to the seabed at a depth of 2 to 40 m. On the surface, flat formations resembling moving leaves float. Often these algae form entire floating islands. There are about 1500 species in total.

Brown algae are currently considered as a class in the Heterokontophyta division. These marine plants often amaze with their gigantic size, variety of forms, and complexity of structure. Most brown algae live in coastal waters, attaching to stones and rocks, to other algae. All species in this class are multicellular. There are no free-living flagellates among brown algae. Flagella are present only in reproductive cells. The morphological and anatomical structure of the thallus (algae body) is very diverse, from microscopic single-row filaments to the enormous size of parenchymal forms several meters in length, with a high level of differentiation of the thallus, like in kelp.

Like all representatives of the department, brown algae cells have chlorophyll "a" and "c" and do not have chlorophyll "b". Chloroplasts are discoid, golden-brown, as chlorophyll is masked by an additional pigment - the carotenoid fucoxanthin. This pigment, combined with tannins, gives the plants of this group a characteristic brown color. The main reserve substance is chrysolamineran, there are also mannitol (sugar alcohol) and fats. Mannitol also regulates the penetration of substances through cell membranes (osmosis).

On the coast Barents Sea brown algae are the dominant group both in terms of the number of species and the biomass formed. This group determines the appearance of the coastal vegetation of the northern seas. On the littoral (a part of the seabed that is exposed at low tide), fucuses settle on stones and rocks, sometimes in significant quantities. These are large algae - Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus, F. distichus, F. serratus with a powerful thallus, which often has air bubbles or air cavities that help the plants to rise and take a vertical position during high tide. Bubbles, dried up at low tide, click underfoot. In puddles between fucoids and on the fucoids themselves, various filamentous brown algae can settle - Pilayella litoralis, Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus, Chordaria flagelliformis and many others. The upper part of the sublittoral zone in the northern seas of Russia is inhabited by large brown algae - kelp. Powerful thickets on rocks and stones along the Murmansk coast form Laminaria saccharina, L. digitata, L. hyperbora, Alaria esculenta. In the bays, Laminaria saccharina is the most characteristic representative of the subtidal belt of algae.

Fucoids and kelp are harvested in the Barents and White Seas to obtain alginate, mannitol and a number of other substances. sea ​​kale(Laminaria saccharina) is eaten in many countries.

Brown algae contain amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan, arginine, tyrosine, serine, threonine, histidine, phenylalanine, cystine, leucine, isoleucine, valine); vitamins A, P, group B; trace elements (calcium, iodine, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, sulfur, sodium, potassium, etc.).

When eaten, brown algae slows down the development of atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol in the blood. A large number of polysaccharides in brown algae have the ability to swell and, having increased in volume, irritate the nerve endings of the intestinal mucosa, which stimulates its peristalsis and promotes cleansing. Polysaccharides also bind toxins and remove them from the body, and brown algae alginates are salts. heavy metals and radionuclides.

Algae are a special part of the plant world. A feature in the habitat - mainly algae, belonging to lower plants, live in the water. Root, stem, leaves, in their usual sense, they do not have, but there is a body (thallus), consisting of either a single cell or a group of multicellular organisms. Aquatic plants live in large, and not very large, reservoirs, and among them there are the most unusual specimens that surprise with their size and structural features.

Diverse world of algae

Plants living on Earth play an important role in the life of the planet - they absorb carbon dioxide, they are a source of food for humans and the animal world. Algae also consume carbon dioxide, converting it into oxygen, it feeds on them. animal world bodies of water and people.

Some species can only be found on the sea or ocean floor, some - only in fresh water, some we will see, and some we may not notice. Among the variety of algae there are very unusual and interesting views, causing genuine interest in their uniqueness.

In the Japanese lake Mivant, the Icelandic volcanic lake Akan, in the Tasman and Black Seas, there are unusual algae in shape - moss balls.

They are formations of a spherical shape of a bright green color of small size (diameter 12-30 cm). Sometimes their size is quite small - it is affected by the temperature of the water.

Reference! The ball is formed by thin long threads of plants growing from the center in all directions.

Those who are engaged in scuba diving noted that at the bottom of the sea, balls of algae look like something alien and fantastic - it is so unusual to see such a shape at great depths. Sometimes, in bad weather, ball algae is thrown onto the coast, and then everyone can admire them, and not just lovers of underwater landscapes.

Caulerpa refers to unicellular organisms, although you can’t say this in appearance - it looks like a bizarre, impressive plant with prototypes of stems, roots and leaves. There is an explanation for this discrepancy - the cell is one, and there are several nuclei, moreover, the cytoplasm can freely move around the body, devoid of partitions.

Caulerpu algae is called an invader plant, because it quickly occupies the water space, populates it and interferes with the growth and development of other plants.

On a note! The growth rate of algae is up to 1 cm per day, and the length of some species reaches 2.8 m.

In 1984, an unusual algae from the aquarium got into the waters. mediterranean sea not far from Monaco, quickly adapted to the new conditions and 10 years later it occupied a large area of ​​30 km². The taste of algae is bitter, the fish do not like it, so they prefer to eat other varieties. So nothing interferes with the reproduction of the caulerpa. But its presence harms the populations of some fish species - they simply stop living in these places.

Near the coast of California and on the Australian coast (New South Wales) in 2000, they discovered the caulerpa and urgently engaged in its destruction with the help of chlorine - otherwise the algae could capture a large territory. In California, it was forbidden to use it even in aquariums.

The invader algae has a dangerous enemy, but it lives only in warm waters - this is the tropical sea slug Elysia subornata. The juice of the caulerpa is excellent for him to feed on, and the slug causes significant damage to the thickets of the caulerpa. To combat dangerous algae, it is quite possible to use it where conditions are acceptable for it.

The presence in the composition of the plant of a large amount of brown pigment - fucoxanthin and gave the name of the algae. An unusual color algae lives in many seas and oceans, and several species exist even in fresh water.

On the territory of the World Ocean adjacent to the mainland, one of the longest algae grows at great depths - 40-60 m, and in temperate and subpolar latitudes the habitat depth is less - 6-15 m.

Features of brown algae:

  • attached to stones and rocks, and in the depths, where the waters are calm, it can grow on shells of mollusks;
  • may inhabit salt marshes;
  • the size of the thallus varies from 1 micron to 40-60m;
  • the thallus can be in the form of vertically directed or creeping threads, plates, crusts, bags, bushes;
  • to stay upright on the thallus there are air bubbles;
  • algae of the genus Macrocystis, a representative of the longest algae in the world (grows up to 60 m), forms underwater forests in the coastal ocean waters of America;
  • reproduces vegetatively, asexually and sexually;
  • used in food as a low-calorie product rich in proteins, carbohydrates, minerals;
  • serves as a raw material for some medicines and various industries (textile, biotechnology, food);
  • is the basis of food seasoning monosodium glutamate.

Sargasso algae (sargassum, sargassum, sea grapes) belong to the genus of brown algae and are amazing in their characteristics and properties. The birthplace of culture is a region of Japan, China, Korea, but in given time it inhabited the waters of the Pacific coast of the North American continent and Western Europe.

On a note! A distinctive feature of the alga is the presence of float bubbles and the characteristic brown-yellow or brown-olive color of serrated leaves up to 2 cm long.

Sargassum Features:

  • long algae lives (length reaches 2-10m) at a depth of 2-3m, but there are species at greater depths - it depends on the habitat;
  • usually attached to stones, rocks, but can also swim;
  • the necessary conditions for the existence of algae are salt water (7-34 ppm) and a temperature of 10 ° -30 ° C;
  • there are male and female genital organs;
  • a plant up to 2m tall produces (on average) about 1 billion embryos;
  • embryos can cling to various surfaces, swim freely for up to 3 months and form colonies far from their native place;
  • in the Sargasso Sea, a species without genitals lives, forming a dense, shapeless mass on the surface;
  • algae colonies, breaking away, can migrate and harm fishermen, small boats, fauna and flora of the reservoir, displacing native plants;
  • fast breeding rates can crowd out other varieties of algae;
  • benefits of algae - 9 species of fungi, 52 species of algae, about 80 species of marine organisms live in algae habitats.

Macrocystis is the largest and longest seaweed.

Macrocystis belongs to the genus of brown algae, characterized by the large size of its representatives. Place of growth - ocean waters southern hemisphere with a temperature of 20°C.

The leaf plates are long (up to 1m) and wide (up to 20cm), with an air bubble at the base, attached to a long trunk, and it, in turn, is tightly attached to the ground, rocks, stones with the help of rhizoids (something like roots) at a depth of 20-30m. Appearance algae resembles a kite with a long tail studded with flags.

Interesting! There are some discrepancies regarding the length of the macrocyst, but nevertheless, most converge at a length of 60-213 m. The weight of the thallus in the longest representatives is considerable - 150 kg, and this fact does not cause controversy.

In the water column, the stem rises, and at the surface it spreads along the direction of the sea current. Air bubbles at the base of the leaves help to stay afloat.

Extensive thickets of macrocysts near the coasts are able to dampen strong waves, since it is impossible to tear the plant from its anchorage, so algae began to be grown artificially. In addition, they serve as raw materials for the extraction of alginate, which is necessary in many industries.

The largest marine plant - Posidonia oceanic

The largest and longest sea grass, Posidonia, was discovered in 2006 in Mediterranean waters off the Balearic Islands. Why the longest? The answer is striking and surprising - its length has reached 8,000 m!

Important! Quite often, posidonium is called "algae", but the plant does not belong to algae - it is a perennial plant that is completely in water, unlike algae, it has roots, stem, leaves, seeds and fruits.

The name of the Greek god Poseidon (lord of the seas) formed the basis for the name of the herbaceous sea plant posidonium, apparently due to its large size and some features:

  • forms large thickets (colonies) at depths up to 50 m - they are sometimes called green meadows;
  • the plant has very powerful creeping roots;
  • at great depths, the leaves are wider and longer than at shallow ones;
  • leaf length reaches 15-50 cm, and width - 6-10 mm;
  • in some cases, it is specially grown to replenish the flora in certain marine areas.

Red algae (crimson) are marine plants that have existed on Earth for about 1 billion years. Distinctive feature unusual algae is the ability to use blue and green rays for photosynthesis, penetrating to great depths. This property is due to the presence of a special substance phycoerythin.

The chloroplasts of red algae contain green chlorophyll, red phycoerythrins, blue phycobilins and yellow carotenoids. When substances are mixed with chlorophyll, various shades of red are obtained. The presence of these components makes it possible for the algae to exist at great depths (100-500 m).

Interesting fact! In the water column, algae, absorbing the light of the sun, appear black, but on land we see them red!

Some types of crimson contain magnesium and calcium carbonate in large quantities and are able to form a skeleton of a special composition, so the crimson is part of the coral reefs.

Red algae serve as a raw material in the production of a natural substitute for agar-agar gelatin, are used in cosmetology and pharmacology, they fertilize the soil and feed livestock.

IN flora there are amazing and unusual plants that feed on their own kind or small living organisms. They are called carnivorous plants. There are some among the algae.

The single-celled organism Pfiesteria piscicida is able to eat like a plant and like an animal: it can attack a living organism and at the same time uses the process of photosynthesis to obtain nutrients. Therefore, it is considered an algae.

Interesting Facts:

  • an unusual predator algae killed a large number of fish in the waters of the east coast of the United States - each individual destroys 7-10 hemoglobin cells in the blood of fish, multiplies rapidly;
  • in sea water "infected" by it, a drop of 1 ml 3 contains up to 20,000 killer algae cells;
  • scars and ulcers appear on human skin after contact with algae;
  • algae contains a poison that can kill not only fish, but also the human brain.

The list of the most unusual algae does not end there. It can be continued, replenishing information about the plant world with new interesting facts.

The new concept of the famous designer Mike Thompson from the Netherlands clean energy sources. In the world, more and more ideas are aimed at obtaining clean energy. Here is a team of scientists from Stanford University and Yansei University from South Korea were able to obtain electricity through the photosynthesis of algae. In their study, 30-nm electrodes were implanted into chloroplasts, the photosynthetic cell elements of seaweed.

The concept proposed by Thompson is a small transparent tank in which algae are placed. All they need for their life activity is sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. In order to provide these conditions, the lamp is filled with water and hung out in the sun. In turn, the CO2 necessary for the life of algae is exhaled by the user - for this, a special hole is provided in its design.

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The longest algae and everything about them

the most long seaweed and everything about them

please really need

The find was made by an international scientific team from the Spanish University of Mediterranean Exploration, which is studying marine life in the region. As experts have established, the age of this specimen of posidonia reaches about 100 thousand years, and it is part of a huge colony of this plant, whose area is about 700 kilometers, ITAR-TASS reports.

“Perhaps the news that the discovered posidonia is the largest plant on Earth will draw public attention to ecological problems and change the situation." scientists say.

The longest seaweed

Among plants, a special place is occupied by algae growing in rivers, oceans, lakes and seas. They are considered lower plants, however, their significance for humans has not yet been fully comprehended. After all, if it were possible to implement some promising projects for growing certain types of algae on the bottom of the oceans and seas, then the problem of a shortage of food and fossil fuels simply would not exist. Therefore, algae should be treated as a promising source of human welfare.

Among these plants there are species painted in green, brown, blue-green, red, golden color. From a cognitive point of view, perhaps the most interesting are the longest algae. since they are the most effective, however, from the point of view of practical application, it is most often plain-looking plants that most effectively solve the tasks assigned to the species.

The range of sizes of algae is huge: from unicellular to the longest and largest. An example of a single-celled algae is the caulerpa, whose size reaches half a meter. However, the plant is one giant cell. The modern agricultural sector of most states focuses on high-yielding varieties of vegetables. fruits and cereals. On a smaller scale, at the level of the average amateur gardener, the same emphasis can be seen in private gardens and orchards. However Agriculture the future is hardly possible without the cultivation and processing of algae, which can demonstrate much greater productivity than traditional plants.

In this regard, I would like to pay attention to the longest algae growing in the ocean. Its length, according to approximate calculations, is 100 meters. This is a giant Pacific seaweed, which, in addition, is also the fastest growing 45 cm / day.

Off the coast of the United States, located on the side Pacific Ocean, brown algae grows, which with even greater right can be called the longest. Its name is Macrjcystis pyrifera, and it reaches a length of 200 meters.

Finally, a review of the longest algae would be incomplete without mentioning the largest algae, Makrycystis, which, with a length of 60 meters, reaches a mass of 150 kg. These algae are usually found in the seas temperate latitudes. They are already a source of alginic acids and artificial fibers.

The longest seaweed is this one.

BUNESO Thinker, closed 8 years ago

Navarch Enlightened 8 years ago

Posidonia the length of its stems extend for about 8 kilometers

Madrid, May 30 - The world's largest plant has been found at the bottom of the Mediterranean near the Balearic Islands. We are talking about the aquatic plant Posidonia, whose stems extend for about 8 kilometers.

adriks2006 Thinker 8 years ago

Personal Account Deleted Connoisseur 8 years ago

Biologists have discovered the world's longest seaweed. Its length is 8 km

Near the Balearic Islands, at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, the world's largest plant was found. The stalks of the record-breaking algae stretch for about 8 kilometers. The find was made by an international scientific team from the Spanish University of Mediterranean Exploration, which is studying marine life in the region.

We are talking about the aquatic plant Posidonia, whose stems stretch for about 8 kilometers, ITAR-TASS reports citing local media.

IN Lately Posidonia colonies, considered one of the most ancient plants on the planet and an integral part of the local ecosystem, have begun to decline due to the deteriorating natural situation.

Perhaps the news that the discovered posidonia is the largest plant on Earth will draw public attention to environmental problems and change the situation, scientists say.

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The longest seaweed in the world

Near the Balearic Islands, at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, the world's largest plant was found. The stalks of the record-breaking algae stretch for about eight kilometers.

The find was made by an international scientific team from the Spanish University of Mediterranean Exploration, which is studying marine life in the region. We are talking about the aquatic plant posidonia, whose stems stretch for about eight kilometers, ITAR-TASS reports citing local media.

As experts have established, the age of this specimen of posidonia reaches about 100 thousand years, and it is part of a huge colony of this plant, whose area is about 700 kilometers.

Recently, colonies of Posidonia, which is considered one of the most ancient plants on the planet and is an integral part of the local ecosystem, have begun to decline due to the deteriorating natural situation.

Perhaps the news that the discovered posidonia is the largest plant on Earth will draw public attention to environmental problems and change the situation, scientists say.

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Brown algae, whose length reaches 200 m, lives off the Pacific coast of America. Its pseudostem is attached to the seabed at a depth of 2 to 40 m. On the surface, flat formations resembling moving leaves float. Often these algae form entire floating islands. There are about 1500 species in total.

Brown algae are currently considered as a class in the Heterokontophyta division. These marine plants often amaze with their gigantic size, variety of forms, and complexity of structure. Most brown algae live in coastal waters, attaching themselves to stones and rocks, to other algae. All species in this class are multicellular. There are no free-living flagellates among brown algae. Flagella are present only in reproductive cells. The morphological and anatomical structure of the thallus (algae body) is very diverse, from microscopic single-row filaments to the enormous size of parenchymal forms several meters in length, with a high level of differentiation of the thallus, like in kelp.

Like all representatives of the department, brown algae cells have chlorophyll "a" and "c" and do not have chlorophyll "b". Chloroplasts are discoid, golden-brown, as chlorophyll is masked by an additional pigment - the carotenoid fucoxanthin. This pigment, combined with tannins, gives the plants of this group a characteristic brown color. The main reserve substance is chrysolamineran, there are also mannitol (sugar alcohol) and fats. Mannitol also regulates the penetration of substances through cell membranes (osmosis).

On the coast of the Barents Sea, brown algae are the dominant group both in terms of the number of species and the biomass formed. This group determines the appearance of the coastal vegetation of the northern seas. On the littoral (a part of the seabed that is exposed at low tide), fucuses settle on stones and rocks, sometimes in significant quantities. These are large algae - Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus, F. distichus, F. serratus with a powerful thallus, which often has air bubbles or air cavities that help the plants to rise and take a vertical position during high tide. Bubbles, dried up at low tide, click underfoot. In puddles between fucoids and on the fucoids themselves, various filamentous brown algae can settle - Pilayella litoralis, Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus, Chordaria flagelliformis and many others. The upper part of the sublittoral zone in the northern seas of Russia is inhabited by large brown algae - kelp. Powerful thickets on rocks and stones along the Murmansk coast form Laminaria saccharina, L. digitata, L. hyperbora, Alaria esculenta. In the bays, Laminaria saccharina is the most characteristic representative of the subtidal belt of algae.

Fucoids and kelp are harvested in the Barents and White Seas to obtain alginate, mannitol and a number of other substances. Seaweed (Laminaria saccharina) is eaten in many countries.

Brown algae contain amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan, arginine, tyrosine, serine, threonine, histidine, phenylalanine, cystine, leucine, isoleucine, valine); vitamins A, P, group B; trace elements (calcium, iodine, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, sulfur, sodium, potassium, etc.).

When eaten, brown algae slows down the development of atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol in the blood. A large amount of polysaccharides in brown algae has the ability to swell and, having increased in volume, irritate the nerve endings of the intestinal mucosa, which stimulates its peristalsis and promotes cleansing. Polysaccharides also bind toxins and remove them from the body, and brown algae alginates - salts of heavy metals and radionuclides.

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