What do they pray to Cyprian? Prayer to Cyprian against corruption and witchcraft. What is damage

Who is Saint Cyprian - a sorcerer or a saint from the evil eye and witchcraft?

What does the legend tell about the holy martyr Cyprian? What do we know, except that he lived in the world at the end of the 3rd, beginning of the 4th centuries, his homeland was Antioch, and from the age of 7 to 30 he studied in the large centers of that period, in the cities of Tavropol and Argos, on Mount Olympus, in Babylon, in Egyptian Memphis. And finally, having comprehended the wisdom of philosophy and witchcraft, Cyprian was ordained a priest on Olympus.

As a black magician, Cyprian had enormous power. He called, saw the Prince of Darkness himself and talked with him. Returning to his homeland, he became the chief priest. But his way of thinking changed because of a woman, the nun Justina. No, he was not in love, he received an order from a rich man to influence the girl’s heart with black magic, to make her fall in love with the one who desired her. But all the efforts of the sorcerer were in vain. Witchcraft was dispelled by the very name of Christ's Bride. The sorcerer was confused and wanted to know everything about faith.

Saint Cyprian from damage and the evil eye

He humbled himself and gave his witchcraft books to be burned for cleansing. The bishop instructed Cyprian in the holy faith and ordered him to prepare for baptism. Years later, the former pagan became a bishop. Under Emperor Diocletian, the time came for severe persecution of Christians. Bishop Cyprian was captured, tortured and killed. And so the former black magician Cyprian became a holy martyr.

Knowing the repentance of the martyr Cyprian, who was a servant of the Prince of Darkness, but with the help of unshakable faith managed to break the bonds of evil, all Christians through prayer turn to the help of the saint in eternal opposition to unclean spirits and sorcerers. Cyprian is a saint against the evil eye and damage, a protector against witchcraft.

How to pray to Saint Cyprian to free a child from the evil eye

When it comes to casting magical damage on a child, it is very important to correctly carry out the ritual of getting rid of the damage and strictly follow the sequence of actions. The church prayer against the evil eye and corruption of St. Cyprian should be read by an adult over the head of the bewitched child. Since the responsibility for protecting the child lies with its mother, it is better if the child’s own mother does this.

To enhance the positive effect, you can give the child a drink of water over which a prayer has been read against the evil eye and damage, and then wash the baby with the remnants of this water.

In general, in order to gain a reliable shield from black magic, it is advisable to read a prayer to St. Cyprian every day, naming the names of those people for whom you are asking.

If suddenly relationships with loved ones began to decline, health deteriorated, if a person lost the meaning of life and began to seek death, then it would not be superfluous to read this prayer, to cover oneself with the great shield of the word from the machinations of black sorcerers. You can recite a prayer against the evil eye and damage to water, and then give it to the patient.

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Strong prayer against the evil eye and damage

The world is huge. The world is overpopulated. Each person has his own interests, and if someone contradicts these interests or gets in the way, he quickly falls into the category of enemies. And with enemies there is a special conversation. Each of us has enemies, and our own methods of dealing with them and methods of retribution. But we, too, are someone’s enemies, and this means only one thing - we cannot relax, we must not allow ourselves to be taken revenge (no matter what) with the help of witchcraft.

If you are baptized, believe in God, and consider yourself an Orthodox Christian, then you can rightfully turn to the egregor of Orthodoxy for protection from witchcraft. Church prayers against evil and severe damage to a person are an effective weapon against witchcraft slander.

Orthodox prayer from enemies and mortal damage will save you from the sin of anger, hatred, and witchcraft

It is not uncommon for someone to stalk someone for years, cause damage to their health, or set up trouble. as if at war. But it often turns out that people are accustomed to living this way, accustomed to the fact that there is a war, that everyday boring existence turns into a battle. And then you can get together and actively confront your enemies. Excitement appears, you can give free rein to pride, hatred, resentment, you can find a reason and justification for revenge. But here it is important to understand this: your enemies are instruments in your karma.

You are the cause of everything that happens to you, good or bad. Turn to the light, get away from evil, cleanse yourself of filth.

A valid prayer against black damage and the evil eye will help you

There is a good prayer to the holy martyr Cyprian against corruption. She is perhaps the most powerful against witchcraft. Prayer is very big, but its effect is powerful, it is of great help and benefit. If you know that your enemy is casting spells or causing damage, read this prayer daily, and know that they will not leave you without help. You can also recite a prayer over water and give it to the patient to drink. &1

Watch the video of a prayer against damage and the evil eye

Text of the Christian prayer to Saint Cyprian against corruption

This Hieromartyr, praying to God with all his soul, said: “Lord God, Mighty and Holy, King of kings, now hear the prayer of Thy servant Cyprian.” Thousands upon thousands and darkness upon darkness stand before You, Angel and Archangel. You weigh the secret of the hearts of Your servant (name), appear to him, Lord, as Paul in chains and Thecla in fire. So, let me know You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities.

You, holding the cloud and the sky, have not rained on the garden tree, and that is the fruit of the uncreated. Idle wives wait out, and others do not conceive. We only looked at the fence of the helicopter city, and nothing was done. The rose will not bloom and the class will not vegetate; The grapes do not bear fruit, and the beasts do not bear fruit. The fish of the sea are not allowed to swim and the birds of the sky are forbidden to fly. So, You showed Your power with the prophet Elijah.

I pray to Thee, O Lord my God; All sorcery, and all evil demons who tend to the sin of man and commit sin on him, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, O Lord my God, the Strong and Great One, who has favored the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Thy Holy flock, I pray to Thee, O Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with himself, do for him what he asks for with it. Your Most Holy Majesty, who was merciful to me and did not want to destroy me with my iniquities; Thus, do not destroy anyone who prays to You with this prayer. Strengthen the weak in faith! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Give reason to the desperate one and do not turn away everyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.

Now, falling before You, Lord, I pray and ask Your holy name: in every house and in every place, especially on the Orthodox Christian, there is some sorcery from evil people or from demons, may this prayer be read over the head of a person or in the house and may it be resolved from binding by evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, malice, intimidation, effective poisoning, from pagan poisoning and from any spell and oath.

Therefore, whoever has acquired this prayer in his home, let him be kept from every trick of the devil, indulgence, poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all witchcraft and sorcery, and may demons flee from him and may evil spirits recede. Lord my God, having power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Thy Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Thy Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Thy unworthy servant (name), who honors this prayer and through it may all the devil be resolved intrigues.

Just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let all sorcery and evil spells perish from the face of a person who honors this prayer. Like the name, the Life-Giving Trinity, is enlightenment for us, and don’t we know another god than You? We believe in You, we worship You and we pray to You; protect, intercede and save us, O God, from every evil action and sorcery of evil people. Just as You brought out sweet water from the stone to the sons of Moses, so, Lord God of Hosts, lay Your hand on Your servant (name), full of Your goodness and protect from all deeds. Bless the house in it, may this prayer abide and everyone who honors my memory, send your mercy to him, Lord, and protect him from all sorcery. Be his helper and protector, O Lord.

Four rivers: Pison, Geon, Euphrates and Tigris: the Edenic man cannot hold back, so no sorcerer can manifest the affairs or dreams of demons before reading this prayer, I conjure by the Living God! May the demon be crushed and all the nasty and evil force unleashed by evil people on the servant of God (name) be driven away.

As he multiplied the years of Hezekiah the king, so multiply the years of him who has this prayer: by the service of the Angel, by the singing of the Seraphim, by the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Archangel Gabriel and the incorporeal for the sake of Her conception, our Lord Jesus Christ, by His glorious Nativity in Bethlehem, by the slaughter of Herod the king four times ten thousand infants and His Holy Baptism received in the Jordan River, fasting and temptation from the devil, His terrible victory and His most terrible judgment, His most terrible miracles in the world: He granted healing and cleansing. Give life to the dead, drive out demons, and fulfill His entry into Jerusalem as a King: - “Ossain to the Son of David - from the child crying to You, hear” the Holy Passion, the Crucifixion and Burial, enduring, and on the third day the Resurrection came, as it is written, and into heaven ascent. There are numerous Angels and Archangels singing, glorifying His rise, who sits at the right hand of the Father until His second coming to judge the living and the dead.

You have given authority to Your holy disciples and Apostles, saying to them: “Hold and hold on - decide and they will be resolved,” so through this prayer, allow every devilish sorcery over Your servant (name). For the sake of Your Holy Great Name, I conjure and drive away all wicked and evil souls and the combing of evil people and their sorceries, slander, witchcraft, eye damage, sorcery and every trick of the devil. I pray to You, O most merciful Lord, take me away from Your servant (name), and from his house, and from all his acquisitions.

As you increased the wealth of the righteous Job, so, Lord, increase the household life of the one who has this prayer: the creation of Adam, the sacrifice of Abel, the annunciation of Joseph, the holiness of Enoch, the righteousness of Noah, the conversion of Melchisidek, the faith of Abraham, the holiness of Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the shrine of the Patriarchs, the blood of the Holy Martyrs , the slaughter of Peter and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the virginity of John the Theologian, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua, the holiness of Samuel, the twelve tribes of Israel, the prayer of the Prophet Elisha, the fasting and knowledge of the Prophet Daniel, the sale of the beautiful Joseph, the Wisdom of the Prophet Solomon, the power of one hundred and sixty Angels, by the prayer of the Honest Glorious Prophet and Baptist John and one hundred to ten Saints of the second council, holy confessors and swearers of the terrible unspeakable name of Your Holy, All-Glorious All-Seer God, and before Him stands a thousand and ten thousand Angels and Archangels. For the sake of their prayers, I pray and ask You, Lord, drive away and overcome all malice and wickedness from Your servant (name), and let it flee to Tartarus.

I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, for may salvation befit all Orthodox people in that house, in which there is this prayer, written in seventy-two languages, and may all wickedness be resolved through it; either in the sea, or along the way, or in the source, or in the vault; either in the upper pose or in the lower one; either behind or in front; either in the wall, or in the roof, let it be resolved everywhere! May every devilish obsession be resolved in the course or in the camp; or in the mountains, or in dens, or in the precincts of houses, or in the abysses of the earth; or in the root of a tree, or in the leaves of plants; either in fields or in gardens; or in the grass, or in a bush, or in a cave, or in a bathhouse, may it be resolved!

Let every evil deed be resolved; either in fish skin or in flesh; or in the skin of a snake, or in the skin of a man; or in elegant jewelry, or in headdresses; or in the eyes, or in the ears, or in the hair of the head, or in the eyebrows; either in bed or in clothes; or in cutting foot nails, or cutting hand nails; either in hot blood or in icy water: let it be resolved! Let every crime and sorcery be resolved; or in the brain, or under the brain, or in the shoulder, or between the shoulders; either in the muscles or in the legs; either in the leg or in the arm; or in the belly, or under the belly, or in the bones, or in the veins; either in the stomach or within natural limits, let it be resolved! May every devilish act and obsession committed be resolved; either on gold or on silver; or in copper, or in iron, or in tin, or in lead, or in honey, or in wax; or in wine, or in beer, or in bread, or in food; May everything be resolved!

May every evil devil's intention against man be resolved; or in sea reptiles, or in flying insects; either in animals or in birds; or in the stars, or in the moon; either in beasts or in reptiles; or in charters, or in ink; May everything be resolved! Even two wicked tongues: salamaru and remihara, pursuit; elizda and the devil from the servant of God (name), by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord with all the heavenly powers before the High and Terrible Throne of God, create Your servants scorching fire. Cherubim and Seraphim; Authorities and Pristoli; Dominance and Power.

In one hour the thief entered heaven through prayer. Joshua, the sun and the moon, prayed a prayer. The prophet Daniel prayed and stopped the mouths of the lions. Three youths: Ananias, Azariah and Misail extinguish the flame of the cave with fiery prayer. I also pray to You, Lord, grant this prayer to everyone who prays to it.

I pray and ask the holy council of the prophets: Zechariah, Hosea, Jesse, Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Amos, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Nahum and the Prophet John the Baptist of the Lord: - I pray and ask the four Evangelists, Matthias, Mark , Luke and John the Theologian, and the holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, and the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and Joseph the betrothed, and James the Lord's brother according to the flesh, Simeon the God-Receiver, and Simeon the relative of the Lord, and Andrew Christ for the sake of the fool, and John the Merciful, and Ignatius the God-Bearer, and the Hieromartyr Ananias, and Roman the singer of the kontakion, and Mark the Greek, and Cyril the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Venerable Ephraim the Syrian, and Mark the grave-digger, and the three Great Saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, and others like them the holy father of our saints Nicholas Archbishop of Myra Lycian wonderworker, and the holy metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes, Innocent and Cyril, Moscow wonderworkers: St. Anthony, Theodosius and Athanasius, Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers: St. Sergius and Nikon, Radonezh wonderworkers ; Reverends Zosima and Savatius, Solovetsky miracle workers; Saints Guria and Barsanuphius, Kazan miracle workers; Like our holy fathers: Pachomius, Anthony, Theotosiya, Pimen the Great, and like our holy father Seraphim of Sarov; Samson and Daniel the Stylites; Maximus the Greek, monk Miletius of Mount Athos; Nikon, Patriarch of Antioch, Great Martyr Kyriakos and his mother Iulita; Alexy, the man of God, and the holy venerable myrrh-bearing women: Mary, Magdalene, Euphrosyne, Xenia, Evdokia, Anastasia; The Holy Great Martyrs Paraskeva, Catherine, Fevronia, Marina, who shed their blood for You, Christ our God, and all the saints of the Father who pleased You, Lord, have mercy and save Your servant (name), may no evil and wickedness touch him or his house neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the days, nor in the night, let him not touch.

Save him, Lord, from air, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits of evil. I pray to You, Lord, even as this holy prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian was written, it was confirmed and marked by the Holy Trinity for the destruction and driving away of all evil, the enemy and adversary of demonic nets, catching people everywhere with the witchcraft and sorcery of Zadok and Naphael, called Ephil, and the daughters of Samuel, skilled in sorcery.

By the Word of the Lord, heaven and earth and everything under heaven were established; by the power of this prayer, all enemy obsession and indulgence were driven out. I call upon all the powers of heaven and Your ranks for help; Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salafail, Yehudil, Barahail and my Guardian Angel: The power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and all the powers and spirits of heaven, and may Your servant, Lord (name), be observed, and may the wickedness of the devil be put to shame by all means By Heavenly Power to the glory of You, Lord, my Creator and to the glory of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Nowadays, when, due to the abundance of black book literature and various magical services, a large number of irresponsible people have entered into close communication with otherworldly forces, and protection from demonic influence becomes an extreme necessity, the prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya against witchcraft is increasingly remembered.

Saint Cyprian, having studied all the intricacies of magic from his youth, became a powerful sorcerer. Confident in the power of his influence, he could command the natural elements and dispose of demons, until all his power was broken by the deep faith of the Christian girl Justina.

Shocked by the ease with which she repelled all demonic influences, Cyprian not only renounced witchcraft, but also became a faithful servant of Christ, and suffered for Him along with Justina. He is revered as a holy martyr - that is, unlike the martyrs and great martyrs, he accepted death for Christ while being a priest.

What do they pray to the Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina?

Since Saint Cyprian and the Martyr Justina won victory over evil spirits, people turn to them for help with demonic influence, directly or through other people.

To “remove damage” people turn to the same sorcerers and psychics. The result will certainly be obtained, but soon new sorrows await the person, because the method of “help” is the replacement of one illness or trouble with another, as a result of which the illusion of solving the problem arises.

Only God can truly help, heal and give complete deliverance from demonic influence.

What is damage

Saint John Chrysostom said that if a person lives according to the commandments, he is protected by the grace of God, which demonic forces see as a protective fiery cocoon. And when a person begins to sin, the fiery shell disappears.

This is a sign for evil spirits - the person is now open to their influence. Now you can damage it or put the evil eye on it.

Corruption refers not only to the influence of evil spirits on a person, but also to their direct entry into the body - possession (possession).

The Church recognizes the existence of witchcraft, but does not attach importance to the concept of “damage”. Troubles and illnesses are not sent, but are allowed by God to correct a person, to cultivate patience and humility in him. In other words, the induced “damage” is, first of all, a signal for urgent correction of your life.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian from corruption and witchcraft

One should not take the reading of prayers lightly, rejoicing that a “strong” and rare prayer has fallen into one’s hands - it may not be an Orthodox text at all, but a spell similar in form to a prayer, or part of an incantatory text, which in the unabridged version is used when reprimanding possessed. And exorcism is not an area where anyone can penetrate.

Archimandrite Herman of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Take into account: It is strictly forbidden for laymen and priests who do not have a special blessing from the bishop to read incantatory prayers from unclean spirits. Such prayers require great courage and enormous exertion of mental and physical strength.

Only an Orthodox priest of the highest spirituality can enter into confrontation with demons. Mostly monks do this, because simple priests with families know that the revenge of dark forces will certainly follow, and it will fall not only on them, but also on their loved ones.

Currently, in the entire country, only a few fathers have the right to reprimand the possessed, the most famous of whom is Archimandrite Herman from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Here is the text of the prayer that should be addressed to the svmch. Cyprian:

Oh, holy servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for all who come running to you. Accept our unworthy praise from us, and ask the Lord God for strength in our infirmities, healing in illnesses, consolation in sorrows, and everything useful to everyone in our life.

Offer up your powerful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from our sinful falls, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the actions of unclean spirits, and deliver us from those who offend us. Be our strong champion against all enemies, visible and invisible. In temptations, give us patience and at the hour of our death, show us intercession from the torturers at our aerial ordeals.

May we, led by you, reach the Mountainous Jerusalem and be worthy in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the Most Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Full version of the SVMC prayer. Cyprian without abbreviations

Troparion, ikos and kontakion are small holiday prayer chants that explain the content of the holiday and are addressed to the saint. Composed in pairs, they make up an akathist - a long prayer of praise. Akathist svmch. Cyprian can be read at any time when there is a need for it.

Akathist to the Hieromartyr Cyprian

Kontakion 1

Chosen from the service of the devil to serve the true God and numbered among the saints, Hieromartyr Cyprian, pray to Christ God to deliver us from the snares of the evil one and defeat the world, the flesh and the devil, let us cry to you:

Ikos 1

The angelic powers were amazed at how you turned from magical art, God-Wise Cyprian, to the knowledge of the Divine, and through repentance you gained an angelic, passionless life. We, marveling at your conversion, cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, having astonished the Angels with your conversion;

Rejoice, joyful face of the saints.

Rejoice, you who have shown your wisdom;

Rejoice, you have received a crown for Christ.

Rejoice, for through you demons are driven away;

Rejoice, for through you all illnesses are healed.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Lord how from a young age Cyprian was given over by wicked parents to be trained in demonic service, he desired to turn him to Himself, and with the Angels and all the saints he sang: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

Having an imperfect mind for higher understanding, you worked diligently, Saint Cyprian, studying demonic false tricks, but, having learned the weakness of demons, that they fear Christ, you turned to the knowledge of the true God. Therefore we magnify you:

Rejoice, conqueror of the demonic wiles;

Rejoice, you who expose the charm of his ministry.

Rejoice, you who put to shame the evil serpent;

Rejoice, glorifying Christians.

Rejoice, wisest of the wise of this world;

Rejoice, most intelligent one.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer for our souls!

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High enlighten your mind, blessed Cyprian, when, having failed in sorcery against Justina, the devil tells you: we fear and tremble at the power of the Cross, with which the virgin Justina drives us away. You answered: you are afraid of the Cross, but the Crucified One is stronger than the Cross. For this reason you came to the temple of the Lord to sing with all the faithful: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Having his mind enlightened by the power from above, Cyprian came to the bishop to ask for baptism, but he, fearing the deceit of the sorcerer, drove him away. Cyprian flowed into the Temple of the Lord, and there, during the liturgy, the deacon cried out: the catechumen, come forth, saying: I will not leave the Temple, until I receive baptism. We, rejoicing at your admonition, sing to you like this:

Rejoice, enlightened by the power from above;

Rejoice, admonished by the Lord.

Rejoice, having learned the power of the Cross;

Rejoice, having driven away demons from yourself.

Rejoice, you who have corrected your life;

Rejoice, directing your steps to the Church.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 4

A storm of thoughts overwhelmed Cyprian about how to accept baptism. Moreover, first of all, take your magic books, bring them to the middle of the city and burn them there, singing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

Having heard the bishop, as if, in all wisdom, he had the good intention of being a Christian, he baptized you and installed a reader in the temple. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, conqueror of the spirits of evil;

Rejoice, burning books of sorcery

Rejoice, thou who desirest to be a Christian;

Rejoice, having received Holy Baptism.

Rejoice, you who cried out to God with repentance day and night;

Rejoice, thou who was appointed a bishop and a reader in the temple.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 5

Having received the richly woven robe of Holy Baptism, the all-valid Cyprian warmly prayed to God for the forgiveness of sins previously committed, chanting to God from all Christians: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

Having seen the bishop of your exploits and labors, Hieromartyr Cyprian, fasting, long-night vigil, kneeling, repentance, tears, prayers, and after testing, made you a deacon. We, thanking God, praise you:

Rejoice, adorned with deeds and virtues;

Rejoice, you who pray for the forgiveness of sins.

Rejoice, you have shown an example of correction;

Rejoice, you who bring tearful prayers to the Lord.

Rejoice, having learned the path to salvation;

Rejoice, you who have shown fiery love for Christ.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 6

Imitating the image of Christian piety to the Virgin Justina, the Hieromartyr Cyprian, you truly appeared as a perfect Christian, you rejected the wicked teaching, having been baptized, and with your lips and a pure heart you sang gratefully to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

The light of Divine perfection shone in your heart, O God-Wise Cyprian, and you attained the rank of priest, and then bishop. We pray to you, enlighten our hearts with your prayers, warmly praying to you:

Rejoice, ordained to the rank of bishop;

Rejoice, thou exalted to the height of an eagle.

Rejoice, city, stand above for years;

Rejoice, lamp, burn before God.

Rejoice, tireless prayer book to Christ;

Rejoice, teacher bestowed by God.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 7

Although the Lord will save everyone, he has given us this prayer book, intercessor and healer from the spirits of evil in heaven. By your skill and words, O God-voice, you led many to repentance and correction of sinful lives, teaching everyone to sing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

You have appeared to the world, the wisest new doctor, Hieromartyr Cyprian, as if your prayer cannot be resisted by sorcerer’s machinations, they are destroyed and the suggestions of evil people and crafty demons are driven away. We, seeing the power of God given to you, cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, destroyer of magical wiles;

Rejoice, driver of terrible demons.

Rejoice, for from worthlessness the spirits of malice disappear like smoke;

Rejoice, you will soon help those who suffer heavily.

Rejoice, deliver us from troubles and sorrows;

Rejoice, turn suffering into joy.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 8

A strange miracle comes to you with faith, Hieromartyr Cyprian, for by the grace given to you from God, demons who torment a person are driven out, and sick people are healed, crying out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

Having risen with all your heart to God, the most glorious, and loving Him with all your soul, you had diligence and desire to do His will and, like a good shepherd, you did not reject those burdened with troubles, but interceded in prayers before God, giving us healing and consolation. For gray sake, praising your love for the Lord, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, loving Christ with all your heart;

Rejoice, thou who has acquired all virtues.

Rejoice, help for the sick and weakened;

Rejoice, consolation in sorrows and sorrows.

Rejoice, you who drive away slander and temptations from the world, the flesh and the devil;

Rejoice, healer of all mental and physical illnesses.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 9

The entire angelic army rejoiced, father, seeing you, a warrior of the Heavenly King, unshakable and boldly preaching Christ, when you were led to be beheaded by the sword together with Justina. But you, being sick about her, let him not renounce Christ; having seen you beheaded, say to her: let him be beheaded before you. And, bowing his head to the sword, he hurried to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Because of the wealth of your sufferings for Christ, you will not be able to sing for Christ, because you did not naturally fear the cruel rebuke, but with bright faces appeared to the royal court of nature, exalting all the faithful to say to you:

Rejoice, confessor of the unshakable faith of Christ;

Rejoice, bold preacher of the Most Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, having laid down your souls for Christ;

Rejoice, you who have imputed the cruel torment to nothing.

Rejoice, for your sufferings are glorified by the faithful;

Rejoice, for your names are magnified in the temples of God.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 10

Although you may save the souls of all those possessed by unclean spirits, do not cease to cry out to the Lord, Cyprian the God-speaker, for you have been given the grace to pray for us, and for mercy and cleansing, let us sing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

Be a solid wall and a strong fence for us, Hieromartyr Cyprian, who come running to you with warm faith and love, protecting us from enemies visible and invisible, deliverance by you, let us glorify you like this:

Rejoice, having conquered the spirit of malice with humility;

Rejoice, you who burned the arrows of the enemy with the fire of prayer.

Rejoice, wall and fence from enemies visible and invisible;

Rejoice, glorious adornment of the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, wonderful help to those left behind by doctors;

Rejoice, beloved consolation and amusement for those who mourn.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 11

You brought unceasing singing to the Most Holy Trinity more than others, O Hieromartyr Cyprian, who, for the sake of mercy, was kind to fallen sinners, unworthy and worthy to be numbered among the holy flock. We, thanking God for His mercy towards us sinners, call to Him: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

You were a luminous light, O God-Wise One, in the Church of Christ, illuminating the souls of the faithful with immaterial light. We pray to you, enlighten our sin-darkened hearts, as we sing to you like this:

Rejoice, illuminated by the Tri-radiant Light;

Rejoice, numbered among the host of saints.

Rejoice, for you enlighten the souls of the faithful with immaterial light;

Rejoice, for you guide those who are lost to the right path.

Rejoice, thou who, like a sheep, was taken from the pit of destruction by the Savior;

Rejoice, shame for demons and joy for man.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for souls!

Kontakion 12

Grace was given to you from God to trample on the power of the enemy and every satanic presence, you defeated your enemies and sealed your faith in Christ with the feat of martyrdom. Now, standing before the Throne of the King of Glory, pray, O all-blessed Cyprian, that we may get rid of the captivity of the devil and exclaim to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

Singing your faithfulness to God and your wondrous, glorious miracles, we magnify and praise you, Hieromartyr Cyprian, for you have received such grace from God. We also pray to you: when at the hour of death our demonic hordes overtake our souls, show us your intercession, and through your deliverance, we will cry out to you:

Rejoice, quick protection from the enemy forces that find you;

Rejoice, deliverance from all kinds of sorrows and sorrows.

Rejoice, loving Christ to the end;

Rejoice, having laid down your life for Him.

Rejoice, you were washed in the blood of Lambs;

Rejoice, thou who dwellest in the courts of the Lord.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 13

O most wonderful and glorious servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper to all who come running to you, accept from us, the unworthy, our singing of praise. To her, we pray to you, the saint, heal us from various ailments, protect us from visible and invisible enemies and eternal torment, pray to the Lord, and with you we sing: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

You need to read it in full. According to the rules, the 13th kontakion of the akathist must be read three times. Then you need to return to the beginning of the text and read the 1st Ikos again, and then the 1st Kontakion. The reading should be completed with a prayer to Cyprian and a troparion.

Troparion to the Hieromartyr Cyprian

And having been a communicant in character, and a vicar of the throne, having become an apostle, you gained your deed, inspired by God, in a vision: for this reason, correcting the word of truth, and for the sake of faith, you suffered even to the point of blood, Hieromartyr Cyprian, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Prayer to Saints Cyprian and Ustinje against witchcraft

There is also an akathist to Cyprian and Justina, and a prayer that can be found at its end:

Oh, holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justino! Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died as a martyr for Christ during your temporary life, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross with us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother was acquired by nature. Even now, be prayer books and intercessors for us unworthy (names). Be our intercessors of the fortress, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, wise men and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

How will the prayer service for Cyprian and Ustinya help?

A prayer service for Cyprian and Justina is ordered:

  • when a person cannot himself resist the power of demonic influence;
  • when it is necessary to neutralize evil people who practice magic;
  • when a person became a victim of a love spell;
  • to alleviate the condition of the possessed;
  • when signs of a poltergeist appeared at home;
  • when you need to bring some sense to a person who is interested in magic, astrology, extrasensory perception, esoteric and eastern spiritual teachings.


Not knowing anything about the world of demons and naively using the services of psychics, magicians and fortune-tellers, coded from alcoholism, people immediately fall under the influence of these dark entities. Many go even further - seduced by the “easy” opportunity to get what they want, they themselves begin to study magic, thereby signing a spiritual death sentence for themselves.

You need to understand that witchcraft is not stamp collecting; simply throwing it away and getting rid of the “magical gift” will not work. You will have to pay for this step in full - the dark forces do not easily let you out of their networks. And you will have to beg God’s forgiveness for the rest of your life.

Prayer to Cyprian against damage, the evil eye, witchcraft and the tricks of the devil will certainly help get rid of negative energy and dark forces. In order to remove the curse without negative consequences using Orthodox words, it is necessary to turn to the Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian with sincere, strong prayer.

You need to read this big prayer every day without any abbreviations until your spiritual or physical condition and health improve. You can read the prayer to Cyprian for yourself and for your loved ones (especially for children).

Hieromartyr Cyprian - they pray to him against the evil eye, witchcraft and damage

Before you start praying to Saint Cyprian against the evil eye and witchcraft, you need to do some important things.

  • You should visit the church and light candles near the icon of the Patron Saints, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and Panteleimon the Healer.
  • Before the start of the report, you must observe strict fasting for three days.
    It is necessary to completely abandon meat products and alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and sweets.
  • During the preparatory days, you should maintain yourself in a calm state of mind.
  • You should not be angry with anyone and you should try to internally forgive the enemies who caused the damage.
  • You can recite a prayer over water and drink it and give it to the person who has been damaged.

The most powerful prayer to Cyprian for protection from evil, damage and witchcraft (in Church Slavonic)

We begin to say the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian: in the days or in the nights, or at whatever hour you exercise, all the powers of resistance will fall away from the glory of the Living God.

This Hieromartyr, praying to God with all his soul, said: “Lord God, Mighty and Holy, King of kings, now hear the prayer of Thy servant Cyprian.”

Thousands upon thousands and darkness upon darkness stand before You, Angel and Archangel, You weigh the secrets of the hearts of Your servant. (Name), Lord, appear to him as to Paul in chains and Thecla in fire.

So, let me know You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities.

You, holding the cloud and the sky, have not rained on the garden tree, and that is the fruit of the uncreated.

Idle wives wait out, and others do not conceive.

They only looked at the fence of the city, and did not create anything.

The rose will not bloom and the class will not vegetate; The grapes do not bear fruit, and the beasts do not bear fruit.

The fish of the sea are not allowed to swim and the birds of the sky are forbidden to fly.

So, You showed Your power with the prophet Elijah.

I pray to Thee, O Lord my God; All sorcery, and all evil demons who tend to the sin of man and commit sin on him, You, by Your power, forbid!

Now, O Lord my God, the Strong and Great One, who has favored the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Thy Holy flock, I pray to Thee, O Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with himself, do for him what he asks for with it.

Your Most Holy Majesty, who was merciful to me and did not want to destroy me with my iniquities; Thus, do not destroy anyone who prays to You with this prayer.

Strengthen the weak in faith!

Strengthen the weak in spirit!

Give reason to the desperate one and do not turn away everyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.

Even as I fall before You, Lord, I pray and ask Your holy name: in every house and in every place, especially on the Orthodox Christian, there is some sorcery from evil people or from demons,

May this prayer be read over the head of a person or in the house, and may he be freed from being bound by evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, torment, intimidation, effective poisoning, from pagan eating and from every spell and oath.

Therefore, whoever has acquired this prayer in his home, let him be kept from every trick of the devil, indulgence, poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all witchcraft and sorcery, and may demons flee from him and may evil spirits recede.

Lord my God, having power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Your Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Your Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Your unworthy servant (Name), even if he honors this prayer, and according to it, may all the devil’s machinations be resolved.

Just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let all sorcery and evil spells perish from the face of a person who honors this prayer. Like the name, the Life-Giving Trinity, is enlightenment for us, and don’t we know another god than You?

We believe in You, we worship You and we pray to You; protect, intercede and save us, O God, from every evil action and sorcery of evil people.

Just as You brought out sweet water from the stone to the sons of Moses, so, O Lord God of Hosts, lay Your hand on Your servant. (Name), full of Thy goodness and protect from all deeds.

Bless the house in it, may this prayer abide and everyone who honors my memory, send your mercy to him, Lord, and protect him from all sorcery.

Be his helper and protector, O Lord.

Four rivers: Pison, Geon, Euphrates and Tigris: the Edenic man cannot hold back, so no sorcerer can manifest the affairs or dreams of demons before reading this prayer, I conjure by the Living God!

May the demon be crushed and all the nasty and evil force unleashed by evil people on the servant of God be driven away (Name).

As he multiplied the years of Hezekiah the king, so multiply the years of him who has this prayer: by the service of the Angel, by the singing of the Seraphim, by the annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin Mary from the Archangel Gabriel and the incorporeal for the sake of Her conception, our Lord Jesus Christ, His glorious Nativity in Bethlehem,

by the slaughter of King Herod, four out of ten thousand infants and His Holy Baptism received in the Jordan River, by fasting and temptation from the devil, His terrible victory and His most terrible judgment, His most terrible miracles in the world that were: He granted healing and cleansing.

Give life to the dead, cast out demons, and fulfill His entry into Jerusalem as a King: - “Ossaina to the Son of David - from the infants crying to Thee, hear” the Holy Passion, the Crucifixion and Burial, enduring, and on the third day the Resurrection came, as it is written, and into heaven ascent.

There are numerous Angels and Archangels singing, glorifying His rise, who sits at the right hand of the Father until His second coming to judge the living and the dead.

You have given authority to Your holy disciples and Apostles, saying to them: “Hold and hold on - decide and they will be resolved,” so through this prayer, allow every devilish sorcery over Your servant to everyone (Name).

For the sake of Your Holy Great Name, I conjure and drive away all wicked and evil souls and the combing of evil people and their sorceries, slander, witchcraft, eye damage, sorcery and every trick of the devil.

I pray to Thee, O most merciful Lord, take away from Thy servant (Name) and from his house, and from all his gain.

Just as you increased the wealth of the righteous Job, so, Lord, increase the household life of the one who has this prayer: by the creation of Adam, by the sacrifice of Abel, by the annunciation of Joseph,

the holiness of Enoch, the righteousness of Noah, the conversion of Melchizedek, the faith of Abraham, the holiness of Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the holiness of the Patriarchs,

the blood of the Holy Martyrs, the slaughter of Peter and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the virginity of John the Theologian, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua, the holiness of Samuel, the twelve tribes of Israel, the prayer of the Prophet Elisha, the fasting and knowledge of the Prophet Daniel,

by the sale of the beautiful Joseph, by the Wisdom of the Prophet Solomon, by the power of one hundred and sixty Angels, by the prayer of the Honest Glorious Prophet and Baptist John and one hundred and ten Saints of the second council,

holy confessors and advocates of the terrible unspeakable name of Your Holy, All-Glorious All-Seer God, and before Him stand thousands and thousands of Angels and Archangels.

For the sake of their prayers, I pray and ask You, Lord, drive away and overcome all malice and wickedness from Your servant (Name), and may it flee to Tartarus.

I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, for may salvation befit all Orthodox people in that house, in which there is this prayer, written in seventy-two languages, and may all wickedness be resolved through it;

either in the sea, or along the way, or in the source, or in the vault;

either in the upper pose or in the lower one; either behind or in front;

either in the wall, or in the roof, let it be resolved everywhere!

May every devilish obsession be resolved in the course or in the camp;

or in the mountains, or in dens, or in the precincts of houses, or in the abysses of the earth;

or in the root of a tree, or in the leaves of plants; either in fields or in gardens;

or in the grass, or in a bush, or in a cave, or in a bathhouse, may it be resolved!

Let every evil deed be resolved;

either in fish skin or in flesh;

or in the skin of a snake, or in the skin of a man;

or in elegant jewelry, or in headdresses;

or in the eyes, or in the ears, or in the hair of the head, or in the eyebrows;

either in bed or in clothes;

or in cutting foot nails, or cutting hand nails;

either in hot blood or in icy water: let it be resolved!

Let every crime and sorcery be resolved;

or in the brain, or under the brain, or in the shoulder, or between the shoulders;

either in the muscles or in the legs;

either in the leg or in the arm;

or in the belly, or under the belly, or in the bones, or in the veins;

either in the stomach or within natural limits, let it be resolved!

May every devilish act and obsession committed be resolved;

either on gold or on silver;

or in copper, or in iron, or in tin, or in lead, or in honey, or in wax;

or in wine, or in beer, or in bread, or in food;

May everything be resolved!

May every evil devil's intention against man be resolved;

or in sea reptiles, or in flying insects;

either in animals or in birds;

or in the stars, or in the moon;

either in beasts or in reptiles;

or in charters, or in ink;

May everything be resolved!

Even two wicked tongues: salamaru and remihara, pursuit;

slander and the devil from the servant of God (Name), by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, with all the heavenly powers, before the High and Terrible Throne of God, create Your servants scorching fire.

Cherubim and Seraphim; Authorities and Pristoli;

Dominance and Power.

In one hour the thief entered heaven through prayer.

Joshua, the sun and the moon, prayed a prayer.

The prophet Daniel prayed and stopped the mouths of the lions.

Three youths: Ananias, Azariah and Misail extinguish the flame of the cave with fiery prayer.

I also pray to You, Lord, grant this prayer to everyone who prays to it.

I pray and ask the holy council of the prophets: Zechariah, Hosea, Jesse, Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Amos, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Nahum and the Prophet John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord: - I pray and ask the four Evangelists, Matthias, Mark , Luke and John the Theologian,

and the holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, and the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and Joseph the betrothed, and James the Lord's brother in the flesh, Simeon the God-Receiver, and Simeon the relative of the Lord, and Andrew Christ for the sake of the fool, and John the Merciful,

and Ignatius the God-Bearer, and the Hieromartyr Ananias, and Roman the singer of kontakions, and Mark the Greek, and Cyril the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Venerable Ephraim the Syrian, and Mark the grave-digger, and three Great Saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian,

and John Chrysostom, and like the holy father of our saints Nicholas, Archbishop Myra of Lycia, the wonderworker, and the holy metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes, Innocent and Cyril, Moscow wonderworkers:

St. Anthony, Theodosius and Athanasius, Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers: St. Sergius and Nikon, Radonezh wonderworkers;

Reverends Zosima and Savatius, Solovetsky miracle workers;

Saints Guria and Barsanuphius, Kazan miracle workers;

Like our holy fathers: Pachomius, Anthony, Theotosiya, Pimen the Great, and like our holy father Seraphim of Sarov;

Samson and Daniel the Stylites;

Maximus the Greek, monk Miletius of Mount Athos;

Nikon, Patriarch of Antioch, Great Martyr Kyriakos and his mother Iulita;

Alexy, the man of God, and the holy venerable myrrh-bearing women: Mary, Magdalene, Euphrosyne, Xenia, Evdokia, Anastasia;

The Holy Great Martyrs Paraskeva, Catherine, Fevronia, Marina, who shed their blood for You, Christ our God, and all the holy saints who pleased You,

Lord, have mercy and save Your servant (Name) Let no evil or wickedness touch him or his house, neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the days, nor in the night.

Save him, Lord, from air, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits of evil.

I pray to You, Lord, even as this holy prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian was written, it was confirmed and marked by the Holy Trinity for the destruction and driving away of all evil, the enemy and adversary of demonic nets, catching people everywhere with the witchcraft and sorcery of Zadok and Naphael, called Ephil, and the daughters of Samuel, skilled in sorcery.

By the Word of the Lord, heaven and earth and everything under heaven were established; by the power of this prayer, all enemy obsession and indulgence were driven out.

I call upon all the powers of heaven and Your ranks for help;

Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salafail, Yehudil, Barahail and my Guardian Angel: The power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and all the powers and spirits of heaven will be observed by Your servant, Lord (Name),

and may the wickedness of the devil be put to shame by all Heavenly Power to the glory of You, Lord, my Creator and to the glory of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

God! You are the only All-Powerful and Almighty, save Your servant through the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian (Name).

Lord Jesus Christ the Word and Son of God, through the prayer of Your Most Holy Mother and my Guardian Angel, have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name). (Say this three times and bow three times.)

All saints and righteous ones, pray to the Merciful God for the servant (Name) May he preserve and have mercy on me from every enemy and adversary. (Say this three times and bow three times).

Full text without abbreviations of the prayer to Saint Cyprian in modern Russian language

There is a prayer to Saint Cyprian in modern Russian - it should be read before the face of the saint, with lit church candles 40 times. After reading the prayer, you need to imagine how the dark forces leave the soul.

If a person is seriously injured, then a relative should recite Cyprian’s prayer against damage to water. After this, you need to give this miraculous elixir to the patient to drink.

They address the Hieromartyr Cyprian with these words:

“Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian, during the days and nights, at that hour when all the power opposed to the glory of the One Living God is exercised, you, Saint Cyprian, pray for us sinners, saying to the Lord:

“Lord God, strong, holy, reigning forever, hear now the prayer of your servant (your) name who is lost in the faith and for your sake, Lord, may the entire heavenly army forgive her (him): thousands of Angels and Archangels, Seraphim and Cherubim, Guardian Angels."

God! You know all the secrets in the heart of your servant (the name of her spouse and their children), what they dared to do before Your face, Long-suffering, righteous Lord, deigning to suffer for us sinners in atonement for our sins,

and enlightening us sinners with the greatness of Thy mercy, take away all evil from us and do not desire to destroy. Cover us sinners with the Love of Your immaculate Light and hear me, the grieving mother (father) and wife (husband) for my lost children.

I fall down and ask the bright name of the holy martyr Cyprian for the lost children living in my house and for all Christians suffering from sorcery, witchcraft, the machinations of crafty demons and evil and flattering people.

May your bright prayer be read in the house over a head that is sick from an illness: from an evil person, from enchantment, from witchcraft, evil hatred, intimidation in the dark, on the road, from poisoning with malicious intent, from drunkenness, from slander, from the evil eye , intentional murder.

May Your holy prayer be the protection and salvation of God’s servants in their home. One Lord, Almighty and Omnipresent, give command to the wicked forces to leave the house in which I live, a sinner, and the home of my children.

Place your Sovereign, Light, and Grace-filled hand on my home and my children. The Lord's blessing to this house, in which Your bright prayer is being said. By Thy command that scorches all evil, help me, O Lord, the mother (father) who grieves for my children.

Humble their pride, call them to repentance and save the lost, just as You called me, a great sinner. Give them reason, Lord, and call them to repentance by the power of the Honest Life-Giving Cross. By the command of the Lord, may the evil deeds and demonic dreams of mine and my children be stopped, and may they not resist the prayer of Your Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian.

At the hour of Your holy morning prayer, may the opposing forces of evil, unleashed by evil people and crafty demons, disappear. Save us, Lord, from all evil, devilish obsession, sorcery and evil people. Just as wax melts from fire, so will all the evil tricks of the human race melt away.

In the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit, may we be saved. We glorify, Lord, Your Son Jesus Christ, sitting at the right hand of the Father, with the expectation of His Coming and the Resurrection of the dead by the power of the Honest, Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

In His name I conjure and drive away all evil spirits and the eyes of evil people, far and near. Drive away, Lord, the evil man from my dwelling. Save and preserve your servant (him), my husband (s) and my children from all evil slander of the evil and unclean spirit.

Lord, the most merciful, who has increased the wealth of the long-suffering Job, save me and my children and increase the prosperity of the life of the one who has this bright prayer, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom all the tribes of the earth worship, serve and praise thousands of Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, the forces of all the heavenly armies .

I, a sinner (name), trusting in God’s mercy, drive away and overcome all malice and deceit of the devil. Let the man with evil intentions and the unclean evil spirit with deception be removed from me and from my children.

Through the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian I drive away, overcome, and destroy from myself and my children all the forces of evil. Disappear, forces of evil, from these servants of God by the power of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord and all the heavenly Powers, creating before the Throne of God the Power of the Lord, suppressing the power of evil.

I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, through whom all Christians are saved, by the Power of the Holy Trinity, by the power of the Honest Life-Giving Cross, may I, a sinner, be saved.

I will be saved in the sea, on the road, in deep waters, when crossing the mountains, in the grass from poisonous snakes, creeping reptiles, scorpions, when eating fish, from bodily, eye, head illnesses, in bed, from loss of blood and any other illness by force The Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

May the blessing of the Lord and Grace be upon His house, where the prayer lies to the Hieromartyr Cyprian. I pray to Christ, who created heaven and earth, the sun and moon and the whole universe.

I offer my prayer to His Most Pure Mother, the Queen of Heaven. Have mercy and save your (his) servant (name) and her (his) spouse and their children. May evil spirits not touch me and my children in the morning, during the day, in the evening, or at night.

I pray and ask the bright Zechariah - the Old Testament and the prophets: Hosea, Elijah, Micah, Malachi, Eremey, Isaiah, Daniel, Amos, Samuel, Elisha, Jonah. I pray and ask the four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

And also Akim, Anna, Joseph the betrothed to the Virgin Mary, James the brother of the Lord, John the Merciful, Ignatius the God-bearer, the hieromartyr Ananias, Romanus, the sweet-tongued Ephraim the Syrian, Basil the Great, Gregory the theologian, John Chrysostom, Nicholas the Wonderworker. Metropolitan Saints: Peter, Alexy, Philip, Jonah and Hermogenes.

Venerables: Anthony, Theodosius, Zosima Savvatia. Venerable Martyrs: Guria, Solomon, Barsanuphius, Avivov. St. Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker Simeon the Stylite, Maximus the Martyr, Nikon the Patriarch of Antioch, the Great Martyr Cyprian and his mother Iulita.

Alexia the man of God, the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women: Mary Magdalene, Mary Cleopas, Solomonia. Holy women, martyrs for Christ: Paraskeva, Euphrosyne, Ustinya, Evdokia, Anastasia. Great martyrs: Varvara, Catherine, Marina. Anna the prophetess and all the saints who have shone in the earth from time immemorial to this day.

Most Pure Virgin, Queen of Heaven, save me from air alarms and demonic obsessions in the dark, for I believe through the prayer of this holy martyr Cyprian.

By the power of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and the Holy Trinity, may he destroy and destroy all evil that comes from the evil heart and the wickedness of evil spirits, and save us from the snares of Satan, praying everywhere with the prayers of the Most Pure Mother and the Light ethereal heavenly forces: Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Satavail, Iguacil Varajail and my Guardian Angel.

May all the wickedness of the underworld be put to shame by the protection of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, to the glory of our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ, now, ever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Saint Cyprian and Saint Justina (Ustinye)

There is an incredibly effective ritual that protects against evil spells - a prayer to Saint Cyprian and Saint Justina (Ustinya). The prayer to Saints Cyprian and Justina serves:

  • a powerful weapon against witchcraft;
  • an invisible shield that reliably protects a person;
  • healing antidote.

The text of the prayer is said 7 times at dawn, looking at the sunrise:

We send our words to the holy martyrs Cuprian and Justinia! Heed the prayer of the servant of God (name), hear him, help him solve the problem.

I turn to you with a request, with one prayer, Protect Me from witchcraft, from black magic, from bad people. Save me from the bad things they wished for me. Help me remove everything dark, smoothed, damaged. Pray to the Lord God for me, help me find his help, salvation.

I am not asking for wealth, not for prosperity, but for protection for my soul, for my body. Amen!

After reading the prayer, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina should wash themselves, while saying the following words:

With water I wash away the damage, the evil eye and dark witchcraft. As the water leaves your face, so will all the bad things follow. Amen!

The ritual of cleansing from witchcraft must be repeated for two weeks. When a person feels that the claws of black magic have been trimmed by prayer, it is necessary to read it morning and evening for three days for complete healing.

Hieromartyr Cyprian and Holy Martyr Justina - they pray at this icon against the evil eye and damage

How to pray to Saint Cyprian to protect a child from damage and the evil eye

It is no secret that when the evil eye and damage occur, children are especially vulnerable and suffer. And here the prayer to St. Cyprian will serve as a powerful weapon of defense. The words of the prayer should be read by a woman - mother, grandmother, aunt or sister of the child.

Cyprian's prayer must be said three times, and at the same time the child should be taken in his arms or placed on his knees. For protection, the ritual is performed once every 2 weeks, and if there is a possibility of damage, then every day until complete recovery.

Text of the prayer:

Saint Cyprian, help me protect my dear child, my little baby, from the eyes of strangers, from bad words, from bad people, from envious words, from hypocritical praise.

I wrap the words of my prayer around my baby like a blanket, I protect him from troubles and leprosy, I protect him from illnesses and witchcraft. Let it come true as it is said. Amen!

Cyprian’s prayer against corruption must be copied onto paper with your own hand, without being lazy, then the words will be effective. The text of this prayer is very large, but the power to resist evil is also enormous. The words should be read aloud in front of a lit church candle, which illuminates the icon of the Hieromartyr Cyprian, the text is pronounced thoughtfully, the person must be focused on reading, he must not be distracted or think about outsiders.

To get rid of the damage caused, this appeal should be read daily. It is important to do everything correctly when it comes to casting a spell on a child - the prayer should be read by an adult (preferably the mother) over the baby’s head. To enhance the positive effect, you can give the child a drink of the water over which this prayer was read, and later wash him with the remnants of this water.

Of course, if you wish, you can turn to another saint, and not just to this holy martyr, or to the martyr Justina. You can say other prayers, but you should not experiment with them yourself. It is better to ask a priest in the church for help; the clergyman will suggest the right words and give a blessing, which is sometimes much more important than words.

In addition to the blessing, it is advisable to read the prayer to Cyprian and Justina every day, naming the names of the people for whom they are asking. If the climate in relationships has changed dramatically or health has deteriorated, if a person feels apathy and unwillingness to live, then it would not be amiss to read this prayer. You can recite words on water, and then give it to the “spoiled”.

Who is Cyprian?

The legend about the holy martyr Cyprian and the martyr Justina has been known since ancient times. They lived in ancient times (late III - early IV century).

Cyprian's homeland is believed to have been Antioch, located in the north of modern Syria. From the age of 7 to 30, the young man studied in large centers of paganism located in the cities of Tavropol and Argos, on Mount Olympus, in Babylon, and in Egyptian Memphis. Having comprehended the wisdom of philosophy and pagan sorcery, he was ordained a priest on Olympus.

Having acquired great power in summoning unclean spirits, he saw the dark prince himself, talked with him, and received a regiment of demons from him into his service. After returning to his native Antioch, Cyprian began to be revered as the main pagan priest. At the same time, there lived the nun Justina, whom the rich pagan Aglaid desired. Having received a refusal from the girl, he turned to the famous sorcerer Cyprian to ask him to influence the unapproachable heart of Justina with his black art.

The sorcerer tried many ways to put pressure on the nun, attracting evil spirits, but the girl’s pure thoughts, sincere prayers and firm faith in Christ helped her resist the evil power of the wizard. The defeated demons returned to their master in fear, the magic dissipated at the mere sound of the girl’s name. The wizard was surprised, admired the wondrous strength of spirit of the Bride of Christ, and wanted to know everything about faith.

Seeing that his means were powerless against a weak young girl who was armed only with the sign of the cross and prayer, Cyprian realized the enormous significance of these truly powerful weapons. The priest came to Anthimus, a Christian bishop, confessed everything with tears in his eyes, and gave his witchcraft books for a cleansing burning. Seeing his humility, the bishop instructed Cyprian in the holy faith and ordered him to prepare for baptism. The sorcerer's books were burned publicly in front of believers. Later, the former pagan priest became a bishop.

Under Emperor Diocletian, the time came for the persecution of Christians. Bishop Cyprian and Abbess Justina were captured by guards and subjected to cruel torture. Soon they were considered saints. Knowing about the repentance and miraculous conversion to Christ of the Hieromartyr Cyprian, who was a servant of the prince of darkness, but with the help of faith he broke evil bonds, Christians now resort to the help of the saint in confronting unclean spirits. They do this through prayer.

The relics of the saint work miracles

In the village of Meniko, in Cyprus, near Nicosia, there is a temple of the Martyr Justina and the Hieromartyr Cyprian, where their holy remains - relics - are located. In August 2005, the relics of these saints left Cyprus for the first time in seven hundred years, so that believers in Russia could venerate them.

In the capital, the remains of the saints were kept for some time in the Conception Monastery. According to Abbess Juliania, during the ten days during which the relics were under the roof of the monastery, people approached the sisters several times, testifying to their unexpected recovery after venerating the relics. Among those who recovered there were even cheap patients.

Correct completion of the ritual

After completing the treatment of damage with prayers, you need to go to an Orthodox church to go to confession and receive communion. This should be done by both the former patient and the one who removed the negative impact. If for some reason you can’t go to church, then before starting the ritual to remove the magical effect, you should read a prayer to Jesus Christ (cleansing), and after all the manipulations are completed, another prayer to Jesus Christ, which does not allow the dark forces to take over the mind again.

The magic words of prayer, supported by real faith, spoken in front of a lit candle near the icon, will drive out the evil brought upon a person. The words of the prayer written in your own handwriting should be stored carefully, preferably near the icon.

Kind words of prayer transform the subtle world, harmonizing space, destroying evil, hatred, despair, despondency, rage. After prayer, the soul is filled with peace and goodness, light and love.

Cyprian's Prayer

It is obvious that we are not always able to achieve our plans in our lives. And it happens that special circumstances arise that simply force you to change your plans. And often troubles inexplicably just haunt you or arise almost one step away from realizing your cherished dream. It is in such cases that you should think about damage and try to remove the negative outside influence with a special prayer. This is a very effective remedy, but you need to understand the principle of operation of magic phrases. Prayer is, first of all, a request for help from a person who finds himself in a difficult situation and cannot solve problems with worldly methods.

Therefore, it is important to understand every word spoken. But, unfortunately, the outdated language of prayers does not allow us to understand what is being said. That is why we present Cyprian’s prayer, which is one of the most powerful means for removing damage in a modern language that is understandable to everyone. It should be remembered that it is recommended to read this prayer only with the blessing of a clergyman. The effect of magical words is enhanced if you read it with a lit candle.

(in modern language)

“Day, night, or at any hour, when I begin to read the prayer to the Holy Martyr Cyprian, I believe that all the forces of evil will leave the Glory of the Most High. This Hieromartyr addresses God with the words “O Lord, Holy and Mighty, King of kings, hear now the prayer addressed to you by Your servant, Cyprian.

Lord bless the heart of Your lost servant (name) and may all Your heavenly servants forgive him: thousands of Archangels and Angels serving You. Lord, all the secrets of the heart of Your servant are revealed to You.

Lord Almighty, who rules the whole world, deigns to suffer for all of us sinners in order to atone for our sins. Enlighten me, a sinner, Lord, with Your merciful greatness and take away from me any evil and sorcery that wants to destroy me. Lord, Strong and Great, cover me, a sinner, with Your Light and hear me. Protect the lost and allow him to become a worthy servant of Yours. Strengthen me, Lord, in my faith! Strengthen my fortitude! If I’m in despair, don’t reject me, but bring me some sense! I bow to You, Lord, I pray and appeal to Your name: protect my house from sorcery, witchcraft, anger, flattering and crafty people. May this bright prayer, read over a person’s head, help him get rid of envy, evil intentions, jealousy, hatred, flattery, drunkenness, slander and intentional murder. May Holy Prayer be a protection for the servant of God and the salvation of his home.

Lord Almighty, command the wicked forces to leave my home. Hear me Thy Servant and give a blessing to the house in which this bright prayer is happening. Just as wax melts from fire, let all the evil tricks, sorcery and devilish machinations of the human race melt away. Give understanding to the lost, Lord, and call them to repentance, as you called me, your Servant (name). I believe in You, Lord Almighty, I know no other God and I worship You. Intercede for me, protect and save me, God, from any sorcery and ill-wishers. Be a patron and helper for me, my children and my home, Lord.

Just as it is impossible to stop the flow of rivers, so no evil sorcerer can resist the words of this Bright Prayer. May any demonic intrigues and evil force directed towards Your servant (name) disappear.

Lord Almighty, increase the strength of those who read this prayer. I offer a prayer to all the Angels and the Holy Mother of God. I pray to Jesus Christ, who grants cleansing from sins, and to all his miraculous healings of us sinners. In Your Holy and Great Name I conjure and drive away all the evil intentions of crafty and evil people, all their sorceries and slander, eye damage and their other demonic tricks. Disappear forever, forces of evil, from me, the servant of God and my children, by the power of the Life-giving Honorable Cross of the Lord and all the Heavenly Powers serving the Almighty. O most merciful Lord, take away any evil spirits from Your servant (name) and his house.

May I Thy servant of God (name) be saved on the road, in the sea, in the mountains, in the grass, from scorpions, poisonous snakes and creeping reptiles, when eating and in illness, from loss of blood and other damage by the power of the Life-giving Honorable Cross of the Lord.

In prayer I also turn to the holy prophets: Zechariah, Jonah, Hosea, Elijah, Micah, Daniel, Malachi, Eremey, Isaiah, Amos, Elisha, Nahum, Samuel and John the Baptist of the Lord. I pray and ask Luke, John the Theologian, Matthew, Mark, as well as the Apostles of the Most High Saints Peter and Paul.

I also appeal in prayer to the righteous Akim, Anna, Joseph the betrothed, the Lord's brother Jacob, John the Merciful, Ignatius the God-bearer, the hieromartyr Ananias, the singer of kontakia Romanus, the sweet-tongued Ephraim the Syrian, Basil the Great, Gregory the theologian, John Chrysostom, Nicholas the Wonderworker. I pray and ask the holy metropolitans: Jonah, Peter, Philip Alexy, and Hermogenes. And also the venerable Radonezh wonderworkers Sergius and Nikon, the Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers Anthony, Theodosius and Athanasius, the Solovetsky wonderworkers Zosima and Savatius, the Kazan wonderworkers Guria and Barsanuphius. In the name of all the saints, Lord, who have pleased you, Seraphim of Sarov, Daniel Samson, Maximus the Greek, monk Athos of Mount Miletia; Patriarch of Antioch Nikon, Great Martyr Kyriakos and Iulita, his mother, man of God Alexy. In the name of all the holy myrrh-bearers: Magdalene, Mary, Xenia, Euphrosyne, Evdokia, Anastasia and the Holy Great Martyrs Fevronia, Paraskeva, Catherine, Marina, who shed their blood for You.

I believe in the prayer of Saint Cyprian, and I ask the Queen of Heaven to save the servant of God from demonic obsessions. By the power of the Holy Trinity and the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, may all evil and deceit of evil spirits be destroyed. May the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Satavail, Iguasil, Varahail and my Guardian Angel save me, praying to the Most Pure Mother and the Light ethereal heavenly forces, from the networks of the devil. Amen.

Original text of Cyprian's prayer

I want to give you the most powerful prayer against witchcraft and corruption that I have. I have never seen this prayer printed anywhere. I have been cherishing these leaves like the apple of my eye for more than ten years.

Whenever you know that a spell is being cast on you and your family, read this prayer every day, naming the names of those for whom you are asking. You can read over his head for a child. Adults read on their own. If the climate in the family or health has changed dramatically, then it will not be superfluous to read this prayer.

You can recite this prayer over water and give it to the “spoiled.”

Text of Cyprian's prayer against corruption (in original language)

We begin to say the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian: in the days or in the nights, or at whatever hour you exercise, all the powers of resistance will fall away from the glory of the Living God. This Hieromartyr, praying to God with all his soul, said: “Lord God, Mighty and Holy, King of kings, now hear the prayer of Thy servant Cyprian.” Thousands upon thousands and darkness upon darkness stand before You, Angel and Archangel. You weigh the secret of the hearts of Your servant (name), appear to him, Lord, as Paul in chains and Thecla in fire. So, let me know You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities.

You, holding the cloud and the sky, have not rained on the garden tree, and that is the fruit of the uncreated. Idle wives wait out, and others do not conceive. They only looked at the fence of the city, and did not create anything. The rose will not bloom and the class will not vegetate; The grapes do not bear fruit, and the beasts do not bear fruit. The fish of the sea are not allowed to swim and the birds of the sky are forbidden to fly. So, You showed Your power with the prophet Elijah.

I pray to Thee, O Lord my God; All sorcery, and all evil demons who tend to the sin of man and commit sin on him, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, O Lord my God, the Strong and Great One, who has favored the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Thy Holy flock, I pray to Thee, O Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with himself, do for him what he asks for with it.

Your Most Holy Majesty, who was merciful to me and did not want to destroy me with my iniquities; Thus, do not destroy anyone who prays to You with this prayer. Strengthen the weak in faith! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Give reason to the desperate one and do not turn away everyone who resorts to Your Holy Name. Now, falling before You, Lord, I pray and ask Your holy name: in every house and in every place, especially on the Orthodox Christian, there is some sorcery from evil people or from demons, may this prayer be read over the head of a person or in the house and may it be resolved from binding by evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, malice, intimidation, effective poisoning, from pagan poisoning and from any spell and oath.

Therefore, whoever has acquired this prayer in his home, let him be kept from every trick of the devil, indulgence, poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all witchcraft and sorcery, and may demons flee from him and may evil spirits recede. Lord my God, having power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Thy Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Thy Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Thy unworthy servant (name), who honors this prayer and through it may all the devil be resolved intrigues.

Just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let all sorcery and evil spells perish from the face of a person who honors this prayer. Like the name, the Life-Giving Trinity, is enlightenment for us, and don’t we know another god than You? We believe in You, we worship You and we pray to You; protect, intercede and save us, O God, from every evil action and sorcery of evil people.

Just as You brought out sweet water from the stone to the sons of Moses, so, Lord God of Hosts, lay Your hand on Your servant (name), full of Your goodness and protect from all deeds. Bless the house in it, may this prayer abide and everyone who honors my memory, send your mercy to him, Lord, and protect him from all sorcery. Be his helper and protector, O Lord. Four rivers: Pison, Geon, Euphrates and Tigris: the Edenic man cannot hold back, so no sorcerer can manifest the affairs or dreams of demons before reading this prayer, I conjure by the Living God! May the demon be crushed and all the nasty and evil force unleashed by evil people on the servant of God (name) be driven away.

As he multiplied the years of Hezekiah the king, so multiply the years of him who has this prayer: by the service of the Angel, by the singing of the Seraphim, by the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Archangel Gabriel and the incorporeal for the sake of Her conception, our Lord Jesus Christ, by His glorious Nativity in Bethlehem, by the slaughter of Herod the king four times ten thousand infants and His Holy Baptism received in the Jordan River, fasting and temptation from the devil, His terrible victory and His most terrible judgment, His most terrible miracles in the world: He granted healing and cleansing. Give life to the dead, drive out demons, and fulfill His entry into Jerusalem as a King: - “Ossain to the Son of David - from the child crying to You, hear” the Holy Passion, the Crucifixion and Burial, enduring, and on the third day the Resurrection came, as it is written, and into heaven ascent. There are numerous Angels and Archangels singing, glorifying His rise, who sits at the right hand of the Father until His second coming to judge the living and the dead.

You have given authority to Your holy disciples and Apostles, saying to them: “Hold and hold on - decide and they will be resolved,” so through this prayer, allow every devilish sorcery over Your servant (name).

For the sake of Your Holy Great Name, I conjure and drive away all wicked and evil souls and the combing of evil people and their sorceries, slander, witchcraft, eye damage, sorcery and every trick of the devil. I pray to You, O most merciful Lord, take me away from Your servant (name), and from his house, and from all his acquisitions.

As you increased the wealth of the righteous Job, so, Lord, increase the household life of the one who has this prayer: the creation of Adam, the sacrifice of Abel, the annunciation of Joseph, the holiness of Enoch, the righteousness of Noah, the conversion of Melchisidek, the faith of Abraham, the holiness of Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the shrine of the Patriarchs, the blood of the Holy Martyrs , the slaughter of Peter and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the virginity of John the Theologian, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua, the holiness of Samuel, the twelve tribes of Israel, the prayer of the Prophet Elisha, the fasting and knowledge of the Prophet Daniel, the sale of the beautiful Joseph, the Wisdom of the Prophet Solomon, the power of one hundred and sixty Angels, by the prayer of the Honest Glorious Prophet and Baptist John and one hundred to ten Saints of the second council, holy confessors and swearers of the terrible unspeakable name of Your Holy, All-Glorious All-Seer God, and before Him stands a thousand and ten thousand Angels and Archangels. For the sake of their prayers, I pray and ask You, Lord, drive away and overcome all malice and wickedness from Your servant (name), and let it flee to Tartarus.

I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, for may salvation befit all Orthodox people in that house, in which there is this prayer, written in seventy-two languages, and may all wickedness be resolved through it; either in the sea, or along the way, or in the source, or in the vault; either in the upper pose or in the lower one; either behind or in front; either in the wall, or in the roof, let it be resolved everywhere!

May every devilish obsession be resolved in the course or in the camp; or in the mountains, or in dens, or in the precincts of houses, or in the abysses of the earth; or in the root of a tree, or in the leaves of plants; either in fields or in gardens; or in the grass, or in a bush, or in a cave, or in a bathhouse, may it be resolved!

Let every evil deed be resolved; either in fish skin or in flesh; or in the skin of a snake, or in the skin of a man; or in elegant jewelry, or in headdresses; or in the eyes, or in the ears, or in the hair of the head, or in the eyebrows; either in bed or in clothes; or in cutting foot nails, or cutting hand nails; either in hot blood or in icy water: let it be resolved!

Let every crime and sorcery be resolved; or in the brain, or under the brain, or in the shoulder, or between the shoulders; either in the muscles or in the legs; either in the leg or in the arm; or in the belly, or under the belly, or in the bones, or in the veins; either in the stomach or within natural limits, let it be resolved!

May every devilish act and obsession committed be resolved; either on gold or on silver; or in copper, or in iron, or in tin, or in lead, or in honey, or in wax; or in wine, or in beer, or in bread, or in food; May everything be resolved!

May every evil devil's intention against man be resolved; or in sea reptiles, or in flying insects; either in animals or in birds; or in the stars, or in the moon; either in beasts or in reptiles; or in charters, or in ink; May everything be resolved!

Even two wicked tongues: salamaru and remihara, pursuit; elizda and the devil from the servant of God (name), by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord with all the heavenly powers before the High and Terrible Throne of God, create Your servants scorching fire. Cherubim and Seraphim; Authorities and Pristoli; Dominance and Power.

In one hour the thief entered heaven through prayer. Joshua, the sun and the moon, prayed a prayer. The prophet Daniel prayed and stopped the mouths of the lions. Three youths: Ananias, Azariah and Misail extinguish the flame of the cave with fiery prayer. I also pray to You, Lord, grant this prayer to everyone who prays to it.

I pray and ask the holy council of the prophets: Zechariah, Hosea, Jesse, Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Amos, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Nahum and the Prophet John the Baptist of the Lord: - I pray and ask the four Evangelists, Matthias, Mark , Luke and John the Theologian, and the holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, and the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and Joseph the betrothed, and James the Lord's brother according to the flesh, Simeon the God-Receiver, and Simeon the relative of the Lord, and Andrew Christ for the sake of the fool, and John the Merciful, and Ignatius the God-Bearer, and the Hieromartyr Ananias, and Roman the singer of the kontakion, and Mark the Greek, and Cyril the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Venerable Ephraim the Syrian, and Mark the grave-digger, and the three Great Saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, and others like them the holy father of our saints Nicholas Archbishop of Myra Lycian wonderworker, and the holy metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes, Innocent and Cyril, Moscow wonderworkers: St. Anthony, Theodosius and Athanasius, Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers: St. Sergius and Nikon, Radonezh wonderworkers ; Reverends Zosima and Savatius, Solovetsky miracle workers; Saints Guria and Barsanuphius, Kazan miracle workers; Like our holy fathers: Pachomius, Anthony, Theotosiya, Pimen the Great, and like our holy father Seraphim of Sarov; Samson and Daniel the Stylites; Maximus the Greek, monk Miletius of Mount Athos; Nikon, Patriarch of Antioch, Great Martyr Kyriakos and his mother Iulita; Alexy, the man of God, and the holy venerable myrrh-bearing women: Mary, Magdalene, Euphrosyne, Xenia, Evdokia, Anastasia; The Holy Great Martyrs Paraskeva, Catherine, Fevronia, Marina, who shed their blood for You, Christ our God, and all the saints of the Father who pleased You, Lord, have mercy and save Your servant (name), may no evil and wickedness touch him or his house neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the days, nor in the night, let him not touch.

Save him, Lord, from air, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits of evil.

I pray to You, Lord, even as this holy prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian was written, it was confirmed and marked by the Holy Trinity for the destruction and driving away of all evil, the enemy and adversary of demonic nets, catching people everywhere with the witchcraft and sorcery of Zadok and Naphael, called Ephil, and the daughters of Samuel, skilled in sorcery.

By the Word of the Lord, heaven and earth and everything under heaven were established; by the power of this prayer, all enemy obsession and indulgence were driven out. I call upon all the powers of heaven and Your ranks for help; Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salafail, Yehudil, Barahail and my Guardian Angel: The power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and all the powers and spirits of heaven, and may Your servant, Lord (name), be observed, and may the wickedness of the devil be put to shame by all means By Heavenly Power to the glory of You, Lord, my Creator and to the glory of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

God! You are the only All-Powerful and Almighty, save Your servant (name) through the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian. Say this three times and bow three times. Lord Jesus Christ the Word and Son of God, through the prayer of Your Most Holy Mother and my Guardian Angel, have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name). Say this three times and bow three times. All saints and righteous ones, pray to the Merciful God for the servant (name), that he will preserve and have mercy on me from every enemy and adversary. (Say this three times and bow three times.)

I want to give you the most powerful prayer against witchcraft and corruption that I have. I have never seen this prayer printed anywhere. I have been cherishing these leaves like the apple of my eye for more than ten years.
Whenever you know that a spell is being cast on you and your family, read this prayer to the saint every day, naming the names of those for whom you are asking. You can read over his head for a child. Adults read on their own. If the climate in the family or health has changed dramatically, then it will not be superfluous to read this prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian.

You can recite this prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian over water and give it against damage.

We begin to say the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian: in the days or in the nights, or at whatever hour you exercise, all the powers of resistance will fall away from the glory of the Living God.
This Hieromartyr, praying to God with all his soul, said: “Lord God, Mighty and Holy, King of kings, now hear the prayer of Thy servant Cyprian.”
Thousands upon thousands and darkness upon darkness stand before You, Angel and Archangel. You weigh the secret of the hearts of Your servant (name), appear to him, Lord, as Paul in chains and Thecla in fire. So, let me know You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities.
You, holding the cloud and the sky, have not rained on the garden tree, and that is the fruit of the uncreated. Idle wives wait out, and others do not conceive. They only looked at the fence of the city, and did not create anything. The rose will not bloom and the class will not vegetate; The grapes do not bear fruit, and the beasts do not bear fruit. The fish of the sea are not allowed to swim and the birds of the sky are forbidden to fly. So, You showed Your power with the prophet Elijah.
I pray to Thee, O Lord my God; All sorcery, and all evil demons who tend to the sin of man and commit sin on him, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, O Lord my God, the Strong and Great One, who has favored the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Thy Holy flock, I pray to Thee, O Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with himself, do for him what he asks for with it.
Your Most Holy Majesty, who was merciful to me and did not want to destroy me with my iniquities; Thus, do not destroy anyone who prays to You with this prayer.
Strengthen the weak in faith! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Give reason to the desperate one and do not turn away everyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.
Now, falling before You, Lord, I pray and ask Your holy name: in every house and in every place, especially on the Orthodox Christian, there is some sorcery from evil people or from demons, may this prayer be read over the head of a person or in the house and may it be resolved from binding by evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, malice, intimidation, effective poisoning, from pagan poisoning and from any spell and oath.
Therefore, whoever has acquired this prayer in his home, let him be kept from every trick of the devil, indulgence, poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all witchcraft and sorcery, and may demons flee from him and may evil spirits recede. Lord my God, having power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Thy Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Thy Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Thy unworthy servant (name), who honors this prayer and through it may all the devil be resolved intrigues.
Just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let all sorcery and evil spells perish from the face of a person who honors this prayer. Like the name, the Life-Giving Trinity, is enlightenment for us, and don’t we know another god than You? We believe in You, we worship You and we pray to You; protect, intercede and save us, O God, from every evil action and sorcery of evil people.
Just as You brought out sweet water from the stone to the sons of Moses, so, Lord God of Hosts, lay Your hand on Your servant (name), full of Your goodness and protect from all deeds.
Bless the house in it, may this prayer abide and everyone who honors my memory, send your mercy to him, Lord, and protect him from all sorcery. Be his helper and protector, O Lord.
Four rivers: Pison, Geon, Euphrates and Tigris: the Edenic man cannot hold back, so no sorcerer can manifest the affairs or dreams of demons before reading this prayer, I conjure by the Living God! May the demon be crushed and all the nasty and evil force unleashed by evil people on the servant of God (name) be driven away.
As he multiplied the years of Hezekiah the king, so multiply the years of him who has this prayer: by the service of the Angel, by the singing of the Seraphim, by the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Archangel Gabriel and the incorporeal for the sake of Her conception, our Lord Jesus Christ, by His glorious Nativity in Bethlehem, by the slaughter of Herod the king four times ten thousand infants and His Holy Baptism received in the Jordan River, fasting and temptation from the devil, His terrible victory and His most terrible judgment, His most terrible miracles in the world: He granted healing and cleansing. Give life to the dead, drive out demons, and fulfill His entry into Jerusalem as a King: - “Ossain to the Son of David - from the child crying to You, hear” the Holy Passion, the Crucifixion and Burial, enduring, and on the third day the Resurrection came, as it is written, and into heaven ascent. There are numerous Angels and Archangels singing, glorifying His rise, who sits at the right hand of the Father until His second coming to judge the living and the dead.
You have given authority to Your holy disciples and Apostles, saying to them: “Hold and hold on - decide and they will be resolved,” so through this prayer, allow every devilish sorcery over Your servant (name).
For the sake of Your Holy Great Name, I conjure and drive away all wicked and evil souls and the combing of evil people and their sorceries, slander, witchcraft, eye damage, sorcery and every trick of the devil. I pray to You, O most merciful Lord, take me away from Your servant (name), and from his house, and from all his acquisitions.
As you increased the wealth of the righteous Job, so, Lord, increase the household life of the one who has this prayer: the creation of Adam, the sacrifice of Abel, the annunciation of Joseph, the holiness of Enoch, the righteousness of Noah, the conversion of Melchisidek, the faith of Abraham, the holiness of Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the shrine of the Patriarchs, the blood of the Holy Martyrs , the slaughter of Peter and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the virginity of John the Theologian, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua, the holiness of Samuel, the twelve tribes of Israel, the prayer of the Prophet Elisha, the fasting and knowledge of the Prophet Daniel, the sale of the beautiful Joseph, the Wisdom of the Prophet Solomon, the power of one hundred and sixty Angels, by the prayer of the Honest Glorious Prophet and Baptist John and one hundred to ten Saints of the second council, holy confessors and swearers of the terrible unspeakable name of Your Holy, All-Glorious All-Seer God, and before Him stands a thousand and ten thousand Angels and Archangels. For the sake of their prayers, I pray and ask You, Lord, drive away and overcome all malice and wickedness from Your servant (name), and let it flee to Tartarus.
I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, for may salvation befit all Orthodox people in that house, in which there is this prayer, written in seventy-two languages, and may all wickedness be resolved through it; either in the sea, or along the way, or in the source, or in the vault; either in the upper pose or in the lower one; either behind or in front; either in the wall, or in the roof, let it be resolved everywhere!
May every devilish obsession be resolved in the course or in the camp; or in the mountains, or in dens, or in the precincts of houses, or in the abysses of the earth; or in the root of a tree, or in the leaves of plants; either in fields or in gardens; or in the grass, or in a bush, or in a cave, or in a bathhouse, may it be resolved!
Let every evil deed be resolved; either in fish skin or in flesh; or in the skin of a snake, or in the skin of a man; or in elegant jewelry, or in headdresses; or in the eyes, or in the ears, or in the hair of the head, or in the eyebrows; either in bed or in clothes; or in cutting foot nails, or cutting hand nails; either in hot blood or in icy water: let it be resolved!
Let every crime and sorcery be resolved; or in the brain, or under the brain, or in the shoulder, or between the shoulders; either in the muscles or in the legs; either in the leg or in the arm; or in the belly, or under the belly, or in the bones, or in the veins; either in the stomach or within natural limits, let it be resolved!
May every devilish act and obsession committed be resolved; either on gold or on silver; or in copper, or in iron, or in tin, or in lead, or in honey, or in wax; or in wine, or in beer, or in bread, or in food; May everything be resolved!
May every evil devil's intention against man be resolved; or in sea reptiles, or in flying insects; either in animals or in birds; or in the stars, or in the moon; either in beasts or in reptiles; or in charters, or in ink; May everything be resolved!
Even two wicked tongues: salamaru and remihara, pursuit; elizda and the devil from the servant of God (name), by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord with all the heavenly powers before the High and Terrible Throne of God, create Your servants scorching fire. Cherubim and Seraphim; Authorities and Pristoli; Dominance and Power.
In one hour the thief entered heaven through prayer. Joshua, the sun and the moon, prayed a prayer. The prophet Daniel prayed and stopped the mouths of the lions. Three youths: Ananias, Azariah and Misail extinguish the flame of the cave with fiery prayer. I also pray to You, Lord, grant this prayer to everyone who prays to it.
I pray and ask the holy council of the prophets: Zechariah, Hosea, Jesse, Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Amos, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Nahum and the Prophet John the Baptist of the Lord: - I pray and ask the four Evangelists, Matthias, Mark , Luke and John the Theologian, and the holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, and the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and Joseph the betrothed, and James the Lord's brother according to the flesh, Simeon the God-Receiver, and Simeon the relative of the Lord, and Andrew Christ for the sake of the fool, and John the Merciful, and Ignatius the God-Bearer, and the Hieromartyr Ananias, and Roman the singer of the kontakion, and Mark the Greek, and Cyril the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Venerable Ephraim the Syrian, and Mark the grave-digger, and the three Great Saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, and others like them the holy father of our saints Nicholas Archbishop of Myra Lycian wonderworker, and the holy metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes, Innocent and Cyril, Moscow wonderworkers: St. Anthony, Theodosius and Athanasius, Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers: St. Sergius and Nikon, Radonezh wonderworkers ; Reverends Zosima and Savatius, Solovetsky miracle workers; Saints Guria and Barsanuphius, Kazan miracle workers; Like our holy fathers: Pachomius, Anthony, Theotosiya, Pimen the Great, and like our holy father Seraphim of Sarov; Samson and Daniel the Stylites; Maximus the Greek, monk Miletius of Mount Athos; Nikon, Patriarch of Antioch, Great Martyr Kyriakos and his mother Iulita; Alexy, the man of God, and the holy venerable myrrh-bearing women: Mary, Magdalene, Euphrosyne, Xenia, Evdokia, Anastasia; The Holy Great Martyrs Paraskeva, Catherine, Fevronia, Marina, who shed their blood for You, Christ our God, and all the saints of the Father who pleased You, Lord, have mercy and save Your servant (name), may no evil and wickedness touch him or his house neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the days, nor in the night, let him not touch.
Save him, Lord, from air, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits of evil.
I pray to You, Lord, even as this holy prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian was written, it was confirmed and marked by the Holy Trinity for the destruction and driving away of all evil, the enemy and adversary of demonic nets, catching people everywhere with the witchcraft and sorcery of Zadok and Naphael, called Ephil, and the daughters of Samuel, skilled in sorcery.
By the Word of the Lord, heaven and earth and everything under heaven were established; by the power of this prayer, all enemy obsession and indulgence were driven out. I call upon all the powers of heaven and Your ranks for help; Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salafail, Yehudil, Barahail and my Guardian Angel: The power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and all the powers and spirits of heaven, and may Your servant, Lord (name), be observed, and may the wickedness of the devil be put to shame by all means By Heavenly Power to the glory of You, Lord, my Creator and to the glory of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
God! You are the only All-Powerful and Almighty, save Your servant (name) through the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian. Say this three times and bow three times.
Lord Jesus Christ the Word and Son of God, through the prayer of Your Most Holy Mother and my Guardian Angel, have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name). Say this three times and bow three times.
All saints and righteous ones, pray to the Merciful God for the servant (name), that he will preserve and have mercy on me from every enemy and adversary. (Say this three times and bow three times.)
Yes, the prayer to Saint Cyprian against corruption and witchcraft is very great, but the benefits from it are also enormous.