Psychic Juna: biography, personal life. Legends of June. Juna: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Juna's last days

    Lord, I’m reading this and it gives me goosebumps. Everything about Donbass is true. Everything is exactly the same, it’s even scary to imagine what will happen next. But I didn’t believe it before...

    Irina, yes, this is the beginning of what is called Armageddon. The Mayans were right with their Calendar. Those who benefit from it simply distorted the truth about him. But we must hold on! And not to become the evil entities that they want to make us.

    Juna is a legendary person and is famous for her predictions. It seems to me that everyone knows her very well; she gave her instructions to many stars. In general, this is a fairly strong person, and much of what she said came true, no matter how many hits she had in the field of politics. But her personal life did not work out very well (

    Unhappy woman, so much has befallen her. It seems to me that this gift did not become her punishment. Juna lived a hard life, but the loss of her son is worth it. I would not want such a fate or gift. It’s better to live an ordinary life, without any predictions, it will be calmer and you will definitely be happier.

    Juna was a talented woman who managed to win the trust of many people around the world. She treated and put great people back on their feet. Predicted future events, many of which we can observe in modern Russia. She used her gift in many areas of life, possessing powerful energy. But with all this, there were both those who believed her with all their souls and those who treated her with a grain of skepticism. With all this, Juna still remains a phenomenon that will be talked about for a very long time. But who she really is is still unknown. Psychic, scientist or great healer? For me personally, she is a woman with enormous energy, who managed to attract public attention to her extraordinary abilities.

Juna (birth name - Evgenia Yuvashevna Sardis) was a well-known psychic, healer and astrologer in the USSR. Some called her a charlatan, others idolized her gift. We'll talk about Juna's biography in this article.


Evgenia Sardis was born on July 22, 1949 in the small Krasnodar village of Urmia. Her father, Yuvash Sardis, was from Iran. Together with his family, he emigrated to the Soviet Union, to Kuban. Here I met the hereditary Cossack woman Anna, Juna’s mother.

According to family legend, the great-grandmother of the future clairvoyant was a witch and had the gift of healing. As a child, Zhenya often imitated her: she copied her hand movements and sang the melodies she heard. Such oddities in behavior frightened the girl’s mother very much, and she punished her, which is why the relationship between mother and daughter was difficult. But the father doted on the girl, because she was his copy.

Unusual cases

Juna's supernatural abilities manifested themselves in childhood. According to the healer, one day her mother entrusted her with babysitting her little brother. The girl herself wanted to play with her friends, but she took her brother and reluctantly began to rock him to sleep. Then some unknown force tore the boy from his sister’s arms, and he fell into the well. The girl herself does not remember how she also found herself in the well and saved her brother. Zhenya spent ten minutes in a stone crater filled with ice water, but when she was pulled out of there, there was not a scratch on her, she did not even swallow water.

There was another no less amazing case. Evgenia predicted an earthquake, but the villagers only laughed at her. When the prophecy came true, people began to look askance at the girl and call her a witch. All her friends turned away from Zhenya, and only her father supported her.


Due to constant attacks from fellow villagers, Evgenia wanted to run away from home. But dad saved her from this step: one day he took the girl outside, told her to look at the sky and began to talk about the stars. Zhenya looked with interest at the bizarre constellations and suddenly realized that she was living in different worlds at the same time.

Juna's father probably also had psychic abilities. Once during a feast, he told his friends that he would die before them. And so it happened. After the death of her father, Zhenya was forced to work on a collective farm, since there was not enough money in a large family.

Juna's biography contains many blind spots and contradictions. According to one version, after finishing eight years of school, the girl entered the television technical school in Rostov, but two years later she dropped out and went to Moscow. According to another version, Evgenia graduated from a medical college in Rostov, and then went to Tbilisi to work as an assigned worker.

Psychic abilities

If you believe the stories, while studying at a medical college, Juna also suffered ridicule from teachers and classmates, since they were all skeptical of her gift. At the final exam, one of the teachers sarcastically said that Evgenia would receive a diploma if she could sew up the test subject’s wound without a needle and thread. The girl grabbed the edges of the wound with her hands and began to whisper: “They’re sticking together!” Before the eyes of the astonished commission, the cut actually healed.

In Tbilisi, where Evgenia went to work after graduating from technical school, she also became famous as a healer. There she met her first husband, an employee of the Central Committee of the CPSU of Georgia, Viktor Davitashvili. Influential people began to turn to Juna for help, and one day, in 1980, she was called to Moscow by the head of the USSR State Planning Committee, Nikolai Baibakov, to treat his wife. Baibakov's wife Claudia suffered from an unknown illness; she was very exhausted and could barely stand on her feet due to weakness. The doctors just shrugged their shoulders - no one could figure out the cause of the illness. Arriving in the capital, Evgenia visited the Baibakovs’ house: she ran her palms over the sick Ksenia’s body for a long time and whispered something. From that day on, the woman began to recover: the pain subsided, her appetite improved.

In August 1980, journalist Lev Kolodny published an article in Komsomolskaya Pravda about a miraculous cure, and since then the news about the healer Juna has spread throughout Moscow.

Work in the capital

The next person who turned to Evgenia for help was actor Arkady Raikin. He could not recover from the heart attack. And Raikin’s wife suffered a stroke and lost the ability to speak. After Juna’s sessions, both men began to recover: Arkady felt rejuvenated, and his wife regained her speech. Raikin was so impressed by the healer’s abilities that he wrote a letter about her to Leonid Brezhnev. He, in turn, reported Jun Davitashvili to scientists.

In the physical laboratory of the IRE, studies were carried out, according to which it turned out that the hands of the clairvoyant emit some kind of special heat. The press wrote that with one movement of her hand Juna could make a flower bloom, moved objects without touching them, etc.

From that time on, the healer began to receive visitors at home. Her clients were many famous people: Robert de Niro, Vladimir Vysotsky, Sofia Rotaru, Marcello Mastroianni, Andrei Tarkovsky, even Leonid Brezhnev.

The work of the psychic Juna was also recognized by the church. Rumor has it that Pope John Paul II himself received treatment from her. And one day the clairvoyant was blessed with virtue by Patriarch Pimen, with whom Juna often had long conversations. The priest even gave her a gold watch with amethysts.

Professional activity

In 1989, the healer Juna became president International Association traditional and alternative medicine. She was also awarded the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, 1st class, and received a diploma allowing her to teach others her healing techniques.

In 1990, the clairvoyant opened the International Academy of Alternative Sciences in the capital. And in 1994 she was elected vice-rector of the Colombian International University traditional medicine.

In 1995, she participated in the State Duma elections, but her bloc received only 0.47% of the votes.

In addition to extrasensory perception, Juna devoted a lot of time to creativity: she wrote stories and poems, painted, and performed on stage as a performer (she sang in a duet with Andrei Derzhavin and Igor Talkov).

Personal life

Juna was officially married twice. She met her first husband, Viktor Iraklievich Davitashvili, in Tbilisi. Soon after the wedding, the couple had a daughter. The girl was born very premature and died at the age of two months. But the tragedies in Juna’s biography did not end there. She later became pregnant again, but the baby died during childbirth. Only in 1975 did the healer manage to give birth healthy child, son of Vakhtang. But fate gave him a short life: Juna’s son died in 2001 at the age of 26.

In the first years of her marriage to Viktor Davitashvili, the clairvoyant was happy, but after moving to Moscow, quarrels began, and eventually the couple divorced.

In 1986, Juna married composer Igor Matvienko. They say that she did this not out of love, but to spite someone. The marriage lasted only a couple of days.

The healer never married again, although she had many admirers. If you believe the rumors, she refused even Robert De Niro's advances.

Death of a son

Juna was inseparable from Vaho. There was some kind of karmic connection between mother and son. Vakhtang was a handsome, stately guy, two meters tall. He treated his mother with great trepidation, took care of her, and wanted her to remain young as long as possible.

But in the winter of 2001, the irreparable happened: Juna’s son died. Journalists have put forward many versions of how this happened. According to one of them, Vakho was involved in a traffic accident. He was driving and children jumped out onto the road. To avoid running into them, the guy swerved and flew into the ceiling. Vakhtang died from his injuries in the hospital.

According to another version, Vakho’s car collided with another car. The guy broke his collarbone, injured his head and suffered a spinal injury. Juna treated her son herself, and after a month he recovered. Soon Vakhtang decided to go to the bathhouse, and there he had an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which became the cause of death.

And yet these versions are nothing more than fiction. According to official data, Vakho died in the sauna as a result of a drunken brawl. After the funeral, Juna became a recluse. They say that the clairvoyant placed a cell phone in her son’s grave and regularly called the number and topped up the balance. The healer visited the cemetery every Saturday, but practically stopped receiving visitors.

Death of Juna

In June 2015, the clairvoyant left the house to buy groceries and became ill on the street. An ambulance arrived and took the woman to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a stroke. Jun was operated on, but there were problems with blood circulation. She soon fell into a coma, lay unconscious for two days and died without ever regaining consciousness. The famous healer passed away on June 8, 2015, she died at the age of 65.


The clairvoyant was buried on June 13, 2015. Juna’s grave is located at the Vagankovskoye cemetery next to the grave of her son Vakho.

Not only relatives and friends, but also numerous fans came to say goodbye to the healer. It is noteworthy that Juna set out on her last journey in a military uniform: she always respected the military, loved the Victory Day holiday very much, and in 2015 she wanted to attend the parade on Red Square, but due to health reasons she was unable to do so.

Juna's funeral was not without mystical incidents. Eyewitnesses claim that at some point the clairvoyant’s hands moved and she almost rose from the coffin. Many people at the funeral were frightened and seriously thought that the deceased had come to life. They say that someone even called ambulance. Whether this is true or not is anyone's guess. Of course, you should not take such statements seriously, because against the backdrop of emotional shock from the loss loved one people can see anything.


There is a memorial at Juna’s grave, which she herself designed during her lifetime. In the center is a sculptural group made of bronze: a woman in a long robe hugs her son with one hand, who crouched next to her. The other hand is thrown up - this is a sign that Juna wanted to protect Vakho from the attacks of fate. On both sides of the monument there are wooden crosses with information plaques and photographs of mother and son.

The burial itself is decorated with black granite tombstones and two flowerpots. The memorial is surrounded by a forged fence made in the form of intertwined tree branches.

Legends of June

During her lifetime, the clairvoyant always evoked a lot of conflicting feelings in people, which gave rise to many rumors and speculation about her. Juna's biography is complete interesting events, but not all of them are true. For example, the facts of many famous personalities turning to the healer are not confirmed by anything.

In addition, it was alleged that Juna is a psychic who has received many awards, including the Medal for Courage, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Woman of the World, the United Nations Medal and others. But there is no official confirmation of these awards.

In 1993, the clairvoyant was awarded the rank of Colonel General of the Medical Service, and she received the right to wear military uniform. Juna was “awarded” this title by the Veterans Council for his many years of care for Afghan military personnel. However, as you know, military ranks are awarded by the Ministry of Defense; the Veterans Council does not have such powers.

Juna herself claimed that she was the heir of the Assyrian kings and even proclaimed herself the Queen of the Assyrian people. The healer said that she was a direct descendant of Princess Olga, her great-grandfather was a sorcerer and lived 139 years.

It is known that after the death of her son, Juna became a recluse, refused to communicate with journalists and did not appear on television. But in 2011, the clairvoyant nevertheless agreed to give a long interview: she took part in the program “Let Them Talk,” where she told Andrei Malakhov a lot of interesting information about herself.

In 2013, director Vadim Ostrovsky began filming the television series “Juna,” based on the biography of a psychic. Main role Laura Keosayan played in the film. The series was released in the fall of 2015 after the death of the healer.

Juna's life was certainly bright and mysterious. Now it is impossible to know whether this woman really had a great gift, or simply knew how to present herself correctly, but the world definitely became a little darker after her departure. Although maybe people will still hear about June? After all, her favorite aphorism says: “When we fall asleep, we must wake up.”

Juna: life and death

Juna is a person who has not been accepted by the public for a long time. The real name of this great woman is Evgenia Davitashvili. She was born in the Krasnodar region on July 29, 1949. In the 21st century, this woman is known as a great healer, poetess, astrologer and the first psychic in the USSR. She even foresaw the collapse of the USSR and military events in the Donbass.

The life of a little girl from Krasnodar region

Much is known about Juna’s biography, but most of all is told about her abilities. When the girl was still very little, she watched her grandmother, a healer, repeat all her movements and pronounce incomprehensible lines that came to her head. When the little girl first predicted an earthquake near her village, everyone was distrustful of the child’s words. But soon the predicted thing happened and the villagers called Zhenya a witch, all her friends and even her mother, who was afraid of her child’s gift, turned away from her.

Juna's only support was her father, who encouraged her daughter and gave her hope.

During his studies at the Rostov College of Medicine, talk about Juna’s capabilities reached the teaching staff, who decided to check this “nonsense”. At the defense of her diploma, Evgenia was offered to make a stitch without a needle and thread. Evgenia was confused, but soon a voice sounded in her head that told her to glue the wound. As soon as the girl brought her hands to the seam, in front of everyone, the wound began to heal. No one could believe what was happening and it was then that fame came to Zhenya.

First minutes of fame

After graduating from college, Juna moved to Tbilisi where she married a member of the Central Committee Communist Party Soviet Union Georgia Victor Davitashvili, who was shocked by his wife’s abilities and introduced her to all influential people. So the healer incredibly put the wife of the head of the State Planning Committee Nikolai Baibakov on her feet, who long time she was dying of exhaustion and weakness.

They began to learn about a girl with superpowers from newspaper articles. Arkady Raikin, who had lost hope of recovering from a heart attack and restoring his wife’s speech after a stroke, invited Juna and asked for help. And again, Evgenia, with the help of the warmth of her hands, helped the Raikin family regain their former health in several sessions.

The girl admired everyone around her with her gift. During her “healing” Juna helped many famous people: Even Leonid Brezhnev himself turned to her. She was surrounded not only by local celebrities, but also by guests from abroad. We had heard about such a person, everyone wanted to meet her.

Institutes also became interested in the unusual gift and invited Juna to conduct some experiments and research. The psychic happily agreed, and in the course of all the research it turned out that Zhenya had an incomprehensible warmth that emanated from her palms.

The woman was incredibly multifaceted, she became famous not only for her gift, but also for her ability to write poetry, sing, draw, perform on stage, she even starred in a film.

Juna's great loss

In her marriage to Victor Davitashvili, Djuna gave him his only heir, Vakhtang, she madly loved her boy, and always thanked the Lord for such a reward.

But when Vakhtang was 26 years old, he died. He was killed in a drunken altercation. It was such pain and despair for the healer that she closed herself off from absolutely everyone. She became a recluse in her apartment and stopped communicating with the press, friends and family since 2003. The death of her son was a big blow for her; she considered herself guilty of what happened. Juna insisted that she helped everyone, slept everyone, but could not save her only son.

Cause of death of the healer

Evgenia passed away on June 8, 2015. The death of Dzhuna Davitashvili came as a big shock to many. Few people in her social circle knew that she helped restore everyone’s health, but she was absolutely not worried about herself. Shortly before his death, Juna was diagnosed with carotid artery thrombosis. In the spring, Zhenya had an operation, but it did not produce any results, since the psychic turned to the doctor too late. Her close friend Stanislav Sadalsky said that Juna had changed a lot, her previously warm hands became icy and lost their miraculous healing power.

On June 6, Evgenia Davitashvili went out to buy groceries and lost consciousness. In intensive care, June was diagnosed with a stroke. After being in a coma for 2 days in the hospital and not regaining consciousness, Juna died.

Many of her friends say that she was never able to come to terms with the loss of her son and for 12 years she cried, suffered and reproached herself for his death every day.

Almost everything that is known about this famous Russian seer was told by her herself. The fact that many facts are not known for certain is her merit, because Juna diligently hid what she did not want to share, and some versions of her stories about her life had disagreements.

Juna's real name is Evgenia Davitashvili. She was born in the village of Urmia, Krasnodar region of Russia. Her fate is difficult and confusing. Juna's father is an emigrant from Iran, Yuvash Sardis. Juna last saw her mother at the age of four. As she said in one of her interviews with journalists, her mother is Russian. However, Juna called herself the Queen of the Assyrian people. Juna calls Nikolai Baibakov, who was the chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee and Stalin's People's Commissar, his second father.

During her life, Juna was the president of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, but she graduated from a technical school of completely traditional medicine. This gave her the opportunity to go to the hospital, where, as Juna said, she first felt her extraordinary strength.

After graduating from college, Juna worked in Tbilisi, where she met her future husband, Victor Davitashvili.

Juna was in a short marriage with Igor Matvienko. They say that even Robert de Niro courted Juna. Many men sought her attention, many dedicated their creativity to her. Juna herself performed on stage with Igor Talkov and Andrei Derzhavin. Andrei Tarkovsky wanted to film her in his film, but Juna’s film debut took place in the film “Youth of a Genius.”

In addition, Juna painted, wrote poetry and stories.

I first realized that I had extreme power as a future healer in a hospital, even before I received my diploma. During an operation in the hospital, where Juna was only a nurse, the woman stopped the bleeding. Without her, doctors could not do this, and the situation could have ended fatally. Later, Juna repeated this in the gynecological department of the hospital: Juna touched the wound and in 10 minutes not only stopped the bleeding, but also healed the wound.

Then they asked Juna if she could cure Brezhnev. Juna was in close contact with and helped Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko. As the seer herself said, Leonid Ilyich gave her a large apartment. And although there is no official confirmation that the general secretaries of the CPSU Central Committee turned to the healer, Juna herself talked about this fact, however, without going into details. She said that this is a medical secret.

In addition, the media reported that the artist Ilya Glazunov, actors Robert de Niro, Giulietta Masina, Marcello Mastroianni, director Andrei Tarkovsky and even Federico Fellini were patients of the psychic.

Juna talked a lot about herself amazing stories. In particular, the seer noted that while she was still working in a hospital in Tbilisi, they tried to poison her, and Juna, according to her, even died. One of her colleagues, also a nurse, slipped something into Juna’s coffee, after which the psychic was hospitalized. This happened on the eve of Easter, and, as Juna herself says, she died on the night of the holiday. She says she doesn’t remember well the period when she was in the hospital. I came to my senses only when I found myself in Sheremetyevo. This is how the mysterious seer ended up in Moscow.

The biggest tragedy of her life was the death of her 26-year-old son Vakhtang, who was in a car accident in 2001. His death changed Juna’s life: she became a recluse, spent all her time at home, did not receive or treat people, and mostly tried to be in the cemetery, near the grave of her beloved Vakho.

It will be difficult to find out the truth about Juna, because she herself said that she does not know herself.

Juna died in Moscow on June 8, 2015 at the age of 66. According to actor Stanislav Sadalsky, a close friend of Juna, before she died, she lay in a coma for two days.

Quite recently, the famous healer Juna left our world. The biography of this great woman today interests her many fans both in Russia and abroad. Where was Juna born? Who was her husband? The answers to these and other questions are contained in the article.

Juna: biography of a healer

Evgenia Davitashvili (that’s the real name of our heroine) was born on July 22, 1949 in the village of Urmia (Krasnodar Territory). Her father is an emigrant from Iran. Juna's nationality is Assyrian. It all started like this. Juna's father, Yuvash Sardis, came to the USSR from Iran on business. But he fell in love with a local girl and stayed in the village. According to numerous relatives of the healer, she was a copy of her father. Yuvash Sardis also had paranormal abilities. He could predict the future. The man even knew the date of his death.

As for her mother, Juna always had a strained relationship with her. She considered her daughter strange, and some of the girl’s antics completely frightened her.

Childhood and youth

The life of Juna and her family could not be called happy. There was always not enough money. Sometimes there wasn't even a crust of bread at home. In order to somehow help her parents, the girl went to work at the age of 13. She was accepted into one of the Kuban collective farms. Juna ran errands for adults.

After graduating from school, our heroine entered the College of Cinema and Television, located in Rostov. She studied there for only two years. Evgenia Sarkis (Juna) decided to enroll in a medical college. She managed to successfully pass the exams. Later she was assigned to Tbilisi (Georgia).


The first to learn that the clairvoyant Juna lived in Tbilisi was the Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee Nikolai Baibakov. Soon Evgenia Davitashvili was taken to Moscow on a special flight. The seer Juna, as she was popularly called, did not want to leave Georgia. But she understood what “big” people were behind Baibakov. And if the healer had not agreed to go to the Russian capital voluntarily, she would have been sent there by force.

What awaited our heroine in Moscow? Clairvoyant Juna underwent various tests. Several research institutes conducted experiments on her. By the end of the day, the woman was exhausted, she only had enough to walk to the bed. Juna suffered due to separation from her beloved husband. But was anyone interested in her experiences? Evgenia Davitashvili was considered not a person, but a certain phenomenon.


Her day went something like this. At any moment a car could drive behind Juna, without any warning. The healer was taken to another laboratory. Testing Juna's abilities was like being in a torture chamber. Evgenia Yuvashevna was taken into a dark room and ordered to work. She couldn't refuse. Once Juna was even ordered to completely undress. This happened because one of the employees thought that she hid magnets on her body. They, of course, were not found.


In 1990, the seer Juna created the International Academy of Alternative Sciences. It was then that the whole country learned about her. At various times, Leonid Brezhnev, director Andrei Tarkovsky, comedian Arkady Raikin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Sofia Rotaru and others came to see Evgenia Davitashvili. Soon the fame of the woman who heals with her hands spread far beyond the borders of the USSR. Celebrity guests from abroad began to come to Juna. Among them are director Federico Fellini, Pope John Paul II, and actor Robert de Niro.

The main technique Juna used was non-contact massage. One session was enough for her to diagnose a particular disease in a person and cure him. However, the healer never prescribed medicines, drugs and mixtures, and also did not cancel doctors’ orders.

Evgenia Davitashvili herself has repeatedly become the object of research by scientists. They simply did not believe in the existence of her gift. And they were always surprised when Juna’s hands became so hot that the resulting heat was enough to heat the body of another person. The healer could perform this “trick” from a distance. This method Juna called it a contactless massage. Experiments have proven that this is a physical, and not a hypnotic effect on a person.


Juna, whose biography interests many today, has patented 13 inventions in the medical field. Want to know more? One of her works is called the biocorrector “Juna-1”. This is a physiotherapeutic device that has no analogues in the whole world. It should be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in the field of gynecology, pediatrics, urology and cardiology.

There was never an unequivocal attitude towards Juna. Some considered her a witch, while others, on the contrary, called her a messenger of God. The Christian Church approved the activities of Evgenia Davitashvili. This was a one in a million case. At a time when Juna’s words were not taken seriously by many, she decided to prove that non-contact massage helps to get rid of various diseases. became interested in this and invited Evgenia Yuvashevna to his place. At the end of the session, he felt an incredible surge of energy. And there was no trace left of the pain in the lower back. Subsequently, the Patriarch repeatedly received Juna, talked with her and consulted on various occasions. And in gratitude for his friendship and help, he gave the healer a gold “Naira” watch, decorated with a scattering of precious stones.

Our heroine also visited the Vatican with the Pope. The details of their conversation will forever remain a secret. It is known that Juna gave the head catholic church his painting entitled "Mary Magdalene".


In the late 1980s - early 1990s, Evgenia Davitashvili became a media person. She was invited to participate in programs broadcast on central channels. And Juna always agreed. Despite her wide fame, Evgenia Yuvashevna never suffered from “star fever.”

What else did the seer Juna do? The biography of our heroine indicates that she was a multifaceted personality. She painted pictures that were breathtaking to look at. Mysticism and surrealism are Juna’s favorite themes.

At different times, the healer received more than 30 awards and medals. In April 1994, Russian President Boris Yeltsin personally awarded her the Order of Friendship of Peoples. Many people do not know that Juna had the title of Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR.

If you think that everyone around loved Juna and admired her abilities, then you are very mistaken. There have always been plenty of skeptics and ill-wishers. These people called the healer a charlatan and “Rasputin in a skirt.” But the majority of the inhabitants of the huge country believed her and hoped for her help.

Personal life

The healer always helped people in the most difficult situations. But was Juna herself happy? The personal life of our heroine was going well at first. A graduate of a medical college was sent to Georgia. It was in Tbilisi that Evgenia Sardis (Juna) met her future husband, Viktor Davitashvili. They lived together for several happy years.

Soon the couple had their first child, son Vakhtang. It would seem that now Juna and Victor have everything to be happy. But fate decided differently. Evgenia Davitashvili was taken to Moscow to study her phenomenon. Separation from my beloved husband caused severe heartache clairvoyant. However, she understood that they would not leave her so easily. Juna was tested, participated in experiments and hoped to return to Georgia as soon as possible. But that did not happen. Her marriage to Viktor Davitashvili broke up. The only reminder of the recent happy time was her son Vaho. It was only for his sake that Juna continued to live.

They say that the seer had many fans among her celebrity clients. But none of them could win the heart of the obstinate beauty. Juna even refused the advances of Robert de Niro himself.

Was there a marriage?

In the late 80s, the healer met composer Igor Matvienko. They talked like best friends. And the news that Juna and Igor got married came as a surprise to everyone. This happened in 1986. True, they held the status of husband and wife for only 24 hours. Was it really the son of Dzhuna Davitashvili who spoke out against their relationship? The healer’s biography indicates that she did not have any love feelings for Igor Matvienko. And she married him to spite her stepbrother, with whom she had had a big quarrel the day before.

Scandal with Pugacheva

Our heroine has always been distinguished by her obstinate and hot-tempered character. One day the Primadonna got it from her too Russian stage Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. This happened in 1986 or 1987. Pugacheva invited the clairvoyant to her home and offered to drink a glass of vodka. Juna refused. And then the Primadonna grabbed her by the hair and ordered: “Come on, drink!” At that moment, the house was full of guests, including famous musicians and artists. Evgenia Davitashvili could not tolerate such humiliation. She took it from the table and smashed it on Alla Borisovna’s head. A bloody brawl ensued. The guests barely managed to separate the two great women. Since then, Pugacheva and Juna did not want to hear anything about each other. For many years they remained blood enemies.

Juna, biography: death of son

Scientific research and receiving people in need of help took up most of the healer's time. But work has never been the main element in her life. The beloved son Vakho always came first.

In November 2001, a strong and muscular guy went to the pharmacy by car. On Spiridonovka Street his Volga was involved in a car accident. Vakho just wanted to let a pedestrian cross the road. But he lost control and collided with another car. Vakhtang was seriously injured. Evgenia Davitashvili refused to admit her son to the hospital. For a month she nursed him herself.

Doctors claimed that after such injuries you need to lie in bed for at least 2 months. But Juna’s treatment brought good results. Vakhtang got out of bed 3 weeks after the accident. The collarbone fused together, and the hematoma miraculously resolved. The guy felt better and went to the bathhouse with friends. On December 3, 2001, Vakhtang died. Cause of death: cardiovascular dystonia. Vakho was buried on

Juna could not imagine life without her beloved son. She tried to commit suicide several times. But she was saved. Evgenia Davitashvili outlived her son by 14 years. All this time she suffered and shed bitter tears.

On June 8, 2015, the healer Juna left this world. She was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery next to her beloved son Vakho.


Now you know what life trials and hardships Juna went through. The biography says that she always helped other people without thinking about herself. Everlasting memory this great woman...