The latest forecast for the year of psychics. Forecasts for the future for Ukrainians

Most people want to know what the future holds for them. This desire especially appears with the onset of the new year. Let's consider the most interesting and popular predictions for 2017 for Russia from famous psychics and clairvoyants.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017. During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.

Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will decrease significantly and the European continent will become empty. And then Russia will come out on top, where the remaining European population will begin to gather and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become the new “cradle of civilization.” Later it will be joined by China, which in 2018 will become a completely independent power claiming global leadership.

In addition, in his forecasts he associates 2017 with the rise of the global economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, the transportation of which will not require anything. The energy will spread through the air.

Vanga's predictions

It is necessary to clarify that Vanga never spoke about exact dates, only approximately about a specific period of time. However, some analysts are trying to structure the seer’s predictions by year.

The famous fortuneteller Vanga prophesies Russia in the 21st century with extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our entire world and bring spiritual revival throughout the planet.

Vangelia always emphasized in her predictions that Russia would seem to awaken from sleep, reject everything that was discreditable and negative, and would become famous as a superpower. Russia will subjugate the whole world, but not by force and blood, but by authority.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia... She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

Predictions of psychic Alexander Sheps for 2017

Psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” made his statement regarding the coming 2017. According to the promising forecaster, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to rapidly increase, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.

According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and will stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.

Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, although this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after this the head of state will also resign. The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to establish relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Prophecies of Pavel Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not hopeless. In this difficult year, all countries of the world are facing a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to “stay afloat” and strengthen its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country faces ruin and loss of authority.

The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation; the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. Following them, the annexation of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as part of Ukraine, is likely. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we are already seeing today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States. The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its authority in the world political arena.

Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the American dollar. A sharp depreciation awaits him.

Regarding the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary rebellion and mass protests will grow more and more, the goal of which will be to overthrow the current government. All these riots will lead to civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase, reports the portal

Next year, the whole world will face natural disasters: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. A large number of accidents, both transport and plane crashes, are also predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.

According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

The future always attracts humanity with its secrets and the unknown, but people are constantly looking for new methods of solving the mysteries of the future, turning to fortune tellers and psychics for help. Today, many are interested in the prediction for 2017 from Alexander Sheps, who became popular after the release of the “Battle of Psychics” program on TV screens, and became famous for his real predictions about the future.

A little biography

Alexander Sheps was born in 86 in Samara and the very fact of his birth was accompanied by unusual events, because the baby was born completely white, although usually the skin of newborns has a reddish tint. The child's mother is known in her city as a strong clairvoyant and tarot reader, so it is relatively easy to explain the presence of superpowers in her child.

As a child, Alexander communicated with someone invisible, but did not understand where he got such abilities from and whether this was happening in reality, and only in his youth did he finally realize that he had the gift of foresight and abilities that allow him to see things inaccessible to others things. The clairvoyant communicates with the world of the dead and, frankly speaking, this can explain his abilities, but this fact does not bother his parents, and it must be said that Sheps’ 2017 prediction for Russia was made not without the help of otherworldly forces.

It is necessary to separately discuss the fact that at one time the clairvoyant entered the theater institute to become an actor, but he did not finish his studies, although for some time in his life he tried to work as an actor, and also periodically worked as a model. Frankly speaking, it is precisely this fact that confuses many, because they believe that in fact Sheps comes up with his predictions and attracts attention to himself, hoping that in the end he will be able to become an actor, but participation in the “Battle of Psychics” proved that all this information is untrue. During the program, he was able to prove to everyone that his abilities were real, although during tests he often used additional attributes that allowed him to hear the “language of the dead.” It must be said that Alexander Sheps speaks only personally about what awaits us in 2017, that is, his “official” pages, which can be found on the Internet, are considered illegally created and the information posted on them should not be trusted.

What does the whole world expect?

Through communication with otherworldly forces and receiving information from the world of the dead, he received information that the world was awaiting the development of a large-scale crisis, which would end differently for each country (for some, problems would only become an incentive for development, while for others they will create additional difficulties). The foreign exchange market will continue to experience difficulties, and certain communication problems will arise between countries that were previously considered partners, and authorities are advised to remain aware of information on this issue.

The psychic is confident that Western countries will face a number of specific difficulties that will greatly damage their economy and change their financial situation, but they will be able to cope with it all. Moreover, Sheps' forecast for 2017 assumes the development of all kinds of natural disasters throughout the world, due to which many people could die. It is assumed that Europe will suffer the most from natural disasters, so most of its inhabitants will move to live in Russia, and according to the most daring forecasts, today inaccessible and harsh Siberia will be settled.

Forecasts for the future for Russians

Russians face a relatively difficult future ahead, because Sheps’s predictions about what awaits Russia in 2017 can only be called negative. The clairvoyant says that the crisis, the end of which many economists predict in 2017, will continue for several more for long years, so it’s simply not possible to do without difficulties during this period. Citizens of the Russian Federation are already going through a difficult time, because the cost of food is constantly rising, taxes are increasing, but wages of the population, on the contrary, are decreasing. Even without the abilities of a clairvoyant, one can understand that all such developments of events can cause social rallies, and the psychic only confirms this, recommending that the authorities take care of creating a calm environment among their citizens.

In addition, the psychic warns that paramilitary conflicts may arise in some Russian regions of the country, which must be treated very carefully, because lack of attention to such a problem could cause a large-scale war to break out in the state (it is possible that it will will become a prerequisite for the development of the Third World War). Also, Alexander Sheps’ forecast for 2017 contains information that the Russian foreign exchange market will be relatively stable, but Russians will not have confidence in national money, so everyone will give preference to dollars or euros.

Speaking of good news, it is worth mentioning that the unemployment rate will stop constantly growing, and in some regions people will generally expect it to decrease, and production specialists will become more in demand than before. Today, the Russian authorities have begun a program for developing their own small businesses in order to replace products previously obtained only through imports, so many new vacancies will appear, and such work will most likely be paid quite well.

What predictions does the psychic make for Ukraine?

The topic of the future of Ukrainians worries not only the residents of Ukraine, but also the whole world, because in Lately This small country has suffered a huge amount of troubles, and everyone wants to know if something good awaits it. It must be said that Sheps’ 2017 prediction for Ukraine contains information that serious changes will occur in the government apparatus (other participants in the “Battle of Psychics” program previously provided similar information), but they will finally bring benefits to citizens. Power will be wielded by people who will prioritize concerns about their own people rather than their own material gain, and perhaps this will lead the country to a new, bright future. The new government will improve relations with the Russian Federation and will bring exceptional benefits to the country, but it will not rule for long and will leave on its own, having finished all its affairs. Psychics advise all people to tune in to positive emotions, because anxieties and fears about doing something will most likely be realized, because the more you think about troubles, the more often they happen. The best cure for anxiety is a clearly defined action plan that must be strictly followed. Humanity needs to very clearly imagine the goal and constantly move towards it, and the bar for achieving the goal should be very high and it is recommended to think of it as a fait accompli. If possible, it is recommended to remove fear and anxiety from your “diet”, because only positive thinking brings benefits. Consequently, psychics’ forecasts (even negative ones) should be passed through the prism of positive emotions, because then they will be neutralized and you won’t have to worry about any difficulties. Nobody knows whether Alexander Sheps’s predictions will come true or not, but if you believe in a bright future and go towards it, it will come very quickly.

A selection of predictions for 2017 from legendary seers like Nostradamus and Vanga to modern magicians who appeared on the “Battle of Psychics” program. Matrona of Moscow predicts the end of all humanity, which will come very soon, already in 2017. Saint Matrona said that in the evening all people would fall to the ground, and they would fall dead. The next morning everything will go underground. “Without war, you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground. In the evening everything will be on the earth, and in the morning you will rise - and everything will go into the earth. Without war, war goes on." A large number of people are seriously concerned about this prophecy, because it comes from a holy man. But, on the other hand, we have already passed through the possible ends of the world predicted by many clairvoyants so many times that we treat the next one with great distrust.

Nostradamus predicted the inevitability of the Third World War with the use of chemical weapons, into which Russia would be drawn. The result of the conflict will be a reduction in the number of inhabitants of European countries. The predictor also expected a serious confrontation between Islam and Christianity, in which China would somehow mystically intervene and be able to resolve the current conflict.

Fortune Teller Juna in her last message she saw the return of Igor Talkov and Russia’s exit from the crisis: “Igor will return to earth (...) in the form of a monument on Chistye Prudy. Then his soul will calm down (...) And in Russia, which Talkov loved so much, the crisis will end and dawn will begin,” she said.

Vanga expected that in 2016 a serious world conflict would begin in the Middle East region, which would lead to mass migration of Arabs to European countries and a religious war between followers of Islam and Christianity. In 2017, this conflict will lead to the Third World War, a number of countries will change their attitude towards Russia, and the latter will receive new allies.

Astrologer Pavel Globa expects that 2017 will be very difficult for Russia, but not hopeless. In this difficult year, all countries of the world are facing a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to “stay afloat” and strengthen its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country faces ruin and loss of authority. As for the European Union, it will be on the verge of rapid collapse. Due to this, we will observe economic and financial destruction in Western Europe. This will lead her to lose influence in the world. Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the American dollar. A sharp depreciation awaits him.

Winner of the sixth season of “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Litvin called 2017 a period of “education and comprehension of what has been passed.” For Russia, the year could become a turning point in spiritual terms; a favorable outcome is possible if the country reconsiders its approach and abandons intolerance and aggressiveness. In 2017, the composition of the government will change, people with altruistic thinking will appear in the cabinet. The well-being of Ukraine will largely depend on the atmosphere of Russian-Ukrainian relations.

Winner of the 16th season of the mystical show Alexander Sheps expects that a relatively difficult future awaits Russians, because Sheps’s predictions about what awaits Russia in 2017 can only be called negative. The clairvoyant says that the crisis, the end of which many economists predict for 2017, will continue for several long years, so it will simply not be possible to do without difficulties during this period. Sheps' forecast for 2017 assumes the development of all kinds of natural disasters throughout the world, due to which many people could die. It is assumed that Europe will suffer the most from natural disasters. In Ukraine, the medium is waiting for a change in the ruling elite, which will take place without bloodshed and riots.

Alexander Sheps, the famous psychic and talented magician, winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” compiled his own for Russia and its closest neighbors.

Prediction of Alexander Sheps for Russia

According to the magician, difficult political and economic times are close to ending, and an optimistic future awaits Russia. In the new year, our country will face not only the easing of economic and other sanctions, but also the resumption of normal ties with the countries of Western Europe.

In his horoscope for 2017 famous psychic predicted increased stabilization in the economic sphere, although the strengthening of the ruble will proceed very slowly. In politics, not everything is so smooth: mass unrest and military conflicts provoked by liberals are possible in the country. But Alexander Sheps calmed down, saying that it would not be possible to drag Russia into world war and revolution.

Prediction of Alexander Sheps for Ukraine

IN horoscope for 2017 Sheps predicted conservation pressing issue war and peace. However, Ukraine will face a change of power in the new year, but this will take place without mass unrest and bloodshed. First the parliament will resign, and then the president of the country.

The new government of Ukraine, according to Sheps prediction, in 2017 will begin to restore normal relations with the Russian Federation. Thanks to this, the country will experience a new round of development and positive improvements in all aspects of life.

Alexander Sheps spoke about his guardian angel

The psychic medium emphasized that much in 2017 will depend on the Russians themselves. Everyone is responsible for their own future and the future of our country. Do not forget about the guardian angel, then God will favor the people and our country.


Rating 5

2016 will soon come to an end. And it is quite natural that people began to be interested in predictions for 2017 for Russia and the world. And you can find out what popular clairvoyants and psychics say about this from this article. 1 Predictions for 2017. Introduction2 Prophecies for 2017 from Saint Matrona3 Predictions for..

Summary 5.0 excellent

2016 will soon come to an end. And it is quite natural that people began to be interested predictions for 2017 for Russia and peace. And you can find out what popular clairvoyants and psychics say about this from this article.

Predictions for 2017. Introduction

As the latest research into predictions for the coming period shows, the year 2017 will not be as rosy as we would like it to be. And if in the future we are faced with unpleasant situations and far from positive omens, then it is better to know as much as possible about them. You need to know what to prepare yourself for in the future.

In this article, our experts tried to collect the most truthful and realistic prophecies that may soon fall on our shoulders. These words of clairvoyants and psychics should be especially listened to.

You will have to decide on your own whether to believe these words thoroughly or simply draw a few simple conclusions. Our job is only to convey to the respected reader the comments and personal thoughts of the predictors.

Prophecies for 2017 from Saint Matrona

To date prophecies for 2017 Many psychics of the last century and many centuries before that have them. So, we hasten to tell you about the prophecies for 2017 that were made by Saint Matrona. And they bring considerable fear and understandable horror to modern society.

Many predictions that have survived to this day say that the year 2017 will be decisive for the whole world. The following words were also said:

“Many of the representatives of the human race will fall to the ground, and will never be able to rise again. Death will envelop their body"

What horror?! What incredible words? And Saint Matrona added that all this will happen in the dark. Everything underground will disappear by daylight. It turns out that if you carefully interpret the words spoken by the great fortuneteller Saint Matrona, you can understand that !!

It is likely that everything could happen completely differently. There will be a war without war. Everything will happen in the evening. Everyone will fall to the ground dead. There will be an incredible number of victims. And by morning, everything that remains will be swallowed up by the bowels of the earth. So, in the evening everything will still be on the surface, and by morning everything will go deep underground.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of the onset of 2017 at all. No one can say for sure that the blind seer Matrona could be talking about something else, because the interpretation can be different.

It is likely that in this situation we may be talking about a direct offensive new era. There is a huge chance that everything outdated will fade into the background. A new golden age will begin in the history of modern humanity.

As you know, many people who surrounded Saint Matrona spoke about her excessive piety and religiosity. There is still a possibility that this is not the end of the world. We are talking about the rebirth of human souls. The great seer tried to devote as much time as possible to internal rebirth human soul. And she also talked a lot about the soulless state, about the sharp and sudden loss of the soul. She talked about how a person can simply lose faith in the best.

A main reason The following factors will cause severe despiritation:

  • violent weather for benefit;
  • as well as money.

And each reader will be able to find out further whether the predictions of Saint Matrona coincide with the predictions of modern scientists.

Predictions for 2017 from Matrona and coincidences with scientific forecasts

But predictions about upcoming universal changes for 2017 came not only from Saint Matrona, but also from many other clairvoyants and psychics.

Much information about predictions was found from such great soothsayers and scientists as Blavatsky and Tsiolkovsky. Today, in the works of scientists you can find an incredible number of changes, shocks and innovations that are coming in 2017.

So, for example, Blavatsky said that the five-year period of global changes that began in 2012 is finally coming to an end, i.e. According to her, 2017 will be the final year in the most difficult period. And also Helena Petrovna Blavatsky argued that relationships within society would finally form and become holistic. Also, humanity will finally understand that it is necessary to pay attention not only to human relationships, but also to nature.

The Global Five-Year Plan changed the world of the future, so that the period from 2012 to 2017 became decisive for all humanity.

Here's another forecast. Moreover, according to Tsialkovsky, it is the worst - a catastrophe on a planetary scale. Just what can all this promise for modern human society? Let's live and find out everything in the future.

The great scientist Tsiolkovsky is ready to agree with his scientific colleague. His predictions for 2017 boil down to the fact that the real space era will come. The era of space exploration and travel will come for all modern humanity. All scientific works modern world they say that the year 2017 will be a breakthrough in the field of space exploration.

Today, the development of various technologies in the field of space research has reached such heights that flights to other planets of our Universe will become as common as a trip to the supermarket with the family.

In addition, Tsiolkovsky said that in 2017

There will be a certain leap in the development of modern humanity. People will finally move to a completely new level of development.

But if you pay attention to the other side of the coin, we can conclude that in the field of development of scientific technologies and the acquisition of new knowledge. All this can lead to disasters on a global scale. And this weight once again confirms what the Holy Matrona said.

Predictions for 2017 from Nostradamus

Today it is known for certain that Michel Nostradamus there were many predictions about the future. Moreover, they extended far beyond 2017. It is also known that Nostradamus hid all his books with numerous words about the future in the form of so-called quatrains. The poetic combinations of the famous European soothsayer revealed many secrets to humanity. Its volumes contained the most original and amazing predictions. And almost each of them is reflected in the world of human catastrophes and global problems human society.

And this is what the quatrain is talking about Michel Nostradamus' predictions for 2017:

“Out of his rage, someone will wait for water, and the army will remain agitated with incredible fury. All nobles will be loaded onto seventeen ships along the Rhone. And the messenger of future events will arrive late.”

It goes without saying that the message of the great predictor Michel Nostradamus was deciphered and this is what ultimately happened: just a few lines about the main thing.

In the near future, there will be an increase in humanity's need for such a resource as water. A huge number of reservoirs located on the territory of the French state will be polluted.

It will also be necessary to expect a big revolt in the ranks of the military (or the public), and everything will happen for the same reason - lack of water resources.

This will be followed by a global evacuation of the population. Moreover, most likely, only high-ranking officials will be able to escape. Only to save them will numerous ships be called in, which will take them away from the area that has undergone serious tectonic influences.

Predictions for 2017 from Pavel Globa

On this moment predictor Pavel Globa trusted by almost 78.32% of the population Russian Federation. After all, it was this predictor who was able to compose the clearest words about the upcoming events of past years. Moreover, many of these predictions were exactly confirmed by real actions.

As for 2017, Pavel Globa made very favorable forecasts:

  • firstly, Globa pointed out that economic and political stability would finally return to Russia.
  • secondly, the Russian Federation will finally become a leading state and gain incredible influence both in the east and in the west.

Despite the fact that today a huge number of different troubles and problems occur every now and then throughout the entire planet:

  • poverty;
  • migration crisis;
  • promotion general level unemployment;
  • general economic crisis;
  • numerous wars;
  • decrease in production level.

According to the predictor Pavel Globa, it is the Russian Federation that will be assigned the role of the very driving force that actually has a real opportunity to lead modern world society out of the rapidly developing global collapse.

Predictions for 2017. The end of the world according to the theory of hierarchical catastrophe

Of course, the question “who exactly is the author of this hierarchical theory” is quite understandable. And it should be answered first. So, this theory was written by Arthur Belyaev. It was this man who, thanks to the Moscow publishing house, published the book “Restoration of the Kingdom” in 1999. And it contains precisely this theory of hierarchical catastrophe.

This is what Arthur Belyaev writes about direct degradation in the area of ​​the spiritual plane. This person identifies several periods in the history of Russian society from the day the state adopted Christianity. Adoption new religion always ended with serious changes for human society. And each time the duration of these periods is seriously reduced. This suggests that each subsequent catastrophe occurs several tens of times faster, faster than in the previous period.

  • The first catastrophe of a hierarchical scale fell on the heads of Russians during the era of Peter I, which happened seven hundred years after the Great Baptism of Rus'.
  • Then follows the second stage of degradation. It must be counted from the direct reign of Peter I until the onset of revolutions and civil wars. The duration of this time stage was reduced to only two hundred and thirty years.
  • Then comes the Soviet stage - it is considered the third according to the theory of Arthur Belyaev. Its duration is seventy-five years. now will come the end of a temporary stage that lasted only twenty-five years. and its completion will happen in 2017.

However, the representative of the Pulkovo Observatory, Sergei Smirnov, openly says that he has never even heard of this theory.

The scientist also stated that each of Arthur Belyaev’s theories is characterized by a certain simplification of reality:

As usual in normal natural processes there are three or four steps that really show similar patterns, but then something else kicks in. And ultimately, the whole system collapses.

For this very reason, any hierarchical model necessarily collapses. Moreover, its use cannot harm people’s worldview and mislead them.

Predictions for 2017. New era of humanity

In order to understand this theory and predictions for 2017, one should treat human society as an aggregate created by an individual, who every now and then develops according to its own separate long-formed laws.

So it works. That, just like an individual person, humanity will sooner or later have to cease its direct existence on planet Earth.

But nature does not always imply the end of one of the stages and the beginning of a completely new one. In other words, evolution does not always occur. But if you turn to astrology and listen to the opinion of modern scientific astrologers, you can conclude that each of the stages human life controlled by celestial bodies:

  • Human childhood is patronized by the Moon;
  • As for adolescence, Mercury rules;
  • Then Venus enters in youth;
  • A person’s adult life is illuminated by the largest luminary in our Universe - the Sun;
  • Maturity goes into the domain of Mars and so on.

In accordance with characteristic features celestial bodies, the time periods of human development allocated for their beginning are lived:

  • The period of lunar influence is the birth of humanity, so to speak, the infancy of civilization and its primary conception of society. It was at this stage of development that the first tribes of Neanderthals appeared on the planet, who could not build homes for themselves and were limited to small shelters. The speech of these creatures was completely incomprehensible and slurred. It sounded like baby talk. However, one cannot take into account the fact that it is all these hundreds of sounds that will form the basis of the future language of human society.
  • Then comes the Mercury stage. Here the language takes on certain shapes and becomes understandable. All modern astrologers associate this planet with cunning, intelligence and dexterity. During this period of development of human society, the human race developed skills such as the ability to hunt, obtain food and sew clothes for personal use. Nature has practically lost one hundred percent power over humanity. Right now the Cro-Magnons are entering the “arena”. By external sign these creatures almost completely copy the appearance of modern humans.
  • We move on to the period under the auspices of the planet Venus. To the youth of human society. Since ancient times, the planet Venus has been associated with crafts, love, romance and art.
  • And when the Sun comes out, a person begins to be interested in such a phenomenon as higher power, deities and God. This time period marks the reign of kings, the development of churches and the like on the planet. The golden era of human society is coming.
  • And finally, warlike Mars comes. It has become a symbol of war, conquest and deadly battles. It is during Mars that migrations, crusades and wars occur. Mars was the time of invention of deadly weapons and gunpowder.
  • When Jupiter came, the world became richer. He was literally overwhelmed by multiple expansions, voyages and searches for gold. And power in society is finally moving from royalty to the richest people in this world. This stage began on the shores of Great Britain, and ended only during the heyday of America.
  • The next stage in the development of human society is ruled by the planet Saturn, the most distant in its location. Here totalitarianism comes first. A person chooses this type of society as the most acceptable. It turns out that each person becomes a detail of the overall system, a cog if you like. It is located in a certain place and performs its assigned function. Saturn in modern astrology is not only an influential planet, but also SATAN! It is for this very reason that during the direct reign of Saturn, the world was mired in two terrible wars, which wiped out a huge number of lives from the face of the planet and brought enormous grief. Churches were destroyed, large-scale concentration camps were rebuilt... in those distant times, it was believed that Russia was the most pious point globe. And it was on her that SATAN dealt the strongest blow.
  • After the bloodthirsty Saturn fell, Uranus came to replace it. He showed humanity that man is free and must fight for his right to freedom. But, unfortunately, there is also back side medals: nationalism, anarchy and extremism. And if you look back at what is happening in the world today, you can say for sure that this is exactly how it is.

It can also be noted that time is compressed, each subsequent period becomes several times shorter than the previous one, which is what the author of the theory of hierarchical catastrophes spoke about.

Nineteen years were allotted to Uranus for his reign, now Neptune is coming. He honors the clergy, the church, in other words, he comes first. The reign of this planet lasted for only five years. And so, the year 2015 ended and Pluto replaced Neptune.

Pluto is a symbol of new birth and incredible reunion. After this period, the end of the old world will finally come and the new life for humanity.

According to the predictions of the strongest astrologers and scientists, the year 2017 will be the year of birth of a new human society, the year of rebirth. And everything that is described in Old Testament, everything that the great prophets spoke about: by 2017, humanity must wait for a new savior. And Heaven will come on Earth.