Universities of Stavropol: list, rating, faculties, passing scores and student reviews. Universities of Stavropol Where can I apply for a ufologist in Stavropol

The "Passing Score" column shows the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Admission to the university is based on the results of the Unified State Examination (for each exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points). The calculation also takes into account individual achievements, such as the final school essay(gives a maximum of 10 points), an excellent student certificate (6 points) and a TRP badge (4 points). In addition, some universities are allowed to take an additional exam in a specialized subject for the chosen specialty. For some specialties, it is also required to pass a professional or creative exam. You can also score a maximum of 100 points for each additional exam.

Passing score for any specialty at a particular university is the minimum total score with which an applicant was enrolled during the last admission campaign.

In fact, we know with what points it was possible to enter last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you can enter this or next year. It will depend on how many applicants and with what scores they will apply for this specialty, as well as on how much will be allocated budget places. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to estimate your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so it is worth focusing on them, this is important.

Enough work in Stavropol a large number of universities. Passing scores in universities of Stavropol with state-funded places vary from medium to high, depending on the prestige of a particular educational institution. Most universities have the ability to accommodate non-resident students in their own dormitories. Dormitories fully comply with modern standards of comfortable living.


the largest state university Stavropol is considered the North Caucasian Federal University. Educational organization was established in 2012. The university was created on the basis of existing higher educational institutions: the North Caucasian State technical university, as well as the Pyatigorsk State Humanitarian and Technological University and the Stavropol State. university.

Passing scores in NCFU

For admission to the direction of "Journalism" last year's entrant had to score more than 181 points. To participate in the competition, you must provide certificates of the exam in admission committee, as well as pass the DWI, conducted by the Federal University. The cost of studying at a paid place is 81,000 rubles per year.

For successful enrollment in the ranks of students on a budgetary basis educational program"Social work" of the university in Stavropol, it is necessary to overcome the passing score exceeding the value of 162. The total number of budget places is allocated 2. The cost of education on a contract basis is 76,000 rubles per year.

Stavropol State Medical University

The list of universities in Stavropol certainly includes medical University. There are 10 faculties on the basis of the university, among which:

  • foreign students;
  • dental;
  • medical;
  • practical training of students;
  • humanitarian and biomedical education.

More than 50 departments work on the basis of the faculties, including such as:

  • biotechnology;
  • clinical biochemistry;
  • obstetrics and gynecology;
  • defectology and the Russian language, and others.

Stavropol State Medical University ranks first in the ranking of medical budgetary universities in Stavropol and the region. University graduates note the high professionalism of the teaching staff, which includes doctors of medical sciences.

Passing points to medical university

The passing score for a budget place in the specialty "Dentistry" is 260. To apply for participation in the competition, you must provide the admission committee with certificates with the results of state exams in chemistry, Russian language and biology. In addition, it is necessary to successfully pass a professional orientation test, which takes place directly at the university. Those who could not pass the competition for a budget place can enter on a paid basis. The cost of education is 140,000 rubles per year.

For admission to the direction of preparation of bachelors "Nursing", applicants in 2017 were required to submit to the selection committee medical school USE certificates with a total score of more than 163 points. The number of budget places in this direction is 31. The cost of education on a paid basis is 78,000 rubles per year. To get into the ranks of students in the Pediatrics direction, you need to score a much larger number of points, namely at least 225. At the same time, 122 budget places are allocated in this specialty area. The cost of education is 105,000 rubles per year. The duration of training for a specialist is 10 academic semesters.

You can get information about the passing scores for admission to the university residency on the official website of the university in the section for applicants.

Stavropol State Agrarian University

Bachelor's degree programs include:

  • ecology and nature management;
  • electric power industry and electrical engineering;
  • land management and cadastres;
  • landscape architecture, and others.

Master's degree programs include:

  • agronomy;
  • veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • economy;
  • business informatics, and others.

The ranking is included in the list of 5 best universities in Stavropol. Most students and graduates leave positive feedback about this university, which is considered a fairly prestigious institution of higher education in the region.

Passing points to the agricultural university

For admission to the bachelor's degree program "Land management and cadastres" it is required to overcome the threshold passing score, equal to the value of 172. The number of budget places is 90. The cost of training on a contract basis is 90,000 rubles per year.

To enroll in the ranks of students of the budgetary basis of the educational program "Agroengineering" in 2017, applicants had to try to score more than 123 points in total for three state exams. 150 budget places are allocated. Those who could not get through on the budget most often enter the paid department. The cost of studying at a university in Stavropol in this area is 80,000 rubles per year. The duration of undergraduate studies is 8 academic semesters. To obtain a bachelor's degree, a student at the end of training is required to successfully defend the WRC.

(branch of the university in Stavropol)

A branch of the university was opened in 1999. The following departments work on the basis of the university:

  • psychological, pedagogical and natural science education;
  • design and advertising;
  • economics, management, and others.

The number of educational programs of the undergraduate university in Stavropol includes:

  • psychological and pedagogical education;
  • management;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • pedagogical education, and others.

Students in their reviews say that studying at this university in Stavropol is not difficult. In most cases, teachers go to meet students halfway.

Passing points to the Pedagogical University

The passing score for the direction of preparation of bachelors "Management" of this university in Stavropol is 158. Budget places are not allocated in this direction. The cost of education is 65,000 rubles per year. In order to become a student of the “Jurisprudence” direction, it is necessary to overcome the passing score, which in 2017 was equal to 170. There are no budget places. The cost of education is 75,000 rubles per year.

In order to enroll in the ranks of students of the educational program "Psychology", the applicant last year needed to score more than 150 points. It should be noted that there are no budget places in this direction. The duration of study is 8 semesters. The cost of training is 60,000 rubles per year.

Diplomas public universities Stavropol are valued in the labor market of the Caucasus region. Most graduates find jobs in their specialty.