Is it possible to eat nuts when losing weight, which ones and in what quantity. Peanuts for weight loss Does peanuts help to lose weight

The peanut is a peanut belonging to the legume family. Peanuts have a fairly high calorie content, so it is difficult to call it a very dietary product. Be that as it may, there is a well-known peanut diet, which makes it possible to make adjustments to your figure. It will not be out of place for everyone to learn about the beneficial qualities of peanuts, and how to properly conduct a diet with its use.

Useful properties of peanuts

Peanuts are high in nutritional value because they are made up of healthy sugars, carbohydrates, complete protein, and unsaturated fatty acids. Peanuts contain vitamins B, C, E, D and PP, as well as a number of minerals. A rather rare linoleic acid is found in peanuts, which prevents the development of sclerosis. It is also known that if you use peanuts in small quantities, you can cleanse the body of cholesterol and prevent the development of oncology and cardiovascular diseases.

Recent studies of peanuts have shown that this product not only promotes the breakdown of fats, but also cell renewal. It is generally accepted that raw peanuts are not so useful for the body, so they must be boiled or roasted.

Peanut Diet Diet

The peanut diet is based on the high nutritional value of the nut. According to the recommendations of this methodology, in order to achieve weight loss, it will be enough just to reduce the calorie content of your diet by 500 kcal, and instead eat a handful of nuts or a spoonful of peanut butter, which will suppress your appetite very effectively.

The peanut diet does not require the abandonment of familiar foods. She only offers to count calories and reduce them to the mark of 1500 kcal per day. This will create optimal conditions in order to start losing weight. Regular physical activity will help to achieve even greater results.

While following the peanut diet, priority foods should be:

Drinking diet can consist of any unsweetened drinks, but it is very important to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily.

Contraindications to the peanut diet

Osteoarthritis, arthritis, and gout are reasons for not following a peanut diet. It is also very important to remember that peanuts can cause an allergic reaction in some people, especially if they are not peeled and heat treated. It is also very important to take into account that if peanuts are stored incorrectly, aflatoxins can form in it, which are poisonous to our body.

In general, we can say about the peanut diet that this is a simple weight loss system that does not require major changes in your usual diet, but at the same time is highly effective.

Peanuts for weight loss is one of the most popular products used for this purpose. Thanks to the flow of information, for those who want to lose weight, the most diverse choice of diets is provided. Peanuts contain a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants, as a result of which the heart activity is normalized, the skin is cleansed and smoothed, becoming elastic and acquiring a fresh and attractive appearance. According to research by leading American nutritionists, the peanut is not only very useful, but also helps to speed up the process of losing weight.

Attention should be paid to the fact that both raw and roasted peanuts are considered a rather high-calorie product (550kcal per 100g). The composition of the peanut contains 40% fat, 25% protein, 10% carbohydrates. The presence of vitamins is limited to the list: vitamins E, C, PP and B.

In addition, peanuts are rich in minerals, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and copper. You can use it in combination with diet therapy, as well as as an independent product, with the goal of losing extra pounds.

However, the usual diet cannot be left the same. It should definitely be cut down, slightly reducing portions. To achieve a visible effect, you must consume one tablespoon of peanuts or peanut butter, the calorie content of which is 500 kcal. Nuts should be eaten regularly, taking this as a rule.

At the same time, you should not refuse to eat other foods. Peanuts, among other things, have the ability to reduce appetite, so that when correcting nutrition, special efforts are not required.

Read also:

About the benefits of brisk walking for weight loss.

In parallel with peanuts, you should not abuse other types of nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, pine nuts and cashews. Nutritionists advise including only peanuts in the diet as recommendations. In this case, the main condition is to reduce the total calorie content of all food by at least 200 kcal. Only in this case, the peanut diet will not disappoint its adherents. Be sure to consume peanuts regularly for several months, without missing a single day. Nuts, in addition to all of the above, are considered a powerful natural antioxidant that can protect the body from the negative effects of decay products.

Due to the vitamins contained in the product, the functionality of the nervous system returns to normal, all types of memory improve. In addition, peanuts are able to restore elasticity to blood vessels, improve blood condition and increase hemoglobin levels. All useful properties are equally inherent in both raw nuts and fried ones. However, it is worth noting that most gourmets prefer eating roasted peanuts, on the grounds that their taste is much higher.

Peanut butter is an equally popular weight loss remedy. In the field of medicine, they even began to use it as a medicine for diabetes mellitus, when the presence of extra pounds in no way contributes to the remission process.

Combining diets and eating nuts

Considering the fact that peanuts were and remain a natural product that is able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of the necessary energy, while speeding up metabolic processes and promoting weight loss, nutritionists have come to the need to explore all the pros and cons of combining diet therapy and eating peanuts. So,

  1. Large portions of peanuts are harmful to the human body, despite the fact that the product is a natural plant component. For the category of people who set out to lose a few pounds, an excess portion will only add extra calories. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of a peanut diet thoroughly.
  2. Due to the high content of fats in the composition of nuts, peanuts are a poorly digestible product. This should be taken into account for those people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or enzyme deficiency. Peanut diet therapy is contraindicated for them.
  3. As a plus, one can note the fact that peanuts can replace meat when compiling a diet. This statement is based on the fact that nuts contain a sufficient amount of protein.
  4. Peanuts contain many vitamins and minerals, which allows them to be included in the menu, given this feature.
  5. Roasted nuts are considered a lighter food for the stomach compared to raw nuts and are more digestible. However, there are several negative points here: when exposed to high temperatures, the most beneficial fatty acids contained in nuts are destroyed. In addition, they can form carcinogenic substances;
  6. The use of nuts and peanut butter can cause allergic reactions in the body.

Nut diet with dried fruits

Among the large availability of trendy diets, everyone is trying to find exactly the one that will be most suitable for him. One of the vaunted weight loss diets is the dried fruit and nut diet. Its use involves weight loss up to one kilogram per day. In this case, the course of diet therapy is 5 days. To begin with, you should stock up on the necessary dried fruits: dried apricots, candied fruits, dried apples, dried pears and prunes.

The menu includes dried fruits and peanuts.

To prepare the mixture, it is enough to take 350 gr. dried fruits and 200 gr. roasted or raw peanuts. The components are mixed and ready to use. The resulting vitamin composition must be eaten during the day. It is advisable to divide the portion into several doses. During a diet of drinks, it is allowed to drink weak tea or water.

One of the main positive aspects of following this diet is that by eating dried fruits and candied fruits, the body does not feel hunger and lack of sweets. Consequently, the mood of a person remains positive, and extra pounds quickly and irrevocably go away.

There is nothing tricky in this diet, while for several days there is no need to stand at the stove for a long time. You can take the vitamin mixture with you to work, on a trip, use it while walking in the fresh air, and so on. Its use makes it possible to saturate the body with vitamins and normalize the activity of the immune system. However, as with any other diet, there is a downside to the coin. It is categorically contraindicated for those people who have problems with the functioning of the liver and stomach.

It should be noted that the diet is calculated strictly on calories and provides for the presence of a psychological attitude. If a person breaks loose and starts eating additional foods or adding the same mixture to himself, then the diet will not bring results.

Peanut Diet

At the moment, there is a separate diet based on the use of peanuts. The fact that peanut butter and the nuts themselves can suppress appetite and hunger has long been known to scientists. Using a peanut diet for weight loss, you can greatly improve the metabolic processes in the body, especially for fat metabolism. Such a diet involves eating a tablespoon of nuts every day. The rest of the food should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, lean fish and meat.

Before the diet, it is advisable to take an allergy test.

If everything is in order with the indicators of clinical tests, then the diet can be applied without any fear. The same goes for the peanut butter diet.

Here is a sample menu when compiling this diet:

  1. Breakfast: one medium banana, 5 almonds, oatmeal with milk.
  2. Snack: a couple of peanut butter breads, two apples.
  3. Lunch: 250 g boiled breast with tomatoes.
  4. Dinner: Three peanut butter loaves.

When choosing a diet for weight loss, you should always rely on the advice and recommendations of experienced nutritionists, not forgetting to take into account the characteristics of your own body.

The article discusses peanuts for weight loss. You will learn the composition of the product, its beneficial properties and contraindications, understand whether it is possible to eat a nut on a diet or not, get acquainted with peanut-based products, the daily rate of their use during weight loss.

Peanuts can be eaten when losing weight, this is a great snack option

Peanuts are a valuable product for weight loss, it is also useful in a normal diet. The chemical composition of the nut:

  • vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, D, PP);
  • trace elements (zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium);
  • alimentary fiber;
  • unsaturated acids;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates of the product in question are quickly absorbed in the human body.

Peanuts are useful for weight loss, as they contribute to:

  • improving the digestive process;
  • reduction in subcutaneous fat.

Dietary fiber, which is part of the product, perfectly satisfies hunger., contributing to the rapid filling of the gastric space, reducing the volume of the stomach. In order not to burden the stomach, it is impossible to eat peanuts in the evening when losing weight.

Proteins contribute to the improvement of muscle function, its growth. Therefore, men can eat nuts on a diet, because with a lack of nutrients, the body takes energy not only from body fat, but also from muscle mass.

In consultation with a nutritionist, you can find out what other nuts you can eat on a diet. Please consult with your nutritionist before incorporating a new food into your diet.

How to eat peanuts on a diet

On a diet, you can eat different nuts, because they are rich in vitamins and trace elements. The calorie content of peanuts is 552 kcal per 100 g, so it is important to observe the daily dose of peanuts when losing weight. For many, this figure is almost half of the allowable calorie content per day, so when losing weight, peanuts can be eaten in the morning and not more than 30 g at a time.

How much peanuts can you lose weight? The daily norm of peanuts with a diet is 5-10 pieces per day. In order not to get a negative result, it is enough to follow the rules:

  • When losing weight, do not eat roasted peanuts, since when roasted, the product loses most of the vitamins. In addition, roasted peanuts increase appetite.
  • Do not eat nuts at night when losing weight.
  • Do not eat salted peanuts when losing weight, especially in the evening.

You have learned the standard advice of a nutritionist for eating peanuts when losing weight.

Peanut butter and oil for weight loss

In addition to the nut itself, the menu can include peanut butter and butter

You can eat nuts on any diet (even Dukan at the third stage “Stabilization”), but in small quantities. In addition to nuts during the period of weight loss, you can also use products from them:

  • peanut butter;
  • peanut butter.

Peanut butter is a nutritious product that is useful for losing weight, because during this period the body does not receive enough vitamins, micro and macro elements necessary for its functioning. By eating peanut butter in small amounts in the morning, the body will replenish the reserves of nutrients. Peanut butter is a great snack option, it allows you not only to reduce the amount of food consumed, but also to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Peanut butter is a unique product obtained by pressing peanuts, rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements. This product is allowed to be used not only internally, but also externally, for example, rubbed into the roots of the hair, the bases of the nails, because the first thing that suffers when dieting for a long time is hair and nails.

The daily rate of peanut butter and butter should not exceed 4 tsp. in a day. This portion, as well as the norm of nuts, you can divide into several receptions.

Contraindications for use

Like most healthy foods, peanuts have contraindications:

  • individual intolerance and tendency to allergies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • stones in the kidneys.

Peanuts for weight loss - reviews

Margarita, 29 years old

I have been struggling with excess weight for a long time and have tried a lot of diets, so the condition of my hair and nails is simply disgusting. Having learned about the benefits of raw peanuts, I decided to try to include it in my diet and, indeed, after a week I began to notice that the heightened feeling of hunger that had tormented me throughout all diets was gone, as was a couple of centimeters on my hips.

Oksana, 42 years old

I had to go on a diet for reasons beyond my control, so the process of losing weight is difficult for me - I constantly want to eat, my head hurts. And then her hair began to fall out and her nails began to break. I started sounding the alarm. The advice of a friend who consumes peanut butter in the morning helped me cope with the situation.

For more information about nuts for weight loss, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Raw peanuts are a high-calorie product rich in vitamins, microelements, proteins and dietary fiber.
  2. Peanuts help to normalize digestion processes, reduce appetite, reduce stomach volume and increase muscle mass with additional physical activity.
  3. It is possible and even necessary for a man to eat peanuts when losing weight.
  4. Peanut is contraindicated in persons suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, in particular, enzyme deficiency, prone to the formation of kidney stones and having an allergic reaction to the product.
  5. You can eat raw peanuts while losing weight.
  6. It is allowed to replace the nut with peanut butter or paste, but in a small amount, their calorie content is as high as that of peanuts when losing weight.
  7. You can lose weight on peanuts, but before including them in your diet, consult a nutritionist.

Love nuts, but are afraid to gain excess weight, the question is: “Is it possible to lose weight with peanuts?” then you should read this article.

Peanuts are native to South America. This beautiful country became the starting point from which the nut spread throughout the world. Sailors helped him in this. With their help, the product got to other continents.

Now this is a familiar phenomenon for us, which can be seen on the shelves of almost any grocery store. In addition, everyone can grow such a product on their own personal plot. The plant is quite unpretentious, so you can safely experiment.


If you have problems with being overweight, then you probably thought about the question: “Is it possible to eat peanuts with a diet?”. This is a controversial issue, so let's consider it in more detail.

Peanuts are classified as high-calorie substances. There are about 560 calories in 100 grams of nuts. Those who are on a diet know that 1000 calories is considered the norm. That is, in fact, eating 100 grams of peanuts, you get half the calories you need. Thus, the possibility of using other products is reduced. In order to simply maintain a figure, no more than 1200 calories are needed, which is not much more.

Peanuts cope well with the feeling of hunger and saturate the body with the necessary substances. It can be used as a snack. To do this, it is enough to eat 10 - 12 nuts. This is approximately 50 grams. This way you get certain vitamins and you can safely eat other foods, since 50 grams is only 280 calories.

From this follows the answer to the question "Do you get fat from peanuts?" - no, if you count calories and do not abuse the product. Otherwise, it can cause excess weight.

The benefits of peanuts

As already mentioned, peanuts are a powerful vitamin complex. In its composition you will find a lot of vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements. It is recommended to use it to lower cholesterol levels and speed up metabolism.

There is a version that it is even necessary to eat peanuts with a diet. Since, due to the presence of vitamins D, B, PP, it is possible to reduce the consumption of other, more high-calorie foods. Thus, the peanut is useful for excess weight, if used wisely.

Scientists' point of view

Opinions about the benefits and harms of peanuts for weight loss are divided. Scientists also tried to answer the question: "Is it possible to eat peanuts for those who follow the figure?". Some of them have proven that the protein and dietary fiber in the composition of the product saturate the body even when consumed in small quantities. Thus, by eating just a few nuts, your body receives an energy reserve that will last for a couple of hours. As a result, we have a fairly small amount of food consumed, and this helps to reduce the stomach and, accordingly, lose weight.

Others are of the opinion that the high content of carbohydrates in peanuts will cause excess weight. This applies to both the use of nuts in its pure form, and the products in which they are included.

Based on this, it follows that you can eat peanuts with a diet, but do it wisely. No more than two or three nuts as a dessert, or about 10 - 15 pieces as an independent snack. Remember that every body is different, so different foods can produce different results. Eat without exceeding the norm and then the question: “Do they get fat from peanuts?” stop worrying you, and you can enjoy your favorite treat without harming your health.

Peanuts for weight loss: Video

A beautiful figure is the subject of dreams of many girls. Luxurious forms require adjustments in nutrition and physical activity. Sometimes, due to an improperly selected diet, the body experiences an acute shortage of vitamins, as a result of which serious illnesses can develop.

Then many losing weight pay attention to nuts and their nutritional value. Will such food slow down weight loss, what nuts can you eat when losing weight, and is it possible to eat nuts on the Dukan diet, which is recognized as one of the most highly effective in the world?

It is no secret that nuts are a high-calorie dish, about 700 kcal per 100 g. Looking at this figure, women forever put fruits on the list of prohibited foods. However, to date, nutritionists have proven that nuts during a diet are not only possible, but also necessary.

What is the use

The transition to a new diet has always caused stress in the body. First of all, the kidneys, liver and heart suffer. To reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, the menu must include peanuts or almonds. The fruits also prevent the development of type II diabetes.

Of course, no one is forcing you to eat nuts in handfuls. The researchers found that the fruit contains a large amount of protein, fiber and monounsaturated fats.

Almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts are best for the diet, as they contain more beneficial micronutrients.

Positive sides from the use of nuts:

  • There are 20-25 g of protein per 100 g of the product, which is involved in the formation of the muscular system.
  • The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in them prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Due to the low glycemic index of the product, the appetite is reduced.
  • Stimulates brain activity and the nervous system.

Is there any harm

Despite all the positive properties, nuts also have negative sides:

  • Significant calorie content.
  • Almost all types of nuts contain oxalates, which are the cause of kidney stones.
  • An allergic reaction is possible, especially for peanuts.

We can say that nuts on a diet are allowed to eat. It remains only to figure out: in what quantity, and which nuts are the most useful for losing weight.

How much to eat

Usually, the fruits are used as snacks for lunch or afternoon tea. Often, losing weight put them in a salad, add to soups. It is not only tasty, but also healthy. The maximum allowable daily intake of the product is 30 g. If your nutrition program includes calorie counting, then do not forget to include the calories of nuts.

There is a misconception that nuts are strictly prohibited. To some extent, this statement is true. Fruits are prohibited in the first 2 phases "Attack" and "Alternation", and starting from the "Stabilization" phase, nuts can fully enter your diet.

Briefly characterizing each variety, we can say that almonds, cashews and peanuts do not contribute to weight gain when losing weight. On the contrary, they help to keep the weight in the same value, if it is reasonable to consume them. For example, 30 g of peanuts activates metabolic processes and leads to energy wasting. If you doubt the weight loss properties of fruits, then read the positive reviews about the successful experience of taking them for those who have lost weight.

  • Walnut - 15 pcs.;
  • Almonds - 25 pcs.;
  • Cedar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Forest - 26 pcs.;
  • Cashew - 18 pcs.

By following this dosage, you do not risk overeating and gaining extra pounds.

Many losing weight ask: are dried fruits acceptable for weight loss, and in what quantities? Dried fruits can be eaten with or after meals. The daily requirement for them is 40 g, the rest is already considered extra calories. Raisins, dried apricots, figs, dried pineapple and prunes are suitable for use.

Do not be afraid to eat nuts and dried fruits on a diet. With the correct calculation of the daily portion, you are not threatened with gaining excess weight.


Definitely the most popular nuts in our region. You can find them in your garden, in the market or in a store at an affordable price. Can you eat walnuts if you want to lose weight, and how will this affect your appearance?

The product is rich in vitamins. Here are present:

  • microelements of group B, E, A, C;
  • zinc, potassium;
  • iron and phosphorus;
  • cellulose.

The unique composition of the fruit will provide your body with all the necessary components. Walnuts are useful for a diet, but experts do not recommend eating them on an empty stomach. It is best to consume them after a small serving of vegetables or fruits.

With a walnut diet, you can eat 20 g of the product daily and drink it with fruit juice. The ideal option is nuts for breakfast, as they will energize you for the whole day.

Despite the beneficial properties of the fruit, some people who lose weight need eliminate them from the diet:

  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diseases that do not exclude surgical intervention.

As for the nutritional value of the product, walnuts are quite high in calories when losing weight. per 100 g:

  • 654 kcal;
  • Proteins - 15.2 g;
  • Fats - 65.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 7.0 g.

The glycemic index of the walnut is 15. Walnuts for weight loss also contribute to the loss of excess weight, provided they are consumed correctly.


Connoisseurs of this delicious nut often ask a specialist a question: is it possible to eat peanuts on a diet? Of course you can, because the peanut is rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

  • copper, calcium, magnesium;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, D, E and PP.

Even peanut butter, known all over the world, is allowed by nutritionists. It can be eaten for breakfast by spreading a small piece of toast. After eating such a piece, the body will be saturated with energy for a couple of hours. Peanut has the following nutritional values ​​per 100 g:

  • 551 kcal;
  • Proteins - 26.3 g;
  • Fats - 45.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.9 g.

The glycemic index of the product is 15. Peanuts must be included in the diet, because it is completely absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on memory and hearing. In addition, nuts have a choleretic effect.

Allergy sufferers should use nuts with caution, because it is peanuts that are considered the strongest allergen in their group.

Pine nuts

What nuts can quickly make you feel full? The impromptu ranking is headed by pine nuts. This product has the following nutritional values ​​per 100 g:

  • 620 kcal;
  • Proteins - 11.6 g;
  • Fats - 61.0 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 19.3 g.

Pine nuts have a glycemic index of 15. By eating them, you will lose weight and saturate the body with minerals. Cedar fruits have a rich vitamin composition:

  • group A, B, C, E;
  • calcium, boron, copper, zinc, barium;
  • silver, aluminum, vanadium;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acid.

If you set out to use pine nuts for weight loss, then remember their high calorie content and try to eat no more than 15 g per day. Ideally, if the kernels will be part of dietary dishes. Try to combine fruits with vegetables or fruits.

Pine nuts for weight loss are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. By eating them, you provide for yourself:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • cancer prevention;
  • improved metabolism;
  • beautiful skin, hair and nails.

It is not recommended to eat kernels in the evening, since the calories received will not be wasted, but will turn into fat. In general, fruits have a good effect on the digestive system and prevent unwanted overeating by sending a satiety signal to the brain.


The most mysterious member of his family. Muskatnik is a source of antioxidants, fatty oils. This made it a necessary product for diets.

Nutmeg for weight loss has such a search value per 100 g:

  • 556 kcal;
  • Proteins - 80 g;
  • Fats - 446 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 28 g.

The most useful nuts for the weight loss process include nutmeg. Its rich composition has a beneficial effect on digestion and reduces appetite. Nuts include:

  • vitamins PP, B, A, E;
  • potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • essential oils;
  • Sahara.

If you eat 1.5 g of nutmeg per day, you will forever forget about the feeling of hunger and overeating. Thanks to the fatty acids contained in the nut, fast and effective weight loss is possible.

You can also eat only a small portion of nuts, because in large quantities they cause hallucinations, constipation and incoordination.

Contraindications to the nutmeg diet are individual intolerance to the substance by the body.

Diet on nuts and their alternative

If we are on a diet, we want to choose the most useful nuts for weight loss. However, absolutely everything is suitable. After all, they all contain microelements useful to the body, and can become the main source of vitamins for a person who is losing weight.

The nut diet can last 1, 3 and 10 days. The duration of such a diet largely depends on your health:

  • Unloading day or one-day diet. It should be done 1-2 times a week. The number of nuts eaten should be 100 g. You can also drink tea and water during the day.
  • Meals for 3 days. You need to eat 100 g of different nuts for each main meal. The use of dry salted fruits is not recommended, since they contain a high percentage of fat (up to 72%). Along with this, you can include fruits, vegetables and juices in your diet.
  • The ten-day diet differs from the previous options in the diversity of the food set. The menu includes 2 handfuls of nuts, vegetable salads, oatmeal, fruits, natural yogurt. Mushroom and vegetable broths are allowed.

Athletes are encouraged to eat nuts after training to replenish their internal energy reserves. Just remember about the limit of 20 g, because otherwise the fruits will settle on your hips. The most useful for sports people will be the kernels of hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios. Nuts after training for weight loss should be eaten, adhering to the same rules as with a regular diet.

However, if you still decide not to eat healthy fruits, then there is an alternative. You can replace nuts with dried fruits, which are good as an independent dish or as part of compotes.

To decide whether it is possible to eat nuts while losing weight or not, everyone must decide for themselves. Nutritionists say that this product is an important part of any diet. The composition of nuts includes vitamins and trace elements that are needed to maintain the body during the stressful period of weight loss.