The most dangerous criminal of the 20th century. The most famous criminals in the world. The most famous thieves

Reading time: 14 min.

Terror attacks, murders, rapes and other nice words for the press are always associated with the persons who commit them. They grab attention with their illegal activities and are very interesting examples antisocial life. Let's find out together who are the most dangerous criminals in the world and why they are considered as such.

Michael Gordon Peterson

The first and last crime was committed by him in 1974. Michael committed an armed robbery of the mail, during which he stole 26.18 pounds. For this he was sentenced to 7 years, but due to his behavior - constant fights with guards and riots, he has been behind bars for more than 36 years! In 1992, Peterson was released, but he did not stay there for long, just a month later, he was arrested for preparing an armed robbery. In addition, behind bars he was engaged in creativity: his paintings were ambiguously evaluated by critics, which did not prevent him from gaining wild popularity among art lovers. One day, he smeared himself with oil and naked began a massacre with the guards of the prison. Only a specialized detachment could pacify the brawler, who, with difficulty, during the negotiations, was able to persuade him to surrender. The movie Bronson was made about Michael.

Eduardo Ravelo

In 2008, during a prison riot, he escaped to freedom. We accuse him of many crimes before the law: he organized a syndicate that was engaged in money laundering, distribution of narcotic substances (cocaine and marijuana). The captain of the Barrio Azteca, a criminal organization notorious for its cruelty. A couple of dozen people died from his hand - he gave orders to eliminate competitors to his subordinates. Associated with crime syndicates from South America.

Glen Stuart Godwin

American criminal of the 20th century. Folsom, a California prison, did not become an obstacle for him, with which he escaped in 1987, while serving a sentence for murder. Six months later, Glen is accused by the authorities of the city of Puerto Vallarta, for the distribution of drugs. An interesting fact is that while serving time in the city of Guadalajara, he simultaneously killed all his cellmates with sharpening (according to some reports, from two to five people) and then escaped.

Ayman al-Zawahiri

The deputy of Osama bin Laden himself, who after his death became the head of al-Qaeda. Pundits believe, however, that he is just a face used by al-Qaeda for their video messages. At the same time, al-Zawahiri is related to terrorist acts in the US and Europe, which has already been confirmed by facts. Any information about his whereabouts that would lead to the capture of the perpetrator is valued at $25 million. Agree, a good chance to earn.

Luis Albeiro Pena-Foam

Father of the Colombian drug cartel, supplier of cocaine to the United States. The year 2005 was marked by the detention of Luis Albeiro's men and what they accompanied: $1.8 million, plus two tons of cocaine. All this was transported on two yachts. Pena-Pena did not leave this unattended: having kidnapped a special agent who worked undercover, he demanded a ransom of two million dollars.

Semyon Mogilevich

A Russian-speaking criminal who is accused of coordinating the work of a pyramid scheme that deceived its investors by more than $ 150 million. The headquarters of the pyramid was in Pennsylvania. The damage caused by Mogilevich to the economy is estimated at millions of dollars. A cunning criminal travels the world using fake passports. He was seen in Greece, Ukraine, Israel and also in his homeland - Russia.
Has an old bad habit- smoking.

Joel Cardenes-Meneses

Born in Mexico. Cardenes-Meneses in 2004 was in the passenger seat of a truck, in the back of which, there were eleven immigrants. The driver, being in a state of drug intoxication, could not cope with the control, because of which the car fell into a ditch, and turned over a couple of times, fell into the river. Since the body was closed from the outside, illegal immigrants could not get out on their own. Their torture lasted several hours: some simply suffocated from lack of air, others were flooded with water that entered the body. Meneses fled the scene of the crime, not bothering to help the unfortunate. Authorities are still trying to find the culprit.

James Bulger

Seeing him, you would rather help him cross the road than think that you have a dangerous criminal in front of you. James is 81 years old. From 1970 to 1985, James Bulger led a criminal organization in Boston. His track record includes hundreds of crimes: extortion, drug trafficking, as well as dozens of murders around the world. He has a passion for studying history. Visits libraries, a frequent visitor to bookstores. Special agents cannot trace his movements in any way: yesterday he was in Europe, today he was seen in the USA, but it is never known where he will be tomorrow. The emu manages to do all this using forged documents, and others see him only as an old man who travels the world.

Eric Antoine Bell

A couple of months ago, FBI agents missed a couple of minutes to apprehend a dangerous criminal at his home in Florida. Bell managed to escape, and the pursuit, in hot pursuit, did not bring any success. The work of Eric Antoine was the organization of brothels with minors; filming, storage, and distribution of child pornography; provision of sexual services to minors. He always had a couple of firearms with him, which he owned illegally.

Abdul Ahmed Abdullah

The organizer of the bombings at the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, in 1998, who escaped from arrest to Pakistan. For any information about the whereabouts of Abdullah, the authorities promise to pay $ 5 million. There is a version that he had connections with Osama bin Laden, and was engaged in the preparation of suicide bombers. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah is a specialist in firearms and making explosives.

Alexis Flores

The fear of all Pennsylvania parents. Kidnapped and murdered a five-year-old girl in Philadelphia. According to initial reports, Flores stole the baby, hoping that her parents would pay a ransom. But when the police got down to business, he got scared and decided to hide, strangling the girl along the way. Provocative signs of a political nature were found on the body of the deceased. Since Flores is from Honduras, there are reasons to believe that he moved there and is staying there illegally, with fake documents.

Daniel Andreas San Diego

We are accused of organizing bombings in San Francisco, California. Being self-taught, he made improvised explosive devices, which he stuffed with metal balls and sharp nails. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt. San Diego is a vegan and part of a radical animal welfare organization. His loudest statement was: "I am ready to kill people to save animals."

David Garzon-Anguano

He was engaged in the transportation of cocaine from the heaps of Mexico to the United States. The first time he was accused was in 1997. The reason for the detention and filing of charges was the transportation of cocaine, weighing 923 pounds. The car was stopped and checked by the police. David, in fear, together with his partner, leaving everything, fled from the guards, leaving transport and drugs. Its current location is still a mystery.

Jason Derek Brown

Collector killer. The incident took place in Arizona, the city of Phoenix. To this day, he is on the national wanted list. After shooting his victim in an armored car, he grabbed bags of cash and was gone. Hot pursuit did not give any result. He has an excellent education: he graduated from the Department of International Business and is fluent in French. Athlete, enjoys skiing and snowboarding.

Adam Yahi Gadan

Originally from the USA, because of his dislike for his country, he joined Al-Qaeda. This is already enough to accuse him of treason, but in addition, his money transfers were tracked - he transferred significant funds to help the militants. Among other things, he provided shelter for members of a criminal organization in the United States. According to intelligence agencies, being a connoisseur of chemistry, he developed chemical weapons. For the capture of the traitor put up a sum of one million dollars.

Bayram Asslani

An Albanian from Kosovo, living in the States, organized and led a suicide squad to carry out actions in America and terrorist actions in Europe. Seven of his accomplices were arrested in 2007 in the United States. Now he is in Europe, and the United States demanded to extradite the militant, but human rights organizations managed to get their decision reversed. Now he is free, in complete safety. Let's hope we're safe too.

Victor Manuel Guerena

The pursuit of Viktor has been going on for more than 30 years, but even the special services cannot determine his geolocation. He robbed a security company in Connecticut, taking possession of a fabulous sum of seven million dollars. Having captured two security guards, he handcuffed them and injected them with an unknown substance. The victims lost their memory for a half-moon, but after intensive care they have fully recovered.

Robert William Fisher

Born in Brooklyn, New York. A brutal and cold-blooded killer. Having finished with his wife and two minor children, he tried to stage a fire in his own house. Fisher has incredible physical strength. From his youth, he was engaged in hunting, fishing and tourism. His current fate is unknown.

Jaspeer Singh Grewal

Former border guard who served on the Canadian border. Since the salary of the border guard did not attract Jasper too much, he believed the mafiosi and enlisted. For years, Grewal watched a transport loaded with drugs cross the border. This product came from Latin America and Mexico. For a couple of years of his "work", the mafia imported three tons of first-class cocaine into the country. But suddenly, he disappeared from sight. There is an opinion that he somehow did not please his accomplices and they decided to remove the unlucky colleague. Since the body was not found, he is now on the wanted list.

The term "gangster" is mainly used for members of criminal organizations in the United States, Italy, Latin America and other countries associated with Prohibition or the American offshoot of the Italian mafia. Before you - genuine criminal photographs of the early XX century. Bright representatives of the underworld and very colorful personalities ...

Pictures of "American gangsters and people of the mafia" almost a century ago. All photographs of criminals of the early 20th century were taken after their arrest between 1920 and 1928.

The seasoned gangster Stanley Moore from Chicago, nicknamed "The Inquisitor", was responsible for the execution of debtors and people who "stand in the way" of the mafia. From the note of the criminal case: Differs in extreme cruelty, does not compromise.

Prostitutes working for the mafia, during sexual intimacy, lured out valuable information from clients and “leaked” it to criminal patrons.

The owner of a well-known brothel in her circles personally sent 7 people to the next world - by poisoning. Everything is motivated by the purpose of robbery and profit.

Mafia members who controlled part of New York were responsible for labor unions, alcohol and tobacco supplies. Assassinations and armed raids were the usual trade of these "noble" men. Were friends with John Dillinger.

Mr. Sing is a mercenary and generalist. He worked for the mafia, skillfully eliminated competitors, policemen and officials. He poisoned the unfortunate with various poisons, through Asian specificity

The leader of the gang of Chicago gangsters - Smith (Bone Hand) and his assistant Jones, were engaged in "protection" of dens with girls, gambling, drugs, robberies of collectors and murders of wealthy Americans for profit. The note of the criminal case says: They have the gift of instilling fear, are very dangerous, they will kill without hesitation.

This sweet lady met men on the street, flirted and invited them to visit her for “tea”. She treated guests to wine or tea with arsenic. She robbed and sold her belongings to buyers of stolen goods, all the way down to the laces of her victims.

The owner of a dashing bar, on the outskirts of New York, Ms. Turner, worked to the last client, and, together with her assistant, was often killed in the Meat Cutting Room for the purpose of robbery. The note in the criminal file says: If he finds out that you have cash with you, you are dead.

The man in the middle is the leader known as "Bloody Fletcher". On account of his gang of gangsters, a huge number of contract killings and kidnappings for ransom. The gang did not disdain to steal children, high-ranking officials and big policemen. In the note of the criminal case it is said: Do not put them in prison together, only on their own, they are very dangerous and cruel, they can kill cellmates in a dispute.

The man in the short pants is the accountant of the Chicago mob. In prison, under pressure from the police, he repented, but immediately after, he was found hanged by his cellmate. On the chest was a scrawled inscription: "I said everything and fell silent forever."

And this is a fairly early period of photography. April 1865, Lewis Powell, Confederate patriot, accomplice in the assassination of Lincoln, three months before his execution by hanging.

Smith is the senior rank-and-file fighters of the "shooters" of the mafia. In the note of the criminal case it is said: He is distinguished by his abilities of suggestion, cunning and ruthlessness towards the enemies of the mafia, he shoots very accurately.

The most dangerous, ethnic and cruel gang of two Farlane brothers. They hunted for robberies on the roads and in distant areas states. Apparently they didn’t have time to earn anything, as they walk in torn rags and holey shoes.

Thief prostitutes. They drugged customers with alcohol by shaking the contents out of their pockets. They worked for the mafia, the most valuable and talkative clients were handed over to the criminals.

Mafia prostitutes. They got acquainted with rich clients in restaurants, began to have romances with them, after that, the romance ended in a bloody massacre with the theft of all the contents in the apartments of "lover's grief".

18-19-year-old prostitutes, from a brothel, were engaged in theft, not creation.

Big seasoned gangsters from Chicago. More than once they covered the John Dillinger gang from the police. Supervised workers' unions and gambling. Closely engaged in prostitution, armed robbery, "protection" of businessmen and drug dealers. The two on the right are two brothers, who became famous for beating a police informer with butcher hooks, after hanging on the main street with a sign on his chest: "He spoke a lot and all to the wrong people." The note of the criminal case says: Very dangerous and ruthless, despite their courtesy and intelligence.

Famous gangsters from Chicago. They didn’t disdain anything, they robbed collectors, bank branches, jewelry stores. The main feature: they killed everyone, leaving no witnesses.

A lone thief, climbed to the first and second floors in the apartments of the victims, strangled and took out everything of value from the apartments. Why is photographed in the toilet and remains a mystery. The note in the criminal file says: First-class rock climber and strangler.

Hardened car thief Fitch, nicknamed (Smooth) from Chicago. He worked for the mafia, extracting, for its dark deeds, stolen cars. He also stole cars and then sold them for parts.

Ross is a mob lawyer, nicknamed "The Old Man". For a long time he did not want to testify against members of a large group of gangsters from Los Angeles, but after testifying against its members, his entire family was found dead in the city center in their house. A month later, he was strangled by inmates while sleeping. Scrawled on the chest was the inscription: "I just liked to talk a lot."

Insulted wife. After she found out that her husband was repeatedly cheating on her, she applied "Gestapo torture" to the unlucky one, although they didn’t even smell like that even then. She made her husband drunk to unconsciousness, filled the bath with boiling water and “brewed” him to death. The husband died, so plainly and not understanding what was the matter. She herself came to the police with a confession and told everything.

Feytrill is a juvenile thief, a burglar. At the time of his arrest, he was 16 years old. After rewinding the term, he was caught stealing again in 1928.

Mr. Faleni - first killed his first wife, served time. After he married again and killed the second. I never got into the Guinness Book of Records, although I probably had a desire.

Sydney Kelly, a very dangerous mobster from Los Angeles. He worked closely for the mafia in other states. On his account: contract killings, armed attacks, drugs and pimping. Knew and did unproven cases with John Dillinger.

Gracie and Dalton - very serious "colorful" gangsters from Los Angeles, were part of the elite of the American mafia. They were engaged in labor unions of factories and plants, gambling, hippodromes, finances of mafia groups. They did not disdain to personally kill a caught informer or competitor.

"Debt bouncers" of businessmen and mafia debtors. They were engaged in the seizure of money, health and sometimes the lives of debtors. The note of the criminal case says: Very dangerous, they have the gift of persuasion and severe psychological pressure.

Buyer of stolen goods, worked for the mafia. I bought everything from prostitutes and thieves for the purpose of resale.

The thief is a housekeeper. He stole and, if necessary, killed the owners of the home. In the note of the criminal case it is said: Very cunning, dexterous, likes to pretend to be mentally ill for the effect of pity.

Little Schmidt is a homeless child, a thief. He worked for the mafia, was a courier for the transfer of valuable notes between shops and brothels. When caught by the police, he instantly ate valuable notes with instructions.

Mr. Skukerman - handled securities scams and port fraud for the mafia.

Twenty-year-old thief of shops and houses. On account of his theft in homes and shops, pickpocketing and rape. In the note of the criminal case it is said: Particularly dangerous, dexterous, cunning, prone to escape and panicking.

Murray - burglary, burglar. The peculiarity of this character is that he used all the prey to drink and prostitutes. So he did not have time to get rich because of his weaknesses.

Vera is a thief, a swindler. She entered into confidence, pretending to be a new neighbor to the tenants of the apartments, while carefully cleaning their housing. Participated in robberies with the mafia in jewelry stores, took on "distraction maneuvers" during the robbery.

Walter Smith - the most dangerous bandit, a thunderstorm of the street. In the specifics, which were street robberies and contract killings from the mafia. He did not like weapons, he killed people with his bare hands, carefully turning their heads off like roosters in dark alleys. The note of the criminal case says: Very dangerous, has pronounced sadistic inclinations, can bite, there is no feeling of fear, put him alone.

Ellis is an authority in a gang of Chicago gangsters, a favorite of women. He was engaged in the organization of crimes, incited accomplices to commit crimes, completely controlled the division of booty. The note of the criminal case says: Particularly cruel and dangerous, outstanding leadership qualities, intolerant of the police and the law.

Lucky, aka Charles Luciano is an American criminal of Sicilian origin, one of the leaders of organized crime in the United States. The list of his crimes was racketeering, robbery, drug trafficking, organization of underground gambling houses, pimping, smuggling and many other types of criminal activity. Luciano was the strongest intellectual of the underworld.

Al Capone
full name Story by: Alfonso Gabriel Capone
Nickname: "Big Al"
Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York USA
date of birth: January 17, 1899
date of death: January 25, 1947
The powerful wave of crime that swept America from 1924 to 1936 gave birth to Al Capone, the “boss of bosses” of the US criminal world, the leader of the largest and most powerful criminal organization in the world, Cosa Nostra, in the translation “Our business”.
Al Capone traded in smuggling (bootlegging), pimping and gambling.

In his early years, he started out as a bouncer and had great physical strength, which he often resorted to! He got his famous scar on his face in a stabbing with felon Frank Galluccio. Al was very ashamed of this story and therefore told everyone that he received a scar in the First World War in the Lost Battalion. Although historians say that he was not in the war! Al Capone pushed his boss Torrio to take his place.

Under Alcapone, the war between gangs and the elimination of competitors acquired a war of unprecedented scale. Several thousand soldiers died! The practice of eliminating unwanted elements for the mafia included grenades and car explosions. Al was suspected of at least 2 murders. They say he participated in the "Massacre on Valentine's Day" when the bandits, dressed in police uniforms, shot their competitors near the wall thinking that this was a police raid!

Alcapone was always under the supervision of the authorities and he could not spend all his illegal money without having income for this, he opened a network of laundries, which you can’t follow the financial later due to their high attendance from the need and low prices, so it was easy to launder money through them. He is credited with the words "It's just a business! Nothing more!"

In 1931, Capone was jailed for 10 years for tax evasion. In 1934 he was transferred to the famous Alcatraz prison. left after seven years.
On January 21, 1947, Capone suffered a stroke, after which he regained consciousness and even recovered, but on January 24 he was diagnosed with pneumonia. The next day, Capone died of cardiac arrest.

John Torrio
Full name Giovanni Torrio
nickname: papa johnny
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
date of birth: January 20, 1882
date of death: April 16, 1957 (aged 75)
Known as "The Fox" due to his subtle mind and diplomatic connections. Torrio, one of the founders of the "Chicago organization" Started working as a doorman and a bouncer. Soon he saved up money and opened his own billiard room. This is where the illegal gaming business, prostitution and bookmaking began.

He also took Al Capone to work in Chicago because he had friction with the law! Al became Johnny's bouncer in a brothel, and then the manager of his brothels, and soon after the shootout, Johnny had to retire and Al Capone replaced him.
After the adoption of Prohibition in America, Johnny realized what benefits could be taken from this by smuggling alcohol, His partner and relative Colosimo was against it, Johnny realized that he needed to be removed because he could interfere and in 1920 Colosimo was killed.
Torrio Thought about expanding the influence of his organization But 2 more groups ruled the city and a shaky alliance was concluded between them. But soon Dion O'Banion, the leader of the northern group, deceived Johnny Torrio. Torrio ordered that O'Banion be killed. On November 10, 1924, O "Banion was killed. After that, a bloody War began that lasted several years. In this war, Johnny was shot, but he survived, after he was cured, he spent a year, when he came out, he handed over all the cases to Capone, he himself went to Italy .

In the 1930s, he returned to the United States and suggested that all the leaders of large gangs create a Crime Syndicate in New York that unites all gangs. This offer was accepted and he enjoyed great respect in the criminal environment.
In 1957 he had a heart attack while sitting in a barber's chair waiting for a haircut. Johnny Torrio died a few hours later in an oxygen tent at the hospital.

Enoch Johnson
Full name: Enoch Lewis Johnson
Nickname: "Nucky"
Birthplace: Norfland New Jersey
Date of birth: January 20, 1883
date of death: December 9, 1968 (aged 85)
Large political figure from Atlantic City, almost open former partner many famous gangsters. He is also famous as a ladies' man and a party lover. Nickname "Nucky" got because of his name. In 1905 he became his father's deputy sheriff. After he took his post in 1908. After him, his brother took the post of sheriff.

In 1911 he became leader of the Republican Party and boss of Atlantic City. Served as Chief Treasurer, Bank Director (many positions) As leader of the Republican Party, Nucky was responsible for electing several Governors and Senators.
During Prohibition in America, Atlantic City began to prosper even more in every bar and restaurant selling Whiskey. Everything was corrupt and in this city the authorities made concessions on the sale of alcohol. Johnson had a percentage of every gallon of liquor sold in the city. Engaged in corruption, bribery.

Johnson and Capone on the wharf

Nucky rode in an expensive limousine, wore expensive clothes, Lived in a suite at the most expensive Ritz hotel. He was generous to the needy, for which the townspeople loved him. In 1927, he entered the largest criminal organization of liquor dealers and racketeers, the so-called "Big Seven" (Capone was a member of it, so apparently we already know what will happen in the continuation of the series). Why was he under close scrutiny? federal service!
On May 10, 1939, he was charged with tax evasion. In 1941 he was convicted, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. On August 15, 1945, he was released on parole. And I forgot to say he always wore a Red Carnation, after his release he continued to wear it! Johnson died on December 9, 1968.

By the way…
As in any activity, including criminal, gangsters had prices for certain types of services. Here, for example, what was the gangster "price list" in the 30s:
beating - $ 2;
two black eyes - $4;
broken nose and broken jaw - $10;
detachment of the ear - $ 15;
broken arm or leg - $19;
a bullet in the leg - $25;
knife wound - $ 25;
"large work" - $100 or more

History knows cases when the actions of just one person led to large-scale tragedies. In this article, we will consider the most high-profile crimes of the 20th century, which still disturb the minds of people.

It is one of the main founders of organized crime in the United States of America during the difficult periods of the Great Depression and Prohibition. It was from his hand that such a thing as racket appeared. However, perhaps the most famous atrocity of this man is the so-called Massacre on Valentine's Day. Capone comes from a family of Italian immigrants who lived near New York. It so happened that the whole life of their son was closely connected with the Italian mafia. He was born in 1899, the ninth child in the family, and from childhood he showed an easily excitable, aggressive character. Having entered school, he constantly clashed with classmates, in the sixth grade he attacked the teacher with his fists. After this incident, the boy dropped out of school and got involved with the gang, which later became part of the famous Five Points group in New York. In just five years, more than 500 ordinary and not so gangsters were killed in skirmishes involving the group.

The guys were mainly engaged in illegal card games and extortion, and to avert his eyes, Capone worked as a bouncer in the club and played billiards professionally. Despite not being too tall, he seemed to everyone to be a thug, thanks to his stocky physique. In the billiard room, he also earned a scar on his face, insulting the sister or wife of some former prisoner. But Capone himself was always ashamed of this story and came up with another: that he had a scar from the time of the battles in the First World War, although in fact he did not even serve in the army, not to mention the war. By the age of 18, the police already suspected Capone of many offenses, including murders.

At the age of 18, Al Capone left New York and went to conquer Chicago.

In Chicago, Alfredo almost immediately became a pimp in some brothel. It should be noted that at that time it was considered very humiliating among the gangster environment, but Capone turned out to be enterprising and turned the base establishment into a successful business, where, in addition to the brothel, there was also a casino, a tote and a beer bar. Thus, having earned a huge amount of money, Alfredo became the head of the Chicago criminal world. And one of his first innovations was racketeering. In other words, entrepreneurs had to pay him for a "quiet life" from their profits. For this, the racketeers gave protection from representatives of other gangs, and sometimes even from the police. There was no way to refuse: almost always unwanted people were eliminated.

One of the most terrible features of the "rule" of this mafia is the constant violent showdown between gangs, often leading to the death of participants. Capone's goal has always been to eliminate competitors. The largest series of murders of gangsters and became the famous "massacre on Valentine's Day." On February 14, 1929, armed mafia men broke into the garage of another gang. They thought it was the police and lined up along the wall, where they were immediately shot. Similar shocking cases took place more than once, but for a long time it was not possible to prove that this was the work of Capone. Only in 1931 was it possible to press him and put him behind bars. True, he did not serve the full term, but his health was greatly undermined and soon after his release he died in his country house from a stroke.

It was Al Capone who came up with the idea to replace the standard gangster pistols with machine guns and machine guns.

The most high-profile crimes in the USSR were committed by the maniac killer Andrei Chikatilo. At one time, they shocked the whole country, and until now, many consider him the most terrible criminals not only of the twentieth, but also of the 21st century. Each of his crimes is so cruel that it freezes the blood. During the investigation, the maniac was kept in solitary confinement, otherwise he would have been simply torn to pieces: people like him become outcasts not only among law-abiding citizens, but also among criminals. How did it all start, how did an ordinary village guy come to this? Chikatilo was born in a poor family, but from childhood he strove for power, dreamed of working in the Kremlin. At school he was shy and whiny. The makings of a rapist showed up in his teenage years, when an incident happened with one of the girls he knew.

His brain was offered to be bought for a lot of money by various scientific researchers in order to study the monster phenomenon.

After studying at the Faculty of Philology, Chikatilo soon became chairman of the regional department for sports in order to have access to teenagers, regularly travel to training camps and competitions. In the future, he also chose professions related to children - either a teacher or an educator. His former students at the trial recalled that he periodically made obscene hints and touched their intimate parts, often went into the women's rooms when the girls undressed before going to bed. He masturbated through his pants, everyone noticed it, for this the teenagers even teased him. All these incidents led to scandals due to which Chikatilo lost his job.

He took four courses in Marxism-Leninism, wrote articles for newspapers on moral topics. And he gradually turned into a monster, but did not find the strength to turn to a psychiatrist with this, to admit his weakness. Beginning in 1982, they regularly began to find the torn, cut corpses of young girls and guys with gouged out eyes: the maniac could not stand their gaze. At the same time, at home, with his family, he was still modest and quiet. The most experienced detectives were thrown into the investigation of the murders in the forest belt.

Despite all his mental deviations, Andrei Chikatilo lived in faith in his high destiny.

The search lasted for several years, in their process many other cases were uncovered that had nothing to do with Chikatilo. The end of history took place in 1990. During this year, the maniac killed the most people - six. One week before last kill he caught the eye of a police officer. They checked his documents and released him, but the sergeant remembered that the man's last name began with the letter "Ch". Surveillance was organized for Chikatilo, in November 1990 he was finally taken into custody. For ten days the murderer denied his guilt, but then he began to confess, and he attributed all his terrible deeds to impotence, considering this a strong argument for justification. He was sentenced to death. On the territory of Ukraine, which was then part of the USSR, execution was a bullet in the back of the head and, like in Russia, was an exceptional measure of punishment.

The world's most famous love couple involved in crime. Bonnie Parker was born in Texas to a bricklayer's family, and at the age of 15 in Dallas she married a petty criminal named Roy Thornton. Soon he disappeared and did not see his wife again, although she last day I didn't take off my wedding ring. He only learned about her death while in prison. At the age of 19, Bonnie met Clyde, who was then 21. By the time of this meeting, he was already a hardened criminal specializing in robberies of small shops. In 1928 he became the leader of a gang of criminals.

The very next day after they met, Bonnie and Clyde began to live together.

He taught her how to handle weapons and often began to take on the "case". Caught and after serving time in prison, Clyde left it in 1932 with a completely different personality. This fracture occurred after he beat another prisoner to death for committing sexual abuse in his regard. There are many rumors around the love of Bonnie and Clyde: some say that they had contact not only with each other, but with the whole gang. Others believe that Clyde was gay, so the relationship was platonic. One way or another, acquaintances said that love shone in the eyes of both.

Soon, the gang had not only many robberies, but also thirteen murders. Bonnie and Clyde lived like tramps: they slept on the street, ate what they managed to get, drank a lot of alcohol. At the same time, they felt like fighters for justice: during the Great Depression, among members of the underworld, it was considered almost a benefactor to take money from those who had at least a little of it. Their robberies weren't big, but they were always loud and spectacular, and often unnecessarily violent: for example, they once killed a store owner for as little as $28.

They were very pleased with the newspaper notes about themselves. Bonnie even took up PR: she began to send photos of them with weapons or against the backdrop of stolen cars to the editors. Famous criminals became coveted prey for the FBI, a round sum was appointed for their heads. Also, other criminal authorities were set up against the gang, including a group led by the famous Handsome Floyd. In 1933, the gang was ambushed. Some were wounded, some were killed, and one of the bandits was caught and executed. Bonnie and Clyde moved to Texas to take refuge with relatives, but one of the relatives turned them in to the police.

Bonnie and Clyde were shot by the police while trying to detain them, firing a flurry of bullets at them.

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

The thirty-fifth president of the United States was assassinated on November 22, 1963 while driving through the city of Dallas in an open car. There were two criminals, one of them used an explosive bullet and hit in the head, and the second (probably Lee Harvey Oswald) settled in an unsuccessful position and did not hit anywhere. Presumably, this was intended: the first one deliberately put the second in such a place that he missed.

The investigation was very long and complex. Moreover, there are still disputes about how it all happened in reality. Different theories are being built, the video is being reviewed many times. The first bullet hit the president in the neck, but his guards did not even notice. If the bodyguards had reacted, they could have saved the president from further shots. According to the official government version, it was Oswald's shot that killed Kennedy, but if you think about it, this is unlikely: he did not shoot very well and could hardly have hit a moving and receding target from his uncomfortable position.

There are many theories of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy - this is a conspiracy, and the mafia, and special services, but none of them stand up to captious criticism.

Another mystery of this crime is that after the assassination of Kennedy, another shot was fired at the governor. It is assumed that this is an accidental hit, that Oswald, angry at the first miss, made another attempt. In a word, the crime did not go very smoothly, but the goal was achieved, the president is dead. In addition, as intended, only Oswald was charged. Although few people from the common people fully believed in such a version. If we consider the motives, then Lee Harvey Oswald had minimal motives, if only he was in any communist organization. On the other hand, even for the Communists, there was little benefit in killing Kennedy.

There is only one problem that can fully explain the causes of the crime. Kennedy prevented the purchase of M16 assault rifles at the state level, since they contained a lot of design flaws, due to which these weapons failed in the most extreme situations. But immediately after the death of the president, a large order for these machines was nevertheless issued, which makes one think. Probably, investors were counting on huge profits, but after only a few years of using machine guns in Vietnam, it became clear that they were dangerous for American soldiers.

The professional killer recorded his crime on tape, so later it was possible to approximately determine where the president was shot from.

Obviously, if Kennedy had been alive, it would have saved the lives of many US military personnel. But they realized it too late, when nothing could be changed. And that is why the authorities are trying in every possible way to refute this version of the cause of the crime: it would be too shameful to admit to such a serious mistake. Not a single American will experience joy if the version is confirmed. On the contrary, it would be a shame for many representatives of the nation.

The 20th century turned out to be very rich in terrible crimes. Most of them went down in history, gave plots to many films and books, but you should not romanticize these events: this is, first of all, unjustified cruelty, and humanity must do everything to prevent this from happening again.

Every day, every minute some kind of crime is committed (robbery, theft, fraud, etc.) and this is very sad. People go to crime for a variety of reasons. Someone does it to survive, someone wants to get rich and cash in, and someone just gets pleasure and moral satisfaction from it. But here we list some of the most famous criminals in the world, whose names are on the lips of many people.

1. Al Capone- one of the most famous and cruel criminals of the 20th century. This gangster operated in Chicago in the 20-30s of the XX century. His men killed more than 400 people on his orders, in addition, he himself committed at least 40 murders personally. Despite all this, he was not arrested for murder at all, but for tax evasion in 1932. By the way, it was thanks to him that the expression "". Alfonso Capone died in prison in 1945 due to pneumonia.

2. Pedro Alonso Lopez One of the most famous maniacs in the world. As he himself admitted, 300 little girls, whose age had not yet reached 10 years old, were killed with his own hands in the area, although only 53 bodies were found.

3. Jack the Ripper- This name is definitely on everyone's lips. This killer became famous for killing 5 prostitutes. The identity of the perpetrator was never established, but as many as 72 people from completely different walks of life (even members of the Royal Family) were under suspicion.

4. Andrey Chikatilo- notorious maniac domestic production. He has more than 50 murders on his account, which gave him the status of the bloodiest killer in Russia. He killed his victims next to railways to drown out their screams over the noise of a passing train. He was executed in February 1994.

5. Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow- the famous American robbers Bonnie and Clyde, who committed their crimes during the Great Depression. The criminals robbed both banks and small shops and gas stations. There were also no killings. They had 9 police officers and several civilians. Both were shot dead by the Texas Rangers on May 23, 1934.

6. John Dillinger- Another famous bank robber of the 30s. At that time, he was declared Public Enemy N1 by the FBI. He has robbed 20 banks and even 4 police stations. He was shot dead by police in July 1934.

7. Baby Nelson- no less famous American gangster, on whose account there are many robberies and murders. His real name was Lester Joseph Gillis. He committed his first crime at the age of 12, when he stole a pistol and shot a boy from him in the face that lived next door, for which he ended up in a colony. This was the start of his criminal career. IN Last year worked closely with the aforementioned John Dillinger. Died from a mortal wound by an FBI agent on November 27, 1934.

8. Alberto Spaggiari one of the most popular thieves. Alberto led a very intelligent lifestyle and owned his own photography studio. His most famous crime was stealing $60 million from a bank. But he did not rob him, but simply dug a tunnel with his assistants. Naturally the tunnel was dug when the bank was closed.

9. Bernard Ebbers one of the most notorious scammers. He was the head of a large corporation, or rather, almost the largest cellular operator in the United States. He organized the largest scam in the amount of 11 billion dollars. This amount surfaced after the bankruptcy of the company and the departure of Ebbers from it. More than 17,000 people were left without work. Bernard Ebbers got 25 years for his scam.

10. Zodiac- famous Serial killer, whose identity has never been established. He committed his crimes between 1968 and 1969. He became notable for the fact that he often sent encrypted letters to journalists, in which he allegedly indicated information about himself, but only one of the four letters was eventually deciphered. In the letter, he claimed to have committed 37 murders, although the police are sure of only 7, and two of these seven managed to survive. As in the case of Jack the Ripper, there were many suspects, but nothing could be proved. The case was dropped in 2004, but reopened in 2007, and remains open to this day.

If you believe they are evil, heartless, or simply mentally ill, then you are still part of a society that both repels and attracts the lives and minds of serial killers.

Who are they and what drives them ?

Below are the most horrifying serial killers of the 20th century.

25. David Berkowitz

Known as the Son of Sam or the .44 killer, David Berkowitz carried out a series of murders in the summer of 1976. Using a 44 caliber Bulldog revolver, he killed 6 people and injured 7 more. Berkowitz also sent a number of letters to the police and the press with stories of his further murders. for the purpose of teasing.

He terrorized New Yorkers for almost a year. He was eventually captured in August 1977. Berkowitz confessed to all of the murders and was sentenced to 25 years in prison for each.

24. Edmund Kemper

Edmund Kemper is an American serial killer and necrophile who carried out a series of brutal serial killings in California in the 1970s. At the age of 15, he killed his grandparents, and later killed and dismembered six hitchhiking women in the Santa Cruz area.

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He later killed his mother and one of her friends, and turned himself in to the police a few days later. In November 1973, he was found guilty of 8 murders. He asked for the death penalty for himself, but instead received a life sentence without parole.

List of serial killers

23. Larry Bittaker and Roy Norris

Together, these two American serial killers took the lives of five young women in California in 1979. They lured the victims into their van drove off to secluded places and then both raped and tortured the unfortunate with a series of tools.

In 1981, the maniacs were charged with murder, kidnapping and rape. Bittaker was sentenced to death and remains on death row to this day. Norris, however, was spared in exchange for testifying against his accomplice. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison.

22. Ian Brady and Myra Hindley

These people killed five children between 1963 and 1965 in Greater Manchester, England. Their victims were between 10 and 17 years old. Before being brutally murdered, the unfortunate were subjected to sexual violence.

Three of those killed were found in graves dug on Saddleworth Moor, the body of the last victim was found in the Brady home. The whereabouts of the fourth child, Keith Bennett, is unknown to this day.

Both Brady and Hindley were later sentenced to life in prison. Hindley died in prison in 2002. Brady has since been moved to the hospital with maximum level Ashworth, where he remains to this day, periodically declaring hunger strikes.

21. Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono

Between late 1977 and early 1978, cousins ​​Kenneth and Angelo kept California at bay by kidnapping, raping and killing 10 girls aged 12 to 28. Each of their victims ended up in the mountains above Los Angeles where they strangled them.

Bianchi tried to plead innocence, citing insanity, but it was later found that the documents confirming his mental illness were fake. He pleaded guilty and began to testify against Buono.

Both were sentenced to life imprisonment. Buono died of a heart attack in his cell in 2002.

20. Dennis Rader

Dennis Rader killed 10 people in Sedgwick County, Kansas between 1974 and 1991. Obsessed with popularity, Rader sent teasing letters to the police, signing himself "SPU", which stood for "Bondage, torture, murder."

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The raider pursued his victims before breaking into their homes, tied them up and tortured them. After disappearing in 1988, Rader reappeared in 2005, sending a floppy disk to the media, which helped expose him. He was arrested and charged with the murders, to which he immediately confessed.

He is serving 10 life sentences with the earliest possible release date being February 26, 2180.

19. Donald Henry Gaskins

In 1969, Gaskins begins killing hitchhikers he picks up as he drives around the US South, torturing and mutilating his victims. He claimed to have killed 80 to 90 people.

He was arrested in 1975 when a well-known crime boss confessed to police that he had witnessed the murder of two young people by Gaskinson. He was found guilty of killing 8 people and sentenced to death, however, the sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment without parole.

Remarkably, Gaskins continued to commit murders while in prison. strict regime by killing a cellmate. He only person who killed an inmate on death row.

Notable serial killers

18. Peter Manuel

The American-born Scottish serial killer is known to have killed 9 people in Southern Scotland from 1956-1958. He was suspected of killing 18 people.

The police could not prove his guilt until it was confirmed that some of the banknotes with which Manuel paid for drinks in Glasgow pubs belonged to one of his victims.

He confessed to his crime in front of his mother while at the police station where he was being held. In July 1958, Manuel was hanged for his crimes at Glasgow's Barlinnie Prison. He was one of the last prisoners in Scotland to be hanged before the death penalty was abolished in the country.

17 John George Haigh

This man was an English serial killer in the 1940s. He was admitted to killing 6 people, although he claimed to have killed 9. John was a professional con man, met rich people and made them believe that he was a successful businessman.

He lured his victims to an abandoned warehouse, where he shot them. After that, he dissolved their bodies in sulfuric acid, then forged documents to get his hands on all their property and savings.

He was identified from human remains, and the police were able to gather enough evidence to convict Haig. In 1949 he was sentenced to death and hanged at Wandsworth Prison.

16 Fred & Rose West

Between 1967 and 1987, Fred West and his wife Rose tortured, raped and killed at least 10 young women and girls, most of them in their home at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester, which was later called a house of horrors.

The couple was finally apprehended and charged with the murders in 1994 after police obtained a search warrant. They found human bones buried in the garden and hidden under the floorboards.

Arrested in the courtroom, Fred hung himself in his cell before he was convicted. Rose was jailed for life in 1995 after being found guilty of 10 murders.

Their home on Cromwell Street was demolished in 1996 to discourage souvenir hunters.

15 Arthur Shawcross

Known as the "Genesee River Killer," Shawcross committed his first murder in 1972, raping and brutalizing a 10-year-old boy he lured into a wooded area in Watertown, New York.

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He then raped and killed an 8-year-old girl, for which he was captured and charged with manslaughter. After serving 14 years in prison, in 1988 he was released and brutally cracks down on 12 prostitutes aged 22 to 59 years.

In the end, he was caught at the scene of the last crime. He confessed to all 12 murders and was sentenced to 250 years in prison, but died in prison of a heart attack in 2008.

14. Peter Sutcliffe

Peter William Sutcliffe is a British serial killer known as the "Yorkshire Ripper". In 1981, Sutcliffe was convicted of the murder of 13 women and the attempted murder of 7 others.

He killed prostitutes in Leeds and Bradford, creating a climate of fear throughout northern England. During his arrest in 1981 for driving a car with fake license plates, the police interrogated him about these murders, and he confessed.

At his trial, he pleaded not guilty to insanity murder, but the cause of self-defense was also rejected by the jury. He was sentenced to life in prison, and to this day he is in the Broadmoor Maximum Security Mental Hospital.

13. Richard Ramirez

Ricardo Ramirez Leyva Munoz was an American serial killer who worshiped Satan and terrorized Los Angeles from 1984-1985. Nicknamed "The Night Stalker", Ramirez would break into the homes of his victims, shot, beat, maimed, raped and killed.

He did not choose his victims according to any special parameters, they ranged from a 9-year-old girl to an elderly married couple over the age of 60. Ramirez was distinguished by the fact that he painted pentagrams on the walls in the homes of his victims.

He was captured in 1985 and sentenced to life imprisonment. For 23 years he was on death row in a California prison, and in June 2013 Ramirez died.

12. Jeffrey Dahmer

Known as the "Milwaukee Cannibal", Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer who raped, murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. He was also a necrophile and ate his latest victims by cooking them into a meal in his backyard.

Dahmer was caught after his potential victims were able to overcome him and went to the police. In 1992 Dahmer was found guilty of 15 murders and was sentenced to 15 life terms.

However, just two years after being in a Colombian penitentiary, he was beaten to death by a cellmate.

Serial killers of the world

11. Dennis Nilsen

The British equivalent of Jeffrey Dahmer, Dennis Nielsen was a homosexual killer who massacred 15 gay men in his London home between 1978 and 1983.

He kept the bodies of his victims for some time, then the decaying remains were burned or flushed down the toilet. This helped to catch him when human flesh was found in his sewers.

Nielsen was convicted in 1983 on six counts of murder and two attempts. The sentence is life imprisonment. He is to this day serving his sentence in Yorkshire, England, with no chance of parole.

10. Ted Bundy

This is one of the most famous killers of the 20th century. He kidnapped, raped and killed young women and girls in the 1970s. Bundy usually approached his victims in in public places, took them to secluded corners, raped and killed.

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He beheaded at least 12 victims, and he kept the severed heads in his apartment as trophies. He was repeatedly detained by the police, but twice he managed to escape. He was accused of numerous murders and sentenced to death. Bundy was executed in the electric chair in 1989.

9. Charles Ng and Leonard Lake (Charles Ng and Leonard Lake)

Chinese-American serial killer Charles Ng is believed to have raped, tortured and killed 11-25 people along with his accomplice Leonard Lake at the latter's ranch in Calaveras County, California.

They filmed how they raped and tortured their victims. Their crimes were publicized in 1985 after Lake committed suicide when he learned that Ng had been caught stealing from a hardware store.

The police searched Lake's ranch and found human remains there. Ng was identified as Lake's accomplice in the crimes, but he tried to evade charges by fleeing to Canada. After a lengthy extradition to the United States, he stood trial in 1998 and was found guilty of 12 murders.

Ng is currently on death row at San Quentin State Prison.

The most terrible serial killers

8 John Wayne Gacy

Gacy raped and murdered 33 teenagers and young adults between 1972 and 1978 in Chicago, Illinois. He lured the victim to his home, promising money or work, then strangled him with a tourniquet. 26 people he buried in his yard, he disposed of the bodies of the next killed by dumping them into the Des Plaines River.

Convicted of 33 murders, Gacy was sentenced to death. He spent 14 years on death row before being lethally injected on May 10, 1994.

7. Andrei Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo was a Soviet serial killer, nicknamed "the Rostov butcher". Between 1978 and 1990, he raped and killed at least 52 people, including women and children.

Suspecting Chikatilo of the murders, the police kept him under surveillance, the results of which provided sufficient grounds for his arrest. He confessed to a total of 56 murders, and in April 1992 was convicted of committing 53 of them.

Relatives of the victims demanded his release from custody to commit lynching. Chikatilo was sentenced to death and shot in February 1994.

6 Tommy Lynn Sells

Claiming to have killed at least 70 people, Tommy Lynn Sals was considered one of the most dangerous criminals in the United States. He was found guilty of several brutal murders between 1985 and 1999. Among his victims was also a 13-year-old girl whom he stabbed 16 times.

He was captured after The 10-year-old victim of the maniac, whom he left to die, was able to get out and warn the neighbors. She described the criminal in detail, which ultimately contributed to his arrest.

Sells is sentenced to death. To this day, he is on death row in a maximum security prison in Livingston, Texas.

5. Gary Ridgway

One of the most "prolific" serial killers, Gary Ridgway was arrested in 2001 for 4 murders, although he confessed to committing at least 70 murders of women in Washington state in the 1980s and 1990s.

10 crimes of the century

He escaped the death penalty by telling the police in detail about the murders and bringing authorities to the burial sites. He threw five women into the Green River, for which he was nicknamed the "Green River Killer" in the press. He was convicted of 49 murders and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

4. Pedro Rodrigues Filho

Filho is a Brazilian serial killer arrested in 1973 and convicted in 2003 of killing at least 71 people. Sentenced to 128 years in prison.

He committed his first murder at the age of 14. He went against local drug dealers who killed his girlfriend while he was in jail for a series of thefts. At the age of 18, he already had 10 murders on his account.

While in prison, he killed his father, who was also serving time for murder. While in prison he killed 47 prisoners. Initially sentenced to 30 years in prison, Pedro extended his own term with his own hands, as against the backdrop of constant murders, his sentence was increased to 400 years in prison.

3. Daniel Camargo Barbosa

The man was a Colombian serial killer who is believed to have raped and murdered over 150 young girls in Colombia and Ecuador in the 1970s and 1980s. He calmly confessed to killing 71 girls in Ecuador after escaping from a Colombian prison.

He led the police to the place where he collected the bodies of the victims. After raping the girls, he killed them with a machete. Barbosa was convicted in 1989 and sentenced to 16 years in prison, the maximum sentence in Ecuador. In November 1994, he was killed in prison by cousin one of the dead girls.

Harold Shipman was an English physician and also the most "prolific" serial killer in human history, who was proven to have been 250 kills.

Being a professional, he was respected in his circle, however, colleagues and local residents began to express concern about the high mortality rate in the area, as well as a large number signed cremation forms for older women.

Some of the bodies were later exhumed and examination of the corpses showed the presence of diamorphine in them. Later it was established that Shipman deliberately administered lethal doses of the drug to a huge number of patients.

Then he forged documents under the will, thereby inheriting large sums of money. He also forged cremation documents to completely cover his tracks. The judge sentenced him to 15 life terms without parole.

In January 2004, Shipman hanged himself in his cell at Wakefield Prison.

1. Pedro Alonso Lopez

Lopez is a Colombian serial killer accused of raping and killing over 300 girls in South America. He was believed to prey on young and vulnerable teenage girls in Peru. He lured them to secluded places, raped them, and then killed them, most often by suffocation.

Lopez was arrested when another attempt to kidnap a girl failed, and he was caught by market workers. He confessed to killing over 300 people.

The police only believed him when a flash flood uncovered a mass grave of many of his victims. In the end, 53 bodies were found. Detained in 1980, he spent only 18 years in prison, then he was released from an Ecuadorian prison and deported to Colombia, where he was arrested again in 2002 and sentenced to life imprisonment.