The most terrible maniacs. The most terrible serial killers in the history of mankind. The most mysterious maniacs in the world

We talk about the most brutal murderers in history, whose guilt has been fully proven.

John Wayne Gacy Jr. (1942 – 1994)

Over six years, John Wayne Gacy raped and killed at least 33 young men - he was suspected of involvement in other similar cases, but they could not prove anything. Gacy raped, beat and tortured his victims, and in between reading the Bible to them. He stored the bodies of those killed in his own basement in Illinois, and threw some into the nearest river. They managed to catch him after the mother of the last victim told the police: her son went to get a job with Gacy (in this way he lured victims to his home) and never returned. The police immediately noticed a specific smell in his house, but did not go down to the basement and did not charge Gacy with anything. He was detained 11 days later. On March 13, 1980, the jury returned a verdict: finding John Wayne Gacy guilty of premeditated murder of 33 people and sentenced to 21 life imprisonments and 12 death sentences. On May 10, 1994, he was executed by lethal injection. Gacy received the nickname "Killer Clown" - he often worked at children's parties in a clown costume.

Alexander Pichushkin (43)

The same " Bitsevsky maniac" In 1992, Pichushkin committed his first murder - he strangled his best friend because he initially agreed with his plan to kill people and even helped look for potential victims, but then refused. After that, Pichushkin hid for nine years and went hunting in 2001. At first, in Bitsevsky Park, he met random people (most often homeless people and alcoholics), treated them to vodka and threw them into a sewer hatch. Then he began throwing them off the roofs, strangling them and piercing their skulls with a hammer. He was caught in 2006, after he killed a woman whom he invited “on a date” to that same ill-fated park, and she left a note for her son with the name and phone number of her boyfriend. Pichushkin confessed to 61 crimes, but the court found him guilty of only 48 and sentenced him to life imprisonment. In prison, the only surviving Beslan terrorist, Nurpashi Kulaev, sat in the same cell with him. After Pichushkin’s phrase “I don’t like you,” Nurpashi got so scared that he asked the administration for a transfer from the cell and is now sitting in solitary confinement.

Theodore Bundy (1946-1989)

Theodore Bundy

It is unknown when exactly Bundy began killing; there is a version that he committed his first murder as a teenager. The victims of the maniac were girls and young women - he charmed them, invited them for a walk and brutally killed them in some secluded place. He raped his victims (including after death) and dismembered them - in his apartment the police found several heads of women, which he left as trophies. Bundy confessed to 30 murders, although the number of his victims may be much higher. He was executed by electric chair in 1989.

Andrei Chikatilo (1936-1994)

The most famous maniac in Russia. Chikatilo committed his first murder in 1978 - he raped and strangled nine-year-old Elena Zakotnova - and after that he hid for three years. In 1981, he killed 17-year-old prostitute Larisa Tkachenko and after that killed at least 50 more people. Chikatilo strangled his victims, stabbed them, cut off their genitals, nipples, and gouged out their eyes. He was caught in 1990, and in 1994 he was executed with a shot in the back of the head. He was buried under a number as an unnamed person in the cemetery of the Novocherkassk prison.

Elizabeth Bathory (1560 – 1614)

She was called the "Bloody Countess". Bathory is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the woman who has accomplished the most a large number of murders in history - we are talking about at least 650 victims. Elizabeth was very worried that she was beginning to age. The witches she knew said that she would retain her youth forever if she bathed in the blood of virgins. And then Bathory began bringing young maids into the house, torturing and killing them. When everything was revealed, and a torture room was found in the castle, where the bodies of the dead were decomposing, Bathory was put on trial and walled up in a dungeon.

Donald Harvey (1952-2017)

In the early 1980s, Harvey was hired as a nurse at Marymount Hospital. The guy looked after the sick, cleaned the wards, and distributed medicine. One day he came to remove a “duck” from the ward of an elderly patient, and he threw its contents at him. “I was outraged that I came to help a man, and he greeted me like that! This was the last straw, I just lost control of myself. He pulled out the pillow from under him and strangled him,” the killer later said in an interview with the Cincinnati Post newspaper. Since then, Harvey has killed 12 more people at that hospital alone. In total, Harvey admitted to killing 87 people over 17 years and called himself the “Angel of Death.” He was sentenced to four life sentences, and Harvey died on March 30 last year - he was beaten to death in his cell.

Pedro Alonso Lopez (69)

Pedro Alonso Lopez entered the Guinness Book of Records for the number of murders committed. He had 12 brothers and sisters, and his mother made a living as a prostitute. One day she caught her eight-year-old son having sex with his seven-year-old sister and threw him out of the house. The boy begged and stole until he met a man who promised to feed and shelter him. But the man turned out to be a pedophile - he kept Lopez in his house, raped him and sometimes even lent it to his friends. Only a few years later the guy was able to escape. And when he turned 18, he killed that same pedophile and his friends. Pedro was caught and tried - he was given only eight years, all things considered. Over the years, he killed several more inmates who tried to rape him. As soon as he was released from prison, Lopez moved to Ecuador, where he began raping and killing women. He was caught raping another girl. Lopez did not hide and led the police to the “mass grave” where he buried his victims - there were about 50 bodies there. In general, he admitted to killing more than 300 girls! Lopez was sentenced to 20 years in prison - the highest penalty in Ecuador, but he did not serve even that. He was released after 16 years. His current whereabouts are unknown.

According to generally accepted concepts, a serial killer is someone who has killed more than three people, often driven by his mental disorders. Most of these psychos act alone and are sociopaths, but some of them find fellow maniacs who don't mind joining in their crimes. Meet the ten most terrible and sick serial killers who acted in pairs.

1. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka

They met in 1987 in Toronto and married in 1991. Six months before the wedding, Carla wanted to give her future husband a special gift - the virginity of her 15-year-old sister. Bernardo knew that Carla was not a virgin when they got together, and this haunted him. So on Christmas Eve 1990, Carla mixed alcohol and halothane to put her little sister to sleep. After that, she and her fiance filmed how they took turns raping the poor girl.

In the middle of the night, Carla's sister suffocated on her own vomit and died. The girl's death was then considered an accident, so Bernardo and Carla continued to realize their fantasies by raping and killing young girls. Finally they were found by DNA on one of the victims. In 1993, Bernardo severely beat his wife. Then Carla decided to confess everything to the police on the condition that her punishment would be up to 12 years in prison. Her testimony landed Bernardo behind bars for life without the possibility of parole. Karla Homolka was released in July 2005.

2. Gwendolyn Graham and Catherine May Wood

The two women met at a nursing home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and immediately became a couple. But ordinary sex was not enough for young lesbians. At first they choked each other during sex, but they soon got bored with it. Then they started killing old women in the nursing home where they worked. They committed their first murder in January 1987 - they strangled an elderly woman with Alzheimer's disease and then had sex next to her corpse. Similar killings were repeated four times.

They even took some items as souvenirs and boasted about what they had done to colleagues who did not believe in the seriousness of what was said. Everything changed when Graham - the dominant one in the couple - ordered Wood to kill the woman just for fun, but Wood refused. Then Graham moved to Texas, changing jobs, and the couple broke up. Wood broke down and surrendered to the police. As a result, lesbians began to testify against each other. At the trial, Graham received life in prison, and Wood received 20 years in prison.

3. Fred and Rosemary West

One of the most notorious and terrifying pairs of serial killers in history. Both had difficult childhoods, and, presumably, incest took place in their biography. Although most of their murders occurred between 1973 and 1979, their first was in 1971. While Fred was in prison for petty theft, Rosemary was left to look after Charmaine, Fred's stepdaughter from a previous marriage. Rosemary beat the girl, and when she stopped crying, Rosemary went berserk and killed the baby. When Fred was released from prison, Charmaine's mother came for the girl, but disappeared. Fred supposedly killed her.

Fred and Rosemary had a pathological relationship - Rosemary often slept with her own father, and Fred not only knew this, but also approved. Fred was also not against Rosemary working as a prostitute. He even set up a room in their house so she could receive clients there. The room had holes in the walls so Fred could peek. And there was a red lantern hanging at the entrance so that their children could understand whether their mother was busy or not. When Rosemary became a prostitute in 1972, Fred raped their 8-year-old daughter for the first time. After that, he repeatedly raped his other daughters and filmed it.

Between 1973 and 1987, the couple killed nine people, including one of their own daughters and several neighbor children. They were only caught in 1994, when police began investigating the disappearance of one of West's daughters, who was last seen in 1987. Fred confessed to 10 murders, but was later credited with 11 more when police found remains on his property. Rosemary didn't confess to any of them, but she was accused of 10 murders. In 1995, Fred hanged himself in prison while awaiting his trial. Rosemary is currently serving a life sentence.

4. Charlene and Gerald Gallego

Between 1978 and 1980, the couple raped and killed 9 girls, including one pregnant woman. Gerald dominated the relationship, and Charlene did everything he said. They had a sick imagination, and soon they wanted to have “sex slaves.” The pair kidnapped the girls (the youngest was 13), raped them for hours, and then killed them.

This continued until they kidnapped a young couple in the parking lot. The groom was shot, and the girl was raped, beaten and also killed. But the couple’s friends, who saw the abduction, managed to write down the car’s license plate number and notified the police. As a result, Charlene and Gerald were arrested. In 1984, Charlene testified against her husband. She was sentenced to 16 years in prison in Nevada. Gerald was sentenced to death, but died in prison from cancer in 2002. Charlene was released in 1997.

5. Charles Starkweather and Caryl Ann Fugate

They fell in love in the 50s. Fugate was 14 at the time, and her stepfather and mother did not approve of a relationship with 19-year-old Starkweather. On January 21, 1958, Starkweather shot and killed Fugate's mother and stepfather, but didn't stop there - he also strangled her younger sister. After this, the couple set off on a journey across America, robbing and killing everyone they met along the way. They ended up killing 11 people and two dogs. They were captured on January 29, 1958 in Wyoming. Starkweather received a death sentence, Fugate received a life sentence. However, Fugate was released early in 1976 and now lives in Michigan.

6. Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck

Fernandez was in prison for robbery in the 40s, where he learned about voodoo and the occult from his cellmate. Upon his release, Fernandez decided that this new knowledge could be used to attract the attention of women. He planned to go on dates, seduce women, rob them and disappear. Everything was going well until he met Martha Beck through an advertisement. She showed up for a meeting with two children. He told her that he would let her stay if she got rid of the children. Beck immediately abandoned the children, which impressed Fernandez.

At first, they continued his plan together, but Beck's explosive temper constantly prevented this. She was jealous of Fernandez's women and began attacking them. As a result, the couple began to kill most of their victims. At the end of February 1949, they killed a young widow and her two-year-old daughter. Neighbors heard the noise and called the police. When police arrived, Beck and Fernandez were still in the apartment. In total they killed about 20 people. They were sentenced to death and executed in the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison in 1951.

8. Myra Hindley and Ian Brady

They started dating in the 1960s. They read books about Hitler and the Nazis and were extremists. In July 1963, Brady began talking about the "perfect murder." On July 12, 1963, they kidnapped 16-year-old Paulina Reid, a friend of Hindley's younger sister. Brady raped the girl and hit her in the head with a shovel, and then slit her throat, practically cutting off her head. Between 1963 and 1965, the couple killed five children while brutally abusing them. When Hinldy's sister and her husband saw the couple kill the teenager, they called the police. The criminals were sentenced to life. Brady was considered crazy, and he lived the rest of his days in a mental hospital. Hindley died aged 60 in prison.

9. Henry Lucas and Ottis Toole

In 1973, the two met and immediately fell in love. In 1983, Lucas was arrested for weapons possession, and he suddenly began to brag that he had taken many lives. The couple eventually confessed to killing hundreds of people. They knew details of the murders that only the murderers could know. Lucas and Toole helped police find the bodies of 246 missing people. They did not have a specific method of killing; they killed people of all races, ages and genders. Toole was accused of 5 murders, Lucas - of 11. At first, both were given a death sentence, but then it was commuted to life. Toole died of liver problems in 1996, Lucas died in 2001 from a heart attack.

10. Susan and James Carson

In the early 1980s, this couple used a lot of drugs. Then they converted to Islam and moved to a marijuana farm in San Francisco. They considered themselves "vegetarian Muslims" and killed those who, in their words, exuded "evil energy." The first victim was their neighbor in 1981. They beat her with a frying pan and stabbed her ten times. They then killed at least two people in an attempt to "rid the world of witchcraft." When they were caught, the police found a list of people they wanted to kill, including celebrities. Both confessed to the murders and were sentenced to life in prison.

I’ve been wanting to do something useful for my favorite site for a long time. I thought a lot about what should I write so interesting? About something that will be interesting to the inhabitants of the Horror Zone and not only to them) And you know, everything somehow came by itself, the idea of ​​​​creating the top most terrible and cruel killers came to me only now, since this is my first blog (I have never blogged I’ve never driven in my life) please don’t judge me harshly.

So, let's go!...

10th place John Wayne Gacy

Known in the US as the "Killer Clown". As a child, he suffered from his father's alcoholism and aggressiveness. At the age of 9 he became a victim of a pedophile. Before his first arrest in 1968 (for raping a teenager), he was known as an exemplary family man and workaholic. Instead of 10 years, he spent 18 months in prison (exemplary behavior). Having been released and married for the second time, he began to participate in all kinds of holidays and festivals dressed as a clown. From 1972 to 1978, he strangled 33 people to death. As a rule, in the evenings he drove his car to entertainment venues, looking for a sexy guy. Then he met him, brought him to his home, tortured and raped him for a long time. The torture was accompanied by reading passages from the Bible to the dying man. The victims were buried in the basement of the house and in the river nearby. Executed on May 10, 1994.

9th place Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer

One of the most brutal and savage serial killers in US history. Over the course of 13 years (1978-1991), this maniac, who defended his doctorate in chemistry, killed 17 young men and teenagers. He found his victims in bars and invited them to pose in the nude. When they agreed and came to his home, Dahmer drugged them, had sex with them, and then strangled them. He continued to have sex with dead bodies, dismembered them, and ate some parts of their bodies. He loved to drill a hole in the head of a still living person with an electric drill. He was arrested completely by accident. On November 28, 1994, he was beaten to death by his cellmate.

8th place Theodore Robert Bundy

American serial killer known as the Nylon Killer. He always looked brand new and was friendly to everyone. But under the guise of a charismatic gentleman was hidden the face of a cruel beast. From 1974 to 1978, he kidnapped and killed 30 young women. Experts argued that he was responsible for many more victims. Luring the unfortunate, he often pretended to be disabled and asked them for a little help. He often entered houses at night and killed sleeping women. Then he had sex with them and dismembered their bodies. He took “souvenirs” with him - the heads of the dead. Executed by electric chair in January 1989.

7th place Gary Ridgway

The Green River Killer strangled at least 71 women in the 1980s and 1990s. He was arrested after the investigation was able to prove, using DNA analysis, his sexual relationship with the found corpses. Most of his victims were prostitutes. The favorite method of murder is strangulation. Arrested in 1997. In 2003, he was sentenced to 48 life sentences. He is currently serving the first of them in one of the American prisons.

6th place Ed Gein

This maniac committed only two murders of women. However, their cruelty, as well as the sadistic tendencies of the fanatic, shocked all of America. The corpses were dismembered, gutted like animal carcasses, and then used as a kind of “decor” in the house. When the police broke into Gein’s home, they discovered a terrible collection - the maniac had been secretly digging up the graves of recently deceased young women for several years and bringing the bodies home. There he skinned them and sewed clothes from it, and hung the severed heads on the walls. Since the court declared the killer insane, Gein spent the rest of his days in a mental hospital, where he died on July 26, 1984.

5th place Henry Lee Lucas

This American serial killer has 11 proven victims. However, the criminal himself boasted that he actually committed 350 (!) murders. This subhuman began his bloody “activity” with the murder of his own mother. In 1998, he was sentenced to death in Texas, but George W. Bush, then the state's governor, canceled the execution. After a retrial he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Died in prison on March 13, 2001.

4th place Eileen Carol Warnes

The only female killer in this top ten. Many experts call her the first female maniac in the United States. This prostitute was acting promiscuous sex life with both men and women. She did not shun incest with her own brother. In 1989-1990, seven men were killed in Florida. As she later explained to investigators, they all wanted to injure her during sex. She was arrested in 1991. On October 9, 2002, a lethal injection stopped her heart.

3rd place Richard Trenton Chase

Nicknamed "The Vampire from Sacramento" - he drank the blood of his victims, washed himself with it and ate parts of the bodies of the dead. Necrophiliac. In just one month in 1977, seven people were killed in northern California. He suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and incredible and painful visions. After the murder, he had sex with the corpses, among which were the corpses of two children. The murder weapon of choice was a .22 caliber semi-automatic pistol. He was identified by a former classmate. In 1979 he was sentenced to death in the gas chamber. However, the execution did not take place - Chase committed suicide on December 26, 1980.

2nd place went to Andrei Chikatilo

Perhaps the most famous of the serial killers Soviet Union. In 1978-1990 he committed 53 proven murders in the territory Rostov region. The maniac himself claimed to have committed 56 murders; operational data indicate 65 murders. Its victims were mainly young people of both sexes and very young children. Moreover, he killed not because of sexual intemperance (according to some sources, he was impotent), but because he was a very emotional sadist. For a long time he cleverly evaded the investigation. In the “Rostov Ripper” case, one person was mistakenly shot. Captured as a result of a complex operation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB of the USSR in November 1990. According to a court verdict, he was shot on February 14, 1994.

1st place went to Denis Ryder

He received the nickname “BTK killer” in the USA. This abbreviation refers to the way he killed his victims (“tie-torture-kill”). From 1974 to 1981 he killed ten people. After each murder, he sent letters to the police and newspapers, mocking the helplessness of the detectives. As a rule, he did not kill the victims immediately: he strangled the bound people until they lost consciousness, then brought them to their senses and repeated his terrible “experiments” over and over again. The suffering of people gave him, as he himself admitted during the investigation, pleasure comparable to an orgasm. A Kansas court sentenced him to 10 life sentences in 2005.

P.S information taken from the site

number of victims: 13–14
Richard Ramirez, also known as the "Night Stalker", is a convicted American serial killer sentenced to death in the gas chamber. At one time, he opened a real campaign of terror against the population of California. At night he broke into houses, robbed, raped and killed. He often left images of a pentagram at crime scenes and also forced his victims to say “I love Satan.” Died of liver failure at the age of 53 on June 7, 2013 in a hospital in California, USA.

victims: 17
American serial killer, known by the nicknames "Milwaukee Monster", "Milwaukee Cannibal". It killed at least 17 boys and men between 1978 and 1991. All but one of the crimes took place in the city of Milwaukee. His murders were extremely brutal. The “Milwaukee Monster” raped and ate the corpses of its victims. After his arrest on July 22, 1991, the court found Dahmer sane and sentenced him to 957 years in prison. In 1994, a serial killer was beaten to death by his cellmate.

victims: 33
In eighth place in the ranking of the most famous serial killers in the world is John Wayne Gacy, also known as the “Clown Killer,” an American serial killer who raped and killed 33 young people, including several teenagers. He was arrested in 1978 and sentenced to death. While on death row, Gacy wrote a book in which he claimed that God had restored his heterosexual orientation, and also painted paintings and sold them to collectors. He was executed on May 10, 1994 by lethal injection.

victims: 36
Gennady Mikhasevich, known by the nicknames "Vitebsk Strangler" and "Patriot of Vitebsk", is a Soviet serial killer who killed 36 women in the city of Vitebsk, Belarus, between 1971–1985. Almost all of his crimes involved rape. He did not attack his victims, but, on the contrary, voluntarily lured them into a car (a red Zaporozhets), where he tempted them, or forcibly drove them to a deserted place and strangled them at the moment of experiencing orgasm. He did not carry the murder weapon with him; he preferred to use improvised objects for strangulation. The “Vitebsk Strangler” was arrested on December 9, 1985 and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out on September 25, 1987.

the number of victims ranges from 5 to 37
Serial killer active in Northern California and San Francisco in the late 1960s. The identity of the perpetrator has not yet been established. He called himself the Zodiac in a series of caustic letters he sent to the editors of regional newspapers. The letters also contained cryptograms in which the killer allegedly encrypted information about himself. Three out of four cryptograms are still undeciphered.

casualties: 53–65
Andrei Chikatilo is also known by the nicknames “Mad Beast”, “Rostov Ripper”, “Red Ripper”, “Forest Belt Killer”, “Citizen X”, “Satan”, “Soviet Jack the Ripper” - one of the most famous Soviet serial killers, who from 1978 to 1990 committed 53 proven murders (according to operational information, the maniac committed more than 65 murders). He was arrested on November 20, 1990 and sentenced to death on October 15, 1992.
While on death row, Chikatilo wrote numerous complaints and requests for pardon, took care of his own health - did exercises, ate with appetite. January 4, 1994 last request a pardon in the name of Russian President Boris Yeltsin was rejected, and on February 14 Chikatilo was shot in Novocherkassk prison. It is interesting that the murderer Alexander Kravchenko was mistakenly executed for the crimes committed by Andrei Chikatilo.

number of victims: 19–82
Alexander Spesivtsev is a Russian serial killer, maniac and cannibal who, from February to September 1996 in Novokuznetsk, together with his mother (she brought girls to her son and then buried their remains), killed and ate 19 women and children. Suspected of committing more than 82 murders. Spesivtsev was sentenced to compulsory treatment and, as of 2015, continues to undergo rehabilitation at the Volgograd Special Psychiatric Hospital with intensive observation.

casualties: 30–100
In third place on the list of the most brutal serial killers in the world is Theodore Robert Bundy, known as the “Nylon Killer” - one of the worst serial killers in US history, operating in seven states in the 70s of the last century (mostly between 1974– 1978). He was found guilty of the murders of 30 young women and executed by electric chair on January 24, 1989. However, the exact number of his victims is unknown. Estimates range from 30 to over 100.

victims: 49–90
Gary Leon Ridgway, known as the Green River Killer, is one of America's most notorious serial killers, having committed at least 49 murders of women in Washington state between 1982 and 2001. Most of his victims were prostitutes or minor runaways. Ridgway began to be suspected in 1983, but his guilt was proven only in 1997 thanks to DNA testing. On December 18, 2003, the Green River Killer was sentenced to 48 terms of life in prison without the possibility of parole. At the trial, Ridgway cried and asked for forgiveness from the relatives of his victims. Currently serving time in federal prison strict regime in Florence, Colorado, USA.

casualties: 11–600
Henry Lee Lucas is the most famous and “prolific” American serial killer and cannibal. He has 11 proven murders to his name, although during the investigation he confessed to more than 300, of which only 213 can be regarded as more or less plausible. He was sentenced to death, but in 1998, the Texas Bureau of Pardons and Paroles, at the request of Governor George W. Bush, commuted Lucas' death sentence to life imprisonment. On March 13, 2001, he died of heart failure at the age of 64. A psychological horror film based on real events called Henry: Portrait of a Maniac Killer (1986) was made about Henry Lee Lucas.

Serial killers are considered to be those people who commit two or more murders at different intervals in time. Unfortunately, such people scare people with their crimes from time to time. As a rule, this happens within the same city or even district. Most criminals end up behind bars where they spend the rest of their lives.

There have been many cases of serial murders in the world. The ten most insidious serial killers will be discussed in this article.

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Albert Fish

Albert Fish, also known as the "Grey Ghost" or "Moon Maniac", was an American cannibalistic serial killer. He admitted to molesting more than 100 children, torturing and killing many of them. He was sentenced to death and executed in 1936 by electric chair at Sing Sing Prison in New York.

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Jeffrey Dahmer

Years of birth: May 21, 1960 - November 28, 1994

Jeffrey Dahmer was known as the Cannibal because he raped his victims, killed them, and then ate them. He killed at least 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991, with most of the murders committed between 1989 and 1991. He committed all his crimes in the city of Milwaukee (USA).

Dahmer was caught and sentenced to 15 life sentences. He was killed by a fellow inmate in prison.

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Gary Ridgway

Years of life: February 18, 1949 - to date

Gary Ridgway is an American serial killer who was convicted of 49 murders of women and girls in the 1980s and 90s in Washington State. Most of his victims were prostitutes, and he committed murders in deserted places or in his home. In 1983, after another murder attempt, one of his victims managed to escape and tell the police about this incident.

The investigation lasted a very long time and Gary was arrested in 2001 for 4 murders, although he admitted to killing at least 70 women!

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Years of life: October 16, 1936 - February 14, 1994

Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo was a Soviet serial killer who kept the whole of Rostov in fear for a long time. Perhaps this is the most famous serial killer in Russia and the USSR. He was found guilty of killing 53 people between 1978 and 1990. His victims were women of easy virtue and children of both sexes, who were easy to lure.

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Luis Garavito

Years of life: January 25, 1957 - to date

Luis Garavito is a Colombian rapist and serial killer who has confessed to killing 147 boys. He is also known as "La Bestia" ("The Beast"). The number of his victims, based on the locations of the skeletons listed on the maps Garavito reported to the prison, could ultimately exceed 400 people.

Garavito was caught by the authorities in 1999. The court proved 138 cases of murder. If you add up the terms for each episode, the total is 1853 years of imprisonment. But Colombian laws are friendly to such killers. The maximum punishment that can be imposed on them is only 30 years in prison, to which Garavito was sentenced. And the fact that he cooperated with the investigation reduced the sentence to 22 years. Now Garavito is still serving his sentence, but his term is already coming to an end.

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Richard Trenton Chase

Years of life: May 23, 1950 - December 26, 1980

Richard Trenton Chase was an American schizophrenic and serial killer who killed six people within a month. He was also known as the "Vampire of Sacramento" because he drank the blood of his victims and ate their bodies.

He was diagnosed with several serious mental illnesses. For example, he could only get sexual arousal from killing, eating flesh and dismembering bodies. In addition, he had many delusional obsessions. For example, that his blood turns to powder and he needs new fresh blood. To do this, he even bought live rabbits, which he dismembered and drank their blood. He also thought that the bones of his skull were coming apart; he even had to shave his head to test this idea.

Although Chase planned his murders, he was not a strategist to competently cover his tracks. The police caught him and he was sentenced to the gas chamber. But he decided to commit suicide in prison earlier than the sentence suggested. On December 26, 1980, Richard was found dead in his cell. An autopsy revealed that he died from taking a huge dose of antidepressants, which he had been given for several months.

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Harold Shipman

Years of life: January 14, 1946 - January 13, 2004

Shipman is one of the worst serial killers in British history. It is believed that he killed more than 250 people and 80% of his victims were women.

Shipman was a respected doctor, he characterized himself with positive side since childhood. He grew up in a devout family of doctors, and was an intelligent, educated and well-mannered child.

He committed his first murder in 1984, when an elderly woman called a doctor for an appointment. She complained of pain in her leg. Harold said he would give her some painkillers. He injected 30 mg of morphine into her vein and watched as the woman died. The next day he recorded death from natural causes. At his insistence, the woman was cremated, thereby destroying all evidence of her crime.

Later, with the help of morphine and his position of authority, Harold began killing his patients. From each victim he took some inexpensive memento as a trophy. It was also cynical that Shipman “sincerely sympathized” with the relatives of his victims, personally sending them letters.

Later, Shipman began to forge the wills of his victims, according to which he received large sums. This cast a shadow over the successful doctor. Suspicions were confirmed and Shipman was sentenced to life imprisonment. In prison, he confessed to a fellow inmate of killing more than 500 people.

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Years of birth: November 24, 1946 - January 24, 1989

Ted Bundy is an American serial killer and rapist, one of the most famous criminals late 20th century. He confessed to the brutal murders of 36 women, although he is believed to have killed many more. He was executed by electric chair on January 24, 1989 at the age of 42.

Bundy was a very charming man, he easily won people's trust. He met his victims in public places, posing as a representative of the authorities or as a person who had received an accidental injury. Taking advantage of the gullibility of his victims, he kidnapped women and killed them in secluded places. It happened that Ted raped women in their own homes.

Ted Bundy kept some of his murdered victims in his home. Moreover, he continued to rape them after death. In addition, he engaged in cannibalism.

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Gilles de Rais

Years of life: 1404 - 1440

Gilles de Rais was one of the richest men in France and also served as the personal guard of Joan of Arc. He was accused and ultimately convicted of torturing, raping and murdering dozens, if not hundreds, of young children, mostly boys. He was known for his "endless ambition."

Before his execution, he publicly repented of his crimes, asked for forgiveness from the church, the parents of his victims and the king himself. Currently, some of Gilles de Rais' crimes are being called into question, and attempts are even being made to review that case and rehabilitate the baron's honor.

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Years of birth: October 8, 1948 - possibly still alive

Pedro Alonso Lopez is a Colombian serial killer who was accused of raping and murdering more than 300 girls across South America. His fate was not easy. He was born into a large dysfunctional family; his mother was involved in prostitution. At the age of 8, Pedro's mother caught him having sex with his own sister. According to Pedro, the sex was consensual, but he was nevertheless kicked out of the house.

Now Pedro began to cohabit with an adult man, who often raped him and sold him into sexual slavery. Later, he managed to escape from his rapist and was sheltered by an elderly couple. Pedro began attending orphan schools, where at the age of 12 he was abused by his teacher.

At the age of 18, Alonso raped and then killed his former master, then flayed him. This was just the beginning of his killings. He did the same with some of his former clients. For this he was sentenced to 8 years; the court considered Pedro’s difficult situation, in which he had been in all his years, as a mitigating circumstance.

And of course, prison didn't fix him. He continued to rape and kill. One day he was caught by local residents while he was trying to rape another victim and handed over to the police. There he admitted to committing more than 300 murders, and also showed the mass grave of his victims.

Lopez was sentenced to 20 years, which was then the maximum in Colombia. After 16 years of imprisonment, he was transferred to a special hospital, where he was released. Nothing more is known about him.

Pedro Alonso Lopez is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most terrible maniac in history.