Layout one rune at a time. Free online fortune telling using one rune. No registration or SMS. Dice box

Simple prophecies are quick techniques, which take no more than 10-15 minutes. They are no less accurate, but give brief information. Fortune telling using one rune helps you understand a difficult situation, understand yourself and the world. The “Symbol of the Day” ritual is used to get a quick answer to the question posed.

Rune power

Fortune telling is the revelation of the secrets of the future. To understand what the near future will be like, it is better to use runes. They give advice and warning and serve as strong protection. Accurate prediction is tailored to the individual.

Appeal to the rune:

  • universal fortune-telling schemes are used;
  • treatment occurs no more often than once every 2-3 days;
  • with their help they call on the Archangel if the questioner asks for advice.

If a person loves and values ​​himself, he carefully studies the attributes before fortune telling. You cannot take other people’s tablets or hold an important event if you are not feeling well.

Using Odin's runes

Fortune telling is carried out using one tablet. To do this, all the symbols are placed in a bag. They must be hidden from the eyes of the fortuneteller. After this, holding the bag in his hands, the fortuneteller asks the exact question. You will be able to tell fortunes on the following topics:

  • for love;
  • for a future partner;
  • to desire;
  • for work and professional success.

The most successful fortune-telling schemes: “Yes or no” and “Future day”. One tablet provides enough necessary information. Fortune telling using one rune is possible on the date of an event; in this case, before divination, the exact date or time is guessed.

The attributes are collected in one place and mixed thoroughly. They are asked a clear question. After this, a symbol is chosen and interpreted. At the end, everyone thanks the tablets.

Interpretation of symbols

Any fortune telling consists of two stages: creating a layout and interpreting the results. One rune completely answers the question posed. Fortune telling on one rune describes general position affairs, the symbol adapts to the situation. If problems arose at work, then the symbol of stability will indicate continued difficulties, and for love such a sign is favorable. Positive value runes give the answer “yes”, and the negative answer “no”.


One of the most powerful runes. It is often used for protection; with its help, the living space is protected from negativity. Answers a question asked by a person with a clear “yes.” This rune corresponds older card Tarot Priestess. It symbolizes the protection of Higher powers. The questioner will achieve success in everything. If he's going through a bad patch right now, Kano talks about help coming at the last moment.

The alignment for the future, which includes Kano, indicates a suitable period for self-knowledge. It's time to pay attention to your inner state. If the questioner is only concerned with making money, he loses vital energy. Rune advice: you should find something you like.


“Working” rune, symbolizing news and knowledge. If the questioner is waiting for news from afar, they will soon come and help in carrying out their plans. Raido answers the question about professional life. Soon there will be a chance to prove yourself, you cannot miss it. Raido corresponds to the minor card of the Tarot, which describes internal state questioner. In fortune telling, Raido is a clue. It is worth pursuing the acquisition of spiritual knowledge.

The unusual meaning of Raido is revealing secrets. In the near future, the questioner's secret will become public knowledge. A person will be able to free himself, throw off the shackles of other people's influence. The rune contains another meaning: joy from simple things. If the querent learns to appreciate what he has now, he will be able to receive even more benefits in the future.


Money rune. Describes the situation in the financial sector. Advice to Fehu: it’s time to take care of the material sphere. If you have debts, it is better to pay them back, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of them. The rune speaks of accumulation. It's better to save some money while you can.

In the “Day” layout, Fehu has the following meaning:

  • the issue of money is relevant, issues related to salaries, mandatory payments or bonuses will be resolved;
  • no major changes will occur, any events this day will not affect the future;
  • Personal relationships on this day will be stable.

Fehu promises random monetary gains. This will be a one-time income, it is better to spend it on the needs of the family. When there is only 1 rune in the layout, and this is Fehu, you should not expect fateful incidents. Stability awaits a person.


Negative sign. Nautiz symbolizes the difficulties that a person creates on his own. This is the result of negative thoughts and attitudes. If the questioner is not confident in himself and his abilities, he will have to reap the fruits of his own doubts. Nautiz's advice: the questioner needs to take more risks, try to find himself.

Nautiz is a reflection of inevitable difficulties. It's worth protecting yourself. A future alignment with such a rune speaks of minor quarrels. Relationships with colleagues or close relatives may collapse. If in the coming days there are controversial issues, it is better to solve them as they arrive. You cannot borrow money or throw around promises. Nautiz is rarely used to predict the distant future.


The meaning of Berkana is development. Berkana is used to predict the future in two positions. A straight rune answers the question positively, while an inverted one answers the question negatively. Corresponds to the highest card located at the beginning of the layout.

Berkana makes the following predictions:

  1. Work matters. Berkana about the opportunity to create your own business. This is a favorable time to start new things. The rune speaks of comfort and stability, so you should not be afraid of mistakes. If an inverted Berkana appears, it promises trouble due to one’s own carelessness. If you follow all the rules, then no difficulties are expected.
  2. Health. Straight Berkana is a symbol of health and prosperity. The questioner is in good physical shape, no diseases threaten him. An inverted rune speaks of unpleasant news regarding health. Chronic diseases will appear.

The word runa means "secret" and goes back to an ancient root meaning "to hide, to hide." His traces are preserved in modern languages, German raunen - “whisper”, Latvian runat - “speak” or Finnish runo - “poem, spell”. By the way, the Russian “keep” is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetic signs that were carved on stones or carved on wood; they were used to decorate weapons, dishes, and various objects; they wrote spells above the entrance to the house and on the bows of ships.

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century. AD, however, many signs have much more ancient origin, going back to the magical symbols of the Celtic Druid priests, from whom they later passed on to the Germanic and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Although all representatives of the tribe had runic literacy in one way or another, the real rune experts were magicians and healers. They were distinguished from everyone else by their special attire, were surrounded by special reverence, and taught the youth.

Each rune had given name and was associated with one or another deity, object or phenomenon. By laying out a rune from wooden sticks or applying its image on birch bark or stone, on the shaft of a spear or on the surface of a clay vessel, a healer, warrior or hunter turned directly to the essence that the rune designated in order to influence it in a certain way. A healer drove out a disease, a warrior asked for victory in battle, a hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the rune was pronounced or sung in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, to send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. “evil song” or performed zeid - a magical rite that included singing and dancing.

Not only men, but also women possessed magic. Thus, zeid was generally supposed to be performed only by women; The ancient Normans used special soothsayers - volurs - to predict the future. With the help of songs and runes they also conjured spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls.

Runic magic is extremely multifaceted. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain reserve of magical power and the ability to connect us with higher power. The set of runes, together with their powers and connections, forms a real magical system. This system can also be used for fortune-telling purposes: combinations of the signs included in it can describe any possible situation.

There are many ways to lay out runes. You can use one of the options we offer for online fortune telling with runes. We hope that these divinations on runes will provide you with invaluable assistance in everyday life.

Fortune telling using one rune is the most accessible way to work with runes. Future practitioners of runic art are usually the first to master it. Important aside: At present, there is no genuine tradition of working with runes as an oracle, or fortune telling with runes. Many, if not all, modern runic layouts appeared thanks to the works of Ralph Bloom, who at one time simply transferred existing layouts for Tarot cards to runes.

It is difficult to say how legal such a step was. But one thing is for sure - with his works of the late 20th century, Ralph Bloom fueled and created interest in runic mantles and magic, that is, he popularized fortune telling with runes. Many, if not all, of the modern practitioners who are now actively criticizing Blum began with his works. For this alone we can thank him.

But let's return to our topic. Fortune telling by one rune is sometimes called the “Rune of Odin” layout. How and where this name came from is difficult to say. But this name is definitely new. Turning to the topic of fortune telling with runes, we must recognize several postulates:

1) At present, we do not have direct written evidence that fortune telling by runes and fortune telling by one rune existed and was practiced. Here is one of the indirect confirmations:

Wise maidens
originated from there
three from the key
under a tall tree;
Urd name first,
second Verdandi, -
cut runes, -
Skuld is the name of the third;
fate was judged,
life was chosen
people's children
the lot is being prepared

Quote from the Divination of the Volva, translation by A.I. Korsun.

2) If there is no such evidence, this does not mean that fortune telling by one rune did not exist.

3) Many years of experience working with runes, both mine and other specialists, shows that runes can be effectively used to question fate.

“Fate, they said, is omnipotent and inexorable. A person is completely under her power. But this is the greatness of a person who can accept his fate without giving in to it. If a person unconditionally submits to fate, then he is simply stupid. If he complains, whines or tries to avoid what is destined, he thereby humiliates his human dignity. There is only one right way - to always remember that circumstances can be as bad as you like, the only important thing is how a person behaves in these circumstances.
A person at that time did not have to be a lord or a prince’s son to become the hero of a saga. But he had to have an unbending will, since it is this will that is capable of triumphing over the blind injustice of fate, making a person equal to it in strength.”

Gwyn Jones, The Normans. Conquerors of the North Atlantic."

And now - the meanings of the runes, in the case of the “Fortune telling by one rune” scenario. Please note that these meanings are not written down in some ancient manuscript, but are a combination of the knowledge recorded in and the cumulative experience of practitioners of runic art.

For the “fortune telling by one rune” scenario, I use 24 runes of the Elder Futhark.

Rune Fehu

Name: Fehu, Fehu

Phonetic meaning: f, f

Position in the fleece row: 1

The meaning of the Fehu rune based on historical sources:

Livestock, property, wealth, money

Runa Fehu as advice:

Buy, accumulate.

Rune Fehu meaning in relationships:

Beneficial relationships. Sometimes it’s the restoration of old relationships.

Name: Uruz, Uruz

Phonetic meaning: u, y

Position in the fleece row: 2

The meaning of the Uruz rune based on historical sources:

Bison, wild bull

Rune Uruz as advice:

Move forward, go straight, exert all your strength.

Rune Uruz meaning in relationships:

Strong feelings, sex, strong emotions. You are in control of this relationship.

Name:Þurisaz, Turisaz

Phonetic meaning: th, þ, t

Position in the fleece row: 3

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune based on historical sources:

Turs, the man-eating giant

Runa Thurisaz as advice:

Stop, think again, evaluate your strength.

Rune Thurisaz meaning in relationships:

Obstacles in relationships. Scandals, quarrels, conflicts.

Name: Ansuz, Ansuz

Phonetic meaning: a, a

Position in the fleece row: 4

The meaning of the Ansuz rune based on historical sources:

Ace, supreme deity

Rune Ansuz as advice:

Listen, look closely at the signs of peace. Open your eyes and ears.

Rune Ansuz meaning in relationships:

Legal marriage. Sometimes it’s just communication.

Name: Raido, Raido

Phonetic meaning: r, r

Position in the fleece row: 5

The meaning of the Raido rune based on historical sources:

Travel, ride, trip

Rune Raido as advice:

Take the road. This path is correct.

Rune Raido meaning in relationships:

A long road together. The couple is on the right track.

Name: Kano, Kano

Phonetic meaning: k, k

Position in the fleece row: 6

The meaning of the Kano rune based on historical sources:

Ulcer, torch

Rune Kano as advice:

Open up, release the hidden, lighten the soul

Rune Kano meaning in relationships:

Passionate, sometimes karmic relationships. Sometimes it’s relationship burnout.

Name: Gebo, Gebo

Phonetic meaning: g, g

Position in the fleece row: 7

The meaning of the Gebo rune based on historical sources:

Rune Gebo as advice:

Seek partnerships, realize your gift, give your gift!

Rune Gebo meaning in relationships:

Love affair. Partnership, lovers' relationship.

Name: Wunjo, Vunjo

Phonetic meaning: w, in

Position in the fleece row: 8

The meaning of the Vunyo rune based on historical sources:


Runa Vunyo as advice:

Rejoice. Find a reason to be happy. Chin up!

Rune Vunyo meaning in relationships:

Fulfillment of desires. Joy happiness. Sometimes - frivolous relationships.

Name: Hagalaz, Hagalaz

Phonetic meaning: h, x

Position in the fleece row: 9

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune based on historical sources:


Runa Hagalz as advice:

Destroy, throw away what is outdated.

Rune Hagalaz meaning in relationships:

End of a relationship. Relationships in the past.

Name: Nauþiz, Nautiz

Phonetic meaning: n, n

Position in the fleece row: 10

The meaning of the Nautiz rune based on historical sources:


Runa Nautiz as advice:

Impose restrictions, including self-restrictions, control yourself, look after yourself.

Rune Nautiz meaning in relationships:

Strong dependence of one partner on the other. Love spell.

Name: Isa, Isa

Phonetic meaning: i, and

Position in the fleece row: 11

The meaning of the Isa rune based on historical sources:

Rune Isa as advice:

Stop, save up your strength.

Rune Isa meaning in relationships:

Stagnation in relationships. No love.

Name: Jera, Jera

Phonetic meaning: j, th

Position in the fleece row: 12

The meaning of the Yera rune based on historical sources:

Harvest year

Rune Yera as advice:

Finish what you started and reap the harvest.

Rune Yera meaning in relationships:

New round. Unfinished situations. Return of the partner.

Name: Eihwaz, Eyvaz

Phonetic meaning: e/i, th

Position in the fleece row: 13

The meaning of the Eyvaz runes based on historical sources:

Runa Eyvaz as advice:

Do right choice, think and analyze.

Rune Eyvaz meaning in relationships:

Sharp leaps, from love to hate.

Name: Pero, Perth

Phonetic meaning: p, p

Position in the fleece row: 14

The meaning of the Perth rune based on historical sources:

Dice box

Rune Perth as advice:

Transform, understand and appreciate what things are not completed, complete them.

Rune Perth meaning in relationships:

In Fateful relationships. Revealing secrets. What will happen must happen.

Name: Algiz, Algiz

Phonetic meaning: z/R, z/r

Position in the fleece row: 14

The meaning of the Algiz rune based on historical sources:

Protection, sedge

Runa Algiz as advice:

Seek protection and patronage. Seek support, remain calm and confident.

Rune Algiz meaning in relationships:

A union blessed from above, confidence in each other, good stable relationships.

Name: Sowilo, Soulu

Phonetic meaning: s, s

Position in the fleece row: 16

The meaning of the Soulu rune based on historical sources:


Runa Soulu as advice:

Act, victory is near, be the Sun, burn, but don’t burn.

Rune Soulu meaning in relationships:

Peak of relationships and emotions. Clarity of feelings. There are no secrets in relationships. Everything is as you see.

Name: Teiwaz, Teyvaz

Phonetic meaning: t, t

Position in the fleece row: 17

The meaning of the Teyvaz rune based on historical sources:

Heavenly deity Tiu

Runa Teyvaz as advice:

Be persistent and strong, be prepared, be brave.

Runa Teyvaz meaning in relationships:

Passion, desire for each other. Fight for your happiness.

Name: Berkana, Berkana

Phonetic meaning: b, b

Position in the fleece row: 18

The meaning of the Berkan rune based on historical sources:


Rune Berkana as advice:

Grow, be measured and consistent.

Rune Berkana meaning in relationships:

Harmonious, leisurely growth of relationships. Relationships with a family focus.

Name: Ehwaz, Evaz

Phonetic meaning: e, uh

Position in the fleece row: 19

The meaning of the Evaz runes based on historical sources:

Horse, horse

Runa Evaz as advice:

Move, change yourself, change your environment, but don’t stand still.

Rune Evaz meaning in relationships:

Good, stable relationship.

Name: Mannaz, Mannaz

Phonetic meaning: m, m

Position in the fleece row: 20

The meaning of the Mannaz rune based on historical sources:


Runa Mannaz as advice:

Develop yourself, focus on your “I”.

Rune Mannaz meaning in relationships:

Intellectual communication between partners, but rather friendly. An important person in your life.

Name: Laguz, Laguz

Phonetic meaning: l, l

Position in the fleece row: 21

The meaning of the Laguz rune based on historical sources:


Runa Laguz as advice:

Follow your intuition.

Rune Laguz meaning in relationships:

Everything goes by itself. Falling in love, love. A very favorable rune.

Name: Inguz, Inguz

Phonetic meaning: ng, ng

Position in the fleece row: 22

The meaning of the Inguz rune based on historical sources:

Ing, fertility deity

Runa Inguz as advice:

Realize your potential.

Rune Inguz meaning in relationships:

Sexual attraction. Often - the end of a relationship.

Name: Oþala, Otal

Phonetic meaning: o, o

Position in the fleece row: 23

The meaning of the Otal rune based on historical sources:

Inherited land, inheritance, patrimony, property

Runa Otal as advice:

Remember about Home and Family.

Rune Otal meaning in relationships:

Family nest. Good stable relationship.

Name: Dagaz, Dagaz

Phonetic meaning: d, d

Position in the fleece row: 24

The meaning of the Dagaz runes based on historical sources:


Runa Dagaz as advice:

Make a breakthrough, come into the light!

Runa Dagaz meaning in relationships:

Relationships will soon change a lot.

If you need my runic consultation for any question - .

Fortune telling by one Rune - "Rune of Odin".

Fortune telling using one Rune is quick and the easy way and one of the most truthful, because it does not allow one to be distracted by extraneous issues. This is a kind of express method of fortune telling.

Make it a habit to take one Rune out of the bag every morning in order to find out how your day will turn out.

Questions for which the “Rune of Odin” layout is relevant:

If you want to know what is happening to another person who is in this moment...

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This is done so that the fortuneteller does not spend a lot of time reading, but skims the result. Of course, no online fortune telling can replace the work of a practicing specialist...

Fortune telling for the future will never cease to be popular, as it allows you to find out what fate has in store for you, what changes will occur in relationships and in the work sphere. By performing such simple rituals at home, you can unravel all the mysteries of life.

Fortune telling for the future using drawings

There are various methods of predicting the future: using Tarot cards, using burnt paper, ashes, and so on. This method using drawings is also very simple and effective. For that...

Runes are the main magical alphabet of Central and Northern Europe. This is not just a system of signs designed to convey information. They contain symbolic meanings that go far beyond the concepts of materialistic information theory. Interest in runes was revived several times throughout the 20th century. The combined application of scientific and esoteric methods has made runes an important area of ​​theoretical and practical esotericism. Some academic rune researchers...

Rune Ansuz.

Energy Rune.

Reversible Rune.

Mouth. Communication. Inspiration. Contacts. Receipt.

Receiving information in the form of signs and messages.

Sacred Rune associated with Odin and his reverse side- the insidious Loki.

Graphically, the Rune resembles an evergreen plant - spruce, which symbolizes Divine power and immortality. Helps to establish a connection with the gods and get out of a difficult situation.

Ansuz - Rune of science, knowledge, poetry, singing, exams, negotiations, magic...

Runes and signs of the Zodiac.

In runology, there are several options for distributing runes at different levels.

There is a distribution of runes according to the attas, according to the Futhark of Sigrdriva, according to the Celtic Ogham, etc. I took the distribution of runes across the Nine Worlds of Yggdrasil as the basis for the analysis.

According to the Tree of Life, runes are divided into the following levels:

World of the Gods
World of nature.
Human world.
The runes belong to the world of the Gods:
Ansuz is the rune of Odin.
Teyvaz is the rune of Tyr.
Ingus - Inga rune.
Thurisaz - rune...

Rune Gebo.

Magnetic Rune.

Irreversible Rune.

Gift. Partnership. An association. Union. Marriage.

Gebo is a sign of fruitful and sincere relationships.

Graphically represents two equal-sized crossed crossbars. The rune is completely symmetrical: what is above is also below, what is to the right is also to the left. The more you give, the more they give you. Balance in the exchange of gifts.

The main reflection of the Gebo Rune is the harmony of two principles.

In fortune telling, Gebo is a wonderful sign that foreshadows...

Fortune telling using one rune is one of the most practical. If you do not have free time, but you really need to get an answer to your question, then fortune telling "One Rune" the most suitable for such a case. This method of fortune telling helps clarify any confusing situation. All you need to do is ask a question and get an answer from the runes.

In this fortune telling, the position of the rune plays a role: direct or upside down. On the website “Fortune telling Online” you are offered one of the unique opportunities, thanks to your intuition, to choose the rune and its position yourself. By rotating the runes in a circle, you can always choose the same rune, but in a different position. And this will help answer your question even more accurately.

For fortune telling "One Rune" online focus on the question, formulate it as specifically as possible. From the rotating circle that appears, select one of the bones. To relax and focus on the question, you can look at the white spot in the center of the circle.