The work of a speech therapist to prepare children for school. Speech therapy program to prepare children for school a work program on speech therapy on the topic. The grammatical structure of speech _______________________________________________

Going to school is an extremely important, perhaps the most important stage in a person's life. And on how this stage will pass, his whole subsequent life often depends. That is why it is so important to prepare your child for school in advance.



(Advice from a speech therapist)

Some parents seriously think that in order to prepare a child for school, it is quite enough to buy everything he needs on time: clothes (uniform) and shoes, a backpack, textbooks and notebooks, school supplies ... So that, as they say, he was "no worse than others." This is a deeply erroneous opinion.

Going to school is an extremely important, perhaps the most important stage in a person's life. And on how this stage will pass, his whole subsequent life often depends. That is why it is so important to prepare your child for school in advance.

What does this process consist of? From a whole complex of components that relate to literally all aspects of the personality of a little man.

Imagine for clarity huge tree. If we place “readiness for school” in its roots, and name the branches that form the crown: “thinking”, “speech”, “reading”, “counting”, “memory” (including muscle memory), etc., then the trunk is “arbitrariness of behavior”, and the top of the tree is the child’s ability to perceive sounds, distinguish them, etc. - what experts call "phonemic hearing".

Here famous saying on this occasion, the famous psychologist A.R. Luria: “To master literacy, that is, the initial skills of reading and writing, first of all, it is necessary to develop sufficient phonemic hearing and the pronunciation side of speech, which serves as the basis for mastering the skills of sound-letter analysis.”

Unfortunately, not every child has them sufficiently developed. As statistics show, children with underdeveloped phonemic hearing are about 50%. True, the degree of impairment of oral and written speech is different for them, but it still makes it difficult for them to learn in the general stream. Many parents and kindergarten teachers try to rectify the negative situation in one way or another, even invite speech therapists. However, classes with a preschooler are immediately stopped as soon as obvious (audible) violations disappear from him.

But finally, the child goes to school. And then the "hidden pathology" begins to bloom in full bloom. In other words, various violations of written speech appear more and more clearly.

What violations are observed most often? There are many of them:

In vowels - any substitutions (o=a, e=i, o=u), letter omissions.

In consonants - mixing d=t, b=p, t=p, n=p, s=z.

Some prepositions are written together (“in three steps ...”, “I will not…”).

There are extra syllables or omissions of letters in them (“sleledy”, “returned”)

Mistakes are allowed at the root of the word (“skvrtsy”, “stepped aside ...”)

The endings of the words (“flying”) are not added - there is no agreement on the words (“September has come ...”).

From this it is clear how important it is for a child of the preschool and alphabetic period to learn to distinguish - “differentiate” - letters mixed when writing - “graphic forms”: a–o, i–e, i–e, o–b, i–y, t–d, e–a, r–l, o–e, x–zh, r–p, b–d, u–z, r–z, sh–sch, i–ts, ts–sch, w–zh, etc., and also sounds - “phonetic forms” (children also mix them by ear):

But there is not enough time for this work in the preschool and alphabetical period! Yes, and elementary school teachers are not able to replace the lessons of a speech therapist with their lessons. Here also there is a vicious circle. As a result, a persistent lag in the Russian language often develops - up to the 11th grade, and parents think that the child does not learn the rules and reads little. It's not about the rules, of course. You can memorize them all, but in practice, in a learning situation, the child does not see or hear the words, and apply the rule in one way or another. specific case he can not. For this, you need the long-term help of a professional speech therapist!

Dear Parents! Do not rush to take up the belt! Think carefully about your child's failures. Strive to help him. After all, these are not just “absurd” mistakes, but the result of an incorrect perception of sounds by him - or, as we say, the unformedness of phonemic processes and the lexical and grammatical side of speech. Such children are often classified as lazy - incapacitated, absent-minded, inattentive or poorly switching attention. But this is not their fault, but a misfortune, since they have poor auditory perception, a violation of phonemic hearing. In turn, this entails

The inability to write

Analyze what is written

Memorize a phrase of 4-5 words,

Difficulties in writing from memory, etc.

Such children cannot select test words, they lack a linguistic instinct.

To avoid all this, a lot of preparatory work is required with the child before school.

What exactly needs to be done?As the neurolinguists say, “Let speech in.” The sooner you start developing your child's speech, the better. It is in the period up to 5 years that neurosensory pathways are open to words and sounds. During this period, sound imitations, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, songs are needed. Every day it is obligatory to read to the child not only fairy tales, but also poems: this forms the rhythmic side of speech. Speech creativity should be joint: together with the child, one should consider pictures and objects, speak, tell, draw, sing, compose, etc. In short, it takes all joint activities with him.

The question may arise:is it worth doing all this if the child is small and does not even speak yet?Simply necessary!Any child from birth onwards must literally "bath" in sounds - speech and non-speech, in a natural way to distinguish them, recognize and repeat. The response, if the child hears, and there is no fear that he has hearing loss, will definitely come. But there is no need to compete, compete with other families: all children develop in different ways.

What if the child is learning a foreign language?It is important to moderate parental ambitions regarding the early teaching of children in a foreign language. How often do we hear bravado: "My son speaks English better than Russian!". In practice, "bilingual" children take a long time to master their native language and often mix letters and sounds.

It is also impossible to teach reading to children who do not pronounce sounds, as this leads to errors in writing and the consolidation of already defective pronunciation.

It must be remembered that speech is not only a "golden key" to the magical land of knowledge and personal development but also a way to express yourself, make friends, become a free and happy person. Proficiency in the literary language is required for a person to successfully study all school disciplines. Native language- and a means of communication, expression of thought, and a powerful stimulus for the development of a person's personality.

Good luck and success to you, dear parents, and we, speech therapists, will always help you!

Prepared by the teacher - speech therapist Zhdanova N.V.

T.I. Zhurina

Some parents seriously think that in order to prepare a child for school, it is quite enough to buy everything he needs on time: clothes (uniform) and shoes, a backpack, textbooks and notebooks, school supplies ... So that, as they say, he was "no worse than others." This is a deeply erroneous opinion.

Going to school is an extremely important, perhaps the most important stage in a person's life. And on how this stage will pass, his whole subsequent life often depends. That is why it is so important to prepare your child for school in advance.

What does this process consist of? From a whole complex of components that relate to literally all aspects of the personality of a little man.

Imagine for clarity a huge tree. If we place “readiness for school” in its roots, and name the branches that form the crown: “thinking”, “speech”, “reading”, “counting”, “memory” (including muscle memory), etc., then the trunk is “arbitrariness of behavior”, and the top of the tree is the child’s ability to perceive sounds, distinguish them, etc. - what experts call "phonemic hearing."

Here is the famous statement on this subject by the famous psychologist A.R. Luria: “To master literacy, that is, the initial skills of reading and writing, first of all, it is necessary to develop sufficient phonemic hearing and the pronunciation side of speech, which serves as the basis for mastering the skills of sound-letter analysis.”

Unfortunately, not every child has them sufficiently developed. As statistics show, children with underdeveloped phonemic hearing are about 50%. True, the degree of impairment of oral and written speech is different for them, but it still makes it difficult for them to learn in the general stream. Many parents and kindergarten teachers try to rectify the negative situation in one way or another, even invite speech therapists. However, classes with a preschooler are immediately stopped as soon as obvious (audible) violations disappear from him.

But finally, the child goes to school. And then the "hidden pathology" begins to bloom in full bloom. In other words, various violations of written speech appear more and more clearly.

For example: Petya, 8 years old, 3rd grade, regular school. Intelligence is generally preserved. Hearing is normal. But the picture against the background of unformed phonemic hearing looks like this (illustrations from the exercise book):

What violations are observed most often? There are many of them:

- in vowels - any substitutions (o=a, e=i, o=u), omissions of letters.

- in consonants - mixing d=t, b=p, t=p, n=p, s=z.

- some prepositions are written together (“three steps ...”, “I will not ...”).

- there are extra syllables or omissions of letters in them ("sleledy", "returned")

- mistakes are made in the root of the word (“skvrtsy”, “stepped aside ...”)

- the endings of the words are not added (“perelest”) - there is no agreement on the words (“September has come ...”).

From this it is clear how important it is for a child of the preschool and alphabetic period to learn to distinguish - "differentiate" - letters mixed when writing - "graphic forms": a-o, i-e, i-e, o-b, i-y, t-d, e-a, r-l, o-e, x-zh, r-p, b-d, u-z, r-z, w-sch, i-ts, ts-sch, w-zh, etc., and also sounds - “phonetic forms” (children also mix them by ear):

But there is not enough time for this work in the preschool and alphabetical period! Yes, and elementary school teachers are not able to replace the lessons of a speech therapist with their lessons. Here also there is a vicious circle. As a result, the child often develops a persistent lag in the Russian language - up to the 11th grade, and parents think that the child does not learn the rules and reads little. It's not about the rules, of course. You can memorize them all, but in practice, in a learning situation, the child does not see or hear the words, and he cannot apply the rule in a particular case. For this, you need the long-term help of a professional speech therapist!

Dear Parents! Do not rush to take up the belt! Think carefully about your child's failures. Strive to help him. After all, these are not just “absurd” mistakes, but the result of an incorrect perception of sounds by him - or, as we say, the unformedness of phonemic processes and the lexical and grammatical side of speech. Such children are often classified as lazy - incapacitated, absent-minded, inattentive or poorly switching attention. But this is not their fault, but a misfortune, since they have poor auditory perception, a violation of phonemic hearing. In turn, this entails

- inability to write

- analyze what is written

- memorize a phrase of 4-5 words,

- difficulties in writing from memory, etc.

Such children cannot select test words, they lack a linguistic instinct.

To avoid all this, a lot of preparatory work is required with the child before school.

What exactly needs to be done? As the neurolinguists say, “Let speech in.” The sooner you start developing your child's speech, the better. It is in the period up to 5 years that neurosensory pathways are open to words and sounds. During this period, sound imitations, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, songs are needed. Every day it is obligatory to read to the child not only fairy tales, but also poems: this forms the rhythmic side of speech. Speech creativity should be joint: together with the child, one should consider pictures and objects, speak, tell, draw, sing, compose, etc. In short, all joint activities with him are required to “speak out”.

The question may arise: is it worth doing all this if the child is small and does not even speak yet? Simply necessary! Any child from birth onwards must literally "bath" in sounds - speech and non-speech, in a natural way to distinguish them, recognize and repeat. The response, if the child hears, and there is no fear that he has hearing loss, will definitely come. But there is no need to compete, compete with other families: all children develop in different ways.

What if the child is learning a foreign language? It is important to moderate parental ambitions regarding the early teaching of children in a foreign language. How often do we hear bravado: "My son speaks English better than Russian!". In practice, "bilingual" children take a long time to master their native language and often mix letters and sounds.

It is also impossible to teach reading to children who do not pronounce sounds, as this leads to errors in writing and the consolidation of already defective pronunciation.

It must be remembered that speech is not only a "golden key" to the magical land of knowledge and personal development, but also a way to express yourself, make friends, become a free and happy person. Proficiency in the literary language is required for a person to successfully study all school disciplines. The native language is both a means of communication, expression of thought, and a powerful stimulus for the development of a person's personality.

Good luck and success to you, dear parents, and we, speech therapists, will always help you!

The article uses the following special publications on this topical issue:

  1. Volodina V.S. Album on the development of speech. M., 2007
  2. Povalyaeva M.A. Prevention and correction of violations of written speech. Rostov-on-Don, 2006
  3. Dmitriev S.D., Dmitriev V.S. Entertaining correction of written speech. Collection of exercises. M., 2005
  4. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by the lack of formation of phonemic hearing. Issue. 1-5. M. 2004

If the child is still preschool age obvious speech therapy problems have been identified, then it is absolutely necessary to seek help from a specialist before entering school. There are certain methods and techniques by which speech defects are corrected.

These techniques can be mastered only in the process of special specialized training, and any attempts to fix something on your own can end in a waste of time at best. In this case, parents are required to identify possible problems as early as possible and, without delay, contact a speech therapist in preparation for school.

Possible prevention

Speech problems are quite common in children and most of them are successfully corrected. However, parents can and should make efforts to prevent the occurrence of such problems. You need to talk to your child all the time. From the early age children need to hear speech.

When an adult, presumably a mother, clearly pronouncing words, comments on all his actions, when a child hears speech addressed to him, a clear pronunciation of sounds, he develops the skill of reproducing not only individual words and sentences, but also a rich palette of intonations, which also positively affects the development of his speech.

It is necessary to turn to the baby more often with questions, wait for an answer, provoke him to use an ever wider set of words. This must be done even if the child has no speech problems. After all, constant communication is reflected not only in speech, but also in general development. At the same time, parents should first of all monitor the correctness of their speech, try to complete phrases and avoid slurred wording.

Thoughtful reading is a great help

It is very important to read to your child from an early age. At least before bed. It is necessary not only to tell fairy tales, but also to read the text, moreover, clearly, with expression, pronouncing the endings. Do not spare time for this, because it will take much more to solve possible problems later.

It is necessary to ask the child to answer questions, offer to repeat some passages from what they have read, and older preschoolers need to be taught and retell small works, albeit with the help of an adult. Speech is a tool to be mastered. It is very useful in this regard to teach a child to sing, pronounce counting rhymes and tongue twisters.

At this stage, you can already notice if the child has difficulty pronouncing any sounds. And if yes, then it is better to solve the problem on early stage without waiting when, having heard insulting nicknames and teasers from peers, small man shut up and lose faith in yourself.

Neurotic states - special attention

Speech problems may be the result of some neurotic disorders. It is necessary to carefully monitor the child: whether his emotional state (joy, anger, fear) is reflected in the speech process.

It happens that a child, overexcited, tries to say something, but he does not succeed. He starts saying the phrase again and again and gets lost. At such moments, he must be stopped, asked to take a deep breath several times, calm down and clearly pronounce the phrase that he was going to say.

If these moments are missed, stuttering may develop, which will subsequently have to be treated. If the baby constantly has difficulties "on a nervous basis", then before going to a speech therapist, you should contact a neurologist.

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The purpose of the classes is to develop the ability to analyze, assimilate, process information, which leads to the correction of poor progress, increasing the level of literacy and developing spelling vigilance.

Preparation for school with a defectologist-speech therapist according to the 2nd generation GEF standard. Correcting poor progress, raising the level of literacy and developing spelling vigilance.

TsDKRN conducts classes in preparation for school. Classes meet the requirements of the state educational standard(FSES 2nd generation). The purpose of education is not the accumulation of specific knowledge and individual skills, but ability to analyze, assimilate, process information. The development of such skills significantly changes the child's ability to learn and leads to the correction of academic failure, the improvement of literacy and the development of spelling vigilance. The child will be able to independently use new abilities to solve the tasks assigned to him. The formation of these skills is the first step to successful learning followed by self-improvement.

When are such classes needed?

Some children find it extremely difficult to learn Russian and mathematics at school. Endless repetitions of rules, exercises, “working on mistakes” do not bring results.

Indications for corrective exercises may cause the following problems:

  • mistakes and ignorance of the basic rules
  • inability to apply the rules in the process of writing and calculating
  • inability to compose coherent and logical texts
  • omission of letters, unnecessary repetition or merging of words
  • problems with maintaining voluntary attention
  • difficulty orienting in tasks
  • impulsiveness of decisions and switching of attention
  • ugly or illegible handwriting

How are classes conducted?

The child is engaged individually according to a specially designed sequential program. The duration of the lesson is 60 minutes.

The composition of the training program:

1. Development mathematical representations

The mathematical development of preschool children is understood as qualitative changes in cognitive activity child, which occur as a result of the formation of elementary mathematical representations and related logical operations. Mathematical development is a significant component in the formation of a child's "picture of the world".

2. Development of phonetic-phonemic hearing

The most important indicator of children's preparedness for schooling is their level speech development. (In order to prepare children for teaching literacy using the analytical-synthetic sound method, it is also necessary to teach them the following: to distinguish between any speech sounds, both vowels and consonants; to distinguish any sounds from the composition of a word; to be able to divide words into syllables, and syllables into sounds; to be able to combine sounds into syllables and words; to be able to determine the sequence of sounds in a word; to be able to divide sentences into words.) Work on the development of a sound culture of speech is very important and necessary. The development of phonetic hearing is the key to success in school and literate writing, and also protects against common mistakes such as skipping, rearranging and replacing letters in words.

3. Learning to work with texts

The priority goal of learning to work with text is: the ability to understand the read and listened to the work, answer questions, divide the text into semantic parts, compose a retelling, as well as form the need for a book as a means of knowing the world and self-knowledge.

Lessons are taught by:

Belaya Tatyana Konstantinovna

Teacher-defectologist, speech therapist, teacher of the deaf, specialist in early development.

Specialist of the Center for Correctional Development of Children and Neuropsychology

Dear parents! Do you think that preparing a child for school is buying him school stationery, a satchel, a new suit or dress? To some extent, yes. But this is the final stage of creating a September 1 holiday for the child. The real preparation of the little man for school should begin long before that, about one or two years, when the baby was only five, or even four years old. And don't rely on kindergarten Or a first grade teacher. Smart parents prepare a child for school without any pedagogical education.

How do you prepare your child for school?

1. Before teaching a child to write printed letters, it is desirable that he, imitating his parents, learn to schematically draw the sun, a house, a little man, a Christmas tree, a tree, grass, a car with wheels and be able to distribute them on a sheet of paper. Then it is necessary to teach the child to HATCH with colored pencils the simplest ornaments, consisting of a series of squares and a chain of triangles and circles. Initially, the “strokes” of the child will go beyond the boundaries of the square, triangle, circle, and he needs to be shown that he should start “working” not from the center of the figure, but from the side lines to the center, gradually expanding or narrowing the scope of the pencil. Cultivating neatness in hatching will lead to fluency in the pencil and will make it easier in the future to master the writing of capital letters.

2. It is important that parents monitor the purity and clarity of their pronunciation, do not lisp, pronouncing instead of hissing sounds and “P” - whistling and “L”, instead of hard consonants - soft. If you want your child to study well at school, he must hear clear, beautiful Russian speech from the first days of his life.

3. Children play a huge role in preparing a child for school. Board games, starting with loto according to the classification of various household items, animals, transport, up to more complex games, also like loto, based on the tales of A. S. Pushkin.

At the end of the fourth year of a child’s life (and sometimes even earlier), it is necessary to teach a non-stuttering child to perform “in front of the nearest public”: first, in front of dad, grandmother, then sing songs together with the whole family or separately, read poems on an impromptu stage, gradually complicating their set. This will prevent, especially among girls, the fear of answering the teacher's question, first from the seat, at the desk, later - in front of the blackboard in full view of the whole class. Do not be afraid that your child will lose some share of modesty and shyness: he will not be afraid of difficulties all his life, tell the truth, be brave and honest.

4. Directed preparation for the school of an already well-speaking child begins at four and a half to five years. At this age, the child becomes learnable, and you can help him begin to hear individual sounds. The easiest way for a child to begin isolating the vowels A, O, U in speech, which are pronounced correctly by all children.

From a clear humming of songs on isolated sounds, with the transition from A to U, from U to I, from I to U and in any other order, it would be good to move on to fixing by writing these sounds (letters) in a notebook.

Clear alternating articulation of vowelsA, U, I, O is also a good articulatory gymnastics for the muscles of the lips; the child for the first time will feel, realize the movements of his lips.

Then you can move on to exaggerated pronunciation sounds M-P-B; N-D-T. The first group of sounds consolidates the strength of the muscles of the lips, the second - the muscles of the tip of the tongue. Then move on to listening to the child whistling and hissing sounds. All this should be done sporadically, during the game, so that the child willingly repeats these sounds after you.

At the same time, it is desirable to strengthen the muscles of the lips and tongue with such types of exercises as the coachman's "whoa" to vibrate the lips, or clattering the tongue, imitating the clatter of a horse, to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

If a child of four or five years old has poor pronunciation of many sounds (L, R, hissing, whistling, and sometimes voiced consonants), then you should contact a speech therapist. Pronunciation defects can affect a child's academic performance not only in primary school, but also later: the child will write and read incorrectly in the first grades and be embarrassed to speak at the blackboard in the senior grades.

Therefore, be active and start classes with a speech therapist a year before your son or daughter enters school. Speech sounds need long-term automation.

5. At the same time - from five to five and a half years - it's time to teach the child to divide the word into syllables with the help of clapping.

6. At the same time, parents can take a new approach to looking at pictures by the child, when he begins to listen to the question and catch, comprehend the endings of nouns and verbs: “the girl sings, brother and sister sing” and determine how many words are in the phrases “the girl sings” and “the girl and the boy sing”.

The child is already listening to the questions: Who? What is he doing? and then comes the awareness of the questions: Where? Where? Whom? What? (The boy plays ball. The girl dresses the doll. The boy goes to the store. The ball fell on the table (under the table, through the window, etc.)). So a child by the age of six begins to hear prepositions. An important role in the development of a child's speech is played by various lotto games. First of all, this is the consolidation of such concepts as general and particular (furniture, clothing, shoes, etc.); face - nose, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, eyebrows; head - forehead, crown (crown), occiput, face; torso - head, arms, legs, neck, back, abdomen, etc.

7. The ability of a child to retell a fairy tale or a story, to tell the content of a cartoon with the obligatory ability to use the NAMES of the heroes of a fairy tale or film deserves special preparation for school. Moreover, it is desirable that the child does not wave his arms at the same time, but together with you answers the questions you posed.

8. At five or six years old, a child can be explained the word "round", and taught to identify such geometric figures, like a triangle, a square, a circle, a cross and an equal sign, like two identical dashes equal to each other, show how numbers are written within ten, teach him the most elementary words “subtract”, “add”, “add”, “it will turn out”, teach him to solve easy tasks for addition and subtraction on subjects available to him.

9. Be sure to check the visual acuity and hearing, as well as the nasopharynx of your child, at least a year before he enters school. Their performance also depends on their good condition.

10. To strengthen and develop the hand and coordination of movements, children can be offered the following exercises: fastening and unbuttoning buttons; tying and untying ribbons; shifting small toys with three fingers that hold the pen when writing; thread weaving.

It is necessary to do gymnastics for the left hand:

Straighten the hand, tightly squeeze the fingers and slowly press them first to the third joints, then to the plane of the palm;

Straighten the brush and alternately attach the ring finger to the little finger, the middle to the index;

Put your hand tightly on the table and alternately bend the middle, index, thumb, the remaining fingers should gradually rise up;

Open your fingers as wide as possible and, slowly connecting them, lower your hand down;

Clench your fingers into a fist and rotate the brush in different directions.

Good luck to you and your baby.