The correct technique for acupressure of the feet. Foot massage, what is it for and what is it capable of? Benefits of foot massage

There are many massage techniques that help cope with various problems. The impact on the feet can have an impact on your overall health and overall well-being. Let's talk about the benefits and harms of foot massage, the effects of sessions, and indications for performing the procedure.

Effect of the procedure

There are various healing techniques used for flat feet, arthritis, or for general relaxation.

Foot massage also varies depending on the technique. So, there is a relaxing, reflexive, acupressure, classical technique for performing the procedure. You can conduct sessions for the feet using special mechanical devices. These are all kinds of massagers with attachments, mats, insoles for influencing the active points.

The benefits of foot massage are enormous and are expressed in the following:

  • blood flow and lymph flow are normalized;
  • Tension goes away, muscle tone increases;
  • general condition improves. The main benefit is improved overall well-being;
  • general rejuvenation of the body occurs;
  • anxiety and anxiety go away, resulting in a decrease in the number of stressful situations;
  • With the help of sessions for the feet, you can get rid of pain of various types;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • swelling goes away from the lower extremities;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • mood improves.

After a course of procedures, a person feels a surge of vigor and receives a general relaxing effect.

To understand why foot massage is useful, we will consider in which cases the procedure is indicated, and in which it is better to refuse the sessions.

Indications and contraindications for foot massage

Many people do not understand why foot massage is needed, because in some cases, sessions are performed for children and very young people. The main purpose of the sessions is prevention. There are active points on the feet that are responsible for the functioning of internal organs, so the procedure is indicated for different age categories.

Like any preventive or therapeutic measure, foot massage has contraindications and indications for implementation. First, let's look at the cases in which foot massage sessions are recommended.

Indications for the procedure

Massaging your feet will help eliminate or reduce the following problems:

  • nervous fatigue;
  • stressful conditions;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • pain in the legs;
  • increased stress on muscles.

Foot massage will not cause harm, but will be beneficial during the recovery period after injuries. Regular sessions will help prevent the development of pathologies such as osteochondrosis or pinched nerves. The procedure helps restore correct posture. By influencing active points located on the feet, you can improve the functionality of internal organs, relieve toothache, and even restore vision.


Despite the benefits of foot massage, there is also harm from the procedure if existing contraindications are ignored. The following contraindications to foot massage are distinguished:

  • any lesions of the skin. Damage includes wounds, burns, ulcers, allergic reactions;
  • infectious diseases occurring in acute form;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • elevated temperature;
  • mental disorders in the acute stage of their course;
  • varicose veins;
  • neoplasms of an oncological nature;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bleeding, including menstruation;
  • dermatological diseases.

To perform the procedure, special manipulations using force are used. If you ignore the listed contraindications, then instead of benefit from foot massage there will only be harm. Ligaments can be damaged or joints may be affected, resulting in existing pathologies becoming more widespread.

In order not to harm your health, it is necessary to competently perform foot massage techniques and follow the rules when conducting sessions.

In order for foot massage to bring benefits and not harm, the following rules must be followed:

  1. In addition to competent technique, an important place is given to the conditions under which the procedure is performed. Everything is important: room temperature, comfortable couch, comfortable position of the person receiving the procedure;
  2. During the session, to create a comfortable position, it is recommended to place a cushion or a tightly rolled towel under your knees;
  3. since the procedure is performed on each foot in turn, it is advisable to cover the free leg with a towel or warm blanket;
  4. In order for the procedure to be more useful, you need to conduct sessions using special oils or creams. Oils or creams enhance the tonic, relaxing and warming effect of a foot massage. If necessary, special cooling creams for the feet are selected;
  5. The best time for a massage is considered to be evening. Usually by this time the working day ends, you can relax at home and benefit from a foot massage;
  6. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to warm your hands. After all, the touch of cold, wet palms will not bring pleasure from the session, and will cause unpleasant sensations after touching;
  7. You should not massage your feet immediately after eating. You need to wait at least an hour after your last meal. Right before the session, it is useful to drink a glass of plain warm water;
  8. feet must be washed before the procedure;
  9. During the session, the person whose feet are being massaged must completely relax;
  10. The main movements when massaging the feet include stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibrating manipulation.

The listed rules for performing a foot massage are not complicated. And to achieve maximum results, you need to follow simple recommendations. Only proper foot massage will bring benefits and will not harm your health.

Every day our feet endure enormous loads and require special care. legs– the best way to relieve fatigue, but not only. This is also an effective therapeutic and preventive procedure that fights swelling, varicose veins, flat feet (with flat feet they will not be accepted into the army in 2018) and joint diseases.

Types of foot massage and their benefits

Regular self-massage of the legs, done after a hard day, helps quickly bring tired limbs back to normal. Thanks to stroking, rubbing and kneading, lymph flow is activated, blood circulation improves, and muscles relax. As a result, swelling, heaviness, and discomfort go away, and strength and performance are restored.

It has been scientifically proven that massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles, musculoskeletal system, nervous system– not only locally, but also systemically. A lot of receptors associated with various tissues and organs are concentrated on the surface of the feet. Ancient Chinese healers even developed a special map with a projection of internal organs and functions onto the soles of the feet. In total, about 72,000 nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, the impact on which causes reflex reactions in the corresponding zones of the body.

Specialists who practice acupuncture methods continue to use ancient maps of bioactive zones, massaging those points that are responsible for the functioning of diseased organs. At the same time, reflexology stimulates the immune system, calms the nervous system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and normalizes hormonal levels. However, it is difficult to do acupressure on your own without special knowledge and skills. Thus, the Chinese procedure, according to all the rules, lasts 2.5 hours and covers 62 reflex zones legs

At home, this massage can be done in a simplified version, using the principles of Chinese, Indian or Thai medicine. It is enough to master the basic movements and remember the necessary points.

In addition to a relaxing and restorative foot massage, there is also a therapeutic one. We are talking about the treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies: joint diseases, injuries, flat feet, valgus. These problems require a professional approach, and it is better to entrust the procedures to an experienced specialist.

To summarize, foot massage:

  • stimulates lymph and blood flow;
  • relieves swelling;
  • tones muscles, skin and blood vessels;
  • eliminates tension, pain, spasms;
  • calms, improves mood;
  • normalizes sleep and appetite;
  • prevents stress;
  • activates the immune system;
  • trains cardiovascular activity;
  • gives strength, restores performance;
  • rejuvenates the body.

Video: How to massage your feet

Whether to treat diseases of internal organs with foot massage is a question of trust in alternative methods. As an adjuvant in addition to official medicine - why not. The main thing is to find a competent specialist who has the necessary knowledge and firmly adheres to the principle of “do no harm.”

Foot massage for relaxation and prevention can and should be done by everyone (in the absence of contraindications), both independently and professionally. It is recommended for nervous overstrain, stress, overwork, working on your feet, intense physical activity, and a sedentary lifestyle to avoid stagnation and swelling.

To correct orthopedic disorders and joint diseases, a special massage is performed. Main indications:

  • flat feet;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • hallux valgus;
  • rehabilitation after injury;
  • leg pain.

Regular procedures performed by an experienced massage therapist help eliminate pathological disorders in the legs:

  • normalize blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • train supporting muscles;
  • develop the ligamentous-articular apparatus;
  • restore mobility;
  • correct the position of the bones.

Foot massage has a beneficial effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. Healthy muscular and orthopedic apparatus of the foot promotes correct posture and reduces the risk of osteochondrosis and pinching.

Contraindications for foot massage

Like any medical procedure, massage has contraindications:

  • damaged skin;
  • dermatological diseases out of remission;
  • acute infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • hyperthermia;
  • high pressure;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding;
  • menstruation;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • mental disorders.

There are special movements and massage lines for kneading the legs. If you ignore them or use excessive force, you can damage your joints and ligaments. The motor mechanism of the feet can withstand heavy loads, but at the same time it is quite fragile: it consists of many small bones, tendons and joints, due to which it provides shock absorption.

If the massage technique is incorrect, there is a risk of pinching, displacing, or tearing one of the structural elements of the foot. This can result in a dislocation, fracture, or crack. The injury will not necessarily manifest itself as pain and swelling, but in the future it can lead to deformation of the leg and the appearance of salt build-ups on the damaged bones.

To avoid such troubles, independent procedures are performed with light movements without effort, and complex techniques are performed by a competent specialist.

How to do self-massage of feet

Self-massage is a simple and accessible technique for relaxing the legs. It is better to do it in the evening, after a warming bath. The feet are dried by vigorously rubbing with a towel, then with your hands.

To begin, assume a sitting position with your limbs extended. Bend your knee and place it on the thigh of your other leg. Lubricate your hands with lotion or oil. Do the massage according to the following scheme:

  1. Stretch your shin. Rub the calf muscles from bottom to top, massage the front part with stroking circular movements.
  2. Take care of your ankle. Rub the surface of the ankle clockwise.
  3. Smooth out the Achilles tendon. Use your thumb and forefinger to stroke the tendon area from your heel to your ankle.
  4. Warm up your foot. Start stroking from the top from your fingertips to your ankle. After 5–6 movements, repeat the same with the sole.
  5. Relax your muscles and joints. Fix the heel with your palm, grab your toes with your free hand and gently rotate your foot, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, 5 times back and forth.
  6. Extend your fingers. Grasp the arch of your foot with your hand, press the thumb of your other hand to the base of your big toe and try to gently pull it up. Then rotate your finger left and right, bend and extend. Move on to the rest of your fingers.
  7. Treat the interdigital space. Fix your heel, insert the fingers of your free hand between your toes and make several sliding movements.
  8. Stretch your rise. With one hand, hold your heel, with the other, press the heel of your palm onto the middle part of the foot, moving to the sides.

When massaging the sole, in addition to the fingers, use the edge of the palm and knuckles. Treat your ankles and shins with all the techniques of a classic massage along the lymph outflow lines. Place your leg in a warm place and proceed to the second one. When you finish, don’t rush to get up - lie down quietly or go straight to bed.

To apply the principles of reflexology at home, it is enough to know which parts of the body are responsible for different zones feet:

  • head, neck – fingers;
  • arms, chest - the area between the fingers and the center;
  • legs, abdominal cavity - heel and middle of the foot.

Pay special attention to these points if you feel unwell in the corresponding organs.

Features of reflexive foot massage

Chiseled massage is the second most popular foot massage technique after the classical one. In order not to harm your health, you should seek such a procedure from a certified reflexologist, avoiding dubious centers of oriental medicine.

Before starting the session, the specialist conducts diagnostics, determines the active zones that will be involved in the massage, and the duration of the course. A targeted effect, depending on the brevity and strength, can have a relaxing and tonic effect. Calming procedures are prescribed for the evening, stimulating ones - for the first half of the day. Unlike classic massage, reflex massage is not recommended for infants and the elderly.

Therapeutic foot massage

Foot diseases cause constant discomfort: heaviness, pain, fatigue, calluses and corns. But the main thing is that they disrupt posture, cause pathologies of the spine and displacement of internal organs. Massage is the basis of conservative treatment for flat feet and X-shaped deformity (foot valgus) in children and adults.

Flat feet are corrected using two main methods:

  1. Relaxing foot massage from knee to foot and back. The calf muscles, Achilles tendon, ankle, arch of the foot are thoroughly rubbed, then in the opposite order.
  2. Step-by-step treatment of the lower leg, foot and last but not least the feet. The entire area is first warmed up with rubbing movements.

For adult patients, the lower back is additionally kneaded, for children - the entire back. A competent massage can stop the development of pathology, and in children, restore the normal anatomy of the foot.

In case of hallux valgus, a more intense effect is used, aimed at increasing the tone and strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Rubbing, thoroughly kneading, pinching, vigorously patting the legs from the heels to the popliteal fossa, the back of the thigh, buttocks, sacrolumbar region and soles helps restore the correct position of the feet.

For arthrosis, classic foot massage performs an auxiliary function:

  • activates blood circulation;
  • improves tissue trophism;
  • enhances mobility;
  • relieves pain;
  • prevents muscle hypertrophy.

Before using therapeutic and reflexology techniques, be sure to consult a doctor, and trust the procedures themselves to the hands of experienced massage therapists who have undergone special training.

4271 09/08/2019 6 min.

One of the most pleasant and useful species massage is considered a foot massage.

This is the best way to help you relax, and at the same time has a very beneficial effect on the body.

Our article will tell you what the benefits of acupressure foot massage are and how this type of procedure is performed correctly.

Benefits of the procedure

The principle of the influence of such manipulation is the activation of the most important energy points.

There are about two hundred of them on the body, but the maximum concentration is on the feet.

Each of these points is responsible for the functioning of certain human organs, so this massage stimulates and helps eliminate possible dysfunction.

When is acupressure prescribed:

  1. For frequent headaches.
  2. Neuralgia.
  3. Insomnia.
  4. Prostration.
  5. Increased fatigue.
  6. Metabolic disorders.
  7. Digestive problems.

Such therapy will not always bring exclusively benefits to the body.

An incorrectly performed procedure can, on the contrary, cause discomfort and problems with the functioning of the internal system.

Therefore, such treatment must be approached very carefully so as not to harm yourself.

In the picture: projection of the internal organs on the feet

How it works

Before performing a massage yourself, you need to study the so-called foot map, which displays the main zones and their meaning.

Classification of active zones:

  • The toes symbolize the head and neck.
  • From the toes to the middle of the foot - the chest and arms.
  • The perpendicular line in the middle of the foot is responsible for the activity of the internal organs.
  • The longitudinal line of the foot reflects the condition of the spine.

Great importance have fingertips in this massage.

Despite the small area, this surface contains all the important points that symbolize all the internal organs.

Usually, when massaging, all zones are activated, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

In the video: what internal organs are located on the feet and how they are located

How to do it yourself

Self-massage is always appropriate, especially if it is not possible to visit an experienced specialist.

The easiest way to give yourself a relaxing foot massage is to purchase a special massage Mat and use it regularly.
It is known that 10–15 minutes of such pastime will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Rub your feet vigorously with your hands, paying special attention to the inside. The total exposure time is up to three minutes.
  2. Massage your toes in a circular motion. They can be bent and unbent by slightly pressing and rubbing. Such manipulations must be done within 2 to 5 minutes.
  3. Gradually you can move to the side of the feet. To do this, we also first rub vigorously and then massage in a circular motion.
  4. The inside of the foot is processed from the middle to each toe. Such fan lines are responsible for strengthening the immune system and increasing performance.
  5. Alternately stretching your fingers and lightly shaking will help you relax and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  6. At the end of the procedure, you can “twist” the foot. To do this, rotate the leg in a circular motion from side to side.

Of course, professional performance of the procedure will bring great benefits to the body, but even self-massage with such movements helps to relax the muscles and has a positive effect on the body’s vital functions. Don't forget about other parts of the body and do it.

On video: how to properly massage your feet

Types of foot massage treatments

Acupressure foot massage is also diverse, because thanks to special techniques it can be classified as a separate branch of medical procedures.
Each of the main types is described in more detail below.

Point (reflex)

The main massage areas were discussed earlier, but studying the activation map of points on the foot will be completely useful. Of great importance is the impact on these points.

The most common method is hand massage, but there are also more original techniques. For example, you can massage with rounded wooden sticks, or use a massage mat with uneven surfaces and non-sharp spikes.

Beneficial effects of acupressure:

  • Stimulation of blood circulation. This will help relieve fatigue and put your feet in order after a hard day.
  • Lymphatic drainage improves. All movements during massage take place in the direction of the lymphatic channels, which means the immune system is activated.
  • General strengthening of the body. Such stimulation forces all internal organs to work, contributing to their healing.
  • Natural skin peeling. With mechanical action during massage, the top layer of skin is cleansed and renewed.
  • Improved muscle tone. Massaging movements stimulate muscle reflexes, so it relieves spasm and fatigue.
  • Relieving swelling. Metabolic processes in tissues improve, so excess water will not accumulate in the lower extremities.

With regular massage procedures, significant changes occur, for example, it is possible to eliminate defects in the formation of the foot (flat feet), as well as get rid of the “heavy leg” syndrome from heavy physical or sedentary work.

On video: reflexive foot massage


Eastern methods differ from the European school, primarily in their radical approach to healing. If modern practice involves direct treatment of muscles and subcutaneous layers and tissues, then in the East there is a completely different vision.

First of all, it is very important for a specialist to establish spiritual contact with the patient, as well as create the most relaxing environment in the office.

For this, aromatherapy techniques, light music and even preliminary spa treatments are used.


Maximum therapeutic effect and complex effect on the entire body - these are the features of the Thai technique.

According to the Thai massage technique, there are about ten energy channels in the body that from time to time become clogged and require outside help.


  1. Movements are carried out not only with the arms, but with the elbows, legs and knees.
  2. Before performing the procedure, a real master always pronounces a special mantra. Some salons also practice pronouncing the mantra by the client.
  3. The environment should also be conducive to complete relaxation. A standard massage room is unlikely to satisfy these requirements.
  4. Before performing the techniques, the master and the patient equalize their breathing, the frequency and rhythm of which must match.
  5. Thai massage can last quite a long time. If you are offered a procedure for 10 minutes, then it is an obvious “fake”.
  6. Massage movements are different from the usual ones, because you need to achieve absolute relaxation.

Many techniques of the Thai technique are similar to yoga. That is why the second name of Thai massage sounds like yoga - massage.
Despite the fact that most types of techniques have not survived to this day, modern adapted Thai massage also has excellent healing effects.

On video: Thai foot massage

Before prescribing the required course, it is necessary to clarify possible contraindications, because in these cases the benefit of the procedure will be questionable.


  1. Diseases of the foot joints.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Varicose veins
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Oncology.
  6. Osteoporosis.

If such diseases are diagnosed, it is necessary to refrain from performing massage procedures.
Also a temporary contraindication are any chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage, inflammatory processes (ARVI, for example).
During pregnancy, you can perform a relaxing foot massage, but increased exposure can have a negative effect.

Prices in showrooms

By contacting a professional massage therapist, you will not only get maximum pleasure, but you will also be sure of the actual benefits for the body. The massage is carried out in a position convenient for you, and the procedure will also include a relaxing atmosphere, soft music and attentive attention.
The cost of a foot massage will be approximately 800 rubles and more, depending on the popularity of the salon and the qualifications of the specialist.

Watch the video for the technique of performing a back massage.

Review of silicone cups for massage.

Probably in modern world You can’t find a person who hasn’t heard of such a pleasant and relaxing procedure as massage. Some resort to such relaxation in the salon, someone asks their loved one for a massage. But there are people who calmly carry out this procedure on their own at home without anyone’s help. Let's look at what a foot massage can give you, what makes it effective and how to do it correctly.

Naturally, not a single specialist will reveal his secrets to you. Most often, the work begins with warming up the feet. You can work on one leg first, and gradually move on to the second. When the surface of the skin is warmed up, the massage begins with the fingers. It usually occurs in a direction from towards the base of the finger. It is carried out by lightly pressing and massaging the treated area.

After this, you need to fix the leg and perform the massage in a circular motion. Stronger pressure is applied in places where the skin is rough. It is necessary to treat the area more delicately with delicate skin. Now you can move on to working on the Achilles tendon and the place where the foot bone, ankle, is located. It is possible that at this stage you will even tighten your legs a little, just like a ballerina does.

Usually the procedure begins with the feet, and then the leg massage will be carried out higher and higher. Gradually, the specialist will work on the calves, the area under the cups, and then on the thighs.

If you perform the massage at home yourself, then the whole technique will be slightly different.

  1. Initially, you can stand barefoot or walk on a special mat, which can be bought at almost any orthopedic store. An alternative can be a homemade rug made from pebbles that you brought from your last trip. If this is not possible, then just take a soft towel, pour peas and beans on it, and do the same.
  2. A simple option is to rub one leg against the other. Very often, this method is used by people who have flat feet or a high probability of its occurrence.
  3. It is good to do self-massage after you have been in the bath or shower. Then you can thoroughly work out all areas of the skin, tighten your legs, and properly stretch your toes and heels.
  4. An alternative option is to purchase a special one at the pharmacy, which is made of wood or plastic. Firstly, it will thoroughly work on absolutely all areas on your legs, and secondly, very often such massagers have a long handle. Therefore, even older people will be able to reach any places on their feet that they want to massage.

Massage from a loved one

This option is now quite common, because it can become not only an excellent opportunity to relax. This process will help make communication between you more open and intimate, since your partner will know very well which points on your legs can be influenced.

Ideally, this procedure should be carried out in a lying position, with your legs on a special cushion. Naturally, its analogue can be a towel that is rolled up. The massage can also be carried out on a completely flat surface, but in this case your partner will have to understand your legs one by one.

After starting the massage, adjust the speed of the massage and the force on your legs. Indicate where you need to massage more thoroughly, and where the movements should be more gentle and delicate. If the room in which the massage is performed is cool enough, while one leg is being worked on, the other one must be wrapped in a blanket.

This kind of massage is not complete without the use of special oils. Firstly, they will help the massage therapist’s hands glide well over your legs. Secondly, the gentle and pleasant smell will be an excellent addition to the procedure. Thirdly, using an aroma lamp or usually candles, you can even create a romantic atmosphere.

Remember, this kind of massage will not only relieve pain in your legs, but will also completely relax you.

Whichever option you choose, remember that during the massage you need to relax as much as possible and enjoy the process. This way you will get your legs in order, and you will be able to rest quite well. Believe me, after such a procedure you will literally perk up and get a second wind.

If you want to learn how to massage more professionally, attend the appropriate courses. So you will do yourself a considerable favor, and to a loved one You will be able to give a high-quality massage that will not only relax him, but also minimize pain, fatigue and heaviness in his legs. The main thing in this matter is the desire to learn something new, and there are a huge number of massage courses now.


Are you really happy with life with this disease? With its side effects? Are you ready to endure itching, hiding your feet from others, suffering from pain, losing your nails?

After all, a solution has long been invented, a drug that has saved thousands of people from such suffering -

Chinese and Indian healers have been using reflexology for decades to get rid of many diseases. Acupressure of the feet allows you not only to relax, but also to solve health problems. The human body has a large number of active points. Exposure to them allows you to activate the work of certain parts of the body. There are especially many such points located on the foot. They are responsible for the performance of all internal organs. Knowing the correct technique for performing massage, you can ensure your health long years.

Acupressure will help you relax and solve health problems.

The principle of reflex massage

Acupressure of the foot helps to activate the body's protective functions, prevent the development of serious diseases, and calm the nervous system. It has a beneficial effect on all internal organs.

This effect is achieved due to the fact that each organ of the human body is connected to a specific point on the foot. By influencing specific areas of the leg, we increase the flow of energy to a specific part of the body. If a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, moves little and abuses harmful products nutrition, a large amount of minerals, such as calcium or salt crystals, accumulate at its nerve endings. This leads to malfunctions of organs. During acupressure of the foot, these deposits are destroyed and removed from the body naturally.

This massage helps cleanse the energy channels that connect us to the Earth. We get rid of energy stagnation. This improves not only your health, but also your emotional state.

Massage will free the nerve endings from accumulated salts.

Beneficial properties of massage and contraindications

Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to find out the benefits and harms of acupressure of the foot. It is worth noting that useful properties it has much more than contraindications. Among them, the following can be particularly highlighted:

  1. Improved blood circulation. Thanks to this, more oxygen reaches the tissues of the foot. It becomes easier for the legs to bear the load.
  2. Improved lymph flow. Regular procedures allow you to forget about the problem of swelling and the feeling of heaviness in your legs.
  3. Increasing muscle tone and strengthening ligaments.
  4. Elimination of foot defects, such as flat feet.
  5. Skin renewal. During the massage, dead skin cells are removed, which prevents the formation of corns and calluses.
  6. Impact on active massage points on the foot leads to improved functioning of all internal organs.

The procedures will allow you not only to relax after a busy day, but also to alleviate the course of certain diseases:

  1. Arthritis.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Haemorrhoids.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Depressive state.
  6. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  7. Frequent headaches.
  8. Changes in hormonal levels.
  9. Incontinence.

But there are also a number of cases in which such a massage will be contraindicated:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Having diabetes of any type.

For everyone else, acupressure of the feet will not cause any harm.

The full effect of it can be obtained only if the correct procedure is followed.

Basic principles of massage

During the procedure, you will select points on the foot for massage that need to be worked on especially actively. Walking over the entire surface of your leg, identify the areas that cause pain. Thus, it will be possible to identify internal organ who is currently experiencing difficulties.

It is quite possible to carry out the procedure yourself. To do this, you need to create a relaxing environment. Choose the quietest and most comfortable corner of the apartment. Turn on special music for relaxation. To enhance the effect, you can light special incense or simple scented candles.

Before starting your session, take a warm bath. You can add sea salt and decoctions of medicinal plants to it.

This way you will steam your feet and cleanse them of dirt. The effectiveness of the massage will increase significantly.

Take a comfortable position. Fix one leg on some kind of stand and extend the other. Do not massage with cold hands. To warm them up, rub your palms together. Before directly moving on to active massage of the points of the feet, warm up the skin. To do this, stroke, knead and pat the foot.

It is necessary to massage specific points in a circular motion. Moreover, they must be done in a clockwise direction. But if you feel pain in some area, then treat this point counterclockwise. This action has an excellent calming effect.

Each point is responsible for a specific internal organ.

Massage technique

The average procedure time is about 30 minutes. After you have warmed up the skin of your feet, apply cream to them. Any cream is suitable for these purposes, but it is better to take one that has a warming effect. Next, follow these steps:

  1. Rub the soles of your feet in a clockwise circular motion. They should turn red. Bend and straighten your fingers. You may feel pain when doing this. This will mean that your joints are poorly developed.
  2. Gently pull out each finger. This improves blood circulation and restores function of cardio-vascular system.
  3. Twist your feet. This will make the muscles more elastic and mobility ankle joint will rise.
  4. Vibrating movements from the base to the middle of the fingers will help restore energy balance.
  5. Using circular movements, massage the point located two centimeters below the thumb. She is responsible for the liver.
  6. Lower it another centimeter and you will find the point responsible for the respiratory system.
  7. Go down from your little finger a centimeter. This point is responsible for the functioning of the gallbladder. Massage it clockwise.
  8. The point on the foot for massage, responsible for the stomach, is located two centimeters above the heel.
  9. In the cavity between the second and third fingers there is a point that will help restore strength and solve kidney problems.
  10. Massaging the area between the first and second toes on the top of the foot three centimeters above the base of the toes helps to cope with insomnia, headaches and irritability.
  11. Treat the area around the arch of your foot. She is responsible for the health of the spine. If you suffer from back pain, then you need to press sharply.
  12. The areas on the lower surface of the fingers are responsible for the health of the eyes, ears and teeth. Massage each finger thoroughly and you will feel relief.
  13. For women, it is especially important to massage the central part of the heels. She is responsible for correct work ovaries. If you feel pain in this area while walking, you should visit a gynecologist and get checked for the presence of inflammatory processes.

If the technique is not entirely clear to you, then watch the video of acupressure of the foot. This way you can clearly see the movements that need to be made for the procedure to be effective.

Acupressure of the feet allows you to effectively relax and get rid of many diseases. Therefore, carefully study the methodology for conducting it and conduct sessions regularly. Then beauty and health are guaranteed to you for many years.