Baikal is a world heritage site. Under the protection of the UNESCO World Heritage: Lake Baikal (Russia). Settlements and cities

Area: 8.8 million hectares

Criteria: (vii), (viii), (ix), (x)

Status: inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1996

Constituent objects:
The Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory, which includes the Federal State Institution "Reserved Baikal Region" (Pribaikalsky national park and Baikal-Lena State nature reserve) (664050, Irkutsk, Baikalskaya St., 291b), Federal State Institution "Reserved Podlemorie" (Zabaikalsky National Park, Barguzinsky State Natural biosphere reserve and the Frolikhinsky federal reserve (671623, Republic of Buryatia, Ust-Barguzin village, Lenina st., 7), the Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve and the Kabansky federal reserve (167220, Republic of Buryatia, Kabansky district, Tankhoi village , Krasnogvardeyskaya str., 34), Tunkinsky National Park (partially) (671010, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinsky district, village of Kyren, Lenina str., 69), regional reserves "Snezhinsky", "Kochergatsky", "Verkhne-Angarsky", "Pribaikalsky", "Enkheluksky".

Lake superlatives- so called "Holy Baikal". It covers an area of ​​3.15 million hectares and is recognized as the oldest (25 million years) and deepest (about 1700 m) lake on the planet. Baikal preserves approximately 20% of the world's fresh water reserves in pristine purity.

It is called the most important center of speciation - "laboratory of biodiversity". For many millions of years, its closed ecosystem formed a unique "biosphere", the study of which provides the knowledge necessary to understand the evolution of life on Earth.

The Baikal depression is the central link of the Baikal rift zone, one of the largest ancient fault systems on Earth. It is still active - the shores of Lake Baikal diverge at a speed of up to 2 cm per year.

The lake with the ridges surrounding it is the most important natural frontier of Siberia. Here the boundaries of various floristic and faunal complexes converge and unique biogeocenoses are presented.

One of the richest and most unusual freshwater fauna in the world has formed in the Baikal depression. Of the more than 2,630 species and subspecies of animals and plants found so far in the lake, more than 80% are found nowhere else in the world.

Who has not heard of the famous Baikal omul or Baikal sturgeon? Two unique species of viviparous fish, representatives of a family endemic to Lake Baikal - the big and small golomyanka - are known to ichthyologists all over the world. The pyramid of the lake ecosystem is crowned by a mammal of typically marine origin - the Baikal seal.

Lake Baikal with its basin is a unique and very fragile natural ecosystem that provides the natural process of formation of waters, famous throughout the world for its transparency and purity. There are few places left on Earth where you can drink water, just scooping it up from the shore. The transparency of this water reaches 40 meters.

For Siberia, the climate of the Baikal coasts is relatively mild, and the amount sunny days per year in some places higher than in many Black Sea resorts.

Baikal. How many times this place flashed through my head when I was choosing a place for a trip, but unfortunately I never visited this wonderful lake. Russia is a huge country and there is a lot of beauty in it. I would call our country a New Year tree, hung with beautiful toys, and on the top of the head there is a large and beautiful star. Yes, the star is Lake Baikal. But why does every Russian, at least once, want to go there? Even not only our population, but also residents of foreign countries. What attracts everyone? What is unique about this lake?

Lake features

The origin of this lake is tectonic. It is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia.

The uniqueness of water:

  • ecological formula.
  • The acidity of the water.
  • Energy of melt water.
  • The unique composition of water.
  • The taste of pure water.

The purest water from all lakes on the planet. different from sea water. Many times less minerals than in other sources. Saturation with oxygen.

Baikal is protected by UNESCO.

A unique view of flora and fauna, geological objects. All of them are of great importance for the planet.

The oldest lake, about 30 million years old.

One of the deepest lakes. Its depth is 1637 meters.

Water transparency can reach 40 meters.

The eighth wonder of the world or why it is worth visiting Baikal

Definitely, from my point of view, Baikal is one of the wonders of the world. At least once in a lifetime, but it is worth visiting this unique lake. Feel the scale of this planet. Soak up this air. Touch this water. Just enjoy your existence. Here are a few reasons why you should visit this unique creation of nature:

  1. Variety of terrain. Colorful landscapes.
  2. Lots of interesting myths around this lake.
  3. Local settlement. Interesting culture of the peoples inhabiting this place.
  4. Baikalsk. Ski resort.
  5. Variety of local dishes.
  6. Flora and fauna.

You won't find a better place on the planet. Definitely a miracle of this planet.

The scale is striking. Nature surprises. The features are discouraging. What could be more beautiful than mother nature. If our planet had a face, it would definitely be Baikal.

Such a contrast is collected in one place. Well, isn't it unique?

Baikal is an object of the World natural heritage. In 2016, it will already be 20 years since Lake Baikal was included in the World Natural Heritage List. This happened on December 5, 1996 by decision of the 20th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, held in the Mexican city of Merida. Russia has filed an application for the inclusion of Baikal in the World Natural Heritage List.

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To be inscribed on the Natural World Heritage List, a candidate property must meet at least one of four criteria:

  • to be an outstanding example representing the main stages of the development of the Earth, including evidence ancient life, significant geological processes in the stage of formation of landforms, geomorphological and physiographic elements of great importance;
  • or be an outstanding example representing ecological and biological evolutionary processes, the development of ecosystems and terrestrial, river, coastal and marine plant and animal communities;
  • or represent natural phenomenon or an area of ​​exceptional aesthetic value;
  • or contain habitats of the most representative and important species for the conservation of biological diversity, including those areas where species of outstanding importance are conserved. global importance in terms of science and conservation, and endangered.

Baikal met all four criteria.

Of the thousands of natural sites on the List, just over a dozen meet the four criteria.

The decision adopted by the UNESCO Committee noted:

Lake Baikal is a classic case of a World Heritage Site, fulfilling all four natural criteria.

Baikal itself is the main object of the nomination. The features of the lake, hidden to a greater extent from the eyes of water, are of the main value for science and protection. The lake is surrounded by mountain-taiga landscapes and specially protected natural areas, mostly preserved in their natural state and of additional value.

Lake Baikal is a limnological wonder and a territory with the following excellent qualities:

  • The geological rift system that gave rise to Lake Baikal was formed in the Mesozoic period. Lake Baikal is the oldest and deepest lake on Earth. Various tectonic forces still continue their action, as evidenced by the outlets of thermal flows from the depths of the lake.
  • The evolution of aquatic organisms that has taken place throughout this long period has led to the formation of unique endemic flora and fauna.
  • Lake Baikal is the "Galapagos Islands of Russia" and is of exceptional value for the study of evolution.
  • The picturesque landscape around the Baikal basin with mountain ranges, boreal forests, tundra, lakes, islands and steppes provides an exceptionally picturesque environment for Lake Baikal.
  • Baikal is the largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth (20% of all world reserves), which additionally characterizes it as a unique phenomenon.
  • Lake Baikal is one of the most biodiverse lakes on Earth, with 1,340 animal species (745 endemic) and 570 plant species (150 endemic). In the forests surrounding the lake, there are 10 species of plants listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and a complete composition of typical boreal species is presented.

When Baikal was included in the World Natural Heritage List, the Russian leadership was given special recommendations:

  • accept the federal law about Lake Baikal;
    re-profiling the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill in order to eliminate it as a source of pollution;
  • reduce the discharge of pollutants into the Selenga River;
  • increase the resource support for the activities of nature reserves and national parks adjacent to the lake;
  • continue support scientific research and monitoring at Lake Baikal.

World Natural Heritage Site along with others Russian objects: "Virgin forests of Komi", "Volcanoes of Kamchatka", "Golden Mountains of Altai", "Wrangel Island", etc.

The list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites includes areas of outstanding global natural resource values. In addition, the desire of the country in which this site is located is necessary to protect and preserve it.

Re-profiling the BPPM so that it ceases to be a source of pollution;

Reduce the discharge of pollutants into the Selenga;

Allocate additional funds to ensure the activities of nature reserves and national parks;

Provide and strengthen support for scientific research and monitoring on the lake. .

Many of these issues, unfortunately, have not yet been resolved. However, it is impossible not to note a number of serious environmental measures that have been implemented to date.

Source: knowledge: textbook. allowance / N. S. Berkin, A. A. Makarov, O. T. Rusinek. - Irkutsk: Publishing house Irk. state university, 2009

- Natural World Heritage Site

December 5, 1996 by decision of the Committee world heritage UNESCO at its XX session, held in the Mexican city of Merida, the lake was included as a natural site in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The committee's decision notes: “The lake is a classic case of a World Heritage site that satisfies all four natural criteria. The lake is located in the central part of the site. The features of the lake, hidden to a greater extent from the eyes of water, are of the main value for science and protection. The lake is surrounded by mountain-taiga landscapes and specially protected natural areas, mostly preserved in their natural state and representing additional value.

The lake is a limnological wonder and an area with the following excellent qualities:

The geological rift system that gave rise to the lake formed during the Mesozoic period. The lake is the oldest and deepest lake on Earth. Various tectonic forces still continue their action, as evidenced by the outlets of thermal flows from the depths of the lake.

The evolution of aquatic organisms that has taken place during this long period has led to the formation of an exceptionally unique endemic fauna and flora. The lake is the "Galapagos Islands of Russia", is of exceptional value for the study of evolution.

The picturesque landscape around the Baikal basin with mountain ranges, boreal forests, tundra, lakes, islands and steppes provides an exceptionally beautiful environment for the lake. - the largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth (20% of all world reserves), which additionally characterizes it as a unique phenomenon.

The lake is one of the most biodiverse lakes on Earth and is home to 1,340 animal species (745 endemic) and 570 plant species (150 endemic). The forests surrounding the lake are home to 10 plant species listed in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and a full range of typical boreal species.”

Source: Volkov, S. Po y / Sergey Volkov. - M. : AST: AST Moscow, 2010. - 568 p.

Read in


  1. Tourism (anthropogenic influence)
  2. Assignment of the status of a World Natural Heritage Site
  3. Adoption of the law on e. Ecological zoning of the bsky natural territory
  4. Central Ecological Zone BNT
  5. buffer ecological zone
  6. Ecological zone of atmospheric influence
  7. Creation of a network of specially protected natural areas
  8. A set of other environmental measures

Other resources

  1. Natural phenomenon a // Goldfarb S.I.
  2. as a World Heritage Site // Karnyshev A.D.
  3. Baikal // Geography and Natural resources, 1988. No. 2. - S. 31-39.
  4. Grishchenko V.I., Ryabtsev B.V. To the 20th anniversary of the Pribaikalsky national park: results, main problems // Proceedings of the Pribaikalsky National Park. Issue. 2. - Irkutsk: Irkut Publishing House. state un-ta, 2007. - S.362-387.


  • Lake | Fund ”Natural Heritage Protection” //
  • Russian National World Heritage Committee
  • World Heritage Sites in Russian Federation(English)
  • World Heritage Sites in the Russian Federation (Russian)
  • Greenpeace Russia Project "World Heritage"
  • Russian natural objects included and prepared for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List
  • Directory of links on World Heritage in Russia (eng.)


  1. Ryashchenko S. V. Site of the world natural heritage "Lake" in the international and national dimensions // Volna. - 2007, No. 1 (45). – P. 40–43.

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee has included Lake Baikal in the list for the conservation of the unique gene pool of our planet, as the most outstanding example of a freshwater ecosystem. Baikal is the oldest (25 million years) and deepest (1700 meters) lake in the world. Its natural reservoir stores 20% of all unfrozen fresh water in the world.

The lake is distinguished by a variety of endemic species of flora and fauna, which are of exceptional importance for modern evolutionary science. In addition, there are many other natural values ​​​​for humanity in the protected reserve zone of the lake, including a picturesque view of coastal areas. The UNESCO Committee last year reviewed the boundaries of the protected area of ​​the protected area, from which five urban industrial areas that threaten environmental pollution of the lake were excluded.

Currently in State Duma Russia is considering the adoption of a law to protect natural resources around Lake Baikal. Representatives of the UNESCO organization expressed their concern about many issues related to the integrity of the ecological balance of the lake, including the impossibility of chemical pollution in the entire range of territories adjacent to Baikal.

Located in southeastern Siberia, Lake Baikal is the natural habitat for several freshwater endemic species, the most prominent of which is the Baikal seal. The wide variety of plants around Baikal is explained by the climatic asymmetry of the lake, which spreads over a vast territory of 3.15 million hectares. The western part of the lake is surrounded by coniferous forests and mountain steppes, the eastern part is dominated by pine forests, and the northern shores are covered with deciduous trees.

The formation of geological structures in the lake basin took place during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, however, some tectonic movements are observed even now, as evidenced by the many heat sources at the bottom of the lake. Baikal is considered a unique lake in the world due to the biological diversity of life forms in its waters and around the lake - 1340 animal species (745 endemic) and 570 plant species (150 endemic). About 10 species of animals that are on the verge of extinction live in the forests around Lake Baikal.

No wonder scientists call Baikal the “Galapagosses of Russia”, because the evolution of aquatic flora and fauna, which took place over a million centuries, is truly unique for this region. Tourists are happy to come to this remote corner of Russia, cut off from civilization, to admire the most beautiful landscapes. The hollow of a deep freshwater lake looks amazing at any time of the day, surrounded by mountains, northern forests, tundra and steppe meadows.

The Baikal region has about 1200 historical, architectural and cultural monuments, 100 of which are under state protection. Some of these monuments are sacred relics of the local people. I really want to believe that the unique wonders of the Baikal ecosystem will be preserved for our descendants. Now the Russian government is taking many measures to address these global problems with the support of scientists from all over the world.