How can you tell if a teacher is in love with a student? Our blog What should a teacher be like from the students' point of view? What teachers love about students

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. And today we will talk about what kind of relationship there can be between a teacher and a student, how to find out that a teacher is in love with a student, and why students generally fall in love with teachers. I’ll start with a short excursion into psychology.

Teacher-student relationship

Let's start with the love of a student for a teacher. According to many psychologists, an important component of feelings for a teacher is respect. After all, for many, a teacher is an indisputable authority who has to make decisions not only for himself, but also for many others. Moreover, the teacher is often such a dominant personality that some students even see in him something of a parent. I’m talking now about those students who lack the warmth and love of their parents, or whose fathers and mothers simply do not know how or do not want to make difficult decisions related to their children.

Meanwhile, at this age it is still quite difficult for boys and girls to build serious and trusting relationships with their peers. They are often uninterested in such relationships also because they lack elements of security and, no matter how strange it may sound, subordination. But communication with an older person can give them the necessary emotions.

What if the teacher fell in love? How to understand that a teacher is in love with a student, and what are the reasons for this feeling. I'll start answering from the end. I am talking now about a case when a teacher begins to experience warmer feelings for his student than just attention and care.

First of all, it is worth noting that in such situations, psychologists trace the development of the “puero” complex in an adult, or, in Russian, a teenager. You could even say that the person is relapsing a little into childhood. Most likely, such a man missed something good in his youth, or he really doesn’t want to say goodbye to this time. He is still immature internally, he does not feel his age. It’s understandable; it’s a shame for anyone to say goodbye to youth.

Hey, you want security and submission, not to mention confidence in the future. And the teacher wants to feel young again. And therefore, there is nothing prohibited (if, of course, the student is an adult) in such relationships. There is, however, family morality - if a person is married with children, then this is treason. And there is a charter of an educational institution in which such relationships may not be welcomed. One of my friends, a teacher, was asked to leave the pedagogical institute for her relationship with her student - and this happens. But that young lady was only three years older than her student.

How can you tell if a teacher is in love with a student? Basically, everything here is the same as with people. His gaze rests on her for a long time, he makes her stand out from the crowd, for example, he often asks or even makes comments. But it often happens completely differently, and the teacher deeply hides his feelings because of public opinion. And an affair with a student is generally a secret with seven seals. Although such a secret will still not last long due to the inexperience of the partner. And therefore, if you are going to start an affair with a student, you need to be a very confident person.

Love for a university teacher

From a psychological point of view, I already spoke about why such a feeling arises at the beginning. Now a little about everyday life. In fact, not everything is measured by strict rules, and falling in love during your student years is something that goes without saying. This is generally something that cannot be measured. As one English poet wrote, if you can understand why you love a person, your love will go away.

Love for a teacher, especially a young and attractive one, can arise in any university group. But how can all this end? It all depends on the persistence of the young lady and the depth of her feelings. After all Almost every man finds it difficult to resist when a young girl confesses her feelings to him. There are even those who specifically go to teach so that they can constantly be in such pleasant company. This is a kind of pickup of students from improved positions. But how serious can such a relationship be?

To be honest, most female students can be divided into three categories:

  • "Blue Stockings";
  • "Party Girls";
  • "Athletes."
And they will all express their warm feeling for the teacher in different ways. This first category of girls, as a rule, are modest and diligent, well-mannered students. Therefore, one can hardly expect open and quick recognition from them. In general, shyness and a sense of tact are considered their main character traits. They strive much more for knowledge, trying mainly through it to overcome their inferiority complex. But they are ashamed of feelings for the teacher and try to avoid them.

But if she does fall in love, then she rarely dares to admit her feelings. Her shyness will only increase, she begins to blush deeply when talking with her loved one, and may skip classes altogether or sit at the last desk. Such behavior is almost always noticed by her classmates, and therefore it becomes the subject of their jokes and gags. An intelligent teacher will notice this, but he is unlikely to want to reciprocate her feelings. After all, if he is young, a “blue stocking” is not always for him. What did he do to surprise her? As a rule, a certain collective image is formed in her head - an intelligent, kind, educated and adult man. She falls in love with her ideal.

But a girl who is an “athlete” is more likely to fall in love with a physical education teacher than with an English teacher. She can admire both his athletic figure and determination in a healthy lifestyle, as well as his past, rich in sports trophies. And training really brings us closer together. Athletes and athletes in general often combine their personal lives and sports careers. And that is why marriages between them are so frequent.
Such a student will first simply want to be the best compared to her friends - and not only in terms of sports results, but also in the eyes of the coach. Moreover, this desire is absolutely normal. But love can overtake her by surprise - from admiration, respect and the desire to appear better in his eyes to falling in love - one step.

How does she show her feelings? The athlete most often believes that the initiative must still come from her ideal, otherwise this image will be destroyed. She, of course, will give him hints about how to behave differently. But her desire for sports victories will only increase - because of the desire to please him, and thus become closer.

But the most extravagant and unpredictable are the “party girls”. Their behavior can generally shock the teacher. But she will only fall in love with a strong man, with well-developed masculine character traits, or impressive external characteristics. But the mental abilities of the object of adoration will be the last thing that worries the girl. And the man must also be successful, with an apartment, a car (family does not count), and the average age of candidates for her heart is approximately 35-45 years.

How does her love manifest itself? Very expressive. After all, these are not only passionate glances in class, but also loud comments, constant attention to the teacher that is not related to the topic of the lesson, frequent laughter and jokes about the teacher’s personal life. Therefore, soon the “special” relationship will be known not only to the entire group, but also to the entire department. This kind of girl generally loves to put the teacher in an awkward position, and may even lie in wait near the house.

What are the prospects for this relationship? If she achieves her goal, she will miraculously calm down, and for the time being, few people will know about the relationship, as long as everything suits her. But if there are competitors (for example, a wife), then this will not end well. Although why shouldn’t the teacher go to someone younger and more beautiful?.. Everything is individual, as they say.


The love of a teacher and a student at an institute is no longer nonsense. Feelings can arise on both sides, and this is quite normal. It is only important to treat this correctly.

The teacher must remember that he came to teach girls at the institute, and not to collect “trophies,” otherwise he will soon be asked to do so. And the student must understand what she really wants - an affair with a man older than her, and even with a teacher, is unlikely to last long.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

Good day, dear reader! Today's article is dedicated to types (types) of teachers who teach students at universities. After all, it is obvious to everyone that each person is individual in his own characteristics. Teachers are no exception, who are sometimes so strikingly different from each other that it seems that each of them lives on different planets - some of them are so immersed in the world of their science, which they teach to students at the university.

However, no matter how different people are, they can and should always be classified in order to know how to interact with whom correctly. After all, the approaches that you will use to successfully interact with him depend on the awareness of what kind of person is in front of you. The main thing is to understand what motivates people and then you will not have problems with your teacher.

After all, what a student ultimately needs is an excellent grade on the exam. So? So. Why lie? However, you should never “beg” for this or that assessment you need. It doesn't look good on a student. It is painted only by flawlessly completed work, taking into account the requirements of the teacher. This is why it is so important to know: this is where your action strategy for effective communications with him comes from.

After all, as usually happens: the teacher gives the topic of this or that course work, says general things and that’s it - write as you want. And students begin to write term papers, not even expecting that in the end they will have to rewrite them more than once in order to get the desired grade. And all because of what? That's right - due to the lack of primary information about the “hidden” requirements, which teachers often simply keep silent about. What are these “hidden” requirements?

These may include, for example, a certain author, a piece of text from whose textbook must be included in your course work, because The teacher respects this specialist very much.

We hope you understand the idea. What's next? Further, if you follow the logic, you need to understand where to get information about these very “hidden” requirements? It's simple: ask your teacher about them. Just don’t clumsily demand that the teacher lay them out for you on a silver platter. No. We are modern people and therefore you should use the psychological technique of indirect influence, i.e. try to get the teacher talking to such an extent that he himself, without noticing that you are essentially manipulating him, gives you all his “hidden” demands. And for all this, as you well understand, you need to know exactly.

Therefore, further we will consider 3 main type (kind) of teachers. This classification is very arbitrary, but it allows us to clearly identify the most noticeable differences in the behavior of teachers.

1. The teacher is a loudmouth.

This type (type) of teacher is very common in universities. Such a person can be characterized as follows: he constantly shouts with or without reason, does not let anyone get close to him, and never helps students with this or that task, which he himself sets.

You yourself don’t understand that it’s difficult to cope with this type (kind) of a teacher. However, difficult does not mean impossible. There are several options here. One of the most effective is the path “from above”, i.e. when you get together as a group and write a collective complaint about the teacher to higher management. Believe me, this really works, the main thing is to collect as many signatures as possible.

Just don’t be afraid that this kind of promotion will come back to haunt you. If a teacher really values ​​his work, then he will listen to the “recommendations” of his boss, read the dean of the faculty. If this kind of influence goes past his ears, i.e. if administrative influence does not have an effect on him, then he is a completely “finished” person who works only until the leadership changes. A new dean will come, and such an intractable teacher will be immediately fired.

If the current management may still keep this teacher at work in view of his previous merits, then the new manager does not like it when his subordinates “behave badly” with clients (read: students). The new dean will need to establish himself as a “good leader” who sees problems and can easily fix them. As you understand, such a problem for the new head of the department will be that very “screamer teacher.”

However, this situation is extremely rare. We hope that you will be able to avoid such a teacher by the will of fate. For the most part, loudmouth teachers are eccentric choleric people who simply cannot give in to “some student” in public. They believe that repeated explanations are not their concern, because they are too proud to explain the same material several times.

Therefore, the most effective “weapon” in this case is a one-on-one conversation. Try to talk to the teacher after class, when there are few people left in the room. Such teachers, as we have already said, do not like to give in to anyone in public. Such teachers love to win in any situation.

Another thing is a private conversation. If the teacher has at least a little sense (unlike the washed-up teacher we discussed above), then you will be able, within the limits of your dialogue abilities, of course, to find out from the teacher all the unclear points that you did not understand during the lecture. Or, as in our example, you can find out about those very “hidden” requirements that we also already talked about in this article.

The main thing here is not to argue with a loudmouth teacher, admire his merits as often as possible (if you manage to get him talking to such an extent that he will tell you about the “past past”) and quietly and imperceptibly “stick to your line.” However, in order to have such a conversation, you will need certain knowledge about the teacher. We wrote about this in more detail in our previous articles. Read there

2. The teacher doesn't care.

This type of teacher is also very common in universities. It is difficult to say what this is connected with; perhaps low salaries are to blame for everything, as a result of which the teacher loses interest in teaching students and becomes almost similar in behavior to the students themselves. Such teachers love to talk in pairs about life and politics. We often discuss various TV shows with students.

The students seem to have a good time. “Well, finally I’ve found a decent teacher,” the students think. However, you should not delude yourself about such liberal behavior of the teacher. Sometimes everything comes to an end.

Therefore, if you come across someone like this, we do not advise you to play on his nerves. Don’t go too far, thinking that you can do whatever you want with such a teacher. Respect the person, no matter what he is. It is quite possible that he behaves this way only because he wants to make the difficult academic life of students at least a little easier. Don't turn a kind person into an aggressive loudmouth. After all, you still have to take an exam or test for this teacher...

Therefore, summing up all of the above, I should tell you the following: if you behave like a human being, then you will be treated in the same way. Don’t wake up the fury in the “hamster”

3. The teacher is a rationalist.

It’s sad, but we meet this type (type) of a teacher very rarely. Apparently, almost all rationalists have already left higher education institutions due to the lack of further prospects. However, in universities there is still a small percentage of such teachers who are faithful to their science. It is easiest for a student to build relationships with such people, provided that the student studies conscientiously. If you are one of these students, then you should not have any problems in the discipline taught by this teacher.

Even if you don’t understand something, a teacher of this type is always happy to come to your aid and explain a part of the lecture that you don’t understand. The same applies to difficult moments when writing a term paper. Such a teacher will never keep his “hidden” requirements for writing a term paper secret, because he simply doesn’t have those.

Therefore, if you come across this one, then try to build an honest, trusting relationship with him, conscientiously attend classes and do the necessary work according to the curriculum, and then you will not have problems passing the exam, test or course work.

Conclusion: In this article, we looked at 3 main types (types) of teachers who teach at universities. Of course, there are other types of teachers, however, it seems to us that it is these 3 main groups that most clearly demonstrate the diversity of the teaching staff that is represented in any university in the country.

If you are just about to enter college, then you were probably interested in learning about what types (types) of teachers exist in the student community

Son Of A TimeMachine, 11/06/00
It is because of such assholes that millions of students die from a broken heart or a nervous breakdown every six months. And before that, they spend half a day (well, some spend two whole days preparing) shaking, learning something, hoping for a freebie...

Son Of A TimeMachine, 11/06/00
Angry teacher, this is the wrong approach to business. Remember how you hated evil teachers... And now you are promoting their methods? It would be better if you became an evil dean and chased away teachers :-)

Fade, 12/01/01
AAAA!!! Freaks! I hate evil teachers! Damn creatures, where do you get so much anger from?! After all, it’s not difficult to give a person a pass if you see that he knows EVERYTHING except the ticket he pulled out!... well, bad luck, well, sometimes it doesn’t! These bastards will mock for a long time and then BAD!! Hate them!

STEEP, 19/01/01
For stupidity and stubbornness. Especially if their subject is complete crap and no one needs it, and they don’t want to take the test automatically, or they flounder in the exam...

Chukchi, 15/06/01
Because young, pretty and sweet girls should be given a positive mark in any discipline on any exam, right up to the defense of their diploma, for the very fact of their appearance in the classroom. And the one who starts asking them all sorts of nonsense like whether the underage degenerate was really undersized like Decl or overgrown like Kirkorov, is simply a rabid sadomasochist fanatic, however

Nipple, 15/06/01
In life they think that they are smarter than students, when this is not the case!

KAMIKADZE, 12/10/01
I hate teachers who go on and on about something. Any favorite topic. He gets stuck on his quirk and bores him without a break. He probably thinks that everyone should be sick of his hobby. No one listens to everything anymore, but he is still riding his mare. Damn, and then he drives all over everything. Well, why ask something else then? I HATE IT!

Fi - 103 "Reichenberg" IV, 29/03/02
And I hate my teachers too! I especially hate Marina A.D., whose life STINKS terribly of Ampicillin! The creature gets drunk and smells all over the university. It’s not just the students who are being bullied, but the entire department. Doesn't he really notice?! Sheep. Rat. I hate it. Throughout life he looks at me as an enemy of the people. Still so tall, bitch! He looks from top to bottom, and does not lower his head, only his eyes. Like a cockroach.. What a bastard!..

Kofemolka, 12/01/03
The golden phrase “A good teacher is a dead teacher,” especially old professors who are well over 50! Some of them are too in love with their subject, they find fault with exams and try to fail. It’s somehow easier with young people, it’s possible even on YOU. When I saw our Englishman, I thought I was a senior student! Cool, we even exchange text messages with him :) I can’t dare to call such people TEACHER. I can only call the old farts and the physical education teacher that way, although he is only 37. Still a TEACHER, so half-curly, with a receding hairline and in an acid-yellow hat. In one word: LOH. Remember: “A good teacher is a dead teacher!!!”

Wasp_is_Spb, 24/03/03
those freaks! they give students such tasks that they have to sit at the computer 24 hours a day, their brains swell

Offended Sporty, 18/04/04
I HATE TEACHERS because they love only those students who “lick one place” for them. Teachers also love students who constantly sit on the first desk and assent to incompetent teachers who consider themselves scientific geniuses. All the teachers are smug. THEIR OPINION is the only correct opinion. And their subject is the most important in the entire university, and without this subject we cannot manage in life. Were the teachers really not students??? If there were, then they should know what kind of students there are and distinguish between suckers and really thinking people. I don’t respect teachers who assert themselves at the expense of students, humiliating students. Unfortunately, there are a lot of teachers at the university who just make you want to wash your face - they're just DIRTY.

YmnayaKotya, 12/01/08
I hate teachers too! I always go ahead in exams. I never use any spurs. I can answer without preparation. Because I take my studies seriously: I’m interested in everything and need to know. My classmates are always shocked: they don’t give me A’s. :((almost never. I HATE teachers! This is my second tower, and I already understood for sure - they are all basically complex suckers!!! They can’t stand smart and beautiful girls. These are their concepts - incompatible!!!

Language, 17/01/09
I hate teachers because when a young teacher who graduated from university last year pretends that we are all stupid and he is the smartest!!! Yes, she knows a little more than us!!! and now it’s coming at us! It’s a shame that a special subject is taught by such an unbiased young teacher((

Andrew1234, 17/03/09
There are very good teachers who really find an approach for each person separately. Of course, someone said that teachers are our knowledge... but... the teacher only knows the basics, dig deeper, and you can see the wild faces of amazed teachers who don’t know what to answer you. And some people even hate you, knowing that the student knows more than the teacher. For example, they asked for a coursework... I said, “I’ll write you a wildly hellish file encoder that you’ll sit and puff at to decipher until you retire,” and he said, “Nope, I don’t like it, let’s do something more interesting.” ..." hmm... Am I a clown, should I entertain him with something interesting? This old wild moose had never written a single program in his life, and he even contorted his face so much when talking about the program. Well, that’s exactly how it always works out. Those who did something themselves, with their own hands, will receive the same grades (C) as those who downloaded everything from the net. That's why I don't respect them - for disrespecting the honest work of students.

DeLanro, 08/06/09
I also hate teachers, but not all of them... there is a small group of normal ones... and the rest are moral monsters, the criteria by which I hate them: the most boring lectures, treating students like in school, psychological pressure, thinking oneself is superior to others is off the charts , stupid questions for students, overly high demands, singling out favorites, comparing ordinary students with overage students (when a 40-year-old woman is studying in the group) and classifying the latter as excellent students, and the former as almost poor students.

Islama, 29/06/09
Basically, at my former university there are teachers who like to gossip about students; moreover, if a student is not in class for some reason, then they throw mud at him, and if he is, they lick his ass. I simply do not respect such teachers

Erika Ella, 24/08/10
I hate my teachers. I deeply despise them. They are just real psychos who have no opinions of their own! Every summer, instead of relaxing, I drink valerian. I would strangle these bastards!

Alenuwka, 04/09/10
Hate them! I can’t say this about everyone, but most of them are bastards of the highest category. Everything could be tolerated if the level of their knowledge corresponded to the title of “university teacher”! They don’t teach anything, they walk around showing off, saying that the students themselves are to blame, although they themselves are creating problems for them...

ppc2010, 12/09/10
Not all naturally, but most. Because they destroy students' motivation. Plus, the teachers don’t pass the psychological test, so they come across moral monsters. Everything they give at the university is nonsense and sucks. If you are so smart, take a normal book and study from it, or better yet, more books and ask people what they encounter in your future profession, then I will consider the person smart. And if he stupidly rushes through the university program and is chasing grades, you are the idiot, not the smart one. Evaluation is nothing, nothing will happen until you want it. Everything here is based on stereotypes, like study well and you will have everything. I would paraphrase more accurately: “study well, and when you graduate, dad will buy you a Lexus and get you a cool job.” Then it makes sense to listen to the nonsense of teachers. We were loaded at the university, so what? I didn’t learn anything useful, only insomnia appeared and I learned how to apply for a course and a diploma. All this is heresy, it’s sickening to look at the “Cinderellas” who pretend to be intelligentus in class.

feisty thorn, 11/10/10
because they want money, they fleece poor students. I studied until the 3rd year without a single C grade, I did everything myself. and then you see, the director of my course project got pregnant, and she apparently went crazy. took the three and slapped it. Do you think this is reasonable? far from it. sits all day long, stupid, has an idea about herself who knows what, doesn’t work, but only pretends. If you don’t go to her, she’s always eating her cakes. I hate her. I’ll bring her a cake with cream for the coffin lid, let her choke in the next world. so that she feels bad. It’s because of rotten people like these that our record books and nerves deteriorate!

kotikkiev, 29/03/11
I have a conflict with a teacher at the university! I HATE IT! This person is absolutely stupid in terms of communicating with students. Divides our group into types of stupid and smart, and right in everyone’s face, although who is he?! a girl under 25 years old, with terrible pronunciation of English (for a foreign language teacher), mumbles something very quietly, and is also somewhat deaf to everything, or maybe she always specifically asks again to confuse her thoughts! She clearly hates me so much, although I don’t understand why?! I’m generally a calm student, not an upstart, always friendly, but this goat will always single me out, humiliate me, and when she sees that I’m ready for a task at 100, she simply ignores and interrupts.. She used to be a downtrodden nerd and believes that everyone should be like her - absolutely stupid idiots who only hammer away at their subject without developing anything else! So she takes it out on me and a couple of other people, because she sees that we are not such downtrodden suckers as she is, but have our own opinion and lifestyle! I should strangle her!

samane, 24/10/11
I hate evil teachers when they laugh at you and mock you FREAK CREATURES and when they pair you I HATE. I have a teacher like that in my tech, finally, he’s an asshole.

What should a teacher be like from the students' point of view?

It is no secret that mastering a subject largely depends on the teacher’s ability to correctly present the material. What qualities should a teacher have in order to interest students in the subject being studied? Which teachers can be confidently called ideal?

For most people, their first acquaintance with teachers begins at an early age, namely from the moment they enter kindergarten. Then comes the school, where teachers not only teach children, but also lay the moral foundations of the individual, teach norms of behavior and unspoken laws of life.

Upon entering the institute, each applicant is already a formed individual, with his own opinions and preferences. Naturally, the attitude towards teachers in adolescence changes radically. It is difficult for a student to unquestioningly obey the will of the teacher, especially if the teacher does not show the slightest interest in the student.

It should be noted that university teachers are not just teachers, whose main task is simply to competently present the discipline being studied. University teachers are a kind of mentors, helping students find a place in life, master their favorite business and become a true professional in their chosen profession. It is obvious that in this situation the requirements for teachers are much higher than in primary educational institutions.

From the point of view of students, a university teacher must have a certain set of qualities that will make the learning process as effective as possible. Conventionally, we can highlight the following qualities that must be met: best teacher, and which should be missing:

Positive traits

Negative qualities

Politeness, respect

Familiarity, familiarity

Communication skills

Closedness, silence



Excellent subject knowledge



Nervousness, rudeness

Ability to admit mistakes


Tolerance, caring, punctuality


In addition to these qualities, there are other aspects that an ideal teacher must meet. It is worth considering in more detail the basic requirements that students have for the image of a good teacher.


Students can forgive the teacher for many negative qualities, but not poor knowledge of the subject being taught. The teacher must be a true professional who never stops developing and improving. Otherwise, the teacher should not expect the respect of the students.

Communication skills.

It is difficult to become interested in a subject if the teacher is closed, silent and reluctant to make contact. The teacher must be able to find a common language with the student. But, it should be noted that when communicating with students, the teacher should not allow familiarity and familiarity, as well as an arrogant attitude. It should be noted that a language teacher must first of all be able to find contact with students, since speaking practice plays a big role in learning the subject.

Subject submission form.

This quality plays a decisive role in the perception of knowledge. Boring, tedious lectures delivered in a monotonous quiet or excessively loud voice cannot be perceived properly. Most likely, the lecture material will be forgotten by students immediately after leaving the classroom. Lectures should not be a dry presentation of facts; the material should be able to interest listeners.

We should not forget about periodic pauses during which students could take a short break from constantly recording the lecture. An English teacher, however, like any other lecturer, must first of all have good diction so that listeners can correctly perceive and write down the material.

Good teachers, like ours, teach not only the subject, but also the correct application of knowledge in everyday life, the ability to analyze and obtain the necessary information. A good teacher always appreciates the initiative and curiosity of students, encourages the ability to think rationally and look for new ways to solve certain problems.

An ideal teacher can not only admit and correct his own mistake, but also analyze all the possible reasons that could lead to an erroneous conclusion. In this way, the teacher can prevent possible future mistakes by students.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the ideal teacher should first of all be of interest to students as a full-fledged, comprehensively developed personality who can become a subject to emulate.

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