What to do to make your thoughts materialize. Materialization of thoughts: how is it done? Difference between dream and fantasy

Every person always has several desires. Some of them are insignificant, others, on the contrary, are very important and significant. Desires can relate to the material sphere or the spiritual.

The materialization of desires or their absence is up to you!

If a person has dreams, it means that he does not have a set of any qualities, energies, information necessary for the materialization of desires.

There are 2 options for the development of events:

  • Give up the desire.
  • Change something in yourself so that these qualities and energy turn on, work and attract what you want into your life.

Where to start materializing what you want?

This wish fulfillment technique is based on visualization. Imagine that you already have what you want, enter this image, “get used to” it, imagine in your imagination all the consequences that having what you want will bring you.

Do not hurry. Try to experience the changes as fully as possible. Now remove the emotions. Take a “sober” look at yourself, who has what you want.

What's next?

Listen to yourself, do you still have this desire? Perhaps having what you need now will bring some unpleasant moments in the future? Perhaps, taking a sober look at events, you will decide that the desire is not worth the effort?

If the desire remains?

If this desire remains, and the changes that will certainly occur in connection with the possession of what you want are acceptable for you, you can proceed to the materialization of desires.

Resonate with desire!

You need to tune in to the vibration frequency of your desire. To do this, imagine again that you have what you need and observe your feelings. Feel how your body responds, feel the emotions. Emotions cause certain vibrations¹.

After such work, the Universe forms for a person an event that corresponds to the radiation of his energy field, this event gradually materializes in life.

Why doesn't this happen everywhere?

Everyone dreams of something and seemingly emits these vibrations. However, as life shows, often fantasies remain fantasies. What to do?

It is necessary to turn fantasy into intention, and intention into an internal state of possession.

What mistake should be avoided when materializing desires?

You can’t take a desire to the point of absurdity, you can’t get hung up on it, that’s the only way it can come true. And one more thing: every event requires expended energy.

The larger your desire, the more energy its implementation will require from you.

Moreover, a person receives the quality of events that corresponds to his internal state and feelings.

If you are ready to work on materializing your dreams, then you can use any wish fulfillment technique.

You will learn about one of them in this article.

What will be required of you?

Pay for desire. The materialization of desires involves a certain price. The price can be very different, it depends on what you need. What matters is not what you give, but the willingness to give.

However, each field requires a different payment - material - material, spiritual - your energy, your emotions.

If your goal is material values

If your goal is to achieve material wealth, then technology will work through the energy field of material wealth. In this case, you must be willing to pay the price when you actually receive this material benefit. Pay according to situation.

Don't be alarmed, this fee will be negative and you will have to pay less than what you receive. You may have to help someone who comes to you for help. Watch for signs of fate! There is no need to pay anything in advance.

What does the field of material values ​​need from you?

The material field needs your inner willingness to give (much less) in order to receive more. When the field of the Universe reads this readiness from your field, it begins to form events that will lead you to achieve what you want.

Decide for yourself, are you ready to give in order to receive?

If “Yes,” then this technique is for you. If “No”, better not use it. The field of material values ​​will itself control the process of fulfilling your obligations with all the ensuing consequences.

By using this technology, you thereby enter into a contract with the field of material values.

If you have a spiritual goal?

If your goal is not to obtain material values, but is aimed towards personal development, then you do not owe anyone anything.

The field of spiritual practices, like the field of personal relationships, does not make demands for material compensation. You will “pay” with your energy, actions, feelings and emotions.

How should you formulate a wish to make it come true?

For example, your desire relates to the sphere of personal relationships. It should be formulated like this: “I have found mutual love and have a common future with this person!”

If you are already in a relationship, but want to improve it, make it more harmonious, then formulate it something like this: “My relationship with (name) is ideal, we are happy to be together!”

Any intention must be formulated in the present tense and without the particle NOT. It must be a completely positive statement.

This secret can give you everything you want: happiness, health, love, power, beauty and money.

You can become whatever you want. Miracles happen to people every day if people know how to turn their lives where they want them to go.

What is this secret?

The world is ruled by the law of universal attraction²! What a person thinks about is what he attracts to himself. Every thought produces waves - vibrations, which are already easily recorded by modern scientific laboratories.

By thinking about something constantly, you send signals to the Universe, it reacts to them and attracts to you what you are thinking about.

But! Most people think about what they don't want. If you think the same, don’t be surprised why negative events are attracted to you.

How to attract what you want into your life?

For the materialization of desires to happen, you need to think about what you want, and not about what you DO NOT want. This law always works for everyone, regardless of whether you want it or not.

You always get what you think about. Each of us contains the infinite power of the subconscious. You can think about anything and the Universe will attract it to you, regardless of whether it is good or bad.

Like attracts like!

We attract people, events, things, lifestyle, etc. into our lives. Quantum physics today confirms this from a scientific point of view. “What should we do?” - you ask, because we think about something all the time?

Firstly, it helps a lot here. With a little practice, you can learn to control your thoughts.

Secondly, know that any positive thought is many times stronger than a negative one!

Understand everything that you now have - you have attracted into your life consciously or subconsciously. Even if you don't like it very much. Emotions and thoughts are vibrations that we send into Space!

Everything you feel is a reflection of what is already becoming reality!

So, what is the technique we were talking about?

5 minute technique!

This wish fulfillment technique is easy to implement and will only take 5 minutes of your time. The only condition is that you need to do it every day. All you need is 5 minutes a day (preferably at a certain time and it is better to perform the technique before bed) to think about your desire as if it has already come true, think and send the appropriate vibrations to the Universe.

Also, before starting classes, determine what you are willing to sacrifice in order to fulfill your plans. Make a list of what you are willing to do. Remember, after your wish comes true, the Universe will offer to pay you for it.

What mistakes are often made when working with technology?

For example, a person caught fire with some idea. He waits, but nothing happens. He does not take into account that the results come gradually. When the desire begins to come true, and this certainly happens, the person says: “This doesn’t work!”

Desire is the law. The power of thought is a step to action. The Universe receives an order: “This doesn’t work!” And she fulfills it - the wish does not come true. Remember, the Universe responds to an emotional outburst, so be careful with emotions or learn to use them for your benefit⁴.

Everyone is vying with each other about the materiality of our thoughts: parents, psychologists, doctors, leaders - yes, anyone. The topic “How to materialize thoughts” is included in the top 10 on various sites, which often have nothing to do with psychology and self-development. It is really difficult for a non-professional to understand the topic and find useful information among a billion extra letters. I tried to do this for you.

How else to materialize these thoughts?!

About a month ago, on public transport, I became an involuntary listener to a conversation between two friends. One girl quite loudly and emotionally told another that she was so tired of life’s failures, lack of money and love, that she decided to sign up for a two-week psychological training. The red line running through all 10 lessons was the theme “Materialize your thoughts and then they will definitely come true.” “I,” says a student of the course, “wrote everything down. I’ve been doing all the exercises every day for six months now, but things are still there.” Her friend, of course, tried to console her, assuring her that everything would work out, and I thought about the fact that I have heard and read similar things more than once from people who seem to be ready to change their lives, but something just doesn’t work out for them. I don’t know exactly what the problem of the girl from the minibus is (she had a bad coach or she simply misused his advice), but I think it’s more likely that everything is in the complex.

Psychologists and authors of articles sometimes do not accurately formulate advice on how to materialize their thoughts, and readers, not wanting to get to the bottom of it, simply tailor them to suit themselves. Bottom line: The Universe simply cannot understand what you want from it!

What prevents us from materializing our thoughts?

It is only his thoughts that make a person unhappy or happy, not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

In our world there is an interesting category of people, quite numerous, by the way.. These men and women are not stupid, not lazy, ready to learn and even try something new. But for success they always lack something: perseverance, courage, risk-taking. They rarely get to the root of the problem and are likely to prefer “a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky.” It is this category of people who most often complain: “your psychological techniques don’t work! I tried with my friend Vasya and - no success for you!

Especially for them, I present 3 mistakes that they make in their desire to materialize their thoughts.

3 mistakes, why can’t you materialize your thoughts?

Wrong message.

For example, your personal life is not going well. And instead of signaling to the Universe: “I want to meet a nice guy,” you complain every day: “I’m lonely. This is so bad".

The universe catches the word “lonely” from your whining and voila - your personal life continues to limp on both legs.

Wrong attitude.

Even doctors who do not accept anything other than science confirm that those who sincerely believe that they will get rid of the disease have a much greater chance of recovery than pessimists.

If you really want something, then first of all convince yourself that everything will come true. And then: “Oh, I’m such a skeptic. I only believe in what I can touch. And why don’t my thoughts materialize?”

Incorrect wording.

That’s why, in a store, you first look at the assortment of goods, and only then go up to the saleswoman and say: “Give me half a kilo of shortbread cookies with condensed milk.” You do this because you know for sure that if you approach the seller babbling: “I want something sweet, or maybe not very sweet, in general, I don’t know what I want,” then you’ll hang around in the store for half an hour and you’ll find certain death at the hands of other shoppers standing in line behind you. Should the Universe deal with your incomprehensible babble and instantly give you what you need?

We have dealt with the main mistakes that prevent people from achieving what they want, and now I want to teach you what to do to accurately materialize your thoughts:

Visualize your desires.

No one has yet come up with anything more effective than this technique. If you have a good imagination, then you can draw pictures of the future right in your head.

For example, do you dream of a trip to Italy? Imagine this very journey every day, down to the smallest detail. Before you know it, you’ll be buying the tour you want.

The technique of transferring your thoughts onto paper works great: make a collage of desires, draw your dream, describe it using words in a diary, do at least something before you start whining that the Universe doesn’t hear you!

Materialize your thoughts with the right phrases.

It is better to avoid the “not” particle altogether, since it is poorly perceived by the Universe. Instead of the message: “I don’t want to be sick anymore,” higher powers will hear that you really enjoyed lying in bed with a sore throat.

It’s correct to say: “I want to always be healthy!”

Away from negativity.

If you wish your evil boss would break her leg and leave you alone, at least for the period of her sick leave, then the Universe may hear you. But the consequences will be sad not only for your leader, but also for yourself. Negativity and evil attract their own kind, there is such a boomerang law!

Don't decide the destinies of others.

You can only materialize your own thoughts.The universe will remain deaf to calls: “I want my husband to find a well-paid job,” “I want my mother to win the lottery.”

Instead of making wishes for others, it is better to teach the people close to you how to correctly materialize their thoughts.

Dream real.

Fairy tales about Cinderellas becoming princesses are, of course, charming and more than one generation of girls will grow up with them. But only a few become princesses, but any representative of the fair sex who has made every effort can become rich and successful. You can meditate on a three-story villa in Spain, but start making your dream come true by buying a one-room apartment in your city.

The question of the materialization of thought into desire has worried people over the past several centuries. One of the pioneers working in this direction was Charles Haenel. The American devoted his entire life to studying the power of thought, and thanks to the use of creative thinking, he achieved considerable success in business. Subsequently, a lot was said about how to materialize a desire, but they have the same operating principle. By following the advice described in our article, real miracles will begin to happen around you, and your life will radically change for the better.

Conversation with the Universe

The Universe is the external world that surrounds us. This piece of energy pierces our reality, and like a cornucopia, can give a person everything he wants.

Initially, you need to listen to your heart and learn how to properly conduct a conversation with the higher mind:

  • Positive. Man was born to enjoy life. There are no lucky people and losers, but only a positive attitude and the belief that you are special and unique. The Universe wants to help everyone, and miracles are said to happen to those who believe in them.
  • Happiness. Allow yourself to be happy and believe that there is some higher intelligence (the Universe, Guardian Angel, etc.) that protects you. Everything good that happens in life is natural. This will always be the case, since the outside world takes care of every person.
  • Dream. Don't be afraid to demand a lot from the Universe. A person a priori deserves the best - everything he wants. The only thing you need to do is convince your consciousness of this.
  • Signs. As has been noted, the higher mind watches and protects man. You are required to listen to the Universe: random phrases from the TV, an erroneous phone call, a punctured tire, an unexpected downpour, the sharp cry of a bird. In this way, the world is trying to guide you on the right path.

Make a wish

Impatience - the mistake of most of those who make wishes. In order for everything to work out you need time. Vibrations from the solar plexus, this part of the body is used to communicate with the outside world, must reach the Universe, which will change your reality:

  • Money. You should not wish for money. It is more likely that you can get a computer, an apartment or a car faster than a suitcase full of money.
  • Particle "not". The subconscious does not perceive the particle “not”, and the Universe cannot divide desires into good and bad. You should be careful in correctly formulating your wishes.
  • Personalities. We are careful with desires aimed at a specific person. If it is negative (an impulse to divorce, to quit work, to die), the energy will return to the person like a boomerang; if it is positive (for example, the desire to connect your family life with a certain person) they may subsequently have the opposite result.
  • Visualization. You need to see and imagine what is planned as clearly and in detail as possible. At the same time, you need to convince your subconscious that this has already happened.

The most important thing is action. If you sit on the couch in front of the TV and do nothing, you are more likely to find a job or buy a new car. will tend to zero.

Visualization for materializing desires

Daily visualization is the key to success. Often, people do not pay special attention to this important component in working with the Universe. Basic principles of proper visualization:

  • Relaxation. You need to do visualization in a relaxed state in a secluded place where no one will disturb you.
  • Video. Create and “show” your own film, in which you already own what you have planned. For example, that there is a red car of a certain brand outside the window, and the keys to it are in your jeans pocket.
  • Regularity. Connecting your mind with your subconscious, making them believe in what happened and regularly practicing visualization are the three main aspects that you need to take into account and try not to violate.
  • Importance. Put aside the importance: if it turns out well, if it doesn’t, it’s okay. This way, excess potential is removed, which makes it easier to solve the plan.

How it works?

You must constantly strive to achieve your intended goal. A one-day visualization practice will get you nowhere.

Let's consider the basic principles that allow a person to change reality and get what they want from the Universe:

  1. Subconscious. The work of the subconscious, which communicates with the higher mind and stimulates the materialization of thoughts into a physical equivalent, transmits its vibrations to the Universe.
  2. Energy. The reality around us is shrouded in a huge energy web, which with its threads connects all entities located on Earth.
  3. Care. The Universe has no favorites or outcasts; it strives to do everything possible so that everyone lives joyfully and in abundance. That is why she fulfills a person’s desire.
  4. Help. Ruling the world, the higher mind confronts a person with the right people, events and circumstances that will help him achieve his goal and his plans will definitely come true.

I can't do anything!

People who have not achieved the desired result usually criticize the idea of ​​materialization of desires.

Yes, instead of prosperity, you can attract troubles into your life:

  • Inner world. General cleaning in a person’s inner world will instantly be reflected in the reality around you.
  • Mindfulness. Consciousness completely dominates the subconscious, which becomes the main cause of failure. The synchronous interaction of these two centers will lead a person to success.
  • Expectation. You shouldn’t think about what, for example - “ This Mercedes will definitely never be mine" Any fantastic dream, combined with a burning desire and visualization, will definitely come true.

Founder of creative thinking

Jose Silva, John Kehoe, Vladimir Zeland - you say? No. The pioneer in the study and practical application of the theory of the “power of thought” was the American Charles Haenel . His paid Master Key course, which was published in 1915, created an unprecedented stir.

  • Napoleon Hill. The author of the most popular best-selling business book, Think and Grow Rich, personally thanked Charles for his research in the field of materializing desires.
  • William Walker Atkinson. After reading “The Master Key”, he writes the book “The Law of Attraction”.
  • Claude Bristol. He is developing his own course called “The Magic of Faith.”

Now knowing how to materialize a desire, there is only one thing left to do - act! Feel free to go towards your dream no matter what, and the Universe will definitely take care of how to give you what you want.

Video about materialization of desires

It turns out that in order for a dream to grow into reality, you first need to simply imagine it. It is not enough just to acknowledge the existence of a specific goal - it must be expressed in specific words and forms. First of all, you need to clearly formulate (at least for yourself) what exactly the soul strives for. Moreover, this should be the desire of this particular person, coming from his heart, and not the whim of someone from his environment. Alien dreams brought from outside when incarnated, as a rule, do not bring the slightest joy.

In addition to the specific formulation of the desire (and without any “maybe” or “it would be nice”), it would not be a sin to record it on paper, for example, in a personal diary, or simply say it loudly or even shout. In this way, a person will announce to the world around him - and to himself personally - the seriousness of his own intentions and his sense of purpose.

Another element of materialization is a mental representation of an object of desire or some event that a person strives for. You should visualize your dream in your mind in as much detail as possible, with maximum detailing of small elements. It is necessary to involve most of the senses in creating such an image, feeling all the smells and sounds associated with the dream, seeing an image full of life. In a word, not just imagine, but mentally be there, in this picture of happiness.

Having thus imagined the material embodiment of your own desire, you must then let it go. In other words, higher powers should be involved in its execution. For example, a believer will be helped in this by the appropriate prayer (which should generally be made regular).

Factors working to achieve goals

However, no sophisticated psychological practices will be effective without creating appropriate conditions under which it will be easier for the desire to come true. First of all, clear actions are important. A person can engage in materialization and visualization as much as he wants, but if he does not take concrete steps to achieve his cherished goals, they will most likely remain in the world of dreams without moving into reality.

In each case, the action plan will be different. For example, if a person dreams of moving to another country, he should not even start by purchasing tickets, obtaining visas or looking for housing and work where he wants to emigrate. This will happen later, when the goal gets closer. It is better to first take care of studying the language and customs of the people of the country of your dreams. Anyone who dreams of owning a prestigious car must first at least get a license. Without driving skills, any car will be useless.

In addition, a person’s own readiness to accept what he wants into his life plays into a person’s hands in materializing a dream. He must begin to think as if the goal has already been achieved, increasingly imagining such an outcome, and in all details. He should prepare as much as possible (including acquiring the necessary skills) for the situation, role, place where he wants to be.

Meanwhile, it may happen that any attempt to realize a specific dream will be broken by all sorts of obstacles. Here it will be important for anyone to clearly understand: do all these obstacles arise as tests before achieving the goal, or do they mean that higher powers do not assist in the fulfillment of desires at all? Sometimes nothing comes of it for one reason - a person actually doesn’t need what he is dreaming about. This event, object, place or role is not from his life, alien to him. Maybe we should take on another dream?

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 20 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Please, first of all, listen to the instructions, that it is a widely known fact that our thoughts can materialize. And since our mind naturally has both positive and negative components, and this, accordingly, is reflected in the nature of our thoughts, if the materialization of thoughts is successful (and we hope that this will be the case for everyone), we automatically attract the negative side of the issue .

And this requires a comprehensive understanding, since many perceive spirituality as an exclusively positive view of the world. It's not bad, but it's not the full picture. It requires reflecting both positive and negative. And negative is not something bad or wrong. It has equal value. If you delve into this deeply and truly, you will be able to create with your mind, with just the power of thought.

If you want to take a more holistic approach, then please focus solely on your heart. Our heart is primary in relation to the mind, and therefore is purer and, most importantly, is in Unity. And this Unity represents the Essence of the Universe and Creation itself. In this case, you'd better look deeper Materialization from the heart.

This article in its original version demonstrates exclusively the version of reason. You can create the experience you want. Your mind has enough energy to materialize your desires.