Description of nature in spring. Composition on the theme Spring nature (description) Description of spring in an artistic style

Here comes the spring. And with the advent of spring, all nature around is transformed. At first, the days increase, and the temperature outside gradually rises. When the sun shines, it is felt that it warms more and more every day. It is getting warmer quickly, and all the snow that has not had time to melt begins to melt quickly and form large puddles. On the weekend I wanted to write an essay-description of spring.

Especially in spring it is beautiful to observe nature. After the snow has melted, after a while, green grass begins to appear, which grows all the time.

Faster every day. It happens that, due to everyday worries, you don’t notice how its small sprouts turn into a thick green carpet covering the ground.

The rapid manifestation of spring changes is observed everywhere. The most interesting thing is that on many trees the leaves begin to appear at different times. Some trees are already dressed in green outfits, on others the buds have just begun to turn into small leaves.

The air in spring becomes warmer and fresher every day. When you leave the house on the street, you can feel the smell of spring. This is especially felt after rain or sudden warming. And if you stand under the blooming

Tree, you can enjoy the aroma of its flowering. Also, the smell of spring is well felt in parks, squares, fields, outside the city in forest plantations or in the forest.

Spring is one of the most favorite seasons of many children and adults. It is during this period that people become more cheerful and active. Every year at school they are asked to write an essay describing spring.

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There is nothing more beautiful than a spring forest. He is bright and joyful. In spring, forest trees and bushes put on a new outfit. Fresh green foliage rustles on the branches again. The ground under the trees is covered with grass and soft moss.

Everything in the forest is renewed in spring. White birch trees, for example, are decorated with fragrant “earrings”. Even evergreen pines and firs in a gloomy forest do not stay away from spring. They change their dark needles to a new, light and tender one. Fresh juices run along the trunks of trees, even the bark is renewed. The bright spring sun illuminates the trunks,

And they also seem to glow with amber light. This is the time when you can carefully collect healing sap in a birch grove.

Forest insects, all sorts of bugs, ladybugs, bumblebees come to life. And the first forest flowers bloom. First, white snowdrops appear on wet ground. And then - yellow and purple crocuses. Every day more and more flowers bloom in the forest: primroses, lungworts, forget-me-nots, bluebells, lilies of the valley, wild daffodils, wild tulips and many others! Insects fuss over them, collect the first nectar.

Foxes crawl out of their burrows, somewhere in the den a bear wakes up. Migratory birds return from distant lands.

Spring is the time when all forest nature rejoices in the sun and warmth!

  • Composition Description Forest in Spring

Composition-description “Forest in spring”

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In spring, the forest comes alive after a long winter. Until recently, it was gloomy, and the trees were bare. And now the spring sun has illuminated the forest. Tight buds swelled on the trees in a few days. They opened into tender green leaves. spring forest blowing in the wind again.

Immediately after the end of winter, the first snowdrops appear on the wet and cold ground. These are small, delicate and fragile flowers, but how strong and hardy they are! Snowdrops are not afraid to break through the remnants of snow towards the sun. They are also not afraid of spring frosts.

Soon the earth will again be adorned with a silk carpet of soft grass. And on the sunny forest glades, real placers of multi-colored flowers will grow. These are bright yellow primroses, purple crocuses, bluebells, red wild tulips. And after them, some forest trees and bushes will bloom in white or pink. For example, wild apple trees, cherries and pears, hawthorn and elderberry.

In spring, the forest is full of boisterous and sonorous bird voices. Forest birds are looking for a mate, making cozy nests. Spring is the time for weddings for forest dwellers. Even snakes celebrate their snake weddings. In spring, snakes are very angry and do not like to be disturbed. At this time, you need to walk along the forest paths carefully so as not to inadvertently step on a snake that is basking somewhere in the sun.

The spring forest is elegant and bright. Walking through them is a real pleasure.

Awakening of the forest.Spring forest

spring forest

spring forest is the awakening of rivers, trees, birds and animals.

Spring in the forest begins with the melting of the snow cover, which begins to melt, first of all, in glades, near trees and on the edges. Snow turns into water and enlivens many streams and streams. In low places puddles and lakes form.

Flowering liverwort.Spring forest

On the thawed earth, in sunny places, the first spring flowers. The trees have not yet dressed in foliage, only hazel and willow earrings have thrown out, but the color of the bark has become more saturated.

Through the branches of trees not covered with leaves, light easily penetrates to the ground, where it awakens to life. spring flowers, hurrying, for this short period of access to the sun, wake up, bloom, give seeds and again leave the forest scene for a year.

Sap flow begins in the trees. It's time to harvest birch sap.

Anemone carpet. Spring in the forest

Every day brings significant changes to the pictures of the forest. Insects are awakening, the winter silence of the forest is changing with the din of birds.

Snowdrops appear, behind them sprouts of wild garlic make their way to the light, along the southern slopes, overgrown with forest rivers and ravines, a blue carpet of liverwort pours out, with glimpses of pink flowers in some places.

Ramson in the forest. Photo of the spring forest

Buds are just starting to swell, and white carpets of anemones are blooming in deciduous forests. Wakes up animal world.

It seems like yesterday forest was naked and dull, but now the time comes for the blossoming of the flowers of the trees and foliage. In May, the forest is filled with the scent of lilies of the valley and bracken fern rushes to the sky - a favorite delicacy of gourmets, and in sparse forests in warm places you can find the first forest morel mushrooms and morel caps. And at night, throughout the district, the trills of nightingales begin to spread.

By summer, the forest brings its decoration back to normal, and the birds and the animal world are slowly calming down, preparing to receive their offspring. spring forest changes to summer.

To be continued…

Each of the texts below can serve as an independent mini-essay about spring. The first and third description of spring consists of 5 sentences, and the second of 6. They meet the requirements elementary school. The fourth text is longer, it is suitable for high school students.

Description of spring

Spring is an amazing time of the year. It is still cold enough, and the earth has not yet fully woken up from its winter sleep. Cold winds are still blowing, cold rains are still pouring. But there is already a unique aroma in the air, characteristic only of spring. The aroma of freshness, warmth and nascent life. When you watch how every year nature is reborn again and again, when every day is full of anticipation of the flourishing and triumph of life, it is then that you realize that this is the main miracle that exists in the world.

Miniature about the arrival of spring

Here comes the spring. This is the most awaited time of the year. The day got long. The sun shines brightly and warms the earth. Young grass appeared. Leaves appeared on trees and shrubs. A cheerful stream murmurs. An anthill came to life under the warm sun. Delicate spring flowers have grown. Bees circle and buzz above them. People are excited about the arrival of spring.

I love spring!

I can watch for hours how the grass breaks through the sleepy earth. I can admire for hours how persistently and slowly the buds on the trees bloom. And of course, you can endlessly listen to how beautifully the birds sing, welcoming the rebirth of nature. The air, once cold and silent, is filled with life and freshness. This is possible only in the spring!

Why am I waiting for spring to come?

When it's cold and sad outside, spring is immediately remembered. I so want the sun to shine longer, and it gets warmer outside. Spring is always associated with the beginning of warmth and preparation for a bright and welcoming summer. The birds begin to sing, the buds appear on the trees, and the spring rain is no longer as gloomy as in autumn. Every day is getting longer and longer. It seems that the most cherished dreams are about to come true.

What is spring?

Spring is clear blue sky and white fluffy clouds floating on it, which are driven by a cheerful breeze. Spring is early flowers: snowdrops, violets, daffodils, dandelions, young green grass. These are trees, along the trunks of which life-giving moisture flows with renewed vigor, giving strength to swollen buds. This is the warmth in the air that you feel with your skin, these are the bright sun rays that awaken everything around, these are the unique delicate aromas of nature.

After the winter silence, spring brings with it a lot of joyful sonorous sounds. Drops from melting icicles knock on the windowsill. Noisy spring streams, cracking, breaking, ice on the river. The air is filled with the singing of birds returning from warm lands and building nests for themselves. The wind is no longer buzzing among the bare branches of trees, but softly rustling young foliage. It happens that it rains - plentiful, generous, filling the plants with strength. Sometimes you can hear loud peals of thunder accompanying lightning during a thunderstorm.

spring bloom

The most beautiful spring phenomenon of wildlife is the flowering of trees. They begin to bloom everywhere - in gardens, parks, forests, on the streets of the city. Delicate flowers of trees and bushes are very beautiful and have a sweet pleasant aroma. It is impossible to look at this spectacle without admiration. It seems like you are in a fairy tale! And then the flowers begin to dry up, their petals come off and fall to the ground. And in their place future fruits begin to be guessed - so far tiny cherries, pears, apples, peaches. There will be something to eat in the summer!

Spring is the time for flowers. First, still through the snow, snowdrops make their way on the black earth, raising their heads to the sun. They seem very fragile, weak, but at the same time, they managed to break through the thickness of the snow. And in mid-April, it's time for daffodils and tulips. I especially like red tulips, although they are all good in their own way. Lilacs bloom in May different colors and peonies, and behind them - the queen of all flowers - a rose. At this time, trees and bushes are already dressed up in bright green leaves. And spring gives us its full bright and lively beauty.