Cain and Abel are their children. Abel and Cain: the history of mankind in a brief retelling. Expelled from Paradise


Cain- the first son of Adam and Eve, i.e. the first person born on Earth. Cain is the father of Enoch and the founder of his line. He became famous for becoming the first murderer on Earth in history(he took the life of his brother Abel).

The name Cain has become a household word for an evil, envious person, capable of meanness (not necessarily murder) towards those closest to him.

We learn the story of Cain from the Book of Genesis.

After being expelled from paradise, Adam and Eve had their first child. They believed that the promises of God given in paradise were coming true, when He said that from the seed of the woman they would be saved and that this seed of the woman would bruise the serpent “on the head” - that is, it would defeat the consequences of the Fall that happened to them. Therefore, Eve named her firstborn “Cain,” which means “a man from the Lord.”

But everything turned out to be much more complicated than they initially thought. And so after some time, when Eve gave birth to another boy, she named him Abel, which means “dust, crying,” that is, like smoke, like dust, her hopes, her dreams for a speedy deliverance dissipated. Perhaps it was only at that moment that they fully realized the enormity of the consequences that the Fall entailed.

Abel became a cattle breeder, and his brother Cain became a farmer.

The conflict began with a sacrifice to God (these were the first sacrifices mentioned in the Bible). Abel sacrificed the firstborn heads of his flock, and Cain sacrificed the fruits of the ground. (Gen. 4:2-4)

Abel was of a kind and meek disposition, he made a sacrifice from a pure heart, with love and faith in the promised Savior, with a prayer for mercy and hope for the mercy of God; and God accepted Abel’s sacrifice—the smoke from it rose to the sky.

Cain was of an evil and cruel disposition. He made a sacrifice only according to custom, without the love and fear of God. The Lord did not accept his sacrifice; smoke from it spread across the ground. (Gen. 4:4-5)

Here we see that not all sacrifices are pleasing to God. Sacrifice to God must be combined with the inner sacrifice of a good heart and a virtuous life. And drawing a parallel to us today, it must also be said that not everything that we sacrifice for God, for the temple, not all of it is accepted by God, not all of it is used for future use. Probably what matters is the heart with which we bring our gift, the state of our soul, why we do it, with what feeling we do it. This is probably what is meant as the main condition. And if something is not right in our hearts, then perhaps the Lord will not accept the gift from us either.

Seeing that his sacrifice was not accepted, Cain became angry with his brother and began to envy him. His face darkened. The Lord, seeing Cain’s embitterment, turns to him as to his own son, but standing on the edge of an abyss, warning him against the already planned fratricide. “And the Lord said to Cain: Why were you sad, and why did your face droop?”(Gen. 4:6)It feels like the Lord doesn’t know something... He knows everything. These are the questions the Lord asks Cain to ask himself: “Think about why you were upset, why did your face droop? think about it..."

“If you do good, you don’t raise your face. And if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door, it attracts you to itself, but you rule over it.” (Gen. 4:7)

Great words! “It (sin) attracts you to itself, but you rule over it.” Yes, sin will lie at the door, and for each of us, at some point in our lives, sin will definitely lie at the door, and it attracts us to itself. But "you rule over him" and don't let it dominate you, be the master of the situation, remain free from it.And the Lord directly addresses Cain, speaks directly to him, admonishes him, guides him, tries to somehow educate him.

But Cain did not heed God’s admonition and, calling Abel into the field, killed him. (Gen. 4:8)

Then the Lord turned to Cain, wanting him to repent, and asked him: “Where is your brother Abel?” But the devil finally took possession of Cain’s heart, and he boldly replied: "Don't know; Am I my brother’s keeper?”(Gen. 4:9) This denial of guilt no longer gave hope for correction.The answer is completely arrogant, completely unceremonious, rude and very indecent: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cynical answer. What does this mean? The fact that Cain’s soul has already become embittered to such an extent and is imbued with sin that, in general, it is no longer possible to cry out for his correction, for repentance. Just maybe, some difficult life conditions over a long period of time can force him to reconsider his attitude, his position, and change something.

Then God said to him: "What did you do? Your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground. For this you will be cursed, and the earth will not bear fruit for you, and you will wander the earth.”(Gen. 4:11-12)

This is such a harsh punishment - Cain was deprived of the fruits of the earth and doomed to continuous wandering.

“And Cain said to the Lord: My punishment is more than can be endured. "(Gen. 4:13) These are not words of repentance, these are not the words of a person who is sorry. These are the words of a man who believes: “Well, what have I done that You are punishing me like this? You are punishing me too much. I don’t see that I have sinned so badly that You would punish me so much. What have I done? That is, he does not understand, does not realize the extent of his terrible act.

This is how the story of two brothers - Cain and Abel - ended sadly.

After the murder, Cain is cursed by God and banished to the land of Nod (Gen. 4:11-14). And so that the first person he meets does not kill the criminal - the first born of a woman man and the first murderer - God marked Cain with a special sign. IN modern language the expression “Cain’s seal” has the meaning of “the seal of crime.” As a punished murderer, Cain should have served as a warning to others. His drooping face, distorted by villainy, served as a sign so that no one would kill him, nor wild animal, nor a person.

Great was the crime of Cain and the insult inflicted on the purity and holiness of love. But, despite this, there were people who decided to follow Cain into exile. He had a wife who also followed him. According to the Bible, in the land of Nod (Gen. 4:16), Cain had a son, Enoch, and Cain’s offspring then also spread throughout the earth.

This story opens up two paths for us: the path with God and the path without God, the path of goodness and love and the path of evil, pride and tyranny. One leads to eternal life, the other to death...

Human life is a gift from God, therefore a person has no right either to take his own life or to take it from others. Taking the life of a neighbor is called murder and is one of the most serious sins.

...And God gave Adam and Eve another son. Their joy was immeasurable. In the hope that he would not be like Cain, but would replace Abel, he was named Sif, What means "base"- the foundation of a new humanity, peaceful, pious, in which there will be no fratricide and malice, which for centuries will, step by step, return to the path of the righteous, leading man through overcoming sin to God.

The material was prepared based on an article in the magazine "FOMA"

The most famous brothers in the Christian religion, Cain and Abel, are familiar to every person. Their story gave me a lot to think about while reading the bible. About the lesson they taught humanity, how fratricide affected the fate of their descendants. In this article I will talk about the story of the two brothers and its different interpretations.

There is probably no person who has not read or heard about this biblical story. Just in case, I’ll remind you what happened between the two legendary brothers and tell you about the details.

Cain and Abel are two brothers, children of the ancestors of the entire population of the Earth, sons of Eve and Adam. They were born after they ate the forbidden fruit, and God expelled the couple from the Garden of Eden.

The Creator instructed his sinful children to engage in heavy physical labor, to obtain food themselves, and to take care of food. Cain was engaged in agriculture, and Abel grazed cattle in the meadows.

The plot of Cain and Abel describes the legendary fratricide committed on Earth. The planet was still young then, although it had undergone many changes and felt all the negative power of the first sin of Adam and Eve. The elder brother was the first to be born on this planet, and the younger brother was the first to die on it.

This story is told in the fourth chapter of Genesis.

Why did the murder happen?

The brothers were required to sacrifice the fruits of their labor to God. The younger brother gave these gifts sincerely, with a pure heart. He did not feel greed and was grateful to the Creator, despite his difficult lot. Therefore, God received him with gratitude and bestowed his favor on him.

The elder brother gave away the fruits of his labors out of obligation. He felt no love for the Creator, and his gifts were rejected. Full of indignation and envy, in a fit of anger Cain killed his younger brother. This act became the first terrible crime to desecrate the earth.

After committing fratricide, Cain tried to cover up the traces of the crime; he did not admit to God what he had done. When asked where Abel had gone, he answered that he was not watching or guarding his brother, so he had no the slightest idea about where he disappeared to.

God hoped to receive a confession and make Cain repent, but he chose to hide his sin and wanted to avoid punishment. For this monstrous offense, the creator cursed the killer, saying that the earth would no longer give him fruit and strength. Cain was banished and doomed to eternal wandering in the land of Nod.

From that moment on, a period of wandering and suffering began for the elder brother, which he was unable to bear. He cried out to God asking that any person he met along the way would kill him.

In response, God commanded that no one could kill Cain, lest he receive seven times more vengeance than he deserved. Therefore, the life of the elder brother continued in torment and suffering.

How did Cain's wanderings end? Here are the main points of history as told in the Bible:

  • Cain gave birth to a son named Enoch and became the founder of his family, as well as the city of the same name.
  • There is no clear information about Cain's wife. In various sources one can see opinions that his wife was his sister, named Avan, or a girl named Sava.
  • The clan of Cain has seven tribes. It ceased to exist after the Great Flood, in which the descendants of the fratricide failed to escape.

It is also indicated that the innocent soul of Abel led a horde of other martyrs who spent their entire lives persecuting members of the elder brother's clan. His soul could not rest until the clan was completely wiped off the face of the earth.

Meaning of brothers' names

Cain's name symbolizes envy in all its forms. Currently, it has become a household word, personifying a person full of evil, meanness, capable of committing a crime against members of his family.

Abel is translated from Hebrew as breath, a powerful positive life energy. Other sources give a translation from the Akkadian language - “son”.

Other interpretations

The story of two brothers became known modern society thanks to the study of ancient manuscripts. The most famous of them was presumably published in 250 BC and is called the “Dead Sea Scrolls.”

In this and other historical manuscripts, Abel is presented as the first person to become a victim of a brutal murder, a martyr who atoned for the sin of his parents before God. The image of Cain is presented as a monstrous killer, the personification of evil, its first manifestation in the human world.

There is another opinion among researchers: some of them believe that the legend of two brothers came from the Sumerians, who wrote about the conflict between farmers and shepherds. Kabbalah states that the elder brother was not the son of Adam, but the fruit of the love of Eve and the angel Samael. In other sources - the devil's offspring, which was born after Eve's adultery with Satan himself.

Watch a video about the biblical story of two brothers:

Notable Facts

This biblical story did not leave researchers and scientists alone. Therefore, over time, many interpretations and interpretations of the first fratricide appeared.

Here are the most interesting of them:

  1. In biblical stories, the story of Cain and Abel is not the only one in which God gave preference to the youngest of the brothers. This event was repeated at least three times - with David, Joseph and Esau.
  2. This story has become an archetypal example of fratricide, envy and betrayal. Various interpretations can be found in works of art in almost any form of art.
  3. In the Middle Ages, there was a legend that the Creator sent his older brother into exile on the Moon, so that from there he would watch earthly life, yearn for it, but would not be able to return. Therefore people, during full moon, can look closely and see the image of an older brother threatening the younger one.

There is another interesting opinion that the sin committed by Cain became the prerequisite for various wars, the cause of which was blood feud. The author of the opinion believes that the reason for the strife is the inequality of people before God and the battle for justice.

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Who are Cain and Abel?

In the Abrahamic religions, Cain and Abel are the sons of Adam and Eve, born after the expulsion of their first parents from Eden. As God commanded, Cain and Abel worked on the earth and ate the fruits of their hard labor. Cain was a farmer, and Abel was a shepherd.

The story of Abel and Cain is the story of the first murder on Earth. The earth at that time was still very young, but had already undergone influence. Cain was the first man born on the young Earth, Abel the first man to die.

The story of Cain and Abel is told in chapter four. You can read or listen to the chapter about Cain and Abel by following the link:

The names Cain and Abel: meaning.

Name Cain comes from either the Hebrew root KANA, which means “to create / bring into being,” or from the root KINA, which means “envy.” The first version is supported by the lines of the Bible in which Eve says about Cain, “I made man.” The name Cain became a household name. Today it is customary to call an evil and envious person capable of meanness.

Name Abel(Hevel) probably goes back to the Hebrew word “hevel” - breath. However, many modern scholars say that the name Abel comes from the Akkadian “ablu”, which means son.

Why did Cain kill Abel?

Cain the farmer and Abel the herdsman brought the fruits of their labors as a sacrifice to God. God favorably accepted Abel’s sacrifice, since it was offered with a pure heart. Cain's sacrifice was rejected, since Cain sacrificed only out of habit, without love for God. Out of envy and anger, Cain kills Abel, thereby committing the first crime on the young Earth.

The story of Cain after the fratricide.

After the murder, Cain tried to hide his sin before God. When God asked Cain where his brother was, he replied that he did not know, since he was not his brother’s keeper. It is believed that God asked Cain this question in the hope of confessing his sin, but Cain showed no desire to repent.

Cain and Abel. Zhitnikov Mikhail.

After the murder, Cain was cursed by God from the land on which the blood of Abel was shed. According to God's word, the earth will not give strength to Cain. And he must become an exile and a wanderer on earth. And Cain was sent to the land of Nod.

Cain cries out to God, saying that his punishment is more than he can bear, and that anyone who meets him will be able to kill him.

And the Lord [God] said to him: therefore, whoever kills Cain will be avenged sevenfold. And the Lord [God] made a sign for Cain, so that no one who met him would kill him.

Cain is the father of Enoch and the founder of his line. He also founded a city and named it after his son ENOCH. Who was Cain's wife? There is no mention of this in the Bible, but there are two opinions, both based on the Book of Jubilees:

  • Cain's wife was his sister Avan;
  • Cain's wife was Sheba.

Cain's tribe has 7 generations. It is believed that Cain's family did not survive the Great Flood. IN apocryphal book Enoch writes that the soul of Abel became the head of the martyrs and persecuted the descendants of Cain.

“This is the spirit that came out of Abel, who was killed by his brother Cain; and he complains against him until his (Cain’s) seed is blotted out from the face of the earth and his seed is destroyed from the seed of men.”

The story of Cain and Abel. Manuscripts and interpretations.

The oldest known copy of the biblical narrative containing the story of Cain and Abel - Scrolls Dead Sea(Qumran manuscripts). The main body of Qumran manuscripts dates from 250 BC. e. before 68 AD e. The scroll containing the story of Cain and Abel dates back to the first century BC.

The story of Cain and Abel has also come down to us in a number of other texts (24 manuscripts in total). This story is subject to various interpretations.

The image of Abel is interpreted both as the first murder victim and as the first martyr; while Cain is seen as both the first murderer and the ancestor of evil. Some scientists suggest that biblical story about Cain and Abel is based on an ancient Sumerian tale about the conflict between nomadic shepherds and sedentary farmers.

The image of Cain is reflected in Kabbalah, where he is considered the son of the angel Samael and Eve, as well as in Gnosticism, where he is considered the son of Satan and Eve.

An interesting fact is that, following the story of Cain and Abel, the idea of ​​God preferring the youngest son is observed more than once in the Bible:

  • The story of Esau and Jacob;
  • The story of Joseph and his eleven brothers;
  • The story of David and his older brothers, etc.

The story of Cain and Abel has become the archetype of fratricide. This story is interpreted in literature and other forms of art.

Medieval legend says that Cain was sent by God to the moon.

A medieval legend says that Cain was sent by God to the Moon so that from there he could see all the delights of earthly life and not be able to return. According to this legend, on a full moon, looking at the moon you can see the image of Cain killing Abel. Cain with a bundle of brushwood is synonymous with the moon in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.

...Two hemispheres and beyond Seville into the waves

Cain descends, holding his brushwood

There is an interesting interpretation of the story of Abel and Cain, according to which this story explains the source of all wars. How is it that blood brothers who worship the same God become mortal enemies? According to the author of the theory, wars, including religious ones, are led not by differences in dogmas or rituals, but by “claims to equality” or “denial of hierarchy” (

Abel- second son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, who killed him out of envy. Abel was a shepherd Cain - farmer; and thus in the first family the two main kinds of life of the Jews had already appeared (Gen. 4: 1-8). Abel was the first “martyr” for the faith (Matt. 23:25; Heb. 11:4) and with his whole story he represents, firstly, the righteous, often persecuted by the wicked, and secondly, Jesus Christ, the innocent victim slain as atonement sins. As for Abel’s representation of the persecuted righteous, in this regard his story speaks for itself in view of what he suffered from Cain, his wicked fratricide. Already the writer of the Book of Wisdom (10:3) calls Cain unrighteous, who, “having departed from wisdom, in his anger died from fratricidal rage”; and then Jesus Christ Himself calls Abel righteous, and he is classified among the prophets and saints whose blood falls on the Jews (Matthew 23:32-35). Ap. Paul, to Heb. 11:4 says that by the power of faith with which Abel performed his sacrifice, he received a testimony from God that he was righteous, because God accepted his offering. Ap. John (1 John 3:10-12) points out righteousness and brotherly love as the distinguishing characteristics of the sons of God and the sons of the devil, and points to Cain, “who was of the evil one, and killed his brother. And why did he kill him? Because his deeds were evil, but his brother’s deeds were righteous.” Thus, Abel is portrayed in Holy Scripture as the first personification of good, in contrast to Cain, who, as the representative of evil, hates him, and makes him a victim of his cruel envy. This idea also passes through the ancient fathers of the church. So, these two brothers, according to the explanation of St. Ambrose, depict two opposing classes of people: one class of them relates everything to itself, and the other class relates everything to God and submits to His control. Both of these classes are of the same kind, but opposite in spirit. Abel is the image of the good, Cain is the image of the evil. Then both of these brothers represent two peoples - Jews and pagans. Cain depicts the Jewish people, a fratricidal people; Abel - pagans who became Christians, who are devoted to God, are engaged in heavenly affairs and withdraw from earthly things. The same truths are stated by Bl. Augustine. The time during which nascent people give way to dying people is the history of two cities: Cain, born the first of the two ancestors of humanity, belongs to the city of man, and Abel, born second, belongs to the city of God (“On the City of God 15:1”). . The City of God, temporarily existing here on earth, is represented in its actual composition by Cain and Abel and embraces two groups of people - earthly and heavenly (ibid. 15: 1). From the time when Abel, the first righteous man, was killed by his brother, the church has been wandering among the persecutions of this world, finding consolation from God (18, 51, 2). The heavenly hail began with Abel himself, just as the dark hail began with Cain. This heavenly city is therefore very ancient, it trusts in heaven, and is called Jerusalem and Zion. Speaking about the murder of Abel by Cain, St. John Chrysostom (on the book of Gen. Conversations 19:6) notes that Christians should not be afraid of vicissitudes and evils here, but rather should be careful not to do evil to others. Who is really more unfortunate: the murderer or his victim? Clearly a murderer. Abel is always glorified as the first confessor of the truth, but his murderer led a miserable life, was cursed by God, and was considered a disgusting person. What's the difference in future life ? Abel will reign forever with the patriarchs, prophets, apostles and all the saints, and with Jesus Christ himself; and Cain will endure the torment of hell forever. And those who imitate him will suffer the same torment; and good, faithful imitators of Abel will be partakers of his blessedness. Then Abel was also an undoubted prototype of Jesus Christ in three different respects: a) as a shepherd of sheep, b) as a man who made a righteous sacrifice, and c) as a victim of violent death. As a shepherd of the flock, Abel was truly a type of Jesus Christ, the true and good Shepherd, who feeds His flock well. Then, Abel's sacrifice was the first of the sacrifices offered with clean hands; in this regard, he, like all subsequent sacrifices, represented the sacrifice of the Only Begotten Son of God on the cross and in the Eucharist. To depict the suffering of our Redeemer, Abel sacrificed a lamb, a type of the Lamb that was proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah and which John the Baptist directly pointed out as the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Abel foreshadowed Jesus Christ even more clearly by his violent death. Having been killed out of hatred by his brother Cain, he directly depicted Jesus Christ falling victim to the hatred of the Jews. But the death of Jesus Christ, similar to the death of Abel, had immeasurably greater significance before God. The blood of Abel cried out for vengeance to heaven (Gen. 4:10); and thus, by virtue of his faith, this righteous man still spoke after his death (Heb. 11:4). But the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the new covenant, cried out even louder than the blood of Abel (Heb. 12:24). She cried out for vengeance, and the blood of the Savior cried out for mercy and forgiveness. The church fathers generally developed this aspect in detail in the story of Abel, as a prototype of Jesus Christ. Some of them glorify Abel as the first of the martyrs. “Let us imitate, my beloved brothers,” wrote St. Cyprian, to the righteous Abel (Epist. 16, De exhortatione Martyrii), who began martyrdom, since the first was killed for the truth.” “Abel,” he says in another place, offered a sacrifice to God, then he himself was sacrificed to the Lord, so that, giving the first example of martyrdom, he was the first to announce the suffering of the Savior with the glory of his blood.” Then he, in another place, says that the patriarchs, prophets and righteous men, who were types of Christ, were all also models of patience. Such is Abel, the first martyr and the first persecuted righteous man, who did not oppose his bloodthirsty brother, but calmly allowed himself to be killed, as a humble and meek victim. Combining all these prototypical features in the story of Abel, St. Cyril of Alexandria (MP Gr. 69, 40-44) generally recognized in Cain and Abel the mystery of Christ, from whom we received salvation. Cain represents Israel, the firstborn of God; Abel, being a shepherd, was a type of Immanuel, the head of the flock; as a righteous man, he represented the innocent Christ, who, as the High Priest, offered a sacrifice higher than the sacrifices of the Old Testament. Israel, out of jealousy, killed Christ, and the blood of Jesus cried out for vengeance against the deicides of the Jews. The same idea is developed by other church fathers, such as St. John Chrysostom, Ambrose, etc.

Abel is righteous. aux. church on the week of St. forefather. In some ancient Greek months, in addition, his memory is based on March 1 and 20 (see Ser. M.).

The word Abel is like component, is included in many biblical names (Abel-Meholah - the birthplace of St. Elisha - 3 Ts. 19, 16; Abel-Mizraim, where Jacob was mourned - Gen. 50, 11; Abel-Shittim, where the Israelites had a camp before crossing Jordan - Numbers 25, 1; I. Joshua 2, 1, etc.).

*Alexander Ivanovich Ponomarev,
Master of Theology, Professor
Kyiv Theological Academy.

Source of text: Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia. Volume 1, page 128. Petrograd publication. Supplement to the spiritual magazine "The Wanderer" for 1900.


It was hard for Adam and Eve to part with paradise, but it was even harder for them to get used to work and illness. The animals now no longer obeyed and were afraid of them, and the earth did not always bring them fruits for food.

Soon Adam and Eve had children. They had two sons: Cain and Abel. The eldest, Cain, was engaged in arable farming, and the youngest, Abel, tended the flock.

One day the brothers wanted to bring something as a sacrifice or gift to God. They built two fires, Cain sprinkled grains of grain on the fire, and Abel put a lamb, and both lit their fires.

Abel brought the gift to God with all his soul, with love and prayer, and therefore the smoke from his fire rose in a straight column to Heaven. Cain offered his sacrifice reluctantly and carelessly and did not pray to God at all, and the smoke from his sacrifice spread across the ground. From this it was clear that Abel’s sacrifice was pleasing to God, and Cain’s sacrifice was unpleasant.

Cain became very annoyed, but instead of praying more fervently to God and asking the Lord to accept a sacrifice from him, Cain was jealous of his brother and killed him out of anger. Then the Lord asked him:

- Cain, where is Abel, your brother?

It was God who asked him so that the murderer himself would repent and ask for forgiveness. But Cain did not repent and answered boldly:

“I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?”

The Lord said to him:

- No, you killed your brother, and now you won’t find peace anywhere!

Cain's murder of Abel

Cain was frightened and exclaimed:

- Great is my sin! Now the first person I meet will kill me!

But God said:

- No, I will put such a sign on you that no one will kill you, you will live, and your conscience will always torment you!

From then on, Cain could never raise his face to the sky. Gloomy and thoughtful, tormented by shame, he could not find peace for himself anywhere and soon left his family altogether for a distant land.

Adam and Eve cried and grieved greatly when they learned about Abel’s death. This was the first severe grief on earth. Now they regretted paradise even more. If they had obeyed God, they would have lived in paradise, and such a misfortune would not have happened there. God saw their tears and gave them a third son named Seth. He was a kind and gentle boy, and the Lord loved him very much. Cain also had children, but they, like their father, were angry, disrespectful and envious. The children of Cain began to be called children of men, because they thought only about earthly things and did not strive for God. The children of Seth were pious and turned to their Creator all the time, so they were called the sons of God.

It happens that you pray to God inattentively, especially before going to bed. But know that God does not listen to inattentive prayer. If you pray, then do it with all your heart, with love for God, then the Guardian Angel will transfer your prayers to Heaven to God and the Lord will willingly fulfill all your requests.

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Cain and Abel 1 Adam knew Eve his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain a. She said, “With the help of the Lord I acquired a man.” 2 Then she gave birth to his brother Abel. Abel tended the flocks, and Cain worked the land. 3 After some time, Cain brought the fruits of the ground as a gift to the Lord, 4 and

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Cain and Abel Adam and Eve had two sons: Cain and Abel. The eldest, Cain, worked the land; the youngest, Abel, tended sheep. Abel was distinguished by kindness and meekness; Cain was angry and envious. One day both brothers wanted to sacrifice to God, that is, as a gift, what they had best: Cain

From the book The Bible in Stories for Children author Vozdvizhensky P. N.

CAIN AND ABEL It was hard for Adam and Eve to part with paradise, but it was even harder for them to get used to work and illness. The animals now no longer obeyed and were afraid of them, and the earth did not always bring them fruits for food. Soon children were born to Adam and Eve. They had two sons: Cain and Abel.

From the book The Bible for Children author Shalaeva Galina Petrovna

Cain and Abel Adam and Eve were very worried about their separation from God and tried to earn his forgiveness, to show him their love. But how to do this? After all, God did not allow them to even come close to the gates of Paradise and placed a winged cherub with a fiery sword there on guard. Then

From the book The Illustrated Bible for Children author Vozdvizhensky P. N.

CAIN AND ABEL It was hard for Adam and Eve to part with paradise, and it was even harder for them to get used to work and illness. The animals now no longer obeyed them and harmed them, the animals fled from them, and the earth did not always bear fruit for them to eat. They lived in a poor hut in the middle of a field. Soon

From the book The Illustrated Bible. Old Testament author's Bible

Cain and Abel Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord.”2 And she also bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a shepherd of sheep, and Cain was a farmer.3 After some time, Cain brought a gift to the Lord from the fruits of the ground.4 And Abel also

From the book Biblical legends. Old Testament author Yasnov M.D.

Cain and Abel Since Adam lost the abundance of paradise, he had to do everything himself - both get food and build a home. And Eve, as the Lord predicted to her, in pain gave birth to her sons - Cain and Abel. Cain became a farmer, Abel a shepherd, and the work of both, like their work