How to keep a diary correctly (photos, useful tips). How to keep a diary. How to keep a diary correctly (photos, useful tips) How to keep a diary - types of diaries and the purpose of keeping them

If there is no clear plan in the head in the morning, then the day will go awry. You will forget to do an important task, you will be late for a meeting, and in general, remember your relative’s birthday only the next day. To save energy and optimize time, a diary was invented. There are a lot of varieties today, ranging from personal diaries of young girls to business organizers. But they have the same essence. Since you need to keep a diary all the time, this attribute is always with a person. It fixes plans for the coming days, makes the necessary notes, distributes tasks, and sometimes simply writes down current thoughts. Today we’ll talk about how to keep a diary so that it becomes a really valuable assistant.

Is it necessary for a modern student

Indeed, to whom it can bring tangible benefits? The image of a business person is strongly associated with a briefcase and an organizer. But what about ordinary children, schoolchildren and teenagers? For them, the very first diary is a school diary. Thanks to him, the child learns to write down tasks, plan next week. Further - more, because today the guys have a very busy life. They attend different circles and sections, trainings, and not always parents can tell them what time they need to get there or here. In addition, an ordinary diary does not have an emotional component. The child cannot write down what worries him today. Therefore, you need to think about how to keep a diary.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to choose a suitable notebook. The format can be any: book, notebook or album. The main thing is that it is beautiful and comfortable for you. Since you will have to keep a diary all the time, it is advisable that you have it with you every day. Here it is important to build on what you will use it for. Moreover, it is best if it is universal, that is, it allows you to keep all your tasks, goals and thoughts in one place.


This is another step towards understanding how to keep a diary. If you know why you need it, then you will definitely figure out how to do it. Why do you personally need such a notebook:

  • To record small and important things. This helps the brain to clear itself of unnecessary information, a person to work better, study and do different things.
  • This is the best reminder of important meetings and events. It is enough to scroll forward and write down what you need to do in a week or a month. Now you can't forget about it.
  • With the help of the organizer, you can plan your time for several weeks ahead. Now you will not be able to arrange a meeting with several friends on the day when grandma comes to visit.
  • The diary is also a friend for intimate conversations about the most intimate. Thanks to him, you can analyze your feelings and thoughts, actions or actions. This approach will allow you to see the true causes of what is happening.

As you can see, it is very difficult to say how to properly keep a diary, since everyone will have their own. In addition to these functions, you can find others. For example, a diary can be a repository of passwords, phone numbers, and addresses.

If this is your first time

The first question that arises is how to arrange a diary. It all depends on your desire and mood. You can buy a ready-made diary, which is already lined, where the chapters are marked, and you only need to paste photos and pictures, keep notes. But this option is very limited. It is much better to buy a regular notebook and line it the way you want.

Another option on how to design a diary is to buy a universal organizer. This is a thick notebook with numbered sheets for each date on one side and just blank pages on the other, which you can use as you wish. This makes it possible to use it for study and work, as well as for personal purposes.

Buttons, rhinestones, ribbons

Today there is huge selection stationery that will help make your organizer not only useful, but also beautiful. Girls are especially fond of such paraphernalia. How to keep a diary, they do not even need to be taught. They will paint the notebook themselves, choose a beautiful background for the cover, add stickers and sew on beautiful ribbons to tie the notebook after filling. Your diary is a reflection inner peace. Let it be shiny, like a Christmas tree toy, or strict, in a dark leather binding.

How to keep a diary

Given the inconstancy that is characteristic of a teenager, it may not be worth starting a notebook in the classical sense. Given that your goal is to plan your time and energy, and possibly your life, you need to do the following. Buy a ring binder, blocks of blank checkered paper, and sticky page dividers. Now it remains to divide the diary into six sections. There may be more if you wish. The advantage of this option is greater mobility. Sheets in sections, as well as sections themselves, can be removed and added, swapped.

Main blocks

We have already talked about why you need to keep a diary. Given the above functions, it should have the following sections:

Let's start training

Indeed, you have to learn how to competently keep a diary so that it is useful, and not just taking up space. First, it is recommended to monitor your schedule during the week. That is, you literally fill in the schedule for every day. From the moment the alarm rang to the moment you went to bed, you will need to record by the minute what you were doing. This will allow you to analyze how much time is spent on unnecessary things.

So, a week has passed. Review your notes and make a graph that will show you how much time each activity took. If watching TV or talking on the phone is in the lead, and you complain about the lack of time to clean the room, then you clearly need to rethink your schedule.

The next day

We continue to talk about how to learn how to keep a diary. The next item will be the compilation of tasks for the next day. Develop this habit for yourself, it will be the first step to success. When you get up in the morning, you will already know what to do today. Start the day with the most important and difficult things, otherwise by the evening they will have no strength left. Be sure to include an estimated turnaround time.

Mark completed tasks

Immediately after the task has been completed, it is necessary to cross it off the list of tasks. This will give you the confidence and strength to deal effectively with the next item. Never try to do several things at the same time. Nothing good will come of it, just waste your time. If one of the planned tasks remains unfulfilled, then it must be rescheduled for the next day. Of course, this is recommended not to be allowed.

Success Journal

At the end of the diary, set aside a few pages to describe your accomplishments. Every day it is recommended to write down at least ten points of those cases in which you have shown yourself with better side. For a week, a piggy bank of 70 points is collected, where you are done. If you review the success log regularly, it raises self-esteem very well. Try to correlate achievements with those goals and objectives that you set for yourself. This will allow you to start wanting to do more every day.

Gradually increase the list of tasks

Ask your parents if it's worth keeping a diary. Most likely, they will answer that it is necessary to do this. It disciplines, teaches you to set goals and achieve them. Don't set big goals for yourself. You can’t, for example, immediately say that you will do 1000 push-ups. But it's okay to start with ten and gradually increase the number as you see that there is free time that can be used for something useful. So it is with the number of tasks - they need to be gradually increased.

Personal experiences and feelings

This is an equally important block that allows you to better understand yourself, your actions and actions. Most often, such records are started by young girls who are overwhelmed with feelings. What does it have to do with:

  • The need to deal with yourself.
  • The need to speak up. Not everything can be said to a friend or mother, but the paper does not blush and endure everything. This is connected with growing up, the first feelings, which are not only difficult to understand, but also impossible to express. The diary does not correct, does not criticize, it allows you to be yourself.
  • And some like to just write. It's interesting and enjoyable. And then, after a while, you can reread your story.

A teenager sometimes just needs to pour out accumulated feelings somewhere. And for these purposes, the diary fits perfectly. If you ask a psychologist, he will confirm that such an action is good for the emotional health of a person. Here you can record thoughts about life, display important events. Such records must necessarily contain conclusions and comprehension of actions. This is a kind of work on personality. Sometimes this method allows you to improve communication skills and attitude to life, as well as deal with fears and complexes, taking into account personal experience.

Many teenagers start keeping a diary, but then quit. This suggests that they had no purpose. But we remember - this is only one section of the diary. So, it is necessary to return to this issue and decide whether you need to include a block of introspection and introspection. What can he give, how long will it be relevant. Clear answers to these questions will allow you to cast aside all doubts and start keeping a diary part or do without it.

For a teenager whose emotional state is like a storm at sea, a diary with the ability to display diary entries can be a real salvation. Take it with you all the time. In this case, other people will not be able to read it. In addition, when it is always with you, you can keep records at any convenient time.

Information transfer form

And here the scope for imagination is simply limitless. You can keep a regular chronicle, that is, write down what happened to you every day. Necessarily with analysis and conclusions. Another option is drawings with comments, short notes and poems. It turns out a bright, colorful narrative, often understandable only to you. What you need to write down, what methods to choose, how to keep a diary, how to formulate goals and objectives, you will already decide this yourself as you work. The sooner a teenager starts working with a diary, the faster he will learn to take a responsible approach to tomorrow received tasks, feel responsible for their implementation, and also understand the value of time.

Instead of a conclusion

It is quite difficult to explain these things to a child if the parents themselves are always in a hurry and late for meetings, forget to call on an important matter, and even congratulate relatives on the holidays a few days later. Therefore, before teaching a teenager, it would be good to start a diary yourself and start planning your affairs. Very often, children begin to copy such habits, trying to look older.

The diary is an organizer, an indispensable assistant when used correctly. Without this accessory, no business person can currently imagine himself, whether it be a girl, a woman, a teenager or a man. However, not everyone knows how to keep a diary. And there are unimaginably many types of these diaries - they are both paper and electronic.

Classification of diaries

It is conditionally possible to divide diaries into 3 types:


Standard (organizers);

- "emotional".

Simple diaries

These are the simplest diaries, without additional information, except for a breakdown by day and lined sheets. Ideal for those who need to adhere to serious planning.

Standard diaries (organizers)

This is a kind of "bearer of traditions", having a set of functions, without which it will no longer be "standard". Perfect for everyone who loves the classics, as well as people who do not carry out complex planning.

Emotional diaries

These are non-standard organizers that differ from the usual format. The fair sex with great imagination often does not need detailed instructions about how to keep a diary, so instead of the usual dated lined pages, they can see a colorful diary-book with illustrations and places where entries are entered. Suitable for: girls and girls, as well as emotional and creative natures.

How to keep a diary?

The organizer is kept in order not to forget what things must be done. It will remind you of important meetings, events, plans. You can write down your thoughts in it, since our head is not able to remember everything.

What to write?

Always remember how to keep a diary - on the appropriate day of the week you need to enter everything that needs to be done or remembered: assignments, important things, phone numbers, birthdays, shopping lists and other little things. This will help you structure your time and not forget anything. Get in the habit of reviewing your entries in the morning and try to refer to your diary regularly throughout the day. You can also write down your daily routine in the diary.

Here are some tips to help you keep a diary properly and effectively:

  1. Write specifically what you are going to do on the appointed day.
  2. When the job is done, you need to cross it out of the diary.
  3. If the planned task was not completed, reschedule it for another day. But you can also delete it if it is no longer relevant.
  4. Every business needs to be graded. For example, from 2 to 0. If the business does not develop, put 0. If the business helps to develop in some direction (read a book, completed the task, and so on), put 2. Grades will allow you to analyze how much time you can devote to self-development and self-improvement .

Teen diary

How to keep a diary for a teenager? The rules for keeping a teenager's diary are not very different from those generally accepted. In the diary, you can enter lessons at school (or couples at the institute), as well as things that you have to do that day. At the same time, it is better to get colored markers and, depending on the importance of the cases, “color” them. In any case, a teenager needs to familiarize himself with how to keep a diary correctly. However, often the organizer of a guy or girl is more like a diary. It records a variety of tests, surveys, pasted photos and more.

Women's diaries

Women's diaries are different from ordinary ones. The most common options are:

  1. Organizer from the series "Psychology".
  2. Diary gift for a woman.
  3. Culinary diary.
  4. Women's business diary.
  5. Diary for a girl.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

1. Organizer from the series "Psychology".

Such diaries are based on positive psychology, they have helpful tips for all occasions. Such diaries can contain a lot of useful things, aphorisms, sayings of the sages, exercises for meditation, breathing restoration, visualization and others.

2. Gift diary for women.

Beautiful design, nice cover, glossy pages - this is the secret of popularity and success of women's diaries. The contents of such a diary: advice on choosing a hairstyle, caring for appearance, health, fashion trends. It can also contain size charts, calorie calculations, zodiac signs, and the like. Often diaries become a kind of diaries for women, favorite photographs are pasted into them, poems and quotes are inscribed by hand.

3. Culinary diary for women.

Its pages may contain quick and simple recipes that can be used every day. In addition to menu options and a dozen recipes, it can contain a lot of useful “tricks”: calculating calories, the content of trace elements and vitamins in products, culinary tricks, and so on.

4. Women's business diary.

For women working in a serious business, a business diary without any frills is suitable. Style, convenience, rigor, functionality - these are the main requirements for such an organizer.

5. Diary for a girl.

A kind of women's gift organizer - a diary for a girl. How to keep a diary for a girl? Usually such a diary is very similar to a personal one, it pays great attention to the relationship between a man and a woman. On the pages of the diary, you can place horoscopes, compatibility, psychological types and other things that will help build harmonious relationships. Often on the pages you can see different self-determination tests.

Thus, which diary to choose is up to you. The main thing is to regularly keep a diary with the help of the above tips, and then you will soon realize how well it helps to plan your life and embellish some of its moments.

The diary is an integral part of the life of many schoolchildren, students, businessmen, and indeed, people of any age and profession. To properly keep a diary, you need to specifically know for what purposes we use it. The instructions below will help you figure it out.

How to keep a diary - types of diaries and the purpose of their maintenance

There are several types of journaling for different people and purposes:

  • School diary (the goal is to record the events of everyday life without any specific goal).
  • Business diary (the goal is to record upcoming business).
  • Target diary (goal - recording goals for the short or long term, their analysis).

How to keep a diary - a school diary

Many of the children during their school years keep a diary. There are practically no rules for this, write whatever you want. Despite this, the diary will take on a more structured and pleasant look if you write down only the most memorable impressions and important events in it. Before each note, it is desirable to indicate the date of the event.

How to keep a business diary

The business diary is mainly intended for businessmen, managers, marketers and people of similar professions. Keeping a business diary has many subtleties. The most rational way of keeping a diary is Time management (management of your time). Time management is the ability to allocate your time as efficiently and rationally as possible. Before you start keeping a business diary, you need to set yourself up for strict regime day.

Basic principles of time management:

Decide on the time you will devote to work, for example, from 10:00 am to 20:00 pm.

Arrange all planned tasks according to the level of importance and urgency. There are 4 types of cases:

  • Important and urgent.
  • Important, but not urgent.
  • Not important, but urgent.
  • Not important and not urgent.

Accordingly, important and urgent matters are performed in the first place, as they are of the highest priority. After completing all the important and urgent tasks scheduled for the day, proceed to the implementation of not important, but urgent (such as consulting an employee subordinate to you and other routine tasks that require attention). Then - important, but not urgent, and only then, if there is time, devote it to unimportant and not urgent matters. For greater certainty, the day before going to work, donate half an hour to compiling a diary exactly on the principle of time management.
If some tasks remain unfulfilled, start the next day with their completion so that there are no tails and gaps.

How to keep a target diary

Keeping a target diary is quite an interesting process. All goals written in the diary must comply with the so-called SMART principle (Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic, Time-based). This means that the goals must be specific (succinctly, briefly and clearly indicate the essence of the goal set), measurable (specific numbers or indicators must be set to be achieved), achievable (goals must be realistic), meaningful (really necessary, not banal), limited in time (specific deadlines for achieving the goal should be indicated).

An example of a good SMART goal:

This is an example of a main goal, which also needs to be broken down into several smaller goals that are necessary to complete it:

The school diary allows you to complete all tasks and tasks on time. Once you decide what format you are going to keep in your notebook, create several sections (for each subject) in it and write down all the information that you have. Every day you can check the list of upcoming tasks, as well as add new information. Mark up and organize your diary different colors and make sure to write down all the events and responsibilities in it - this will help you keep track of all your affairs.


Part 1

Organize a diary
  • Create one section for each subject. It is better to do this in advance for the whole quarter or even a year. Calculate a place for each item so that when it comes time to write something there, you know exactly where to write each task.

    • Make a schedule for each day. For example, if you have math and physics on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, place these sections side by side.
  • Create an additional section for different events. Chances are you have other things to do besides doing homework. Therefore, create an additional section for all kinds of events, such as sports matches, concerts, dances and other school events, as well as work and household chores. In addition, you can organize your free time in the diary.

    • Consider having a separate section for school assignments and activities and a separate section for extracurricular activities. For example, school sport game should be in one section, and the concert should be recorded in another section.
  • Write birthdays and other holidays in your diary. Record in advance the birthdays of friends and loved ones and holidays throughout the year. That way, by looking at the schedule for the week or month, you'll know if there are any events coming up that will require small changes to the schedule or extra time. You can also add information about the first and last school day, holidays, and so on to the diary.

    • Of course, you should not write down the birthdays of all your acquaintances - focus only on your family and friends. If you have something special planned for the day (such as having guests over), be sure to make a note.

    Part 2

    Write down your tasks and tasks in a diary
    1. Think about how you will keep a diary. You can record school assignments for the same day they were assigned, or for the day by which they need to be completed. It all depends on your personal preferences.

      • If you write down assignments for the same day they were assigned, you won't be able to look at the day's section to figure out what you'll need to work on that day. For example, if you were asked to read chapter 5 on Monday, then write this assignment in the "Monday" section and complete it on the same day.
      • If you write down tasks for the day you need to complete them, you will have to look at the diary in advance to understand what you should work on today. For example, if you are assigned to read Chapter 5 on Wednesday, you will need to write this assignment in the "Wednesday" section, but on Monday and Tuesday you will need to do this task in order to finish it by Wednesday.
    2. Incorporate journaling into your daily routine. Every day, write down new information in a notebook: any tasks, events, meetings and events. In addition, every morning and every evening you need to look at the diary to make sure that you have not forgotten to do anything. You can hang the sticker on a mirror or in another place that you often pay attention to, you can set a reminder on your phone to look at the diary (if you yourself forget about it).

      • Some teachers like to give assignments a week in advance. If your teachers do this too, immediately transfer all assignments to a notebook.
      • Once you get into the habit of checking your diary, you likely won't need stickers on your mirror or other reminders anymore.
    3. Write down information as soon as you know it. Perhaps the teacher will mention that the project needs to be handed in last class in this quarter. But even if it seems to you that there is still plenty of time, it is better to start this project today. This also applies to homework, tests, any business and activities. Set aside a few pages of your diary to write down important information, as well as information that the teacher will ask you to write down and remember.

      • If you like to procrastinate, consider writing reminders in your diary. For example, you can write: "Proceed to an essay on Shakespeare" - it is better to write down this reminder a week before the day when it is due.
    4. Set your own deadlines. If you have a large project or an important test to pass soon, you can set aside specific time for yourself and organize these tasks in your diary. This way, you will save yourself from having to do a huge amount of work the night before the date (let's be honest, many people like to do this). For example, you can write:

      • Monday: start a project (research).
      • Wednesday: Sketch.
      • Friday: Write a draft.