Automation of the sound w in sentences. Exercises “Speech material on differentiation of sounds S-Sh. Causes of impaired pronunciation of the sound sh










Shi - sha - sho - shu - she










Sha: Shawl, mine, step, ball, puck, mongrel, earflaps, little mice, big, breathe, horse, chess, noodles, step, puck, chess, hat, mine; shampoo, champignon, naughty, jackal, naughty, yours, ours, Dasha, Misha, Natasha, Alyosha, roof

Sho, Sho: Walked, whisper, rustle, silk, cockerel, powder, fluff, bag, big, comb, left, found, came, seam.

Shu: Joke, Shura, jokes, noise, fur coat, bear, carcass, writing, breathing, asking, wearing, neck, jester, fur coat, joke; joke, slotted spoon, joker, make noise, joker, screw, scales, tinsel.

Shi: Sew, awl, screen, wider, write, reeds, jug, ruffs, kids, bug, machine, sewed, decided, thorn, tire; thorns, sewing, chiffon, hiss, rosehip, wide, hiss, mice, ears, lilies of the valley, palms, reeds, pea, good, silence, junior

She: neck, six, rustle; whisper, neck, decision, target, collar.

Barbell, headquarters, pants, darning, darn, thing, bayonet, wardrobe, school, seams, Swede, seamstress, sword, twine, spatula, spire, spinach, spy, bumblebee, schnitzel, train, helmet, boat, hat.

Ours, yours, arable land, tower, porridge, shirt, chamomile, bug, pencil, cup.

Baby, midge, window, basket, palm, pea, potato, okroshka, cat.

Shower, ears, cannon, fly, edge, frog, pillow, reel, cuckoo, wah, cheesecake, shell.

Lid, baby, donut, tower, monkey, tire, baby, reed.

Goulash, plaque, Yasha, Alyosha, fish, flatbread, matryoshka, pour, drink, eat, rub, take.

Nuts, pawns, pegs, eat, cherry, bear, extra, boy, scream, remain silent, grumble.

Bashlyk, shoe, muffler, chestnut.

Gone, cockerels, grandmother, grandfather, Alyonushka, Burenushka, jerboa, lily of the valley, cub, bottom, feather, speck

Pole, belly, crumb, finish, feed, cut, divide, saw, give.

Replace the first sound in words with the sound Ш:

(disputes) –

Pure talk

Sha - sha - sha - hat Sha - sha - sha - mother washes the baby

Sho - sho - sho - seam Shu - shu - shu - I’m writing a letter.

Shu - shu - shu - fur coat Sho - sho - sho - I say well.

Shi - shi - shi - tire Shi - shi - shi - as good as boots.


The reeds are whispering something. - I write really well.

It's a duck in the reeds. – I’ll write whatever you want.

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi

Come out of the reeds! “Eat porridge” - write

She-she-she, she-she-she Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu

There's no duck in the reeds. - I’ll write that.

Shi - shi - shi, shi - shi - shi Sho - sho - sho, sho - sho - sho

Are the reeds whispering something? - I see you write well.

Sha - sha - sha - our Masha is good.

Sho - sho - sho - we say good.

Ash - ash - ash - give me a pencil. Ashka - Ashka - the insect is flying.

Osh - osh - osh - I have a knife. Oshka - oshka - there is a cat on the window.

Ush - ear - ear - warm shower. Ear - ear - frog - frog.

Ish - ish - ish - I have a baby. Ishka - Ishka - a little mouse.


Our school.

Sewing machine.

Noisy naughty people.

Silk shawl.

Fragrant shampoo.

Dasha's hat.

Rose hip husk.

Joker Mishutka.

The reeds are rustling.

Tower spire.

Car school.

Hockey puck.

Complete calm.

Long hose.

Stewed spinach.


Bobbin of thread.

Sticky mouse.

Soft pillow.

Green frog.

Lush bun.

Hockey stick.

Little midge.

Fragrant lilies of the valley.

Our grandmother.

Stuffy room.

Warm fur coat.

Rosehip thorns.

Natasha's galoshes.

Smooth seam.

Rifle bayonet.

Mom's heels.

Big bumblebee.

Tires for the car.

Deep mine.

A spool of silk.

Millet porridge.

Silk darning.

Fluffy hat.

Here's the porridge. Dasha is eating porridge.

Shura has a new fur coat.

Pasha has a fur coat and a hat.

The kid goes to school.

There are reeds by the river. The reeds are noisy.

Natasha writes.

A car is making noise on the road.

Our kitten is naughty.

Lilies of the valley are good.

The cat catches the mouse.

Masha has a fur coat.

Yasha has a car.

Antoshi has a hat.

Dasha has chess.

Alyosha, put on your shirt.

The guys are playing cat and mouse.

The cat has ears on the top of its head.

Natasha peels potatoes.

Baby, put on your galoshes.

There is a cup on the table with a spoon in it.

The sparrow is pecking the grains.

Masha went to school.

Mom sews on a sewing machine.

Grandma has a silk shawl.

Dasha washed her hair with shampoo.

Lusha's hat fell under the hanger.

Natasha and Misha found lilies of the valley.

There are many bobbins and spools in the Machine Box.

Masha sewed a hanger on Pasha’s overcoat.

Lusha put on a fur coat, hat, scarf, felt boots and went for a walk with Natasha.

Alyosha found a lot of mushrooms and champignons.

Lusha sewed pants and a hat for the naked girl.

A large bumblebee flew over a fragrant linden tree.

Grandma is embroidering a cockerel.

Masha eats stew.

The reeds make a quiet noise.

Natasha writes in ink.

Yasha has millet porridge.

Grandma sews pants for Yasha.

Masha drinks cherry compote.

Yasha's car has tires.

Teddy bear blows on the fluff.

Natasha hangs her fur coat in the closet.

A cuckoo is calling at the edge of the forest.

Millet porridge made from millet.

The cat has ears on the top of its head.

Yasha has a bag of chestnuts at home.

At the edge of the forest there are flies and frogs.

A hat and a fur coat - that’s Mishutka.

Pasha rides a bear in a car.

Mom sews on a sewing machine.

Mother mouse and baby mice eat spinach.

Pasha and Dasha have a little mouse called Fluff.

A mouse has little mice, a cat has kittens.

Chess and checkers are in Dasha's closet.

Our Dasha washes her neck and ears in the shower.

Grandfather and Yasha eat millet porridge.

Antoshi has a car, and dad has a car.

Grandmother and mother are preparing donuts.

Our hats and fur coats are in an oak closet.

Pasha goes by car to his grandparents.

The reeds rustle by the water.

The rose hips have prickly thorns.

The kids found a big lump.

Natasha and Alyosha went to the cinema.

Yasha hurt his forehead.

Grandfather bought Alyosha a chess set.

Murder will out.

I can't find our frog's ears.

Lesha and Klasha eat millet porridge.

I walked through the pebbles and found a silk fur coat.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

The cat has ears on the top of its head.

Puffy Mishka puffs like a plump one.

He aimed at the basket and hit the window.

Hush, mice, cat on the roof.

Alyosha has a teddy bear.

The bear has a smooth, velvety skin and ears on the top of its head.

Grandfather bought Alyosha a big car.

Alyosha rolled the bear in the back.

And then I decided: let the bear be the driver.

And now the bear rides in the cab.

Silk shawl made of silk.

A fur coat and a hat in the closet on a hanger.

A hat with ears - earflaps.

The schoolboy went to school.

There is porridge for the cat in a small bowl.

A large pillow under the bear's ear.

The bear's coat is lush, but the mouse's coat is poor.

He was getting cocky, he was getting cocky, Masha was tired of the porridge.

Bully cockerel. Masha didn't finish her porridge.

Masha, a bully somewhere in a fight, finish your porridge,

The comb was torn off. Don't bother mom.

He walks without a comb.

Doesn't look like a rooster.

Eat, cat, - Sparrow, what are you waiting for?

Here are the potatoes, can't you peck the bread crumbs?

Here is the flour, and here is the grain, - I noticed the crumbs long ago,

Here are carrots, here is millet. But I'm afraid of an angry cat.

But the cat closed her mouth,

And he doesn’t take potatoes

She doesn't like flour -

The cat wants milk.

The mouse has little mice, Ears on the top of his head

The cat has kittens, The cat and the mouse,

The ruff has ruff, but the cat has ears

The frog has little frogs. More than a mouse.

The mouse has a nice little hole, I walked along,

Only there is no pillow in the hole, I found a bag,

The poor mouse has no pillow, There are pine cones in the bag -

Where is the pillow under my mouse's ear? Hello from the bear. A bird under my window. Here is a frog on the path

He builds a nest for the children, Jumps with his legs outstretched.

Then he drags the straw into the hole, Kva-kva! Kwa-kwa-kwa!

That fluff carries it there. Jumps with his legs stretched out.

I saw it as a child, and I remember it to this day, Once upon a time there lived a Frog,

The cat was sewing on a sewing machine. Frog like Frog,

Suddenly her car, the croak-talker, rebelled,

And I sewed the cat’s paw to the sewing. And from the very morning,

Stroking the belly

Now, loudly, then in your ear,


I did qua-qua...

Cuckoo cuckoo Our Masha was given porridge.

I bought a hood. Masha is tired of porridge,

The cuckoo put on his hood, Masha didn’t finish her porridge,

How funny he is in the hood! Masha, finish your porridge,

Don't bother mom!

In the silence of the night near the hut

There's a tiny midge on the window

The rustling of reeds is barely audible. The cat deftly catches it with its paw.

They gave Klasha some curdled milk.

There are six naughty girls in the hut.

Klasha is dissatisfied:

“I don’t want sour milk, Sasha knocked the bumps off with his hat.

Just give me some porridge.”

The old women listened and heard rustling in the reeds.

How the cuckoo crowed at the edge of the forest.

It makes my ears ring.

A hat and a fur coat - Sasha sewed a hat for Sanka.

That's all Mishutka is.

Connected speech

Our Natasha is a schoolgirl. This year she went to first grade. And Masha is younger than Natasha. But Masha knows how to sew. Grandfather Pasha gave Masha a sewing machine. Together with Masha he went to buy a sewing machine at Detsky Mir. And Grandma Dasha gave Masha a box. Masha’s box contains needles, threads, bobbins, and spools. Masha found a skein of bright silk in the box and embroidered a shirt for her grandfather for the New Year. She sewed a mitten for her grandmother, a bag for galoshes for Natasha, and a shirt, pants and a hat for the naked doll.


Mom and grandma are at home. Grandma is sleeping. Mom is reading a newspaper. Natasha has arrived. Mom, can I go for a walk? – Natasha asks. Sh – sh – sh! Quiet! - says mom. Can I go for a walk, mom? – Natasha asks in a whisper. You can, you can, go, Natasha! - Mom answers. Natasha put on her fur coat, hat and mittens, and went for a walk.


Children came from the forest and brought home a hedgehog. The hedgehog ran across the room. The cat smelled it, lay down on the floor and watched. The hedgehog stopped and also looked. Suddenly the cat jumped and pawed at the hedgehog! The hedgehog quickly hid his head and exposed his sharp needles to the cat. The cat pricked her paw and went into the far corner. The cat sat there for a long time. She licked the paw and hissed at the hedgehog.


Misha was skating and lost his scarf. “Oh, what a pity!” - he says to Pasha. Suddenly Zhuchka runs. She holds a scarf in her teeth. “Oh, yes Bug! I found and brought a scarf. What a smart dog!” - says Misha and strokes Zhuchka. The bug is happy!

One of them is the use of small volumetric (for example, from Kinder surprises) or flat toys, the names of which contain an automated sound*. This technique also helps to activate the child’s attention and maximally supports his interest in the material being studied throughout the lesson, bringing the joy of self-expression and, of course, causing positive emotions. The game situation creates a relaxed atmosphere in the lesson, frees the child from constraint, encourages him to communicate, and promotes quick contact with the speech therapist. Work with the toy is carried out during the following games:

    Labyrinth. The child, clearly pronouncing the sound being studied, names the pictures presented on each page of the album in a given order, moving the selected toy along them. Movement begins from the cell marked with an asterisk. If a child names a word incorrectly, then the next move cannot be made until the word is named correctly.

    Labyrinth with pronunciation. When moving through a maze, a child must not only name the pictures, but also indicate the direction of the next move. For example, the cap is to the right, the shaft is to the right, the puck is down...”

    Maze with skipping a turn. The game is played in two stages. First, the child names all the pictures in order, and then, starting with the picture marked with an asterisk, one after another.

    The labyrinth is the opposite. First, the child pronounces all the words - the names of the labyrinth pictures. Then he places the toy on the last picture of the maze and moves in the opposite direction, calling out the words.

It is recommended to play these games with each labyrinth (p. 5-10). If, while going through the maze, the toy lands on a square with a question mark, the child must come up with a word with an automated sound in a certain position.

Subsequently, the pronunciation of the sound is consolidated in phrases, sentences, stories and poetic texts.

Be patient and kind. Then the results of working with your child will definitely please you.

We present to your attention a set of manuals for automating sounds delivered by a speech therapist. It consists of ten albums:

(1) Audio automation WITH in game exercises

(2) Audio automation 3 in game exercises

()^ Sound Automation C in game exercises

(4) Sound Automation Sh in game exercises

(5) Audio automation AND in game exercises

(b) Automation of sounds Ch, Shch in game exercises

(7) Audio automation L in game exercises (

9^ Sound Automation l in game exercises

(9) Audio automation R in game exercises

(10) Audio automation Ry in game exercises

This album presents a system of exercises for automating the sound of Sh. The material proposed by the author turns the monotonous and monotonous work of consolidating the pronunciation of the sound into an interesting game. Simultaneously with the automation of sound, the child’s reading skills improve, fine motor skills and creative imagination develop.

Work on this manual promotes faster automation of sound in spontaneous speech, the development of phonemic hearing, improvement of the syllabic structure of a word, correction of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech, consolidation of knowledge about the automated sound and the corresponding letter, and the formation of the skill of sound-letter analysis of syllables and words. At the same time, fine motor skills of the fingers develop; activation of memory, attention, thinking. All this, in turn, is a timely prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Depending on the complexity of the child’s speech defect and the stage of correctional work, games and tasks can be used in combination by the speech therapist.

Automation of the sound Ш is carried out according to the traditional scheme in speech therapy. First, a set of articulatory gymnastics exercises is performed. Then exercises are offered to automate the sound Ш in isolation, based on the material of syllables, words, sentences, poetic and prose texts.

In order to make the process of automating sounds in words more fun and effective, a number of auxiliary techniques are proposed. One

* On the back of the cover are the following flat toys: mouse, bear, cockerel.

There are children who cannot pronounce words with the sound “sh”. They say about such children that they have a lisp. This speech impediment can cause ridicule from other children, because with this sound the words are similar to hissing and their meaning is distorted.

Causes of impaired pronunciation of the sound sh

The absence or distortion of the “sh” sound in speech is called sigmatism. If it is replaced by other sounds, for example, from the word “cap” you get “slipper”, this is called parasigmatism. There are 7 reasons why the sound “sh” is not automated:

  • , in which words with the sound “sh” are produced with a hint of lisp. This is explained by a shortened sublingual frenulum, due to which the tongue does not reach the palate, or by the narrowness of this very palate.
  • Lateral sigmatism: instead of a hard “sh” sound, it turns out to be a flapping sound. Difficulty with pronunciation occurs due to an open lateral bite, a weakness on one side of the tongue muscles that occurs in children.
  • Nasal sigmatism: it is difficult for a child to pronounce it due to tension in the back of the tongue muscle, so it turns out “x” with a nasal pronunciation.
  • Labial-dental parasysmatism: “w” is replaced by “f”. Children with malocclusion have difficulty pronouncing the sound “sh”. Also, distortion occurs due to a violation of phonemic hearing and reduced tone of the tongue.
  • Dental parasigmatism: substitution of the letter “w” for “t”. The reasons are the same as for labiodental parasigmatism.
  • Hissing and whistling parasigmatism - hard sounds change to soft ones or “s”, “z” are pronounced instead of “sh”.

Setting the sound sh

The production of the “sh” sound, namely the correction of the “sh” sound profile, depends on the reasons for which this occurs. Sometimes the correct articulation of the sound Ш occurs after a visit to the orthodontist, who, with the help of orthodontic structures, expands the upper palate and corrects the bite. If the teeth are normal or pronunciation does not improve after the dentist’s intervention, speech therapy exercises are needed. They are based on the development of the correct articulatory structure of the sound “sh”.

Correct articulation

To make the sound Ш, it is important to understand how the tongue should be placed:

  • it should be wide with a raised leading edge towards the top;
  • a gap should form between the tongue and palate at the upper incisors;
  • at the same time, the lateral edges are in close contact with the molars of the upper jaw.

An important condition is the absolute symmetry of the language. The position of the lips is also important: they should be folded into a funnel.

Articulation gymnastics

An individual speech therapy session begins with. Articulation exercises delight children. We make the sound sh while playing:

  • “Hippopotamus”: open your mouth wide, count to five, then close it.

  • “Frog”: stretch your mouth into a smile without changing the position of your teeth.

  • “Tube”: stretch your lips with a tube, hold them.

  • “Pancake”: place a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.

  • “Jam”: lick your upper lip with a wide, cup-shaped tongue.

  • “Brush”: move your tongue across the roof of your mouth, from your teeth to your throat.

Breathing exercises

After a set of articulation exercises, the child is asked to perform breathing exercises in a playful way:

  • “Air football”: place a cotton ball on the table and offer to score a goal with an air stream from your mouth. To do this, the lips are folded into a tube, and the cheeks are not involved. Before teaching your child this exercise, you need to hold his cheeks with your fingers so that he does it with one even exhalation.

  • “A butterfly sat on a flower”: cut out flowers and butterflies from colored cardboard and connect them with thread. Blow butterflies off flowers with a stream of air.

Sound automation

An individual lesson on automating the sound Ш begins with the child being asked to say what the letter Ш looks like, and pictures with its images will help with this.

Further, automation classes are structured in the following sequence: put the sound in isolation, then automate the sound Ш in syllables, then pronounce words and sentences with the sound Ш, and at the end they teach speech therapy poems, tongue twisters.

Automation of sound in syllables, words, phrases, sentences

For preschoolers, sound production classes become interesting and expected if speech therapy sessions begin in a playful way. For example, offer to find the letter “sh” in the picture, tell a funny poem about the letter “sh”.

  • Automation in syllables begins with pronouncing those combinations where “sh” comes first: sha, sho, shu.

  • After mastering, the reverse syllables come - ash, ush, etc.

  • Then syllables, closed and open, associated with other sounds: what, jester, staff.

  • Words starting with the letter “sh” are the next stage. You need to train the pronunciation of words with the sound “sh” at the end and in the middle.

  • The sound sh in phrases.

  • Sh sound in sentences: start with short ones and move on to more complex ones.

If the child is already reading, a summary of an individual lesson can serve as working material, namely, a fragment of it with syllables and words so that he can read them independently.

Automation in poems, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles

There are many funny poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs and tongue twisters that will help you automate this sound.

  • Poetry:

  • Pure sayings:

Sound reinforcement games

Speech therapists have a special tactic in their approach to classes: the child is offered those tasks that he likes. Children who play are much easier to teach than those who are bored.

We offer a number of games to automate the sound “sh”:

  • “Snake”: the picture shows a snake that wants to get into the house. It is on the other side of the maze. The baby’s task is to help the snake crawl home by moving his finger through the maze and pronouncing the sound “sh”.

  • “Help the mouse”: the plot of the game is a mouse running away from a cat. The child needs to read syllables sequentially, and then words with the letter w, so that the rodent can escape from the cat. The first time, focus on correct pronunciation, and then you can suggest increasing the speed of the mouse, reading syllables and words faster.

  • “Speech therapy fairy tales with pictures”: come up with or take a ready-made fairy tale from the Internet, where there are many words with the sound “sh”. The child’s task is to read the fairy tale, pronouncing the sounds correctly.

Structure of an individual speech therapy session

  1. must start every lesson. This will help prepare the muscles of the tongue, cheeks, and lips. The duration of this part is about 5 minutes.
  2. Repetition of what was covered in the previous lesson. If your child has difficulties, you should stop at this stage and go through it again.
  3. If the child completes the tasks easily, you can move on to mastering more complex stages.
  4. Games for consolidation of material.

The total duration of classes should not exceed 20-25 minutes so that the baby does not lose interest in them.

Sections: Speech therapy

Corrective educational goals of the lesson:

  • Practice the correct pronunciation of the sound “Ш” in syllables, words and sentences.
  • Strengthen the ability to use models when analyzing the characteristics of sounds.
  • Refine and expand the vocabulary through the formation of the semantic field of the word “MOUSE”
  • Develop the function of inflection.

Corrective and developmental goals of the lesson:

Develop articulatory motor skills, long speech exhalation, phonemic perception, memory, attention, self-control.

Corrective educational purpose of the lesson:

Cultivate interest in learning activities, perseverance, and accuracy in work.

Equipment: mirror, cards for analyzing articulation and sound characteristics, sound models and the image of the letter “Ш”, pictures for the sound “Ш”, image: mice, Mouse toy, chips.

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment.

Listen to the riddle:

- A little baby, afraid of a cat, lives in a hole, carries everything there.

- Who is this?

A picture is displayed - “MOUSE”

– What sound does this word end with?

– Sound “SH”

– Today we will work on the correct pronunciation of this sound.

And in order to speak this sound correctly, the lips, tongue and jaws must work well.

2. Speech therapy exercises


articulation exercises:

“Pancake, Cup, Turkey, Reel”

development of lower jaw mobility

– how does a mouse chew a hard crust? Tense and relaxed chewing movements

– how does a mouse chew soft cheese?

Working on speech exhalation

- let's say as we exhale:

Ah, delicious cheese...

Ah, delicious fragrant cheese...


.Analysis of the acoustic-articulatory image of the sound “SH”(reliance on the table).

Pronunciation of an isolated sound “Ш” with the connection of oral, tactile, visual and acoustic control

Characteristics of the sound “Ш” and its correlation with the letter “Sha”

The sound is consonant, dull, hard (Why do you think so?)

4.Automation of the sound “Ш” in With logs(syllable tracks).

– Help the mouse run to the hole

A picture with a mouse running along the path to the hole A, O, U, I and back.

The guys pronounce the syllable rows in chorus: Sh----A, Sh----O, Sh---U, Sh---I


5. Automation of the sound “Ш” in words and phrases.

There are pictures on the carpet, the speech therapist invites the children to choose only those with the sound “SH” and name them (cat, mouse, donut, closet, mousetrap, skin) - the pictures are displayed on the easel.

Selection of cognate words.

– Listen to the words and place as many chips as you hear the word “MOUSE”

Mouse, Mouse ka, Mouse onok, Mouse fir tree, Mouse forge, Mouse different.

How many chips did you put in? (6)

The speech therapist asks the children to repeat the words and explain the meaning of the words:

mousetrap (trap for a mouse), mouse (hunt a mouse).

Choose a definition word for our words

- What kind of mouse? – big, fluffy

- What kind of mouse? - tiny, playful

- What kind of mousetrap? – noisy, big

- What kind of fur? - mousey, fluffy

6. Development of the inflection function


The speech therapist sets out the numbers: 1, 2, 6 and asks each child to count the phrase

One big fluffy mouse, two big fluffy mice, six big fluffy mice.

One tiny, nimble mouse, etc.

One big noisy mousetrap, etc.

- Shu-Shu-Shu - we continue the game

Complete the sentence using the word MOUSE.

A MOUSE rustles under the cabinet.

The MOUSE has sensitive ears.

The fluffy cat crept up to the MOUSE.

The cat can't catch the mouse

We are watching the MOUSE.


. Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception.

Guys, look, I have a magic wand in my hands and I’m turning you into poets. Let's try to write a poem together.

I'll start, you continue:

Oshka-oshka - the cat sat down by the window.

Oyshka-yshka - the mouse ran into the hole.

Sha-sha-sha - catch the mouse, kitty

Oshki - oshki - the mouse loves crumbs

Sha - sha - sha - our game is good! Write the sentence correctly.

The cat is afraid of the mouse. - The mouse is afraid of the cat.

Puffy eats a mouse. - The mouse is eating a crumpet.

The cabinet sits under the arm. - The mouse is sitting under the closet.

The piece of paper rustles with the mouse. - The mouse rustles a piece of paper.

Cork pulls the mouse into the hole. - The mouse pulls the crust into the hole.

8.Proposal analysis.

The nimble mouse is afraid of the fluffy cat.

How many words are there in a sentence? (5)

Name the first word in the sentence. (Second, third, fifth)

In which words does the sound “SH” occur?

9. Memorizing a poem.

The mouse's eyes are flashlight buttons,
The mouse has a round nose like a ball.
Eyes see keenly, ears hear sensitively.
Don't be afraid of the mouse, it won't hurt you.

Analysis of the poem:

What do a mouse's eyes look like?
What is a mouse's nose compared to?
How do the eyes of a mouse see?
How do ears hear?
Is the mouse good? She won't offend?

The poem is read again with the children.

10.Lesson summary.

What sound did we work with today?

What new words have you learned?


learn a poem about a mouse and draw it.

Children's stories. Preparatory group for school.

“Do you know what kind of toy I dream about?”

  1. Ilya D.
  2. New Year is coming soon, and I dream of having a toy dog ​​that obeys different commands. You knock and she gets up on her feet, and then you knock and she barks and jumps. I really, really want a dog like this!

  3. Ilya G.
  4. My favorite toy is the robot Valli, but my mother can’t buy it, it’s not sold anywhere, but I really want it. I have a game on my computer and a cartoon, but no toys. And I even have a pillow like this with Valli.

  5. Alina B.
    I want a beautiful baby doll that I can wrap, change cloths and diapers. This doll cries, pees, drinks water, sings all sorts of songs.
    I'll push her in a stroller.
  6. Vanya F.
    For New Year I want a remote control helicopter, it will fly and everyone will scream, I will attach something to its legs and it will ring, everyone will laugh.
  1. Masha T.
  2. You know, I dream of a Barbie doll, she is beautiful, she has a friend, they have a lot of different clothes, all sorts of objects. I would go outside with them, play with my friends, and other girls would also play with me.

  3. Lena G.
  4. I dream about Raponzi, this is such a doll, she can have different hairstyles. She has a friend - Chameleon, when he is sad he changes color and turns red, and if everything is good and he is happy he is multi-colored.

  5. Maxim M.
    But I don’t want a toy, I dream of a scooter, I want it very badly. And then I would race it in our yard with my friend. Roma has it, but I don’t.

The kindergarten where I work is attended by children with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 30% of our children are from dysfunctional single-parent families, children of problematic asocial parents. Many children have no parents at all, because they died either from tuberculosis or from drugs. A child's desire for a toy that he dreams of is simply unattainable for many. I consider the chosen topic relevant because the New Year is approaching, and for a child this holiday is associated with gifts and the fulfillment of his little dream.

Together with the teachers, we conducted a survey among the children and asked the children to complete the phrase: “Do you know what kind of toy I dream about...”.

We prepared the children's answers in writing and offered them to parents, pursuing several goals:

  • Draw the attention of parents to the fact that the child is looking forward to the holiday and, of course, the fulfillment of desires, tenderness, and love.

  • Show parents how consistently, coherently and logically the child can express his thoughts.

  • Show children what their story with a dream about a toy looks like in writing.

During this lesson, I tried to ensure that the children were in a good mood.

The situation when children pronounce poorly or do not pronounce some letters of the alphabet at all is very common. The letter "Ш" is one of the most difficult to pronounce. And this applies to almost all hissing people.

If you constantly study your child’s pronunciation, he will very quickly learn to say the letter “Ш” without the involvement of a speech therapist. In this article, we will look at the main causes of the problem, and also study exercises that will greatly help you in the future.

If you notice that your child has trouble pronouncing this letter, it is advisable to be examined by a speech therapist. The mispronunciation problem may be caused by a hearing impairment. In this case, the help of specialists is needed.

Checking the level of pronunciation of “Sh” in a child

Before conducting sound correction classes, it is necessary to check whether the problem exists at all. Violation of the pronunciation of hissing sounds can occur in the form of sigmatism (this is a defect in the pronunciation of the sound itself) or parasigmatism (complete replacement of it with another). The last case occurs quite often. For example, a child says “apka” instead of the word “hat”, etc.

The pronunciation of the sound “Ш” can be of several types:

  • Interdental. In this case, he becomes lisping, and the child sticks his tongue between his teeth when pronouncing;
  • Nasal sigmatism. The child says the letter “Ш” through his nose, resulting in a unique acoustic effect;
  • Lateral sigmatism. The sound has a pronounced squelching tone;
  • Dental parasigmatism. In this case, when pronouncing, the child rests his tongue on his teeth, which is why the result becomes more like “T”;
  • Labiodental parasigmatism. In this case, “Ш” is replaced by the sound “F”. This phenomenon is often observed with malocclusion;
  • Whistling parasigmatism. The child pronounces a whistling “S” instead of “Sh”.

How to check the pronunciation of the letter “Ш” without a speech therapist

Speech therapists use a comprehensive examination procedure to identify the problem and its level. But you can check your child’s speech yourself. Pronunciation testing is carried out in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases and sentences, i.e. increasingly.

Checking the pronunciation of an isolated sound is carried out by the child repeating different sounds after mom or dad. Pronunciation in syllables is checked in a similar way. For a more comprehensive assessment, it is necessary that the letter “Ш” be in different positions (ША, ОШ, УШУ, OSHO, etc.)

It is important to consider that there may be a problem with the pronunciation of other sibilants. Therefore, if you decide to teach your child to say the letter “Ш”, then you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to correct other sounds.

To check the pronunciation of “Ш” in words, it is advisable to prepare or purchase cards with pictures. This will turn the procedure into a fun game. Speech therapy words starting with the letter “Ш” are selected so that the sound you need is in different positions. When choosing sentences and phrases, preference should be given to those in which it occurs in different places.

Why do you have problems pronouncing the sibilant letter “Ш”?

There are several main reasons for incorrect pronunciation:

  • Physiology, i.e. incorrect bite, too large tongue, high palate, etc.;
  • The child uses the pacifier for a long time. In this case, the bite deteriorates, causing many sounds to suffer, especially hissing and whistling sounds;
  • "Lisping" with the baby. The child imitates his elders, distorting his speech;
  • Speech impairment in adults. The baby can copy the speech of his parents if they speak incorrectly;
  • Excessive demands from parents. Often parents demand too much without showing correct articulation;
  • Developmental delay. If thinking, memory and attention are not fully formed, then speech development will also suffer;
  • Hearing impairment or the baby has difficulty recognizing sounds by ear.

Only a specialist can identify the exact cause of the problem. Therefore, if you have been unable to teach your child to pronounce the letter “Ш” for a long time, then you should contact a specialist.

Training the correct pronunciation of the letter “Ш”

Before moving directly to the exercises for setting “Sh”, it is necessary to carry out articulatory gymnastics, which helps to increase the mobility of the speech organs.

Warm up your tongue

To warm up your tongue, you can use the following exercises:

  • "Pancake." The child should place his tongue spread out on his lower lip and hold it there for at least 10 seconds;
  • "Cup". You need to spread your tongue on your lower lip, lifting its edges and tip. As a result, a kind of cup is formed;
  • "Chatterbox." Similar to the previous exercise, but in this case the tongue-cup rises and falls;
  • "Horse". One of the most favorite exercises for a child, because he must click his tongue, making a sound similar to the clatter of horse hooves.

To prevent the “student” from getting bored, accompany the exercises with funny stories. It is also advisable to do exercises in front of a mirror.

1) what it consists of and why it is so necessary for your baby.
2) Should you eat mangoes during pregnancy?

Warm up our lips

The following exercises are suitable for warming up your lips:

  • “Elephant Proboscis.” The child should alternately make a wide “tube” (lips are in position to pronounce the letter O), and then a narrow one (lips are in position to pronounce the letter U);
  • Alternating a narrow “tube” and a smile. Make sure your smile is wide;
  • "Astonishment". At the same time, the child’s lips take a position as with the sound O.

Basic methods for producing the sound “Ш”

Speech therapy classes on the letter “SH” begin with developing the pronunciation of an isolated sound. One of the most effective ways is to stage the sound from other sounds.

If the child pronounces the sound “T” well, then this is one of the easiest ways. To do this, the child must pronounce “Shhhhhh” until you achieve normal pronunciation. After this, ask him to do the same procedure, but “hiding” his tongue behind his teeth. The result is the sound “SH”.

If in doubt, you can do this yourself. The “hissing snake” exercise is suitable for consolidation. For variety, associate this sound with the sound of a deflated ball or the hiss of a cat.

Hissing always causes difficulties for children. And the sound “Ш” is one of the most difficult. The recommendations presented in this article will help you identify the problem as early as possible and get rid of it. You just need to put in a little effort, and your child will find it easier to communicate in the future.