Lesson plan on the world around us on the topic “When will summer come?” Didactic exercise “Find pebbles in the sand”


in the middle correction group

on speech development

on the topic of:

"Summer is coming soon"

Educator: Sribnaya A.P.

GDOU kindergarten No. 100

Noginsk-9, Moscow region.

Program content:expand and clarify children's knowledge about the seasons. Enrich and activate your vocabulary lexical topics: “Summer”, “Berries”, “Wild Animals”, “Insects”. Learn to compose coherent story based on a diagram or picture. Consolidate use plural nouns in genitive case, agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number as part of noun phrases. To consolidate knowledge about wild animals and their young, to clarify the names of wild animal dwellings. Develop coordination of movements. Cultivate a love for nature.

Equipment and materials:pictures by seasons; cards for the game “What is there a lot in summer?”; a picture of a forest; pictures of wild animals with babies; pictures of insects (dragonfly, mosquito, beetle, ant, etc.); game “Whose house?”; pictures with images of the houses of a squirrel, bear, hare, bee, ant, mouse, birds; pictures of wild berries; pictures for a deformed story (sun, grass, flowers, mushrooms, berries, leaves, birds, forest).

Progress of the lesson.

Educator (makes a riddle):

I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me

I warm the rivers.

“Swim” - I invite you.

And love for it

You all have me. I …


Yes, guys, today we will talk about summer.

Educator: Shows big pictures and says:

Guys, do you like summer?

Why do you love summer?

Why do you like summer?

Children: (Answer the questions asked)

Educator: - Now let's play.

The game “What (who) is there a lot in the summer?”

Educator: Displays pictures and asks:

What (who) is there a lot in the summer?


In summer there are many flowers, mushrooms, butterflies, leaves, rain, etc.

Educator: - Name it summer months.

Name the first month of summer, the last.

Children: (Answer the questions asked):

Sensory development. Formation of ideas about the change of seasons. Pictures with seasons are displayed.

Educator: - The roast will come soon...

Children: (Answer - summer)

Educator: - And then the cool weather will come...

Children: (Answer - autumn)

Educator: - And after autumn the cold weather will come...

Children: (Answer - winter)

Educator: - And after winter the warm weather will come...

Children: (Answer - spring)

Didactic game “Which one, which one, which one?”

Educator: Calls natural phenomena, children must form phrases with the adjective “summer” by agreeing it with the noun in gender and number.

But summer will soon come, and it will be:

What day?

What kind of rain?

What kind of sun is it?

What morning?

What evening?

What sunset?

What is the sky like?

What days?

What evenings?


Children: (Answer - for example: day - summer, etc.)

Educator: - It's good in the summer. Let's go with you, take a walk through the summer forest. ...

Physical education minute

Poem and

Shows movements

We are walking along the road. walking;

The path is long, our home is far.

It's a hot day, let's sit in the shade. sit down;

We'll sit under the oak tree,

We'll lie under the oak tree. lie down;

Let's lie down and relax



picture and

speaks) : - Here we are in the forest.

What animals can we meet in the forest?

What are these animals called?

Who cares for wild animals?

Children: (Answer - for example: animals in the forest - wild. Who cares? –Nobody, they get their own food, build their own homes, take care of their young.)

Didactic game

“Complete the sentences with the names of the babies.”

The she-wolf has...? - wolf cubs;

The she-bear gave birth to two...? - bear cubs;

The squirrel got one...? - baby squirrel;

The hare gave birth to three...? - rabbits;

The fox got two...? - fox cubs;

The hedgehog gave birth to...? - hedgehog.

Work on the sound side of speech.

Educator: - And in the forest in summer you can find a lot of insects. Repeat the phrases:

For - for - for, here the dragonfly flutters.

Ry-ry-ry, mosquitoes have arrived.

Chock-chock-chock, a bug is crawling along the leaf.

Wey-wey-wey, an ant came running to us.

Children: (Repeat)

The teacher asks questions: Children answer:

Which insect flies?- mosquitoes;

Which insect crawls?- ants;

What insects jump?- grasshopper.

Didactic game

“Whose house?”

Educator: - It’s so nice in the summer: it’s warm, the sun is shining brightly, you can walk for a long time. So the forest dwellers were happy about the warm summer day and went out of their houses for a walk.

Keep pictures of forest inhabitants.

(Hands out pictures to children with images of forest inhabitants)

But then a large cloud covered the sun, thunder roared, and heavy rain began to fall.

Help the forest inhabitants find their houses.

(Lays out pictures of houses on the table)

Who is in your picture?

Where does... live?

Who lives in a hole?

Who lives in a hollow?

Children: (Answer)

Educator: - Guys, get up, let's go for a walk in the forest.

Physical education minute

The teacher reads. The children do the exercises:

the poem shows


We walked and walked through the forest. go;

We found strawberries. sit down, sit;

We walked and walked through the forest. go;

And they found raspberries. bend over;

Let's sit down in the clearing.

And we'll sing a song.

Formation of the genitive case

Educator: - We went to the forest and picked berries.

(Shows pictures with images of berries: strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc.)

The teacher asks: The children answer:

What kind of berries? - aromatic, fragrant, sweet, tasty;

Mom made raspberry jam.

What kind of jam did you make? - raspberry;

Strawberry jam. What jam? - strawberry;

Blueberry syrup. What syrup? - blueberry;

Blackberry jam. What kind of jam? - blackberry;

Lingonberry compote. What compote? - lingonberry;

Cranberry juice. What juice? - cranberry.

Educator: - Guys, we had a good walk in the forest. Now let's write a story together about our walk.

Reading a warped story

based on subject pictures.

Educator: Reads the story “In the Forest in Summer.”

Summer has come. It shines very brightly... ( Sun ). A green plant grows in a forest clearing... ( grass) and forest ... (flowers ). Many... appeared in the shade of the trees... ( mushrooms ). Ripened on the bushes... ( berries ). There are a lot of green ones on the trees... ( leaves ). They are chirping merrily in the forest... ( birds ). It's good in summer in... ( forest).

Children: (Name the word according to the meaning of the sentence read).

Subgroup lesson for pupils of a compensatory group aged 5-7 years

Correction and development tasks:
-formation of ideas about summer and its signs;
-development of visual and auditory attention and perception,
-activation of color and thematic vocabulary,
-development of creative imagination,
- learn to answer questions, develop coherent oral speech.

Educational tasks:
-creating interest in classes;
-expand your understanding of the environment and develop curiosity,
- learn to behave appropriately in various situations.

Dictionary: Yellow, red, green; summer, heat, rain, puddles; scooter, bicycle, roller skates; June July August

Materials and equipment:
Materials on magnets, multi-colored circles, demonstration material “Stories from pictures: Seasons. Mosaic-Synthesis”, leaves with circles.

1) I will name the topic of the lesson later, you will help me. Let's play first.

2) Game “Clapping”
I will pronounce different words. If you hear the word “summer”, then you need to clap. Let's check: winter, summer.
Snow, heat, sun, summer, summer, June, July, August.
Well done, you listened carefully and completed the task.
How many times have I said the word “summer”?
Which word was “superfluous”?
What did the last 3 words have in common?

3) Subject message.
Have you guessed what the topic of our lesson is? What we're going to talk? That's right, about summer. The topic of our lesson is “Summer and summer activities.”

1) Story based on the picture
Who is in the picture? What are the guys doing? What season?
What else can you do in the summer?

2) Letter from Dunno.
Now I will read you Dunno’s letter about summer:
Hello guys. Summer has come. The sun is shining hot, there is snow all around.
Donut and I go swimming, but Znayka doesn’t like swimming and sleds down the mountain. The berries are ripe in the forest - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cucumbers.
Summer January is my favorite time of the year!
Did you like Dunno's letter? Why were you laughing?
What did Dunno mix up?

2) A story about summer, drawing up a “palette”.
What color is summer? Name your color and explain.
For example, I think that summer is white because in summer there are white clouds in the sky. (A white circle is displayed.)
Summer is green (A green circle is displayed.), because there are green leaves on trees and bushes, etc. around.
What colors did we choose to talk about summer? – red, white, blue, green, yellow.
What can you say about summer, what is it like?
Summer is colorful.

3) Guess riddles about summer fun.
I. Brushevsky
Two pedals, one steering wheel
We are sitting in the middle.
Frame, chain, leather saddle.
We can ride on it!
We eat as we please
But let's look where we're heading.
Not a moped with a motor,
And the simple one is (...a bicycle).

I need a horse for a ride
Need to take it today.
I'll pump it up quickly
With a breeze to the garden.
I can jump and roll,
And if they leave me, I’ll fly.
Laughing faces all around:
Everyone is happy about the round... (ball).

What can you do in summer? That's right, in the summer you can ride a bike or scooter, or play ball.
What do a bicycle, a scooter, and a ball have in common? What figure unites them?
The wheels are round and the ball is also round.

4) Physical exercise (with a massage ball)
We will take the ball in our hands and squeeze it with our fingers.
Let's roll it between our palms, throw it up and catch it.

5) I gave you pieces of paper with circles. (Children are given leaves with 3 circles drawn on each.) Think about what summer items you can complete.

6) Exhibition of drawings, the teacher comments on the children’s work.

III Summary
What time of year were we talking about? How long does summer last?
What are the summer months? What color is summer, why?
Which task did you like?

Program content: develop preschoolers’ ideas about seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature in summer;

to form a holistic understanding of the ecological systems of forests, meadows, and reservoirs in the summer season; introduce to the diversity of flora and fauna of the immediate ecological environment; ; create a desire to participate in environmental activities; consolidate the ability to measure substances with a conventional yardstick; Exercise children in orientation on a sheet of paper, in the ratio of images of numbers to the number of objects.

Material:, meadow flowers, fish, ; cards with symbols on the topic “Protect nature!”; ball; clock dial; letter, picture “Summer”; 3 envelopes with tasks.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). The riddle will help you find out the topic of our lesson:

The sun is burning,

The linden blossoms

The rye is ripening -

When does this happen? (In summer.)

IN. What signs of summer do you know? (Children's answers.)

Explain the sayings: “In summer dawn meets dawn.” (Long daylight hours.) “In June the sun is high, and from morning to evening it is far away.” Why do they say: in the summer every bush will let you spend the night?

Children. Because in summer the nights are very warm.

A letter is brought to the group, which says that the image in the picture “Summer” has disappeared. It is necessary to complete all tasks and collect a picture of summer. For each correctly completed task, children will be given a gift - a piece of a picture.

Task No. 1

Aimed at developing logical thinking, attention, and the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Children need to draw lines by color and location on the sheet.

The teacher shows a card that shows either a line or geometric figure. Children should look at the card for a minute and complete it from memory on their sheet. After completion, they receive pictures of the sun and flowers from the teacher as a gift.

IN. June is “grain growing”. How do you explain this name? (Children's answers.)

IN. Another name for June is “izok”, in Old Russian - “grasshopper”. This is because one of the signs of June is the loud chirping of grasshoppers. Now guess the riddle:

Snow in summer!

Just laughter.

Snow is flying around the city,

Why doesn't he melt?

Guys, what kind of snow is this?

Children. This is poplar fluff.

IN. You're right. This snow is poplar fluff. This is how the poplar spreads its seeds. In summer, many plants bloom. Therefore June in folk calendar called "multi-colored". What do you think are the benefits of flowers?

Children. Insects feed on their nectar. Many are medicinal.

IN. Is it possible to collect bouquets in the meadows? Why? What medicinal plants do you know in our fields and meadows? What can be done to prevent adults and children from picking flowers? (Children's answers.)

Practical task. Children come up with prizes, appeals and design signal or warning cards like “Don’t pick the flowers!”

Task No. 2.

Practice measuring bulk solids using a conventional yardstick.

IN. Measure how many teaspoons and how many tablespoons are in the plate with millet.

There are as many plates as there are children. Half of the children are given teaspoons, half - tablespoons.

After measuring under the guidance of the teacher, the children draw a conclusion: there are more teaspoons of millet, and fewer tablespoons.

IN. Guys, why are there more teaspoons of millet and fewer tablespoons?

Children. Because a teaspoon is smaller than a tablespoon, and less millet can fit into it.

IN. Right. For this you have a gift. (Children are given pictures of a tree with a hollow, bees, birds.)

Listen to how July was called in the popular calendar.

July - “Lipets” - linden blossoms and time for bees. Where do bees live?

Children. They live in hives, hollows and nests.

IN. Are these insects beneficial?

Children. Yes, they collect nectar and make honey - a very useful product for people. And some animals love to eat them.

IN. What do you need to know when communicating with bees? Is a bee sting dangerous for humans?

Children. Do not wave your hands, do not catch or kill bees.

IN. Which literary characters suffered from ignorance of the rules of conduct when meeting bees?

Children. Winnie the Pooh, a puppy from V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Who said “Meow”?”

IN. July is the time to hatch the chicks and put them on the wing. Tell us which birds raised their chicks? What are the chicks of these birds called (based on the subject pictures)? What do different birds feed their chicks and how do they teach them to fly? How should you behave if you find a nest with chicks in a forest, meadow or pond? Is it possible to touch them with your hands and feed them? Why? Why can't you make noise in the forest? (Children's answers.)

IN. In July, hay is harvested. Why do people do this? (Children's answers.) What is the name of the place where the grass is cut?

Children. Mowing.

IN. What are the people who cut the grass called?

Children. Mowers or mowers.

Outdoor game "Mowers".

Task No. 3.

Practice relating the number shown to the number of items brought.

The teacher gives the child a card with a picture of a number.

IN. Look at the number on your card and bring as many grains as you can.

The children do it. For this, they are given pictures of spikelets and clouds as a gift.

IN. August - “stubble”, “gustar”, “raznosol”, “serpen”. August raises the bird on his wing: flocks of starlings are the first to noisily make steep takeoffs and turns. In the evenings and in the mornings, gatherings of rooks scream at their nests, and during the day - at their prey. In August, summer runs towards autumn. The bounties of August are countless: people store bread for the whole year, prepare pickles, and obtain food for animals. “Winter has a big mouth, it doesn’t let August sleep.” What exactly do people prepare in August? What preparations do your parents make from berries, fruits and vegetables, mushrooms? What do you need to know and remember when picking berries and mushrooms in the forest? (Children's answers.)

IN. Guys, what gifts did you receive for completing tasks?

Children. The sun, flowers, a tree with a hollow, bees, birds, spikelets and clouds.

IN. Okay, now you need to make a picture of “Summer”.

Children are offered whatman paper with a given background, onto which they need to glue the gifts they receive - team work.

Lesson summary “Hello, summer!”

Target: Formation of children's knowledge about seasonal phenomena of living and inanimate nature.


Teach children to notice summer changes in nature;

To develop in children the ability to listen and understand literary words;

Teach children to see the extraordinary beauty of nature and enjoy the world around them;

Previous work . Observing natural phenomena in everyday life.

Materials: cubes of different colors, crayons, toys.

The children get dressed and go outside.

Educator. Guys, today we will not just go for a walk, but we will go on a trip. Want to? Then let's go. Children make a train and move around the territory kindergarten.

The engine chug - chug, chug - chug

He rushes along the rails at full speed.

Attach a carriage to it, -

It will turn into a train.

The bell is ringing. Stop. Stop "Solnechnaya".

Gives riddles to children:

What kind of golden ball is this?

Rolls across the sky

Rolls across the sky

Smiling at people?


There is a yellow flower in the sky

All year round does not fade,

And any petal

It will reach the ground.


The teacher asks the children questions:

What is the weather today? (Warm).

Why is it warm outside? (The sun is shining and warming)

Where is the sun? (In the sky)

What is it like? (Round, bright, yellow, warm, affectionate, radiant)

What does the sun send to our palms? (Warm)

Extend your palms to the sun's rays. Do you feel how the sun is warming? The sun heats the entire earth, sending it rays.

Educator . Guys, listen to the poem.

Good summer! Good summer!

How much heat there is in it, and how much light there is in it!

Summer is knocking on our windows in the morning: get up, kids!

Get up, ducklings, goslings, calves!

I will wash you all with spring water.

And I will warm the sun! Grow quickly!

Educator . What time of year is the poem talking about?

Children. About summer

Educator . Why do we love summer?

Children. It’s hot (now you can walk around in sundresses and shorts), the sun is shining brightly, its rays are hot (invite children to touch stones or sand heated in the sun)

Leaves on the trees, the grass is green all around, there are many flowers (invite the children to look at the green leaves, grass, flowers)

There are a lot of insects (draw children’s attention to ladybugs, butterflies, snails, beetles).

You can sunbathe, swim.

Ask the children if it is easy to look at the sun. Why? It is bright, yellow, blinding to the eyes.

Educator . Let's play with the sun, guys.

Finger game "Sun"
- The red morning has come,
- The sun has risen clear.

- The rays began to shine

- Make small children happy.

Fingers straighten one at a time
- The clouds have arrived

- The rays hid.

Fingers hide in a fist

Well done! We’ve answered my questions, and it turns out that we have such an extraordinary sunshine and a wonderful time of year – summer.

The children move like a train further around the territory of the kindergarten. Stop "Flower".

Educator . Children, look what beautiful flowers grow on the green lawn!

Children look at flowers.

Educator . Children, you cannot pick flowers. You can only smell them. How nice the flowers smell! (Children inhale the aroma of flowers). So many flowers. How beautiful they are. And this is a dandelion.

Listen to a poem about dandelion.

Wears a dandelion yellow sundress.

When she grows up, she dresses up in a little white dress,

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze.

Dandelion - medicinal plant In medicine, its leaves and roots are used to treat coughs and improve appetite. (Emphasize on appearance flower)

The children move like a train further around the kindergarten grounds. Stop "Igrovoy"

Guys, guess the riddle.

I look like a flower.

And on the bow too.

I really love the meadow

On a fine summer day

I flutter through the flowers

I drink their sweet nectar

Who am I, guess for yourself.

Guess a riddle.

Children. Butterfly.

Educator. Guys, look, there is a butterfly sitting on a daisy. Look how beautiful she is.

Let's turn into butterflies and play a game.

- “Turn around, spin around and turn into a butterfly”

Outdoor game "Butterflies". Goal: to learn to perform actions at the teacher’s signal, to develop motor activity, reaction speed, and dexterity.

Progress of the game:

Children (Butterflies) stand on the edge of the playground, where they walk to the words of the teacher: “Butterflies, butterflies have flown into the garden,” the children move their arms to the sides, run in different directions, running around one another.

Educator . “Everyone sat down quietly on a little white flower.” Children squat near the flowers of the named color (cubes different color). At the teacher’s signal: “oo-oo-oo,” which means howling wind, storm, butterflies run away from the garden to the edge of the playground. The game is repeated to the words “butterflies, butterflies, they flew into the field.” The teacher constantly notes the children who ran and squatted easily and quietly.

Educator. It's time to go. Next stop: Children's Playground.

Drawing butterflies with crayons on the asphalt. Independent play activity children on the playground. After playing, children put away toys and take out materials back into place.

Educator. Listen guys, the locomotive has already been waiting for you and me, let's move on. Stop "Group". Children go to the group.

Summary of the lesson on speech development “Summer” ( senior group)


Exercise children in the formation and use of adjectives in the comparative degree,

Exercise children in selecting actions and signs for objects,

Strengthen the ability to form verbs in the past tense,

Develop logical thinking and coherent speech,

Practice the ability to coordinate a numeral with a noun and adjective,

Cultivate interest in changes in nature that occur in summer.

Progress of the lesson:

Q. Guys, hello! Today we will have a very interesting conversation, and the riddle will help you find out what we will talk about:

I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,

I warm the rivers, “swim!” - I invite you.

And you all love me for this, I...

V. Finally, the red summer has arrived! We have been waiting for it for so long!

Tell mewhat a summer it is? (Children's response)

What's summer like? (warm, bright, colorful, joyful, hot.).

What's the sun like in summer? (yellow, hot, bright, warm.).

What is the grass like in summer? (green, fragrant, high, low, soft.).

What is the water like in summer? (warm, cool, pleasant, refreshing.).

What kind of rain is there in summer? (warm, long-awaited, torrential. short. lingering.).

What are children like in the summer? (cheerful, joyful, funny, noisy.).

What is the sky like in summer? (blue, bright, light, cloudless, stormy.).

What are clouds like in summer? (high, white, blue, thunderstorm, rain.).

Well done. In summer, berries and fruits ripen. Let's tell you what kind of juice you get from fruits, choose a picture and name the juice.

Children: Apple - apple juice, orange - orange juice, tangerine - tangerine juice, lemon - lemon juice, pineapple - pineapple juice, pear - pear juice, grapes - grape juice, peach - peach juice.

Q. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about summer. How do you think such sayings and proverbs can be explained: “In summer, dawn meets dawn.” (Long daylight hours.) “In June the sun is high, and from morning to evening it is far away.” Why do they say: in the summer every bush will let you spend the night? (Because the nights are very warm in summer) (Children's answers)

B. Now let's relax a little and play.

Outdoor game "Mowers".

3 drivers are selected - mowers, the rest of the players are flowers. Each playing child receives a colored ribbon representing a flower: yellow ribbon – dandelion, white ribbon – chamomile, blue – cornflower. Ribbons are attached to the back of children's belts. The drivers agree in advance who will pick which flower. The players pronounce the text and imitate the movement: the flowers, standing still, sway, move their leaf-like hands, and grow. The mowers make energetic movements with their arms to the side and forward and walk between the flowers across the field.

Flower words:

The meadow is green, green, everything is blooming around,

And the dew shines, and the braid rings.

Dandelion, cornflower and chamomile grow here.

Words of the mowers:

I will cut the grass with a scythe and pick a bouquet.

One two Three…

To the words: “One, two, three...” - the flowers scatter, trying to reach the appointed place. The mowers pluck ribbons of only their own color from the fleeing people, since according to the agreement, each mower collects either only dandelions, or daisies, or cornflowers. The winner is the one who picks the most ribbons corresponding to a given flower.

IN: Now tell me what everyone is doingin summer.

What is the sun doing? (shines, warms, bakes, heats, dries.).

What are the clouds doing? (stand, float, approach, rain.).

What does grass do? (smells, turns green, dries, grows, lies.).

What do flowers do? (grow, bloom, smell, delight, decorate.).

What do fruits do? (grow, ripen, fall, fill.).

What are the birds doing? (fly, sing, chirp, rejoice, hatch, teach chicks, take care of them.).

What are the children doing? (sunbathe, swim, warm up, play, jump, have fun, rejoice.).

Guys, let's play the game "What happened yesterday?"

Today the fruits ripen, but yesterday. (ripe).

Today children sunbathe, but yesterday. (sunbathing).

Today the birds are singing, but yesterday. (sang).

Today the clouds are floating, but yesterday. (swimmed).

It's raining today, but yesterday. (walked).

Today lightning flashes, but yesterday. (sparkled).

Today thunder roars, but yesterday. (rattled).

Today the children are swimming, but yesterday. (swimmed).

Let's do gymnastics for fingers.

1,2,3,4,5. Fingers are healthy.

We're going for a walk in the forest. Fingers walk across the table.

For blueberries, for raspberries. We bend one finger from the little finger.

For lingonberries, for viburnum,

We'll find strawberries. We connect our palms with a basket.

We'll take it to mom and dad.

Q. And now, guys, I suggest you draw summer as you imagine it. After this, the teacher asks a couple of children what they will draw.

Summary of the lesson.

What time of year were you talking about?

What's the best way to spend your summer?

What do you love most about this time of year?