Read about space and planets. Facts about space. We are all made of stardust

The boundless, boundless space is an unknown and beautiful phenomenon, although sometimes even frightening. Space serves as a source of inspiration for writers and directors, remaining just as mysterious and enigmatic. But it’s so easy to see it - just look up to the sky on a cloudless night.

  1. Using special equipment, you can hear the sounds produced by cosmic bodies such as stars and planets.
  2. The ISS is the most expensive object ever built by mankind.
  3. The dog Laika was the first earthly creature to travel into space.
  4. The size and age of the Universe are beyond normal human understanding.
  5. In a state of weightlessness, the flame spreads in all directions at once.
  6. Most of the stars (see amazing facts about stars) in the observable part of the universe are red dwarfs. They are noticeably less hot than yellow dwarfs like our Sun.
  7. Some bacteria grow much more actively in a state of weightlessness. than on Earth.
  8. The Sun makes up about 99.8 percent of the mass of our entire system.
  9. The gas cloud in the constellation Aquila contains a huge amount of ethanol, that is, essentially, alcohol.
  10. Currently, astronomers have discovered about two thousand exoplanets (see) located in other star systems.
  11. Stars and planets make up only about 5 percent of the mass of the universe. Where the remaining 95% comes from is still unknown.
  12. In our Galaxy alone, about forty new stars appear every year.
  13. The Sun is far from the most powerful star in terms of radiation, but it also loses about a billion kilograms of mass every second due to the solar wind, which carries its particles away.
  14. The mass of the Earth increases by about two billion tons every thousand years due to cosmic dust falling on its surface.
  15. The stars of the famous Ursa Major are actually located in different galaxies.
  16. The density of some gas giants, for example, Saturn (see) is less than the density of water.
  17. Metal objects in outer space can spontaneously weld to each other, but in known cases this does not happen, since the metal oxidizes on Earth.
  18. People who snore while sleeping on Earth do not snore in space, in a state of weightlessness.
  19. There are more than one hundred billion galaxies in the observable Universe. Yes, yes, exactly galaxies.
  20. The closest galaxy to the Milky Way is Andromeda, but it is also about two million light years away.
  21. About two hundred thousand meteorites fall to Earth every day, but almost all of them burn up in the atmosphere.
  22. There are about eight thousand objects in orbit around the Earth. Basically, these are various kinds of debris and space debris.

Space- the most discussed and, at the same time, the most mysterious topic on the entire planet Earth. On the one hand, humanity has learned a lot about it, on the other, we know a tiny percentage of what is actually happening in the Universe. Today we will look at some of the most interesting facts about space.

It turns out that our satellite, the Moon, moves away from us every year by about 4 cm. This depends on the decrease in the planet’s rotation period by 2 miles of a second per day.

Forty new stars are born every year in our Galaxy alone. It’s hard to even imagine how many of them appear in the entire Universe.

The universe has no boundaries. It seems that everyone is familiar with this statement. In fact, no one knows whether space is infinite or just gigantic.

All the stars, galaxies and black holes in the Universe make up only 5% of its mass. It's amazing, but 95% of the mass is uncountable. Scientists decided to call this mysterious substance “dark matter” and to this day no one can accurately determine its nature.

Our solar system is terribly boring. If you think about our neighbors, they are all unremarkable balls of gas and pieces of stone. Multiple light voids separate us from the nearest star. Meanwhile, other systems are full of all sorts of amazing things.

In the vastness of the Universe there is a very amazing thing - giant gas bubble. Its length is about 200 million light years, and it is located 12 billion of the same years from us! This interesting thing formed just two billion years after the Big Bang.

The Sun is about 110 times larger than the Earth. It is even larger than the giant of our system - Jupiter. However, if you compare it with other stars in the Universe, our luminary will take a place in a kindergarten nursery, that’s how small it is.
Now let's imagine a star that is 1500 times larger than our Sun. Even if we take the entire Solar System, it will not occupy more than a pixel of this star. This giant is called VY Canis Major, whose diameter is about 3 billion km. How and why this star was blown to such dimensions, no one knows.

Science fiction authors have imagined about five different types of planets. It turns out that there are hundreds of times more of these species. Scientists have already discovered about 700 types of planets. One of them is a diamond planet, in every sense of the word. As you know, carbon needs very little to turn into a diamond; in this case, the conditions coincided in such a way that one of the planets hardened, and it turned into a jewel on a universal scale.

A black hole is the brightest object in the entire Universe.

Inside a black hole, the force of gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape from it. Logically, the hole should not be noticeable in the sky at all. However, during the rotation of the hole, in addition to cosmic bodies, they also absorb gas clouds, which begin to glow, twisting in a spiral. Also, meteors falling into black holes light up due to incredibly sharp and fast movement.

The light of our sun, which we see every day, is about 30 thousand years old. The energy we receive from this celestial body was formed in the core of the Sun about 30 thousand years ago. This is exactly how much time, and no less, it takes for photons to break through from the center to the surface. But after “liberation” they need only 8 minutes to get to the surface of the Earth.

We are flying in space at a speed of about 530 km per second. Inside the Galaxy, the planet moves at a speed of about 230 km per second, the Milky Way itself flies through space at a speed of 300 km per second.

About 10 tons of cosmic dust “fall” on our heads every day.

There are more than 100 billion galaxies in the entire Universe. There's a chance we're not alone.

Interesting fact: Every day about 200 thousand meteorites fall on our planet!

The average density of Saturn's substances is half that of water. This means that if you put this planet in a glass of water, it will float on the surface. You can check this only, of course, if you find the corresponding glass.

The sun is losing weight by a billion kilograms per second. This is due to the solar wind - a stream of particles that move from the surface of this star in different directions.

If we wanted to get by car to the nearest star after the Sun - Proxima Centauri, then at a speed of 96 km/h it would take us about 50 million years.

Even on the moon there are earthquakes, which are called moonquakes. But, nevertheless, in comparison with earthly ones they are insignificantly weak. There are more than 3,000 such moonquakes every year, but this total energy would only be enough for a small fireworks display.

The strongest magnet in the entire Universe is considered to be a neutron star. Its magnetic field is millions of billions of times greater than that of our planet.

It turns out that in our solar system there is a body resembling our planet. It is called Titan, and it is a satellite of the planet Saturn. It also has rivers, seas, volcanoes, a dense atmosphere, just like our planet. Surprisingly, even the distance between Titan and Saturn is equal to the distance between us and the Sun, and even the ratio of the weights of these celestial bodies is equal to the ratio of the weights of the Earth and the Sun.
Still, intelligent life on Titan is not even worth looking for, because its reservoirs are let down: they consist mainly of propane and methane. But still, if the latest discovery is confirmed, then it will be possible to say that primitive forms of life exist on Titan. Beneath Titan's surface there is an ocean that is 90% water, the remaining 10% may be complex hydrocarbons. There is an assumption that it is this 10% that can give rise to the simplest bacteria.

If the Earth rotated around the Sun in the opposite direction, the year would be two days shorter.

The duration of a total lunar eclipse is 104 minutes, while the duration of a total solar eclipse is only no more than 7.5 minutes.

Isaac Newton first outlined the physical laws that govern artificial satellites. They were first published in the work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” in the summer of 1687.

The funniest fact! The Americans spent more than one million dollars to invent a pen that could write in space. The Russians used a pencil in zero gravity without making any changes to it.

In the orbit of our planet there is a dump of waste from the development of astronautics. More than 370,000 objects weighing from a few grams to 15 tons orbit the Earth at a speed of 9,834 m/s, colliding with each other and scattering into thousands of smaller parts.

The leading contender for the title of habitable extrasolar system planet, “Super-Earth” GJ 667Cc, is located at a distance of only 22 light years from Earth. However, the journey to it will take us 13,878,738,000 years.

Our closest galaxy, Andromeda, is located at a distance of 2.52 million years. The Milky Way and Andromeda are moving towards each other at enormous speeds (Andromeda's speed is 300 km/s, and the Milky Way's is 552 km/s) and will most likely collide in 2.5-3 billion years.

"Cosmic spinning top" called a neutron star- this is the fastest spinning object in the Universe, which makes up to 500 revolutions per second around its axis. In addition, these cosmic bodies are so dense that one tablespoon of their constituent substance will weigh ~10 billion tons.

In space, tightly compressed metal parts spontaneously weld together. This occurs as a result of the absence of oxides on their surfaces, the enrichment of which occurs only in an oxygen-containing environment (a clear example of such an environment is the earth’s atmosphere). For this reason, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) specialists treat all metal parts of spacecraft with oxidizing materials.

Earth's gravity compresses the human spine, so when an astronaut enters space, he grows approximately 5.08 cm. At the same time, his heart contracts, decreasing in volume and begins to pump less blood. This is the body's response to increased blood volume, which requires less pressure to circulate normally.

The weight of our planet– this quantity is not constant. Scientists have found that every year the Earth gains ~40,160 tons and sheds ~96,600 tons, thus losing 56,440 tons.

The official scientific theory is that a person can survive in outer space without a spacesuit for 90 seconds, if all the air is immediately exhaled from the lungs. If a small amount of gas remains in the lungs, they will begin to expand with the subsequent formation of air bubbles, which, if released into the blood, will lead to embolism and inevitable death. If the lungs are filled with gases, they will simply burst. After 10-15 seconds of being in outer space, the water in the human body will turn into steam, and the moisture in the mouth and before the eyes will begin to boil. As a result, the soft tissues and muscles will swell, leading to complete immobility. This will be followed by loss of vision, icing of the nasal cavity and larynx, bluish skin, which in addition will suffer from severe sunburn. The most interesting thing is that for the next 90 seconds the brain will still live and the heart will beat. In theory, if during the first 90 seconds a loser cosmonaut who has suffered in outer space is placed in a pressure chamber, he will only get away with superficial damage and mild fright.

The largest meteorite that fell to Earth is the 2.7 meter Hoba., discovered in Namibia. The meteorite weighs 60 tons and is 86% iron, making it the largest naturally occurring piece of iron on Earth.

Venus is the only planet in the solar system, which turns counterclockwise. There are several theoretical justifications for this. Some astronomers are confident that this fate befalls all planets with a dense atmosphere, which first slows down and then spins the celestial body in the opposite direction from its initial rotation, while others suggest that the cause was the fall of a group of large asteroids onto the surface of Venus.

Contrary to popular belief, space is not a complete vacuum, but it is close enough to it, because. There is at least 1 atom per 88 gallons (0.4 m3) of cosmic matter (and as they often teach in school, there are no atoms or molecules in a vacuum).

The density of 5.6846 x 1026 kg Saturn is so low that if we could place it in water, it would float on the very surface.

February 5, 1843 astronomers discovered a comet, which was given the name "Great"(aka the March comet, C/1843 D1 and 1843 I). Flying near the Earth in March of the same year, it “lined” the sky in two with its tail, the length of which reached 800 million kilometers. Earthlings observed the tail trailing behind the “Great Comet” for more than a month, until, on April 19, 1843, it completely disappeared from the sky.

Martian volcano Olympus Mons is the largest in the solar system. Its length is more than 600 km and its height is 27 km, while the height of the highest point on our planet, the peak of Mount Everest, reaches only 8.5 km.

1 Plutonian year lasts 248 Earth years.

Solar matter the size of a pinhead, placed in the atmosphere of our planet, will begin to absorb oxygen at an incredible speed and in a split second will destroy all life within a radius of 160 kilometers.

Man has been looking at the stars, probably since his appearance on the planet. People have been in space and are already planning to explore new planets, but even scientists still do not know what is happening in the depths of the universe. We have collected 15 facts about space that modern science cannot yet explain.

When the monkey first raised his head and looked at the stars, he became a man. So says the legend. However, despite all the centuries of scientific development, humanity still does not know what is going on in the depths of the universe. Here are 15 strange facts about space.

1. Dark energy

According to some scientists, dark energy is the force that moves galaxies and expands the Universe. This is just a hypothesis, and such matter has not been discovered, but scientists suggest that almost 3/4 (74%) of our Universe consists of it.

2. Dark matter

Most of the remaining quarter (22%) of the Universe consists of dark matter. Dark matter has mass, but it is invisible. Scientists realize its existence only due to the force it exerts on other objects in the Universe.

3. Missing baryons

Intergalactic gas accounts for 3.6%, and stars and planets only 0.4% of the entire universe. However, in reality, almost half of this remaining "visible" matter is missing. It was called baryonic matter and scientists are struggling with the mystery of where it could be located.

4. How stars explode

Scientists know that when stars eventually run out of fuel, they end their lives in a giant explosion. However, no one knows the exact mechanics of the process.

5. High-energy cosmic rays

For more than a decade, scientists have been observing something that should not exist according to the laws of physics, at least according to earthly ones. The solar system is literally flooded with a stream of cosmic radiation, the particle energy of which is hundreds of millions of times greater than that of any artificial particle obtained in the laboratory. Nobody knows where they come from.

6. Solar corona

The corona is the upper layers of the Sun's atmosphere. As you know, they are very hot - more than 6 million degrees Celsius. The only question is how the sun keeps this layer so heated.

7. Where did galaxies come from?

Although science has recently come up with a lot of explanations about the origin of stars and planets, galaxies still remain a mystery.

8. Other terrestrial planets

Already in the 21st century, scientists have discovered many planets that orbit other stars and may well be habitable. But for now the question remains whether there is life on at least one of them.

9. Multiple Universes

Robert Anton Wilson proposed the theory of multiple universes, each with its own physical laws.

10. Alien objects

There have been numerous recorded cases of astronauts claiming to have seen UFOs or other strange phenomena hinting at an extraterrestrial presence. Conspiracy theorists claim that governments are hiding many things they know about aliens.

11. Rotation axis of Uranus

All other planets have an almost vertical axis of rotation relative to the plane of their orbit around the Sun. However, Uranus practically “lies on its side” - its rotation axis is tilted relative to its orbit by 98 degrees. There are many theories as to why this happened, but scientists do not have a single conclusive proof.

12. Storm on Jupiter

For the last 400 years, a giant storm has been raging in the atmosphere of Jupiter, 3 times the size of the Earth. It is difficult for scientists to explain why this phenomenon lasts so long.

13. Temperature discrepancy between the solar poles

Why is the sun's south pole colder than its north pole? Nobody knows this.

14. Gamma-ray bursts

Incomprehensibly bright explosions in the depths of the Universe, during which colossal amounts of energy are released, have been observed over the past 40 years at different times and in random areas of space. In a few seconds, such a gamma-ray burst releases as much energy as the Sun would produce in 10 billion years. There is still no plausible explanation for their existence.

15. Saturn's icy rings

Scientists know that the rings of this huge planet are made of ice. But why and how they arose remains a mystery.

Although there are more than enough unsolved space mysteries, today space tourism has become a reality. There is, at a minimum, . The main thing is the desire and willingness to part with a tidy sum of money.

The report on the topic “Space” will briefly tell you a lot of useful information about the Universe and how its exploration took place. Also, a message about space will help prepare for astronomy class.

Message about space

What is space?

From the Greek language, the concept of “cosmos” means structure, order, harmony. Even in Ancient Greece, philosophers viewed the Universe as a harmonious, ordered system, which was juxtaposed with chaos and disorder.

By space we mean something unified, which obeys general laws and is located outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Man has more or less carefully explored the near-Earth space of space: rockets have visited here and even the routes of the planet’s artificial satellites have been laid. Since the flights of spacecraft on board with crews and the free access of astronauts into outer space, the field of exploration of the Universe has expanded.

Universe today

Modern astronomers believe that matter and space arose during a powerful explosion of something dense and hot. The explosion occurred 10-20 billion years ago. Since then, the Universe has been continuously cooling and expanding. In the first seconds after the big bang, electrons and quarks turned into molecules and atoms, and oxygen appeared.

As the processes of expansion of the Universe continue, scientists are considering various scenarios for its development in the future. So, the first scenario says that it can shrink into a point. This unstable state will lead to an irreversible process - the Universe will disappear irreversibly and in an instant. If it continues to expand, the temperatures will be balanced and will become the same at all points in space. The stars will move away from each other, cool down and stop emitting light. Black holes will “evaporate” and disappear. There is also another scenario - the force of mutual attraction will stop the expansion process and the galaxies will begin to fall on each other.

How many stars and planets are there in space?

The scale of the Universe is simply enormous. Therefore, the number of planets and stars in it is also large. Since the big bang, the “population of space” has been constantly growing. Astronomers have counted many galaxies, each containing more than 100 billion stars. In 1996, 50 billion galaxies were known. Today their number has reached 125 billion. But there are 12500000000000000000000 stars in them. This is an incredible number. But, of course, this figure is not final; it is impossible to calculate the exact number of stars. But you can determine the brightest star - Sirius, which shines more intensely than the Sun.

As a rule, groups of planets that form with the star - solar systems - move around stars. The most famous one is the Earth's solar system. At its center is the Sun, a star around which 9 planets, more than 63 satellites, 4 ring systems, meteoroids, asteroids, and comets revolve. Between them, protons and electrons—solar wind particles—move in space.

The sun emits light that is reflected by the planets around it. Their locations from the main star are as follows: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Each of them is unique and special.

Space exploration - who was the first?

The path to space was opened during the Cold War between the USA and the USSR. The first country to open the way to space was the USSR. It first launched the artificial satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957 into Earth orbit. In response, the United States also launched the artificial satellite Explorer 1 on February 1, 1958.

The satellites were sent for scientific purposes: to calculate the density of the upper layers of the atmosphere and search for the Earth's radiation belts. During the race, the two superpowers did not stop there. The USSR sent a man into space in 1961, and before that animals went there. Today, the United States has the greatest success in space exploration.

We hope that the report on space helped you prepare for the lesson. You can add a report about space using the comment form below.

Interesting facts about space usually attract a lot of readers all over the world. The secrets and mysteries of the Universe cannot but excite our imagination. What is hiding there, high, high in the sky? Is there life on other planets? How long does it take to get to a neighboring galaxy?

Agree, everyone wants answers to these questions, regardless of age, gender or, say, social status. This article will tell you about the most interesting facts about space and astronauts. Readers will learn a lot of new things about what they had no idea about before.

Section 1. The tenth planet of the solar system

In 2003, another tenth planet orbiting the Sun was discovered behind Pluto. She was named Eris. This became possible thanks to the development of modern technologies; several decades ago scientists did not know about such interesting facts about space and planets. Later, it was also possible to determine that beyond Pluto there are other natural ones, which, according to the decision of specialists, together with Pluto and Eris, began to be called transplutonian.

The interest of scientists in newly discovered planets is determined not only by the desire for space in close proximity (by cosmic standards) to planet Earth. It is very important to determine whether the new planet can accommodate people if necessary. It is also important to assess what dangers a new object poses for the continuation of life on Earth.

Some space researchers believe that interesting facts about space in general and the study of the features of the tenth planet in particular can help in solving mysteries associated with unidentified flying objects, the presence of grandiose structures on the earth's surface, as well as giant crop circles that have not found a real explanation.

Section 2. Mysterious companion Moon

Does the Moon, so familiar to all earthlings, really hold many secrets? Indeed, the most interesting facts about space indicate that the satellite of planet Earth is fraught with many mysterious things. We list just some questions for which there are no answers yet.

  • Why is the Moon so large? There are no other natural satellites in the Solar System comparable in size to the Moon - it is only 4 times smaller than our home planet!
  • How can we explain the fact that the diameter of the moon's disk during a total eclipse perfectly covers the solar disk?
  • Why does the Moon rotate in an almost perfect circular orbit? This is very difficult to explain, especially if you keep in mind that the orbits of all other natural satellites known to science are ellipses.

Section 3. Where is the Earth's twin located?

Scientists claim that the Earth has a twin. It turns out that Titan, which is a satellite of Saturn, is very similar to our home planet. Titan has seas, volcanoes and a dense layer of air! Nitrogen in Titan's atmosphere is exactly the same percentage as on Earth - 75%! This is an amazing similarity that undoubtedly requires a scientific explanation.

Section 4. The Mystery of the Red Planet

The red planet of the solar system, as is known, is called Mars. Conditions suitable for life - the composition of the atmosphere, the possibility of the presence of bodies of water, temperature - all this indicates that the search for living beings on this planet, at least in a primitive form, is not promising.

It has even been scientifically confirmed that there are lichens and mosses on Mars. This means that the simplest forms of complex organisms exist on this celestial body. However, it is very difficult to advance in its study. Perhaps the main problematic factor is the large natural obstacle to direct study of this planet - astronaut flights are still very limited due to imperfect technology.

Section 5. Why flights to the Moon stopped

Many interesting facts about space flights are related to our natural satellite. Americans landed on the Moon, Russian and Eastern specialists are exploring it. However, mysteries still remain.

After a successful flight to the Moon and landing on its surface (if, of course, these facts really took place!) the program for studying the natural satellite was practically curtailed. This turn of events is puzzling. Really, what's the matter?

Perhaps some understanding of this problem comes if we take into account the statement of the American who visited the Moon, that it is already occupied by a form of life in the fight against which humanity has no chance to survive. Unfortunately, the general public knows virtually nothing about what scientists actually know.

Despite the fact that flights of spaceships with astronauts to the Moon have ceased, the secrets of this extraordinary satellite invariably attract the attention of researchers on Earth. The unknown has an attractive force, especially if the object is in close proximity, by cosmic standards.

Section 6. Space toilet

Creating life support systems that function effectively in zero gravity conditions is a very difficult task. The sewage system must operate uninterruptedly, ensuring the storage of biowaste and its timely unloading as usual.

When the ship takes off and goes into space, there is nothing left to do but use special diapers. These means provide temporary, but very noticeable comfort.

Interesting facts about the first manned space flight indicate that initially great importance was attached to the creation of plumbing fixtures for astronauts. Particular attention was paid to the individual anatomical characteristics of the crew members. Currently, the approach to equipping the sanitary zone of a spacecraft has become more universal.

Section 7. Superstitions on board

It should be noted that interesting facts about space and astronauts cannot but affect such everyday aspects of ordinary life as, for example, traditions and beliefs.

Many people note that astronauts are very superstitious people. This statement will cause confusion for many. Is this really true? In fact, astronauts behave in such a way that it seems as if they are very suspicious people. Be sure to take a sprig of wormwood on your flight, the smell of which reminds you of your native Earth. When Russian spaceships take off, they always play the song “Earth in the Porthole.”

Sergei Korolev did not like launches on Monday and even postponed the launch to another date, despite conflicts on this matter. He did not give clear explanations to anyone. When the astronauts finally began to take off on Monday, by a fatal coincidence, a number of accidents occurred (!).

October 24 is a special date associated with the tragic events at Baikonur (the explosion of a ballistic missile in 1960), therefore, as a rule, no work is carried out at the cosmodrome on this day.

Section 8. Unknown interesting facts about space and Russian cosmonautics

The history of the development of Russian cosmonautics is a bright series of events. It is wonderful that scientists, designers and engineers managed to achieve success. But, unfortunately, there were also tragedies. Space exploration is an extremely complex field that involves working in extreme conditions.

For those who value the history of space exploration very much, information is valuable both about significant achievements in the development of the space industry and about seemingly small and even valueless facts.

  • How many people know that the monument to Yuri Gagarin in Star City has one interesting feature - a daisy is clutched in the right hand of the first cosmonaut?
  • Surprisingly, the first living creatures to go on a space journey were turtles, and not dogs, as is commonly believed.
  • To mislead the enemy, in the 50s of the 20th century, 2 cosmodromes were built - a wooden imitation and a real structure, the distance between which was 300 km.

Section 9. Fun discoveries and interesting facts about space for children and adults

Discoveries in the space industry that become public are sometimes of a humorous nature, despite their real scientific value.

  • Saturn is a very light planet. If you imagine that you can conduct an experiment with its immersion in water, you will be able to observe how this amazing planet will float on the surface.
  • The size of Jupiter is such that inside this planet you can “place” all the planets that rotate in their orbits around the Sun.
  • A little-known fact - the first star catalog was compiled by the scientist Hipparchus in 150 BC, very far from us.
  • Since 1980, “Lunar Embassy” has been selling areas of the lunar surface - to date, 7% of the lunar surface has already been sold (!).
  • To invent a fountain pen that could be used to write in zero gravity, American researchers spent millions of dollars (Russian cosmonauts use a pencil to write in spacecraft during flight, and no problems arise).

10. NASA's most unusual statements

At the NASA center, one could repeatedly hear statements that were perceived as unusual and surprising.

  • Outside the conditions of Earth's gravity, astronauts suffer from "space sickness", the symptoms of which are pain and nausea due to distorted functioning of the inner ear.
  • The fluid in the astronaut’s body tends to the head, so the nose becomes clogged and the face becomes puffy.
  • A person's height in space becomes greater as the pressure on the spine decreases.
  • A person snoring in earthly conditions in conditions of weightlessness in his sleep does not make any sounds!