Chariot reversed tarot meaning in relationships. The Chariot (VII Major Arcana Tarot): Tarot Card Meaning. Combined with the suit of Pentacles

Tarot Chariot - the meaning of this lasso needs to be known to everyone who is going to guess with Tarot cards. The chariot is a symbol of search, will tell you how to find your place in life and in most cases a very positive card.

In the article:

Tarot Chariot - meaning in the upright position

The interpretation of the Chariot Tarot card will help you decipher any layouts that were made on the classic Tarot, and any decks that were made in the Waite tradition (or their authors referred to a similar interpretation).

If during fortune-telling you got 7 lasso in a straight position, this indicates that a person’s life will change very quickly. Most often, the Chariot portends some kind of breakthrough, a leap forward, probably overcoming any difficulties, a person will be driven by such an impulse and will be ready to overcome any distance.

In addition, the Chariot says that a person is currently as active as possible, filled with optimism, he has all the necessary strength in order to achieve what he wants. The individual is purposeful as never before and moves towards his goal.

Today you have the opportunity to say goodbye to almost any problems that have been bothering you for a long time. But not always this card can be a harbinger of only good. The Chariot says that the individual will have to face reality face to face, and this can injure especially impressionable individuals.

Now more than ever you need to show ingenuity, self-control and willpower. You will have a tense struggle, on your way you may meet various people, their life values ​​will be absolutely opposite to yours, this will provoke a variety of disagreements and aggression on the part of these people. A long trip is not ruled out, it can be a pleasant trip, it can be a business trip.

If you hesitate to go on a journey or not, then the fallen Chariot insists that you still need to go. The fallen lasso Chariot from ancient times was considered a unique sign from above, it is especially important if the card fell out in a layout that is unfavorable in itself.

In this case, the Chariot says that no matter how many obstacles there are in your way, soon you will receive good news, a signal that will give you strength, inspiration and the desire to realize your plans. Among other things, the Chariot speaks of the beginning of a special period in life, which must be devoted to improving one's own.

Do what your heart wants, develop, take risks, fight, go on an exciting journey. The card has a special energy, it says that today a person needs to learn something new, acquire extraordinary skills that will make him more confident and help him achieve what he wants.

Set aside time for discipline, self-control, so this will help strengthen your inner core. If the card fell out in the layout, then the answer is yes.

Interpretation upside down

The major lasso of the Chariot in an inverted position is one of the most unfavorable. In some cases, it means a tedious waiting period, when it would seem better bad than nothing. But fate decided to test your strength and see how long you can be true to your principles.

Such a period can drag on for a long time, for a while you will have to gather all your strength in order to endure the waiting period as painlessly as possible. In addition, in an inverted meaning, the card can talk about rejection, defeat, failure. Perhaps at the most decisive moment, luck will turn away from you and all plans will collapse. Therefore, do not overestimate your strength and believe in miracles.

Important: even in the most dramatic situation, you should not lose control of yourself, as your behavior can lead to many troubles. The inverted 7 lasso also testifies to uncontrolled lust and passion, selfishness, inability to control one's feelings, others.

The card is an unfavorable symbol for travelers, as it prophesies a difficult road, an accident, a breakdown, an emergency on the road, and bad weather. Regarding health, the prognosis is also not very favorable. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible, but it will not be particularly life-threatening.

Protracted quarrels, resentments are possible, the situation cannot be resolved in any way, it is important to enter into discussions with the person with whom you are in a quarrel and clarify the situation. Do not rush anywhere, as haste can only spoil the course of events.

The meaning of the lasso in relationships

If we talk about relationships with friends, colleagues and relatives, then the card is extremely ambiguous, since on the one hand it is a symbol of a selfish and withdrawn person who does not particularly show his emotions and thus can make enemies for himself.

On the other hand, the Chariot can talk about the beginning of new relationships, the emergence of new acquaintances, the beginning of vigorous activity. Most often, such a card in relations between a man and a woman speaks of some long term relationship. Perhaps these are spouses in a long marriage, who can no longer show such vivid feelings as before, but they also cannot disperse.

If the partners are young, in general they will have a good relationship, but the girl must be ready for the fact that young man will be interested not only in her, but also in various hobbies, acquaintances with whom he will have to share. If the card falls out along with the Tower, this indicates conflicts, difficult relationships.

Surrounded by positive cards of the lasso, the Chariot suggests that one of the spouses has rich relatives who probably live far away. Also, the work of one of the partners may be related to public service, long-distance business trips, saving someone's life. The person on whom this lasso falls is truly the personification of sexual energy.

He needs to dominate his partner, control him. The ability to compromise, to make contact, depends only on whether the individual himself is ready to take such a noble step. Often such a person does not have one permanent partner, since he is hard attached to someone, the conquered fortress is no longer interesting to him and he needs to storm another bastion.

In choosing a spouse, an individual will not pay attention to the opinion of family or friends, as he will go to the last in order to win a loved one. When forming a love triangle, an individual will always be chosen to which the Chariot card corresponds.

Work and finance

If we talk about the layouts for work, then the 7 lasso that fell out indicates that the person managed to finally take a step into adult life, become independent, earn a living. For an adult individual, the card indicates that he has a chance to get a promotion, improve his skills.

The magical attribute testifies to the courage of the individual, his willingness to go over the corpses in order to achieve the goal. All the doors to success are open to you, but you should not abuse your strength and overestimate your capabilities. Sometimes the Chariot means a change in business, the beginning of work for yourself, the transition to new technologies.

Sometimes it is also possible to change jobs, move to another city. In this case, it is possible to change the place of residence. No special financial losses are expected, there will only be an improvement in the financial situation, but if you want to live in luxury, you still have to spend money on it.

Health status

The chariot is a testament to the good health of the individual and his ability to adapt to any rhythm of life. A person is strong not only physical health but also mental. Sometimes the appearance of a card indicates the beginning of sports or the possibility of a person to quit the old one. bad habit.

On this moment you have the opportunity to change your lifestyle, try a new diet, take up a new sport. In a straight position for the sick, the Chariot portends a speedy recovery. If, with the help of the alignment, you want to find out what caused the disease certain person, then the fallen Chariot will tell about problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often it can be ulcers. Also, among the negative meanings of the card, getting into an accident, in the old days they said that 7 lasso portends getting injured on the battlefield. Modern interpretations say that this is a harbinger of some kind of accident, accident, accident.

In an inverted position, the card speaks of viruses, an injury resulting from professional sports, complications that arose as a result of improper treatment. For a woman, the Chariot can be a harbinger of postpartum depression.

Tarot Chariot in combination with other cards

In order to interpret the alignment as best as possible, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the specific cards that you get, but their combination. This will help you get a more detailed and correct answer. Chariot in combination with a Tarot card:

  • Jester - confusion in business, problems with documents;
  • Mage - you need to concentrate, gather all your strength into a fist and achieve what you want;
  • High Priestess - learning something, gaining new knowledge;
  • Empress - aspiration, financial well-being;
  • Emperor - restoration of the course of events that satisfies you;
  • Hierophant - harmony with others;
  • Lovers - the transition to a new level, the completion of relationships that do not bring you satisfaction;
  • Strength - you will be able to end the quarrel;
  • Hermit - being alone, longing;
  • Wheel of Fortune - a very fast change in the situation;
  • Justice - you will be able to achieve what you want;
  • Hanged man - high risk of injury;
  • Death is an inevitable situation;
  • Moderation is a habit, gaining new skills;
  • Devil - moral or physical violence;
  • Tower - accidents, troubles with any transport;
  • Star - listen to the clues of fate;
  • Moon - turn off the path you are on, it is not right;
  • The sun is a pleasant journey;
  • Judgment - rebirth;
  • Peace - harmony, travel.

Chariot - VII Major Arcana

In the astrological field, the Chariot is ruled by the planet Mars, as the triumph of the winner. This planet is responsible not only for wars, but also for victories in them. She first gives a test with the elements, and then with copper pipes. Mars governs passions.

The planet Mars governs the constellation Aries, which, in the form of a passionate impulse of the hero, reflects the VII Arcana.

Other names for the Chariot: Lord of the Triumph of Light, Success, Wagon, Child of the Almighty Waters.

Description of the Arcana

On the Arcana, in his victorious procession, a luxuriously dressed driver is depicted, moving on a rich wagon drawn by two sphinxes. The body of the charioteer is covered with protective ammunition, giving him an experienced, self-confident warrior, aimed at success.

In the hands of the charioteer is a spear, which also symbolizes the rod of power. The decoration of the wagon suggests that the driver belongs to the majestic personages. The crown crowning the head of a warrior also speaks of his high status. There is no doubt that the driver is a warrior. He is not just a warrior, he is a triumphant who celebrates victory.

This is not only a victory over enemies, it is a victory over circumstances, a victory in the battle with obstacles, sometimes very complex and contradictory. But he has earned the right to march with his head held high, confidently looking into the distance, not turning around and not looking around.

In the deck of the Age of Aquarius, the charioteer on the VII Arcana further indicates his belonging to the warrior-commander: in his hands he holds not only the royal scepter, but also a naked double-edged sword, sparkling in the sun. The charioteer does not have a crown, but his golden ammunition and the developing expensive red cloak make it clear that this personality is far from simple.

The four-sided chariot is crowned with a luxurious canopy supported by four columns. They symbolize the four Elements by which the world is governed.

The chariot is drawn by two huge but obedient sphinxes. One of them is black as night, and the other is perfectly white. These sphinxes speak of inner opposition, of belonging to Light and Darkness, but in this case both sphinxes are harnessed to the same cart and move in the same direction.

The unity of opposites, the duality that has become a single whole, the single path of multidirectional forces - this is the essence of the victory of the royal charioteer. Only having achieved inner harmony, only by subordinating and equalizing all forces, you can get the real pleasure of the victor.

In the background behind the driver was the city. This is the place where he won his victory, and which he left, rushing forward to new achievements. He did not stay in the city to rest on his laurels, he is a winner, and he needs to move on.

The sacred meaning of the Chariot

Having passed the difficult path of struggle and opposition to the temptations of the 6th Arcana, a person passes into the victorious 7th Arcana. Here one of the most difficult and often insurmountable tests awaits him - the test with copper pipes: glory, praise to the winner. This is a test of pride and vanity.

The symbol of the city in the background suggests that, having passed the temptations of Arcana VI, unprecedented opportunities opened up for a person: he received the power and reverence of society, which is presented in the form of a city. It symbolizes not only the inhabitants of the city itself, but also the surrounding circumstances that were created in the city for a person. The city is the connection of a person with everything material, which was the object of his temptations.

The driver's figure is separated from the city and placed in the foreground. This distinction carries several meanings. Firstly, a person, having overcome temptations, was able to rise to a certain level in society and even get the right to be considered elected, as evidenced by the crown on his head. The society did not interfere with his election, but even crowned him.

Secondly, isolation indicates that a person is trying to escape from this society. He strives for new achievements, trying to get away from a new round of temptations in society, already associated with his higher level. He foresees a test with copper pipes - glory, and tries to stay in the saddle. Indeed, very often it is the one who puts on a pedestal and overthrows him.

But the driver does not see another danger - the refusal of responsibility for the status that he was entrusted with. He was chosen as the leader, and he chose to leave the tribe.

Escape from the temptation of glory and from responsibility for those who trusted him is symbolized by the black sphinx. This is precisely the reason why he agrees to move with the white sphinx in the same direction. The white sphinx is all the positive qualities that led the warrior to victory, they also move him in his further striving.

These sphinxes move in the same direction until the driver makes a mistake. The black sphinx pushes him to this mistake - those qualities that, due to pride, prevent a person from correctly assessing the situation.

The lasso says that the charioteer has every opportunity to avoid this mistake by using the control rod in his hands. He can control the situation, although this is only for a short time: the further he moves away from the city, the less the power of his royal rod.

The chariot on which the driver moves is his experience gained in the process of life. It is he who carries the person and it is from this position that the person controls the chariot. But life goes on, and so does the experience. Thus, a person must be very careful, because at any moment the chariot can run into a stone - create circumstances for a new experience.

Mythological correspondence of the Chariot

In mythology, the tales associated with exploits correspond to the Chariot, but this is not a clear victory. For example, the myth of Phaeton says that a brave and daring young man was able to persuade his father Helios to allow him to take control of the sun chariot. In the hope of his solemnity, Phaeton could not cope with the frisky horses, and the chariot set fire to the Earth. Gaia demanded punishment from Zeus for the impudent youth. Phaeton was struck by lightning and died in Eridanus.

Another indicative legend may be the myth of Icarus, who flew too high on his wings, but failed to achieve his goal. He strove for the Sun, not appreciating the danger that awaits him at the pinnacle of triumph. This myth perfectly demonstrates the need to curb pride after obtaining the desired result, it can turn into an executioner at any moment.

Perhaps, for a person who is well aware of the legend of Icarus, the Chariot will never portend the need to return to the abandoned city in order to correct his major mistake- the inability to control the fateful chariot due to their own negative qualities.

The meaning of the direct Chariot in the layout

The chariot in the layout always means a leap forward. Most often, this breakthrough does not occur deliberately, but spontaneously. This movement is caused by a very strong desire of a person to change something in his life. At the same time, a person is alone in his aspiration, and he breaks out of the circle of previous acquaintances, relationships, connections, interests. He starts to move on his way.

Most often, a person is driven by ambition and the desire for freedom, and he is not interested in what he leaves behind. He easily parted with the past, he does not burden himself with previous obligations. The main thing is that this is due to the presence of strength, self-confidence and joy from one's own actions. He does not feel longing for the past, but surrenders entirely to curiosity, not afraid of risk and despite the fact that his journey may be accompanied by dangers.

Most often, this card falls out as a warning at a time when a person is threatened with dizziness from success. The card calls for a very careful assessment of the forces in order to avoid their overestimation.

The chariot in its direct version symbolizes the successful search for one's place in life. She speaks of victory in any undertaking and enterprise. The cards located around the Arcana will tell you in which particular sphere of life a person will have this breakthrough.

Quite often in general scenario The chariot indicates a journey, and this journey will always be successful.

The dark sphinx on this Arcana for a person means negative circumstances, and the white one means positive ones, but since they move in the same direction, it means that any situation that happens during this period will lead him to the desired goal. And even the situation with a negative connotation. This is the situation about which one can say: "There would be no happiness if it were not for unhappiness."

Arkan says that a person has entered a period of self-assertion. In order for it to be marked by success, it is extremely necessary to balance thoughts. This will help you not to go astray from the intended path, if external circumstances and temptations stubbornly push you off your path. We need a clearly set goal and an iron determination to act, especially since everything that happens favors this.

The meaning of the inverted Chariot in the layout

If the direct Arcana indicates the purposeful movement of the chariot, controlled by two sphinxes, in one direction, then the inverted one can be described by a fable about a pike, cancer and a swan. Each sphinx here will pull in its own direction.

As a result of this, there can be no talk of any movement, promotion and achievements. A person is torn apart by temptations, he rushes about in different directions, not bringing anything to the end. He cannot abandon old, obsolete ideas. He is trying to restore past relationships, use lost connections, trust the people who let him down in the past.

This is aggravated by the fact that the ambition of the upright Chariot is also present in its inverted form. But it becomes unsatisfied ambition, followed by suffering, worry and self-doubt.

The card may warn that the planned trip will not take place. When next to negative cards, you can talk about the upcoming conflict.

With such an Arcana, you need to find the strength in yourself to regain control over the mind and feelings. They are symbolized by the sphinxes, who are trying to drag the wagon in different directions. Sometimes you even need to stop them, so that later you can start a calm and purposeful run again. Where help can come from will be prompted by the cards of the Minor Arcana, laid out as additional information.

Direction of self-development

The chariot during self-development indicates that there is a need to free oneself from the authority of other people's thoughts, plans, images and opinions. Despite the willingness to act, it is necessary to understand that any circumstances will meet on the path of life. At the same time, negative situations are the essence of promotion elements. They contribute to gaining experience that can be relied upon in the future.

The lasso does not let you forget that every success is closely related to overcoming some kind of difficulty or going through a difficult situation. In the case of the Chariot, one must take into account that one-sidedness of thinking can become an obstacle to self-development. It can be caused by the rapture of the goal and the unwillingness to see "what is happening on the side of the road."

The card says that for self-development at the moment it is necessary to balance conflicting emotions. This requires increased self-control. The main leitmotif of the card is the achievement of the goal through the acquisition of experience.

The inverted Chariot indicates that the consciousness is in the state described in the fable of the swan, cancer and pike. In a person there is a frequent change of mood, he is unnecessarily restless. Unreasonable suspicion is replaced by careless gullibility.

The reason for this condition is poor concentration, loss of self-control. Circumstances at such moments become stronger than a man, and the mind, in search of a way out, begins to rush from one extreme to another. In this case, the movement on the path of self-development must begin with the reconciliation of all internal contradictions in order to make them all work for one goal.

Thus, a person needs to turn the chariot, return to the city he left behind, in Arcana VI, to receive new trials and new experience.


In work, as well as in any area of ​​life, the Chariot indicates a breakthrough, which most often occurs on emotions. This is the first step towards independence. It manifests itself either in the organization of one's business, or in taking over the management of some team, for example, a promotion associated with the leadership of some department.

In business, this card says that specific and clear goals have been set. A person approaches the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him with all determination and confidence in success. He has skill, skill and sufficient knowledge, always takes the initiative.

The card speaks of possible breakthroughs in business: signing a very profitable and long-awaited contract, winning a tender, concluding a deal that promises good profits. The Chariot indicates that success will depend on out-of-the-box solutions, fresh ideas, and even unpopular methods.

Very often, this Arcana falls to a person who has to do something completely new and unknown. In this he may not have experience, but success will ensure his enthusiasm and assertiveness. He will always have the opportunity to gain the missing knowledge.

The inverted Chariot indicates the presence of circumstances interfering with the work. Very often it can be people around who do not agree with either the business policy or the conditions that are created to complete the task. In some cases, you even have to deal with sabotage.

You need to be careful in the team, because the card indicates the presence of people in it who are not passionate about one idea, but strive to promote their own. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the person on whom the alignment is being made, most likely, overestimated his capabilities and took on an unbearable burden for himself. As a result of this, there comes a period when they cease to trust him, preferring to cooperate with someone else. He loses authority, and hence the ability to lead.

The card warns that at the moment it is impossible to sign an important contract, to conclude a deal. The reason must be sought in the lack of information, in the ignorance of some details.

Personal relationships

The chariot in the layouts for personal relationships, both in the direct and inverted version, will always have a negative connotation. The only exception is when it comes to new relationships. In this case, the card speaks of passionate love, mutual passion, similarity of interests. It describes only the initial period of the relationship, after which the sobering of one of the partners may begin in a couple.

If we are talking about existing relationships, the Chariot warns of the departure of the partner in whose position this card falls. The reason for this departure lies in the fact that relationships were a burden for a person, they have become obsolete. In this case, a person acts under the pressure of emotions, and leaving is an impulse.

Very often, such an impulse is preceded by a violent showdown. Do not forget that Mars patronizes the Chariot, therefore relationships under the sign of this Arcana are doomed to manifestations of passion: either it is stormy love at the beginning, or it is a stormy showdown at the end.

The departed partner will not feel the pain of a break in relations, he leaves with ease, leaving the city forever. His Chariot takes you to a new relationship. The rest will experience pain for two, because at one time he put his partner on a pedestal.

The inverted Chariot in the layout for a new partner suggests that relations with him are almost impossible. This is due to insurmountable contradictions in the characters. Very often, such a card falls on partners from different social strata.

If we are talking about an established union, then the difference in characters, the lack of common interests, up to the opposite of worldviews, also play a leading role here. In this case, people cannot leave because of the fear of a new relationship. From year to year they maintain the agony of their relationship, not having the strength to make a final decision.

Sometimes in such unions people hate each other. The presence of an abundance of swords in the layout suggests that hatred can reach a destructive limit. For example, it is in this state that a person can order damage to his partner. The most amazing thing is that with such a card one can talk about “quiet” hatred, when a person winds himself up, but does not allow emotions to splash out. He can even cherish plans for revenge, while continuing to communicate through his teeth.

Personality characteristic

A person characterized by Arcana VII has all the qualities of a successful leader. The person is resolute and does not experience doubts in his decisiveness. He has remarkable willpower and ambition. His self-confidence is due to deep life experience.

A person is inclined to take the initiative in everything, to be the first everywhere, he will not give up leadership to anyone without a fight. This person always relies only on his own strength. He will not reconcile himself to the position of the follower, for his mission is to control the cart, and not to drag it.

A person under the sign of the Chariot is passionate in everything. This is manifested in love, and in relation to work, and in the implementation of a hobby. At the same time, he easily says goodbye to circumstances, people and things that he no longer needs. They say about such a person that he goes over the heads.

A driver personality is able to clearly concentrate consciousness on achieving a goal and has high self-control. One-sidedness of thinking can be called a negative feature of his character.

The inverted Chariot will tell about a person that he is not able to complete what he started. This Arcana, for example, can fall on a person who is commonly called an eternal student. Such a person passionately lights up with an idea, but when the strength for the impulse runs out, he cools down to this idea and begins to rush into battle for the next one.

Such a person is always anxious, suspicious. He cannot concentrate, and his mood changes with surprising speed. Such people are called overly fussy, making a lot of unnecessary movements.

Unsatisfied ambition makes such a person quarrelsome, demanding, passionate in sorting things out. This person talks a lot but does little. Very often, such people talk about incredible projects they have conceived, but things don’t go beyond stories.


When fortune telling for health, you can use several layouts. It is necessary to select one or another alignment, based on question asked. If the view is superficial, then simpler layouts can be done, but if health problems need to be more carefully considered, then one should turn to a complex alignment of the chakra system. The layouts are made using the Major Arcana, but for a more detailed decoding, you can also use the Minor Arcana.

TO simple layout health includes a layout for 2 cards of the Major Arcana. In some cases, you can get an answer with the help of one Major Arcana.

General state

When the VII Arcana falls in a layout for the general condition of the body, it indicates that the person is completely healthy, the body is full of strength. The physical and mental state of a person does not cause concern.

If the card fell out when the alignment was done to a person who was in a state of illness, then the Chariot shows that the disease leaves the person. He is waiting for a quick period of recovery and rehabilitation. He gained strength, which is enough to fight the disease.

An inverted Arkan shows that the body is completely unbalanced. This is not a disease as such, but a lack of strength. The reason may be that the person led a too active lifestyle, was too carried away by some activity and overestimated his strength. With this position of the Chariot, one can speak of the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome.

For a sick person, this Arkan will indicate an aggravation of the disease. The immune system is too weak to fight. In this case, along with the main treatment of the disease, the person should receive drugs that support the immune system.

ongoing processes

In the layout of the two Arcana, the Chariot, which is in the first position, shows the state of the bronchial system, including the trachea. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what position Arkan is in. Both upright and upside down, it will only point to the organ.

In the second position in the upright position, the Chariot says that the organ determined by the card in the first position is in a healthy state, all processes in it proceed according to age norms.

The Reversed Chariot says that the organ receives less energy, because of which its function is weakened. At the same time, the organ may be healthy, but the lack of strength in it warns of the possibility of a disease in the near future.

Chakra diagnostics

When diagnosing by chakras, the Major Arcana are laid out sequentially on each chakra, starting from the bottom. When laying out a card, you need to clearly concentrate on the chakra. After the full alignment, you need to look at which of the chakras the Chariot fell on. You need to read the information from the Arcana itself, and from its correspondence with neighboring cards.

Muladhara. The Straight Chariot shows about the health of the organs of movement - the lower limbs, and in all their systems.

An inverted one can warn of the occurrence of immobilization. This can be caused by some kind of disease, or the consequences of accidents. To find out the reason, you can put another senior Arcana next to it, which will prompt the event. For example, if XVI Arcana (Tower) is nearby, then immobility will be caused by trauma, and if XIII (Death), then we can talk about surgical intervention.

Svadhisthana. The chariot in an upright position will indicate the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, naturally, in accordance with age. An inverted card will tell about hormonal imbalance. A woman may have a violation of the menstrual cycle, and in men, problems with the prostate gland associated with a decrease in its function.

Manipura. On this chakra, the Chariot will directly show the normal functionality of the stomach/duodenum ligament. In an inverted position, Arkan will indicate a violation of the interaction of these two organs with each other. There may be problems with the peristalsis of the stomach and the flow of its contents into the intestines.

Anahata. Direct Arkan will indicate the normal functioning of the bronchial system and trachea. An inverted card shows stagnant processes in the bronchi, chronic bronchitis. If such cards as the Hermit (IX Arcana) or the Hanged Man (XII Arcana) lie on neighboring chakras, then we can assume the presence of bronchial asthma.

Vishuddha. On this chakra, the Chariot will show the healthy organs of the larynx and nasopharynx. The inverted Chariot can tell about edematous processes in the tonsils, deterioration of breathing due to swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Ajna. The Chariot on Ajna speaks of the normal interaction of all body systems with those parts of the brain that are responsible for them. The inverted Chariot indicates that the connection of some system with its brain center is broken. To find out which system, you need to look at all the Arcana that fell on the chakras.

Sahasrara. The Straight Chariot says that a person is full of strength and is in a state of victory. There are practically no indications of physical health, but we can talk about mental health. The inverted Chariot says that a person is in the illusion that vanity gives him. This can lead to a deterioration in the general condition due to loss of strength.

Situation breakdown

In the layouts for the situation, the card says that the time has come for an immediate decision. To resolve the situation, you can not hesitate for a minute, the manifestation of the initiative and a quick response will help events develop in the right direction.

In some cases, the Chariot says that in this situation no one can be trusted, but you need to do everything yourself, following your experience, skill and knowledge. In no case should you be afraid of such independence, since fate will certainly lead the right people will create favorable conditions.

One should not give an assessment of the events taking place, because even situations that are negative at first glance will lead to the desired results. This is the work of the black sphinx, which nevertheless leads the chariot forward.

Very often, situations related to travel, roads or movements, or the need to change one's place of residence with such an Arcana end successfully.

At the everyday level, Arkan shows any successful undertakings. The card can predict the acquisition of a new vehicle. And if the situation of an already planned purchase is considered, then the Chariot says that any circumstances that will accompany this transaction will somehow end successfully.

The chariot can also mean the beginning of some new relationship, and this probability increases if a person has some kind of road ahead. Arkan portends a holiday romance or an affair on a business trip.

When the Chariot falls out, one can talk about luck in various small household chores. In litigation, Arkan portends victory, sometimes even unexpected and triumphant. The chariot will also indicate that a person will be marked with some kind of award, prize or any distinction.

If the person on whom the alignment is being made is in a state of quarrel with someone, then the Chariot speaks of a possible truce, and without the need to humiliate yourself and ask for this truce.

The Reversed Chariot indicates that the situation cannot be resolved, no matter what actions a person takes to achieve this. The reason for this deplorable state lies in disagreements, both internal and external. The neighboring Arcana in the layout will show with whom exactly such disagreements are present, and perhaps even tell you how to avoid them.

The card says that any movements will not bring success or have every chance of not taking place. With this card, it is impossible to meet a new person, or the meeting will not lead to a permanent relationship. In fact, this is a failure in any endeavor, a misunderstanding of a partner, an inability to get a promotion. Such a card falls out when a person is told that he did not take up his business.

At the everyday level, the Chariot indicates a situation where there is not enough money for a long-desired thing, although there is an opportunity to purchase it at that moment. This is a card of bad luck, the level of which can be characterized by a situation, for example, when a dream girl starts a relationship with her best friend.

The card does not bode well for a business trip. As a rule, with such a map, the planned affairs will either not bring success, or will be completely thwarted by circumstances beyond the control of the person.

Map of the day

If the Chariot falls on the card of the day, then the person must understand that he is on the eve of "great deeds." He should not remain passive, the card requires decisive action, and as a result it promises success.

On this day, there will be a chance to fulfill your innermost desires and realize your wildest ideas. But to miss such a chance on this day is as easy as to find it. The day will bring unexpected circumstances that a person did not plan in advance, it is not recommended to ignore them - this is the work of the sphinxes who guide the cart to success. And you should not be upset if these circumstances seem not very favorable.

On this day, a person may expect some kind of recognition of his talents and merits, or even an award.

The Reversed Chariot advises not to start anything new until a clear picture of actions is built. This is the case when a person is told: “If you don’t know how to act, do nothing!”.

The card speaks of a breakdown in plans, and this can be affected by external circumstances at any stage. With such an Arcana, it is best to refuse to implement them yourself.

Card of the year

As a card of the year, the Chariot portends a rather eventful period that will be accompanied by success. There are many new and interesting things to learn, many new ideas to implement. But the rhythm of life with such an Arcana will be too accelerated. In fact, the person will not have the opportunity to stop and catch their breath.

At the same time, with such a rhythm, there is a threat of fatigue, leading to a loss of strength and energy. If you completely surrender to such a rhythm, then a person at any, and most often, at the most inopportune moment, can lose self-control and composure, which will lead to the turning of the Arcana.

The inverted Chariot indicates that a person has completely run out of strength to deal with life's circumstances. He will feel helpless.

During this period, it is better not to start any business. It should be dedicated to realizing the mistakes that led to this state, and trying to correct them. This is a good time to return to the abandoned city again, get off the chariot and start your journey again.

Arcana Council

The chariot is the card of the winner. Based on its sacred meaning, the card recommends not to rush too fast along the path of your success, but to learn to see and evaluate the events taking place on the side of the road. They help to gain the missing experience and keep the sphinxes flying at full speed.

Driving a wagon will be successful only when a person leaves his vanity and morbid ambition in an abandoned city. These are good driving forces when it is possible to consciously restrain them.

It should never be forgotten that the crown on the head is a temporary phenomenon, if, while enjoying the triumph, one forgets about curbing one's own pride. So that the victorious movement could not be interrupted by external circumstances and the surrounding people, so that their own contradictions would not allow one of the sphinxes to prevail over the other, a person must strive to observe the rule of the golden mean.

Runs across a wide, level field winding road, symbolizing the path of a person who acts according to the situation. Life circumstances sometimes force a person, wise and strong-willed, to bypass dangers, but not go astray.

On the sides of the road mountains of corpses and weapons- this shows that many people tried to achieve their goals, but made mistakes and died. These people fell under the power of their negative emotions, such as vindictiveness, fear, envy, hatred. Perhaps, for some reason, they went out of their way and perished.

Above the horizon lightning flashes, defining the forces of fate - indomitable and unpredictable, difficulties and dangers left behind. But the whole Arcana illuminated by the sun, indicating the stability and calmness of the situation in the present.

Chariot moving on the road represents the person himself. Slowly but surely the chariot moves forward. The Chariot is driven by two sphinxes - black and white. White personifies all the good that is inherent in man. black sphinx These are all negative qualities. sphinxes go side by side, because dark and light, good and evil, are equally present in a person. If at some point a person unjustifiably decides to do evil or good, i.e. one of the sides, light or dark, breaks forward, then the Chariot can tip over, and the person will not be able to go further on his path. The chariot has quadrangular shape, symbolizing the earthly, material. Sun and bowl of flame, depicted on the Chariot are the energies of Yin and Yang, giving rise to the Personal energy of a person, the reserve of his strength. The gold from which the Chariot is made is life, activity, health. At the Chariot two wheels mounted on the same axle. Such a construction is not strong enough, and when it stops it can fall apart, so the Chariot should not stop moving for a moment. On wheels human eyes warn that in everything and always you have to be very careful. On top of the Chariot is a canopy that crowns eight-pointed star (octagram), being drawn inscribed in a circle, personifies order, creation.

Pentagrams (five-pointed stars) on a blue canopy background Chariots- are interpreted as a symbol of the Divine presence, spiritualizing the four material elements. If you enter a human figure into it, connecting it with the five elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit), you will get an image of the microcosm - a sign of occult "spiritual work" on the "material plane". Also, the Pentagram is widely known as a sign that protects from all evil.

Six pointed stars (hexagrams) on a blue background of a canopy - is interpreted as a symbol of the struggle between God and the devil (God is the upper triangle, the devil is the lower one).

Canopy- this is wisdom and talent, which is supported by four columns different color. white column- spirituality blue- intelligence, red- physical strength and health , green- the ability to love.

Driving the Chariot driver representing the will of man. The driver is dressed in armor, which also depicts an eight-pointed star. On his shoulders black and white moon Urim and Thummim- the light and dark sides of human intentions. Crown of Isis on the driver shows a cold mind, a sober mind and wisdom. IN right hand charioteers sword, directed downward - it means that the force is not aimed at destruction, but at stabilizing its position. In the left hand of the charioteer- a wand, as a symbol of magic and power.

Meaning of 7 Arcana Tarot Chariot in the upright position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Chariot in the upright position: victory, confident movement forward, control over emotions, self-control, willpower. The end of difficulties is near, success will come soon. Success achieved as a result of one's own efforts, and not by chance. Prudence, restraint, caution in making a decision. Trip, journey.

Arcana Tarot Chariot on Relationships in the upright position: the beginning of a new relationship, also a "fresh wind" within the framework of the previous union. Family problems can only be solved calmly, without scandals.

Arcana Tarot Chariot for Work in the upright position: promotion, good prospects, success. Business trip.

Arcana Tarot Chariot on Health in the upright position: good health. A slow but sure recovery, with strict observance of all the prescriptions of a doctor or healer. To prevent the disease, or to heal faster, control of emotions will help. Don't worry and calm down.

Advice of the Arcana Chariot in the upright position: self-controlled, able to triumph over any difficulties and trials. Be careful and prudent, do not give free rein to emotions. Do no harm to anyone in vain, but also do not do good out of the simplicity of your soul. Stay away from other people's problems, clearly adhere to the intended path, achieving your goal. Don't let events take their course.

Meaning of 7 Arcana Tarot Chariot in reverse:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Chariot in an inverted position: correction, changes in plans, goals. Unreasonable behavior, indiscretion, excessive self-confidence or suspiciousness. Wrong course of action, losses, obstacles. Bad trip. Excessive emotions can damage the cause.

Arcana Tarot Chariot on Relationships in an inverted position: conflicts, scandals, quarrels. You should not trust the person who proposed a specific business or relationship - he will not be able to bring the matter to the end.

Arcana Tarot Chariot for Work in an inverted position: overestimation of one's own strengths, incompetent management of a business, an enterprise. Mistakes due to lack of experience. Incorrectly chosen field of activity, profession, work. Tension in the team.

Arcana Tarot Chariot on Health inverted: lack of mental balance, apathy. Suspiciousness. Incorrectly chosen method of treatment. Among the negative Arcana, trauma (including psychological), an accident is possible.

Advice of the Arcana Chariot in an inverted position: adjust your plans, maybe this is not your way. If, nevertheless, you follow it, then be prepared for opposition from people and circumstances. At the moment, it is best to calm down and set yourself a new goal.


The Major Arcana Tarot Chariot is a very important and necessary card in any fortune-telling deck. The seventh in a row, according to astrology, it represents the connection between all seven planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon). She personifies movement, strength, power. Let's find out how the meaning of Tarot changes depending on the layouts and related cards?

Chariot: general characteristics

In the upright position, the card indicates a very important stage in a person’s life. Perhaps he has already passed it, and it's time to move on. If the Ace of Wands falls nearby, it means that a person is just beginning a new and important stage in life. In order to fully study the map, it is very important to pay attention to what is depicted on it. Consider, for example, the image of Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot deck card, which will help us explore the meaning of the Tarot in more detail. The "chariot" is depicted here as a warrior dressed in golden armor and sitting in a meditative posture in a wagon.

Looking carefully at the map, one can understand that despite the fact that the warrior is strong and big, he does not use physical strength, but resorts to spiritual practices. The wheels of the wagon are red, indicating a desire to act. Who is harnessed to the chariot? The four sphinxes symbolize all 4 elements. They are depicted in pairs (2 black and 2 white) and represent harmony and balance. The warrior himself symbolizes an experienced and wise person who knows the solution to a necessary issue. The card can also denote the internal "struggle of good and evil", because everyone has contradictions in life. The Chariot indicates the need to find a solution, so it is important to consider that it is necessary to use not physical strength, but spiritual strength for it.

The Chariot (Tarot) also has an interesting interpretation in the love sphere. The meaning in its relationship is as follows: a person is faced with an important choice. On the one hand, he moves forward without stopping, but at the same moment he does not control the situation. He lacks the strength and confidence to turn off the road in the right direction. This interpretation is evidenced by the fact that on the image of the Chariot card, the driver does not have the reins. He is being carried by 4 sphinxes (in some Tarot decks - horses, dogs, tigers, wolves) in different directions. Race animals are always depicted in two different colors, which means a certain struggle between two opposites (yin and yang).

What does the map indicate?

We continue to study the meaning of Tarot. The Chariot is a card that has a huge number of interpretations. It all depends on the layout and the accompanying arcana. For example, in the divination "Celtic Cross" the ninth card shows the fears and fears of a person. If in this scenario the Chariot falls out with this card, this means that a person is afraid to act and it is his indecision that can lead to bad consequences. Perhaps the lasso thus wants to give advice that by all means it is necessary to gather strength and move forward.

If the Chariot falls out in divination, as a result of a particular situation, this means that a person should act immediately - one can no longer wait. In addition, it also means that in order to carry out the plan, intentions alone will not be enough. The fate of a person at this stage is completely at his disposal. All his actions in the present will give good results in the future.

Reversed meaning

Not all tarot readers attach special importance to the position of the cards in the layout. However, the inverted position, as a rule, has a very important meaning, especially for the Major Arcana. Most often, the interpretation of such cards has the opposite Tarot meaning. The chariot (inverted) means that a person uses his powers incorrectly and irrationally. Perhaps he is busy resolving an issue that is not really that important. The Reversed Chariot warns that a person is on the wrong path. He should stop and reconsider all his actions, perhaps he makes big mistakes.

Chariot and suit of Wands: interpretation

Since Wands are the suit that symbolizes career, professional growth And business relationship, The Chariot falling out with these Minor Arcana enhances their meaning. For example, the Ace of Wands denotes determination and willpower, and in combination with the Seventh Arcana, it can be interpreted as a willingness to go forward. The Two of Wands, as a rule, indicates the need to act decisively, and in combination with the Chariot, it symbolizes good luck in all endeavors. It is these two cards that may also indicate that soon all cases will be resolved successfully thanks to outside help. Tarot cards, the meaning and interpretation of which we are considering, can have the opposite meaning in an inverted position. For example, the Seven of Wands, together with an inverted Chariot, can warn a person of danger and the need to take a step back.

Perhaps it's time to temper your ambitions and lay low. Of course, the Seventh Major Arcana in the upright position enhances the good value of any card and indicates the need to take the initiative. Otherwise, for example, with the Ten of Wands card, indicating stress and decline, the Chariot indicates certain difficulties in the intended business. Perhaps your desire will not come true in the near future, but the Major Arcana in this case indicates that you should not stop and give up.

The Chariot and the Suit of Pentacles: Interpretation

Tarot cards, the meaning and interpretation of which we are considering, are a storehouse ancient wisdom and knowledge. The money suit of Pentacles has the element Earth, which means it is associated with a person’s finances and income. The chariot next to such arcana will mean that all financial transactions in the near future should not be left to chance. The senior Seventh lasso denotes the personal achievements of a person and moving forward, which means that, in combination with the Pentacles, he indicates that everything will need to be done only on one's own.

Let's look at some examples. The Ace of Pentacles in combination with the Chariot denotes wealth, profit and financial well-being. It is interesting to take into account the fact that the Ace itself is interpreted as an inheritance or a gift, in other words, financial well-being "flows directly into the hands." But if the Chariot card appears in the layout, then it indicates that in order to make a profit, a person also needs to take some action. He needs to “turn off the road he constantly walks” and find new, fresh ideas and solutions. If we talk about the love sphere, then together with the Five of Pentacles, the Chariot (Tarot) has the following meaning in a relationship: there is a greedy and greedy person nearby, he brings you a lot of disappointment, and you will not be able to move further towards your goals with him.

Chariot and Suit of Swords

The Chariot has the most interesting interpretation along with such a suit as Swords. This is due to the fact that these arcana are very similar to each other. The Chariot is a card of spiritual movement, and the Swords, in turn, refer to the Element of Air, personifying free movement, insight, emotions. If these arcana fall out in the layout, then this indicates that the emotional state of a person is very unstable. He doubts too much and acts too little.

The Chariot in combination with the Swords indicates the need to "understand oneself", in one's feelings and emotions. Perhaps the time has come to decide what is really important for a person and what is secondary. The cards also warn the fortuneteller that he will not be able to move on without making an important decision for himself. The Knight and the Queen of Swords, together with the Chariot lasso, denote the search for a solution, resourcefulness, new opportunities.

The Chariot - The Major Arcana of the Tarot, symbolizing spiritual development and movement, in combination with the Ace and the Two of Swords, can mean that a new period of achievements and success is beginning in a person’s life, he is moving in the right direction and now all his plans will certainly come true. When interpreting cards, it is very important to pay attention to the layout in which they fall out. For example, if the Chariot and the Ace of Swords fall out in a scenario for the future, then their meaning described above is absolutely correct. But if they are in the position: “what led to a certain situation”, then here, their interpretation is completely different. In this scenario, the Chariot and the Ace of Swords mean that at the time when it was necessary to act, the person did nothing and missed his chance.

What else can Tarot spreads tell us? Chariot and Minor Arcana of Swords in layouts on love relationship indicate that the partner doubts the correctness of his choice. He is unsure of his feelings and actions. These cards symbolize the need to evaluate your feelings and emotions and structure them.

Card of the Seventh Arcana and the suit of Cups

The suit of Cups belongs to the element Water, which means they denote calmness, moderation, intuition. In the layouts with the "Chariot" lasso, they symbolize good luck in all endeavors. If we talk about the “future” position, then such cards mean that despite the fact that in the past everything did not work out smoothly for you, now the situation will change dramatically. It is very important to note that all the changes will happen thanks to you. That is, a person had a chance to decide his own destiny, and he correctly used it.

The Queen, Knight, Princess, and Prince of Cups, along with the Chariot, signify a strong new relationship, perhaps even marriage or the birth of a child. The major lasso of the Tarot Chariot with other cards of the Cup suit also does not bode well. A good period of good luck and luck awaits a person: with Ace - victory, Two - win, Three - peace, Four - funny company, Five - a new and very important acquaintance, Six - promotion at work, Seven - love explanations, Eight - a trip or a trip, Nine - winning, Ten - pleasure.

The Chariot in combination with the Major Arcana

If in the layout the Chariot card falls out with other Major Arcana, then this is a very important sign of fate that should not be missed. Of course, the interpretation will depend on the positions that the cards occupy. Some fortune-telling involves the use of only the Major Arcana (22 cards), in which case their interpretation is simpler and less significant.

With some tarot cards, the Chariot enhances their meaning, while with others it is a strong and important combination. For example, a pair of cards Priestess - Chariot means support, Magician - Chariot - triumph or victory, Strength - Chariot (Tarot) - loss of self-control. An equally interesting combination can be called the Senior Seventh Arcana with the Moon card - this is a secret that should not be revealed and recognized, or a question that does not need to be answered. What a person can learn will greatly change his life and those around him. The Hanged Man card in combination with the Chariot symbolizes a weak and soft character, perhaps someone is using a person for their own purposes.

Personality characteristic

The Major Arcana Tarot can tell a lot about a person's personality. In order to find out your personality card, you need to turn to numerology. The number of a person can be obtained by adding the date, month and year of birth. For example, a person was born on August 3, 1985. We add 3 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5. If the resulting number is less than or equal to 22, then you need to find the Major Arcana with this number. This will be the identity card. If the number is greater, then 22 should be subtracted from it. The resulting number will be the personality card. If, through these calculations, a seven falls out, then this means that the person’s personality card is the Chariot. What character traits are endowed with such people?

The Chariot Tarot card symbolizes mobility and self-confidence. Such people love risk and various adventures. They are not devoid of a sense of humor, charming and attractive. Sometimes a person has megalomania, then he becomes a hermit, people avoid him and hate him. People with the Chariot personality card should listen to their conscience and intuition, as they themselves are a little arrogant. Often they get into bad company and get involved in various adventures. A person with such a personality card should engage in psychoanalysis and self-knowledge as much as possible, and then he will live a long and happy life.

The most dangerous values

The inverted Chariot has the most negative interpretations. Tarots that do not fall out in a straight position always indicate certain difficulties. Depending on various combinations, they can mean envy, hatred, anger. However, even in a straight position with some arcana, the Chariot card can warn of various troubles and dangers. One of these combinations is the Chariot-Tower. If the card data falls out in the layout, then this does not bode well. A person may get into an accident or risk being humiliated. This combination can mean a blow from loved one, betrayal, the collapse of all hopes and illusions. With the Death card, the seventh lasso symbolizes bad forebodings, sadness, melancholy and sadness. The Five of Swords can also promise disappointment, disaster, trouble if the Chariot (Tarot) is nearby. A combination with the Ten of Wands can mean that a person has exhausted his vitality. He shouldn't start new things.

It is very important to pay attention to both the sequence of cards and their interaction. Certain cards can enhance interaction and vice versa. Of course, if we talk about the Major and Minor arcana, then when interpreting, it is necessary to pay attention to the first, and the Younger will only characterize them. So, for example, the Chariot in combination with the Four Denarii means that a person strives for wealth and fame, and, most likely, he will succeed. If the Major Arcana are nearby, then their meaning should be interpreted depending on the position: the first card characterizes the problem, and the subsequent methods and ways to solve it. Chariot in love layouts(Tarot) can also be interpreted in different ways. For example, the Princess of Cups together with her symbolizes warm tender feelings, romance, meetings, conversations. But if in the layouts the card of Strength and the Chariot falls on the relationship, then this means a break in relations, a loss of interest in each other. Of course, it is difficult to remember all the interpretations with this card, therefore, to make it easier to remember them, you can write down all fortune-telling in a special notebook and view them from time to time.

Let's look with you at 7 lasso - the Chariot. It is also called the Chariot of Hermes or Lord of the Triumph of Light. What do we see on it? We see a very purposeful person who has the crown of Isis on his head, and on his shoulders two crescents of the moon - dark and light. Also, the chariot is harnessed by two Sphinxes, black and white, which already indicates to us a double choice and two roads. The man himself sits calmly and confidently, he holds a scepter in his hand, and a castle is visible behind him.

  • The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    The main meaning of the Major Arcana is the achievement of one's personal goals, namely through one's own efforts and perseverance. At the same time, of course, not without the participation of fate itself and its favorable road. At the moment, you have become the winner yourself and independently lead your chariot of fate.

    Pretty strong and powerful card in value. Life is not without surprises. If this card falls out, then life begins to change at the speed of sound, right before our eyes.

    The meaning of this lasso is your new spiritual level, when you fully know yourself and learn not only to understand, but also to listen to yourself. The card shows that you must learn to draw strength from your opposites, to make all processes work together, complementing and helping. You must not deny yourself, you must develop and help yourself internally.

    The Chariot card is a person who knows many secrets and has his own magical abilities. He correctly understands his contradictions, and uses them to his advantage. This is the son of the queen of heaven, he is a winner in life.

    On the map, a man rules the sphinxes themselves and has a scepter of wisdom in his hand. This is a confident person who knows all his future and understands all his actions. The eight-pointed star on the crown displays the connection of Reason with the eighth sephirah. Two sphinxes speak of two sides of his soul.

    The picture itself shows us how a person curbed all his emotions, thoughts and desires. He knows what he wants, so slowly and confidently goes only to his goal. The four pillars are the four elements that he harnessed and accepted. The star canopy gives him a connection with the sky, for him these secrets are already open.

    The meaning of the card in its direct meaning

    By itself, the seventh lasso of the Chariot speaks of wisdom and intelligence. About a man who was able to solve the very riddle of the Sphinx. Charioteers are driven by lofty and right goals. He does not pursue something Earthy and philistine. He has reached the point where he is interested in the real depths of the mind.

    Before us is the path of material success and the development of the soul. The only catch is pride, which can knock down the charioteer at any moment if he fails to control it. The chariot carries the full return of forces, understanding of thought. But this is just the beginning of a long journey. A person is sometimes used to taking on too much without realizing his measure, and therefore there is a huge risk of falling from his own chariot.

    The Chariot card is very important in the Tarot. This is the number 7, which is the magic number. The card shows the hidden forces that help find the way to yourself. Chariot is a certain path in your life, it is a victory over fears, experiences and experienced failures. This is your new willpower.

    Esoterically, the Chariot corresponds to the rituals of initiation and initiation. These are new astral journeys and discoveries for yourself.

    For health, this is a card of good and excellent health. The card is favorable for those who went into sports or decided to quit a bad habit. If at the moment you have a disease, then the card promises recovery.

    When inverted, the card shows injuries or viral diseases. Depression is also possible.

    The state of consciousness and a lesson for self-development

    This is a card about that person who has achieved his goal and holds fate in his hands. He moves mountains and passes any road. He has his own huge scope in plans, but he achieves everything and moves confidently towards any goal. This man is brave, successful, ambitious. Very tenacious, focused and thoughtful.

    His credo is determination, confidence and independence in any business. His chariot is the path and movement towards the goal. He is unshakable and knows what he wants. He keeps everything under control and always moves forward. Without movement, he simply does not live. He knows perfectly well that any doubts can ruin his plans, so he is as confident in himself as possible.

    He never gives in to his emotions, he holds all power and all thoughts under unwavering control. He wisely manages his thoughts and actions. He knows that the foundation of the foundations is the development of his spiritual state, and he constantly does this slowly and methodically.

    His path is the path of conquest and achievement of all goals. A leap in development is as much a favorite goal as any other. Without movement, it simply freezes in place and does not develop. He is open and strives for different ways of self-realization, in any direction.

    If an inverted card fell out, then this is a very bad sign. Traditionally, the card means overthrow, defeat, failure and defeat. All plans collapse, all fortune slips right out of your hands. Perhaps all this happened due to an overestimation of your strengths, or you became too cocky, and fate decided to play with you. Can you handle your own game?

    The hero himself falls from his chariot, losing control. An inverted card indicates uncontrollable passions. Man is not in control of his life. Where courage and courage are needed, he retreats; where it is necessary to wait, he rushes headlong.

    He often loses before reaching only a couple of meters. This shows us an intolerant person, an egoist and someone who does not know how to manage his life in the first place.

    In career, work and finance

    This is an independent job that gives you the fullest realization of your talents and abilities. You are ready to take risks for success, and fate will help you in this. Are you ready to receive new experience, change the scope of employment, for you this is only new knowledge, nothing more.

    You are also promised a change of residence, and in financial matters - quick material prosperity.

    The map shows you about rapid advances at work, success and new development. You are ready to overcome all obstacles on the way of new achievements. This is a card of victory in the competitive struggle, the capture of new territory, the expansion of areas of activity. Thanks to the accumulated experience, you can now break far ahead and for a long time.

    You will find your place in the world and your calling. The chariot gives a good start in learning. Sometimes the card promises a change of job or the beginning of work for oneself.

    With an inverted card. Hints that you do not calculate your strength, and there may be a rather painful fall. You are overly assertive or fussy and these qualities become the basis of all your failures. Sometimes it can even be unjustified ambition and inability to adequately assess the situation.

    In love and relationships

    Ambiguous map. If you're lonely then don't now best time start a relationship. You will develop in other areas, but definitely not in love. Focus on yourself, your goals and aspirations for now.

    But if you have a relationship, then the card shows the relationship in a couple. That someone holds complete control in their hands.

    If the surrounding cards are good, the chariot indicates that the issue can be resolved calmly and balanced, everything will come full circle and new, bright events will appear in life. But if the surrounding cards are not favorable, then there may be quarrels, conflicts.

    The card shows an imminent new acquaintance, which will be very important. Perhaps this is love, looking at the accompanying cards, or maybe a new business partner. In other words, this is a new revival of relations.

    Also, the charioteer shows sexual powers and energies. It has the power of dominance and control. The second person may feel squeezed and hackneyed. Whether it becomes easier for him is up to the charioteer to decide.

    In an inverted position, this period is difficult and has many conflict situations. Inability to understand the lover, and the desire to "pull the blanket over yourself." Sometimes it can be a breakup. You need to look at the accompanying cards nearby.

    Characteristics of the lasso in the upright position

    1. Efforts that lead to success.
    2. Strong and strong-willed character.
    3. Pride, control over the situation.
    4. Overcoming the test.
    5. Perseverance and courage.
    6. financial success.
    7. Leap forward.
    8. Balancing internal state, achieving balance and control.
    9. Self-discipline, clear thinking
    10. Victory through hard work.
    11. Clear and precise goal.
    12. Vehicles.
    13. Golden mean.
    14. Relationship novelty.

    Interpretation upside down

    The card may mean health problems. It can also be quarrels, lawsuits, discussions, controversy, riots, uprising, extortion.

    In a personal sense, an inverted card means anger, unforgiven insults, revenge, quarrels, unwillingness to put up.

    Traditionally, the card means overthrow, defeat, failure and defeat. All plans collapse, all fortune slips right out of your hands. Perhaps all this happened due to an overestimation of your strengths, or you became too cocky, and fate decided to play with you. Can you handle your own game?

    The map shows us a hero who falls from his chariot, losing control. An inverted card indicates uncontrollable passions. Man is not in control of his life. Where courage and courage are needed, he retreats; where it is necessary to wait, he rushes headlong.

    He often loses before reaching only a couple of meters. This shows us an intolerant person, an egoist and someone who does not know how to manage his life in the first place.

    Also, this is a person who is afraid to put the squeeze on to the end. He simply does not have enough courage and strength, and then at the most crucial moment he misses the wagon and falls from it.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an inverted position

    1. Defeat, fall.
    2. Loss of control.
    3. Quarrel, war.
    4. Uncertain difficulties
    5. Many obstacles
    6. Resentment, failure, severity.
    7. Self-destruction, lack of self-control.
    8. Reckless actions.
    9. Accident.
    10. Wrong use of their strength and capabilities.

    Position in the layout in place

    In the layout in place, the card indicates the complete control of the situation by you. You yourself hold your own destiny by the tail and nothing can stop you. Just be careful and don't overdo it.

    Professions and fields of activity

    All kinds of professions, especially any business. Business for yourself.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 7, then the Chariot will be the Quintessence. The advice of the cards is as follows: stop procrastinating, discard doubts, do not waste time and act, put your plans into practice.

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