Why did the Israeli Air Force attack Syrian targets with missiles? Israel attacked Iranian targets in Syria after a drone infiltrated its territory. Israeli fighter shot down Israeli air force strikes Syrian army

The Israeli army carried out two air raids into neighboring Syria. The reason was the intrusion of a drone, which was considered Iranian. First, the strikes were carried out on the UAV control center, and then on Syrian air defense systems and a number of “Iranian targets.” As a result, Israel lost an F-16I bomber. The Syrian army, however, claims to have shot down several Israeli planes. Will the incident harm the Syrian settlement?

On Saturday, one of the most serious conflicts occurred between Syria and Israel. Lately incidents. During the day, Israel launched a powerful strike on air defense systems and “Iranian targets” in Syria. As the press service of the Israel Defense Forces reported to TASS, a total of 12 targets were attacked, including “three air defense battles and four Iranian military targets in Syria.”

It was the second wave of bombing of the day, following the destruction in the pre-dawn hours of an Iranian control center for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), one of which was shot down over Israel. The military added that "during the attack, anti-aircraft missiles were launched towards Israel, which triggered air raid sirens in the north" of the Jewish state.

On Saturday night, a UAV invaded the country's airspace from Syria. Israel considered this an act of Iranian aggression and a gross violation of the country's sovereignty. After destroying this drone with the help of an IDF AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, Israeli aircraft attacked “Iranian targets” in Syrian territory. In particular, the Iranian UAV control center was the target of the airstrikes. Israeli airspace was temporarily closed to civil aviation.

According to the Syrian news agency SANA, national forces air defense several Israeli Air Force planes gave a worthy rebuff. Damascus called the actions of Israeli aviation support for terrorists. As the army press service clarified, several anti-aircraft missiles were fired at enemy aircraft. The Syrian side does not provide information on the number of aircraft shot down.

In a conversation with RIA Novosti, one of the leaders of the Israeli army press service, Jonathan Conricus, denied reports of large losses. At the same time, Israel, without specifying the reasons for the crash, confirmed the loss of only one aircraft - the F-16I fighter-bomber. The plane managed to leave Syria, but did not reach the airfield and crashed in the north of the country. The pilots had to eject and were then taken to the hospital. One of them was seriously injured. This is reported in Twitter Israeli army.

Photos and videos from the plane crash site appeared on social networks. In the pictures it is seen the field on which the plane crashed. There is almost nothing left of him. On another video captured moment of interception of Syrian missiles.

The escalation of the conflict was indicated by the blaring of Israeli alarm sirens in the northern Golan Heights, indicating a possible rocket attack from neighboring Syria or Lebanon. The sirens went off twice: first early in the morning after Israel responded to a drone incursion, and later in response to an attack on Syrian air defense systems that were trying to shoot back.

In turn, Syrian state television, reporting on the repulsion of the second Israeli attack by national air defense systems, initially mentioned the province of Damascus, but in subsequent reports nothing was said about it. Therefore, the areas attacked by Israeli aircraft have not yet been precisely identified.

According to experts, what is happening is not beneficial to the resolution of the Syrian conflict and once again emphasizes that the interests of regional and international players regarding the search for peace are very different.

A former employee of the intelligence department of the Israeli General Staff, Zvi Magen, notes that now in Syria there is a serious confrontation between all the participants involved there, in particular, in addition to the Bashar al-Assad regime, we are talking about Iran, Turkey, Russia and other regional and international players, including the United States. At stake is the future order and development in Syria. According to him, “there is a showdown around all this” and Iran wants to start a new round of confrontation.

“It was predicted that Iran would begin some kind of provocative actions on the Israeli border, which was done.

An Iranian drone on Israeli territory is crossing a red line."

– Magen told the newspaper VZGLYAD.

He is convinced that what happened to a large extent concerns Russia, so Moscow and Tel Aviv can already consult on this issue and “agree on some kind of calm.”

Regarding what is happening in Syria, the expert recalled that Israel strictly observes its neutrality and “Russia has been thoroughly notified about this.” “But Israel reminds us very harshly that it will not allow Irina’s presence in Syria. Iran intends to settle in Syria and introduce its armed forces there and use the local infrastructure. This is mainly aimed against Israel. For this purpose, Iran is using various Shiite formations, in particular Hezbollah and other groups that it brought from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq,” Magen recalled and emphasized that Israel is in last years carefully suppresses any attempts to transfer weapons to these formations.

Israeli Air Force planes launched a missile attack on targets located in the Damascus-controlled Hisya industrial zone, located 35 km south of the Syrian city of Homs. An unnamed Syrian Arab Army commander said the attack targeted a copper factory.

In response to the Israeli attack, Syrian air defense forces launched a retaliatory strike. Surface-to-air missiles from the Syrian Arab Army's 72nd Division were fired at Israeli Air Force fighters operating from neighboring Lebanese airspace. The Syrian commander did not report casualties, writes Reuters.

Conkrikus also stressed that Tel Aviv “retains the capacity and freedom of action to prevent any hostile actions or intentions from Syria.”

At the beginning of September 2017, Israeli aircraft attacked the positions of Syrian government forces in the province of Hama, as a result of the airstrike two people were killed, FAN reports.

According to the department, the Israeli Air Force attacked the positions of the Syrian armed forces in the area of ​​​​the city of Masyaf, which is located north of Homs.

At the same time, the Israeli military refused to comment on the report of an airstrike on positions of Syrian government forces, noting that they do not disclose information related to current operations.

Syrian authorities described the Israeli airstrike as “an aggressive act that could have dangerous consequences for the security and stability of the region.” In addition, Damascus accused Israel of supporting militants.

Illustration copyright Reuters Image caption An Israeli Air Force F-16 fighter crashed in the north of the country, the pilots ejected but were injured.

Israel launched a powerful attack on Syria's air defense system after an Israeli fighter jet was shot down during an air raid.

The airstrike was the most powerful since the 1982 Lebanon War, according to senior Israeli Air Force spokesman General Tomer Bar. At the same time, all aircraft that took part in the sortie returned safely to base.

Earlier, Israeli aircraft attacked “Iranian targets” in Syria after an Iranian drone launched from Syria was intercepted over the country’s territory. The targets of the strikes were drone control systems.

During this attack, air defense systems opened fire on Israeli aircraft. As a result, one of the fighters was damaged and crashed in northern Israel. According to the Israeli military, the pilots ejected, but were injured and hospitalized.

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This is the first loss of the Israeli air force since 2006, when Hezbollah militants shot down an Israeli helicopter over Lebanon with a missile. All five crew members died, including the female flight engineer.

The Syrian authorities have not yet officially commented on the incident. Previously, in similar cases, they accused Israel of aggression and used air defense, but so far they have not been able to shoot down Israeli fighters.

Illustration copyright EPA Image caption Near the Syrian-Israeli border on the Golan Heights, traces of the launch of Syrian air defense missiles were visible in the sky

At the same time, the Syrian state agency SANA, citing an anonymous source, reports that Syrian air defenses allegedly shot down more than one plane. The air defense system repelled an Israeli Air Force attack on military base in the center of Syria, the report said.

In March last year, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that in the event of a new anti-aircraft missile attack on Israeli aircraft, Syria's entire air defense system would be immediately destroyed.

Then Syrian missiles were also fired at Israeli planes carrying out attacks on Syrian territory. One of the missiles was shot down, the other two fell on Israeli territory. The Israeli planes were not damaged.

It was reported that Israel then used the Arrow missile defense system for the first time in combat conditions. Now, during the incident with the Iranian drone, the air raid warning system went off in some areas of Israel.

Illustration copyright Getty Images Image caption The Israeli Air Force carried out a second series of attacks on targets in Syria, with all aircraft returning to base

Exchange of threats

"The Syrians are playing with fire by allowing the Iranians to attack Israel," warned Israeli army spokesman Lt. Col. Yonatan Conricus. He also added that Israel will force them to pay a high price for the downed plane, but is not interested in escalating the situation.

Meanwhile, Iran and the Tehran-backed Hezbollah group in Lebanon, whose fighters fight on the side of Assad's army, called claims that an Iranian drone penetrated Israeli airspace a lie.

In turn, Russia expressed serious concern about the Israeli air strikes and called on all parties to show restraint.

What is the Iranian presence in Syria?

Iran remains Israel's main enemy, with the Iranian military fighting against anti-government groups in Syria since 2011.

Tehran sent military advisers, volunteers, and, according to some sources, hundreds of professional fighters from the ranks of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to Syria.

It is also believed that Iran has sent thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition to help the Assad regime and the Lebanese Hezbollah militants fighting on its side.

Illustration copyright Reuters Image caption Syrian surface-to-air missile debris found approximately two miles from F-16 crash site

Tehran is accused of not only seeking to increase its influence, but of wanting to provide routes for land delivery of weapons from Iran to Hezbollah militants in Lebanon.

The Syrian army command accused the Israeli air force of carrying out several missile attacks on Syrian military targets. “Israeli enemy aircraft fired several rockets from Lebanese territory at 2.40 am today towards the Quteifah area of ​​Damascus province,” the Syrian army said in a statement.

At the same time, the SAR army command notes that new strikes were carried out a couple of hours later - around 4.15 local time. Syrian air defense forces were able to intercept several missiles and strike one Israeli aircraft. Other rockets fell near a Syrian military facility, causing property damage.

Official Tel Aviv declined to comment on this incident.

Israel regularly carries out attacks on Syrian territory. The last such incident occurred at the end of December last year.

This attack was reported by the Lebanese news agency El-Nashra, noting that the Israeli Air Force attack “did not cause any casualties.”

The previous attack took place on the night of December 5 - Israel attacked military targets in the suburbs of the Syrian capital, Damascus, with six surface-to-surface missiles. Rocket strike The Israelis attacked one of the military positions in Jemray. In response, Syrian air defense forces opened fire, hitting three missiles and “repelling the attack of the Israeli aggressors.”

As with the current attack, the actions of the Syrian Air Force “caused some material damage.” There were no casualties recorded among Syrian army personnel. “This is a naked attack,” the military headquarters of the Syrian Arab Army commented on the December 5 attack.

At that time she also refused to comment, but Israeli media wrote that the target of the attack was an Iranian military base.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin also made a corresponding statement. The politician posted a video on his Facebook page in which he said that Israel “will not allow the Iranian regime, obsessed with the destruction of the Jewish state, to acquire nuclear weapons.”

“We will not allow this regime to gain a military foothold in Syria, which it appears to be seeking with the stated goal of uprooting our state. We have made it clear many times that we do not accept nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran and will not allow Iranian military presence near our borders, in Syria or anywhere else. Thanks to the labors of generations, we created everything from nothing, and it is impossible to turn everything into nothing,” said the Israeli leader.

Moreover, Netanyahu said that after the Islamic State (IS, an organization banned in Russia) is defeated in Syria, Iran will become a “threat to the whole world.”

“Iran represents yet another brand of barbaric Islamist ideology.

We are talking about Islamic extremism, which threatens both Muslims and representatives of other religions,” said the leader of the Jewish state.

At the same time, Netanyahu, apparently, experiences negative emotions not so much towards the Iranians themselves, but towards the ruling regime in the country. This is evidenced by his words spoken in support of the mass protests in Iran that took place in late December - early January.

“This regime is desperately trying to sow hatred between us. But they won't succeed. And when this regime falls, and one day it will fall, Iranians and Israelis will once again be great friends,” Netanyahu said in a video message on Twitter. He also wished "the Iranian people success in their noble struggle for freedom." In addition, Netanyahu called Israel's accusations of inciting protests in Iran "false and ridiculous."

“Today I heard a statement from the president (of Iran - Gazeta.Ru) that Israel is behind the protests in Iran. This is not only false, but also ridiculous... Brave Iranians are taking to the streets in search of freedom and justice. They want to regain the basic freedoms that have been denied to them for decades,” Netanyahu said.

The Israeli Air Force attacked the outskirts of the Syrian city of Masyaf, which is located in the west of Hama province. The Syrian army command said that Israeli aircraft fired several missiles at one of the military installations of the Syrian forces. As a result of the incident, two servicemen were killed.

“Israeli planes fired several missiles from Lebanese territory at Syrian military positions near the city of Masyaf in Hama province. As a result, material damage was caused and two soldiers were killed,” the command statement said.

In this regard, representatives of the Syrian army issued a warning “about dangerous consequences Israeli aggressive actions for security and stability in the Middle East."

The Israeli Ministry of Defense refused to comment on what happened, noting that they do not provide explanations on “operational issues.”

Target of the strike

Meanwhile, Israeli media, citing sources, claim that aircraft struck an enterprise at a research center where weapons, in particular chemical weapons, were allegedly produced. It is noted that it was allegedly supplied to both the Syrian army and the Hezbollah movement.

Experts believe that Israel took decisive action because it could consider the situation around Masyaf to be a threat to its interests.

“Israel is sensitive to any actions that, in its opinion, threaten national interests and its security. How many such strikes have there already been... Probably, the Israelis proceeded from the data received by their intelligence, possibly unconfirmed. And on their basis they decided to act,” Ivan Konovalov, director of the Center for Strategic Conjuncture, expressed his point of view in a conversation with RT.

The attack on the outskirts of Masyaf was the first Israeli attack since the ceasefire agreement in the de-escalation zones came into force. The last time the Israelis attacked the positions of the Syrian army was on July 2, in response to shelling of the Golan Heights.


It is worth noting that Israel officially adheres to the position of non-interference in events in Syria. In fact, he regularly conducts military operations in the country, without hiding this fact. The Israeli authorities explain their actions by the desire to prevent the strengthening of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, which the Israelis consider terrorist, and to prevent it from falling into the hands of its fighters newest types weapons.

Military columnist for Komsomolskaya Pravda, retired colonel Viktor Baranets, also recalled this position of Israel in a conversation with RT.

“When Israel is asked why it attacks Syria, it often answers that it is hitting Hezbollah positions or shelling the positions of the Syrian army, which is allegedly firing on Israeli territory,” Baranets said.

However, Israel’s main goal, in his opinion, is still the Lebanese movement. “Israel wants to settle accounts with its fiercest enemy, Hezbollah, which is not the last actor in the war in Syria,” the expert noted.

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Baranets considers the strikes on the positions of the Syrian military to be precautionary, since Jerusalem fears that Assad’s troops may in the future provide support to the Lebanese movement.

The expert believes that there is another reason for Israel’s military activity in Syria - Iran. Israeli authorities fear the strengthening of this Islamic republic.

Warned Putin

Concern about the strengthening of Iran's position in Syria was officially expressed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He shared his concerns directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Moscow in late August.

“Iran is making enormous efforts to strengthen its presence in Syria. This poses a threat to Israel, the Middle East and, I believe, to the whole world,” Netanyahu said.

According to the Israeli leader, his government “does not forget for a minute that Iran continues to threaten the destruction of the State of Israel every day.” In particular, Netanyahu noted that the Iranian leadership does not hide its intentions to station its military - air, ground and naval forces - where the Islamic State is leaving*.

Despite such statements, Netanyahu at the same time states that Israel has achieved an unprecedented rapprochement with the Arab world and is actively cooperating in various formats with countries in the region.

“What is happening between us and them has never happened in our entire history, even during the period of signing peace agreements,” the Israeli Prime Minister noted on Wednesday, September 6.

* “Islamic State” (IS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia.