Danila Kozlovsky what where when. Danila Kozlovsky gave a concert program at the Bolshoi Theatre. Andrey Kozlov now

The actor performed hits by Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. The producer of this performance was Philip Kirkorov.

Our correspondent Anna Voropay listened to Danila Kozlovsky.

This is how he appears on the stage in the beams of spotlights - Danila Kozlovsky. An actor who, it turns out, also sings. Or plays leading role, only to the music, you can’t immediately understand here.

In fact, he just fulfills a dream. Long-standing, secret and not shared with anyone. It appeared back in the days when gadgets were big and worked on film. It all started with an ordinary tape recorder, with its help little Danila listened to world hits before going to bed. Those melodies so sunk into the soul that even after many years the actor wanted to cover them.

The big dream of an ordinary person Danila Kozlovsky does not come true anywhere, but at the Bolshoi Theater. Despite such a modest name, the premiere is a real show. And how could it be otherwise, if the producer himself is Philip Kirkorov.

The pop king admits: yes, of course, for a debut, such a scene is a bit brazen. But the repertoire is a classic of world music. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett. For the sake of this, it is worth giving up a lot, even Eurovision, for example.

Philip Kirkorov, producer of the project "The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man":“I had serious offers this year, from different countries. And there was a temptation to write a song for Russia this year. But this concert, of course, outweighed any Eurovision, because nothing compares to your own Eurovision. Roughly speaking".

And this evening would not have happened without one simple conversation. Danila Kozlovsky accidentally let slip to Kirkorov that he would like to sing all his life. The singer replied: “Take it and do it. Otherwise, you will look for excuses and say that it is impossible.

Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya, mother of Danila Kozlovsky:“He worked beyond the bounds of what was possible, in my opinion. Because the shooting is the hardest and at the same time vocal lessons, and all that beauty that you have just seen, because there are also movements, choreography, well, everything is complicated. This genre is generally incredibly complex. And in Russia, very few people own it at all.”

And indeed. Even people and honored before the premiere were in no hurry to give advice.

Nikolai Baskov, People's Artist of Russia:"Oh. You know, on the contrary, I came to study, because the way he dances, taps, he has such charisma that I just came to where I once sang!

Especially for the concert, Danila Kozlovsky hired two vocal teachers. I studied for more than a year in between cinema and theater.

The verdict of the audience and everything musical and even political community, was unambiguous. Danila Kozlovsky is not going to change his role from actor to singer. He will continue to play in films and at the same time think about new projects.

Danila Kozlovsky:“It was a dream, it came true. But there are others. You know, as with dreams, they tend to, fortunately, sometimes happen, come true. But the whole horror is that new dreams arise, which then again I want to fulfill.

However, this is still ahead. In the meantime, the producer promises a tour of Russia. In the regions, the show will be held on the same scale: only the main stages, only the best theaters. After all, when dreams come true, you want only one thing - to sing as loudly as possible.

"Coach": what do we know about the new film by Danila Kozlovsky

Danila Kozlovsky began work on the film "Coach", where for the first time he was on both sides of the camera. What does Danila have in common with Guus Hiddink and how he approved his girlfriend for the role - in the material HELLO!

The Novorossiysk stadium "Central", where FC "Chernomorets" is based, has been turned into a training base for FC "Meteor" - the team with which Danila Kozlovsky will make his debut as a coach and as a director. During the three years of preparation for the shooting of the film "Coach" Danila is so immersed in the study of the intricacies and details of Russian football that it is time for him to write a book about how everything works and why our football is far from perfect.

Danila Kozlovsky in the movie "Coach"
Danila Kozlovsky on the set of the film "Coach", in the photo - with Alexander Oblasov But Danila chose a different path - he wrote the script (with Andrei Zolotarev and Sergei Chetverukhin). That a miracle is possible, that everyone has the right to fulfill their dream, and that the strength and will of a few people can change the world around them. The film will be released on April 19, 2018 - just before the World Cup, which will be held in Russia for the first time.

I have read many books about football, including those written by legendary coaches and football players, - says Danila Kozlovsky. - I talked a lot with coaches, referees, players, managers, commentators, doctors... I constantly watch football, study goals, fouls, red cards, scandals. I follow the Champions League, I know all the modern football players. I subscribed to all football publics on Instagram. I even started dressing like a football player: suddenly I found myself with six pairs of sneakers ... I like this culture. There are, of course, circumstances in modern football that I do not welcome, but there are a huge number of things that I like, and I try to integrate them as much as possible into the fabric of the film. The hero of Danila Kozlovsky is the scorer of the Russian national team Yuri Stoleshnikov. In the decisive match, he makes a mistake that costs him too much. The stands are whistling, yesterday's fans "hate" him on social networks, he is suspended for two years for unsportsmanlike behavior on the field - in general, a brilliant career is going downhill. He tries to hide from the world and from himself and leaves for the provinces, but the city far from Moscow also has its own stadium and its own football club - Meteor. He lies at the bottom of the standings and does not even try to win the local championship. This FC is headed by the girl Lara (Irina Gorbacheva).

Irina Gorbacheva in the movie "Coach" Lara is ambitious and well educated, but, of course, no one takes her seriously. When she offers Kozlovsky's hero to become the Meteor's coach, this only causes him bewilderment, but as a result, Stoleshnikov agrees. And together with this club, he will have to perform a real miracle - first of all, to believe in himself again.

But an even more serious role in the fate of the protagonist will be played by another girl - a rehabilitation doctor from Varya's team. Olga Zueva was approved for this role the longest.

Danila Kozlovsky's friend Olga Zueva in the movie "Coach" Olga does not hide the fact that she dreamed of playing Varya, but for the heroine described in the script, she did not fit either in type or in age. Therefore, Danila continued to search for a performer and tried many other actresses. But Olga did not waste time in vain. She rewrote the role, making the heroine strong, brave, slightly eccentric, and offered a new version of the role to the director. And Danila liked her idea, and Olga's samples turned out to be objectively the best. So Olga became Varya, but different.

Olga comes to the site every day, even if she does not have acting scenes. She herself recently made her debut as a director - in the film "On the District", where Danila Kozlovsky played the main role and acted as a producer.

Now we seem to have switched roles, - says Olga Zueva. So I understand how he feels right now. But long before filming, when he told me about his plans, it was obvious to me that he was a strong director.

Olga Zueva and Danila Kozlovsky in the movie "Coach" Work on film set starts at 5 am. Danila arrives one of the first. He is wearing a Meteor uniform jacket with the inscription "COACH. Danila Kozlovsky" on the back. In such jackets - the entire film crew. Costume designer Varvara Avdyushko solved several problems at once: firstly, it is warmer in jackets; secondly, there are many shots in the film where the camera rotates 360 degrees. In such a situation, any person accidentally caught in the frame looks like a team member.

Behind the camera - operator Fedor Lyass. Unlike Danila, he has never been fond of football, but the more passionately he approaches inventing complex sports scenes. On the field works up to 36 different cameras- some fly on cables in the sky, others "get confused" under the feet of the players. Since it is necessary to achieve a high speed of movement in the frame, several cameramen shoot standing on rushing Segways, and here the main task is not to collide with the players who in each take try as if they are already playing in the World Cup final.

Operator Fedor Lyass and Danila Kozlovsky - this is their third collaboration after "Duhless" and "On the District"

The Meteor team includes several debutant actors and several professional football players, including former Lokomotiv player Alan Gatagov and Dmitry Sychev, who played for the Russian national team for eight years. For both, this is a film debut, and it seems to be exciting, but the acting scenes have not yet reached, and the players feel confident on the field.

Does Danila Kozlovsky look like a real coach? -

I ask Dmitry Sychev.

He looks like the ideal of a coach with a European mentality, - says Dmitry. - Because he is both demanding and democratic with us: on the one hand, he lets us know that we are free and not constrained, on the other hand, that on the football field we must clearly fulfill all his requirements. And it's very cool. You know, I would compare him with Guus Hiddink, who was able to take out all the resources and reserves from us, it was our Russian mentality to understand and mobilize us so much that we became third at the European Championship. For a month of filming, the Meteor team played well, and now it is difficult to distinguish real players from actors on the field. The latter cost a lot of work. They were initially chosen from the players, and, having come to the first rehearsal, almost all of them felt like Messi, Ronaldo and Griezmann. All illusions melted away when the coach said that not only were they not playing, they were even running incorrectly. The first week the actors were retrained to run, the second - to play football. For many hours the guys practiced passes ... without the ball. At the same time, Danila Kozlovsky also trained. For a couple of months, he and his team lived in a tough sports regime, and by the beginning of filming, handsome athletes entered the field, who on the screen cannot be distinguished from professional athletes.
Danila Kozlovsky with actor Rostislav Bershauer as CFO of Meteor

After a ten-hour day of filming, the Meteor players have training and analysis of combinations before the next day. But almost every night, this training becomes a game - new opponents arrive, and the team rushes into battle off-screen. The group jokes that after filming they will declare "Meteor" in the amateur league, but it seems that with such intensive preparation he will be able to perform at the World Championships. "With a coach like Danila, we have every chance of winning," the players are sure.

Danila himself says that he feels organically as a director:

For me, this is a new stage in my life. But I haven't had time to analyze it yet.

Text: Polina Kolesnichenko

Danila Kozlovsky is a Russian actor, the star of the films “We are from the Future”, “Duhless”, “Legend No. 17”, “Crew”, “Viking” and many other outstanding films. Many film critics confidently call him the best domestic actor of the new generation.

Childhood and family

Danila Kozlovsky grew up and was brought up in an incomplete family. His father, Professor Valery Kozlovsky, left the family early, so all the worries associated with the upbringing of the future actor and his two brothers - the elder Yegor and the younger Ivan - fell on the shoulders of his mother (actress Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya) and stepfather Sergei, a military man. “Without mom, there would be nothing,” the actor later spoke about the merits of the parent.

From childhood, Danila was a very naughty child, and therefore, with enviable constancy, he had problems with the administration of schools, which he changed one after another. Back in 1991, my mother insisted that first grader Danila go to school with in-depth study of Spanish, but due to inappropriate behavior, he was soon expelled.

While studying at school, Danila attended piano lessons, karate and football sections. A short period of his life was associated with the ballet lyceum, from which he was expelled with a diagnosis of "unpromising". Some time later, he entered the theater studio, where he finally found his calling and already in 1999 he played a small role of the boy Denis Seliverstov in the TV series Simple Truths.

Danila Kozlovsky in "Simple Truths"

In the cadet corps

Due to the constant behavioral problems that distinguished not only Danila, but also both of his brothers, in 1996, his mother and stepfather decided to send their sons to the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps. Ivan and Yegor were expelled six months later, but Danila managed to go through this path to the end. As the actor himself admitted, it was during the period of study in the corps that he clearly understood the meaning of the word “must” and realized what could be achieved with the help of hard work, strong will and a share of excitement.

In 2002, Danila Kozlovsky graduated with honors from the cadet corps. The officers insisted that Danila apply to the Military Academy, but the guy who dreamed of an acting career without hesitation refused the prospect of linking his future life with the army

First steps to glory

In the fall, after graduating from the cadet corps, Danila Kozlovsky entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. His curator and mentor on the course was Lev Dodin, whose participation played an important role in Danila's career: highlighting a capable student among the flow of students young man, he began to introduce it into his productions. The theatrical debut for Danila Kozlovsky was the role of Edgar in the play "King Lear". The penetrating play of the actor did not go unnoticed by theater critics, and soon the first exhibit appeared in the actor's personal collection of awards - "Golden Soffit".

While studying at SPbGATI, Kozlovsky was noted in several more significant productions: "Wish", "Life and Fate" and "Warsaw Melody", a performance that brought together Danila Kozlovsky and his future wife Urshula Magdalena Malka on the same stage.

The acting career of Danila Kozlovsky was gaining momentum. Soon after the debut in Shakespeare's play, the first film roles followed. Of course, at first the guy had to go through a “baptism of fire” with episodic roles: in Konstantin Khudyakov’s film “On the Upper Maslovka”, the military series “Alka”, the project “I will decide everything myself” canceled after the first series. In 2003, the actor managed to work with Sergei Selin and Alexei Nilov in "Street of Broken Lanterns" as a deserter soldier Popov, in the very episode where Dukalis and Larin die.

Danila Kozlovsky. Hero of his time

The first director who approved Danila Kozlovsky for the main role was Alexei German, who in 2005 offered the actor, together with Yevgeny Pronin, to play a football player who dreams of creating his own team in the film Garpastum. The film, which received high marks from critics, brought Danila the audience award at the Venice Film Festival, as well as the White Elephant award from Russian critics.

Career heyday

Despite the awards brought by Garspastum, after the premiere, new offers did not rain down on the young actor. Over the next two years, he starred in a couple of mediocre projects (On-line Game, Crime and Weather) and in the biographical series Lenin's Testament.

In 2008, the big-budget Russian science fiction film "We are from the Future" was released. The tape had all the attributes necessary for this genre: time travel, charismatic characters, an exciting plot, and a touching love line. The audience enthusiastically appreciated the acting of Danila Kozlovsky and Vladimir Yaglych, who played the roles of "black archaeologists", as well as Ekaterina Klimova, who appeared in the image of the charming nurse Nina.

Interview with Danila Kozlovsky

After the premiere, Danila finally received the long-awaited fame and recognition. In 2009, he played the transvestite Lucy in the film The Merry Men, working with the famous Finn Ville Haapasalo. Then there was the role of a taxi driver in the film "Moscow, I love you!", As well as the main male role in Karen Oganesyan's comedy "Five Brides", where the actor met the charming Sveta Khodchenkova and Yulia Peresild. It is also worth noting the Franco-Russian series Rasputin, which, despite the participation of Gerard Depardieu and Vladimir Mashkov among the leading actors, failed miserably.

In 2009, shooting of the film "Duhless" based on the work of the same name by Sergei Minaev began. Danila Kozlovsky was approved for the lead role, playing the vicious top manager Maxim, who spends all the money he earns on a luxurious life along with his girlfriend Elvira, the heroine of Maria Kozhevnikova.

Work on the film lasted three years. The thoughtful tape that was released only in 2012, revealing ways to overcome the internal crisis, was received ambiguously, however, most venerable filmmakers, including Fyodor Bondarchuk, noted the excellent adaptation of the book plot and Danila's outstanding performance.

From that moment on, Danila Kozlovsky, who had established himself as an accomplished actor, began acting exclusively in the role of born leaders. Shortly after the premiere of "Duhless", the Russians saw the actor in the thriller "Spy" along with Vladimir Epifantsev, Fyodor Bondarchuk and Sergey Gazarov. In the same year, Danila was busy filming the TV series It All Started in Harbin, along with Anna Chipovskaya.

In April 2013, Danila Kozlovsky played hockey player Valery Kharlamov in Nikolai Lebedev's biopic Legend No. 17. The film with the participation of Danila, as well as Svetlana Ivanova and Oleg Menshikov, rapidly soared to the first lines of the ratings, taking pride of place among the best domestic films of our time.

Danila Kozlovsky in "Evening Urgant" (2013)

In 2014, the actor played in the American film Vampire Academy along with Zoey Deutch and Lucy Fry. His character is the charming "dhampir" Dmitry Belikov, a half-breed of a vampire and a human. The producers' choice fell on Russian actor it is no accident, because according to the plot of the book, which is the basis of the script, Dmitry was born in Siberia and spoke with a characteristic Russian accent.

In April 2016, the premiere of the action-packed film "Hardcore" took place, the result of the joint efforts of domestic and American film studios. The film was shot entirely in first person, which earned a lot of positive reviews.

In addition to Danila Kozlovsky, who played Akan, the antagonist of the protagonist, others also took part in the film. Russian celebrities, for example, Sergei Shnurov had to guard the parking lot, Ravshana Kurkova reincarnated as a saleswoman, and Alexander Pal picked up a flamethrower.

In the same year, the shooting of two more large-scale projects with the participation of Danila Kozlovsky was completed. First of all, this is the disaster film "The Crew", in which the actor played a young and ambitious pilot who saves the lives of hundreds of passengers. The first Soviet disaster film starring Georgy Zhzhenov and Anatoly Vasilyev was watched by more than 70 million people, so the remake of the picture received a high rating of expectations - the audience was eager to see if Nikolai Lebedev's fresh blockbuster would surpass the film by Alexander Mitt.

The second serious project is the historical drama "Viking", sponsored by Konstantin Ernst. Danila Kozlovsky played Prince Vladimir, showing his life path from the flight from Novgorod to the baptism of Rus'. Liza Boyarskaya. The aspiring actors quickly became friends, but then the girl's father intervened, Mikhail Boyarsky. He gave his daughter a scolding, saying that he would not allow her to meet with the "fledgling youth."

In the fall of 2008, the press learned about the wedding of Danila Kozlovsky and actress Urshula Magdalena Malka, who studied at the same theater university. Friends said that Kozlovsky married a Polish beauty to spite Lisa and that their whole marriage was a one-sided game. It is not known whether there was some truth in these rumors, but just three years later Danila and Ursula broke up.

Olga Zueva. In March 2016, the girl moved to the actor's St. Petersburg apartment.

Danila Kozlovsky now

In April 2017, work began on the sports drama "Coach": Danila Kozlovsky directed the project and played the main role in it. This time he will appear before the audience as a football player of the Russian national team, who said goodbye to his career due to a mistake that cost the team victory. After the defeat, he began to coach a provincial town football club. One of the main roles in the film was played by the actor's girlfriend Olga Zueva, and the consultant of the film was former coach Russian national team Leonid Slutsky. The premiere of "Coach" took place on April 20, 2018.

By the age of 30, Danila Kozlovsky starred in 40 films and is still greedy for work. There were projects that caused regret, but this is also an experience that teaches a lot. The actor has earned the title of a sex symbol of modern Russian cinema and a magic wand that pulls out a very weak picture. , for whom there are few authorities, recognized a star in Kozlovsky.

Childhood and youth

Danila and his brothers Yegor and Ivan were born in Moscow in an intelligent family. Father Valery Ivanovich - Professor, Doctor of Philosophy. Mom Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya received an acting education, but worked at a school. At a fairly respectable age, the woman made her film debut in the films Status: Free and Crew.

The guys in childhood were often naughty, and sometimes even crossed the boundaries of what was permitted, so they were not defined in the usual way. high school, and in the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps. But even before this educational institution, Danila managed to work out at a music school in the class of saxophone and viola, as well as learn the basics of dance art.

In 2014, a prominent young man (height 184 cm, weight 85 kg) appeared in a commercial for an advertising campaign for Chanel Coco Mademoiselle perfume. A Hollywood actress became a video partner.

In 2015, Danila Kozlovsky demonstrated his vocal abilities for the first time, giving a concert called "The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man." To the accompaniment of the Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz orchestra, the actor sang songs from the classics of the pop genre, Tony Bennett,. She performed dance numbers and produced the program.

Personal life

About the personal life of a celebrity, which was not written in the press. It was believed that Danila changes the ladies of the heart like gloves. He was credited romantic relationship s, and, which did not prevent rumors from spreading about Kozlovsky's unconventional orientation. And all because the actor defends the freedom of sexual orientation.

In 2008, a Polish actress became Danila's wife. This marriage did not last long. The couple did not have time to have children, they parted, and in 2011 they divorced, however, remaining on friendly terms.

Andrey Kozlov is a Russian TV presenter, director and producer, player, captain and master of the elite club What? Where? When?". Andrei's birth was registered in the city of Lugansk, but in fact he was born on board the plane, which was returning to the USSR from Germany.

The mother of the future connoisseur held a high position in the field of trade, and his father was a military man who retired with the rank of colonel. But the greatest influence on the boy was made by his grandmother Maria Nikitichna, a theater actress, People's Artist of Ukraine, who often took her grandson with her to rehearsals and performances, and took her backstage. Already at school age, Andrei, secretly from his relatives, cherished the dream of a stage, so he participated in amateur competitions.

After High school prom Kozlov asked his father and mother for permission to "unwind" and went to Moscow, ostensibly on vacation. In fact, Andrey submitted documents to the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute and managed to pass difficult entrance tests. But when the young man called home to announce the achievement, the parents were not happy about the news and insisted on the return of their son.

Returning to his homeland, Andrey Kozlov in the same year managed to enter the Faculty of Chemistry of Donetsk University, from which he graduated 5 years later, while simultaneously working as a conductor at railway. According to the distribution, the young specialist ended up in neighboring Mariupol, where he taught at the local metallurgical institute, and was also engaged in tutoring.


From the Mariupol university, a young man began to send questions and assignments to intellectual quiz"What? Where? When? ”, And in 1986, the young man was first invited to the qualifying round, with which he coped quite successfully. For some time, the novice intellectual participated in amateur regional competitions, and in 1989 he made his debut in an elite club. Andrey Kozlov played only as a team captain.

Andrey spent 30 years as a connoisseur, during which time famous scholars passed through the team: Alexey Kapustin. By the way, Kondratyuk became one of Andrei's closest friends.

Game "What? Where? When?" for Kozlov became a priority in his creative biography. Andrei repeatedly had to celebrate his own birthday and other holidays in the armchair of a connoisseur, which people usually tend to spend with their relatives. The only time Andrei was not present at the game was in 2004, on the day he had a minor stroke.

A television

In addition to participating in the What? Where? When? ”, Andrey Kozlov realized himself as a TV presenter, director and producer. In 1992, for the bright game of the team and in 1994 for the transfer of the right of revenge to the team of Alexei Blinov, the connoisseur became the winner of the Crystal Owl award. In 2001, Kozlov's team was recognized as the best of the season, and Andrey himself received the title of "Best Club Captain".

At the suggestion of Andrey Kozlov, red jackets and the title "Immortal Club Member" were introduced in the club, which gave the connoisseur the right to remain in the game even if the team lost. The title was received by Fedor Dvinyatin, Alexei Blinov, Alexander Druz. The title lasted until 1995, until crimson jackets did not come into fashion among the "new Russians".

2008 brought Andrey Kozlov a number of awards at once: the Diamond Owl, Crystal Owl prizes, the title of Master of the game What? Where? When?". In the last game of the season, Andrey Kozlov became the owner of the keys to the Volkswagen Phaeton car after he managed to correctly answer three questions of the Super Blitz round. In 2014, Andrei Kozlov received the position of President International Association clubs "What? Where? When? ”, Instead of Natalia Stetsenko.

Back in 1990, Kozlov took the helm of the Brain Ring program, which became Andrey's favorite brainchild. In this intellectual game, Kozlov asked the participants tricky questions until 2013.

In 1991, Andrei Kozlov was invited as the author of the program "Love at First Sight", in which couples were selected from three young people and three girls during competitions. For two years, Andrei was the director of an entertaining TV show hosted by TV presenters Alla Volkova and.

Subsequently, Kozlov became the general producer and first deputy general director of the private television company Igra-TV, which was engaged in the production of entertainment programs and television games. The TV company itself was founded in 1990 by Natalia Stetsenko.

In 2001, the Kultura TV channel launched the Cultural Revolution talk show, directed and co-hosted by Andrey Kozlov. According to the creators of the program, the shooting of each issue took place in the State Museum. Two guests were invited to the program with diametrically opposed opinions on religious, philosophical, cultural or political issue. In 2002 and 2006, the Cultural Revolution program group became the winner of the TEFI award. Mikhail Shvydkoy was chosen as the TV presenter of the program.

In the late 90s, as part of the activities of the television company "Igra-TV", Andrei Kozlov became the TV presenter of the games broadcast on the RTR channel ("Program Guide", "Wish Fulfillment, or How to Spend a Million?"). In the early 2000s, the Rossiya TV channel, with the participation of TV presenter Kozlov, hosted the My Home, My City, My Country contest.

Under the leadership of Andrey, the programs “Life is beautiful”, “Songs of the XX century”, “A man in a big city”, “We and science. Science and us. Not all programs had the same high rating as "Brain Ring" or "What? Where? When? ”, But the TV presenter tried to realize his own ideas. By the way, in most of these projects, Andrei was also a director.

In 2010, Andrey Kozlov was awarded the TEFI award for participating in the Brain Ring game.

Personal life

Connoisseur Andrey Kozlov is in official relations, his wife's name is Anna. But the player tries not to talk about his personal life, so the photo of Andrei Kozlov's wife cannot be found in the public domain on the Internet.

The connoisseur is erudite, intelligent and has an enviable enterprise. Once Andrei bought a plot of land for 8 thousand dollars, which eventually increased in price by 20 times.

Andrey loves high speed and likes to accelerate the car to the limit. True, the player prefers to do this on European and American roads, since he does not trust Russian roads.

Andrey Kozlov now

In September 2017, the first game of the Autumn series of the TV game “What? Where? When? ”, In which the team of Andrey Kozlov participates, which includes experts Mikhail and Vladimir Antokhins, Alexei Kapustin, and. That game was remembered not only for its bright questions, but also for Kozlov's reaction to one of them, this episode quickly spread across the Internet.

Now on the Reddit resource, which is in eighth place in popularity in the world, the gif with Andrey Kozlov is gaining millions of views and. Thanks to the interest in Andrey Kozlov's reaction to the correct answer of his own team with the Russian game “What? Where? When?" interested in foreign Internet users.


  • "Brain - ring"
  • "Fulfillment of desires, or How to spend a million"
  • "Program Guide"
  • "My home, my city, my country"