Azurite chrysocolla. Magical and healing properties of chrysocolla. How to distinguish natural chrysocolla from a fake

Chrysocolla is a name whose roots come from Greece and means golden glue.

This is a blue mineral with a green tint, which is popularly called the stone of wisdom, which is quite justified.

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Chrysocolla Stone - What does it do?

People who wear this stone as an amulet or talisman are mostly engaged in science or are associated with research activities.

This stone will be useful both to lonely hearts, for whom it will help find a companion walking alongside them in life, and to married couples, into whose relationships it will bring harmony, mutual understanding, tenderness and warmth.

There is information that retribution for a love spell is inherited in the form of a family curse.

The entire clan of the customer suffers, down to the seventh generation.

A love spell is a terrible thing.

In essence, it is damage that cripples the victim, his health and his entire life in general.

You won’t envy the one who committed this black crime - the consequences of the love spell for the customer will be terrible.

— Consequences of a love spell

Chrysocolla stone healing and magical properties, reviews of its wearing, price, where to buy

Chrysocolla has medicinal properties. This stone should be worn by those who suffer from female problems such as ovarian diseases or any menstrual irregularities.

Also, wearing products made from this mineral has a beneficial effect on the throat and thyroid gland area.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

It can also help people with nervous disorders such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, irritability, etc. The mineral can also help a smoker give up his bad habit and overcome addiction.

Chrysocolla is also endowed with magical properties. They say that the stone can serve as a conductor for communication with the Cosmos and can help in interpreting its signals.

This complex silicate has an original shine and unique color. Chrysocolla has a number of medicinal and magical properties. Which ones exactly? And to whom according to their zodiac sign are amulets made from this stone suitable? You will find answers to these questions below.

General information about the stone

Chrysocolla is an opaque mineral of medium hardness, which geologists classify as complex silicates. Due to its high copper content, this stone is distinguished by a unique set of shades of the blue spectrum. It can be blue, bright sky, bluish or slightly greenish in color.

Chrysocolla is a very brittle mineral

This mineral is characterized by an original waxy luster. The mineral is quite fragile and easily dissolves in various acids.

On our planet, the main deposits of chrysocolla are concentrated in the Andes mountain system (South America). The largest reserves are located in Chile, Peru, Germany, the USA, Kazakhstan and Israel. In Russia, there are substantial deposits of this mineral in the Urals.

History and legends

The word "chrysocolla" is very ancient. It is known that this stone was mentioned in his works by the ancient Greek philosopher and geographer Theophrastus (in the 4th century BC). The name of the mineral comes from two Greek words: “chrysos” (gold) and “colla” (glue).

Chrysocolla is also known as Elat stone

Another name for it is Elat stone (or Eilat). According to legend, it was in the Gulf of Eilat of the Red Sea that the mines of King Solomon were located.

Cleopatra and Nero wore jewelry made from sky-blue gems. In ancient times, this mineral was also used for soldering gold.

Varieties of mineral

The most common colors for chrysocolla are blue and blue.

Most often in nature, chrysocolla is found in blue or light blue (sky) color. Less common are stones of brown, greenish or black shades. The color of a mineral directly depends on which chemical elements dominate in its structure. Thus, the predominance of copper gives chrysocolla a bluish tint, manganese - brown, and iron - green.

Chrysocolla is usually divided into Mexican, Peruvian, Arizona, etc. (depending on the location of the mineral extraction). Based on the structure and chemical composition, the following varieties of this stone are distinguished:

  • asperolite - a green or bluish mineral containing a significant percentage of water;
  • bisbyite is a blue mineral with a low water content in the structure;
  • Demidovite is a blue, green or bluish mineral that is found on the malachite stone in the form of thin layers.

Of all the varieties of chrysocolla, demidovite is most valued in jewelry. Accordingly, the price of this mineral is the highest.

Magical properties of the stone

According to legend, chrysocolla will help in understanding the essence of things

Chrysocolla stone has been known to man since ancient times. It is not surprising that during all this time it has become overgrown with legends and mystical stories. He always occupied a prominent place among magicians and sorcerers. Chrysocolla has long been considered the stone of scientists, philosophers and shamans. According to beliefs, this mineral can reveal to selected people all the secrets of the universe.

Amulets made from this mineral protect their owner from all evil spirits and obsessive thoughts. The gem helps those who want to end alcohol addiction once and for all.

The stone reveals all its capabilities only to persistent and purposeful people

Among other things, chrysocolla is also a symbol of deep wisdom. It will help scientists set the right goals and make sensational discoveries in their research. True, the stone patronizes only stubborn and purposeful people. The mineral teaches a person to communicate with the outside world. It will make shy and introverted people more open, sociable and relaxed. For women, chrysocolla will help develop maternal instincts and teach them to be feminine and gentle.

This mineral will also not be superfluous in a children's room. An amulet made from this mineral will save a child from nightmares, fears and manifestations of sleepwalking. If you place this miracle stone near a child’s crib, the baby will sleep peacefully and see pleasant dreams.

Healing properties of the stone

Chrysocolla is widely used in modern lithotherapy

First of all, the stone has a beneficial effect on the body of a woman and a young mother. The properties of the mineral help normalize menstrual cycles, normalize hormonal levels, and help with acute menstrual pain. Lithotherapists also recommend using chrysocolla talismans for infertility. Moreover, both women and men.

Another system of the body that chrysocolla has a beneficial effect on is the respiratory system. The mineral helps with acute bronchitis, sore throat and chronic cough. For colds and flu, it promotes a speedy recovery of the body. The positive healing effect of the stone will increase if it is applied to the chest of a sick person.

Chrysocolla helps well in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

It is also recommended for people suffering from chronic ailments of the digestive system to wear rings, bracelets or beads made of chrysocolla. It is believed that the mineral is quite capable of healing even stomach ulcers.

In general, the mineral has a wonderful effect on a person and his emotional background. Chrysocolla helps get rid of depression, depression, apathy and bad mood. With this stone, a person will be able to straighten his shoulders and raise his head even in the most unpleasant life situations.

Chrysocolla is a mineral that has a unique color. This opaque, but slightly translucent stone has a characteristic waxy and oily glass luster, with an uneven fracture. This mineral is quite fragile, can decompose in acids and is susceptible to the negative effects of cleaning products and household chemicals. Its properties, chemical composition and origin have not been fully studied.

Description of the mineral

In its appearance, chrysocolla resembles malachite, turquoise and azurite, so it is often confused with such minerals. Despite such external similarity, it is a completely different stone, having a different chemical composition and properties. Its main colors are shades of blue, sky blue, brown, green-blue and black. If certain chemical elements predominate in the composition of chrysocolla, this greatly affects the color of the stone. Due to the increased copper content, the mineral acquires a turquoise color, and the inclusion of manganese gives it a brown tint. The golden color of chrysocolla comes from a combination of elements such as copper, aluminum and iron.

Depending on where the mineral deposit is located, Mexican, Arizona and Peruvian chrysocolla are distinguished. According to the chemical composition, structure and origin, the stone comes in the following varieties:

  • Bisbeit is a blue mineral containing small amounts of water.
  • Demidovit- a greenish, blue or blue mineral that appears in a thin layer on malachite. A variety of this stone is used in jewelry because of its similarity to turquoise and is considered the most expensive among other types of chrysocolla.
  • Asperolite– is a green-blue stone, and its structure is formed in the form of kidney-shaped masses. This mineral contains a high percentage of water.

Chrysocolla: magical properties

This mysterious mineral occupies a special place in magical circles, all thanks to its amazing properties. It has long been considered the stone of sorcerers, philosophers and magicians, and for the chosen ones it helps to reveal the secrets of the surrounding world. People who are engaged in scientific research should wear it on their right hand, and left-handed people should wear it on their left. Daily contemplation of the mineral helps to return to reality and gives the opportunity to soberly assess the situation for people living in fantasies, with their heads in the clouds or building unrealizable dreams.

It is very good to place this amulet in a children's room. Magical properties of the stone help the child cope with various fears, for example, fear of the dark. Chrysocolla also relieves the baby of age-related fears. If a child lives in fantasy, then such a talisman helps him find the line between real life and fiction. Thanks to this mineral, a woman becomes more tender and sensitive.

When wearing a ring with a mineral on the ring finger of her right hand, a woman begins to think about the need for marriage, and this also contributes to the desire to become a mother. In addition to these listed magical properties, the stone helps to create a strong connection between the spiritual and physical state of a person. Thanks to the gem, intuition develops well.

Chrysocolla is associated with the throat chakra, which is responsible for communication skills and creative expression. The mineral makes its owner a good speaker and promotes the right choice. Entering a meditative state, thanks to the stone, a person concentrates on the real causes of his anxious state and gets rid of fear and uncertainty. If you place it on the throat chakra, then mental mood changes for the better. If lovers wear the mineral as a talisman, they will never quarrel. It also attracts luck, wealth and personal happiness.

Medicinal properties

Chrysocolla stone has long been considered healing, and nowadays it is also used in lithotherapy. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the female body, restores and normalizes the functioning of the genital organs, eliminates severe menstrual pain, relieves inflammation in the pelvic organs, normalizes hormonal levels, restores the menstrual cycle and ovarian function.

The healing qualities of the stone have a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman or one who has recently given birth, smoothing out hormonal changes. It allows you to cure both female and male infertility.

For bronchitis, sore throat, chronic cough or respiratory diseases, the mineral relieves pain and asthma attacks, helps remove phlegm and promotes a speedy recovery. For this purpose, chrysocolla plates must be applied to the chest or a pendant worn during illness. If you have thyroid disease, you should wear beads.

For diseases of the digestive tract, lithotherapists recommend regularly wearing a ring with a stone or a bracelet. It is believed that the mineral is able to cure ulcers and restore mucous membranes, and also develops lasting immunity. If the stone is in jewelry, then wearing it has a beneficial effect on vitality and psycho-emotional state, relieves nightmares and insomnia, depression, depression, apathy and severe depression.

Chrysocolla plates help cure a large number of different diseases, and also relieve rheumatic conditions. To do this, they need to be applied to the sore spot for a short time.

Chrysocolla and the signs of the zodiac

Who is this mineral suitable for? It is preferable to wear such a stone for people born under the zodiac constellation Taurus or Sagittarius, giving its owner harmony, wisdom and tranquility. The magical properties of chrysocolla give Sagittarius intelligence and help them react quickly in unforeseen situations. She teaches Taurus understanding and prudence. Talismans and amulets with the mineral bring happiness, luck and prosperity to people born under the following constellations:

  • Cancers;
  • Lions;
  • Aquarius;
  • Scales.

It helps Pisces become more self-confident, gives them organization and determination.

The “mutual understanding” of the stone and its owner is influenced by a certain position of the night luminary. Therefore, you should buy this mineral on the fifth lunar day, because at this time the energetic power of chrysocolla reaches the highest level, improving the connection between itself and its owner.

Stone care

Chrysocolla is a very fragile mineral that requires special care. Such a stone should be protected from:

It is forbidden to clean chrysocolla with ultrasound, steam or even soap solution. You can’t wash it in water either, because it changes the color and structure of the mineral. It is only necessary to occasionally wipe the stone with a suede, wool or soft flannel cloth.

Thus, chrysocolla is amazing and mysterious mineral, a photo of which can be seen in the article. Its magical and healing qualities have been known for a long time. Amulets and talismans with this stone have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental state of a person.


The name of the mineral is also ancient. The concept " chrysocolla stone"Theophrastus also used it in his works.

The philosopher lived in the 4th century BC. In those days they mined on the shores of the Red Sea. That's the story.

Now, it’s time to talk about the modernity of the stone and what scientists have found out about it over many millennia.

Description and properties of chrysocolla

Copper in the stone combines with water and. It turns out, chrysocolla - mineral group of hydrous silicates.

Full formula: - (Cu, Al)2H 2 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 *nH 2 O. As you can see, it is adjacent to copper. It also adds fusibility to the stone.

Externally, the stone resembles an opaque or slightly translucent blue-green color. The mineral owes its color to copper.

Aluminum only gives a shade. Sometimes, these are brownish and even tones. For the uninitiated chrysocolla on photo and in real life it resembles .

A gem with an already complex formula tends to capture additional impurities, combining with, , and.

That's why, chrysocolla properties has different. Varies, density, chemical resistance. It can be not only glass, but also wax.

Only one parameter is unshakable. The gem does not form. The aggregates resemble sinter crusts on other minerals and rocks.

The surface of the stone can be bubbly or bumpy. Therefore, gemstone aggregates are often called cluster-shaped.

Their structure is cryptocrystalline, or amorphous. The latter implies only partial ordering of the crystal lattice.

That is, the arrangement of atoms in the stone is very chaotic. This leads to brittleness of the units.

In addition, they are never high, fluctuating between 2-4 points.

From 2 to 2.5 grams per cubic centimeter is the density that chrysocolla. Stone, formula which turns on the water may lose it.

Evaporation is possible at temperatures from 110 degrees Celsius. Only about 10% of the moisture remains intact. These are reserves “closed” inside the molecules of the stone.

Copper and aluminum silicate is sensitive not only to high temperatures, but also to acids. In them, the stone decomposes, releasing powdered silicic acid.

If you heat the gem with soda, the copper will separate. Even soap solution and ultrasonic exposure are dangerous for chrysocolla.

This complicates the care of jewelry with gems, specifically their cleaning. You also have to wear the products carefully. However, we’ll talk about this separately.

Uses of chrysocolla

Chrysocolla in jewelry spectacular. The mineral looks especially beautiful when broken. The stone is conchoidal.

They try to leave the chips of the gem intact, without polishing. If it is carried out, chrysocolla is cut.

They are round, without protruding corners. You can make it from cabochons chrysocolla bracelet, or .

But, due to the difficulty of caring for them, only a few people buy the products. The offer, in fact, is also not great.

Pendant With chrysocolla, a ring or other decoration is unlikely to survive a fall or blow. Remember about just 2-4 points?

Considering the softness of the stone and its fragility due to its amorphous structure, they take it on only when they are confident in their skill.

An artist must have a desire to create something special. The design project always includes closed stone fastening.

In other words, they try to protect it as much as possible with metal, leaving only one side open.

The products are made massive in order to use a large piece of mineral. This one is harder to damage. As a result, they turn out to be an acquired taste.

The impressive size of hydrous copper silicate also leads to an impressive cost. The mineral is classified as semi-precious.

However, the stone has its own buyer. Someone is captivated by the beauty of a gem, and its problematic nature recedes into the background.

And some are ready to endure inconvenience for the sake of the healing and magical properties of the stone.

It is believed that it helps to see objective reality and eliminates illusions. Concentration and concentration are also ensured chrysocolla.

Magic properties gems continue to have protective qualities. The stone can protect against witchcraft spells.

Protects chrysocolla And from alcoholism. The gem has a particularly strong effect on women. Hydrous copper silicate, in general, has their energy.

Therefore, in lithotherapy, that is, treatment with stones, chrysocolla is “prescribed” for diseases of the uterus and its appendages.

The mineral also restores estrogen levels. The female hormone comes in especially handy during premenopause.

Wearing products with chrysocolla they push it back, prolonging the female cycle, leveling out the unpleasant expressions of its extinction, for example, sudden changes in body temperature.

The meaning of chrysocolla stone in magical rituals and alternative medicine significantly expands the market for copper and aluminum silicate. Let's find out whether there is enough raw material for everyone and where it is mined.

Extraction of chrysocolla

Where is chrysocolla formed, one might guess, based on the composition of the stone. The first in his formula is copper. This means that you need to look in copper ores.

Hydrous silicate. This means that it is worth studying the oxidation zones of ores, where there is contact with moisture.

The water is saturated with silicic acid, which, as you remember, is also present in the gem. Geologists, by the way, do not classify it as a separate mineral.

Chrysocolla is considered a diopaz silicate with various impurities. There may be oxide hydrates and aluminosilicates. Even silicic acid in the stone is an impurity.

Chrysocolla is rarer than other copper oxides, for example, malachite, tenorite. Relative rarity increases the value of the stone.

On chrysocolla price starts from 4,000 rubles for simple beads 40-45 centimeters long. The price, of course, includes the work of the master.

If you take only a stone without treatment, for a sample weighing about 150 grams you will pay 1,700-2,300 rubles. This is just enough for the above beads.

Chrysocolla shipped USA. The subsoil of Arizona and New Mexico is rich in gemstones there. In America, the mineral is also mined in Chile and Peru.

Stone is also imported from German Bavaria. About 10% of chrysocolla is from the Czech Republic. Here the deposits are located in the famous Bohemia.

Also available chrysocolla. Where can I buy? Contact the industrialists of the Sverdlovsk region.

It is in it that the city of Krasnoturinsk is located, and near it there is a copper mine rich in sky-blue masses of chrysocolla.

There are several Turinsky mines. Chrysocolla is mixed with stylpnosiderite everywhere. This is resinous iron ore, hydrous iron oxide.

Copper silicate partially captures it. So, the formula of the Ural gem contains ferrum, which gives the stone additional value.

Chrysocolla from the Turinsky mines of the Sverdlovsk region “boasts” the highest mark of 4 points on the Mohs mineralogical scale.

So, if you are looking for hydrous copper silicate, choose products with Russian inserts. These will last longer.

A stone of sky blue, turquoise, green and black colors of a bizarre chrysocolla shape. In its outlines you can see mysterious patterns. Since ancient times, beauties have decorated themselves with products made from unusual stones.

History and origin

Chrysocolla stands for "glue for gold." The craftsmen melted down the beautiful mineral, and the resulting mixture was applied to the precious metal. This is easy to explain - for the most part, the mineral consists of copper compounds, which in those days was used to join gold items. It should be noted that today this use of the nugget has lost its popularity.

The more ancient name of the mineral is “Eilat stone”, in honor of the place where the mineral was first mined - Eilat. It was there that the underground treasury of the Israeli people was located - the legendary Solomon's Mines. Mentions of an unusual stone can be found in the Book of Wisdom and the Book of Kings. Indeed, according to legend, it was thanks to this azure stone that King Solomon acquired his untold wealth.

The Jews created floor slabs and decorations from beautiful stone, which were very popular. In addition, the Eilat stone played a significant role in decorating the great temple erected by Solomon.

But it was not only the people of the Book who appreciated the charm of the mineral. Cleopatra, the queen whose beauty and power were the subject of legends, used chrysocolla as decoration; even the formidable Emperor Nero could not resist its mysterious beauty. In addition, Egyptian women ground the mineral into pollen and applied it as eye shadow. The gray-blue glow not only gave clarity to the gaze, but also protected the skin from early aging.

The nugget consists of compounds of copper, aluminum and other impurities, which explains its unusual color.

Chrysocolla deposits

Solomon's mines remained on the pages of legends. Today, chrysocolla is mined on all five continents of the world, in the countries:

  • Russia,
  • Israel,
  • Kazakhstan,
  • Australia,
  • Chile,
  • Congo.

The largest deposits are rightfully considered to be the Arizona quarry and the Mednorudyanskoye deposit.

A feature of the extraction of this mineral is extreme accuracy. After all, if you subject it to pressure or high temperature, it will lose its excellent properties.

Physical properties

The mineral is quite dense in nature, but breaks easily, forming bizarre conchoidal chips. This property is explained by the peculiarity of the structure of the silicate lattice of chrysocolla.

Formula(Cu, Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4.nH2O
Hardness2 - 4
Density2.1 g/cm³
Refractive index1,5
ShineGlassy, ​​waxy or greasy.
TransparencyOpaque, sometimes slightly translucent.
ColorBlue, cyan and green.

Interesting to know! Chrysocolla powder was used as a poison in ancient times. He acted slowly and killed the person unnoticed. This is due to the high content of copper salts, dangerous to the human body, in the composition of the stone. However, you should not be afraid to purchase jewelry with a copper nugget - jewelers have long learned to cover dangerous and beautiful minerals with a protective layer that makes them harmless to the human body.


Depending on the type and deposit, this stone differs in color and transparency. From emerald green to pale blue, from translucent to dense, from shiny to matte.

Interesting to know! In nature, no two are absolutely identical. By purchasing jewelry with this gem, the owner can be confident in its originality and uniqueness.

Healing capabilities of the stone

In ancient times, people tried to benefit from everything that was available to them. “Stone medicine” was especially popular. That is why rulers: emperors, princes and kings literally hung themselves with various minerals.

To date, the effect of minerals on the human body has not been fully studied. However, even modern scientists and doctors recognize that the healing properties of stones have enormous potential.

It should be remembered that products made from minerals should not be accepted even from the closest people. The stone senses the human biofield and seems to become part of it. Therefore, chrysocolla jewelry should only have one owner.

  • Chrysocolla for women's health. Copper, abundantly contained in this mineral, is responsible for the synthesis of female sex hormones. That is why the copper nugget is rightfully called a female healer. Wearing earrings, rings, and chrysocolla beads will help cope with gynecological problems. It has been noted that a woman who constantly wears jewelry with a copper nugget does not experience the pain of premenstrual syndrome, and her cycle becomes stable and regular. For medicinal purposes, the mineral is well combined with silver and zirconium. Applying an untreated stone to the sore spot has an even more obvious effect. Wearing chrysocolla jewelry during pregnancy will ensure the favorable development of the baby and peace of mind for the expectant mother. This mineral can relieve premature birth, uterine tone and much more.
  • Mineral for thyroid problems. The thyroid gland is a small but very important endocrine organ. It is responsible for thermoregulation, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, metabolism and much more. When thyroid function is impaired, the entire body suffers. Chrysocolla is able to normalize the hormonal levels of the thyroid gland, as well as protect the sensitive organ from the harmful effects of the external environment. Of course, in case of serious diseases of the thyroid gland, one should not forget about modern medicine. Medicines together with the wonderful chrysocolla will restore health for many years.
  • Bad habits. This stone can help a person quit drinking cigarettes and alcohol. The mineral improves hormonal levels, restoring the body from the inside, which improves well-being and mood. In this case, the dominant role is played by the psychological mood of the person. Chrysocolla affects the biofield, thereby calming a person and making giving up bad habits easy and painless.
  • Wound healing. One of the most beautiful properties of chrysocolla is its ability to restore damaged tissues, accelerating their regeneration and normalizing blood circulation. In order to achieve success, you need to apply the mineral to the damaged area or scar for 15-20 minutes, and then thoroughly wash the area with water. Within a few days a person will notice a significant improvement. Girls who want to discover the secret of eternal youth are recommended to wash their faces with water infused with chrysocolla. This recipe will get rid of itching and redness of the skin, tighten fine wrinkles, and make the skin beautiful and velvety.
  • Anesthesia. Chrysocolla jewelry has the miraculous ability to relieve pain. People suffering from migraines are advised to keep a pendant with an azure mineral with them. Literally after two or three minutes of application to the place of pain, the unpleasant sensations leave and the state of health returns to normal.

Magic properties

Stones have always attracted sorcerers and shamans with their mysterious and enigmatic power. It is believed that each mineral is endowed with certain qualities, properties, one might even say a soul. Proper use of nuggets can help a person achieve his goal and gain well-being.

Compatibility with other stones

Chrysocolla belongs to the minerals of the element of water and goes well with stones of the same spectrum. Emerald, and will look great together and perfectly complement each other’s properties.
When combined with bright stones such as, the energetic power of chrysocolla increases. A person, unnoticed by himself, becomes more sociable, active and cheerful.

Copper gem coexists neutrally with,. These stones do not violate each other’s properties, but also do not enhance them.

It would be a bad idea to wear chrysocolla with. This stone from the seabed is whimsical, and a person who combines it with a gem will feel internal discomfort.

The best settings for chrysocolla jewelry will be silver and platinum. These noble metals protect the stone, emphasize its beauty and complement its magical abilities.

Jewelry with chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is a universal stone that is suitable for both everyday wear and going out. This nugget is found quite often on the market and is not difficult to find. Prices for jewelry range from several hundred to tens of thousands of rubles, largely depending on the fittings, finishing and size of the mineral.

How to distinguish a fake?

This mineral is neither expensive nor difficult to obtain, so counterfeits are quite rare. However, there are ways to verify the authenticity of the product you are purchasing:

  1. Place the jewelry on the skin. A real mineral will be cold, but will warm up quickly and retain heat.
  2. Touch with tongue. The chalk silicate that most of the stone is made of is very hygroscopic, and you will feel your tongue sticking to the product.

How to wear and care for products?

Products made from chrysocolla are unpretentious to use, but there are a few simple rules. By observing them, a person will be able to enjoy the beauty of jewelry for many years.