Is it possible to recycle small papers? Collection of waste paper at school. Reducing deforestation

Waste paper

What kind of waste paper is accepted for recycling?

  • cardboard and corrugated cardboard (boxes, packaging);
  • books, glossy magazines, newspapers, office paper, notebooks, spam mail, craft, paper packaging, etc.
  • shredded (shredded) paper - accepted in bags or boxes
  • egg cassettes and analogues - not accepted everywhere
  • bushings - not accepted everywhere

What Not acceptable for recycling with waste paper?

  • packaging for juices and dairy products does not qualify as waste paper and is sold separately ()
  • dirty (greasy, oily) waste paper
  • thermal paper (receipts, fax paper, etc.)
  • laminated (a film remains when torn)
  • moisture resistant paper ( disposable tableware, paper cups and so on.)
  • parchment, baking paper, waxed
  • tracing paper
  • photo paper
  • paper napkins and towels
  • fully dyed paper (the inner layers of the sheet at the tear site have the same color as the outer ones)

Useful advice: To make sure that the waste paper will be accepted for recycling, tear the edge of the product. No plastic film? Is the inner layer of paper unpainted and shiny white? Feel free to bring it to the reception point!

How to prepare waste paper for delivery:

  • separate metal inclusions - springs, paper clips, etc. (regular notebook staples can be left)
  • separate the plastic elements, remove them from the plastic files
  • tie into tight bales or place in boxes (please avoid plastic bags)

Where to take waste paper for recycling in Moscow?

Contract operators:

Other reception points:

Where to take waste paper for recycling in the Moscow region?

Containers for waste paper

You can collect waste paper at home in any container that is convenient for you: a box, a bag, a bag.

We have developed special convenient containers for offices, schools, kindergartens and any other institutions. You can purchase them in our:

The containers are made of recyclable polypropylene and have a convenient oblong cutout in the lid. All proceeds From the sale of containers goes towards the development of the movement.

Select and order containers for collecting waste paper:

For production one ton paper without using recycled materials, you will need to cut down 24 trees and 400 ml of water for each (!) sheet. Over the course of a year, one tree produces the amount of oxygen required for a family of 4 people over the same period.

It takes twice as long to recycle paper less water than for a new one. From recycled waste paper you can get new clean paper, containers (the well-known egg carts) and even building materials: ecowool and fiber boards (for interior decoration).

By donating waste paper, you help reduce the cutting down of valuable trees. It’s easy to install a waste paper collection container at home or in the office!

Additional Information:

On this site we collect bit by bit information on where to submit rare species recyclables and things. We keep the data up-to-date and check reception points if they cause you mistrust.

Most of our activities are supported by volunteers, but in order to structure information, monitor its updates and maintain the operation of the site, the daily work of a content manager is needed. Please, so that we can continue to provide up-to-date information for you!

Collecting waste paper at school is not just an excellent opportunity to attract attention to the protection of the environment and the integrity of trees, but also an option for involving schoolchildren in active social work.

Currently, in almost all educational institutions there are written notebooks, class magazines, and old textbooks that can be given a “second life.”

Specifics of the event

Collecting waste paper at school is a responsible undertaking that requires serious preliminary preparation. This is why some educational institutions are not involved in such activities. Note that the procedure for collecting paper waste is a useful and interesting activity. It will not only be an excellent collective creative activity for the class team, but will also help the school receive additional material support. An educational institution can spend the money raised from donated paper to purchase equipment for a gym, physics or chemistry classroom, or use it to reward talented students.

Event goals

The regulations on the collection of waste paper at school regulate the entire algorithm of actions of students, their class teachers, and parents. The main goals pursued by the organizer of this important and useful event:

  • conservation of natural resources;
  • organizing children for separate waste collection.

Collection of waste paper at school is a great opportunity to rid the school of a huge amount of unnecessary paper. Within the framework of the organized event, the culture of the younger generation is formed and developed, and their civic position is formed.

What does the project “Collecting Waste Paper at School” involve? Before you begin the practical part of the work, you need to get an idea of ​​the features of the paper that can be collected. It should be dry and show no signs of burning. For convenient transportation, it is best to place it in boxes or secure it with a rope.

Significance for an educational institution

Collection of waste paper at school is an important activity for educational institutions. Schools not only make their feasible contribution to improving the environmental situation in the region, but also receive a good material income. Schools constantly accumulate old textbooks, books, booklets, magazines, packaging cardboard, and old notebooks. All this is quite suitable for recycling and obtaining valuable raw materials for the manufacture of toilet paper, packaging containers, and other popular products.

As part of school waste paper collection campaigns, teachers and students can bring any amount of paper waste.

The promotion lasts for several days, then the waste is stacked and sent to the waste paper collection point.

Social project “Paper Boom”

How to properly organize waste paper collection at school? The rules and algorithm of actions can be specified within the framework of a social project.

Its relevance lies in the following: the “Paper Boom” movement is developing and successfully functioning throughout the country. This is an environmental and educational project aimed at collecting waste paper in educational schools. The basis for such an event was the formation of skills for careful use of paper, that is, a call for forest conservation. This is mandatory element comprehensive environmental education for schoolchildren.

The project promotes in the younger generation a respectful and responsible attitude towards the ecosystem, the entire living world of our planet, and is a prevention of the anthropogenic destructive effect of humanity on forest resources.

A huge amount of paper is thrown away from homes and offices every day. This is hundreds of thousands of cubic meters drinking water, dozens of trees, thousands of kilowatts electrical energy. With the help of such a social project, schoolchildren gain skills in proper handling of paper. With its repeated use, thousands of trees can be saved from imminent death.

The goal of the project is to develop a caring attitude towards natural resources through the rational use of paper, as well as to promote the ideas of collection and attract public attention to the problems of separate waste collection.

Tasks of this project:

  • formation of an active life position in the field of environmental and environmental activities;
  • nurturing a positive attitude of the younger generation towards core values modern society;
  • disclosure creativity and opportunities for schoolchildren;
  • involving schoolchildren in environmental activities;
  • increase theoretical knowledge on the production of paper from recycled materials;
  • analysis of the importance of waste paper in everyday life.

Expected results

How can collecting waste paper at school influence the development of citizenship in the younger generation? The announcement of the promotion assumes the following results:

  • active participation in improving the welfare of the native school;
  • gaining skills in conducting research and observations in natural community;
  • the use of theoretical skills and knowledge in the study of forest resources, the choice of their rational use.


A project related to the collection of waste paper within the framework of educational organization, contributes to the formation of a caring attitude of the younger generation towards natural resources and the environment. The guys are helping to significantly reduce the amount of waste going to the city landfill.

The competitive game form of the event helps to attract schoolchildren to socially significant activities that help preserve Russian forests and attract public attention to the issues of recycling paper.

Each class teacher receives a package of materials for conducting class hour regarding paper recycling methods. Next, the teacher gives his students a task, and they begin to implement it. Those schoolchildren who bring the most waste paper are awarded at the end of the event with gifts and certificates.


Find a buyer for your waste paper. In the capital today there are several dozen enterprises that collect recyclable materials. In the regions, this business is also gaining momentum. If you are an organization that produces weekly a large number of waste paper (for example, a printing company, a paper and cardboard manufacturer), any receiver will be happy to see you - they are interested in the regular supply of recyclable materials in industrial volumes. Being a school, library or office establishment in which long years There is plenty of unnecessary paper accumulated; it is also not difficult to find a buyer to get rid of your burden at once. The most difficult thing is to accommodate a small amount of waste paper. If you are a private person who wants to sell old books, magazines, notebooks, albums from home, be prepared to give away such valuable cargo for free or almost free, and deliver it to the collection point yourself.

Collect waste paper suitable for recycling. Enterprises that buy waste paper accept almost any paper waste: books, newspapers and magazines, notebooks, cardboard packaging, printer paper, and even narrow paper straws from a shredder. Throw away those types of waste paper that are not accepted for recycling: disposable tableware, toilet paper and napkins, oiled, waxed and laminated paper, sheets with metallization, applied watermarks, self-adhesive paper. Rotted, burnt paper waste is also not suitable.

Sort the waste paper and prepare it for delivery. The most highly valued is uncoated white paper and waste from its production. The second category includes white paper with black and white printing. All other types of waste paper are not highly valued (about 1,000 rubles per ton). Pack each type separately, otherwise your raw materials will be accepted at the most modest rate. Dry damp paper scraps. Remove glued spines from books, paper clips from notebooks and magazines, and all plastic and polyethylene inclusions.

Video on the topic


Even if you don’t manage to make money from recycling waste paper, it is many times better than taking old books or newspapers to the trash. Let this be your contribution to save trees.

Helpful advice

Recycling collection points in your city can be found on the website of your local Greenpeace or other environmental organization.

The problem of recycling recyclable materials, in particular waste paper, is very relevant for our country. The development potential of this business is, without exaggeration, enormous, since every year Russians throw away several million tons of paper. By organizing a waste paper collection point, you will not only be able to contribute to solving this problem, but will also receive a stable source of income.

You will need

  • - transport;
  • - room.


Find distribution channels for waste paper. It is necessary to start this business from this stage, since you must clearly understand where and in what volumes you will be able to sell the collected raw materials. These can be paper factories or factories producing roofing felt or gypsum building materials. Negotiate the price with future buyers: this is what you will start from when calculating your basic expenses.

Buy cargo transport. At first, you can get by with just one car, with which you will go around certain places where waste paper will already be collected for you. It is advisable to choose a vehicle with a covered body.

Find a room for receiving and storing waste paper. This could be any utility unit or even a garage. If possible, choose a room with heating and electricity. Install the scales. To legally operate, you need a fire department permit.

Determine the price per 1 kg of raw materials received. Keep in mind that it is unlikely that potential clients will be paid too much. That is why bet on the social significance of your work, and also focus on low-income segments of the population. Post notices in the nearby area and place free advertisements in the newspaper to inform the public about the opening of your location.

Try to accept waste paper from the population for free. This is much easier to do than it seems at first glance. Many organizations will be only too happy if you simply remove their paper waste on an ongoing basis. In addition, you can find volunteers among schoolchildren or organize an environmental action in a number of educational institutions. Give away as a bonus Thanksgiving letters and small prizes.

The current environmental situation in modern world forces everything more people think about recycling waste, especially those consisting of difficult-to-degrade materials. In this regard, a business has emerged for accepting recyclable materials and processing them.

What can be recycled

For many decades, waste paper has been accepted - paper packaging, books, newspapers, magazines, cardboard, office paper. There are many points for collecting glass - bottles, cans, cullet. We also accept scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals and aluminum cans. There are points where you can donate your used clothes, textiles, toys and shoes.

The cheap and easy production of plastic has made it one of the most popular materials on Earth: bags, film, containers and bottles for food and drinks, dishes, equipment cases, furniture and much more are made from it. With ever-increasing volumes of production and consumption, the spread of plastic is reaching alarming proportions. A huge amount of plastic containers are disposable (for example, food is sold in them) and end up in the trash can immediately after unpacking the goods. To decompose into natural conditions, it will take hundreds of years, and it will also poison the soil. Fortunately, there are points where they accept plastic products and send them to recycling plants. There, raw materials are obtained from it in the form of polymer granules, from which plastic products are then made again.

Hazardous waste deserves special attention: batteries, accumulators, mercury lamps and devices. Recycling them is difficult and requires high costs, so there are far fewer hazardous waste collection points than necessary, and they are not always available nearby. However, it is important to collect such waste and periodically recycle it, since it is highly polluting. environment and harm people's health. They are increasingly accepted in large stores and supermarkets.

There are also points where various specific waste is accepted: household appliances, computers and laptops, electronic scrap, car tires, cartridges for office equipment, etc.


To denote waste processing, there are also terms recycling, recycling, recycling of recyclable materials, waste disposal. She means reuse and production waste. Recycling can be secondary, tertiary, etc.

For raw materials to be suitable for processing, they must meet certain requirements. Thus, waste paper must contain an acceptable proportion of impurities, different for production different types paper. The returned waste paper should not contain any other elements besides paper - glued book spines, polymer fabrics and films, wooden and metal elements. Plastic containers must be without paper stickers, clean, etc.

Therefore, before handing over, recyclable materials should be prepared and sorted so that they can be accepted without problems. You can find out about the requirements in advance at the reception point.

Almost every person has encountered a situation when at home accumulated significant amount unnecessary paper.

Old newspapers, magazines, long-outdated books, separate sheets, filled with pictures, lists, reminders and instructions, fill the volume of the home, without bringing any benefit to its owner.

Is this exactly the situation you are in right now?

If yes, then do not rush to throw kilograms of waste paper into a landfill.

In this material we will tell you about how and where profitable hand over waste paper in Moscow and what is the average price of 1 kg of waste paper at various collection points.

Price One kilogram of waste paper in Moscow today varies within from 1 to 7 rubles. What determines such a significant difference between the smallest and largest indicators? First of all, from varieties waste paper.

There are many types of recycled paper and cardboard products. Their cost varies depending on the color, quality and purpose of the paper, as well as the quantity and color of paint present on the products. Waste paper is considered not only consumer waste, but also waste from the production of these products.

The full list of paper and cardboard products accepted for recycling consists of six categories.


  • newspapers/newsprint (with or without printing);
  • trimmings with a ruler, as well as color or black and white stripes;
  • paper consisting of sulfate unbleached cellulose.
  • white paper.

Price in Moscow — 2-5.5 rub./kg.


Cardboard is:

  • corrugated;
  • white as scraps with black and white stripes or color printing.

Cost in Moscow - from 4 to 6 rub. per kg.

Printing products

Printing products include:

  • books;
  • brochures;
  • catalogues;
  • notebooks;
  • paper;
  • prospectuses;
  • notepads;
  • notebooks.

Price in Moscow — 2-5.5 rub./kg

Printing waste

This refers to waste from printing production (production of books, brochures and other printed publications).


  • published on white paper;
  • published on white offset paper.

Price in Moscow — 1-5 rub./kg.

Coated and impregnated paper and cardboard

Subtypes of papers and waste:

  • laminated;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • bituminous;

Cost in Moscow - from 1 to 6.5 rub. per kg.


Documents are divided into :

  • archives;
  • circulations;
  • accounting papers.

Cost in Moscow - 3-7 rub./kg.

If you are planning to dispose of your organization's documents, you will find it useful.

These prices apply to small batches of waste paper - kilograms or tens of kilograms. Most often, people donate exactly this amount. If you have more than 100 kg of paper waste, it will be much more profitable to dispose of it, since prices will be higher. In addition, large volumes of waste paper can be taken away. We will consider this case separately in this article.

How to take it

For the price of delivered waste paper, in addition to the type and quantity, influence:

  • her preparation,
  • presence of blockages (tape, paper clips, files, etc.);
  • humidity;
  • reception place;
  • pick-up/take-out method.


Preparing waste paper for recycling is carried out in several stages. First you need to check contains is she something superfluous.

By excess we mean such components as

  • dirt;
  • chemicals;
  • oils;
  • paints and varnishes;
  • plastic files;
  • scotch;
  • paper clips;
  • staples;
  • other metal elements;
  • folders;
  • tracing paper;
  • wood additives;
  • food waste.

Next, you need to make sure that the condition of the waste paper is normal, i.e. not burnt And not wet. If the waste paper gets wet (or has gained moisture due to storage conditions), it must be dry— wet paper waste will be accepted at a less favorable price.

And, of course, recycled paper/cardboard products must meet the simplest sanitary standards.

Cannot be collected waste paper in places where there is poisonous or potentially dangerous waste:

  • medical institutions;
  • veterinary clinics;
  • industrial zones;
  • landfills.

After making sure that the products being handed over are in good condition, you should spread out each type separately, without mixing: magazines are stacked with magazines, cardboard with cardboard, newspapers with newspapers, etc.

The last thing you need to do before handing over your waste paper is put it into separate lockable boxes or you can tie the stacks with ropes (so-called tying into bales).

Reception location

There are many recycling collection points in Moscow where you can return waste paper for money. Find points closest to your home reception can be done using interactive map in our article.

Different receivers have different prices and conditions for receiving raw materials. Call your nearest locations and find out:

  • price on the type of waste paper you plan to hand over;
  • minimal amount raw materials that the company is ready to accept;
  • delivery method/export;
  • other data (exact address, opening hours, etc.).

Export method

To return waste paper, you can:

  • on one's own take her to the reception point;
  • resort to services transport companies;
  • order pickup raw materials transported by the receiving company.

The receiving company will not remove small quantities of waste paper for free - this is unprofitable for it. You can count on waste paper removal only if you have on hand from 100 kg waste paper. For some companies this figure is 300 kg, for others - 500.

Ordering a truck in Moscow costs an average of 1,500 rubles.

By simple calculations we determine: at a price of 4 rubles/kg, in order to “break even”, you need to hand over more than 400 kg of waste paper, otherwise the removal campaign will become unprofitable for you.

Therefore, it is more profitable to hand over waste paper and have it removed free of charge by company transport (provided there is a large volume of waste paper).

Most often, companies simply deduct the cost of delivery from the cost of waste paper - again, the profit here will only be with tons of recycled materials transferred.

Reception points from 1 kg in Moscow

There are not many points for purchasing small amounts of waste paper in Moscow and the region. Basically, recycling collection points handle larger quantities. This is explained by the fact that they transfer raw materials to processing plants in trucks capable of lifting up to 18 tons.

Prices and addresses

We found four points in Moscow that are ready accept from the population batches of waste paper from 1 kg(below is the price range for all types of boxed or tied recyclables):

  1. "Alfacom"— Severyaninsky pr-d, 3 (NEAD). Price - 2-5 rubles/kg.
  2. "Presnya"— Vereyskaya st., 10, k (SAO). Price - 1.2-4 rubles/kg.
  3. "Mostorma"— Khimki, Rabochaya street, building 2, building 95. Price — 5.5-7 rubles/kg.
  4. "Eco-group"- st. Klara Zetkin, 31 (JSC). Price - 4 rubles/kg.

Reception point "Alfacom" is located next to the Severyanin railway platform on Severyaninsky Proezd, 3. The nearest metro station is VDNH. You can also get to the reception point from the Rostokino station of the Moscow Central Circle (MCC).

Before "Presni" easy to get to from the Kuntsevskaya or Slavyansky Boulevard metro stations: building 10, building 1 on Vereiskaya Street is located equally close to them.

Company "Mostorma" is based in Khimki (Rabochaya Street, building 2, building 95), and if you go to it from Moscow, then minibus No. 345, coming from the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, will suit you.

House 31 on Klara Zetkin Street, which is located "Eco-group", equally distant from both the Voykovskaya metro station and the Baltiyskaya station (it is part of the MCC).

You can see these points on the map:

Detailed information about each collection point

Below is a table with the names of companies in Moscow, the nearest metro stations, addresses, telephone numbers, work hours and prices per kilogram of waste paper (for three main types).

Company name "Alfacom" "Presnya" "Mostorma" "Eco-group"
Nearest metro station"VDNH""Kuntsevskaya", "Slavyansky Boulevard""River Station""Voikovskaya"
AddressSeveryaninsky pr-d, 3Vereyskaya st., 10, building 1Khimki, Rabochaya st., 2, building 95Klara Zetkin st., 31
Telephone8-495-721-58-44 8-495-443-16-01, 8-926-200-33-05 8-495-776-91-48 8-495-730-85-48, 8-963-782-40-26
Operating modeevery day from 9:00 to 21:00every day from 8:00 to 20:00around the clockevery day from 9:00 to 20:00
Price per 1 kg (main types of waste paper: newspapers, cardboard, archives)
  • 2 rub. - newspapers;
  • 5 rub. - cardboard;
  • 5 rub. — archives;
  • 2 rub. - newspapers;
  • 4 rub. - cardboard;
  • 3 rub. — archives;
  • 5.5 rub. - newspapers;
  • 6 rub. - cardboard;
  • 7 rub. - archives;
  • 4 rub. for all types.

As can be seen from the table, pays the most "Mostorma". This company has the highest prices for all main types of waste paper in Moscow. Other types of recycled materials are also expensive to accept. For example, books without binding are paid for 6 rubles. per kilogram.

If for some reason the company addresses are inconvenient for you, or price recycle you frankly not satisfied, take the unnecessary paper to the appropriate container, do not throw it in the trash. You, of course, will not receive income from this, but you will feel your participation in environmental conservation.

Where to deliver large quantities?

In Moscow there are many recycling collection points that accept waste paper, and every year there are more of them in view of the popularization of environmental protection. You can easily find where to take your waste paper, but there is a nuance: the vast majority of companies work with in large quantities recyclable materials.

By handing over waste paper in large volumes, you get more money for every kilogram, or rather a ton (especially if you regularly hand it over to the same recycling company). You can also count on free removal company transport.

If you have organization, and you are interested in the nuances of working with waste paper, there is a separate article for you.

Does your organization generate a lot of paper waste that you plan to recycle on a regular basis? Get more money for waste paper - buy a special press, and hand over paper waste bales at higher rates.

If you have a batch of paper waste weighing 100 kg or more, the range of company choices for their reception is expanding. Below is a map showing waste paper collection points. Select the one that is most convenient for you by location, click on the label and see the company’s contact information.

Where can I drop off books? Alternative options

A book is the kind of thing that, even in its old and shabby form, is a pity to throw away. You can hand over books to a waste paper collection point by tearing off the cardboard binding from them, like regular paper waste, or you can give books a second life.

Here are a few options where you can take books to Moscow:

  • second-hand books shops (for example, “Bukinist” on Shcherbakovskaya, 40);
  • library(any: city, school, university);
  • donate to boarding schools and other institutions (if the books are for children and teenagers).

You can receive a small reward for the books they brought. And if not, it will be pleasant to think that such a valuable thing as a book will continue its journey in the hands of other people, and will not lie in a landfill.

Another option to donate books for free, but with benefit - gaining popularity bookcrossing(book exchange). There are specially designated places where you can bring unnecessary books and exchange them for more interesting ones. One of these places is the anti-cafe “Tsiferblat” on the street. Tverskoy.


Price for recycling waste paper in Moscow and the region varies depending on the kind recyclable materials. There are several waste paper collection points in the capital that work with small batches from 1 kg. The price of waste paper also varies between companies. The information collected made it clear that it is most profitable to hand over unnecessary paper to a collection point "Mostorma", located in Khimki (Moscow region).

In the case of significant volume waste paper is best compiled complete scroll with a description of the volume and type of paper or cardboard waste, add the address where it is all stored, the desired conditions for removal (whether delivery is needed) and send out all reception points in Moscow and Moscow Region by email.

Most full list We found organizations that accept waste paper on the Greenpeace website. If you have time, you can call all these points. Believe me, these actions will pay off. It may turn out that exactly this weight or composition of recycled paper is vital for someone on the list right now, and they are ready for it pay more.

Handing over waste paper is not so much a profitable action as it is a civic-conscious one. You making the planet cleaner and get money as rewards. Remember that recyclable materials are the material for many products necessary for civilization. Recycling also saves many trees from being cut down. Remember that it is everyone’s duty to preserve the purity of the planet for posterity.

In contact with

It has become common practice. But if the centralized collection of plastic containers or batteries still looks like something innovative, then some people remember the collection and delivery of waste paper from their school days. Nowadays, collecting paper for recycling is becoming fashionable again, so it’s a good idea to remind you what can be taken to a collection point and what is better to throw away with the rest of the garbage.

What is the point of recycling?

Recycling of waste paper occurs in several stages and is aimed mainly at recovering paper fiber and sometimes other components. The result is raw material suitable for making new paper.

Where can I submit the paper?

Now in almost every city there are several opportunities to hand over waste paper:

  1. organizations that constantly collect waste paper;
  2. one-time promotions carried out by various institutions;
  3. boxes for separate collection of paper installed next to trash cans, near the house or in public places.

Basic rules for recycling waste paper