When is the full moon in June? Fight for the past, present and future

The new moon in June 2015 will take place on the 16th. The time of the new moon is considered very stressful for a person, as there is a change in lunar cycles, which can affect both the emotional and physical level. What will the June new moon bring us?

The New Moon on June 16, 2015 will be under the Sign of Gemini. The Moon in Gemini will bring its own pros and cons to the character of the day.

The influence of the new moon on June 16

Career and money. The New Moon in Gemini is the best time to learn and improve your skills. If you are planning to take a course, sign up on this day. On June 16, work related to information and communication will be good. Trade and intermediary activities will be successful. At the same time, misunderstandings and misunderstandings may arise during negotiations and meetings. As for the financial side of life, astrologers do not advise spending a lot of money on this day. If you want the new lunar cycle to be more successful and financially stable, then avoid large expenses and do not lend money.

Family, love and relationships. The time of the new moon in Gemini is quite difficult for relationships with loved ones. Quarrels may arise out of nowhere; at this time it is more difficult for people to understand each other. Moon calendar They advise to show restraint and patience towards people. It is especially necessary to keep your mouth shut, otherwise, in a fit of emotion, you can say a lot of nasty things to each other.

Health and emotional state. During the new moon it is good to start a diet and cleanse the body. The whole body will benefit from fasting and eating large quantity water. During this new moon, it is not recommended to perform operations on the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. It is also not recommended to treat teeth. The emotional state on this day will be unstable - the mood during the day may change in one direction or the other. In any case, try to maintain a positive attitude.

Astrologers advise spending the New Moon on June 16 in a familiar and calm environment. You shouldn’t start something new just yet, but planning will benefit your business. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.06.2015 09:15

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The full moon in June 2015 will occur on the 2nd. How will this time affect all life processes? What do astrologers recommend in order to use the magical power of the Moon for your own purposes?

The Moon on June 2 will be in the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius. This will leave its mark on the character of the day. The Full Moon in Sagittarius makes us restless, irresponsible, frivolous and uncommitted. So on this day it is best not to take on important matters and not promise anything to anyone. As a rule, loud words spoken under the influence of the full Moon later turn out to be empty and meaningless.

What can you do on the full moon on June 2 to attract good luck?

  • If you want to attract money into your life, then don’t spend a penny that day. Or try to spend only on the most necessary needs. The Full Moon gives the energy of excess, abundance and fullness, which is what your wallet needs. To strengthen money energy at this time, you can perform money rituals.
  • The full moon is a great opportunity to lose weight. Drink more water this day. Fasting and diet will also benefit. On this day, you can quickly cleanse your body of waste and toxins by drinking more fluids.
  • If you want to change your life, then the full moon is the best time for this. Astrologers warn to start important things on this day and make serious decisions. But you can plan! All the deeds, dreams and goals that you think about during the full moon will have great power for implementation.
    • During the full moon, people become very sensitive. So if you want to influence someone, achieve something from a person, then you should do it on the day of the full moon.

On June 16, 2015 at 17:03 (Moscow time) there will be a New Moon in the sociable, curious, inquisitive sign of Gemini. The qualities of the air element, one way or another, will affect absolutely all people. This is a great time to open new horizons, find ways to achieve your goals, and educate yourself.

A light, upbeat mood will persist for another two weeks after the New Moon, so it is important not to miss the moment and write down even the most ridiculous ideas that come to mind. Perhaps some of them will bring success, recognition and significant income in the future.

Positive influence New Moon

On June 16, 2015, many will awaken the desire to create something, start new things. It is worth considering that such a period will last a maximum of three weeks, so it is not recommended to enter into transactions for a long-term period or buy expensive courses. Gemini will help you look at the world more broadly and discover different approaches to solving problems. At this time, you need to remember all the ideas, and then figure out whether to implement them or not.

Air helps us describe our feelings in words. June 16, 2015 is a great day to sort things out. If there are questions that have been haunting for a long time, but the person did not have the opportunity to ask them or lacked the determination, this needs to be done on the New Moon in the sign of Gemini. Under no circumstances should you hush up anything or worry alone. Air requires openness and certainty. Gemini will help you properly build a dialogue and solve all problems.

Negative influence New Moon

The new moon will unsettle many. On June 16, 2015, there may be a desire to be alone and retire. You shouldn’t force yourself to work; you need to come to terms with the fact that you won’t be able to complete all your planned tasks that day. Geminis love communication, but it is not always friendly and open. Therefore, during the New Moon period, a surge in gossip and the spread of false information is possible. It is not recommended to rummage through someone else’s underwear during this period, although it is very tempting to do so. On June 16, 2015, some people may feel the urge to gloat. On the New Moon it is difficult to fight negative character traits, but it is very necessary to do so. Instead of watching other people's mistakes, it is better to take care of keeping your own secrets secret. Gemini promotes the rapid dissemination of information, so during this period everything secret can become apparent.

Don't forget that thanks to the retrograde movement, Saturn will again be visiting Scorpio. This important astrological event will occur on June 15, 2015 and will last until September 18.

What to expect from Saturn retro in Scorpio?

Scorpio exhibits the most negative qualities due to the fear of losing power. Because of this, a feeling of revenge awakens in him, a desire to manipulate people. Saturn is a planet, loss bearer. They may be insignificant, but a person is exhausted by the very expectation of changes for the worse than by their occurrence.

A retrograde planet in the sign of Scorpio affects not only the individual, but also entire world systems. Therefore, in the period from June 15, 2015 to September 18, 2015, major changes in legislative structures are possible. Saturn will cut off with a sharp dagger everything old, unnecessary, and long-outdated. At this time, it is possible that the world economy will fall to the very bottom, which will negatively affect people’s mood and cause them fear and panic.

The astrological event will also affect weather conditions. Don't expect a golden mean. The weather will go to extremes, sometimes pouring downpours, sometimes exhausting with heat. The psyche of many people will undergo powerful tests on June 15, 2015. During this period, there is a high probability of a change in worldview and revaluation of values. Depressive moods that arise due to any restrictions are also possible.

The most difficult time at this time will be for people who have Saturn in Scorpio in their natal charts. These are those born between 1953 and 1956. and from 1983 to 1986. These people are destined for serious changes in their fate. On December 23, 2014, Saturn moved into the sign of Sagittarius, and we could breathe easy. The retrograde movement of the planet again returns to forgotten problems, forces you to reconsider your priorities, and let changes into your life.

The period from June 15 to September 18 can be spent very productively: overcome the fear of intimacy, experience psychological healing, and throw out everything old and unnecessary from your life.

From June 24, 2015 to August 9, 2015, militant Mars will be in homely, indecisive, sensual Cancer. This position of the planet is considered the place of its fall. The fact is that Cancer is very cautious; he does not intend to start active hostilities. The zodiac sign is used to taking care of loved ones, arranging a home, and protecting their hearth. Martian energy will come into conflict with the prudent Cancer, so you won’t have to complain about the lack of impressions.

What to expect from Mars in Cancer?

A difficult period begins on June 24, 2015, how will it affect specific person, largely depends on natal chart personality. Mars will force even the indecisive and slow Cancer to fight. This difficult transit does not tolerate inactivity, so each person will defend their interests. First of all, the emotional sphere will require attention. You may have to protect relatives and household members; a certain transformation may occur in personal relationships. Although Mars is aggressive, you should not expect direct attacks during the period from June 24, 2015 to August 9, 2015; the struggle will take place passively.

During this period, the instinct of a protector towards family and home will manifest itself in every person. From June 24, 2015, we need to try to pay more attention to raising children and parental care. If desired, powerful Martian energy can be directed to completely peaceful purposes, for example, home improvement and repairs.

Main aspects of Mars in Cancer

The transit of the warlike planet in the sign of Cancer will set a certain mood. But it is also worth considering the connections of Mars with other planets. Some aspects will help in the implementation of your plans, and some will force you to make every effort to realize your desires.

July 2-16, 2015 Mars will form a trine with Neptune, the exact aspect falls on July 9. Since both planets are in the signs of Water, you should trust your intuition more; it will tell you the right path to realizing your plans. During this period, there may be a surge in creative activity, and talents will find use.

July 12-20, 2015 in the sign of Cancer, Mars connects with Mercury. The exact aspect falls on July 16th. This is an ideal period for students, as well as people of intellectual work. Travel, sales, communications, and information transfer come to the fore. True, the conjunction of Mars with Mercury can lead to conflict situations and quarrels.

From July 8 to July 22, 2015, all people are affected by the opposition of Mars and Pluto. Strong energy of a destructive nature can cause accidents, injuries at work or due to negligence. Military action may begin. At this time, you should abandon hasty decisions and calm down your persistence, because in the end it will be very difficult to maintain control over the situation.

From July 18 to August 2, 2015, there will be strong tension in the air, due to the square of Mars and Uranus. The desire to take risks, rush, and get new sensations can lead to very sad consequences. It is recommended to exercise caution when operating electrical appliances.

July 30 - August 9, 2015 Mars forms a trine with Saturn. This is the ideal time for painstaking work that requires diligence and responsibility. Copied from the site: