Parviz Yasinov: biography and personal life. Tears of a girl from a tattoo: Yulia Volkova hides a divorce from her husband Yulia Volkova's new lover

The turbulent personal life of the soloist of the Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, seems to have completely overshadowed her musical successes. Today, many will hardly remember the hits of this once popular group, but it seems that the entire secular beau monde is aware of Yulia Volkova's numerous novels. Recently, the scandalous singer surprised everyone again: firstly, she came to the party with new, plumper lips, as well as another young man, Igor. At the end of the holiday, Volkova loudly announced to everyone that she was going to leave with her beloved for America and would take her children with her - 6-year-old daughter Victoria and little Samir. "Only the stars" decided to find out what they think about this act, surrounded by stars.

Yulia's father Oleg Volkov is a large businessman selling clothes and shoes. He found time to talk with us only late in the evening. Hearing his voice on the phone, we realized that the man was a little tipsy.

- Oleg, what do you think about Julia moving to America?

- I think it's a great idea! What to do here? If it were possible, I would advise everyone to leave here. Julia once said that in our country they love all sorts of singing combinations, underpants, socks and other nonsense. And normal groups do not appreciate. The Russians like every nonsense! Some "Ranetki" appeared - explain to me who they are at all ?! Meanwhile, they are shown on TV, they collect halls. This is complete nonsense! Yulia wants to work normally, with professionals, and not in the way that is customary here - two stomps, three swoops!

- It will probably be difficult for her to start a career in a foreign country ...

“She won’t pursue a career there, you understand? Julia is already working with might and main. In general, Tatu always wanted to conquer the West.

- Today, Yulia's personal life is more often discussed, and not her successes on stage. Are you sad to hear this?

- Of course, I don’t like a lot in my daughter. But what can I do? When a person is independent and can afford to buy a car, an apartment and even a house in Los Angeles, how can parents influence this person? It seems to me that no. If a person is smart, then sooner or later he will remember the words that his parents told him, and follow their advice.

- If she offers you to leave your business in Russia and go to the States with her, will you agree?

- Why not? Good people needed everywhere. If necessary, my wife Larisa and I will go there and live with our grandchildren.

However, the news that Volkova and her children might soon leave Russia did not please Victoria's father, Pavel Sidorov, and his relatives. Recall that the romance between the then-famous singer Yulia Volkova and Pavel Sidorov flared up more than eight years ago. Young people met in a famous nightclub, where they often went with friends. Pasha immediately liked Yulia - a handsome, pumped-up young man did not leave her indifferent, and she did everything to win Sidorov. The novel lasted about two years, the couple then converged, then diverged. Soon the girl realized what she expected from her beloved child. But even after that, Pavel and Julia did not formalize the relationship. Volkova had a charming daughter, Victoria. Soon the relationship between Pavel and the singer went wrong completely. We decided to find out if Pavel agrees to let his daughter Vika go to America. Sidorov's phone was switched off. agreed to answer our questions. elder sister Pavel - Anastasia.

In the conversation, the girl made it clear that she did not want to part with her beloved niece.

“We all love her very much,” Anastasia admitted through tears. - Vika is a wonderful, kind girl, she is our blood, a dear person. Breaking up with her will be very difficult. Unfortunately, we rarely communicate with Yulia and her relatives, but once we were a real family. We used to really like her. On September 23, Vikula turned six years old. But I could not congratulate her, as well as none of our family. But we so wanted to give her gifts and sweets. But this is impossible. Some people who are against this constantly interfere in our communication with Vika and Yulia. I won't name them. And so, I think that Yulia would not refuse to meet with me.

According to Anastasia, the "tat" is also seen extremely rarely with Pavel. But what caused the separation of Volkova and Sidorov, the girl does not know.

- Now Pasha is happily married to a young and beautiful girl, his son is growing up. The brother turned out to be a wonderful family man, despite the fact that with Yulia everything did not work out very well for him. A black cat ran between them. Now Pasha almost never remembers Yulia, does not like talking about her. I think Volkova is still angry with him. Now Pasha works as the director of a karate school, sometimes he leads classes with children. He also has a black belt, his brother has been fond of this sport since childhood. Pashka has always been a natural leader. He is a man with a strong character, a real fighter and defender, strong, courageous.
However, Pavel Sidorov is described in completely different words in the family of Anastasia Lazunina - his ex girlfriend. She gave him a daughter, Polina, planned to start a family with her beloved. However, the girl did not hear Mendelssohn's march. Pavel left Nastya with a little daughter. It was Yulia Volkova who became the homeowner.

“Nastya was very worried when Pasha left her,” Anastasia’s mother Tamara Mikhailovna shared with us.

- Now about it young man we don't talk to her. Thank God, another man appeared in Nastenka's life who truly loves her. They have been married for a long time, they have children growing up. My daughter does not receive any help from Sidorov. He never seems to call her to find out about Polina. But Polechka is a beauty - she has brown hair, and her eyes, like her father's, are blue.

Anastasia herself refuses to communicate with the press. She says it's too hard for her to remember her former lover, but for "Only the Stars" the girl made an exception.

“I really don’t receive any money from Pasha, he doesn’t help me financially,” the girl says sadly. We don't talk to him and hardly see each other. This state of affairs suits both of us. Of course, I know about my rival Yulia Volkova, sometimes I read about her strange actions. Why does she get itchy! Can't you find a normal guy? I feel sorry for her.

Yulia Volkova is not only one of the most scandalous stars on our stage, but also a subject for heated discussions and discussions among ... neighbors. In her native courtyard, where the singer spent her childhood, her person is a favorite topic of discussion for local gossips. "Only the Stars" found an old friend of the Volkov family - Valentina Stepanovna K. The pensioner works as a concierge. After work, she agreed to talk about the childhood and crazy youth of Yulia Volkova.

“This girl has always been a terrible mischief-maker,” recalls Valentina Stepanovna. - A real fire, I always came up with some kind of games in the yard. She learned to ride a bicycle before all her peers. She often fell, broke her knees, but then she still sat down again and rode. Stubborn was, simply horror!

However, she had to forget about children's amusements when Yulia passed the competition for the Fidget ensemble, where she met her future colleague in the Tatu group, Lena Katina.

- A love for music was instilled in Yulia by a neighbor on the landing. The old lady was very nice. Parents often left Yulechka with her. The girl has always loved this woman. Even after becoming popular, Julia always greeted and hugged her. They had such a tender relationship.

According to Valentina Stepanovna, parents Oleg and Larisa dreamed that their daughter would connect her life with music.

- They themselves are from simple families, they have never been fond of music. Oleg has always worked hard to provide for his family. The real outlet for him was hunting. He loved to shoot! For many years, the Volkovs had an Irish setter dog, which replaced any thermal imagers for him. Oleg often took her hunting with him. Well, Larisa Yulechka was engaged. To make the girl look no worse than everyone else in Fidget, she even left work. Larisa was a hairdresser. She did great hair! Yulenka she always went with a neat haircut. Larisa constantly watched her daughter and sometimes even took on the functions of a bodyguard. I remember once there was a case: when the Tatu group was just gaining popularity, something happened at their concert. So Julia called her mother, and she went to deal with the offenders. The girls did not have guards at that time.
Valentina Stepanovna says that in character, Yulia more likely went to her father, but in appearance - to her mother.

- My son Igor studied with Larisa in the same class. At school, she was really skinny, very skinny. Few paid attention to her. And when she married Oleg, gave birth to Yulia, her figure improved.
Boys ran after Yulia from the school bench. She knew how to use her popularity: one admirer carried her briefcase after school, another let her cheat on tests.

“I can’t even remember all the suitors of Yulechka,” our interlocutor laughs. - I can say one thing: she always chose attractive suitors for herself. So we all liked this Parviz. Too bad she broke up with him. He was such a nice young man. She came here with him three months ago. Literally for a couple of hours I looked at my parents and went back somewhere. And they rolled up in an open red car. Julia was driving, and Parviz hugged her by the shoulders. They looked like doves. Another time he arrived alone in another - black - car, and even with security. He entered the entrance, and these bodyguards were waiting for him below.

Valentina Stepanovna says that Oleg and Larisa hardly see their grandchildren. Vika and little Samir rarely visit their grandparents.

- I know that Yulia is helped with her children by her grandmother - Larisa's mother Lyudmila. She often comes to the apartment where Volkova now lives with her children. Although they have a nanny, no one can replace a loved one. Here Lyudmila goes back and forth.

Got married. The singer's wedding took place on August 8 in Europe. Julia shared the good news on her Instagram microblog. The singer posted a photo posing in a white dress with bouquets of red roses. “08.08.2018. Now I know for sure that dreams come true!!! Thank you, God, for everything, ”Julia wrote under the picture. The singer also added several hashtags: “love”, “family” and “forever”.

33-year-old ex-soloist of the group "t.A.T.u." got married

Yulia Volkova carefully hides the name of her chosen one. It is only known that the singer has been dating her lover for two years. He is a man of a non-public profession, so he does not want to attract undue attention to himself. Beloved Julia is not in the photos in her microblog on Instagram.

Recall that a year ago, in the program “Secret for a Million”, Volkova said that she was preparing for a wedding with a man who is a little older than her and lives in another country. Then the singer admitted that she had already introduced her chosen one to her daughter Victoria and son Samir. “I already want to get married. I want a wedding. I already know what my dress will be, ”said the artist.

Julia Volkova

Despite the fact that Julia is raising two children, she has not officially been married yet. Volkov's daughter was born in 2004. Her father was the artist's bodyguard Pavel Sidorov. True, the young man was married and had a little daughter, so the relationship with the singer was short-term. In 2006, information appeared that Yulia Volkova was preparing to marry Vlad Topalov, with whom she was familiar with the time of their participation in the team " fidgets". However, the musicians denied these rumors. In March 2007, news appeared in the media that Volkova secretly became the wife of a businessman. Parviza Yasinova and converted to Islam. At the end of 2007, the star gave birth to Yasinov's son, who was named Samira. Later, Julia said that the marriage was civil and did not last long. In 2010, Volkova left her son's father.

Recall that in 2012, Yulia was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. , Volkova also shared in the talk show "The Secret to a Million". According to the artist, having heard the diagnosis, she did not believe the doctors and was examined by other specialists. When they also told the star that she had a malignant tumor, Yulia decided to undergo treatment in Moscow. The singer also admitted that during treatment and rehabilitation, many colleagues on the stage wrote her off as a potential disabled person. The star chose not only not to tell anyone about her illness, but she herself supported her former producer at that time. Ivan Shapovalov who was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was undergoing chemotherapy.

Yulia Volkova, "dark" from the Tatu group, got married for the first time. She chose one of the most beautiful dates of 2018 for her wedding.

The event took place on the coast mediterranean sea, but fans are puzzled: are they interpreting correctly last photo from Julia. The singer's subscribers are waiting for news about the marriage, details about her husband and children.

The magic of numbers and words

The conclusion that Yulia Volkova finally got married was made by all the subscribers of her Instagram. The singer published a photo from the Mediterranean coast with a beautiful date that many newlyweds dreamed of this year: “08/08/2018”.

After the mysterious numbers, Julia wrote that she now knows for sure that “dreams come true” and thanked God for everything. In the picture, the girl is captured on sea ​​shore in a white dress with a chic bouquet of dark red roses tied with a large white bow. Julia's long hair flutters in the wind. The photo and short caption are accompanied by expressive hashtags:

  • "Love";
  • "family";
  • "forever".

It was probably on August 8 that the 33-year-old performer tied the knot. For her, despite two children, this is the first official marriage.

Photo: Julia with children

The details of the ceremony are still unknown: for some time now, Julia has carefully guarded her personal life from the curiosity of journalists and fans. The artist's management also remains silent.

However, the singer apparently reads the comments that appear under the iconic photo. She responded by writing in a microblog that she was pleased with kind words and wishes, and she understands that many are asking questions about her chosen one. Further, Yulia shares that she is happy and intends to leave her family only for herself, and encourages readers to enjoy life, enjoy every day, believe in dreams and take care of loved ones.

Mysterious chosen one

The singer tries to hide the identity of her husband from prying eyes. Although a year ago, the TV program “Secret for a Million” was held, in which Volkova shared her innermost. She said that she was preparing for the wedding and was battling thyroid cancer and was having a hard time recovering.

The disease was defeated: in 2012, the singer underwent surgery, which resulted in damage to the ligaments. But this test is already over - Yulia's voice has recovered, she is successfully recording new songs and touring. And now she's also married.

It is known that the husband of Yulia Volkova is somewhat older, lives abroad. She has been dating her chosen one for more than two years, and it was he who awakened in her a feeling of love, which the singer, according to her confession, did not have enough before to decide to become someone's wife.

Volkova's chosen one, apparently, avoids publicity and does not want to attract excessive attention to himself. Twice the man appeared in the photos of Yulia posted on Instagram, but in both cases his face was not visible in the pictures.

happy family

Julia said in the same TV program that the then-future husband managed to build good relations with her children. The performer has two of them:

  • daughter Victoria (born in the fall of 2004, father - a certain Pavel Sidorov);
  • son Samir (born at the end of 2007, father - Parviz Yasinov).

The actress admitted that she dreams of becoming a mother for the third time. Now that Yulia Volkova is happy and loved, this event becomes quite expected.

Former member of the infamous Tatu group Yulia Volkova accepts congratulations. The actress posted a photo of herself in a white dress and with a bouquet of red roses, from which the fans concluded that she was married.

Little is known about the personal life of Yulia Volkova. After breaking up with her son's father Samir Parviz Yasinov, the singer prefers not to advertise her romantic relationship. However, recently in an interview with Lera Kudryavtseva on the Secret to a Million show, Volkova admitted that she was happy in a relationship with a man who is a little older than her. Interestingly, the singer does not share living space with her chosen one, because he lives in another country. But they communicate and see each other regularly.

However, it has now become clear that Volkova's relations have moved to a qualitatively new level. On their official page in social network Instagram Julia published a photo where she is depicted in a white long low-cut dress with open shoulders. In her hands, the artist holds a bouquet of red roses tied with a white ribbon. "08/08/2018❤️❤️❤️Now I know for sure that dreams come true! Thank you, God for everything🙏🙏🙏 #love #family #forever Volkov.

Subscribers immediately concluded that the singer was married and showered her with congratulations and compliments. "Yulechka, congratulations with all my heart 😊😍💋❤️be happy", "God forbid Yul🙏🙌🏾This is a very fragile vessel🌪Enjoy and appreciate each other❤️❤️", "If this is what I think about, then congratulations! Happiness and strong mutual love!", "Congratulations! Luxurious beauty!" fans said.

Celebrities were not left out. So, director Valeria Gay Germanika wrote: "Oooo WOW WOW WOW WOW WHAT HAPPINESS WHAT THE COOL CONGRATULATIONS!" ".

Earlier it became known that Yulia Volkova struggled with cancer. She found out that she had cancer of the first stage when she was undergoing medical examination. Moreover, the singer believed in her diagnosis - papillary cancer - only when she saw the doctor's statement. Yulia visited Germany and Israel, but decided to have surgery in Russia so that her relatives would be nearby. During the operation, it turned out that the singer had structural features of the throat, so the vocal nerve was damaged, but she was able to recover and start talking.

Due to the fact that she does not have a thyroid gland, Volkova drinks hormones, regularly undergoes ultrasound examinations and submits data for tumor markers. “After the illness, I began to take life calmly. Now I don’t care. I don’t tear anything. I set priorities,” Volkova concluded.

“Married??????”, “Your wedding?)”, “Yulechka, congratulations from the bottom of my heart, be happy”, “Yulenka, you deserve it. good luck to you and true love for a long, long time”, “Ura Volkov. Congratulations. Happiness to your family. strong love for long years)) Honestly, I'm very happy for you. Finally, there is a holiday on your street”, “Wow!!! Insanely happy!!! Happiness of boundless and immense LOVE!!!”, “God forbid Yul. This is a very fragile vessel. Enjoy and appreciate each other”, “Yul, love you for life”, friends and subscribers congratulate the singer.

A year ago, on the air of Lera Kudryavtseva's show "Secret for a Million", Volkova told how she defeated cancer and admitted that she dreams of getting married. Julia said that she was happy in a relationship with a man a little older than herself, living in another country, but she preferred not to name her lover.

Julia has two children. She gave birth to her daughter Victoria at the age of 19 from her bodyguard. Three years later, Julia gave birth to a son, Samir, from the heir of the famous businessman Parviz Yasinov.

33-year-old Yulia Volkova, the former soloist of the group t.A.T.u., announced on Instagram that she got married. The singer posted a photo in a white dress and wrote: “08/08/2018. Now I know for sure that dreams come true!!! Thank you, God for everything #love #family #forever ”(Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. - Note. ed.).

The news of the wedding was very unexpected for the fans of the star: “Wow! What a news! Congratulations”, “Infinite happiness and mutual understanding! Support and mutual respect!”, “Who is the lucky one?”, “Yulenka! Great happiness and endless love!”, “Seriously? Did I miss everything? I'm very happy for you, be happy!"

Apparently, Julia's wedding took place abroad. Who became the spouse of Volkova is unknown. Earlier, on Lera Kudryavtseva's show "Secret for a Million", the singer said that for more than two years she has been dating a man a little older than herself, he is not a public person and lives in another country.

Recall that Yulia has a 13-year-old daughter, Victoria, whom she gave birth to at the age of 19 from her bodyguard Pavel Sidorov. The artist also brings up a 10-year-old son, Samir, from Parviz Yasinov, the son of Obid Yasinov, the general director of Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5. Julia was not officially married to the fathers of her children.

In the early 2000s, a simple song was played on all music channels. It was called "We will not catch up." And very quickly gained immense popularity.

Thus began the career of the Tatu group. Black-haired Yulia Volkova and red-haired quickly reached the top of the musical Olympus. They were young, beautiful and famous.

What was the surprise of the fans when they found out about the pregnancy of Yulia Volkova. With the image of the group, this event was not compared in any way. Rumors spread. But the black "tattoo" did not hide anything and spoke about Pavel Sidorov, the father of her first child.

In the article we will talk in detail about Yulia and her men.

Where did it all begin?

Young Julia was not distinguished by chastity. The girl from the category of "tear and throw away" liked to visit dubious nightclubs. In one of them, she met Pavel Sidorov (photo below). The boy is 23 years old, quite pumped up, good looking. No wonder the "tattoo" laid eyes on him.

What is Pasha?

The couple hid their relationship for a long time. Yulia said that Pavel Sidorov was an FSB officer. Therefore, he is forbidden to show his face in newspapers, magazines and other press. Allegedly, because of this, the couple cannot be caught together. Pasha does not go to parties, unlike Volkova.

As it turned out, the man did not serve in any bodies. He was married, his wife was expecting a child. But this did not embarrass either Pasha or Yulia. The girl pulled him over to her side, hiring her as a personal bodyguard. This is from a modest security guard. The guy got money, a luxury car. Pavel Sidorov chose to forget about his real wife and newborn daughter.

And what is the result?

A hot "friendship" between the soloist of the Tatu group and her bodyguard led to the pregnancy of 18-year-old Yulia. Officially, the relationship between young people was not registered. The fruit of love was a charming daughter, whom Volkova named Victoria. To date, the girl is 13 years old. She does not communicate with her father, according to Yulia. Of course, Vika knows about her dad, but he does not make encroachments towards communication with the child.

Was Julia married?

Pavel Sidorov - Yulia Volkova's husband? Not at all. The couple never married. The ex-"tattoo" honestly admitted that she did not even plan to build a family with former lover. The relationship between her and Pasha lasted only two years. The man began to lose interest in Yulia when she gave birth to a child. And soon after the birth of Vicki, he preferred to evaporate from the life of his mistress and common child.

What is known about Paul today?

Where is Pavel Sidorov today? History is silent on this. The former bodyguard of the little black "tattoo", after breaking up with her, is not a figure for the attention of the press. It is only known that after parting with Yulia, he turned his attention to the Star Factory participant Masha Weber. But Volkova was not very upset about this.

After parting or Parviz

We found out if Pavel Sidorov was the husband of Yulia Volkova (his photo is in the article). No wasn `t. Only a bodyguard managed to become the father of her first daughter.

Julia, having parted with Pavel, began to build relationships with 19-year-old businessman Parviz Yasinov. The girl was four years older than her chosen one. Such a passion broke out between young people that the former "tat" even converted to Islam for the sake of marriage with a guy.

For some time they were married, Yulia lived in her husband's family. But the laws of the East are quite severe, Volkova did not want to obey them. The young people dispersed, and in memory of the years they lived together, Volkova had a son, Samir.

Parviz tried to take Samir away from ex-wife. The case was not successful. For some time, the man lost interest in the child. However, it arose again when the son matured.

Hello, Topalov

Vlad Topalov from the Smash group was in love with Yulia Volkova for many years. He was very upset by her relationship with Pavel Sidorov and Parviz Yasinov. After breaking up with the latter, Julia drew attention to her quiet admirer. Vlad was in seventh heaven with happiness. The guy planned a happy future with Yulia, her children and common kids. Alas, the dreams did not come true. Tatushka always liked bad boys, and in her youth she was not particularly attracted family life. In general, our black-haired beauty gave Vlad a turn.

present tense

What can be said about Volkova's personal life today? It is known that the celebrity has been battling thyroid cancer for a long time. Numerous of her friends and fans did not believe in the girl's victory. But she did, won and changed her number mobile phone. For what? Yes, so that those who turned away from the star in difficult times do not call.

The illness made the singer look at life from a different angle. Only in relationships with men, she remained the same. I changed them like gloves. Until a certain point.

It is known that now Julia has finally calmed down. She got married in August 2018. History is silent about the chosen one. The brunette does not advertise his name, occupation, age. So one can only guess about Volkova's husband.

The former "tattoo" managed to defeat cancer, continued solo career, did not abandon the children. And she managed to get married at the age of 33, after a long illness.


In the article, we talked about the men of the singer Yulia Volkova. The very first of them, which was discussed, Pavel Sidorov. Let's highlight the main aspects:

    Pasha was the bodyguard of the star. A reminder of that time is the thirteen-year-old daughter Victoria.

    After the break in relations between Pavel Sidorov and Yulia Volkova, she married Parviz Yasinov. From him, the girl left a son.

    With Vlad Topalov, the "tat" did not start a family.

    Now the singer is married and happy.


Now readers know about Yulia Volkova's relationship with men. How they proceeded and how it all ended, we told in sufficient detail.

The ex-soloist of the Tatu group, singer Yulia Volkova, yesterday, August 8, got married for the first time on the Mediterranean coast. What was a complete surprise for fans of the artist.

« 08/08/2018. Now I know for sure that dreams come true!!!”, the star commented on the happy event.

Who became the husband of the “black girl from Tatu” is still unknown. For some time now, Volkova has kept her personal life a secret. It is only known that Julia has been dating her chosen one for more than two years. He is not a public person, therefore, like many husbands of stars, he does not want to attract undue attention to his person. During all this time, he only appeared twice in the photographs of Volkova’s personal blog, but she “cut off” his head in the frames.

A year ago, in the Secret to a Million program, Julia said that she was preparing for the wedding. Apparently, the preparation was “a little” delayed. Volkova admitted that her lover is a little older than her and lives in another country. He has already established warm friendly relations with Yulia's children: daughter Victoria and son Samir - they often come to him with the whole family.

Despite the fact that the singer is raising two children from different men She has not yet been officially married. This marriage was the first for the star of the "zero". The 33-year-old artist assures that only this young man was able to awaken real deep feelings in her, namely, the lack of love prevented her from getting married before.

The path to happiness for Volkova was not easy. In 2012, the singer was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Yulia underwent an operation, but during the surgical intervention, the vocal nerve was touched ... " I was left without a voice. Moreover, I myself insisted on doing the operation in Moscow, although friends and relatives persuaded me to fly to Germany. When I came to my senses after the operation, I found that I simply could not talk, not even sing! I whispered. I did not cry, although in my heart, of course, I was worried. And it was not clear what was next: chemotherapy or something else. And I have two children at home! There was a creative break, I did not record songs, did not release clips. It was hard to read messages from fans on the Internet: they did not know anything about my illness and wrote that I only hang out, drink, take drugs ... Then in two years there were three operations to restore my voice, two of them were done in Germany. Then the German doctors shrugged their shoulders, saying that there was nothing more we could do. My voice was returned to me by wonderful doctors from Seoul ... I know for sure that such trials in life are given only very strong people. Even if a person dies, he will still remain very strong!", said Yulia.

Now everything is fine in her life: Volkova sings again and successfully tours. In her life, a lot of time was freed up for raising children, and new love gave strength. In the near future, the singer plans to give her husband an heir. Last year, she said that she dreams of becoming a mother for the third time.

Even in her youth, Yulia Volkova had to learn the difficulties of creative activity, which are inevitable in this profession. The singer went through many trials of her fate, but she was able to survive and remain a kind and positive person at the same time. Now the former soloist of the group "t.A.T.u." working on new music album and plans to start his own business. Volkova has not yet arranged her personal life and has not met her beloved man, but the 30-year-old performer devotes all her free time to her children, being a caring and attentive mother.

Julia was born in 1985 in Moscow. Her father had his own business, and her mother was a ballet soloist. The girl studied at a music school and learned the basics of theater. In addition, she sang in the children's ensemble "Fidgets", where she met Lena Katina. At the age of 14, the future star became the soloist of the t.A.T.u. group, which was created by producer Ivan Shapovalov. After graduating from high school, she entered the pop-jazz college, while pursuing a singing career. At the end of 2000, the group became popular thanks to the first single "I'm crazy", and three years later the girls took third place in the Eurovision Song Contest, performing the song "Don't Believe, Don't Be Afraid, Don't Ask". In 2009, the duet broke up, and Volkova took up solo activities.

At the age of 19, Julia took up her personal life: she bought herself an apartment, and soon gave birth to a child - a daughter, Victoria. According to the singer herself, the baby's father was her friend Pavel Sidorov, with whom she was not going to start a family. The young man never became her husband, although he was going to participate in raising his daughter. Three months after giving birth, Volkova flew to America for several months, and when she returned, Vika was already sitting, trying to walk and saying "mother." For some time, the artist met with Vlad Topalov, whom she met while participating in Fidget. Journalists wrote about the imminent wedding of lovers, but the celebration did not take place.

In the photo Yulia Volkova with ex-husband Parviz Yasinov

In 2006, Yulia met 19-year-old Parviz, who is the son of the CEO of a large company, Obid Yasinov. Young people began to meet and soon began to live as one family. A year later, the lovers had a son, Samir. According to Volkova, she wanted to marry her lover and convert to Islam, as she was always attracted to oriental image life, and women in the veil seemed mysterious and mysterious to her. Relations with Parviz ended after four years, but the lovers survived their break for a long time. The former common-law husband did not stop communicating with his son, whom he often takes to him.

After parting, Julia did not get bored alone, twisting her love with businessman Vadim. The performer appeared with a new chosen one at social events and did not mind marrying him. But the wedding did not take place, and the lovers parted. In 2012, there was a rumor about her romance with Dima Bilan: journalists filmed the girl in the arms of the singer at the New Wave festival in Jurmala, where they sang the song "Love is a Bitch". But this relationship soon ended, and many fans of the artists decided that it was just PR.

In the photo Yulia Volkova with children: son Samir and daughter Victoria

In 2012, Volkova's personal life came difficult times: She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She fought for her salvation for a long time, and during this period her family was the main support and support. For a long time Julia did not start Serious relationships, and she spent all her free time with children and parents, gathering in a large company at home. During the tour, the daughter and son were looked after by the father and mother, who live not far from them. Now the children have grown up and delight the singer with their success: in addition to school curriculum they study English and German languages. The son is also fond of volleyball, and the daughter goes to the pool. Victoria sings well, so the former soloist of the group "t.A.T.u." wants to give her to Fidget.

In the summer of 2016, Volkova intrigued her fans by posting a picture of herself with an unfamiliar man at sea. Fans immediately attributed a new novel to her, but Yulia herself did not reveal her mysterious companion.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 06/17/2016