Earn on stock trading. Is it possible for an ordinary person to make money on the stock exchange? Who is a broker

Hello friends. With you . IN Lately I am increasingly asked the question: how to make money on the stock exchange for a beginner at home? In fact, the site you are currently on is designed just for this. On it you will find a lot of materials that will help you prepare and become a successful trader. However, now I want to break down the issue of earning for beginners in more detail and help clarify a few key points. Next, you will find out which exchanges are best for a novice trader to work on, what is required of him to earn money, and what mistakes should be avoided in order not to lose money. If you want to start learning right now - start with the article and material on .

Beginners should learn the following: to be successful on any exchange, you need 2 things: good strategy and reliable broker. I recommend first watching a short video about one of the simplest strategies for beginners, as well as registering with a good broker:

But before proceeding to the main part of the article, I would like to talk about exchanges in general, because many beginners do not understand exactly where they are going to work, which is why they make a number of mistakes. The financial exchange is a special market where money and precious metals are traded. On financial exchanges, you can buy currencies, stocks, options, enter into a futures contract, etc. Do not confuse the financial exchanges of the world, as well as those that are on the Internet. To trade on the global stock exchange, you need to have a decent start-up capital, transactions here are much more complicated, so they are inaccessible to a "mere mortal". Exchanges on the Internet are a kind of alternative for an ordinary person with relatively little capital, they are intended directly for making money on speculation, and it will not work to use them for business and for everyday needs.

On financial exchanges on the Internet, you can make money by raising or lowering the rate of an asset. The last are currency quotes, stocks, precious metals, commodities (oil) or stock indices. On any exchange, you will make deals, before that, having made a forecast regarding the further dynamics of the chart. If this prediction turned out to be correct, you earn, and if it is wrong, you suffer losses. In total, there are 3 most common exchanges on the Internet, which will be discussed now.

What financial exchanges are there on the Internet?

  1. Stock Exchange is, so to speak, the most serious financial exchange on the World Wide Web. On it, you can trade shares of large companies operating both in Russia and abroad. In order to become a member of the stock exchange, you will have to have an initial capital of at least $ 1,000, follow a number of formalities before you start trading: sign an agreement with a broker, provide personal information about yourself. The stock exchange, both on the Internet and in the physical world, is regulated by Russian law, so in the course of trading you will be faced with the need to sign various kinds of papers, as well as pay taxes. For all these reasons, the stock exchange is rarely chosen by people with little trading funds who simply want to multiply their money quickly. As a rule, large investors trade here, their profit rarely exceeds 20-30% of the invested funds per month, while it is possible to earn more than 100% on other exchanges.
  1. A more interesting option for an ordinary Russian is Forex. Despite the fact that the rumors about him are not too partial, you can make money here, and later you will find out exactly how. On this exchange, you have to trade currency quotes, the profit directly depends on how much the chart has moved in your direction, the same applies to the loss. In Forex, you have quite a lot of risks, but at the same time, there are enough means to minimize them, such as Stop Loss, money management rules, some principles of a trading strategy, etc. Working on Forex is not regulated by any laws, which creates an optimal atmosphere for a beginner to make big money without any kind of state control. At the same time, there are considerable risks of stumbling upon fraudulent brokers, so the choice of a brokerage company should be taken with great care. If you want to trade specifically on Forex, I recommend starting preparation from the article With its help, you will gain basic knowledge, gradually move towards the study of a trading strategy, choose a reliable broker, and also understand a number of other nuances about the currency exchange.

  1. And the last financial exchange on the Internet, which appeared and gained popularity only 5 years ago, is the binary options exchange. In some ways, it is quite similar to Forex, but the principle of operation is much simpler and accessible even to a perfect teapot who has never dealt with the topic of finance. You just need to buy an option “Higher” or “Lower” by setting an expiration time for it in advance.

    You get a fixed profit, even if the chart has moved only 1 point in your direction. This is an invaluable plus of binary options, because the trader has the opportunity to insure risks as much as possible. So, you cannot lose more than you planned, and also get less than determined by the broker. It is on the options exchange that I personally trade for 5 years in a row, it takes only a couple of hours a day to work, and the profit is about $ 1000 per day. I recommend starting preparation for trading with the article

  1. Find UKBrent among the lists of quotes;
  2. Open "Call" options for a period of 15-20 days.

After the specified time period, you are likely to make a profit: +72% of the funds invested in the option.

Which exchange to choose is up to you. If you are a beginner, then I would recommend binary options to you, this is best option for those who want to start earning with minimal effort. However, not everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance, and not everyone earns on the stock exchange. Nevertheless, this income is available to everyone, but under certain conditions. Read on to find out why 80% of traders lose money and how you can get guaranteed profits.

Is it possible to make money on the stock exchange from scratch?

How to make money on the exchange for a beginner at home? Is it real at all? Or can only people with many years of experience in the field of finance succeed here? A beginner can really earn money, and you don’t have to understand economics. Why am I so sure? The thing is that in the past he himself was a simple hard worker at one of the Samara factories. Of course, there was no talk of any finances here, the work was connected with a completely different “craft”. Nevertheless, I managed to succeed, exactly like many of my students, who were also for the most part simple people from the people. If you are interested, you can read their stories in the website section .

So, it’s quite possible for a beginner to make money on the stock exchange, but at the same time he needs to do one very important condition- prepare well for trading. It is impossible to earn in any area without having been trained before, the same applies to exchange earnings. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this fact, so about 80% of traders come to the exchange unprepared and drain all the money. They trade without a strategy, or simply do not understand some important points. However, this does not mean at all that earnings are generally impossible. With some preparation, you can do well on the stock exchange, and getting trained is not so difficult, it will not take you years of time. On average, it is enough to allocate about 10-15 hours of your time in total, some beginners study all the material for about 2 months in order to prepare as competently as possible. You should start with those two articles, links to which were given above, depending on the exchange on which you are going to work.

How to make money on the exchange for a beginner at home and what is required for this?

So, as you already understood, certain preparation is needed for profitable work on the stock exchange, you should not assume that binary options or Forex are easy money, everything is far from it. Everyone can really succeed here, but only on condition that they are well prepared. Now I will briefly list the main stages of this preparation.

  1. To begin with, you will need to learn basic knowledge so that you understand trading terms, be able to conduct elementary chart analysis, determine the trend, etc. All this is collected in if you have never encountered financial exchanges before, you need to start with this article. I also strongly recommend that you study, which contains the most common beginner questions with detailed answers to them.
  1. The key stage of preparation is the study of the trading strategy with which you will trade. A strategy, if you don't already know, is a set of rules, and you need to follow them if you want to make a stable profit on the exchange. The best TS for Forex, personally tested by me, are in the section , and for binary options - .
  1. The last mandatory step is choosing a reliable broker. Forex and the binary options exchange are not regulated by law, so there are quite a few scammers among brokerage companies. By trading with them, you simply will not have a chance to earn. How to identify a reliable broker? It is extremely difficult to do this, especially for a beginner, so I recommend that you work with those companies that have been tested personally by me, or by my students and colleagues. All of them are collected in two tables below (for Forex and binary options).

The best binary options brokers!

Forex Broker Rating! The best of the best!

Spread from 2 points from 0.1 points from 0 points from 3 points from 0.4 points from 0.1 points
Min. deposit 0,02$ 10$ 10$ 1$ No No
Year of creation 2007 2005 2006 2007 2009 2008
PAMM accounts There is There is There is There is There is No
Leverage (max) 1:500 1:1000 1:500 1:1000 1:500 1:2000

In addition to all this, you can study other materials about exchanges on this portal, because the better you prepare, the more you can earn. You have the opportunity to read special articles describing a particular issue about financial exchanges, success stories of my colleagues and students, analytics, and much more. Knowledge on financial exchanges is equivalent to money, so the more the former, the more the latter.

PAMM Trade Success Stories!

The PAMM-Trade project started relatively recently, just a few months ago. Despite this, there are already the first traders here who can be called successful without any doubt. Of course, they do not yet earn as much as my earlier students, but still their incomes are very large, and stable. Now I will briefly describe each of them:

  1. Recently, another successful trader wrote to me - . His story simply shocked me, because for 4 years in a row Gennady tried to find a source of income on the Internet, but only came across all kinds of pyramids and scams, because of which he lost a lot of money. A few months ago, he decided to try himself in the field of exchange earnings, and has already withdrawn the first profit. Trade is going positively, the rules of the strategy are working, and now Gennady can count on a prosperous future. As he himself admits, making money on the stock exchange is fundamentally different from all those options that he tried before. Here you manage your money yourself, trade on it yourself, which means that the profit depends solely on you, and not on third parties, who are often outright scammers.

  1. Mikhail Prokhorov wrote to me just a few days ago, so far his success story is not on the site, but his trading is also a sure plus. Of course, Mikhail has not earned too much yet, but he is on the way to this, the main thing is that he succeeds, and soon, I am sure, he will join the ranks of wealthy citizens of Russia.

Something tells me that over time there will be more and more such stories, because the popularity of the portal is growing, now not only I write articles on it, but also some of my colleagues, as well as successful students. However, I think that there are much more successful people, it’s just that not everyone is ready to talk about their success, many are still afraid to frighten off luck, not realizing that luck has nothing to do with it. All earnings on the exchange are exclusively the work of the trader himself and his strategy, you must understand this if you decide to earn consistently. If you trade without a strategy, you may be lucky once, twice, three times, but luck cannot be permanent. For stable earnings, you need to clearly follow the rules of your system, and in order to understand and correctly apply all this, you need to prepare. You already know exactly how to do this, the rest is up to you!

To the end!

All success and great profit!

Sincerely yours, Victor Samoilov!

Greetings! The other day I watched with pleasure the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" with Leonardo DiCaprio in leading role. Adore . The intensity of passions, a sea of ​​events and emotions, ups and downs - beauty! Agree, in comparison with the heroes of such films, we live a terribly boring life.

Is it possible for a mere mortal to make money on the stock exchange? The answer to this question is not as obvious as it seems. Wrong are those who consider currency, stock or a giant scam. But anyone who hopes to consistently and easily earn thousands of dollars on the MICEX is also mistaken.

The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in between. Let's try to figure it out...

We will not touch Forex today. The article was very recent. Let's talk about - the one where securities are traded.

There are two ways to earn money here. And each has its pros and cons. "Speculator" or "Investor": which image do you like more?


The speculator focuses on making short-term profits. He can "weld" a few percent in a couple of minutes or a couple of days. Then close the deal and take profit.

The speculator does not care what to trade. If only the instrument was more or less volatile. After all, a trader earns on price fluctuations (a dollar / ruble pair, a barrel of oil, Apple shares). The speculator is an active player. It looks for trends, uses and analyzes news, signals and forums. And every time it tries to predict where the market will go: up or down.

How much can a speculator earn?

A speculator can double his trading account in just one month! More than 1000 per annum can really be obtained in a couple of days or hours. The goal of the speculator is to outrun the market and make a serious profit in a short time.

Here, for example, are the real results of the LCHI competition - "The Best Private Investor". The Moscow Exchange holds LCHI every year from September 15 to December 15. Anyone can take part in the competition. As part of the competition, you can trade on the stock, futures and currency markets.

For three months, the top three earned on stock market 267.98%, 263.95% and 232.81% respectively. Is it tempting to increase start-up capital by 2.5 times in just three months? $10,000 deposited, $25,000 withdrawn...

Unfortunately, in real trading, everything looks quite different. Most traders showed results from 0% to 5%. Slightly less than half - from 0% to -5%. According to the results of three months, 50% of all trading accounts turned out to be in the red.

Not so profitable, it turns out, to be a speculator. But damn tempting, isn't it? 🙂 By the way, it also applies to speculation.

Do you remember the story of the beginning of 2016 about a private trader from Kazan? On the Internet, a link to this news walked on all social networks. In one day, Denis Gromov lost 15.1 million rubles on currency speculation, remaining 9.5 million rubles in debt to the bank! The story is dark, but still...


Have you noticed that they don't make films or write books about investors? About traders-speculators - please, but about investors - nothing at all!

And all because ... there is nothing special to show. In trading, they earn and lose millions in a couple of minutes, in the frame there is a sea of ​​emotions, yachts, limousines and luxurious women. The reviews of the lucky ones excite and make you believe in a miracle.

Investments are quiet, boring, more or less predictable and absolutely not spectacular. Making a film about an ordinary investor is like making an accountant or a tax inspector the main character in an action movie. 🙂

Now seriously. The investor is focused on receiving for a period of two to three years. Unlike the speculator, he buys or not as a commodity for resale, but as an asset or share in a business. The investor does not evaluate the general situation in the stock market, but looks at the prospects of a particular organization. He analyzes financial statements companies using multipliers(profit, book value, profitability, etc.).

Particularly "lazy" investors do not even do this. They do not spend time analyzing markets, companies or securities, but allocate funds between different asset classes using . This strategy is called Asset Allocation. It takes a minimum of time, and yields higher than the market.

How does an investor earn? On dividends and growth in the value of a particular business. Unlike speculators, investors do not use stops and shoulders. Investors reduce potential risks in a different way -.

How much can an investor earn?

The goal of the investor: to overtake inflation and the market (usually a benchmark in the form of ) by several percent over the long term. An investor on the Asset Allocation strategy is also quite satisfied with the market return.

It is impossible to say how much, on average, an investor earns. Replace one asset in the portfolio with another or take the results for two "adjacent" years - and the numbers will be different.

Let's look at two investment vehicles.

Dividends on shares

Take the dividend yield of stocks Russian companies at the end of 2015. By the way, there are not so few companies in Russia that pay dividends to shareholders.

  • I receive income even when the share price falls or stands still
  • Regular payments create additional cash flow (every year, half a year or quarter), which can be redirected to investments

Government bonds

OFZ is another good investment option for a passive investor. The tool is considered the most reliable in Russian financial market. And the yield on such securities is almost always higher than the interest on bank deposits.

Income on government bonds consists of two parts: income from redemption / sale and . In the summer of 2016 OFZ traded with a yield of 8% to 12%. From OFZ, you can make a bond portfolio, buy it on and get tax deduction in the amount of 13%.

How to choose OFZ for investment?

If the market is expecting an increase in interest rates, then it is better to buy bonds with variable coupon income. If rates rise, coupon income will also rise.

Against the backdrop of high inflation, it is worth taking a closer look at OFZ-IN (government bonds with nominal indexation). Such securities are indexed for consumer inflation. True, OFZ-IN usually offers very low coupon yields.

Bonds with amortized face value are suitable for those who want to generate intense cash flow. OFZ-AD are repaid not once, but in parts according to the schedule. By the way, just yesterday I have matured.

Whom to be more profitable: a speculator or an investor?

There is no clear answer to this question. It is definitely more difficult to be a speculator. At any moment, he can earn hundreds of thousands and immediately go into the red. Plus, the speculator must know and understand the market in which he trades. And possess such qualities as stress resistance, cold mind and good reaction. The earnings of a speculator can not be called either stable or.

The investor's income is more predictable and regular (as, indeed, his life). Compared to a speculator, his potential gains and losses are much more modest. You can be an investor “part-time”, without devoting all your free time to this. Necessary qualities of character: patience, analytical mindset and determination.

As regards the answer to the most main question articles: “Is it really possible to make money on the stock exchange?” - read my blog and see everything with your own eyes, and in real time! 🙂 Subscribe to updates and share links to fresh posts with friends on social networks!

P.S. If you want to learn more about the exchange, investment and trading, I advise you to look this webinar from Dmitry Mikhnov.

It attracts more and more people who consider it as the beginning of their investment and business. All beginners are always interested in the question -? Earnings on the stock exchange are based on trading stocks, bonds, futures, options and others. Thanks to this, the exchange gathers representatives of various trade sectors at its auctions.

Today, thanks to computer innovations and the Internet, the most popular type of Uncategorized became Internet Uncategorized. It's very easy and affordable everyone can participate in trading on the stock exchange. Of course, for successful trading, it’s not enough to get trained, you also need to understand the economy, both of the state and the world as a whole, understand the functioning of the exchange, and always be aware of economic news.

If you are determined to go to the stock trading market, you need to know step by step what to do and how to make money on the stock market.

How to make money on the stock exchange

  • Trading platform. In order for good earnings on the stock exchange to go into your pockets, you need to choose the right trading platform. Her choice will depend on many factors, starting with your preferences and going down the list. Thanks to the Internet, today you can find all the information you need about each exchange that interests you without leaving your home. When choosing a trading platform, remember that it should be not only the trading direction you need, but also convenient for work. You should have full access to view real-time trades, submit and receive orders without difficulty, and have access to images of the dynamics for the desired instrument.
  • Brokerage company. Of course, this is a very important choice for your trading. Choose a broker for yourself according to all your selection criteria, do not hesitate to ask all the questions you are interested in, in order to avoid unpleasant situations when working with a broker.
  • Directions for investment. Undoubtedly, the leading place in trading instruments today is occupied by shares. They give a wide range for investment and speculation. Bonds and futures are a little less popular, mostly beginners start with them, although here you will not earn big dividends, but the risk of losing all the money is much less. As for stocks, it is worth starting them with a good and proven work plan, there are inherent big risks, both losses and earnings.
  • Trading strategy. If you are a beginner, the easiest way to get a good trading strategy is to turn to successful and famous traders who have been conduct successful trading on the stock exchanges. On the Internet, you can find a lot of different seminars, video courses, video lessons, and different plans for work. Most often, they take a ready-made trading strategy as a basis, and supplement it with their points, which are verified by personal experience.


Now you know where to start and how to make money on the stock market. You have a long and thorny path ahead of you, but with these tips it will be much easier for you, and perhaps we will help you avoid stupid mistakes that will get in your way.

Trading is one of the earliest ways to make money online.

The main point of this activity is to buy low and sell high.

Accordingly, a trader is a person engaged in trading on the stock exchange, derivatives or foreign exchange market, the purpose of which is to make a profit by buying and selling securities.

The purchase of shares occurs through a broker on. A broker is an intermediary who takes a commission for his services, which is what he lives on.

The stock exchange is the place where sellers and buyers meet. Meetings are held via the Internet, that is, you do not need to go somewhere to another city to buy shares.

Why do you have to work through brokers? Because to access the stock exchange you need:

  • Firstly , have a license, which can be obtained after passing special education.
  • Secondly , to participate in trading, for example, on the MICEX exchange, where all the main trading in shares takes place, you will need to make an entry fee of three million rubles.
  • Third , you will need special software, which also costs a lot of money.

That is why we are in such demand brokerage services, management companies and other professional market participants. It makes sense to engage in independent trading bypassing intermediaries when you have a large capital and you are ready to do this seriously and professionally.

But if you do not have a lot of money, then you may well trade in the stock market through one of the many brokers.

Who is a broker?

Among the brokers you can hear such well-known names as Finam, Alfa Capital, Troika Dialog, Uralsib, VTB and others. That is, as a rule, these are large and serious companies that you can trust.

As a rule, in such companies there are various training courses, both paid and free, after studying which you can later independently, trade at home.

You can trade on the exchange at any time convenient for you, although it depends on which of the exchanges you have to work on.

It is worth noting that the choice of a broker should be taken very scrupulously. The fact is that they earn on commissions, so your potential income or loss depends on the level of commissions.


Volatility is a statistical financial indicator characterizing price variability. We consider this parameter together with broker commissions. I specifically focus on this, because by understanding this indicator you will be able to understand one of the specifics of trading, which, as a rule, not announced aloud by brokers, but it can greatly affect your wallet.

To better understand what volatility is, let's look at an example. For example, you decide to become a trader in the stock market and earn money by buying and selling shares. is basically a low volatility market. That is, stock prices do not change much during the trading day.

For example, at the beginning of the trading day they cost 100 rubles per share. During the day, the cost increased to 102 rubles, and by the end of the working day it fell to 97 rubles. In such conditions, it will be very difficult for a trader whose broker charges a high commission to earn something.

Broker takes commission for each trade. Let's say that you have 100,000 rubles that you would like to increase by investing. You buy shares of various companies for these shares, for which you pay a commission to the broker.

After some time, you see that the shares have grown in price and you decide to sell them in order to take profits. But you also have to pay for the sale broker commission. As a result, it may turn out that commissions will eat up your profits.

In order for your trading to be successful, it is necessary for the shares to rise in price enough to cover the cost of commissions. But the low volatility of the stock market may not allow this.

Where is the exit?

There are several ways out in this situation:

  1. Find a low commission broker
  2. Trade in a highly volatile market

In fact, there are many more ways out, but I do not set myself the goal of giving you stock trading guide. My task is to show you the options for making money on the Internet. And it's up to you to decide where and what you would like to do.

Therefore, let's get a general idea now, and we will study the subtleties in other articles.

Let's go back to the two possible scenarios listed above. If the first option is more or less clear, you just need to go through all the brokers that work in your city and compare brokerage rates.

I recommend preparing one example for all brokers in advance. That is, you come to a broker and say that you have 100,000 rubles that you are ready to invest in shares. Ask: “What costs will I incur if I buy 5 types of shares of different companies with this money? What expenses will there be if I start buying and selling shares for at least 50,000 rubles a day?”

How difficult is it?

Any new business seems incredibly complicated and incomprehensible to us. But if you understand WHY you need it, then the approach will be completely different.

Now there will be several lessons on motivation, since I want to immediately warn you that 9 out of 10 people who are trying to conquer or merge after a couple of months and never return to this lesson.

The thing is, it's really hard. To make money on the stock exchange you need:

  1. Master the theoretical material.
  2. Learn to manage your mental state.
  3. Get the experience you need.

Now let's look at each item in more detail.

The theoretical material includes basic financial knowledge that will help you understand what is, etc.

You will also need to study technical and fundamental analysis. This knowledge will help you create your own work strategy, with the help of which you will achieve success.

Why do you need to study all these wisdoms? The fact is that the game on the stock exchange largely comes down to reading charts and correct interpretation financial news.

All traders work according to the same laws.

Example 1. Uptrend

This graph tells us that the market in this moment an uptrend prevails. This means prices are going up. So we need to buy now. The stock or currency (depending on what we buy) will rise after some time and we can make a profit by selling it.

Example 2. Downtrend

This chart tells us that market prices are now falling, so we need to either wait for the trend to reverse, when prices begin to rise again, or, if we are confident in a further fall in stock prices, then borrow shares from our broker so that now sell them, and when prices drop below, then buy at a lower price and repay the debt in the form of shares to the broker. This creates a profit in a down market.

Example 3. Sideways

This chart tells us that the market is now in a sideways trend. This means that there is no pronounced movement of the market up or down. This usually happens in situations of uncertainty.

Each trader behaves differently in such situations depending on the chosen strategy. Someone is waiting, trying to catch an uptrend or a downtrend. Someone trades using the high volatility of the market.

These were three of the simplest examples of using the ability to read charts.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. However, for many beginners, the sight of these charts is terrifying.

Now let's talk about psychological aspects of trading. The fact is that for many beginners, trading on the stock exchange is primarily a gambling game like a casino. Why for beginners? Because such players do not live long. I mean, they don't play.

Sooner or later, usually sooner, the moment comes when they lose all the money and never come back.

many newcomers panicked when the market starts to move down, and with it, the shares bought by the newcomer start to move down. When you see how your sweat and blood, hard-won money is melting, you immediately want to hide it in a warm and safe place away from the evil world that is trying to take it away for itself.

There are many more examples of psychological errors beginners admit, but the situation described above is perhaps the most common. In such situations, it is important not to succumb to emotions, but to follow a clearly defined plan.

Necessary reduce all kinds of risks Well, there are tools for that. For example, you can use stop loss(stop loss) – loss limiter. It works fully automatically, and if you are not even at the computer monitor, and prices rush down, then the stop loss will help you limit losses and save your capital.

The purpose of stop loss is simple. For example, you bought shares for 100 rubles. Immediately set stops (short for stop loss) at the level of 80 rubles. This means that if the market goes down and reaches the mark of 80 rubles, then your shares will be automatically sold and the money will be withdrawn to your account.

Finally, let's look at the third parameter of successful trading- this is an experience. I want to disappoint you: you are unlikely to become a millionaire in a year, two or even three, becoming a trader. It will most likely take you much longer. But this does not mean that all this time you will suffer losses. It is difficult to earn really big money without having both negative and positive trading experience behind your back.

So don't expect to be thrown at you. a lot of money as soon as you start trading stocks, futures, options or currencies. I will say more, get ready for the fact that you will lose and lose your money. But without these losses, subsequent growth is impossible.

Where to trade?

There are three main markets in which you can trade: the stock market, the futures market and the foreign exchange market.

  • Shares are traded on the stock market, for example, on the (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange);
  • Futures and options are traded on the derivatives market, for example, on the (Russian Trading System)
  • On the foreign exchange market () they trade, respectively, currencies (dollars, euros, yens, etc.)

Each market has its own characteristics and everyone determines where it is easier and more interesting for him to make money.

In the following articles, we will take a closer look at the features of trading in different markets.

P.S. You can get more information on how to make money on the Internet in a special section:

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