The smallest of all. What is the smallest particle in the universe that exists. The smallest members in animals

What may be large for some organisms may seem small for others. For humans, small can be anything from cells we can't see with the naked eye to miniature versions of the big things we create with our own hands. So we've compiled a list that covers all of these little items. Here are the 10 smallest things that actually exist.


1. The smallest pistol.

The diminutive SwissMiniGun C1ST revolver is no bigger than a key, but is capable of firing tiny bullets at over 450 km. at one o'clock. The first copies were made in 2005, outlawed in the United States, and cost around $6,200.

2. The smallest populated city.

Barry Drummond is the only resident of Cass in New Zealand, a railway town in the Selwyn region. However, it is hardly lonely, as curious tourists constantly stop to visit the isolated stop. As a result, Drummond added a mini golf course and a bowling alley to attract more visitors to brighten up his company.

3. The smallest vertebrate.

In 2012, researchers from Papua New Guinea discovered a 6.8mm long frog, making it the smallest vertebrate in the world. Her name is Paedophryne amauensis , and she was discovered while recording the voices of frogs and after an unfamiliar sound that sounded more like an insect. They were found in leaves on a forest belt, where they were well camouflaged and became the first non-fish to be named the smallest vertebrate in the world.

4. Most small man.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal was 55 cm tall, making him the world's smallest person to have ever lived. He died in 2015 at the age of 75. Then this title passed to Khagendra Tapa Magar from Nepal, whose height is 63.01 cm.

5. The smallest living organism.
6. The smallest bodybuilder.

At just 84 cm tall and weighing 9.5 kg, Aditya "Romeo" Dev from India has become the smallest bodybuilder in the world. He retained this title until his death in 2012.

7. The smallest prison.

Sark Prison, found in the Channel Islands between England and France, was built as a girls' school in 1841 and was converted into a small prison in 1856.

8. Small house.

The world's smallest home is the title given to Airbnb's lime green mobile home, which you can rent for $55 a night in Boston. Built by artist Jeff W. Smith, the house is on wheels and contains a stove and toilet, although there is no electricity. Smith delivers it wherever you like, as long as it's allowed by the landowners. 10. The smallest inanimate organism.

While there is still some debate about what is considered "alive" and what is not, most biologists would not classify a virus as a living organism due to the fact that it cannot reproduce or metabolize on its own. However, a virus can be much smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest is a single DNA strand virus, the porcine circovirus, which is only 17 nanometers across.

This world is strange: some people strive to create something monumental and gigantic in order to become famous all over the world and go down in history, while others create minimalist copies of ordinary things and amaze the world with them no less. This review contains the smallest items that exist in the world and at the same time are no less functional than their full-sized counterparts.

1. SwissMiniGun gun

The SwissMiniGun is no bigger than a regular wrench, but it is capable of firing tiny bullets that shoot out of the barrel at speeds in excess of 430 km/h. That's more than enough to kill a man at close range.

2. Car Peel 50

Weighing just 69 kg, the Peel 50 is the smallest vehicle ever to be approved for road use. This three-wheeled "pepelats" can reach speeds of 16 km / h.

3. Kalou School

UNESCO recognized the Iranian Kalou school as the smallest in the world. It has only 3 students and a former soldier, Abdul-Mohammed Sherani, who works as a teacher.

4. Teapot weighing 1.4 grams

It was created by ceramics master Wu Ruishen. Although this teapot weighs only 1.4 grams and fits on the tip of your finger, you can brew tea in it.

5. Sark Prison

Sark Prison was built in the Channel Islands in 1856. There was room for only 2 prisoners, who, moreover, were in very cramped conditions.

6. Tumbleweed

This house was called "Perakati-field" (Tumbleweed). It was built by Jay Schafer of San Francisco. Although the house is smaller than some people's closets (only 9 square meters), it has workplace, bedroom and bath with shower and toilet.

7. Mills End Park

Mills End Park in Portland is the smallest park in the world. Its diameter is only ... 60 centimeters. At the same time, the park has a swimming pool for butterflies, a miniature Ferris wheel and tiny statues.

8. Edward Niño Hernandez

The growth of Edward Niño Hernandez from Colombia is only 68 centimeters. The Guinness Book of Records recognized him as the smallest person in the world.

9. Police station in a telephone booth

In fact, it is no more than a telephone booth. But it was actually a functioning police station in Carabella, Florida.

10. Sculptures by Willard Wigan

British sculptor Willard Wigan, who suffered from dyslexia and poor school performance, found solace in creating miniature works of art. His sculptures are barely visible to the naked eye.

11. Bacterium Mycoplasma Genitalium

Although there is still debate about what can be considered "alive" and what is not, most biologists do not classify the virus as a living organism due to the fact that it cannot reproduce or has no metabolism. A virus, however, can be much smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest is a single-stranded DNA virus called porcine circovirus. Its size is only 17 nanometers.

13. Amoeba

The size of the smallest object visible to the naked eye is approximately 1 millimeter. This means that under certain conditions, a person can see an amoeba, a ciliate shoe, and even a human egg.

14. Quarks, leptons and antimatter...

During the last century, scientists have made great strides in understanding the vastness of space and the microscopic "building blocks" of which it is composed. When it came to figuring out what is the smallest observable particle in the universe, people faced certain difficulties. At some point they thought it was an atom. Then the scientists discovered the proton, the neutron, and the electron.

But it didn't end there. Today, everyone knows that when you push these particles against each other in places like the Large Hadron Collider, they can be broken into even smaller particles, such as quarks, leptons, and even antimatter. The problem is that it is impossible to determine what is the smallest, since the size at the quantum level becomes irrelevant, as well as all the usual rules of physics do not apply (some particles have no mass, and others even have negative mass).

15. Vibrating strings of subatomic particles

Given what was said above about the fact that the concept of size does not matter at the quantum level, we can recall string theory. This is a slightly controversial theory, suggesting that all subatomic particles are made up of vibrating strings that interact to create things like mass and energy. Thus, since these strings do not technically have a physical size, it can be argued that they are in some sense the "smallest" objects in the universe.


In one of the top 10 sheets we wrote about, this list will focus on the smallest animals fauna representatives. Note that they have nothing to do with microbes, although they probably get sick in the same way as their somewhat larger relatives. The diversity of the animal world of our Earth is amazing. Shall we start? So, top 10.

No. 10. Primates - pygmy marmosets and lemurs

These pygmy marmosets live in South America and reach "giant sizes" - from 10 to 15 cm. Its weight does not exceed 150 grams. The tail of the marmoset is longer than the body - 20-22 cm. Due to the thick coat, it seems larger than it actually is. A dwarf was discovered in Madagascar mouse lemur, whose height is 20 cm. Of these, half is in the tail. Weight reaches 300 grams. It leads mainly a nocturnal lifestyle.

No. 9. The smallest bird

#8 Seahorse - "Hippocampus Denise"

To date, 32 species of seahorses are known. The smallest representative of this "genus-tribe" - "Hippocampus Denise" - was discovered in 2003. And its length does not exceed 16 millimeters. This type of skate lives among deep-sea reefs. They cling to the coral and spend most of their time that way. In addition, they skillfully can change color, depending on the organism on which they reside in a given period of time. We refer it to the eighth line among smallest animals in the world.

No. 7. The smallest fish

Let's continue nautical theme. In 2004, ichthyologists from Australia announced the discovery of "Stout Infantfish" - a small fish that is only 7 or 8 mm long. It lives in the coral lagoons of the Great Barrier Reef. In 2009, another small fish was found in the peat bogs of the island of Sumatra, the length of which does not exceed 9 mm. It should be noted that males are slightly larger than females. The found species belongs to the carp family, Paedocypris progenetica.

6. Mini bull and mini cow

In India, pygmy zebu were bred. An adult animal reaches a height of 81 cm and weighs almost 80 kg. They are more like calves, only with a small hump on the nape. It should be noted that the mini zebu was saved from extinction a few years ago. Their numbers are already on the rise. There are about 26 breeds of dwarf cows today. They are considered the closest relatives of Zebu from India. Several of these cows were brought to the United States and sent to the zoo. After a while, ranchers began to breed them for the rodeo. And then these cows turned into pets. In size, they are like a dog: height - 80-90 cm, weight - 90-150 kg. The difference is that these "handsome" give 3 liters of milk per day.

No. 5. The smallest chameleon

Brookesia minor is a species of tiny chameleon from the forests of Madagascar. Among their representatives there are such small specimens that it is simply unbelievable: from 1.3 to 3 cm in length. These reptiles live in fallen leaves, in wet tropical forests and do not have the ability of chameleons to change their color. Well, they are purely outwardly similar to leaves and twigs, especially since the color is suitable - shades of green and brown. Some kind of disguise! Fifth line in the top 10 smallest animals in the world.

No. 4. The smallest hamster

Roborovsky hamsters are the smallest hamsters. An adult reaches a length of 5 cm. But, however, a hamster appeared in the UK, 2.5 cm tall. And I must say that this is the most common rodent, i.e. not dwarf. It just stopped growing, at some point there was a malfunction in the body of this hamster.

3. Tiny cat

It is established that the smallest cat lives in the USA, the state of Illinois. Its weight is 1.5 kilograms, length - about 15 centimeters. The owner named his pet Mr. Pibbles. Such a small size of this kitten, according to doctors, is a consequence of a genetic defect. So, no selection experiments were carried out in this case. Although, a dwarf cat exists. And this breed is called "Munchkin". Weight does not exceed 1.2 kg, and height is not more than 15 cm.

2. The smallest horse

One inconvenience - you can’t jump on this horse and you can’t ride into the “light distance”. If we compare a pony (just a small horse) and this little one, then the first one is just a giant. Zoologists cannot understand why the horse stopped growing and remained a dwarf. The height at the withers of such a horse is from 40 cm, and the weight is about 30 kg. In the US, these babies are becoming popular pets. The most interesting thing is that they do not have fleas, and US veterinarians have recognized them as the best guides for blind people. By the way, the cost of such horses is from 40,000 dollars.

No. 1. The smallest snake

First place in the top 10 smallest animals in the world. Narrow short snake - "Leptoyphlops Carlae" - from the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. The length of an adult does not exceed 10 cm. This species of snake is on the verge of extinction. Due to its size, the female bears only one egg, but what! The cub appears half the size of a miniature mother (5 cm). Experts say that this is the law of nature: the smaller the snake, the larger the offspring. In 2008, a biologist from Pennsylvania discovered this baby and named her his wife (Karla). Don't wonder what prompted him to do it.

Incredible Facts

People tend to pay attention to large objects that grab our attention right away.

On the contrary, small things can go unnoticed, although this does not make them less important.

Some of them we can see with the naked eye, others only with a microscope, and there are those that can only be imagined theoretically.

Here is a collection of the smallest things in the world, ranging from tiny toys, miniature animals and people to a hypothetical subatomic particle.

The smallest pistol in the world

The smallest revolver in the world SwissMiniGun looks no bigger than a door key. However, appearances are deceiving, and the gun is only 5.5 cm long and weighs just under 20 grams and can shoot at a speed of 122 m per second. This is enough to kill at close range.

The smallest bodybuilder in the world

According to the Guinness Book of Records Aditya "Romeo" Dev(Aditya "Romeo" Dev) from India was the smallest bodybuilder in the world. At only 84 cm tall and weighing 9 kg, he could lift 1.5 kg dumbbells and spent a lot of time perfecting his body. Unfortunately, he died in September 2012 due to a ruptured brain aneurysm.

The smallest lizard in the world

Kharaguan sphero ( Sphaerodactylus ariasae) is the smallest reptile in the world. Its length is only 16-18 mm, and its weight is 0.2 grams. He lives in national park Jaragua in the Dominican Republic.

The smallest car in the world

The Peel 50 weighing 59 kg is the smallest production car in the world. In the early 1960s, about 50 of these cars were produced, and now only a few models remain. The car has two wheels in front and one in the back, and it reaches a speed of 16 km per hour.

The smallest horse in the world

The smallest horse in the world named Einstein was born in 2010 in Barnstead, New Hampshire, UK. At birth, she weighed less than a newborn baby (2.7 kg). Her height was 35 cm. Einstein does not suffer from dwarfism, but belongs to the breed of pinto horses.

The smallest country in the world

The Vatican is the smallest country in the world. This is a small state with an area of ​​​​only 0.44 square meters. km and a population of 836 people who are not permanent residents. Tiny country surrounds St. Peter's Basilica - spiritual center Roman Catholics. The Vatican itself is surrounded by Rome, Italy.

The smallest school in the world

The Kalou School in Iran has been recognized by UNESCO as the smallest school in the world. In the village where the school is located, only 7 families live, where there are four children: two boys and two girls, who attend the school.

The smallest kettle in the world

The smallest teapot in the world was created by a famous ceramics master Wu Ruishen(Wu Ruishen) and it only weighs 1.4 grams.

The smallest mobile phone in the world

The Modu phone is said to be the smallest mobile phone in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. With a thickness of 76 millimeters, it weighs only 39 grams. Its dimensions are 72mm x 37mm x 7.8mm. Despite its tiny size, you can make calls, send SMS messages, play MP3s and take photos.

The smallest prison in the world

Sark Prison in the Channel Islands was built in 1856 and holds one cell for 2 prisoners.

The smallest monkey in the world

Dwarf marmosets that live in tropical rainforests South America, are considered the smallest monkeys in the world. The weight of an adult monkey is 110-140 grams, and the length reaches 15 cm. Although they have rather sharp teeth and claws, they are relatively docile and are popular as exotic pets.

The smallest post office in the world

The world's smallest postal service, WSPS (World's Smallest Postal Service) in San Francisco, USA, converts your letters into miniature form so that the recipient will have to read it with a magnifying glass.

The smallest frog in the world

species frog Paedophryne amauensis with a length of 7.7 millimeters, it lives only in papua new guinea, and is the tiniest frog and smallest vertebrate in the world.

The smallest house in the world

The smallest house in the world of an American company Tumbleweed architect Jay Shafer is smaller than some people's toilets. Although this house is only 9 sq. meters looks tiny, it contains everything you need: a workplace, a bedroom, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet.

The smallest dog in the world

In terms of height, the smallest dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records is a dog. Boo Boo- Chihuahua with a height of 10.16 cm and a weight of 900 grams. She lives in Kentucky, USA.

In addition, the title of the smallest dog in the world claims Macy- a terrier from Poland is only 7 cm high and 12 cm long.

The smallest park in the world

Mill Ends Park in the city of Portland, Oregon, USA - this is the smallest park in the world with a diameter of only 60 cm. On a small circle located at the intersection of roads there is a butterfly pool, a small Ferris wheel and miniature statues.

The smallest fish in the world

species fish Paedocypris progenetica from the carp family, found in peat bogs, grows only up to 7.9 millimeters in length.

The smallest person in the world

72 year old Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi(Chandra Bahadur Dangi), with a height of 54.6 cm, was recognized as the shortest man and man in the world.

The smallest woman in the world

The shortest woman in the world is Yoti Amge(Jyoti Amge) from India. On her 18th birthday, the girl, with a height of 62.8 cm, became the smallest woman in the world.

The smallest police station

This small telephone booth in Carabella, Florida, USA is considered the smallest working police station.

The smallest baby in the world

In 2004 Rumaisa Rahman(Rumaisa Rahman) became the smallest newborn child. She was born at 25 weeks and weighed only 244 grams, and her height was 24 cm. Her twin sister Hiba weighed almost twice as much - 566 grams with a height of 30 cm. Their mother suffered from a severe form of pre-eclampsia, which can lead to having smaller children.

The smallest sculptures in the world

British sculptor Ullard Wigan(Willard Wigan), who suffered from dyslexia, did not excel academically and found solace in creating miniature works of art that are not visible to the naked eye. His sculptures are placed in the eye of a needle, reaching a size of 0.05 mm. His recent work, which is called only "the eighth wonder of the world" does not exceed the size of a human blood cell.

The smallest teddy bear in the world

Teddy Bear Mini Pooh created by a German sculptor Bettina Kaminsky(Bettina Kaminski) is the tiniest hand-sewn teddy bear with movable legs, measuring just 5mm.

The smallest bacterium

The smallest virus

Although there is still debate among scientists about what is considered "alive" and what is not, most biologists do not classify viruses as a living organism, since they cannot reproduce and are not capable of exchange outside the cell. However, a virus can be smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest single-stranded DNA virus is porcine chirocovirus ( Porcine circovirus). The diameter of its shell is only 17 nanometers.

The smallest objects visible to the naked eye

The size of the smallest object visible to the naked eye is 1 millimeter. This means that under the right conditions, you can see the common amoeba, the shoe ciliate, and even the human egg.

The smallest particle in the universe

Over the past century, science has taken a huge step towards understanding the vastness of the universe and its microscopic building materials. However, when it comes to the smallest observable particle in the universe, there are some difficulties.

At one time, the atom was considered the smallest particle. Then scientists discovered the proton, neutron and electron. Now we know that by pushing particles together (as in the Large Hadron Collider, for example), they can be broken up into even more particles, such as quarks, leptons and even antimatter. The problem is only in determining what is less.

But at the quantum level, size becomes irrelevant, as the laws of physics we're used to don't apply. So some particles have no mass, some have negative mass. The solution to this question is the same as dividing by zero, that is, impossible.

The smallest hypothetical object in the universe

Considering what was said above that the concept of size is inapplicable at the quantum level, we can turn to the well-known string theory in physics.

Although this is a rather controversial theory, it suggests that subatomic particles are composed of vibrating strings, which interact to create things like mass and energy. And although such strings have no physical parameters, the human tendency to justify everything leads us to the conclusion that these are the smallest objects in the Universe.

The world and science never stand still. More recently, in physics textbooks, they confidently wrote that the electron is the smallest particle. Then mesons became the smallest particles, then bosons. And now science has discovered a new the smallest particle in the universe is a Planck black hole. True, it is open so far only in theory. This particle belongs to the category of black holes because its gravitational radius is greater than or equal to the wavelength. Of all the existing black holes, the Planckian is the smallest.

The too short lifetime of these particles cannot make their practical detection possible. At least on this moment. And they are formed, as is commonly believed, as a result of nuclear reactions. But it is not only the lifetime of Planck black holes that prevents them from being detected. Now, unfortunately, this is not possible from a technical point of view. In order to synthesize Planck black holes, an energy accelerator of more than a thousand electron volts is needed.


Despite such a hypothetical existence of this smallest particle in the Universe, its practical discovery in the future is quite possible. After all, not so long ago, the legendary Higgs boson also could not be detected. It was to detect it that an installation was created that only the laziest inhabitant on Earth had not heard of - the Large Hadron Collider. The confidence of scientists in the success of these studies helped to achieve a sensational result. The Higgs boson is currently the smallest particle of those whose existence has been practically proven. Its discovery is very important for science, it allowed all particles to acquire mass. And if particles didn't have mass, the universe couldn't exist. Not a single substance could be formed in it.

Despite the practical proven existence of this particle, the Higgs boson, practical applications for it have not yet been invented. So far, this is just theoretical knowledge. But everything is possible in the future. Not all discoveries in the field of physics immediately had practical application. Nobody knows what will happen in a hundred years. After all, as mentioned earlier, the world and science never stand still.