UFO contacts with aliens, eyewitness accounts. Interesting facts about UFOs Eyewitness accounts. Don't believe in repentance

The term UFO was proposed by science fiction writers in the 50s of the 20th century. The popularization of stories related to unidentified flying objects occurred thanks to numerous cases described by eyewitnesses. People vied with each other to provide the press with data regarding their contact with aliens. Most of these stories are not taken seriously by ufology experts. There are too many terrestrial factors that could explain the appearance of strange objects in the night sky. If this is a photo, there could be printing defects; in real observations, a satellite, unusual natural phenomena, and even peat evaporation could be mistaken for a flying saucer.

It's another matter when the world gets access to information that stands out from the general background. But even in these exceptional cases, experts are divided into two camps. One part is inclined to believe in potential contacts of earthlings with UFOs, while the other finds alternative explanations in every aspect. Below we will give you some interesting stories. You can decide for yourself which camp to join.

The True Story of Kenneth Arnold

As we said, the terms UFO and "flying saucers" originated in the mid-20th century. Perhaps this was facilitated by the story of American businessman Kenneth Arnold. In June 1947, a man observed strange objects near Mount Rainier (Washington State). A businessman was flying his plane from Chehalis to Yakima and saw a group of objects heading towards him in a wedge. The eyewitness himself estimated that the UFOs were located approximately 25 miles north of him and were flying at a speed of about 1,700 miles per hour.

When talking about the appearance of the alien ships, Arnold never mentioned the shape. He only said that their movement was similar to that of someone throwing a flat stone across the surface of a river. The meeting took place during the day, so Kenneth Arnold was able to clearly recognize another feature. The UFOs were mirrored and reflected the sun's rays from themselves.

Popularization of history through the media

This news spread across the country like wildfire and was even updated. By publishing their shocking articles on the front pages of newspapers, the authors paraphrased Arnold and attributed him to visions of excess. People were told that the objects did not “move like saucers on water,” but looked exactly like saucers. This is how one of the most common stereotypes regarding alien spaceships was rooted in the consciousness of society. Science fiction writers and screenwriters of sci-fi blockbusters quickly seized on this idea and began to depict UFOs as sparkling, strangely moving flying saucers. Skeptics believe that in reality, the businessman could have seen a pelican wedge north of his plane. From fear, he could underestimate the size and distance of objects.

UFO crash near Roswell

Perhaps the most notorious incident involving aliens was the crash of a suspected alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. No case in history has caused such heated controversy. The US government, during the investigation of the incident, was forced to declassify the Mogul program, aimed at combating Soviet Union. The Americans explained to the public that the found “ship with an alien” was a weather balloon. The world community believed that the disclosure of the secret object was carried out deliberately to divert attention from the truth.

In the 70s, the story was almost forgotten, but was resurrected again thanks to ufologists and the release of a science fiction film. Coincidentally, since the revival of interest in the Roswell incident, conspiracy theories have begun to multiply like rabbits. This means that to this day, someone seriously believes that the Americans kidnapped an alien, conducted experiments on him, and hid the fact of the discovery of an extraterrestrial ship.

Incident at the Farmer's House

The hero of the next case was the American Billy Ray Taylor, who was visiting his friend farmer Sutton, who lived in the village of Kelly (Kentucky). On August 21, 1955, a guest went out to the well in the evening to fetch water and noticed a multi-colored glow from a huge round silvery object in the sky. According to an eyewitness, a strange aircraft flew directly over the Sutton house. The incident could have been forgotten and turned into a joke if an hour later a loud dog barking had not been heard. Armed Taylor and Sutton went out to check the situation and came across a strange humanoid creature.

"Alien Invasion"

The men claimed that at first they saw a short, bald alien that looked like a gnome. Then the aliens began to literally occupy the territory of the compound; they came from everywhere and surrounded the house. The farmer's household, frightened by the screams, called the police. However, in hot pursuit, no signs of extraterrestrial beings were found on the territory of the farmhouse. Experts believe that the visions were caused by alcohol intoxication, and large eagle owls could easily pass for aliens. "Flying saucers" could be explained by meteor showers.

Official science still refuses to admit that our planet is constantly visited by flying saucers, interacting with living beings and even periodically abducting people. However, scientists no longer deny that developed civilizations can live on other planets. According to experts, the Universe is theoretically infinite, and, according to simple logic, if life originated on one planet, then this probably happened on many others.

Employees of Cornell University in the American city of Ithaca decided to predict exactly when representatives of some extraterrestrial civilization will make contact with earthlings. After analyzing the available data, scientists came to the conclusion that this will happen in at least one and a half thousand years, that is, no earlier than 3516. Thus, only our distant descendants will be able to witness this epoch-making phenomenon. Unless, of course, the Americans are wrong in their forecast.

Why aren't the aliens making contact with us now? According to American experts, this may be explained by the so-called Fermi paradox, which consists in the fact that the Universe contains decillions celestial bodies, and for intelligent aliens our Earth is just one of these “grains of sand in the desert.” Perhaps distant space is teeming with highly developed life, but our planet looks like a wretched and backward place in the eyes of the higher mind, so the “little green men” don’t even look here.

“You won’t try to establish contact with ants,” explains Eugene Preston, one of the authors of the prediction. At the same time, the researcher also notes that the higher mind will probably be able to crush such “ants” without any hesitation or remorse, so in the event of a possible armed conflict with aliens, relying on the mercy of the invaders hardly makes sense.

By the way, the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus wrote about the mediocrity of the Earth, who argued that our planet is far from being the center of the Universe, but only a small speck of dust in myriads of cosmic bodies.

Let us recall that experts have been sending signals into space to representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations for eighty years. The speed of such radio waves is equal to the speed of light, which means that today the spherical region around the Earth in which aliens can “hear” us is eighty light-years in radius. According to scientists, there are more than eight and a half thousand stars and over three and a half thousand earth-like planets. However, there is still no answer. Either intelligent life forms did not receive the signal, or refused to answer us, or were not there at all.

According to American scientists, in one and a half millennia the radius of the space zone where a message from Earth can be found will be one thousand five hundred and eighty light years. Maybe by then the signal will finally reach some highly developed alien civilization, and we will receive the long-awaited answer from it.

Scientists' efforts resemble sandbox games

In response to such predictions by scientists about the timing of when aliens will come into contact with us, ufologists and global conspiracy researchers ironically note that the efforts of orthodox science in this direction (as in many others) are reminiscent of kids playing in a sandbox. While alien intelligence has been in contact with us for a long time, and even, most likely, gave birth to our civilization, pundits continue to play childish games imposed on the general mass of earthlings by the Illuminati with the aim of total control over the consciousness and behavior of people.

The question arises: are scientists so naive, pretending to be such “kids in the sandbox” or is it more adult game, aimed at diverting the attention of earthlings from the increasing frequency of UFO flights (see the video at the end of the article about their June flights near the American International Airport in Denver, over the Mexican Colima volcano and during a tornado near the German city of Stein), increasingly frank contacts with aliens, from the obviously impending catastrophe of the complete enslavement of the Earth by extraterrestrial civilizations and the complicity of the top terrestrial magnates in this?

Most likely, the second, progressive researchers conclude, it is not surprising that it is American “scientists” who are worried about aliens today, since the United States has been working hard for a long time in terms of establishing contacts with aliens. Apparently, today their secret mission is beginning to come apart at the seams, and therefore more and more new and more “plausible” explanations of what is happening in the world are required. After all, as psychologists say, for the average person there is nothing more plausible than an obvious lie presented in good packaging, that is, on behalf of scientists and certainly through the leading media, which the common man for some reason continues to trust more than his own mother...

Investigative experiment with an alien

When you hear the word “escort,” your imagination immediately conjures up an image of a basketball-sized uncle with Rambo biceps. After all, even myself appearance he must instill in the criminal the idea that escape is impossible, you cannot hide from such a brute: he will catch up in two leaps, grab him like a kitten by the collar and will not even touch the holster. Andrei Petrovich Samarin, who served for many years in the penitentiary system as a guard, completely dispelled the popular idea of ​​those who accompany prisoners. He is short, even frail, with soft features. If you meet someone like that on the street, you’ll never guess his profession, because, at first glance, he won’t even be able to stand up for himself properly. Therefore, the first question asked itself:

- Andrei Petrovich, in detective films the escape “from under a gun” literally wanders from picture to picture. Your brother there always gets it hard from the guards. They stun, kick, jumping, like in ballet, then disarm and “make legs”. Isn't it like that in life?

Jail break

This is all nonsense! Of course not! and the screenwriters are cunning when it comes to inventions, you need to twist the plot more abruptly, otherwise the movie will be uninteresting to watch. The law of the genre. To be honest, I don’t look at such “stucco molding” out of the box. In reality, everything is simpler, but I had enough painful impressions even without a movie.

- So, in thirty years of service no one has escaped from you?

No, of course not. If the guards are not bribed, no one will run away from them. Well, judge for yourself, the convoy is armed, the criminals are not. In addition, they have “bracelets” on their wrists, that is, handcuffs. And their own skin is dear to them: why bother? To get shot in the back of the head after a warning shot? The guards train for several hours every week at shooting ranges. And then, it’s only in the same movie that criminals know karate, wushu, boxing, they can quickly attack and dodge, and knock out the guard’s weapon. In fact, in my thirty years I have never met such cool supermen.

Maniacs and serial killers

- A serial killers, seasoned robbers are also not as scary as their directors make them out to be?

And they are people too. Ugly, sometimes pathologically cruel, but still people. By the way, in handcuffs they become so quiet, just tame. I once had to take one “fighter” to an investigative experiment who killed eleven people. He was handcuffed to me. And nothing, he never flinched.

- Admit it, you still didn’t feel comfortable walking hand in hand with such a creepy guy all day? You never know...

There's nothing scary here. Very disgusting. It's disgusting! We arrive in the woods, he begins to tell: this is where I stabbed her, this is where I buried her. Calmly, in an ordinary tone. The facial expression does not change at all, the eyes are impudent and cold. By the way, I can immediately spot a criminal in a crowd of passers-by. It’s as if there’s a stamp on their faces. The look gives away: cynical, icy. A normal person does not have such eyes. In my opinion, the killers are not all right mentally. Even if the forensic examination finds them sane, I doubt their sanity. Of course, there are exceptions when they kill in self-defense, accidentally or really in a state of passion, and later they themselves cannot figure out how it all happened. But the serial ones, those who cut and strangle with calculation, clearly have problems with their psyche. Well, can a normal person bury eleven corpses and then calmly, in an even voice, tell the investigator about it? And others even talk about “wet” matters with pride!

Don't believe in repentance

- But if the killer is declared insane, then he cannot be tried? But the victim and her relatives are calling for revenge! And then they will be punished by being locked up in a psychiatric hospital for the duration of treatment, and then, lo and behold, there is no trace of the murderer.

No, it is useless to treat such people. I'm not saying that they are crazy or crazy, no! They need to be judged. But they are abnormal and will never improve, that's the thing. They need to be identified and isolated from society. And give not a “ten” or a “quarter”, but a life sentence, so that they do not read the Bible in prison, but work, justify their stay on earth. And you can pray at night, if you really feel repentance. Only I don’t believe in their heartfelt, pitiful words in front of the television camera! And anyone who works in our system and communicates with them day after day will confirm: their repentance is dust in the eyes. In court - to the jury, assessors, and then - to journalists and us, the guards. You cannot re-educate such people, and their conscience will not awaken in them. Because they don't have it. Otherwise, would they often kill innocent people en masse?

And you don't need to be a bigot

- And you, Andrei Petrovich, still claim after this that it’s not scary to be around them! After all, excuse me, you don’t look like Ilya Muromets at all. But you probably master the rules of hand-to-hand combat?

Some years ago I was reading one of the last interviews with Thor Heyerdahl. He told how he participated in the partisan movement. And so successfully that the Nazis promised huge money for his head. They imagined him as a kind of Norwegian polar bear with a death grip. And after the war, many of them were surprised that Heyerdahl turned out to be a rather frail person. He then laughed: “As if you need to have remarkable strength to pull the trigger!” I can repeat this for myself. You don't have to be a hero when you have a weapon and know how to wield it. But, however, I never had a chance to use it. God bless. As for hand-to-hand combat, sambo and karate, then, of course, I know many techniques. It was only thanks to them that I was detained once in Kazan dangerous criminal, big guy, two heads taller than me.

The bandit's last tour

- Under what circumstances did this happen?

It happened naturally. I then served in the internal troops. Late in the evening I returned from the guests to the unit by tram. There weren’t many people in the carriage, but then at one of the stops two people burst in, “heroes” who had drunk heavily. They began to pester a young girl, she did not know how to fight them off. Well, the people, as usual in such cases, remain silent, everyone pretends that this does not concern them. And suddenly I was so angry at these two, and most importantly, at the cowardly passengers! Besides, I am a policeman, although I was dressed in civilian clothes. In general, without hesitation, he flew up to them and stood up for the girl. The men immediately switched to me - let's go out and talk. We left. Then I tied up the one who performed more on the tram. He threw him so hard that the other one rushed into the gateway. “Okay,” I think, “I’ll deliver at least one to the police station...” I knew that the police were close, a couple of houses away. When I delivered the detainee, the guys quickly “pierced” his identity and it turned out that I had caught citizen Abdurakhmanov. He was suspected of robbery and murder and was put on the all-Union wanted list. I was planning to rush to Moscow just in case, and finally went for a walk with friends. He drank heavily, lost his vigilance, and at the same time the strength to resist. I was then officially thanked and awarded a cash prize.

Weaker sex

- Andrei Petrovich, I have heard that guards and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are reluctant to accompany female criminals to places of detention. Supposedly it’s much more difficult with them than with men.

Morally it is. A couple of times I had the opportunity to escort prisoners along railway. The difficulty here is that women behave more unbridled. Not all of them, of course, but there are sure to be two or three per carriage - such “unhinged” ones. Insults are all nonsense. It happens that they strip naked, misbehave, provoke retaliatory rudeness, or brazenly seduce the convoy. They beat each other so brutally that the men could not even dream of it!

Prisoners and guards

- A profession usually leaves its mark on character, gestures, demeanor, and language. Sergei Dovlatov, who himself served in the internal troops, once wrote that over time the lines of difference between prisoners and guards are erased. Both of them become similar to each other. Is it so? Have you managed to maintain your natural sincerity while communicating day after day with representatives of the criminal world?

Maybe Dovlatov is right, he is proceeding from his camp experience. I’ll tell you about myself: from my youth I developed an immunity to the dirt that I had to deal with. My wife and children were waiting for me at home, and I always came to them with a smile and gifts. And I have a strong aversion to dirt. Even disgust is still there! Not only mental, but also physical. Believe it or not, after traveling with that killer to the places of his atrocities during an investigative experiment, the first thing he did at home in the evening was get into the bathtub. It took a long time to wash. His hand involuntarily touched mine, and there was a feeling that I was stained with blood...

A man with a strange appearance

- Before our conversation began, you mentioned a strange incident that happened to you one day when you were escorting a criminal to the site of an investigative experiment.

I'm not sure it was the culprit. Or rather, I am sure that it was not a criminal. I was silent about this incident for a quarter of a century, but today, when I’m retired and I’m not in danger of being fired from work due to mental illness, I’m ready to tell you what happened then. It was a man, about forty, tall, very thin and very flexible.

- What do you mean by flexible.

You see, sometimes he took such poses that to a normal person impossible to accept unless you are a Chinese gymnast. And even he is not capable of this. Remember the expression: “If the elbow is close, you won’t bite.” Now he could freely reach his elbow with his teeth. In short, the escort made a very, very frightening impression. And to be completely honest, I have never experienced such fear in my life, I could barely restrain myself from jumping out of the car while it was moving.

Aliens - what are they like?

Guest from another world

- But he was in handcuffs, so what was there to be afraid of?

Of course, in handcuffs, but I think if I wanted, I could get rid of them in a split second. I also noticed that his eyes were different color. In the car, when he was being transported, they were green, but during the experiment itself they were black. I then thought that perhaps the light was falling that way.

Eyewitness testimony

I have never experienced such fear in my life, I had to restrain myself so as not to jump out of the car while it was moving.

- What was he accused of?

In murder. I remember that day, June 24, 1988, very well. 123rd kilometer along the M7 highway “Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow”. It was there that the investigative experiment took place.

Investigative experiment with an alien

The person under investigation, for some reason I soon completely forgot his first and last name, said that at night a week ago he was driving here when a car caught up with him from behind and flashed its headlights so that he would brake. According to the strange stranger, he stopped. Two people approached him. They were wearing masks, pointed guns at him and ordered him to get out of the car. He refused. Then, according to the suspect, something completely incredible happened. The bandits, instead of shooting at him, pointed the muzzles of their pistols at each other and simultaneously pulled the triggers. Both fell down with holes in their heads right next to his car. The man himself called the police. He said that he must respect our laws. Of course, they didn’t believe him, they decided that it was he who shot, so they immediately arrested him.

Eyewitness testimony

The more often I think about that strange stranger and the more convinced I am that he was not from our world

From an alien universe

That's the point, it's nothing. Later I decided to find out how this story ended. But at that moment a lot of things piled up, and I returned to my investigation only six months later. It turned out that there was no trial for the long one. Besides, there was no case. The investigator who was leading him just looked at me in bewilderment. I tried to remind him of the details, that investigative experiment, but he told me not to make things up. Under what circumstances did the case disappear? Was the investigator ordered to forget about everything or did he forget on the orders of other, more powerful forces? Don't know. But the more time passes, the more often I think about that strange stranger and the more convinced I am that he was not from our world. And sometimes I catch myself thinking that I, a person who never believed in the supernatural, think so. Who was a skeptic all his life and laughed at stories about

The flight on the alien saucer was carried out by me with a strong mind and sober memory. I declare with all seriousness that I was not under the influence of narcotic or other psychotropic drugs.

The story of an eyewitness and participant in a UFO encounter


I don’t understand, especially after my meeting (contact with aliens), why everyone is making up all sorts of fables. Yes - I had contact with them, and in a very hospitable environment, albeit in the forest...

One day, while going to bed in my hut, I noticed that one of the dogs was missing. I took my rifle and went to comb the immediate surroundings. Screaming and swearing, I gradually wandered into a forest clearing. A fire was lit in the clearing and people were sitting around it.

I walked up and said hello and asked about the dog. They pointed to Jack, who was lying near the feet of one of them and gnawing on some callus. I shouted at him, but they stood up for him and Jack waved his tail at me in a friendly manner.

Gatherings and conversations

I was invited to the fire and given a mug of hot tea. I sat down and took a sip of tea and began asking them about their lives. That’s what I liked about them, is that they didn’t beat around the bush, but honestly admitted everything...

The eldest of them, who was sitting closest to me, patted me on the shoulder in a friendly manner and said:

Just don’t faint and don’t get scared, but we are from another planet, even a system...

I laughed and said that I was from the moon. They became interested and began to ask me where exactly, on the Moon, do I live? I said it was on the east side and quickly changed the subject.

What are you flying on, guys? - I asked. They answered and named some word (I didn’t remember, sorry). I asked to see the device. The elder told one of the young men to accompany me...

Getting up, I went with the young man and, just in case, prepared to fire with a doublet. In addition, just in case, rather out of habit, I carried a slingshot with me. Walking through the forest, I began to ask the young man about their appearance.

What do you think we should look like? - he grinned. I described our films about aliens to them, to which he laughed hard and asked - Why are they really portraying us like that?

I said that I could even show him a movie (I took a tablet with me into the forest and had movies downloaded on it, including science fiction and about aliens).

Lie or truth - shock!

I didn’t believe it until the very end, but when we entered another clearing, we saw a pile of spruce branches. The young man scattered the branches and I saw a UFO with my own eyes! I opened my mouth in amazement and the young man, seeing this, laughed.

He opened the door and we went inside. The interior of the dish was just right - leather interior, chrome surfaces, they even had acoustics from Pioneer!

Flight in the night on a plate

What would you do if you were me? That too!

Listen, let's cut a circle around the Earth? - I asked pleadingly. - I would be glad, but we only have fuel for the return trip, and you have expensive fuel here, it’s cheaper on Mars. - he answered.

Listen, let's fly to Mars and refuel? The young man doubted and then smiled and waved his hand - Come on! Was not! You only live once!

I decided to go all the way! - Will you let me steer? He looked at me appraisingly and asked:

Do you have any rights? If you understand correctly, then they will check your DNA and punish you! I silently took out and showed my license to the tractor.

“He’ll go,” he whispered and pressed the purple button. The plate hummed quietly and we soared into the night sky. I looked out the windshield and was stunned with joy. The earth shimmered with lights below.

Then I felt the young man pat me on the shoulder and whisper in my ear:

Ruli, you wanted it!

I sat down in a soft brown chair that creaked with leather and grabbed two chrome levers. He started to explain to me how to control it, but I waved it off:

Like on a tractor, what’s unclear here. Then I pressed the pedal to the floor with all my might, and we rushed to Mars. On Mars, he did not allow me to go out and, taking my wallet, ran away and paid for three thousand liters of fuel.

Return to Mother Earth

Having landed and disguised the flying saucer, we quickly returned to the fire. After sitting a little longer, I whistled for Jack and we went to the hut.

In the morning I woke up and went to that place. From their stay there were only traces of a fire and nothing more.

I hunted a little more and, with a basket full of mushrooms, returned home. I didn’t tell anyone about this until I again met one of them (the very young one) on duty.

Unexpected meeting

I was working on a shift as an oil worker, and one day I saw among the shift workers a familiar face in the smoking room. We waited until everyone left and started talking.

“What a fate, my friend,” I said, shaking his hand! He also shook my hand and answered: “You can live!” After talking, he told me that when we flew to Mars, I dropped my license there (I had been looking for them for so long and, by the way, it was because of them that I had to take this shift).

He took out his license and gave it to me. I was delighted and asked what happened next. He replied that the elder found out that we were going to Mars and wrote a complaint against him. So he was exiled to Earth (moreover, his rights had to be returned).

I sympathize, tramp - I encouraged him. He said that this was his last watch on Earth, and he was being restored to his previous service. We talked some more and remembered our flight on the alien saucer and parted ways. I ran to the boss and wrote a letter of resignation...

Everyone knows about the existence of people who allegedly had to encounter alien creatures. Some of these stories seem to be complete fiction, some are confirmed by a number of details. In any case, the stories presented below are capable of making you shiver.

Kidnapping of Betty and Barney Hill
An American couple was returning home from vacation when suddenly the husband and wife saw a shooting star. Everything would be fine, only it was moving not down, but up. The unique phenomenon aroused their interest and curiosity so much that they even stopped to get out of the car, when suddenly, according to the couple, an alien appeared in front of them. They rushed back into the car and drove away from the area. At the same time, the couple claimed that they lost two whole hours - they could not remember what happened to them during this time.

Kidnapping of Kirzhan Ilyumzhinov
The Russian politician and first president of the Republic of Kalmykia shocked the country with his statement about a meeting with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. According to him, everything happened in his Moscow apartment when he was getting ready to go to bed. Suddenly the balcony door opened and he went out onto the balcony, where he saw a translucent pipe reaching towards him. In the pipe there were aliens in yellow spacesuits who called him with them. He accepted their offer and spent about a day in space, but still did not understand why he was taken away. Later, the Kalmyk leader was angry with himself for not asking the aliens any questions.

Kidnapping of women from Quetucka
Three women were traveling from Stanford to Liberty, Kentucky. Suddenly, a huge flying object fell on them from the sky. All three of them started to have watery eyes and a very bad headache. They do not remember what happened over the next 1.5 hours. Under hypnosis, the women said that they were taken on board a UFO. Small creatures in hoods subjected them to painful examinations - and indeed, all three had injection marks in the same places.

UFO in Texas
A Texas resident claims he managed to escape from aliens after they abducted him. He even managed to take several photographs, which, in his opinion, could become evidence of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization. However, the quality of the photos was so poor that no one paid attention to them. Meanwhile, there were other eyewitnesses who claimed that strange things were happening near Dyess Air Force Base in Texas. Some people have seen unusual pulsating orbs in the sky, some even claimed that they once saw the aliens lined up in two rows and then disappeared.

Kidnapping of Peter Kauri
An ordinary resident of Australia woke up in the middle of the night in his own home and could not even move, as if paralysis had seized him. Suddenly, 2 naked women appeared near his bed - a blonde and a brunette. At first they just looked at him, but suddenly the blonde grabbed Peter's head and pressed it to her chest. The man tried to escape, but the woman held him very tightly. In desperation, Peter bit her ear, but she didn’t seem to feel the pain. Then the women disappeared. The proof of this meeting was the long blond hair remaining on his chest.

Woman's disappearance caught on camera
A woman named Sonya was sure that she was abducted by aliens. A few days after her shocking statements, she saw a helicopter near her home, piloted by a man in black, which seemed strange to her. That same night, her daughter complained that her leg hurt, as if someone was pulling painfully on it. Sonya's husband decided to install a video surveillance system in the house. And one of the cameras soon recorded how the woman who was in the room suddenly disappeared. Someone believed her stories, but there were more skeptics who claimed that it was enough to simply create a similar effect on video.

Kidnapping of Sergeant Moody
Sergeant Moody was driving his car at night in New Mexico. Suddenly he saw a flying saucer in front of him, after which his car stalled. The car would not start, a high-pitched voice was heard, and some creatures began to emerge from the plate. The sergeant lost consciousness and was out for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Under hypnosis, he said that as the aliens approached, they tried to open his car. However, the sergeant managed to hit one of them with a car door, after which he hit the second one. But then he himself felt the blow, and woke up on a table, around which there were humanoids who were carefully studying the man.

UFO Encounter at Buff Ledge Camp
Michael and Janet, who worked part-time at a summer camp for girls, saw a UFO and claimed to have been abducted by aliens. According to the teenagers, they saw a luminous object that “threw” 3 sparkling lights into the sky. One of these lights approached the young people, and two creatures emerged from it, who telepathically assured Michael that they would not harm them. The aliens also added that they generally do not wish harm to our planet. It is surprising that after this Michael was not able to discuss what he saw with Janet - the girl did not feel well, and soon it was time to go home.

Kidnapping of twin sisters
Two twin sisters said they encountered aliens when they were 5 years old. According to them, they first saw the light, and then the aliens appeared in their room and took them with them to their ship. One of the sisters claimed that the aircraft they were on gradually became transparent, and she saw our planet at the moment of moving away from it.

Herbert Hopkins and the man in black
In 1978, psychiatrist Herbert Hopkins received a mysterious call from the New Jersey UFO Research Society (later it turned out that such a society did not exist). The person who called claimed that he had been abducted by aliens and asked for a meeting. Hopkins agreed and a few minutes later a stranger appeared on the threshold of his house. He had a deathly pale face; hair, eyebrows and eyelashes were missing. He was dressed in a black suit. The stranger asked the doctor to erase all recordings of his sessions of regressive hypnosis, after which he said that he “needs to leave, as his energy is decreasing.”
10 amazing stories about meeting aliens