The program of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of speech of older preschoolers. Psychological support of speech development of a child of primary preschool age. educational and methodical manual on the topic Program of Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Speech

Julia Myagkova
Organization of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for children with general underdevelopment of speech in a preschool educational institution

The modern system of Russian education defines priority goals and objectives, the solution of which requires the construction of an adequate system of education and training children preschool age. In the modern view, the concept "the quality of education" does not come down to the training of pupils of the preschool educational institution, a set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with the concept "social welfare", "security". Accordingly, the area of ​​responsibility of the system psychological and pedagogical support cannot be limited to the tasks of overcoming difficulties in education and training, but includes the tasks of ensuring successful socialization, maintaining and strengthening health, and correcting speech disorders.

The most important task of an educational institution is to ensure the availability of quality education, its individualization and differentiation, which suggests:

qualified comprehensive diagnosis of the child's abilities and abilities.

Participation of system specialists escorts in the implementation of educational and partial programs.

Securing it psychological and physical security, pedagogical support and assistance to the child in problem situations.

-psychological help families of children.

Constant search effective ways organizations correctional and developmental work with children with problems of speech disorders led to the creation of a model complex support of children in conditions preschool institution.

Our preschool educational institution uses a system of correctional education for preschoolers with speech disorders, which provides assistance to children with speech disorders. speeches. Children with severe disabilities speeches who have speech disorders accompanied various comorbidities (somatic weakness, various neurological symptoms) special remedial assistance is provided.

The main goal of this activity is the rational implementation by the joint efforts of specialists of a preschool educational institution and parents complex educational and corrective measures aimed at strengthening and developing psychophysical health of a child with severe speech disorders.

Our work on psychological and pedagogical support consists of the following blocks:

Monitoring (allows, on the one hand, on the basis of the identified characteristics of each child, to develop individual educational routes, to carry out an individual approach, and on the other hand, evaluate individual progress, predict the development trajectory of a particular child, allows you to most accurately assess the effectiveness of the service escorts with a particular child)

Correctional work involves the provision of speech therapy assistance to the child, depending on the complexity of the speech defect;

- psychological enlightenment and education contributes to the formation psychological culture , development psychological pedagogical competence teachers, parents.

Based on the monitoring results, a work plan is drawn up, which provides for measures for medical and recreational and psychological-pedagogical nature and includes the main activities of all service specialists escorts.

Work plan complex psychological and pedagogical support for children with general underdevelopment of speech consists of the following blocks:

1. Speech therapy correction of communicative speech development child.

2. Psychological support.

3. Musical and correctional development

4. Correctional and developmental work of educators.

5. Correctional and developmental activities of parents.

Organizer the interaction of specialists in the correctional and pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution is a teacher-speech therapist. He plans and coordinates joint correction activities psychophysical and speech development of preschoolers.

Parents are full participants in educational - educational process. They must have all the information about what psychological and the pedagogical impact is on their child in preschool. Regularly inform them about successes, discuss work prospects. The professionalism of teachers in working with parents is manifested in the ability to make sure that parents receive maximum information and positive emotions about their child. The involvement of parents in the correctional and pedagogical impact entails an increase in their activity, an increase in pedagogical competence of specialists, as well as change the nature of the attitude of parents to the child and the characteristics of his speech development.

Implementation complex psychological and pedagogical support for children with general underdevelopment of speech in conditions preschool educational institution significantly increases the efficiency speech therapy work and gives positive results of corrective interactions:

- positive adaptation to conditions preschool, dynamics psychophysical and intellectual development with active inclusion in the correctional and developmental process; development of the child's personality, the acquisition of social experience and the creation of a basis for social adaptation;

- development psychological and pedagogical competence, professional self-improvement and self-realization through the use effective forms, methods and techniques of work, the acquisition of skills in the system comprehensive support for children providing them with the necessary psychological- pedagogical assistance and support;

- getting qualified psychological- pedagogical assistance in the upbringing and development of the child, solving problematic psychological situations of child-parent relationships, mastering the basics of knowledge of children's pedagogy and psychology, inclusion in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution.

Organization joint correctional activities allows you to determine the main directions, goals and objectives of correctional pedagogical work skillfully implement individual educational routes and other personality-oriented forms of communication with children.

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Attention to the development of speech in their writings was paid by the ancient Greek philosophers - Plato, Aristotle, Socrates.

Much attention was paid to the development of children's speech by the Czech humanist teacher Ya.A. Comenius (1592-1672). He developed the world's first manual on preschool education - "Mother's School, or on the caring upbringing of youth in the first six years", in which he revealed the tasks, content and methods of raising children. A whole chapter is devoted to the development of speech in it.

Comenius wrote that “mind and speech are inherent in man by nature, in this he differs from the animal. The mind and language of man should be developed.” Up to three years, the main attention of Ya.A. Comenius gives correct pronunciation, in the fourth, fifth and sixth years - on the basis of the perception of things - to enriching speech, naming what the child sees with a word.

As a means of developing speech, Comenius suggests using rhythmic jokes, poems, drawing children's attention to the differences between simple speech and poetry, recommends teaching them to understand figurative speech, memorizing poetry, using artistic stories, fables, and animal tales in working with children. Gives a range of subjects with which children should be introduced in accordance with their age. Comenius pays great attention to clarity, consistency and gradual complication of the material.

Speech development, in his opinion, begins with a clear correct naming of objects: you need to teach the things themselves, and not the words that designate them. I.G. Pestalozzi (1746-1827) revealed the social, cultural and general pedagogical significance of the native language. Language is an immense art that the human race has mastered.

In language teaching, he put forward three main tasks:

Teaching sound, or the means of developing the organs of speech;

Teaching the word, or means) familiarization with individual subjects;

The teaching of speech, or the means of learning to speak clearly about things.

F. Fröbel (1782-1852) believed that the child's language develops from early childhood, and wealth is a prerequisite for its development inner world baby. Froebel saw the task of the educator in enriching the content of the child's life. It is important that the child examines everything well, and the teacher gives him the necessary dictionary. It is necessary to designate with the dictionary not only the objects themselves, but also their properties, qualities, relations of objects to each other. Fröbel closely associated the development of speech with observation and play.

A special role in the creation of the system of initial teaching of the national language belongs to K.D. Ushinsky (1824-1870). In the system of Ushinsky, one can single out a number of issues that characterize it precisely as a system in the modern sense: the role of the native language in the life of society, in the development and education of the individual; its place in teaching; teaching goals; didactic principles; means, methods and techniques of teaching the native language and speech development.

Ushinsky implemented his views on teaching his native language in the educational books "Native Word" and Children's World. And although the main works are addressed primary school, the methodological ideas put forward and substantiated by him are of great importance for the development of preschool pedagogy.

The basis of his system K.D. Ushinsky laid down the principle of nationality. which is the key to understanding his views. The doctrine of the native language occupies a central place in it.

Ushinsky also proved the need for preparatory education before school, the accumulation of knowledge in children about the objects surrounding them, the improvement of sensory culture, the development of speech based on the development of knowledge and thinking. He drew attention to the psychological characteristics of preschool children, pointing out the figurative nature of children's thinking, the need for visibility in working with them.

A.S. Simonovich (1840-1933) compiled a dictionary of children's speech, wrote the work "On Children's Language". She took into account the peculiarities of children's speech in organizing work with children. With younger children, they practiced looking at and telling from pictures, with older children - reading stories, articles, accompanied by conversations.

E.A. Arkin emphasized that "the culture of speech, being one of the main problems of education in the early years, is a very difficult task that requires the teacher to correctly resolve great art and experience" . He comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to guide the development of the child, to determine his tasks.

One of the main means of speech development, along with the observation of the surrounding life, was recognized as fiction.

E.I. Tiheeva actively participated in the development of theory and practice based on the creative use of the classical pedagogical heritage, studying the experience of kindergartens in Russia and abroad, and her own pedagogical experience. The main place in her pedagogical activity occupied the issues of speech development of children. She created her own system for the development of the speech of preschool children in the conditions of public preschool education.

The theoretical basis of the developed Tycheev system is the following provisions:

The development of speech is carried out in unity with mental development.

Children's speech develops in a social environment, subject to expansion social connections while interacting with adults and peers.

The culture of speech of children is inextricably linked with the culture of speech of the educator and all the people around;

The speech of children develops in activity and, first of all, in play and work. Game and work create conditions for independent activity in the field of language;

Speech development guidance should cover all periods of a child's life, including the first year of life;

Training in special classes is a necessary and important means of the speech development of preschoolers;

The development of speech is associated with all the pedagogical process of the kindergarten.

E.I. Tikheeva determined the main tasks of work on the development of children's speech in kindergarten:

1) the development of the apparatus of speech in children, its flexibility, clarity; development of speech hearing;

2) accumulation of speech content:

3) work on the form of speech, its structure.

She most fully developed and presented the types of children's storytelling: stories by title, by the beginning of the story, by pictures, from experience, etc.

E.A. Flerina is credited with developing the general foundations for the aesthetic education of preschoolers. She draws attention to the "correct semantic use of words and the replenishment of the dictionary, the development of the structure of speech", "pure pronunciation", the use of fiction as a method of speech development. The main types of speech work with children are conversation, conversation, storytelling and artistic reading. Later works speak of play and other means of speech development.

In the Guide for the Kindergarten Teacher, the development of children's speech for the first time is singled out as an independent section. The main attention in the Guide was paid to the culture of verbal communication, the expressiveness of children's speech. Reading and storytelling to children were put forward as the main means of solving problems.

O.I. Solovyov. Based on a generalization of experience and her own research, she published a methodological guide " Native language in kindergarten”, which covers different aspects of speech development, reveals the methodology for the development of speech in age groups.

Solovieva did a lot to improve the work of kindergartens in developing the speech of children, and later, in 1956, she prepared the first tutorial according to the methodology for preschool pedagogical schools, which covers the development of all aspects of speech, for the first time the methodology for the formation of the grammatical side of speech is presented.

In connection with the creation of the joint preschool institutions"nursery - garden" in the late 50s. the problems of speech development of children are actively studied and discussed early age. A significant contribution to the study of the speech of young children was made by N.M. Shchelovanov, F.I. Fradkina, G.L. Rosengart-Pupko, N.M. Aksarina, G.M. Lyamina. Research materials formed the basis for the development of a unified program of education and training in kindergarten (1962).

F. Sokhin (1929-1992) was an expert in children's speech, a linguist and a psychologist. He convincingly proved that the development of children's speech has its own independent significance and should not be considered only as an aspect of familiarization with the outside world. F.A. Sokhina, O.S. Ushakova and their collaborators, relying on a deeper understanding of the process of speech development that had developed by the beginning of the 70s, largely changed the approach to the content and methodology of the development of children's speech. The focus is on the development of the semantics of children's speech, the formation of language generalizations, elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech.

The conclusions obtained in these studies are not only of theoretical but also of practical importance. On their basis, programs for the speech development of children, methodological manuals for educators were developed, reflecting an integrated approach to speech development and considering mastery of speech as a creative process.

N.K. had a great influence on the development of speech. Krupskaya. She considered speech the basis of mental education. In the spirit of traditional domestic and European pedagogy, she called for the development of speech through live observations. Krupskaya repeatedly emphasized the role of the book in the development of children's speech. The language of the book should be simple, because at preschool age the child easily memorizes the owl and introduces them into his vocabulary.

P PROGRAM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL - PEDAGOGICAL work on the development of speech of older preschoolers.

Compiled : Teacher-psychologist ChDOU Kindergarten №32

Petrova Marina Alexandrovna

Explanatory note .

The purpose of the work V preparatory group is a comprehensive preparation of children for schooling. In this regard, correctional and developmental work is aimed at solving problems related to further development and improving the phonetic, lexical and grammatical structure of the language, coherent speech, as well as preparing children to master the elementary skills of writing and reading.

The process of assimilation of language means in the conditions of corrective influence is focused on understanding by children educational material, consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills in the process of training exercises and consolidating the relevant skills in acts of speech communication.

This program was compiled in accordance with the program of work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. Correctional and educational activities are carried out taking into account guidelines O.S. Gomzyak “We speak correctly at 6-7 years old. Abstracts of classes 1,2, 3 periods.

Correctional and developmental work is carried out in the form of group classes from September to May (inclusive).

Developmental work is carried out 3 times a week for 30 minutes during school year: 1 lesson on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure, 1 lesson on the development of coherent speech, 2 lesson on the development of phonetic and phonemic representations and teaching literacy.

Corrective work, designed for 34 weeks, can be conditionally divided into 3 periods: 1st period - September, October, November; 2nd period - December, January, February; 3rd period - March, April, May.

Each period contains goals and objectives in the areas of work in this group. Such areas as "Survey", "Sound pronunciation", "Work on syllabic structure words", "Development of general speech skills", "Development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, representations","Vocabulary", « Grammar speeches", “Development of coherent speech”, “Development of fine motor skills”.

Tasks programs:

Form speech without agrammatisms; to teach a child to easily change endings in adjectives, use numerals in speech, diminutive suffixes in nouns.

Raise interest in participating in dramatization games, plot role playing be able to take on roles and act according to the plot.

Learn to be able to freely use a pen, pencil, ruler and eraser, perform graphic dictations, which are aimed at consolidating the skills of orientation in space, independently draw shapes, color and hatch without going beyond the contours.

Tasks finger games:

    Develop coordinated movements of both hands;

    Develop point and differentiated movements of the fingers of both hands;

    The development of attention.

Teaching methods:

    Show actions;

    Actions by the hands of the child;

    Child's independent actions.

Let us give examples of finger games used in the speech development program.

Game "Swallow"

Game "Duck"

A duck walked along a bank, walked gray along a steep one, (“they walk” with two fingers (index and middle) on the table, waddling) She led the children behind her: Both small and large, (bend the ring and thumb) Both the middle and the smaller, ( bend the middle finger and little finger) And the most beloved, (bend the index finger)

The game "Once upon a time there was one burbot"

Once upon a time there was one burbot, (slow movements with joined palms, imitating swimming) Two ruffs were friends with him. (palm movements from both sides) Three ducks flew to them (waving their palms) Four times a day and taught them to count: (bend fists) One - two - three - four - five, (unbend fingers from fists, starting with large ones) .

Game "Alenka"

Alenka-malenka (alternate clapping and hitting with clenched fists) Shustra, fast: She applied water, finished the sundress, finished the sock, picked up the berries, finished the song. She has ripened everywhere, It’s a matter of hunting for her, (the fingers are bent one at a time, starting with the large ones, on both hands).

How big is our family. Yes, fun. (alternate clapping and striking with clenched fists) Two are standing at the bench, (bend the thumbs on both hands) Two want to study, (bend the index fingers) Two Stepan overeat with sour cream, (bend the middle fingers) Two Dashas eat porridge, (bend the ring fingers fingers) Two Ulkas are swinging in the cradle, (bend the little fingers).

Classes are built in an entertaining, playful way using speech games, which allows children to successfully master the sound analysis of words, to observe their use in speech with interest. The educational material is presented in comparison, comparison and encourages children to constantly reason, analyze, draw their own conclusions, learn to justify them, choose the right solution among various answers. Thus, the main value is formed and develops - the child's creative thinking, on the basis of which a system of knowledge about the language will gradually take shape and the need for language proficiency and speech improvement will be formed.

When studying the problem of the development of coherent speech, the child's ability to structurally correctly construct a text and use the means of communication necessary for this is considered as the most important indicator of the coherence of statements.

The path to the formation of this skill leads from a dialogue between an adult and a child, in which the adult takes on a leading role, directing the train of thought of the children and suggesting ways of expression, to the detailed monologue speech of the child himself.

The teacher teaches the child to first build simple statements, then connect them together. At the same time, the child's speech acquires an arbitrary character, an element of planning is included in it. This makes it possible to move on to learning planning and retelling. The development of generalization and awareness of linguistic phenomena acted as one of the conditions for the successful assimilation of the elements of vocabulary, grammar, coherent utterance, the formation in children of linguistic representations-understandings of what a word, sentence is, how they are built. Awareness of the sound composition of a word and the verbal composition of a sentence brings the child to the threshold of learning to read and write and, most importantly, lays the foundations for a new attitude to language, conscious operation with it.

Principles of work with children according to the program:

1. Scientific.

2. Taking into account the psychological, age characteristics of children.

3. Accounting for preschool activities of children (play, life, occupation).

4. Systematic relationship between the educational material and the child's interest in native speech.

5. Accessibility, specificity.

6. Concentricity.

Types of occupations:

1. Examining the picture.

2. Examination of objects.

3. Riddles.

4. Didactic games:


Poetry (learning poetry with the movement of arms, legs, fingers, body, eyes, head);

Articulation gymnastics;

sound games;

Breathing exercises.

The main vocabulary technique during the lesson is questions to children:

1. To clarify the general meaning of the picture: about what? What shall we name the painting? Are the kids doing the right thing?

2. Description of items: what? Which? What is he doing? What is it like? First, in the foreground and further, moving deeper into the picture.

3. To establish a connection between the parts: for what? Why? To show that this (picture) is a whole.

4. To go beyond the picture: what was before? What will happen next?

5. Questions about the personal experience of the children, close to the content of the picture: do you have a kitten at home?

6. To activate the dictionary, questions are asked for the selection of synonyms, antonyms. For example, a girl is not brave, cowardly, timid, confused


1. Metaphors - the use of a word in figurative meaning, based on the similarity of any relations or phenomena.

2. A riddle-tale of an onomatopoeic image, for example, a bear, a fox, what sounds do they make? And the hare?

3. In the form of a playful question.

4. Riddles-problems.

Didactic games are widely used in teaching children as a means of enriching, consolidating, clarifying knowledge about the world around them.

At the beginning of the game you need to create:

Game mood, first of all, the teacher himself tunes in to the game mood;

If two groups of children are needed, then they are divided into two groups and the leaders are chosen by a counting rhyme, and the roles are distributed by a counting rhyme;

Create conditions for the mental activity of all children. Games need to be built so that all children are involved.

In each game, the options become more difficult.

Explanation of rules for preschoolers.

“Selection of words of synonyms, antonyms”, for example, when looking at pictures, highlight the word we are learning: the boy is upset (sad, not cheerful), clumsy puppy (stumbling, his paws do not hold him).

"The choice of adjectives."

"Let's add a word": bread - bread; the field is a field.

“How to call a second word”, for example, a fur coat - clothes, a cup - dishes.

“What the object is made of”: metal, rubber, wood.

About the meaning of words:

“Explanation of the meaning of words, for example, the day was cloudy, sunny.

"Tops - roots."

"Who, what is superfluous." Cards: insects - one fish; forest flowers - home; aspen leaves - birch. Cubes: head, tail, paws in one creature from different animals.

“Identify by touch” (velvet, wool, silk).

“Whoever notices, hears more”, show objects, what it looks like.

"Children making up stories"

15 frogs fired an oak stump from cannons;

Oh, you're lying, kumanek.

"Who's more fun?"

"Mimic Pictures"

"Who is older?" Facial expression cards: grandfather, father, son.

"Which is warmer?": winter dress, summer dress, swimsuit.

"Who is stronger?": elephant, monkey, zebra.

"What is higher?": tree, giraffe, sky.

"What is harder?": stone, clay, earth.

“What shines brighter?”: candle, chandelier, sun, spotlight, moon.

“Who will name more qualities of the subject”, watermelon - cut.

"What are similar, not similar objects."

How to say otherwise.

"Guess who came", for example, Misha! Who approached you? - describe the girl (boy), how they are dressed, features.

“Who is dexterous?”: who will collect more balloons. Bring water in a spoon, do not spill.

“Guess which flower?” For example, the middle is yellow, the petals are white.

Education of sound culture of speech:

1. Clear, clear pronunciation of sounds.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

3. Offering to pronounce the sound, correlate with the song (mosquito, beetle).

4. Practice the pronunciation of this sound in words, syllable, speech.

5. Work with preschoolers on the development of intonation means of self-expression (sad, cheerful, slow, fast), taking into account the natural pitch of the voice.

Formation of dialogical speech:

1. Constantly pay attention: what are the children talking about and how?

2. How children and adults talk to each other. Are there any polite words in the speech of children.

3. Before conducting a conversation with children on a specific topic, take into account previous work and questions come from the topic.

Teaching children storytelling

1. You can invite all children to compose a story of a descriptive or plot nature, using toys, objects, illustrations, pictures. For example, a toy Bear.

2. Better children compose stories through didactic or story games. For example, a toy store, a postman brought a letter.

3. Use the following learning techniques when writing stories:

Sample teacher (should repeat without inventing).

Teacher plan (3-4 questions).

Indication and evaluation of stories.

Familiarization with fiction

1. Reading a whole work (storytelling);

2. Reading works of art (storytelling) united by one goal;

3. Listening to discs, records;

4. Display of table, puppet theaters, etc.

5. Showing films, watching TV programs, computer games.

Purpose: to teach the child to express his attitude to the actions of the characters, to distinguish between the genres of the work, to see the properties of artistic expressiveness in the text. Unfamiliar words must be introduced into the child's speech before the lesson, even if they are not used much in the lesson itself.

Teaching methods for the formation of grammatical correctness:

The active methods of the teacher are:

1. Explanation.

2. Repetition.

3. Example correct speech child.

4. Reception of comparison.

5. Hint.

6. Correction.

Methods and techniques:

1. Exercises for making sentences with difficult words (coat, coffee, piano, cocoa).

2. Verbal exercises (determine the gender of nouns). Like what's blue? What else can you say is blue? Blue? "Finish the sentence", for example, the swimmer dives deep and the diver goes deeper. Beautiful is more beautiful. I want, we want. Fire! - we shoot; jump - jump; ride - we drive; burn - burn.

Ways to form the correct sound pronunciation:

1. Examination of children's speech

2. Development of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (articulatory hygiene).

3. Classes with children on mastering the phonetic system of their native language.

4. Prevention and acceleration of speech disorders in children.

Methods and techniques for the formation of a sound culture of speech


1. Didactic games ("Whose house", "Orchestra").

2. Didactic stories with the inclusion of educational tasks for children.

Separate elements of intonation, speech hearing and breathing are also worked out by the methods of exercises: memorization and repetition of familiar tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.

Game exercises "Let's blow on a fluff." Using these methods, the teacher applies a variety oftricks :

Sample correct pronunciation completing the task given by the teacher.

Explanation demonstrated qualities of speech or movements of the speech apparatus.

Figurative naming of sound or sound combination (z-z-z - the song of the mosquito, tup-tup-tup - the goat sings).

Justification of the need to complete the tasks of the teacher improves the quality of answers, it is given in an emotionally joking form (let's teach a turkey to sing a funny song) or a business form (you need to remember how to pronounce the word “driver”).

Joint speech of the child and the teacher, as well as reflected (immediate repetition by the child of the sample speech).

Grade response or action.

Figurative physical pause , which serves as a rest and consolidation of educational material.

Demonstration of articulatory movements, demonstration of a toy or picture.

Teaching children connected speech

In a conversation, the teacher clarifies the experience of children, which they acquired during observations and in various activities in the family.

To teach children to think purposefully and consistently, without being distracted from the topic of the conversation, to teach them to express their thoughts simply and clearly.

The conversation involves mutual activity: children can ask questions and express their opinions, and it is bad when the conversation turns into a survey. It is necessary to teach children in the course of a conversation to ask, to speak out.

In a conversation, you can use variousvocabulary work:

Explanation of the meaning (sometimes the origin) of individual words by the teacher. As a method of vocabulary work, they use the choral repetition of the word together with the teacher quietly and clearly.

Teaching children monologue speech (telling)

1. Tasks and content of the work on teaching monologue speech.

2. Types of activities for teaching children storytelling:

Drawing up a descriptive or plot story based on a picture or a set of pictures;

Drawing up a descriptive or plot story on a toy (object) or a set of toys;

retelling folk tales or stories;

Making up a story from personal experience(by memory);

Writing creative stories (imagination). For example, "How would I help my mother."

3. Accumulation of experience, as a condition, teaching children storytelling. Conditions: large vocabulary, amount of knowledge.

4. Techniques for teaching children storytelling:

Sample speech (story) of the teacher;

Story plan;

Collective compilation of a story;

Compiling a story in parts;

Questions, elementary instructions, exercises;

Demonstration of visual material;

Evaluation of the children's story.

Acquaintance with the sound side of speech


1. Acquaintance with the characteristics of sounds.

2. Finding stressed vowels.

3. Acquaintance with the sound culture of the word.

Work system:

Acquaintance with vowels and writing rules after soft and hard consonants;

Introduction to consonants.


intonation - a special pronunciation of sounds in an extended or amplified form.

Modeling - an image of the structure of the word, objects (chips).

1. Give basic knowledge about the proposal.

2. Consciousness and activity of children in learning, tasks should encourage pronunciation, repetition.

3. Use of tables, manuals.

Receptions (phonetic):

1. Showing the teacher how to highlight the sound in the word. Children make sounds.

2. Without a teacher.

3. Exercises in the pronunciation of sound.

4. The result - what poem did you learn, what sound did you pass.


1. Exercises in finding a frequently occurring sound in words and highlighting the desired sound with your voice.

2. Exercises in determining the first sound in a word.

3. To consolidate the idea that the words are different, they sound differently. Choose words with different sounds.

4. To consolidate the ability to listen, to recall similar-sounding words, to introduce the concept of "sound".

5. Exercise in finding a frequently occurring sound in words, in its intonational isolation, learn to find a sound in the middle of a word.

6. Exercise in finding a sound at the beginning, middle of a word and learn to find a sound at the end of a word.

Determining the order of sound in a word.

The definition of a single sound, the difference in quality characteristics.

"Teremok" - children make up rows:

Two-sound word (ay);

Three-sound word (som);

Four-sound (mode).

Thus, the program of correctional and developmental work on the development of speech provides for several sections and stages of work, involves the use of finger games, and was implemented within 34 weeks. The application presents explanatory note, a program for the development of speech in the preparatory group, a complex of finger games. The program is rich in content, affects all sections of the work on the development of speech of children of senior preschool age, provides for the use various kinds forms, methods, methods of work. Takes into account the individual characteristics of children.

Stages of learning games:

1. An adult first shows the game to the baby himself.

2. An adult shows the game by manipulating the child's fingers and hand.

3. An adult and a child perform movements at the same time,

the adult speaks the text.

4. The child performs the movements with the necessary assistance.

adult who says the text.

5. The child performs movements and pronounces the text, and the adult prompts and helps.

Don't play with cold hands. Hands can be warmed in warm water or by rubbing the palms.

If in new game there are characters or concepts that are not familiar to the kids, first tell about them using pictures or toys.

Finger games with children under 1.5 years old should be performed as a show or as passive gymnastics for the child's hand and fingers.

Children over 1.5 years old can be offered to perform movements together from time to time.

If the plot of the game allows, you can “run” your fingers along the child’s hand or back, tickle, stroke, etc.

Use the most expressive facial expressions.

Do in suitable places pauses, speak now quieter, then louder, determine where you can speak very slowly, repeat, where possible, movements without text.

After choosing two or three games, gradually replace them with new ones.

Make classes fun, “don’t notice” if the baby does something wrong at first, encourage success.

Finger games developed on folklore material are most useful for the development of a preschool child. They are informative, fascinating, literate in their didactic content. The artistic world of folk songs and nursery rhymes is built according to the laws of beauty. It is very complex, although this complexity is not always evident. Behind these words is the recognition of the artist's right to create his own world and, at the same time, a call for its knowledge, understanding, and judgment about it. The essence of folklore texts is action. The actions of the characters, the movement of events, the birth of conflicts and their resolution create a unique, amazing, moving element of life.


I period (September, October, November)

Examination of children (1-2 weeks of September):

    Examination of the state of speech and non-verbal mental functions

    Develop a clear, coordinated movement of the organs of the speech apparatus

    To teach children to take a short and silent breath without raising their shoulders, a calm and smooth exhalation without puffing out their cheeks.

    Strengthen the ability to isolate the sound from the word.

    Continue to work on the clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Sound pronunciation:

    Continue work on the production of sounds, as well as on the automation of the correct pronunciation of sounds in all children (individual work)

    To consolidate children's knowledge of vowels and consonants, their signs. Exercise children in distinguishing between vowels and consonants, in the selection of words for given vowels and consonants.

    To consolidate the idea of ​​hardness-softness of consonants.

    Exercise in the differentiation of consonant sounds according to hardness-softness, sonority-deafness.

    Strengthen the ability to isolate the sound from the word. Exercise children in isolating a sound from a word.

    To consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis and synthesis of words like: fluff, cat, whale.

    Learn to analyze and synthesize words like: Tim, mom, bridge.

    Determination of the presence of a sound in a word - on the material of the studied sounds: U, A, I, P, Pb, K, Kb, T, Tb, O, X, Xb, S, M, M, N, Nn, B, B, S , Si.


3rd week of September AUTUMN

Nouns: autumn, September, October, November, month, fog, leaf fall, frost, frost.

Verbs: fall, fly, rustle, rustle, drizzle, clean up, fly away, wither, dry, turn yellow, blush.

Adjectives: early, late, golden, beautiful, rich, scarlet, crimson.

4th week of September TREES.

Nouns: maple, oak, aspen, mountain ash, birch, poplar, ash, spruce, pine;

Verbs: fall, fly, rustle, rustle.

Adjectives: maple, aspen, oak, spruce, pine.

1st week of October VEGETABLES

Nouns: harvest, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions,

beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, garlic, garden bed.

Verbs ripen, sing, dig, cut, plow, water, pluck.

2nd week of October FRUITS

Nouns: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, grapes.

Adjectives: ripe, mature, fragrant, juicy, appetizing, smooth, velvety, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, pink, brown

3rd week of October VEGETABLES - FRUITS

Nouns: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, grapes, crops, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, garlic, vegetable garden

Verbs ripen, sing, dig, cut, plow, water, pluck

Adjectives: ripe, mature, fragrant, juicy, appetizing, smooth, velvety, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, pink, brown

Adverbs: high, low, tasty, sweet

4th week of October INSECTS

Nouns: mosquito, fly, butterfly, beetle, dragonfly, grasshopper, wings, head, abdomen, paws, back.

Verbs: fly, jump, flutter, go out, harm, eat, save.

Adjectives: small, fragile, transparent, thin, harmful, useful, dangerous.

5th week of October MIGRATION BIRDS.

Nouns: swallows, rooks, starlings, geese, ducks, cranes, swans, thrushes, siskins, swifts, larks;

Verbs fly, dive, peck, swallow, coo, quack, hiss,

Adjectives: long-necked, long-legged, red-billed, short-billed;

Adverbs: high, low, carefully.

1st week of November MUSHROOMS. BERRIES

Nouns: fly agaric, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, russula, honey agaric, grebe, cranberry, lingonberry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry.

Verbs: cut, seek, lean, distinguish

Adjectives: poisonous, edible, sour, fragrant.

2nd week of November PETS AND THEIR BABY

Nouns: cat, dog, horse, goat, cow, pig, rabbit, sheep, donkey, names of cubs, stable, hay, swill, horns, mane, hooves.

Verbs: store, guard, chew, grunt, mumble, bleat, bite, butt, scratch.

Adjectives: thick, fluffy, silky, dense, thick, horned, kind.

3rd week of November WILD ANIMALS AND THEIR BABY

Nouns: fox, wolf, bear, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, elk, deer, skin, horns, needles, tail, paws

Verbs: live, catch up, jump, climb, jump, catch, hunt, escape.

Adjectives: strong, weak, dangerous, clumsy, cowardly, prickly, fast, cunning, dexterous, short, sharp, predatory, toothy.

4th week of November CLOTHES. SHOES, HEADWEAR

Nouns: dress, T-shirt, T-shirt, tights, jacket, sweater, robe, suit, shorts, trousers, sleeve, hem, hood, button, loop, cuff, boots, shoes, sneakers, boots, jacket, beret, cap, hat, scarf, wool, leather, fur, knitwear, corduroy, drape, tweed, rubber, p, loop, cuff, sole, laces, heels, sock, back.

Verbs: put on, put on, put on, wear, take off, unfasten, untie, tie, hang, fold, hang. put on, put on, wear, take off, unbutton, fasten, untie, tie, fold, put on.

Adjectives: wool, leather, fur, knitted, corduroy, drape, comfortable, fashionable, smart. wool, leather, fur, knitted, corduroy, drape, rubber, autumn, comfortable.

Adverbs: comfortable, beautiful, easy, soft, warm, cool, smooth.

The grammatical structure of speech:

(By lexical topics I period of study)

    To improve the ability of children to form the ability of children to form and use nouns in the singular and plural in speech.

    Continue work on teaching the agreement of adjectives with nouns, on the practical use of relative and possessive adjectives in speech (on the specified topics).

    Agreement of verbs with nouns singular and plural.

    Nouns agree with adjectives in gender, number, case

    Noun agreement with possessive pronouns my, mine, mine, mine.

    Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes and augmentative.

    Agreement of numerals two and five with nouns. Formation of the skill of using reflexive verbs in speech.

Development of coherent speech:

    Drawing up proposals on issues, demonstrations of actions, pictures.

    Distribution of proposals by homogeneous members.

    To teach children to compose descriptive stories on the topics: "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Trees", "Migratory Birds" using diagrams.

    Work on dialogic speech

    To teach children to retell short stories and fairy tales (literal and free retelling) based on pictures.


1. Introduce children to the letters: U, A, I, P, K, T, O, X, S, M, N, B, C.

Development of fine motor skills:

    Stroke, shading and hatching on stencils (on lexical topics of the 1st period)

    Drawing up figures, patterns from elements (according to the model)

    Work with lacing and small mosaic

II period of study (December, January, February)

Development of general speech skills:

    Continue to work on breathing, voice, tempo and rhythm of speech in all children

    To introduce different types of intonation: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory

Sound pronunciation:

    Continue work on automating the correct pronunciation of sounds in all children (individual work)

    Automation and differentiation of staged sounds

Work on the syllabic structure of the word:

Individually on the material of sounds correctly pronounced by this child, in accordance with an individual plan.

Development of phonemic processes:

    Strengthen in children the ability to select words for a given sound. Z, Zb, V, Vb, D, Db, G, Gb E, Y, E, I, Sh.

    Exercise children in distinguishing hard-soft, voiced-deaf, whistling-hissing consonants in a series of sounds, syllables, words, in a sentence.

    Improve the skill of isolating a given sound from a word.

    To consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis and synthesis of words like: dad, table.

    Learn to analyze and synthesize words from five sounds.


1st week of December - WINTER

Nouns: winter, snow, frost, ice, snowflake, snowman, skis, sleds, snowballs, skates.

Verbs: revenge, blow, fall, roll, slide, sparkle.

Adjectives: frosty, cold, fierce, light, fluffy, shiny, sparkling.

2nd week of December - FURNITURE

Nouns: furniture, armchair, sofa, bed, chest of drawers, wardrobe, sideboard, buffet, wall, table, chairs, cabinet, leg, door, shelf, back, seat, armrest

Verbs: put, sit, lie, rest, sleep, work, clean

Adjectives: oak, birch, walnut, pine, soft, mirror, leather, polished

3rd week of December - WARE

Nouns: dishes, tray, teapot, cup, saucer, glass, coffee pot, sugar bowl, candy bowl, milk jug, butter dish, salt shaker, tureen, plate, napkin holder, spoon, fork, knife, ladle, saucepan, ladle, colander;

Verbs: clean, drink, eat, cook, boil, fry, cut

Adjectives: glass, porcelain, metal, silver, cast iron, enamel, tea, table, kitchen.

2nd week of January - NEW YEAR

Nouns: night, holiday, decoration, Christmas tree, carnival, round dance, serpentine, garlands, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gift, guest, congratulations.

Verbs act, celebrate, congratulate, give, strengthen, ignite.

Adjectives: New Year's, festive, cheerful, colorful, smart, noisy, beautiful, joyful.

3rd week of January ANIMALS OF HOT COUNTRIES

Nouns: animals, cub, crocodile, elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, lion, tiger, rhinoceros, monkey, zebra, kangaroo, baby elephant, food, plant;

Verbs lie, swim, attack, get, swallow, wear, chew, care, feed, protect.

Adjectives: hot, sultry, southern, dangerous, predatory, cunning, clumsy.

4th week of January FAMILY

Nouns: family, grandson, granddaughter, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, at, sister, aunt, uncle.

Verbs: work, care, cook, live, clean, help, read, tell.

Adjectives: kind, affectionate, young, old, caring, dear, older, younger.

5th week of January TOOLS

Nouns: hammer, axe, saw, tongs, nails, vise, wrench, nuts, bolt, brush, paint, roller, mortar, trowel, scissors.

Verbs: chop, saw, drive in, sharpen, twist, unscrew, paint, plaster, cut, sew, cook.

Adjectives: necessary, necessary, sharp, metallic, different, different.

1st week of February SEA, RIVER AND AQUARIUM FISH

Nouns: shark, dolphin, stingray, swordfish, sawfish, needlefish, mackerel, horse mackerel, perch, catfish, pike, bream, pike perch, roach, crucian carp, guppy, swordtail.

Verbs swim, dive, stay.

Adjectives: underwater, deep-sea, predatory, dangerous, diverse, amazing.

2nd week of February TRANSPORT

Nouns: car, truck, dump truck, tanker, container ship, platform, train, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, tram, trolleybus, subway, bus, passenger, cargo, trip.

Verbs to drive, to carry, to deliver, to transport, to fly, to sail, to manage, to lead.

Signs: car, cargo, passenger, road, water, air, railway, ground, underground.

Nouns: military, sailor, pilot, captain, border guard, sailor

Verb: to protect, protect.

Signs: necessary, useful, difficult, interesting, courageous, dangerous, necessary.

4th week of February END OF WINTER

Nouns: winter, December, January, February, snow, snowflake, flakes, snowstorm, grains, blizzard, blowing snow, snowfall, ice, snowdrift, pattern,

Verbs: freeze, cover, fall out, howl, sweep.

Adjectives: cold, white, fluffy, frosty, strong, light.

Adverbs: cold, frosty, windy, dark, gloomy.

The grammatical structure of speech:

    Fixing the use of nouns in the instrumental case.

    The use in speech of simple and complex sentences with the meaning of opposition (a, but), separation (or).

    Fixing the use of plural nouns in the genitive case.

    To improve the ability to form and use nouns in the singular and plural in speech.

    Practical use of prepositions in speech: over, between, from under, because of.

    The practical use in speech of verbs in the form of the future simple and complex tense with and without the particle -sya.

    To consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives.

Development of coherent speech:

    Strengthen the ability to independently compose stories based on a plot picture.

    Continue to learn how to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.

    Teach children to compose a story using reference pictures and words.

    Teach to compose a retelling close to the text and by roles.

    Teach to retell the story close to the text and according to the plan.


1. Introduce children to the letters: Z, V, D, G, E, Y, E, Z, Sh.

2. Exercise children in "typing" and reading syllables, words with passed letters.

3. Exercise children in laying out letters from sticks, modeling from plasticine, drawing in the air.

4. Learn to read syllables, one-syllable and two-syllable words from open syllables.

5. Strengthen the skills of syllabic analysis and analysis of sentences without a preposition. Learn to analyze sentences with simple prepositions and draw up their graphic schemes.

Development of fine motor skills:

    Work on the development of finger motor skills (exercises for fingers)

    Finger games (app)

    Work on the development of constructive praxis

    Continue to work on stroking and shading shapes (on topics studied)

    Make it more difficult to work with a pencil: stroke along the contour, hatching, work with a pencil on cells in a notebook

III period of study (March, April, May)

Development of general speech skills:

    Continue to develop the duration of speech exhalation.

    Continue work on the tempo, rhythm of speech, clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Sound pronunciation:

1. Finish the automation and differentiation of all sounds in children.

Work on the syllabic structure of the word:

(individually on the material of sounds correctly pronounced by this child, in accordance with an individual plan)

Development of phonemic processes:

    Exercise children in the selection of words for a given sound - F, L, C, L. R, Rb, Ch, F, F, Shch.

    Exercise in distinguishing hard-soft, voiced-deaf, whistling-hissing consonants, in isolating a sound from a word.

    To consolidate the ability to conduct a complete sound analysis of words such as: grass, mask, bowl, plum, car.

    Exercise in the selection of sounds from the word, in the selection of words with these sounds.

    Learn to divide four-syllable words into syllables.

    Improve your analysis skill simple sentences without prepositions and with simple prepositions. Exercise in drawing up graphic diagrams of proposals.


Expansion and refinement of the dictionary by topic:

Nouns: spring, March, mother, grandmother, sister, dressmaker, singer, cook, pianist, teacher, flowers, mimosa, gifts, assistant.

Verbs: help, wash, clean, give, surprise, arrived.

Adjectives: solemn, sunny, warm, windy, spring, cloudy, early, kind, beautiful, patient, affectionate, gentle, demanding, benevolent, perky, restless.

Adverbs: warm, sunny, light, fresh.

2nd week of March - SPRING

Nouns: spring, March, April, May, thaw, icicle, thaw, stream, rook, cleaning (snow), pruning (trees), primrose, blueberry, anemone, onion, willow, alder, flood;

Verbs: melt, drip, fly in, blossom, clean up, trim, dry out.

Adjectives: loose, dark, spongy, dirty, grainy, snowplow (machine), delicate, fragile, beautiful, fluffy, fragrant.


Nouns: rook, starling, crane, goose, duck, swallow, nightingale, swan, stork, nestling, birdhouse, feeder

Verbs: fly, feed, peck, twitter, coo, cackle, hiss, fly in, take off, clean. build, lay, hatch, hatch, feed, fly, sing.

Adjectives: migratory, fast, funny, friendly, healthy, sonorous, white, large, small, sharp, short, fluffy.


Subject: sun, clouds, puddles, spring, icicles, drops, leaves, buds, snowdrops, grass.

Verb: warm, warm, melt, wake up, blossom, smell, appear, chirped.

Signs: green, warm, cold, cheerful, sunny, strong, odorous.

1st week of April OUR COUNTRY

Subject: Rodin, country, state, region, Russia, border, capital, Moscow.

Verb: love, protect, protect.

Signs: beloved, unique, huge, beautiful.

2nd week of April PROFESSIONS

Subject: work, labor, profession, educator, teacher, doctor, engineer, builder, librarian, worker, cook, tailor, shoemaker, hairdresser.

Verb: work, work, create, heal, teach, build, issue, cook, sew, repair, read, cut.

Signs: necessary, useful, interesting, difficult, beautiful.

3rd week of April OUR HOUSE

Subject: window, frame, vents, stairs, railings, doors, elevator, lock, threshold, balcony.

Verb: build, paint, open, close, knock, rise, call, go out, nail, live.

Signs: stone, wooden, white, one-story, two-story, high, low, new, old, brick.

4th week of April GARDEN-GARDEN-FOREST

Subject: vegetables, fruits, garden, vegetable garden, forest, trees, land, seeds, seedlings.

Verb: to plant, care for, water, weed, take care of.

Signs: hardworking, great.

5th week of April MAN

Subject: head, neck, arms, body, ears, leg, chest, abdomen, back, shoulders, fingers, forehead, nose, cheeks, torso, eyebrows, teeth, tongue.

Verb: listen, look, breathe, smell, think, speak, drink, eat, take, hold, clean, wash, wash.

Signs: blue, green, gray, brown, short, long, dark, big, small, fat, thin, cheerful, sad.

1 week of May PETS

Subject: Dog, cat, horse, goat, cow, pig, rabbit, sheep, donkey

Verb: milk, care, feed, wash, herd, dig, chew, bark, meow, guard.

Signs: watchdog, angry, horned, domestic, affectionate, big, small.

2nd week of May SUMMER

Subject: summer, sun, weather, rain, flowers, grass, chicks, nest, garden, rest, vacation.

Verb: to come, to shine, to warm, to go, to blossom, to appear, to go.

Signs: sunny, warm, summer, green, small, long, beautiful.

The grammatical structure of speech:

    Continue learning to agree adjectives and numerals with nouns

    Practical use of prepositions in speech: over, between, from under, because of

    Improve your ability to form comparative adjectives.

    Exercise in the formation of synonymous rows.

    To consolidate the use of verbs in speech in different tense forms, answering the questions: what does it do? what will he do? What to do?

    The practical use of words with an emotional-hue meaning (oil head, silk beard).

    Learn to agree possessive pronouns with nouns.

Development of coherent speech:

    Continue teaching to retell the story close to the text.

    Teach children to add subsequent events that logically complete the story.

    To teach the retelling of the story with the change of the main characters.

    Teach children to write a story on a given topic.


    To consolidate the skill of "typing" syllables, words, sentences.

    Introduce children to new letters: Zh, L, C, Yu, R, Ch, F, Sh

    Exercise children in solving crossword puzzles, solving puzzles.

    Learn to recognize letters from different fonts, distinguish correctly and

    Incorrectly typed letters; letters stacked on top of each other.

Development of fine motor skills:

    Work on the development of finger motor skills (exercises for the fingers).

    Difficulty working with a pencil.

    Complicating work on constructive praxis.

Description of finger games aimed at

on the development of speech of preschoolers

The game "Once upon a time there was one burbot"

Once upon a time there was one burbot, (slow movements with joined palms, imitating swimming) Two ruffs were friends with him. (palm movements from both sides) Three ducks flew to them (waving their palms) Four times a day And taught them to count: (bend fists) One - two - three - four - five, (unbend fingers from fists, starting with large ones)

Game "Pipe"

Oh, doo-doo, oh, doo-doo, (palms folded into a ring at some distance from each other) The shepherd lost the dudu, (the “ring” of one hand is brought to his mouth. Children twist their palms as if playing a pipe) And I’m a pipe found, (tilt forward - behind an imaginary pipe) I gave the Shepherdess, (stretch your hands forward, as if giving a pipe) - Come on, dear shepherd, (“walk” your fingers on the table) You hurry to the meadow. Burenka lies there, (showing “horns” from fingers) Looking at the calves, (open palms - close, depicting eyes) But she doesn’t go home, (repulsive movement with two palms) She doesn’t carry milk. It is necessary to cook porridge, (“cook” porridge with the index finger) Feed Sasha porridge, (bring an imaginary spoon to your mouth)

Game "Porridge"

Porridge grew in the field, (the children stood on tiptoe and shook their straight arms) It came to our plate, (“they walk” with their fingers on the table) We will treat all our friends, (they hold an imaginary plate on one hand, scoop porridge from it with an imaginary spoon) On a plate let's give a small bird, (bend fingers on both hands, starting with large ones) Hare and fox, Cat and matryoshka, We'll give everyone a spoon! (show thumbs up)

The game "We shared an orange"

We shared an orange, (pick up an imaginary orange and break off slices from it) There are many of us, and he is one, (show all fingers, then one finger) This is a slice for a hedgehog. (unbend one finger from a fist on both hands) This is a slice - for a swift. This is a slice for ducklings. This is a slice for kittens. This is a slice for a beaver. And for the wolf - a peel, (throw an imaginary peel forward) He is angry with us - trouble !!! (put hands to mouth) Run in all directions! (fingers of both hands "run" in different directions)

The game "Give, milk, little cow!"

Give milk, Burenushka, (imitate how a cow is milked) At least a drop on the bottom. Kittens are waiting for me, (palms fold into a pinch, as if the mouth opens) Little guys. Give them a spoonful of cream, (unbend fingers from fists on both hands) A little cottage cheese. Oils, curdled milk, Milk for porridge. Gives health to everyone (again they show how cows are milked) Cow's milk, (show thumbs up).

Game "Beetle"

The child's right hand is clenched into a fist, only the index finger is extended forward - this is a "beetle". Left hand located palm up - this is a "leaf". The child begins to rotate his index finger in a circle and buzz. This is a "beetle flying". Then he puts his index finger on his palm - "The beetle sat on a leaf." Next, rotational movements are carried out in the other direction and again lower the finger on the palm. After several repetitions, the child performs the “beetle” and “leaf” movements, changing hands.

Game "Palms"

Children perform movements according to the text of the poem (first together with an adult, then independently), gradually speeding up the pace.

Palms up, palms down. Palms on the side And clenched into a fist.

Game "Fingers"

1 option. Children alternately bend their fingers (first on one hand, then as they train on both hands at the same time) to the text of the poem, then unclench all fingers at once.

This finger wants to sleep. This finger went to bed, This finger curled up, This finger fell asleep. Hush, little finger, don't make noise, don't wake the Brothers! Fingers up, cheers! It's time for us to go for a walk!

Option 2.

The children's fingers are clenched into a fist, then they alternately unbend them to the text of the poem.

Fingers fell asleep, Curled into a fist. One - two - three - four - five, Wanted to play!

In the following games, the text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

The game "What a big family we have!"

How big is our family. Yes, fun. (alternate clapping and striking with clenched fists) Two are standing at the bench, (bend the thumbs on both hands) Two want to study, (bend the index fingers) Two Stepan overeat with sour cream, (bend the middle fingers) Two Dashas eat porridge, (bend the ring fingers fingers) Two Ulkas are swinging in the cradle, (bend the little fingers)

Game "Duck"

A duck walked along a bank, Walked gray along a steep one, (“they walk” with two fingers (index and middle) on the table, waddling) Led the children behind her: Both small and large, (bend the ring and thumb) Both the middle and the smaller, ( bend the middle finger and little finger) And the most beloved, (bend the index finger)

Game "Alenka"

Alenka-malenka (alternate clapping and hitting with clenched fists) Shustra, fast: She applied water, finished the sundress, finished the sock, picked up the berries, finished the song. She has ripened everywhere, It’s a matter of hunting for her, (the fingers are bent one at a time, starting with large ones, on both hands)

Game "Swallow"

Swallow-swallow, Dear killer whale, where have you been? What did you come with? - I have been overseas, I have mined Spring. I carry, I carry Spring-red. (per line thumb“hello” three times with another finger, starting with the index, first on one, then on the other hand)


Two pigs clench the fingers of both hands into fists, raise the thumb

In the farmer's corral they lived to make a wattle fence out of fingers

And put your hands together in a lock

Bbw friends

Each grew thumb to press to the palm and move the rest

four children with fingers

four funny

funny pig

and together all eight perform arbitrary hand movements

loved to play

splash in the water

tumble, dance

and the evening will come, press your thumb to your palm, move the rest

and run to mom with fingers

lie down in a corral to make a wattle fence out of fingers

and quietly fall asleep


Friends in our group, the fingers of both hands are connected to the castle

Girls and boys

We will make friends with the rhythmic touch of the fingers of both hands

little fingers

One, two, three, four, five alternately touching the fingers on both hands

starting with pinky

Start counting again: put your hands down, shake your hands

One two three four five

We've finished counting.


Bunny jumps oblique straighten the index and middle fingers right hand

Connect the rest

Under a tall pine tree, raise the palm of the right hand vertically up, fingers

Wide apart

Under another pine tree, raise the palm of the left hand vertically up, fingers

Wide apart

The second bunny jumps to straighten the index and middle fingers of the right hand,

Connect the rest.


We shared an orange, the fingers of both hands are widely spaced, touching only

Fingertips of the same name.

There are many of us, and he is the only one to slightly spread his arms and perform light turns

Hands in opposite directions.

On the word "One" press the thumbs of both hands to the palms, and raise the rest of the fingers up

This slice is for the cat to bend the index fingers

This slice is for a hedgehog to bend the middle fingers

This slice is for the snail to bend the ring fingers

This slice is for the siskin to bend the little fingers

Well, for the wolf peel raise your hands up and, quickly performing the movement

"flashlights", lower the hands down

He's angry with us, trouble! wag a finger

Run away whoever! Hide your hands behind your back.


There is a goat horned index finger and little finger raise up

There is a butted goat, press the rest to the palm of your hand with your thumb

To her, the little goat hurries to connect her fingers into a “pinch”, lower her hands

Bells ringing down, shake 'em

A wolf runs after a goatling, sharply squeezing and unclenching his fingers at the same time

And click and click with your teeth to connect the wrists, one hand on top. The fingers are spread and bent. Connect rhythmically

and separate the fingers of the same name

The goat got angry here: alternately knocking fist on fist

"I'll gouge out the wolf's eyes!" raise your index finger and little finger,

the rest - press to the palm of your hand with your thumb.


We will put the cams together, alternately press the fingers, collecting them into a cam

We will help our fingers, starting with the thumb, first on the right, then on left hand

Unbend and rise rhythmically and vigorously squeeze and unclench your fingers

spreading them wide

finger to finger snuggle rhythmically press the fingers of the same name.


The birds flew in to connect the fingers of both hands into "beaks"

Wings flapped by swinging palms with fingers wide apart

Hands up on the trees, all fingers spread wide

Together they rested to connect the fingers of both hands into “beaks”.


The cat came forward with the index finger and little finger of the right hand bent at the top

like “ears”, the remaining fingers are pressed to the palm: the thumb holds the middle and ring

he’s coming towards us, playing with his left hand, waving his tail at the base of his right hand.

To meet her from the gate, connect the tips of the middle fingers “collars” in front of you

Palms in front of you, straighten your thumbs.

Two dogs run out index fingers and little fingers of both hands raise up,

connect the rest of the straight fingers together.


A flower grew in a clearing with hands in an upright position, palms pressed against each other.

to a friend, spread your fingers and slightly round them, "bud"

open your fingers on a spring morning

opened the petals

all petals perform rhythmic finger movements together and apart

beauty and food

unanimously give the roots of the palm to lower down and press with the back side

underground to each other, spread your fingers and move them.


These are our boys to vigorously perform "flashlights" with their hands.

little fingers

The friends hold on tightly, clasp the little fingers of both hands and pull in different directions

Do not untie us their hooks

And we can do this: the movement of "flashlights"

Here is the palm, but the fist is vigorously unclenched and clenched into fists

If you want, do it too - fingers of both hands

That is a palm, and that is a fist!


Mom mom! The palms are closed, the fingers are pressed to each other. Pinky four

times vigorously contact each other

What, what, what? Index fingers touch each other three times

Guests ride again touch each other's little fingers

So what? Forefingers touching

Peck, peck, peck! The same fingers "kiss", a light touch

Hello, hello the ring and middle fingers are crossed twice with the same fingers of the other hand

Peck, peck, peck! The same fingers "kiss".


Hey tailed, dodgy clap your hands on every syllable

Are you hanging in the branches? Shake hands

- S-s-s-s-s-s-s! put fingers to lips

Hey tailed, dodgy clap your hands
are you rustling in the grass? Rub palm on palm

- Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh! put fingers to lips

Hey tailed, dodgy clap your hands

I'm not afraid of your "shu-shu". wag a finger

U-ku-shu! Make "teeth" from the hands, connect and open the fingertips.


There is a weird lock on the door. Fingers clasped in a lock

Do not open it in any way several times emotionally with acceleration, I do it this way, I do it and that, turn the lock in different directions

I him there, I him here.

Doesn't open at all! Perform sipping, trying to open the "lock"

I took out a bunch of keys to vigorously shake with one hand.

Come on, key, hurry up! Alternately with the little finger, twist the fingers of one hand

This key does not fit, there is another one in the cam;

This key won't come out

This key does not open, ring and index fingers

This key does not get out "stuck in the lock".

This is the key to the shed. raise your thumb up

I took out a bundle, I repeated the same movements with the other hand

This key does not fit

This key won't come out

This key does not open

This key will not come out.

This key is for the piano. Raise your thumb up.

Open the door, honey!

- Come in, please! Extend your arms to the sides.


On a visit to the big finger, raise your hands up, move your thumbs

And press them to the palms

They ran straight to the house to vigorously wiggle their other four fingers

Forefinger and middle press to the palm those fingers that are mentioned

Nameless and last.

The little finger itself - move the little fingers with the little fingers and clench your fingers into fists

Knocked on the threshold to knock fist on fist

We are all fingers - friends to shake hands.

Without each other, we cannot connect the fingers of one hand with the corresponding fingers of the other hand.


The gnomes began to invite guests with the index finger of their right hand to press

Take turns on the fingertips of the left hand.

The gnomes began to treat the guests with the index finger of the left hand, press in turn on the pads of the right hand

Each guest "spread jam" on the tip of each finger,

got jam

fingers glued that treat sequentially, starting with the thumb, connect the same fingers (pads) of the hands

fingers are widely spaced.

Tightly pressed tightly press the palms of one another

Palm to palm

Guests can't take even crumbs! Raise your shoulders, slightly spread your arms to the sides. Make a surprised face.


The morning has come, the hands are crossed, the fingers are spread out, like "the sun

The sun has risen. with rays.

- Hey, brother Fedya, clench the four fingers of your right hand into a fist.

Wake up the neighbors! Raise your thumb up and perform circles with it. movement

Get up, big boy! Right thumb and forefinger

Get up Pointer! Click on the fingertips of the left hand, starting with the thumb

Get up, Middle! finger.

Get up, Orphan!

And Kroshka - Mitroshka!

Hello palm! Click in the center of the palm.

Everyone reached out ... raise their hands up, spread their fingers and quickly move them.

And woke up!


Here is a humpbacked bridge, press your fingers against each other, put one palm on top of the other

Here is a goat with a horned right hand to make a “goat”: bend the middle and ring fingers, press them with your thumb to the palm. Pointing

put your finger and little finger forward.

On the bridge he met to make a "goat" with his left hand

gray brother

Connect the index fingers and little fingers of both hands to the stubborn with the stubborn

Dangerous to meet

And with a goat goat

They started to fight.

They butted, butted, without taking their fingers apart, to raise their hands:

They fought, fought right, then left.

And in the deep river

The two turned to separate their hands and sharply lower them with their fingers down.


Tell me, do you have a spider to connect the thumb of your left hand with the little finger of your right

How many legs, turning the hands, connect the thumb of the right hand

and how many hands with the little finger of the left. Turning the hands again, connect the thumb of the left hand with the little finger of the right, etc.

answer, spider, alternately connect

how many hands? matching fingers.

And how many legs?

-When the paws along the path put the wrist of one hand on the wrist of the other,

They walk - these are my legs. put your fingers down and wiggle them.

The paws knit a cobweb to connect four fingers on each hand into a pinch, the little finger, as if the hands are weaving a canvas, slightly take it away. Perform an imitation of "knitting"

If I'm stalking the midge put the wrist of one hand on the wrist of the other hand

My paws are legs, spread my fingers wide and move them smoothly.

If flies come across, press the bases of the palms to each other,

Fingers slightly bent and spread.

Paws will bite them like hands! Without tearing off the base of the palms, quickly press the fingers to each other, connect the fingertips of both hands - make a "box".


Two centipedes with fingers depict the movement of the legs of a centipede:

The fingers of the right hand ran along the path along the left hand,

They ran, they ran, the fingers of the left hand ran along the right hand.

And each friend caught up with fingers meet on the chest

So each friend hugged to interlace fingers in the castle. Pull interlocked fingers

to the sides.

That as soon as we separated them, unhook our fingers.


The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists

Two chubby little pigs thumbs of both hands

Bathe in the pond lower down and rotate.

Two dexterous pigs with the index fingers of both hands

They play leapfrog by alternately knocking finger on finger.

Two strong and high two middle fingers slightly raise and lower

They play basketball ("toss the ball").

The two fastest-footed ones wiggle their ring fingers

They run to play football.

Two small, cheerful little fingers "jump" together or

They take turns dancing and singing.

Then all the piggy fingers step in turn on their knees

They go to the house to have dinner.

Two chubby pigs thumbs of both hands

Prepare the vinaigrette to lower down and rotate.

Two dexterous and skillful perform "winder"

Prepare an omelet for everyone with index fingers.

Two strong and tall ones drive back and forth on the table

In the dining room, they wash the floor with the tips of their middle fingers.

Two neat pose with the pads of the ring fingers to press

I go to a clean table in several places on my knees or on the table.

Two small, funny little fingers "jump"

All songs are sung together or in turn.

And again the pigs run all the fingers on their knees or on the table.

They run in a crowd for a walk!


Spider, spider alternately connect the little finger of the right hand with the big cobweb sewed with the finger of the left hand and the little finger of the left hand with the thumb of the right hand.

Suddenly it started to rain with rhythmic movements to touch

The cobweb was washed away by the fingers of the same name.

Here comes the sun to raise its hands

It began to dry out with widely spread fingers

Spider, spider, alternately connect the little finger of the right hand with the thumb, work again with the finger of the left hand and the little finger of the left hand with the thumb


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14. Psychology. Dictionary [Text] / Under the general. ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - M.: Politizdat, 1990. - 494 p.

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27 Tsvyntarny, V. V. We play with fingers and develop speech[Text]/ V.V. Tsvyntarny. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2011. - 32 p.

1. Psychological support of the speech development of a child of primary preschool age.

M.O. Valyas

2. Psychological support of the speech development of a child of primary preschool age is a holistic, systematically organized activity of teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, in the process of which socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful upbringing and development of each child.

3. The interaction of teachers and specialists is aimed at ensuring, first of all, the early detection of deviations in the development of the child, including deviations in speech development. Then, together with a speech therapist teacher, develop and put into practice individual correction measures. By joining the efforts of teachers and specialists, we are working to stimulate the potential of the child, to prevent the dysfunctional development of children. An indispensable condition for the success of preventive work on early speech development is the creation in each group of the necessary developmental environment that encourages the child to express his emotions and stimulates the need for speech development.

At one time, E.I. Tikheeva remarked: « A child will not speak in empty walls.” Therefore, together with educators, we tried to create favorable conditions for the formation of speech skills and abilities of children in the process of life. We aimed educators at the fact that the environment in junior groups should provide a wealth of sensory experiences to evoke the child's own speech activity. Educational games, selected according to the age of children, provide an opportunity for research and experimentation in the language system, contribute to the development of mental and speech activity.

4. Children with speech disorders are characterized by insufficient expressiveness of cognitive processes,

violation and slowing down of reception and processing of sensory information.

5. The conditions for the successful speech development of a child are the development of communication with an adult, the saturation of the space of the child’s life activity with audible speech and the emergence of the child’s interest in the word, as well as the formation of the objective activity of the child and his business cooperation with the adult.

6. The speech of the teacher is the most important component of building a developing speech environment. The teacher's speech must be absolutely correct, literary; speech must always be impeccably polite in form and tone. The teacher should be advised to coordinate the structure of speech with the age of the children:

7. Saturation of the child's life environment with audible speech contributes to the child's interest in the word. Emotionally captivating pictures, voiced toys, books encourage children to express their emotions in speech, stimulate speech activity.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the book in the development of a child's speech. Examination of books gives a child of younger preschool age to relive what he has read, to deepen his initial ideas about the content of the book. Illustrations of familiar fairy tales and poems encourage the child to tell. By retelling familiar texts, the child learns and assimilates the laws of his native language more easily.

Getting acquainted with all kinds of books, including a theater book, a toy book, a folding book, the child is immersed in the language environment artwork thus enriching their own speech.

8. For the successful development of the objective activity of the baby and his business cooperation with an adult, each group has a center sensorimotor development. Properly organized subject activity is the basis for the development and activation of the processes of thinking and perception, attention, memory; Educators understand that for the successful speech development of a baby, it is necessary to stimulate the development of the functions of vision, hearing, touch, and motor activity. Being engaged in the center of sensorimotor development, the child receives positive emotions, his working capacity increases.

Sensory-motor development centers are equipped with dry pools, water and sand centers, various toys - inserts and laces, pyramids, etc.

Of particular interest to kids are the games equipped in the sensory room. Bright, colorful, made of environmentally friendly material, they are able to attract and hold the attention of the child, stimulating speech activity.

9. Tactile panel.

* The panel contains materials with various tactile surfaces, various objects that contribute to the development of tactile sensations, as well as elements of toys.

10. Stereognostic module

* The module is designed to develop stereognostic sensations by touching various figures and surfaces. The child encounters the concept of “the same”, picks up pairs, feeling objects.

Working with the module contributes to the refinement of the stereognostic perception of the form, develops the speed of judgment and the logic of mathematical thinking.

11.Kugelbahn (ball cascade)- a classic game, which is a design with grooves along which a ball rolls or a car drives off.
The rolling balls keep kids entertained over and over again as they look at them! Watching the movement of each ball, the child not only trains the eye muscles, but also learns to concentrate on the object, to master spatial concepts.

* The module is designed to develop color perception. The child repeatedly exercises in composing groups of objects of the same color: rotating cylinders, turning cubes or moving balls. Bright, attractive material arouses great interest in the child and the desire to repeat the exercises many times. Working with the module introduces the child to different colors, promotes color recognition, the ability to form a number of identical objects, improves visual-motor coordination, strengthens the muscles of the hands, teaches to compare and analyze.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The Concept of Modernization of Russian Education adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation defines the priority goals and objectives, the solution of which requires the construction of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support.

The most important task of modernization is to ensure the availability of quality education, its individualization and differentiation, which implies:

  • protection of the rights of the personality of children, ensuring their psychological and physical safety, pedagogical support and assistance to the child in problem situations;
  • qualified comprehensive diagnosis of the child's abilities and abilities, starting from an early age;
  • implementation of programs to overcome difficulties in learning and development, participation of specialists of the support system in the development of individual programs that are adequate to the abilities and characteristics of children;
  • psychological assistance to families of children at risk.

Concern for the realization of the child's right to full and free development is today an integral part of the activities of any kindergarten, therefore, at the present time in the system preschool education the most demanded is the psychological and pedagogical support of all participants in the educational process.

The psychological development of children with speech disorders has its own characteristics. In preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech, higher mental functions that are closely related to speech suffer: memory, attention, thinking. The amount of attention is significantly reduced, instability is observed, limited opportunities its distribution. They forget the sequence of tasks, complex instructions. Preschoolers with OHP have difficulty mastering analysis, synthesis, without special education lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking.

If the general underdevelopment of speech is combined with such disorders as dysarthria, alalia, then there may be general motor disorders (poor coordination of movements, motor awkwardness), underdevelopment of fine motor skills, and a decrease in interest in gaming activities.

The emotional-volitional sphere often suffers: children are aware of their disorders, therefore they have a negative attitude towards verbal communication, sometimes affective reactions to a misunderstanding of verbal instructions or the inability to express their wishes, as well as:

  • pronounced negativism(opposition to the requests and instructions of all others or specific persons);
  • aggressiveness, pugnacity, conflict;
  • increased impressionability, getting stuck, often accompanied by obsessive fears;
  • a feeling of depression, a state of discomfort, sometimes accompanied by neurotic vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • enuresis(urinary incontinence) ;
  • masturbation;
  • increased resentment, vulnerability;
  • morbid fantasy.

Comprehensive knowledge of possible, and then detailed identification of existing psychological features pupils need a teacher - a psychologist to determine the main directions of correctional and developmental work.

aim Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child with speech impairment is the creation of psychological conditions for the normal development and successful education of the child.

Priority tasks psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children with speech disorders in preschool educational institutions are:

  • Creating an emotionally favorable microclimate for the child in the group, when communicating with children by teaching staff.
  • Accounting for the individual characteristics of the development of children in the unity of the intellectual, emotional and behavioral spheres of their manifestation.
  • Assistance to children in need of special educational programs, special forms of organization of their activities.
  • Improving the psychological competence of educators, parents on the upbringing and development of the child.

These goals can be achieved through:

  • Creating a situation of unconditional acceptance of the child, awareness by teachers and parents of his uniqueness.
  • Methods of psychological support: psycho-gymnastics, psychological, developing games, etc.

Expected results:

  • Prevention of neuroses and neurotic reactions, behavioral disorders, school maladaptation;
  • Correction of emotional well-being, removal of emotional tension, reduction of aggressiveness and destructive forms of behavior, including negativism, anxiety, depression, anxiety, disinhibition, etc.
  • Development of the child's personality, creation positive attitude, strengthening constructive behavior, the ability to recognize and express in words one's own actions, thoughts, feelings, development of communication skills, successful integration into a general education school and peer society.

The tasks of psychological support are solved in work with individual children, a subgroup, as well as parents and teachers. In this regard, there are several directions in the work of a psychologist:

  • psychological education and prevention;
  • psychological diagnostics;
  • psychological correction and development;
  • psychological counseling.

Psychological diagnostics

Psychological diagnostics is part of the general diagnostic system for preschool children, which also includes pedagogical, speech therapy and medical.

Psychological diagnostics is carried out with the aim of:

  • determining the current level of development of children,
  • its age-appropriate
  • identifying the personality characteristics of the child;
  • secondary deviations associated with impaired speech.

It is carried out in order to correctly outline the main directions of correctional and developmental work, to model an individual development route for each child.

The main directions of psychological diagnostics

The diagnostic examination begins with an analysis of the following points:

  • the appearance of the child (tidiness, accuracy, negligence, uncleanliness);
  • contact;
  • manifestation of initiative;
  • perseverance (or disinhibition)
  • interest in research;
  • performance and pace.

cognitive sphere

  1. Thinking.
  • visual-figurative (operating with images, carrying out mental operations based on representation).
  • logical (carrying out mental operations based on concepts that reflect the essence of objects and are expressed in words or other signs).
  1. Memory: short-term auditory and visual; memorization, storage and subsequent reproduction of information.
  2. Perception: the formation of an objective image of an object or phenomenon that directly affects the senses.
  3. Fine motor skills: muscle movements of the hands and fingers as the completion of the internal psychological process, mental activity.

Emotional-personal sphere

  1. Emotional comfort in kindergarten.
  2. Personal and volitional readiness for school.
  3. Psychosomatic symptoms.
  4. Increased anxiety.
  5. Manifestations of aggressiveness.
  6. Fears.

Communication area.

  1. status in the group.
  2. Communication skills with peers and adults.

Two allocated directions psychological diagnostics:

  1. Primary psychodiagnostic examination aimed at identifying developmental disorders.
  2. In-depth psychodiagnostic examination focused on identifying features mental development.

The main methods of obtaining psychological information during an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination are:

  1. psychological tests and interviews;
  2. diagnostic interviews;
  3. observation of children's behavior in different types activities;
  4. method expert assessments;
  5. study of the products of children's activities;
  6. projective methods;
  7. experimental methods.

Based on the data of psychological diagnostics, a individual card psychological development of the child, the main directions of correctional and developmental work are determined (Appendix 1).

Psychological correction and development.

Psychological correction is a systematic work of a psychologist with children with speech disorders, aimed at specific assistance to these children.

The work is carried out in agreement with the parents and the administration of the preschool educational institution in the following forms:

  • individual psycho-corrective classes (work with problems in the personal and cognitive spheres);
  • subgroup psycho-correctional classes;
  • training sessions with teachers, specialists;
  • classes on the psychological preparation of children for schooling;
  • thematic classes with parents.

In the course of correctional and developmental work, the following tasks:

  • development of cognitive activity of children;
  • development of general intellectual skills: methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, grouping and classification skills;
  • normalization cognitive activity, the formation of the ability to navigate the task, the education of self-control and self-esteem;
  • the development of a dictionary, oral monologue speech of children in unity with the enrichment of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality;
  • psychocorrection of the child's behavior;
  • formation of communication skills, correct behavior.

The main directions of corrective work:

  1. Improving movement and sensorimotor development:
  • development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers;
  • development of graphic skills.
  1. Correction of certain aspects of mental activity:
  • development of visual perception and recognition;
  • development of visual and auditory memory;
  • the formation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size)
  • development of spatial representations and orientation;
  • development of attention;
  1. Development of basic mental operations:
  • analysis and synthesis skills;
  • grouping and classification skills (based on mastering the basic concepts);
  • ability to work according to instructions, algorithm;
  • ability to plan activities.
  1. Development of different types of thinking:
  • development of visual-figurative thinking;
  • development of verbal-logical thinking (the ability to see and establish logical connections between objects, phenomena and events);
  1. Correction of violations in the development of the emotional and personal sphere;
  2. Expanding ideas about the world and enriching the vocabulary.
  3. Correction of individual gaps in knowledge.

To solve problems and implement directions, the following means of correctional and developmental influence are used:

  • Object-manipulative;
  • Motor-expressive;
  • Fine-graphic;
  • Musical-rhythmic;
  • Verbal-communicative.

When organizing correctional and developmental classes with children with speech disorders, first of all, the child's capabilities are taken into account: at the first stages of correctional and developmental work, the child is given tasks of moderate difficulty, available to provide the pupil with subjective experiences of success against the background of a certain amount of effort. In the future, the difficulty of the task increases in proportion to the growing abilities of the child. When preparing and conducting remedial classes, the peculiarities of children's perception of educational material and the specifics of the motivation of their activities are taken into account. Taking into account the fact that at preschool age the leading activity of the child is the game, various kinds of game situations are used, didactic games, game exercises and tasks that can make the child's activity more relevant and meaningful to him. To create a situation for achieving success in individual and group classes, a system of conditional qualitative and quantitative assessment of children's achievements is used (praise of the teacher, competition, chips, etc.)

Classes are held systematically 1 - 2 times a week: subgroup and individual.

Lesson duration:

  • 20 minutes in senior groups;
  • 30 minutes in preparatory groups.

Programs and teaching aids used in correctional and developmental work with children are listed in Appendix 2.

The work of a teacher-psychologist with educators and specialists

Priority tasks:

  • To acquaint teachers with the features and patterns of development of the cognitive and socio-emotional sphere of children of senior preschool age with speech disorders;
  • To teach adequate ways of communicating with children with disabilities in the development of cognitive processes, speech and behavior.
  • To help create conditions conducive to increasing emotional comfort in the group and stimulating the development of the positive aspects of the individual;

The following forms of work with teachers are used:

  1. Individual and group consultations.
  2. Participation in the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, teachers' councils,
  3. Seminars, workshops, trainings, lectures, talks, etc.

An important condition effective work program is the participation of a teacher - a psychologist in the planning of the pedagogical process, including in the sections "Independent activity of children" and " Cooperative activity teacher and children. The psychologist helps to choose games and exercises, as well as to assist in their implementation (see Appendix 3).

The work of a teacher-psychologist with parents

Achieving goals and solving problems in a corrective way - The developmental work of a teacher-psychologist involves the most active participation of parents.

When implementing individual program development of a child with speech disorders tasks The work of a teacher-psychologist with parents is:

  1. Establishing partnerships with the families of pupils, joining efforts for the development and education of children; creating an atmosphere of common interests, emotional support and penetration into each other's problems.
  2. Activation and enrichment of parenting skills, support of their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.

When organizing interaction with parents, the following rules are strictly observed:

  • show a benevolent attitude towards parents and children, respect the opinion of parents, their experience, avoid value judgments both on their part and on the part of parents in relation to each other;
  • describe psychological phenomena in an accessible, understandable language, avoiding the use of professional terminology;
  • follow the principle of confidentiality, not providing strangers with any information about specific children, diagnostic data, etc.
  • to focus the attention of parents on their own capabilities and resources, to support their positive assessment of themselves as a parent.

Forms of work of a teacher-psychologist with parents

  • Psychological education through the "Psychologist's Corner", information stands, folders - shifters.
  • Individual, group and family counseling for parents.
  • Speeches at parent meetings.
  • Conducting a school lesson "Psychology for parents" together with a speech therapist teacher.


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