Cheat sheet: Disadvantages of pronunciation of whistling sounds. Methodology of speech therapy work with sigmatism and parasigmatism of whistling sounds. The program for the correction of violations of the pronunciation of sound 3b Methodology of speech therapy work on the correction of whistling sounds

The child incorrectly pronounces whistling sounds [С], [СЬ], [З], [Зб].


Whistling sounds are especially common in children. Sigmatisms (distorted pronunciation of whistlers) and parasigmatisms (replacement of whistling sounds with others: hissing, front-lingual, etc.) greatly spoil the child's speech.

Sigmatisms can be:

Labio-dental sigmatism: whistling [s], [s "] are replaced by sounds close to [f], [f"]: “fabaka” (dog), “funk” (sled), “finy” (blue), "feno" (hay); sounds [h], [h "] - to sounds reminiscent of [c], [c"]: “vayka” (bunny), “wooby” ​​(teeth), “vebra” (zebra), “ordered” (green) ;

Interdental sigmatism: the tip of the tongue is laid between the teeth, which is why words with whistling sounds acquire a “lisping” sound;

Lateral sigmatism: the lateral edge of the tongue or the tip of the tongue, when pronouncing whistling sounds, is between the molars on the right or left, while the tongue “falls” to one side, hence the name;

Nasal sigmatism: occurs with open rhinolalia (splitting of the hard and soft palate) and rhinophony (paresis, paralysis of the soft palate), when air enters the nasal cavity when pronouncing sounds.

Parasigmatisms can be:

Tooth parasigmatism: replacing sounds [s] - [s "] respectively with [t] - [t"]: “tanks” (sled), “tom” (catfish), “teno” (hay), “tiny” ( blue); replacing sounds [h] - [h "] with [d] - [d"]: “dvuk” (sound), “oak” (tooth), “Dina” (Zina), “dileny” (green);

Hissing parasigmatism: sounds [s] - [s "] are replaced by sounds [w] or [u]: "shanks", "shanks" (sleds), "shushki", "pikes" (drying); sounds [h] - [ h "] to the sounds [zh] or [zh"]: “zhuby”, “zhyuby” (teeth), “pressure” (winter), “zhayka”, “zhayka” (hare).

Softening defects (substitutions for hardness - softness): this is when hard sounds [s] - [s] are pronounced respectively as paired [s "] - [s"]: "sup" (soup), "syanki" (sled), “sin” (son), “zayka” (hare), “zuby” (teeth), “kozi” (goats). Or vice versa: “son” (blue), “sen” (hay), “Soma” (Syoma), “winter” (winter), “green” (green);

Substitutions for deafness - voicedness: the sound [z] is replaced by the sound [s], the sound [z "] - by the sound [s"] and vice versa: “subs” (teeth), “sima” (winter), “zanks” (sleds) , "zeno" (hay).

Such disorders of sound pronunciation can lead not only to dyslalia (impaired sound pronunciation), but also to dyslexia (impaired reading) and dysgraphia (violation of writing).


When articulating sound [s]

1. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth.

2. The lips are stretched, as if smiling, and do not cover the teeth.

3. Teeth are close together or closed

4. We exhale air with force in the middle of the tongue, along the "groove"; a sharp cold stream is felt on the palm brought to the mouth.

6. Sound with deaf.


Sitting with the child in front of the mirror, “construct” a “mountain” in the mouth (exercise “Mountain”). Exercise "Climber": the tip of the tongue "clings" to the lower incisors, the back of the tongue arches). So, the lower teeth are a ledge of rock, on which you must hold on at all costs! After all, it’s even scary to think what will happen if the climber loses support under his feet! (An adult counts how many seconds the "alpinist" will stay on the ledge: the longer, the better). Of course, you will have to control the accuracy of movements with the help of a mirror. The child will try very hard: the gnome Tongue should not fall off the cliff!

To prevent the tip of the child’s tongue from popping out behind the teeth (with interdental sigmatism), teach the baby to squeeze them by telling such a story called “Brook” (Articulation exercise “Brook”). “Once upon a time there was a stream. Very restless and talkative. He brought down a whole waterfall of sounds. Only, the trouble is, the sounds were not quite right, they were some kind of lisping, and splashed in all directions. No one could understand what the brook was talking about. In order for the voice of the stream to become clear, a dam had to be built. Squeeze your teeth. Like this. Amazing! Smile. The stream was left with a small gap between the front teeth, and it began to flow down in a cold, even stream. Say “С________” for a long time, demonstrating to the child the correct articulation of the sound [s]. Let the baby put his hand under his chin and make sure that the stream of air is cold and narrow. Now ask the child to organize his "trickle". This will not work right away. The most important thing is that the tongue does not protrude between the teeth and does not interfere with the pronunciation of the sound [C]. If nothing succeeds this time, a match (without a sulfuric head) will help and the continuation of the story of the talkative brook. “Once a log blocked the passage of a stream. (Place a match with one end between the baby's incisors and ask to be held in this position. The tongue is at the bottom of the oral cavity and does not protrude!). The brook had to work very hard to remove the barrier! And now the child must pronounce the sound [C] with force, directing a stream of air exactly at the match. It should pop out like a cork from a bottle. The exercise is done under the strictest supervision of adults, God forbid if the match is in the airways of the crumbs!

Exercise "Coil". The tip of the tongue, as in the previous exercises (“Hill”, “Climber”, “Stream”), is pressed against the lower incisors from the inside. The middle part of the tongue curves sharply and becomes wide, in the middle there is a hollow. "Reel" - the tongue either rolls forward, then pulls back. And so - several times. The most important thing is that the tip of the tongue is securely fixed behind the teeth.

These four exercises (“Hill”, “Climber”, “Brook”, “Reel”) must be performed for at least a month. The muscles of the tongue should get stronger, and the movements should acquire accuracy and confidence. They will help get rid of interdental sigmatism.

Exercise 1. "Fence".

Purpose: to prepare articulation for whistling sounds, to activate the lips.

Guidelines: in front of the mirror, we ask the child to stretch his lips as much as possible (smile), show the upper and lower teeth. The upper teeth should be opposite the lower ones. It is necessary to check the presence of a distance between them (1 mm). Make sure that the child does not wrinkle his nose. Hold count up to 5.

Exercise 2. "Window".

Purpose: to be able to keep the mouth open while showing the upper and lower teeth.

Exercise 3. "Shovel".

Purpose: to develop a wide and calm position of the tongue, which is necessary for the preparation of whistling sounds.

sequentially perform the exercises "Fence" - "Window" - push the tongue to the lower lip. The language should be calm and wide. The lower lip should not tuck in, the upper should expose the teeth. Hold count up to 5.

Lip tongue.

Exercise 4. "Shovel digs."

Purpose: to prepare articulation for whistling sounds.

Guidelines:. "Shovel digs" perform the following exercises in sequence: "Fence" - "Window" - "Shovel". From the "Shovel" position, lift the wide tip of the tongue slightly up. The upper teeth should be visible. Make sure that the tongue does not retract into the oral cavity when lifting. Perform the exercise at a slow pace 3-4 times.

The tip of the tongue curls up.

Exercise 5. "Between the gates"

Purpose: To make the tongue move easily from side to side

Methodical instructions: stroke the tongue between the lower teeth and the lip from left to right and from right to left.

Exercise 6

Purpose: to develop the ability to bend the back of the tongue.

Methodical instructions: Smile, open your mouth, put the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip, then lower the tip of the tongue to the base of the lower incisors, bend the tongue. The tongue should not protrude from the mouth when it is curved. Make sure that the tongue does not just lie flat in the mouth, but is raised in its middle part. Make sure the language is wide.

Development of phonemic hearing

The first stage is the recognition of non-speech sounds.

Distinguishing non-speech sounds by ear is the foundation and basis for the development of phonemic hearing.

The game "Guess what sounded." Listen carefully with your child to the sound of water, the rustling of newspapers, the sound of spoons, the creaking of doors and other household sounds. Invite the child to close their eyes and guess what it sounded like.

The second stage is the distinction of speech sounds by timbre, strength and height.

The third stage is the distinction between similar-sounding words.

The game "Listen and choose". In front of the child are pictures with similar-sounding words (com, catfish, scrap, house). The adult calls the object, and the child raises the corresponding picture.

The fourth stage is the distinction of syllables.

The game "Clap". An adult explains to a child that there are short and long words. He pronounces them, intonation separating syllables. Together with the child, he pronounces the words (pa-pa, lo-pa-ta, ba-le-ri-na), flapping syllables. A more difficult option: invite the child to independently clap the number of syllables in the word.

The fifth stage is the distinction of sounds.

Explain to the child that words are made up of sounds. Play with sounds. The mosquito says - zzzz, the wind blows - ssss, the beetle buzzes - zhzhzhzh, the tiger growls - rrrr ...

The adult pronounces the sound, and the child guesses who (what) makes it.

The game "Clap". The adult pronounces a series of sounds, and the child clap his hands when he hears a given phoneme.


And if the child’s problem is not in the tongue, but in the lower lip, which strives to connect with the upper teeth on whistling sounds? And then "dog" turns into "fabaku", "soup" into "fup", "bunny" into "vayka", "fence" into "vabor". In this case, as you remember, they speak of labio-tooth sigmatism. But you can deal with it too. One has only to call for obedience to the lower lip. Take a mirror, demonstrate a Hollywood smile and, holding the baby’s lower lip with your finger, ask the child with an equally dazzling smile to pronounce the sounds [C ______], [C "______] for a long time. Did it work? Now remove the support, and let the child repeat these sounds again. What- then it's not so? We'll have to repeat everything from the beginning ... Over and over again, until it works out. If this doesn’t help, you need to teach the child to voluntarily lower the lower lip for some time. He should easily control it! Perform the same articulation exercises ("Peak" , “Alpinist”, “Brook”, “Reel”), which is in the fight against interdental sigmatism (see above).

Finally everything is fine. To consolidate the correct pronunciation, use the syllables: С___А, С___И, С___Ы, С___Э, С___У, С___И, С___Е, С___Ё, (Whistling sounds [С], [С"] are pronounced for a long time!) Here the lower lip can again play against the rules! It's okay, you'll have to hold it for a while.


If when pronouncing [C] - [C "] and [З] - [З"] some kind of squelching is heard, we can confidently speak of lateral sigmatism. Now the problem lies both in the tongue itself and in the direction of the air stream. With lateral sigmatism, it does not go in the middle of the tongue, but slides either to the left or to the right, and maybe in both directions ... Such deviations from the course are easy to detect if you put your palms on the child's cheeks.

Very often, lateral sigmatism indicates serious disorders: paralysis or paresis in the muscles of the tongue. Eliminating this defect is not so easy. Surely you will need a massage and articulatory gymnastics (exercises “Gorochka”, “Climber”, “Stream”, “Reel”, etc.). The most important thing is to strengthen the lateral edges of the tongue, make them rise, and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue. It's unlikely to succeed the first time. Start the work of correction with ... punishment. No, not a child, but a tongue.

Tell your child that the gnome Tongue does not differ in exemplary behavior. And therefore, he also has to be punished, smacking his lips: “pya-pya-pya-…” (Exercise “We will punish a naughty tongue”). At the same time, a wide, relaxed tongue should be between the lips, not move or move sideways! Oddly enough, the child will do this exercise with great pleasure! After educational work, the tongue will surely become obedient. It's time to apply encouragement and play something interesting with him, for example, football. Make an impromptu gate on a table of two cubes, put a cotton ball in front of the child, and let the gnome Tongue score goals in the gate ("Let's score a goal in the gate" exercise). The more heads the better. Make sure that the tongue lies flat on the lower lip during the exercise, and the cheeks do not swell in any way! Do not forget to remind the child that the game is fun, so the lips should smile.

Soccer ball.

Soccer ball in the yard

Ran all day long.

He played with us

But I didn't see the bitch.

Ran into him:


We feel so sorry for him!

(E.G. Karelskaya)

With what sound the ball was blown away, the child should show: “С_________”.

The ball was sealed, and now it needs to be pumped up. Show how the gnome Tongue, with the help of a pump, pumps up the ball. True, without the help of a child, he is unlikely to cope! The child demonstrates the operation of the pump, and at the same time trains in the correct pronunciation of the sound [C] (exercise "Pump"). Articulation should be clear: the lips are smiling, the tip of the tongue is securely attached to the lower incisors, the air is pushed out abruptly: sssss ... The tongue must be absolutely symmetrical (do not move sideways!). By doing all this, the child will learn to direct the stream of air in the middle of the tongue.


Apparently, the child has hypertonicity in the muscles of the tongue, the tip of the tongue does not rest against the lower teeth, but is pulled back, deep into the mouth, the tongue is excessively raised. Hypertonicity is removed with the help of a relaxing massage and articulation exercises (“Pancake”, “We will punish a naughty tongue”, “Let's score a goal in the goal”). Then the production of whistling sounds proceeds in the same way as with interdental sigmatism (the third section of this article).


a) in isolated pronunciation:


A wave splashes in the sea.

Do you hear how she sings?


This song of water

Drops, friendly sisters,

Singing in silence

Wind, fish and moon.

"S_______" - they rustle with sand,

A pebble at the bottom of the sea.

"S________" - crushed on a rock,

"C_________" - flow down the glass.

"S________" - and hid in a shell.

We will apply it to the ear ...

And you will hear again

The sound of the surf, the splash of the wave:


(E.G. Karelskaya)

b) in syllables, words and tongue twisters




SA: himself, garden, salad, Sanya, boot, cod, samovar, plane, saury, net, lard, saber

CO: catfish, sleep, soda, juice, salt, Sonya, owls, litter, hundred, honeycombs, solo, juicy, grade

SU: soup, bag, bough, knot, court, Saturday. marmot, pike perch, drying, bitch, scrip, essence

SY: son, cheese, damp, full, satisfying, owl, son, cheese, etc.

AS: us, pineapple, kvass, breaststroke, now, hour, class, palace, Karabas Barabas, atlas

US-US: mousse, minus, bus, crocus, focus, bite, vinegar, plus, flux

IP: Rice, Miss, Cypress, Narcissus, Paris, Boris

SA-SA-SA: A fox runs in the forest. A wasp flies in the garden. Light braid.

CO-CO-CO: The fox has a wheel. In the cinema, Sophie Marceau.

SU-SU-SU: We are not afraid of the fox. Snow is falling in the forest. My father sharpened his braid.

SY-SY-SY: The fox has a fluffy tail. It's bad for Sonya without a braid.

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa, - on the table we have a wasp.

Sy-sy-sy, sy-sy-sy, - we are not afraid of the wasp. Su-su-su, su-su-su, - we will not drive the wasp.

AS-AS-AS: Sonya has a pineapple. Let's go to class today. We have free time.

OS-OC-OC: The dog hurt his nose. Senya has a question. Senya was carrying hay in the canopy.

US-US-US: This is a string of beads. We put a plus sign. From a wasp - a bite.

IS-IS-IS: Cook the rice in a bowl. Boris entered the class. Narcissus is blooming in the garden.



SI: strength, blue, silhouette, Sima, strong, blue, blue, Siberia, lilac

CE: hay, Seva, Sergey, Semyon, north, gray, sat down, semaphore, herring

Syo: salmon, Syoma, cheerful

SI-SI-SI: Bring the hay into the hayloft. Bring the blue to Sima. Invite Seva to visit.

SE-SE-SE: Let's sing a song to the fox. Blue bow on the braid. The spokes are on the wheel.

SE-SE-SE: We will give syrup to the wasp. Everyone went to the forest today!

Syo-Syo-Syo: We told Vasya everything.

SU-SU-SU: We danced with might and main. They gave hay to carp.

Continue in the same spirit, picking up new words with sounds [C] and [C"].

c) in tongue twisters

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache.

Forty and forty ate a piece of cheese.

There are ducks and geese in Dusi's garden.

Sanya and Kostya go to visit Sonya.

Sanya and his fiancee are kneading the dough.

Sanya mows hay, and Sonya carries hay.

Senya is sitting on a pine tree in a dream.

A neighbor - a homebody has a neighbor - a fidget.

There are delicious sausages in the bowl of the kitty.

Grandmother's geese frightened Lucy.

Frosya has pineapple and apricots on a tray.

Sonya and Stas ate a pineapple.

Vlas ate bacon from Slava, and Nazar licked the cream.

A homebody neighbor has a fidget neighbor.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled.

d) riddles

If together all seven I,

It turns out ... (FAMILY). Fragrant third day

Persian in the garden ... (LILAC).

This bird loves fat

Yellow-breasted ... (TITT). A mustachioed beetle crawled to the swift,

He asked to tailor him ... (SURTUK).

All kids are invited

Harvest to taste ... (GARDEN).

A lot of wasps flew in

Take care, baby, your ... (NOSE).

He is not afraid of the heat.

He is the favorite of the kids

Good-natured and smart

This lop-eared ... (ELEPHANT).

She doesn't sleep at night

Looks very far into the distance.

Like a pumpkin head

This is predatory ... (OWL).

(Riddles of E.G. Karelskaya)


The sounds [З], [Зб] can have the same defect as the sounds [С], [С "]. You need to work on them in the same way. The only difference is that [З], [Зб] are voiced (with their pronunciation has a voice, the vocal cords work). If the child deafens these sounds (pronounces them without a voice), you need to tell a fairy tale about the voice that lives in the throat. The child puts his hand on the throat (his or an adult) and listens to the story. On the sounds [with ] [s "] the voice is "sleeping" and the smelts of his house do not tremble, but at the sounds of [h] [h "] the voice wakes up and begins to sing and the walls of his house tremble, vibrate. Demonstrate this clearly by saying in turn, first deaf, and then ringing whistling sounds. Then proceed to fixing the sounds [h] [h "] in the same sequence as the sounds [C] [C"]. The only thing to remember is that the sounds [h] [h "] at the end words are deafened and turn into sounds [s] [s "]



FOR: hall, plant, hare, bunny, fence, outpost, dawn, test, why, patch, paddock, task

ZO: Zoya, Zosya, Zosim, call, dawn, dawn, goiter, zombie, vigilantly, vigilantly, gold

ZU: tooth, teeth, buzzer, bison

Having worked out syllables and words, take sentences, tongue-twisters and verses replete with sounds [Z], [Zb].

For-for-for, for-for-for

A goat is chasing Zina. Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu,

Let's put a goat in a pen.

Zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy,

Goat's bell. Ze-ze-ze, ze-ze-ze,

We will give hay to the goat.

Zoya and Zina have an elderberry in a basket.

Bunny Buba has a toothache.

Zosya called the bunny to visit.

Nazar goes to the market, Nazar will buy a goat.

Zoya Zaykina is the hostess, only the bunny is a smartass.

The zoo has monkeys, snakes, bison and pheasants.

Zoya has mimosa, and Zina has roses.

The bell rang loudly, calling Zoya to the lesson.

Rose is freezing cold.

Zina forgot her basket in the store.

They bought Zina a basket in the store.

There are some features of the automation of sounds with individual pronunciation defects. So, when the lateral sigmatism of both whistling and hissing sounds is eliminated, automation in syllables begins at the interdental position of the tip of the tongue, and only when it ceases to deviate, the tongue is transferred to the tooth position.

There are some features of the automation of sounds in labio-dental sigmatism: the sound is fixed using mechanical assistance (holding the lower lip with a finger).

With sigmatism, work on sound ends with the stage of automation - due to the lack of substitutions or mixtures of the desired sound. With parasigmatism, work on sound ends with the stage of differentiation of the desired sound with a substitute sound (first by ear, and then in pronunciation).

Formation of the skill of the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds - recommendations for parents and teachers.

A four-year-old preschooler does not make whistling sounds. What to do? You can try calling the sound yourself. However, most likely, this will not work, since the child has not formed the correct articulation pattern. Special preparatory articulation exercises will help in solving this problem.

To make your efforts more effective, here are a few tips:

1. Be patient. Find words of support, praise the child for his patience.

2. Don't let your child get bored during class. Preschoolers do not perceive monotonous activities well, so it is better to choose a playful form of activity.

3. Repeat exercises. Skill development is determined by time and practice.



Smile without tension.

In this position, hold the lips for up to 5 - 7 seconds.

"We woke up, smiled,

Sweet-sweet stretched"


Smile without tension, show closed upper and lower teeth.

"Teeth unanimously showed

And we weren't tired at all."


Open your mouth wide enough. Try to do so that the upper and lower teeth are visible.

Hold the articulatory position for up to 5 - 7 seconds.

The sun shines through our window.

We make it easy"


Open your mouth, put your tongue on your lower lip, and, slapping it with your lips, say: "Pya - pya - pya." The front edge of the tongue should be wide.

Execution time - up to 10 seconds.

“We will knead the dough now,
We will treat everyone with pancakes "


Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. Do not pull the lip over the lower teeth.

Hold a wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open for up to 5 to 7 seconds.

"We have big pancakes,
Very tasty ones"


Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if pronouncing a long sound “f - f - f”, blow along the middle line of the tongue. Do not puff out your cheeks.

"The pancake must be cooled,
Put on a plate"


Smile, open your mouth. From the inside of the teeth with a wide tip of the tongue, move upwards several times.

Perform the exercise 4-5 times.

"We'll go for a walk,
Remove snow from the path

Smile, open your mouth. Hook the wide tip of the tongue over the lower teeth. Without lifting your tongue from your teeth, bend it like a slide. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.

Hold the articulatory position for up to 5 - 7 seconds.

“The hill was made big
Yes, what a wide "


Smile, open your mouth. Hook the wide tip of the tongue over the lower teeth. Without taking your tongue off your teeth, bend it like a hill and lightly press it with your teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. Blow on your tongue. The air stream goes along the midline of the tongue. If the exercise is performed correctly, a sound similar to the sound C will be heard.

“The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing.
Blowing cold - chill "

The next stage of work will be the formation of the ability to correctly pronounce the sound in a syllable, word, phrase, text and, finally, in spontaneous speech.

Ionova O. Yu.,
teacher speech therapist

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Magnitogorsk State Technical University them. G.I. Nosov Institute of Additional vocational education and personnel engineering MSTU "Gorizont" (IDPO MSTU "Gorizon")

Completed by: Maria Golyadkina

Magnitogorsk 2017

Methodology speech therapy work with sigmatism and parasigmatism of whistling sounds. The program for correcting violations of the pronunciation of the sound "3b".

  1. Characteristics and description of the articulation of the sound "z".
Sound [z "] ("z"): - consonant (the formation of an obstruction in the oral cavity is characteristic); - sonorous (when formed, the tone of voice is combined with a pronounced noise); - fricative or fricative (according to the method of articulation); - lingual- dental (at the place of articulation); - soft. (paired with it in hardness - sound [z]. paired with deafness - sound [s"] ("s"); - oral (at the place of resonation).

When pronouncing the sound [z "], the organs of articulation occupy the following position: - lips slightly stretched in a smile so that the upper and lower incisors are exposed; - teeth brought together, forming a gap of 1-2 mm; - Tip of the tongue wide, located at the bottom of the lower front teeth; - lateral edges of the tongue raised and tightly closed with the upper lateral teeth; - dorsum of the tongue in his middle part forms a narrow gap with the upper alveoli for the exit of a jet of air; - air jet strong, passes through the middle of the tongue and when bringing the back of the hand to the mouth feels cold; - soft sky tightly pressed against the back of the throat, preventing air from escaping into the nose; - vocal cords closed and trembling, forming a voice.

  1. Description of the violation of the sound "z".
No sound

With this sound, the teeth are bared in a “smile”, almost closed. The tongue rests on the necks of the lower teeth (in the lower gums) and is tense. The jet of air is directed to the front teeth through the tip of the tongue. The folds are closed, they vibrate: there is a voice.

When imitating, we make sure that the child correctly maintains the position of the teeth, lips, tongue, air stream at the sound "z".

Tooth sigmatism

Toothsigmatism corrected mechanically. With a light pressure of the spatula (probe) on the tip of the tongue, lower it behind the lower incisors.

The pronunciation of soft sounds is characterized by the participation in the articulation of the part of the back of the tongue. In addition, hard and soft sounds often differ in the degree of tightness of the lips. So, when softening the sounds of the lower articulation, the lower lip is activated (tensed), and for the upper one, the upper lip. Particular attention is paid to the abduction of the corners of the mouth. The child needs to demonstrate the pronunciation of soft sounds with a somewhat exaggerated abduction of the corners of the mouth.

Softness is achieved mechanically by moving the tip of the tongue back, deep into the mouth. The back of the tongue rises.

  1. Stages of work on the sound "z".

    1. Preparation of the articulatory apparatus.
Approximate set of exercises:

"Knead the dough."

Purpose: to develop the ability, by relaxing the muscles of the tongue, to keep it wide spread.

smile. Open your mouth. Calmly put the tongue on the lower lip and, slapping his lips, make the sounds la-la-la. Pat the tongue with your lips several times on one exhalation, then hold the wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open, counting from 1 to 5-10. Make sure that the child does not retain exhaled air. Control over the exhaled stream of air is carried out with the help of a cotton wool brought to the child's mouth: if the exercise is performed correctly, the cotton wool will deviate. The lower lip should not tuck in and pull over the lower teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.

"Shovel", "Pancake", "Pancake".

Purpose: to develop the ability to make the tongue wide and keep it in a calm, relaxed state.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 5-10. Make sure that the lips are not tense, do not stretch into a wide smile, so that the lower lip does not tuck and does not stretch over the lower teeth. The tongue does not protrude far: it should only cover the lower lip. The lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.


Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue. To develop the mobility and flexibility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Language movements:

a) a wide tongue rises to the nose and falls to the chin;

b) a wide tongue rises to the upper lip, then descends to the lower lip;

c) insert a wide tongue between the upper teeth and lip, then between the lower teeth and lip;

d) the wide tip of the tongue touches the upper incisors, then the lower ones;

e) with a wide tip of the tongue, touch the tubercles (alveoli) behind the lower incisors, then behind the upper ones;

When performing all exercises, make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless, the lips do not stretch over the teeth.

"The tongue goes over the teeth."

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the flexibility and accuracy of the movements of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue movements: with a wide tongue, touch the lower teeth from the outside, then from the inside.

When performing exercises, make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lower jaw and lips are motionless.

"Let's brush our teeth"

Purpose: to learn to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, to develop the ability to control the tongue, the accuracy of movements.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Stroke the lower teeth with the wide tip of the tongue, moving the tongue up and down. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, stops at the upper edge of the teeth and does not go beyond it, the lips are in the position of a smile, the lower jaw does not move.


Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the ability to raise the lateral edges of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Then the lateral edges of the tongue rise and fold into a pie.

If this exercise fails for a long time, it is useful to help lift the lateral edges of the tongue with the lips, pressing them on the lateral edges of the tongue. Sometimes this movement is helped by pressure along the midline of the tongue with a probe, needle, etc.; children can help themselves with their hands (keep their hands clean).

"Gorka" "The kitty is angry."

Purpose: to develop a rise in the back of the tongue up, the ability to hold the tip of the tongue at the lower teeth.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the bases of the lower incisors. The back of the tongue arches, then levels out. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not come off the teeth, the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.


Purpose: to develop the ability to raise the lateral edges of the tongue, bend the back of the tongue, holding the tip of the tongue near the lower teeth.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the bases of the lower incisors. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. A wide tongue "rolls out" forward and retracts deep into the mouth. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lateral edges of the tongue slide over the molars, the tip of the tongue does not come off the incisors, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

"Push the ball into the goal."

Purpose: to produce a long, directed air jet.

Stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow on a cotton ball lying on the table for a long time, trying to drive it into the “gate” between two cubes. The ball should be driven on one exhalation, not allowing the air stream to be intermittent. Make sure that the cheeks do not puff out; To do this, they can be lightly pressed with the palms of your hands.

Purpose: to develop a smooth, long, continuous air stream running along the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue is out. The lateral edges of the spatulate tongue are raised. As if pronouncing the sound f for a long time, blow off the cotton wool to the opposite edge of the table. Make sure that the cheeks do not puff out, the lower lip does not stretch over the lower teeth, so that the children pronounce the sound f, not x, that is, that the air stream is narrow, not scattered.

"Blow the Snowflake"

Purpose: to develop a smooth, targeted air stream of air running along the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Wide tongue stick out. The tip of the tongue is down. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper teeth. Place a 1x1 cm paper square on the tip of the tongue and blow it off. Make sure that the cheeks do not puff out and the lips do not stretch over the teeth, so that the children seem to pronounce the sound f, and not h.

“Blow through a straw”, “Storm in a glass”.

Purpose: to develop the ability to direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the bases of the lower incisors. A straw for a cocktail is placed in the middle of the tongue, the end of which is lowered into a glass of water. Blow through a straw to make the water in the glass bubble. Make sure that the cheeks do not puff out, the lips are motionless.

    1. Setting the sound "z".
The sound [z] is set similarly to the sound [s] and is characterized by an additional phonation of the vocal cords. The sound [z] is easily set from the sound, since these sounds have the same articulation pattern, that is, when pronouncing these sounds, the organs of articulation occupy the same position. The difference between the sounds is that [s] is deaf, pronounced without a voice, and [s] is voiced, pronounced with a voice. Thus, in order to evoke the sound [s], it is enough to add, “turn on” the voice when pronouncing the sound [s]. The presence or absence of a voice can be controlled by ear, as well as with the help of tactile-vibration control. To do this, we apply the back of the hand to the front surface of the neck in the larynx. When "turning on" the voice, the hand feels a slight vibration transmitted from the vocal folds. When you "turn off" the voice, the vibration disappears. It can be explained to children that when the voice in the neck is "sleeping", we do not feel it, but when it wakes up, we can feel how it jumps and has fun in its house - the neck.

From articulation:

The child is invited to reproduce the articulation pattern of sound, apply the correct air jet, determine the presence / absence of a voice; the result should be a normalized sound.

By imitation:

The child is offered a sample of sound pronunciation in combination with game images (a small mosquito rings, a small bell, etc.); at the same time, visual control over the correct articulation, tactile (tactile) sensations are used.

3.3. Automation of the sound "z" in syllables, words, phrases, sentences (pure twisters, tongue twisters and poems), in a small text.

a) zya zi-za-zyu b) azya zya-azya azya-easy-ez

zi ze-zi-zya easy zi-easy easy-eze-ozyo

ze zu-ze-ze ze ze-eze ze-ozyo-uzyu

ze ze zu ze lake lake lake-uzyu-azya

zyu zya-zyo-ze uzyu zyu-uzu uzyu-azya-easy

c) azn azn-uzn-life d) take-take-take-take

fire know-fire-life

learn life-life-life take-take-take-take

life, life, life, know, take it, take it, take it, take it

azma azna azda azba azla

ozmo ozno ozdo ozbo ozlo

Uzmu Uznu Uzgu Uzbu Uzlu

izmy izny izgy izby izly

3. Perform syllable exercises, pronouncing the selected syllable longer and louder (with stress).

zyazya... zeze... zyuzyu... zizi... zeze...

zyazyaza... zezeze... zyuzyuzu... zizizi... zezeze...

a) chaffinch winter greenery earth chilly zipun zebra strawberries grain winter hut mirror marshmallow

b) the owner of the lowland the museum the goat the goat the shop the newspaper the wind is not allowed gasoline the gazelle the prize-winner the raisins the rubber loophole the dreamer the wapiti the Georgians the rosette the hypnotist

c) casino asia knot geyser elderberry physics vaseline bulldozer basil fantasy lake capricorn

d) illness Kuzma all-terrain vehicle goat execution monkey carnation rider fear of skids bridle prankster take take carnation holiday judo carving locker room teaser

5. Finish the word in rhyme.

1) We walk along the shop windows

And we go into ... (N. Nishcheva)

2) Cranes are swimming

Above the open spaces... (A. Ekimtsev)

3) Look under the leaf,

It blushes there ... (B. Erukhimovich)

4) I took two bananas on a sweet palm tree and ate ...

5) They bring us from the post office, guys, all this: Magazines, a letter, a telegram, ... (N. Nishcheva)

6) You can’t be so stubborn -

Mom and Dad to us ... (K. Kubilinskas)

7) The seeders will then come out to sow the fields ...

Words: shop, land, strawberries, monkey, newspapers, friends, grain.

6. Replace the first sound in the word with the sound 3b. What is the new word?

Nina - Zina diaper - _____________

kefir - _____________ bleached - ______________

black - _____________ to do - _______________

7. The game "One - many."

a) winter - winters

grain - grains

finch-... mirror-...

ground - ... zebra - ...

museum - ... lake - ...

mistress - ... wapiti - ...

ointment - ... geyser - ...

b) friend - friends

disease - diseases

nail-... execution-...

mushroom - ... cloves - ...

bunch - ... rider - ...

5. Change the words according to the model.

basin - basin watermelon - watermelon newspaper - newspaper

eye - ... locomotive - ... lowland - ...

a) countryman b) green basin

zebra shopkeeper

greenery basket

c) monkey d) green carnation

all-terrain vehicle winter holiday

rubber goat rider

Zya-za-za, you can’t crawl on the ground. Zi-zi-zi, take Kuzya to the museum. Zi-zi-zi, bring raisins to the Georgians. Zya-za-za, a jellyfish is not allowed in the lake.

Kuzya was in the museum.

In winter, snow blows.

Zina has an elderberry in a bowl.

A dugout is made in the ground.

Zina's feet get cold in winter.

Kuzi has a warm winter zipun.

The owner is taking raisins to the store.

A green goat crawls along the ground.

Kuzya loves marshmallows.

The bulldozer buried the geyser.

This winter lake is like a mirror.

The president will come to the division in the winter.

Kuzma goes to judo. Finches yawn in the nest.

The children went to the museum. Kuzma took the nails from the shop.

Zina will take the newspaper. In winter, the skids creak in the cold.

Zina and Kuzma are friends. Lisa was brought marshmallows for the holiday.

The rider takes the bridle. Kuzma shared the raisins for everyone.

9. Change sentences.

1) I will be cold in winter. You... He... She... We... You... They...

2) I crawl on the ground.

3) I loaded the grain.

4) I will be a composer or a hypnotist.

5) I went to the museum.

6) I took a monkey from Kuzma.

7) I will take carnations for the holiday.

10. "Me and you." Continue the sentence as in the example.

I crawl on the ground - and you crawl on the ground.

I'm bringing gasoline - and you...

I load grain - and you...

I'm pulling up outside the store - and you...

I gnaw green apple- and you...

11. Come up with sentences with these words.

Example: near the mirror - mom left the bag near the mirror.

near the all-terrain vehicle near the museum near the newspaper near the kids near the monkeys near the lake

12. Answer the questions in full.

Example: The horse is galloping, but what is the snake doing? - The snake is crawling.

1) When does the lake freeze?

2) What do trucks carry?

3) Where do the trains arrive?

4) How are the pages of the book laid?

Words: winter, various cargoes, station, bookmark.












14. Learn tongue twisters.

In winter, animals hibernate in the winter quarters.

The owner has a goat, the mistress has a goat. Goat - dereza, green eyes.

A green snake is crawling, you can’t doze near it.

15. Learn the poem "Dawn" (L. Paramonova)

Winter snow sweeps across the ground. Winter wind Leads winter to us.

16. Learn a poem.

Bunny, chaffinch, goat, Zebra, snake, dragonfly I'm taking as a gift to Zina In a new pink basket.

17. Retelling. Listen to the story (2 times) and retell it. Strawberry. Zina was very fond of strawberries. Once, my mother bought Zina a basket for strawberries. Zina took the basket and went to the forest. And in the forest, a clearing in strawberries. “I wish I had a full basket of strawberries for mom and friends!” Zina thinks. Zina crawls on the ground from bush to bush, picks berries and enjoys strawberries. “Now all friends will eat strawberry jam and never get sick!” - said Zina and carried a basket of strawberries home.

3.4. Differentiation of the sounds "z", "z", "s", "s".

zo-zo-so zo-sho-sho

su-su-zu su-zu-su

zy-sy-zy zi-zi-si

se-ze-se ze-se-ze

c) zas zas-zus-zys d) zias zias-zios-zis

zos zus-zas-zos

zus zys-zes-zas zis zis-zus-zios

zys zes-zos-zus zyus zyus-zyos-zyas

zes zos-zys-zes

record tear exclamation

drought season farming

envy carp security

note drake age

curtain contest wanted

sitting dragonfly peakless cap

3. Play the game "One - many."

union - unions stock - stocks

connection - ... skid - ...

story - ... congress - ...

service - ... surprise - ...

Sima - winter fox - Liza elderberry - bead

Zakhar - sugar rose - dew braid - goat

5. Replace the sound “s” in the words with the sound “z”. What is the new word?

soup - tooth layer - __________________

soybean -_____________ drain- __________________

sowing - _____________ polar cod -__________________

a) a note b) a registered letter

exclamation of saika with raisins

contest recorded task

a) The aspen is dry. b) The trap was covered with earth.

The drought has come. The field was sown with oats.

The cornflowers have dried up. Zina was forced to eat a casserole.

They kneaded the leaven. Zoya fell asleep late.

We fell asleep late. Lisa knitted herself a sweater.

Pickled cabbage. Kuzma bolted the barn.

The stars sparkled. Vasya hid behind a curtain.

Ripe corn. Currants are ripe in the garden.

8. Change sentences.

1) I grease the sledge runners with ointment. You... He... She... We... You... They...

2) I am writing down a music assignment.

3) I went to a neighboring village.

4) I will go to the forest for ripe strawberries.

5) I will put cornflowers in a vase.

6) I will invite guests to the party.


smear bind herald



oiled denouement prominence



smear the liaison inform


10. Answer the questions in full.

Example: When do thrushes fly south? - Thrushes fly south in autumn.

1) What is learned by heart?

2) What drips from the eyes?

3) Where are the vertebrae visible?

4) What is smeared with ointment?

5) What do dragonflies do in winter?

6) Where are the paintings and statues seen?

7) Which of the animals does not sleep in winter?

8) What is published in the publishing house?

A chandelier hangs over the table, And they will leave the table.

The chairs are at the table, the knife is dropped under the table,

The children are sitting at the table. Taken from under the table.

(L. Paramonova)

15. Listen (2 times) and retell the text.

Winter came. The ground was covered with snow. All land is white. Zoya and Zina carried out the sled. They walk around with empty sledges, carry them across the snow back and forth ... It's cold for Zoya and Zina!
Zoya undertook to carry Zina on a sled. She became warm. Then Zina took Zoya. Zoya and Zina put little Slavik on a free sled.
The children made a train out of a sled. The dog Tuzik began to run after the sled.It became not only warm for the children but also fun!

On a green meadow, in the forest, somehow a few hares gathered. One hare, with darkspot on the back, climbed on a stump. He began to tell other hares about his exploits. "Friends! - said the hare. - I am the most strong beast In the woods. For me, dealing with a fox is nothing. I will defeat the wolf and eat the bear! For a long time the sonorous voice of a hare was heard in the forest.
Suddenly, a pine branch crunched nearby. The "terrible" hare jumped off the stump, lay down on the ground and covered his head with his paws ... Since then, everyone in the forest began to call him the Bunny-Knower.

Durneva Marina Alekseevna, speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

Target: formation of ideas among young teachers about speech therapy work to overcome violations of whistling sounds in preschoolers.

1. Designate the main stages of speech therapy work in the correction of sound pronunciation.
2. To identify the features of speech therapy work on the correction of sound pronunciation.
3. Show the methods of work to overcome the violations of whistling sounds in preschoolers.

Description: One of the necessary qualities of full-fledged oral speech is the correct pronunciation of all speech sounds. Most children master this correct sound pronunciation even in preschool age, and this happens without any special education, based on imitation correct speech surrounding people. However, in many children, certain defects in the pronunciation of speech sounds remain on long years and do not disappear without special speech therapy assistance. One of the most common disorders of sound pronunciation in preschoolers is a violation of whistling sounds. Therefore, I decided in this article to consecrate the stages and content of speech therapy work to overcome the violations of whistling sounds. This material will be useful for beginner speech therapists.

I start speech therapy work on overcoming the violation of whistling sounds with the production and automation of sound [s]. After automating this sound, similar work on staging and automating the sound [s "], then with the sounds [s, s"], and then with the sound [ts].
Work on each sound is carried out in the following sequence (O. V. Pravdina, O. A. Tokareva):
1. Preparatory stage.
2. Staging sound, the formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities.
3. The stage of formation of communicative skills and abilities.

On preparatory stage work is carried out in the following areas:
- preparation of organs of the articulatory apparatus for sound production;
- development of phonemic awareness.
For the development of the articulatory apparatus of children with impaired pronunciation of whistling sounds, certain complexes of articulatory gymnastics were developed. Each complex necessarily contains exercises for the lips, tongue and exercises for the development of an air jet.
In order to interest the child, to make him do the same thing, a certain plot is invented for each complex, some kind of guest comes to each lesson, who asks the child to do something, competitions are arranged. For example, Dunno came to one of the classes and brought pictures with him (the children had already seen these pictures). We examined them together with the children and said that we could tell and show a small poem from these pictures. An example of such a poem is given below.

Once - we open our mouths,
We yawn like cats. (open mouth wide and close it)
Two - we will blow into the pipes,
Lips are like tubes. (pull lips forward with proboscis)
Three - look at the lips,
We smile at three. (smile broadly, lips stretched)
Four - the mouth is wider.
Drum on "four". (keep mouth wide open, tap tongue on upper surface of upper incisors, pronouncing “d-d-d-d-d-d”)
Five - open your mouth again,
You need to lick your lips. (open their mouths, smile, lick their upper lip with a wide tongue)
Six - clean our palate,
The palate became clean. (open mouth wide, sweep tongue back and forth across the palate)
Seven - we will clatter loudly.
This is how a horse thumps with its hoof. (mouth wide open, smile, click your tongue slowly)
Eight - autumn comes to us.
A mushroom has grown on the count of eight. (open their mouths wide and smile, suck the tongue to the palate and do not tear it off)
Nine - make an accordion,
Play it a little. (open their mouth and smile, suck the tongue to the palate and do not tear it off, lower and raise the lower jaw)
Ten - you can chat,
Chat and not get tired. (they open their mouths wide, “talk” with their tongues, passing them back and forth along the upper lip: “bl-bl-bl-bl-bl ...”)

The development of phonemic hearing also occurs in a playful way. For this, various games are also used.
For example, the game "Stomp, do not yawn." The speech therapist calls different sounds (syllables, words), and the child should stamp his foot if he hears the sound [s]. And for the sound [h], we played the game “Catch a mosquito” - the child had to clap his hands if he heard the sound [h], which the mosquito likes to sing (the speech therapist pronounces sounds first, and then syllables).

The stage of sound production, the formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities provides:
- sound setting;
- automation of the delivered sound;
- differentiation of similar sounds, if necessary.
With some children, sound production is carried out by imitation:
- with the introduction of game techniques (we pump up the wheel “ssss” with a pump, the engine stops “ts-ts-ts”, the mosquito sings the song “z-z-z”);
- with the use of models (the child is shown models of the necessary sounds, which were considered and explained; then, as shown by the speech therapist, the child took the desired articulatory position and tried to pronounce the desired sound).
In some children, when staging whistling sounds, it is necessary to use a mechanical method (use of speech therapy probes).
For this method, it is very important to beat the situation so that the child does not get scared and does not refuse to practice. In this situation, a guest came to class ( fairy tale hero), played with the child in different games. Then he showed his "magic spoons", which helped him learn to speak correctly. The child was shown all the probes, he could touch them, examine them, and only then the guest asked the speech therapist to help play with them. In this situation, the child was already involved in the game, and it was interesting for him to see how these "spoons" can be played with.
Automation of the delivered sounds is carried out in accordance with the principle "from simple to complex". First, the delivered sound is automated in syllables, then in words and sentences, and then in coherent speech.
This process also takes place in the form of a game.
For example, when automating the sound [h], the guest was Komarik, who played such games with the guys as:
- “Paths” (The child was shown a picture. “Fly” along with a mosquito (lead your finger) along the red carpet and ring: Z-Z-Z. Try to fly and sing for a long time, without stopping, and for this, follow your breath: take a breath through nose and on the exhale say: Z-Z-Z. Where did the red carpet lead? Now "fly" along other paths and ring: Z-Z-Z.).
- “Echo” (Komarik got lost in the forest. He sings his song, and the echo answers him (the child plays the role of “Echo”). Komarik sings: “For” - the child answers: “For-for-for.” Other syllables are played similarly ).
- "Repeat" (The child is shown pictures with mosquitoes different color. Now every mosquito will sing you a song, and you try to remember and repeat it exactly. The song of the green mosquito is the most difficult! The red mosquito sings: za-zu-zy, blue - zo-zu-za, and green - zu-za-zo-zy.).
- “Gifts” (The child was offered a series of pictures, among which he must select those in the name of which there is a sound [z] and clearly pronounce the name of these pictures.)
- “Come up with a sentence” (The child was offered a set of plot pictures and asked to come up with a sentence for this picture.).
The differentiation of sounds was carried out in the following sequence:

- differentiation of sounds [z] - [z "];
- differentiation of sounds [s] - [s];
- differentiation of sounds [s] - [s"];
- differentiation of sounds [s] - [ts];
The differentiation of sounds also took place in a playful way and in accordance with the principle “from simple to complex”. Various characters, games, visual material were used.
So, for example, when differentiating sounds [s] - [ts], the Pump and the Grasshopper came to visit the children (pictures). At first, the children sang "Songs" with the guests. The pump asked to sing his song - "sss", this sound can be pulled. And then they sang the Cricket's song - “ts-ts-ts”, this sound cannot be pulled, it is pronounced abruptly.
Then it was proposed to play the game "Who sings?". The speech therapist pronounced the syllables: sa, so, ca, su, tsu, tsy, tso, so, sy, tsy. The children guessed whose song it was and showed the corresponding picture (Pump or Cricket).
Further, the Pump and the Grasshopper asked to resolve their dispute in which they could not share the gifts (Gifts game). The children selected pictures with the sound [c] and, pronouncing the name of the picture, gave it to the Blacksmith, and pictures with the sound [s] - to the Pump.
After this game, they played "Echo". I had to repeat a couple of words:
- sat down - whole, juice - tsok, scenes - walls, color - light, flower - light.
Then the children were asked to tell the guests “What is where?” (by pictures):
- the salad is in the salad bowl;
- soap is in the soap dish;
- put napkins in a napkin holder;
- sugar is poured into a sugar bowl, etc.

At the stage formation of communication skills children developed the ability to accurately use sound in all situations of communication.
In my classes, I used various texts extensively. For example, the "guest" arranged a "Competition of readers", at which verses were read, which were taught to children by automating this sound.
Various creative tasks were also used. For example, the “guest” brought a plot picture to class and asked to come up with a story based on it (the picture showed many objects whose names contain, for example, the sound [s], in different positions).
Since a new skill is not developed immediately and requires long-term consolidation, at each subsequent stage, with the development of a new one, there was a partial repetition of the material of the previous stage. For this, a new game situation was used.
So, for example, in one of the classes, when automating the sound [s] in words, the game “Echo” was used - the child had to repeat the words after the speech therapist. And in another lesson, the same words were practiced with the help of pictures. In this case, the child was given the following tasks:
- name the pictures;
- find, show and name an animal, weapon, fish, bird, first course, dairy product;
- Guess the riddle and find the answer among the pictures, etc.
Or, for example, at the stage of automating the sound [h] in a sentence with children, certain tongue-twisters, verses were memorized. And at the stage of automating the sound [h] in a coherent speech, the children read these verses and tongue twisters at the “competition of readers”.

A game: "Pump"

Target. Sound automation p.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs. The teacher tells them: “We are going to ride bicycles. You need to check if the tires are well inflated. While the bikes were standing, the tires were a little flat, they need to be pumped up. Let's take the pump and let's inflate the tire: "ssss ..." The children stand up and take turns, and then they all inflate the tires together, making the sound with and imitating the action of the pump.

If a child does not get a sound with, it means that he does not accurately perform movements. The pump is being repaired.

A game: "Ball"

Target. Automation of sound with in words and sentences.

Description of the game. Children stand in a circle. They play ball.

My ball, fly high (throw up),

Run faster on the floor (rolls the ball on the floor),

Jump on the floor, bolder, bolder (throw 4 times on the floor).

A game: "Fox"

Description of the game. The child (fox) sits behind a bush. He has a bite. The rest of the kids are chickens. Chickens walk around the field, pecking at grains and worms. Chickens say:

The fox hid close -

The fox covered herself with a bush.

The fox turned his nose -

Run away in all directions.

At the word “run up,” the fox runs out and salit with a tourniquet. The one who gets knocked down becomes a fox.

A game : "Owl"

Target. Automation of sounds s, s’ in the text.

Description of the game. Before playing the game, the children are shown a picture of an owl, they talk about this bird.

The game is played as follows. One of the children is selected, he is an owl. The rest of the kids are birds. The owl sits on a tree (chair). Children run around her, then cautiously approach her and say:

Owl, owl, owl, owl eyes,

Sitting on a bitch

Looking in all directions

Yes, suddenly how to fly ...

At the word “fly off”, the owl flies from the tree and begins to catch the birds that run away from it. The captured bird becomes an owl. The game is repeated.

A game: "Vanka, get up"

Target. Automation of sounds s, s’ in the text.

Description of the game. Children make movements: stand on their toes and return to their original position. Then they squat, again stand on their toes, squat. The movements are accompanied by the words:

Vanka, get up

Vanka, get up

Sit down, sit down.

Be obedient, what

We can't handle you.

A game: "Sawyers"

Target. Sound automation h.

Description of the game. Children stand in front of each other, join their hands crosswise and reproduce, at the expense of the teacher, the movements of the saw along the log, pronouncing the sound z for a long time. The one who pronounces the sound incorrectly is taken out of the game and asked to pronounce the sound z correctly. The teacher reminds the child how to hold the tongue when pronouncing this sound.

A game: "Snowstorm"

Target. Sound automation h.

Description of the game. Children depict a blizzard. At the signal of the teacher, they begin to quietly pronounce the sound z, then gradually increase it, and then gradually weaken it. In the initial stages, it is possible to

this game in front of a mirror (the duration of the sound for each child should be limited to 5-10 seconds).

A game: "Flowers and bees"

Target. Sound automation h.

Description of the game. Before the start of the game, they agree who will be the bees and who will be the flowers (for example, boys are flowers, and girls are bees). Then everyone scatters around the room or area. As soon as the teacher's signal is heard (a blow to a tambourine or a clap), the children depicting flowers kneel. The bees flap their wings and fly from flower to flower, while they imitate the buzz of bees: in-z-z-z-z. With a new beat of the tambourine, the children change roles, scatter around the site, and other bees are already practicing pronunciation of the sound z.

A game: "Zina and raisins"

Equipment. A rubber doll.

Description of the game. The teacher brings in an elegant rubber doll and says: “Guys, this is a Zina doll. She was bought in a store. She is rubber. Zina's legs are rubber, Zina's handles are rubber. Rubber cheeks, rubber nose. And then he asks the guys: “What is the name of the doll? Where was it bought? What are her arms, legs, cheeks, nose made of? The children answer. The teacher continues: “Zina loves raisins. Lena, go treat Zina with raisins.” Lena comes out and says: “Take, Zina, raisins.” So the children take turns, treating Zina with raisins, pronounce this phrase.

A game: "Name the picture"

Target. Automation of sounds z, z" in words and sentences.

Equipment. Pictures for sound z, for example: bunny, castle, eyes, plant, fence.

Description of the game. The children are sitting at the tables. On the teacher's table is a stack of pictures face down. Each child has the same paired pictures. The teacher calls one of the children and asks him to take the top picture from his pile, show the guys and say which picture he took. The one who has the same picture gets up, shows it to the guys and says: “And I have a bunny in the picture.” The children put both pictures on the table. The game continues until all the pictures from the teacher's table have been sorted out. (By analogy, the game can be played using other sounds.

A game: "Goat horned"

Purpose Automation of sound z in the text.

Description of the game. The house is fenced off with a line (chairs). A goat walks around the site. The children speak in unison!

There is a horned goat

There is a butted goat

Legs top-top,

Eyes clap-clap!

Oh, gore, gore!

The goat makes horns from her fingers and runs after the children, saying: “I gore, I gore!”

Children hide in the house, the goat catches them. Those caught become the goat's helpers.

A game: "Who is more attentive?"

Description of the game. The teacher shows the children pictures and asks: “Who knows how the whistle whistles?” (Children answer: ssss ...) And how does the bell ring? (Children z-z-z...) And now I'll see which of you is more attentive. I will show one or another picture, and you pronounce the sound with, then the sound z.

A game: "Broken phone"

Target. Differentiation sounds from-z.

Description of the game. Children sit in one row and pass sounds to each other, now s, then s. The one who heard the sound z transmits to the neighbor with, etc. Whoever goes astray pronounces any sound 5 times.

A game: "Make no mistake"

Target. Differentiation of sounds from-z.

Equipment. Pictures "Whistle" and "Call".

Description of the game. Children are given two pictures. One has a whistle, the other has a bell. Children take a picture with a whistle in left hand, with a call - to the right. The teacher shows them and names the pictures, in the name of which there is a sound with or z, slightly emphasizing these sounds with his voice. If the word has a sound with, then the children raise the picture with a whistle and say: s-s-s.,. and if there is a sound z, then - with a call and say: z-z-z .... By repeating the game, you can enter pictures whose names do not contain either one or the other sound. In this case, children should not raise their pictures.

A game: "Hares and Fox"

Description of the game. According to the number of players, minks are drawn along the edges of the site or chairs are placed. Children (bunnies) stand at their minks. One of the players is a fox. Bunnies pronounce the text: A gray bunny jumps Near wet pines, It's scary to fall into the paws of a fox, Foxes to get ...

Bunnies run out of holes and jump on both legs. Then they form a round dance and jump in a circle. The words of the teacher are heard:

Bunnies, prick up your ears, Look to the left, look to the right, Is anyone coming?

The hares look around when they see a fox that is slowly making its way towards them, shouting: “Fox!” - and scatter along the minks. Fox catches rabbits. The game is repeated.

A game: "Bunny"

Target. Automation of sounds with-z in the text.

Description of the game. Option 1. Children stand in a circle, holding hands. A sad bunny sits in the middle of the circle. Children sing:

Bunny! Bunny! What happened to you? You are sitting very sick. You can't even get up to dance with us. You get up, get up, jump! Here, get a carrot, Get it and dance!

All the children come up to the bunny and give him a carrot.

Bunny takes a carrot and starts to dance. And the children clap their hands. Then another bunny is selected.

Option 2. Children form a circle. One of the players is a hare. He is outside the circle. Children sing a song and clap their hands:

Zainka, jump into the garden.

Grey, jump into the garden.

So jump into the garden.

So jump into the garden.

Children are jumping. (Hare jumps in a circle.)

Zainka, jump. Grey, jump. Jump like this. Jump like this.

They make jumps. (Hare jumps.)

Zainka, dance. Gray, dance. That's how you dance. That's how you dance.

They are spinning, (Hare is dancing.)

Zainka, go away. Gray, go away, go away like this. That's how you leave. Quietly go around in a circle.

Zainka leaves the circle. The game is repeated, another hare is selected.

A game: "What to whom?"

Target. Automation of sound q in words.

Equipment. Items that have the sound q in their names (cucumber, button, sugar bowl, scissors, inkwell, egg, saucer, etc.).

Description of the game. The teacher lays out objects on the table, in the name of which there is a sound q, and says: “Now, guys, you have to guess who needs what object.” Calling the children in turn, he says: “We will give the schoolboy ... (ink)” or “The dressmaker needs ... (scissors) for work.” The called child guesses, shows and names a suitable object. (Similarly, the game can be played on other sounds.)

A game: "What's missing?"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s, s", z, z ’, c in words.

Equipment. Several items whose names contain the sounds s, s’ z, z’ ts (umbrella, zebra, dog, goose, bag, castle, heron, ring).

Description of the game. The teacher puts the objects on the table. The child remembers them, then he is offered to turn away or close his eyes. At this time, the teacher removes one of the items shown. The child must guess what is missing.

A game: "Cat Vaska"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s, s’, z, z", ts in the text.

Description of the game. Children (mice) sit on chairs or a carpet, one child is a cat. He walks on his toes, looks to the right, then to the left, meows.

Teacher and children: Vaska walks white, Vaska's tail is gray, And he flies like an arrow, And he flies like an arrow.

The cat runs to the chair at the end of the room and sits on it - falls asleep.

Children: Eyes are closed - Is he sleeping or pretending? Cat's teeth - Sharp needle.

One mouse says that she will go to see if the cat is sleeping. After looking, she waves her hands, inviting other mice to her. The mice run up to her, scratching the chair where the cat sleeps. Vaska cat:

Only the mice will scratch, Gray Vaska is right there. He will catch everyone!

The cat gets up and runs after the mice, they run away from him.

A game: "Two Frosts"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s, s’, z, z’, ts in the text.

Description of the game. Two houses (high chairs) are placed at different ends of the room. Children are located near the designated houses. The teacher selects two drivers who stand in the middle of the room, each facing the demolition team. The teacher says: “This is Frost - Red nose, and this is Frost” - Blue nose. Both Frosts say:

We are two young brothers

Two Frosts removed:

I am Frost - Red nose,

I am Frost - Blue nose.

Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

All the children respond in chorus to Frost: We are not afraid of threats, And we are not afraid of frost.

All the players run into the house at the opposite end of the room, and the Frosts try to freeze the children, i.e. touch with a hand, and each Frost must freeze the children from the opposite team. The Frozen ones stop where the Frost captured them. The Frost who froze the most children wins. Then the Frosts face their team, and the game continues.