Order for individual training at home. Documentation “On individual training at home. What can be the amount of teaching load when studying at home?

Not all schoolchildren will go to school on the first of September with a bouquet of flowers and a beautiful briefcase. There are also children for whom the bell for class never rings. Formally, they will also be considered schoolchildren, but they will not go to school. They will study without leaving home.

Homeschooling can be carried out either as necessary (for medical reasons) or at the request of the parents. And depending on what caused the decision to switch to home-based learning, the learning process itself and the technology for registering all necessary documents. Let's consider all possible options.

Option 1. Home education

Home-based education is designed for children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational institutions. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, there are more than 620 thousand disabled children under the age of 18 in our country. Most of them cannot complete secondary education. By official statistics, in 2002/2003 academic year less than 150 thousand of them studied in general education and secondary specialized educational institutions. The rest of the children either do not receive an education at all, or study at home, but do not have any documents about receiving an education. For such children, home-based education is the only opportunity to obtain a matriculation certificate.

There are two options for home education for children with disabilities: an auxiliary program or a general program. Children who study according to the general program take the same subjects, write the same tests and take the same exams as their peers studying at school. But the lesson schedule for homeschooling is not as strict as at school. Lessons can be either shorter (20-25 minutes) or longer (up to 1.5-2 hours). It all depends on the child’s health condition. It is, of course, more convenient for teachers to cover several lessons at a time, so in most cases a child has no more than 3 subjects per day. As a rule, home-based training according to the general program looks like this:

  • for grades 1-4 - 8 lessons per week;
  • for grades 5-8 - 10 lessons per week;
  • for 9 grades - 11 lessons per week;
  • for grades 10-11 - 12 lessons per week.

Upon completion of the general program, the child is issued a general school leaving certificate, the same as his classmates studying at the school.

The auxiliary program is developed individually based on the child’s health status. When studying in an auxiliary program, upon graduation from school, the child is given a special certificate indicating the program in which the child was trained.

Process technology

  • First of all, it is necessary to collect all medical certificates for registration of home training for medical reasons. Parents or legal representatives of the child must provide the school administration with a medical certificate from the children's clinic with a conclusion medical commission for homeschooling.
  • At the same time, parents (or persons replacing them) must write an application addressed to the director educational institution.
  • If the child is not able to complete training according to the general program, parents, together with representatives of the educational institution, draw up a auxiliary program, which describes in detail the list of subjects studied and the number of hours per week allocated to the study of each subject.
  • Based on the submitted certificates and application, an order is issued for the educational institution on the appointment of teachers for home education and the frequency of certification of the child throughout the year.
  • Parents are given a journal of lessons completed, in which all teachers note the topics covered and the number of hours, as well as the child’s progress. At the end of the school year, parents hand over this magazine to school.

Legal support

All the nuances of home-based education for disabled children are spelled out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 861 “On approval of the procedure for raising and educating disabled children at home.” Here are the most basic of them:

  • The basis for organizing home education for a disabled child is the conclusion of a medical institution. The list of diseases, the presence of which gives the right to study at home, is approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry Russian Federation.
  • Home education for disabled children is provided by an educational institution, usually the one closest to their place of residence.
  • An educational institution for disabled children studying at home: provides free textbooks, educational, reference and other literature available in the library of the educational institution for the duration of their studies; provides specialists from among teaching staff, provides methodological and advisory assistance necessary for mastering general educational programs; carries out intermediate and final certification; issues a state-issued document on the appropriate education to those who have passed the final certification.
  • When teaching a disabled child at home, parents (legal representatives) can additionally invite teaching staff from other educational institutions. Such teaching staff, by agreement with the educational institution, can participate together with teaching staff of this educational institution in conducting intermediate and final certification of a disabled child.
  • Parents (legal representatives) with disabled children who raise and educate them at home independently are compensated by educational authorities for costs in the amounts determined by state and local standards for financing the costs of education and upbringing in a state or municipal educational institution of the appropriate type and type.

Option 2. Family education

You can study at home not only forcedly (for health reasons), but also at your own request (at the request of your parents). The form when a child is educated at home of his own free will (at the request of his parents) is called family education. In family education, the child receives all knowledge at home from parents, invited teachers, or independently, and comes to school only to pass the final certification.

Here are some of the main reasons when it is more advisable not to force a child to go to school every day, but to transfer him to home schooling:

  • The child is significantly ahead of his peers in mental development. You can often observe a picture when a child has studied the entire program before his peers and is not interested in sitting in class. The kid spins around, interferes with classmates and, as a result, may lose all interest in studying. You can, of course, “jump” after a year (and sometimes after several years) and study with older guys. But in this case, the child will lag behind his classmates in physical, mental and social development.
  • The child has serious hobbies (professionally involved in sports, music, etc.). Combining school with professional sports (music) is quite difficult.
  • Parents' work involves constant moving from one place to another. When a child has to move from one school to another every year, and sometimes several times a year, this is very traumatic for the child. Firstly, there may be difficulties with academic performance. And secondly, it is psychologically difficult for a child to get used to new teachers, new friends and a new environment every time.
  • Parents do not want to send their child to a comprehensive school for ideological or religious reasons.

Family form of education: process technology

  • To register for home education at their own request, parents need to write a corresponding application to the Department of Education. To consider this application, as a rule, a commission is formed, which includes representatives of the department of education, the school to which the child is attached, parents (or persons replacing them) and other interested parties (coaches or teachers of the child). Sometimes the child himself is invited to the commission meeting. If the commission recognizes the advisability of educating the child at home, an order is issued to assign him to a specific educational institution where the child will undergo final certification.
  • You can go the other way and write an application directly to the director of the educational institution closest to the child’s place of residence. But due to the fact that family education is not yet particularly widespread in our country, school principals rarely take on the responsibility of making decisions. As a rule, they forward the parents' application to the education department.
  • The educational institution to which the child is assigned issues an order indicating the mandatory program appropriate to the child’s age, as well as the deadlines for passing the final and intermediate certification.
  • Then, an agreement is concluded between the school and the child’s parents, which specifies all the rights and obligations of both parties (the school administration, parents and the student himself). The contract must describe in detail what role is assigned to the school in the child’s education, and what role to the family; when and how many times certification will be carried out, as well as what laboratory and practical classes the child must attend.
  • When registering for home-based education at their own request, teachers from the school to which the child is assigned are not required to come to his home. In this case, the child must independently, with the help of his parents, complete the established program. Although sometimes parents negotiate with teachers for a certain fee about additional lessons. But this issue is resolved solely by personal agreement.
  • For final certification, the child must come to the school to which he is assigned on the prescribed days. Depending on the circumstances and age of the child, he may be required to undergo final and intermediate certification at the same time as his peers. In this case, the child should come to school only on the days of final tests and tests. But a more convenient option for the child and parents is when an individual schedule for final and intermediate certification is assigned.

Legal support

The right of parents to give their child general primary, basic general and secondary education in the family is guaranteed by paragraph 3 of Article 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and paragraph 2 of the “Regulations on obtaining education in the family”. Here are the main provisions of this law:

  • You can switch to a family form of education at any level of general education at the request of your parents. And at any stage of education, according to the decision of the parents, the child can continue his education at school (clause 2.2 of the “Regulations”). In the parents' application to a general educational institution (school, lyceum, gymnasium), it is necessary to indicate the choice of a family form of education and the reason for which such a decision is made. This is also noted in the order to transfer the child.
  • An agreement is concluded between the school and parents on the organization of family education (clause 2.3 “Regulations”). The main thing in the contract is the procedure, scope and timing of the intermediate certification. A general educational institution, in accordance with the agreement (clause 2.3 “Regulations”), provides textbooks, training course programs and other literature available in school library; methodological, provides advisory assistance and carries out intermediate certification.
  • A general education institution has the right to terminate the contract if the student fails to master the curriculum, which can be revealed during the intermediate certification. Transfer to the next class is made based on the results of the intermediate certification (clause 3.2 "Regulations").
  • Parents have the right to teach the child themselves, or to independently invite a teacher, or to seek help from a general education institution (clause 2.4 of the “Regulations”).
  • Parents who choose a family form of education for a minor child are paid additional cash in the amount of costs for the education of each child in a state or municipal secondary school (clause 8 of Article 40 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”). Currently, this amount is about 500 rubles per month, although in some regions it is slightly higher due to compensation from the local administration.

Option 3. Distance learning

All over the world, distance learning is widespread among children who, for one reason or another, cannot attend general education institutions. Distance learning is the receipt of educational services without attending school (lyceum, gymnasium, university) with the help of modern information and educational technologies and telecommunication systems, such as e-mail, TV and the Internet. The basis educational process at distance learning consists of targeted and controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a place convenient for him, according to an individual schedule, having with him a set of special teaching aids and an agreed upon possibility of contacting the teacher by telephone, e-mail and regular mail, as well as in person. In our country, the distance form of secondary education is being introduced only in some schools as an experiment. You can find out about the availability of such “experimental” schools in your area by contacting your regional education department.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2003 N 11-FZ On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” provides for the possibility of obtaining education via distance learning. But it takes time to implement a distance education system in schools. First, the educational institution must pass state accreditation, confirming the right of this institution to provide distance education services. Secondly, unified software programs and special literature have not yet been developed. And thirdly, many schools in our country do not have the necessary equipment and specialists to implement these programs. But getting higher or secondary specialized education via distance learning is already quite possible. Almost all major educational institutions (universities, colleges, technical schools, etc.) have a distance education department.

It must be remembered that you always have the right to choose. Regardless of which homeschooling option you choose, your child can switch from homeschooling to regular schooling at any time (that is, go to school like his peers). To do this, he only needs to pass certification for the nearest reporting period(academic year, half-year, quarter).

Advantages of homeschooling:

  • The ability to stretch out the learning process or, conversely, complete the program of several classes in one year.
  • The child learns to rely only on himself and only on his knowledge.
  • Opportunity for more in-depth study of subjects of interest.
  • The child is temporarily protected from harmful influence(although many psychologists consider this a disadvantage).
  • Parents can correct deficiencies in the school curriculum.

Disadvantages of Homeschooling:

  • Lack of team. The child does not know how to work in a team.
  • There is no experience of speaking in public and defending your opinion in front of your peers.
  • The child has no incentive to do homework every day.

About individual training at home

The Russian Federation sets federal state educational standards and supports various forms of education and self-education (Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Homeschooling - This form of education, which the child receives at home, and the learning process itself is carried out according to an individual curriculum. Recommended for children who, for medical reasons, cannot study directly in an educational institution. The task of individual education at home is for students to master educational programs within the framework of the state educational standard. Normative base individual learning at home determines general provisions organization of the learning process, rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process.

The organization of individual education at home is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (according to paragraph 2 of Article 51, for children in need of long-term treatment, education classes can be conducted by educational institutions at home). Subjects of the Russian Federation may adopt regulations on this issue. So, in Moscow this is the Moscow government decree dated September 25, 2007 No. 827-PP “On organizing the activities of state educational institutions in the city of Moscow that implement general education programs in various forms of education" and its appendix - Regulations on the forms of education in state educational institutions of the city of Moscow that implement general education programs.

The organization of the educational process may have its own characteristics depending on the psychophysical development and capabilities of students. These features may be, firstly, different time frames for mastering educational programs (possibly increasing them compared to a general education school); secondly, the variability of the organization of classes with students (classes can be held in an institution, at home, or combined, that is, some classes are conducted in an institution, some at home); thirdly, the flexibility of curriculum modeling.

The choice of curriculum is carried out jointly with parents (legal representatives) on the basis of psychological, medical and pedagogical recommendations.

Organization of individual training at home

Individual training at home can be organized in all types educational institutions, and the organization of home schooling itself is carried out by the educational institution in which the student is studying.

However, a student living in a microdistrict of another school and having a prison sentence medical institution to study at home (during illness), at the request of the parents, they can be transferred to a school at their place of residence, regardless of the class size.

In any case, the basis for organizing individual education at home is a written application from parents addressed to the director of the educational institution, as well as a medical certificate (conclusion) from the medical institution. On their basis, an order from the school director is issued on individual education at home.

When appointing teachers who will teach children, preference is given to teachers working in a given class. If, for objective reasons, it is impossible to organize education at home using its own teaching staff, then the administration has the right to attract teaching staff who do not work in this institution.

Certification and transfer of students according to individual plans at home is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Financial support for individual education of children at home

Individual education for children at home is provided free of charge in the amount of:

1st - 4th grades

5th - 7th grades

8th - 9th grades

10th - 11th grades

8 hours a week

10 hours a week

11 hours per week

12 hours a week

If the period of study at home does not exceed two months or the date of completion of study is not clear from the medical certificate, then teachers are paid hourly; in other cases, payment is included in the tariff.

In the event of a teacher’s illness, the school administration, taking into account staffing capabilities, is obliged to replace classes with a student who is receiving individual instruction at home with another teacher.

In case of illness of a student, the teacher, whose work is paid according to the tariff, is obliged to work out the missed hours. The terms of service are agreed upon with the parents (legal representatives).

During the teacher's incapacity for work, the dates of lessons are postponed to another time in agreement with the parents (legal representatives). In this case, the deputy director for educational work or another person responsible for this area (curator, class teacher or coordinator) prepares an order indicating that due to the illness of a teacher working with a student at home, lessons are postponed to another time . The transfer of classes must be agreed upon with parents (legal representatives) and their written consent (in free form) must be obtained.

In the event that classes with a sick student are stopped ahead of schedule, the school administration submits an order to the accounting department to remove the teaching load.

Rights and obligations of participants in the educational process,

implemented in the form of individual training at home

Participants in the educational process, implemented in the form of individual education at home, are students, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff (teachers, administration).

Rights and responsibilities of students

in the form of individual training at home

at home has the right :

receive complete general education in accordance with state standard;

make proposals for improving the educational process;

respect for human dignity, free expression of one's own views and beliefs, freedom of information, as well as moral and material encouragement for academic success.

Student in the form of individual trainingat home must:

comply with the requirements of the educational institution as specified in the local regulations of the school;

study conscientiously, strive for conscious and creative mastery of educational programs;

respect the honor and dignity of employees of an educational institution;

follow the class schedule;

stay at home during the hours allotted for classes according to an individual schedule;

keep a diary, notebooks (if there are no corresponding medical restrictions).

Rights and responsibilities of parents (legal representatives)

they have a right:

protect the legal rights of the child;

make proposals for the organization of the educational process and the content of educational programs, arguing their necessity, but taking into account the physiological capabilities, intellectual abilities and creative interests of the child;

contact the administration of the educational institution to resolve conflict situations.

Parents (legal representatives) of childrenare obliged:

comply with the requirements of the educational institution as specified in the local regulations of the school;

support and stimulate the child’s interest in the educational process;

inform the teacher in a timely manner about the doctor’s recommendations, the peculiarities of the child’s daily routine, and the educational institution about the cancellation or resumption of classes (according to good reasons);

create optimal working conditions for the child and teacher to conduct classes at home;

control diary keeping and homework completion.

Rights and responsibilities of teaching staff

Teaching worker educational institution has the rights provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Teacher implementing pedagogical activity in the form of individual training at home,must:

know the specifics of the disease, features of the daily routine and organization of home activities;

implement government programs taking into account the physiological capabilities, intellectual abilities and interests of children;

develop skills independent work with textbook, reference and fiction;

control the academic load, as well as the student’s keeping a diary (schedule, assessment, recording of homework) and sign it, prevent the child from getting tired, draw up individual lesson plans;

promptly fill out a log of lessons conducted and provide it to parents (legal representatives) for signature after each lesson.

Classroom teachermust:

coordinate the class schedule with parents (legal representatives) and teachers - control the keeping of a diary;

maintain contact with the student and his parents (legal representatives), collect information about the individual characteristics of students, health status and impressions of the learning process;

promptly inform the school administration about all violations in the educational process.

School administrationobliged:

prepare regulations on the organization of the educational process;

control the implementation of educational programs, methods of individual training, certification of students, documentation at least once every quarter;

control the timeliness of classes at home, maintaining a logbook;

provide the home education process with qualified personnel;

promptly inform parents (legal representatives) about all changes in the educational process.

The procedure for managing the educational process

The general management of the educational process in the form of individual education at home is carried out by the school administration.

The competence of the administration of an educational institution includes the following management actions:

making a decision on the organization of the educational process;

development and approval of a local school act - Regulations on the organization of the educational process in the form of individual education at home;

control over the organization and implementation of the educational process;

control over the distribution and use of funds.

Sample contents of the folder “Individual training at home”

Regulations on the forms of education in educational institutions of the city, region (for example, for Moscow this is an appendix to the Moscow government decree of September 25, 2007 No. 827 - PP);

Regulations on the organization of individual training at home;

orders (copies) “On individual education of sick children at home” for each student;

certificates (copies) from a medical institution regarding the recommendation of training;

schedule of individual lessons (for each student), written agreed with parents;

a list of teachers working in the form of individual training;

educational and methodological kits for individual training at home (programs, textbooks, teaching aids, thematic and lesson planning, texts of test and tests);

plan for intra-school control of individual learning;

certificates on intra-school control of individual education at home;

statements from parents (legal representatives);

Design of a class magazine and a magazine of individual lessons

For each student ajournal of individual lessons , where the dates of classes are entered in accordance with the schedule agreed upon with the parents (legal representatives) of the student and approved by the head of the educational institution, the content of the material covered, and the number of hours. Marks of the current certification are posted in the journal of individual lessons. After the teacher conducts a lesson, the parent (legal representative) puts his signature in the journal (can be in the “Homework” column). Based on these records, remuneration of teaching staff is made.

In the cool magazine on the left unfolded page of the sheet in the mark line opposite the name of the student mastering general education programs in the form of home education, an entry is made: “education at home, order dated _______ No. _______.” Quarterly, trimester, semi-annual, annual, and final grades are transferred from the journal of individual education at home, signed by parents (legal representatives), to the class journal of the corresponding class. In the same way, information about transfer from class to class and graduation from an educational institution is entered into the class register of the corresponding class. A copy of the order is included in the journal of the class in which there are homeschoolers.

In case of partial damage (total loss) journal of individual home education, a report is drawn up to examine the degree of loss of this document (complete loss of the document) and a decision is made on this fact. If the data of the damaged journal is irreplaceable, the commission draws up a corresponding write-off act and decides to transfer the remaining data to new magazine. Lost data is restored using the documents available to the teacher: a diary, a student’s notebook.

The journal of individual home education is stored in the archives of the institution for 5 years.

Sample Homeschooling Curriculum













Russian language


Mathematics (algebra/geometry)








Foreign language

Total hours:

12 (10)

12 (10)


Life safety courses and the surrounding world are integrated.

Teaching courses in biology, physics, and chemistry should be environmentally friendly.

The regional studies direction should be reflected in the teaching of reading, history, literature, and geography.

Internal documentation of the educational institution

I . The first of these local acts is the decision pedagogical council schools. The agenda of the August Pedagogical Council addresses the issue of students’ right to receive education in different forms: external study, family, home study, training based on individual curricula, correspondence training.

The minutes of the pedagogical council record next solution:

1. Provide school students, at the request of parents and medical indications, in the 200_/200_ academic year with forms of education: external education, family education, home education, education based on individual curricula, correspondence education.

2. Based on medical indications and requests from parents (legal representatives), organize individual home education for school students. Responsibility for the organization and implementation of the educational process based on individual training at home should be assigned to the Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management.

3. Methodological associations agree on thematic and lesson planning.

4. The Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management should take control of the process of individual training at home and its effectiveness.

II . Next, the school administration draws up, and the school director approves, the Regulations on the organization of individual education at home. Then the school director, based on the relevant documents, issues an order for the school“On individual education of sick children at home” .



_________ from ___________200_

About individual training

sick children at home

Based on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and a medical certificate

______ dated ________ 200_ I order:

Organize individual home education for a student of __class ________________________________ (full name) from “____” ___________200_ to “____” _____________ 200_.

Approve the curriculum of the student of _________ class ________________________________ (full name):

Academic subject

Number of hours per week

Russian language


English language



Beginning with “___” ____________ 200_, assign a teaching load to teachers working individually at home with a student of _____ grade_____________________ (student’s full name).

Teacher's last name

Personnel Number

Number of hours

in Week


3.1. Increase the wage rate for individual training at home from “___” ______________200_ by ____ percent.

Establish from “___” _____________ 200_ a premium for checking notebooks and written works student of _____ class __________________________ to the following teachers:

Teacher's last name

Personnel Number

Number of hours

in Week




Control over the execution of the order is entrusted to the Deputy Director for Internal Affairs _______________________________________ (full name of the Deputy Director for Internal Affairs).

Director of State Educational Institution Secondary School No. ________________________ /___________________/

Comments on the order on individual education of sick children at home

An increase in teacher remuneration rates for individual teaching at home for sick children is applied only if the disease is chronic, confirmed by a medical report.

Based on the letter of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR dated November 14, 1988 “On improving the organization of individual education of sick children at home,” the curriculum of a student class that is taught at home by order of the school director on the basis of a medical report is financed as follows:

1st - 4th grades - up to 8 hours (additional payments for notebooks are not established);

5 - 8 grades - up to 10 hours;

9th grade - until 11 o'clock;

10 - 11 grades - up to 12 o'clock.

The Deputy Director for Educational Management draws up a lesson schedule for each homeschooler individually. The schedule can be presented as follows:


Director of State Educational Institution ______ No. ____


"_____" _______________ _ G.

Schedule of individual lessons at home

student(s) of ________ class










Number of hours

in Week

Teacher's name

The following are familiar with the lesson schedule:


(Name of parent or legal representative)


(Name of class teacher)

"______" _________________ 200_ g.

The chairman of the methodological association or the school teachers themselves draw up individual thematic or lesson planning for each student.


I approve


Director of State Educational Institution ____No. ______



"______" __________ 200_ g.



Deputy Director for HR



"______" __________ 200_ g.

Individual training at home

student(s) of _____ class



Lesson planning


Number of hours per week__________________________________________________________

Program _______________________________________________________________________

Textbook ______________________________________________________________________

Additional tutorials ___________________________________________________


Title of the topic and topic of the lesson

K/r, l/r, etc.


Lesson planning compiled by teacher ____________________ (________________)

Considered at a meeting of the methodological association “______” _________________200 _g.

Next, the Deputy Director for Educational Management plans his activities to control the organization and conduct of individual training at home for each student. All control activities are included in the internal school control plan.



activities of the Deputy Director for Educational Internal Affairs for control of home education

students of State Educational Institution _________ No. ______ in 200_/200_

Form of work, month

Establishment thematic planning

Attending classes

Checking logs

Interview with parents

Interview with students

Interview with teachers

Checking the implementation of milestone and intermediate certification

Any monitoring of a teacher’s activities must be recorded in reports and certificates.



to check the teaching activities of teachers working according to the plan

individual education of children at home (results of the 1st half of the year)

_______ from "_______" __________________ 200_

In accordance with the order of the educational institution “On individual education of sick children at home” dated “____” _____________ 200_ and the internal school control plan for individual education at home, an inspection of the teaching activities of teachers was carried out (indicate the teachers’ full names).

In the 200_/200_ academic year, the following are studying individually at home:

F.I. student - __________ class (order No. _____ dated 09/01/200_);

F.I. student - __________ class (order No. _____ dated 09/01/200_).

In the first half of the year, all of the above students studied under individual programs at home (in accordance with the submitted documents).

Teachers regularly taught lessons to students according to the class schedule for the first half of the year and lesson planning.

There were no changes or missed classes (if there were changes, please indicate the reasons and results).

Individual learning diaries and logs were regularly marked. The implementation of all lessons is confirmed by the signature of parents in the logs of individual learning at home.

All students studying at home have mastered the program of the 1st half of the year and are certified in all subjects of the individual curriculum.

There were no comments from parents on the organization of the educational process and the quality of teaching.

(If there were comments, wishes, complaints, then it is necessary to either explain the measures taken or attach an inspection report. Draw conclusions and make recommendations for each comment).

Deputy Director for HR _____________________________________________


There are two more important documents that are the reason and basis for organizing individual education for children at home. These are certificates from a medical institution and a personal statement from parents (legal representatives).


from a medical institution


Medical institution stamp

Director of State Educational Institution _____ No. ________


Full name (full name)

Certificate No. __________ dated “____” _______________ 200 __

about homeschooling

Date (full name) __________________________________________________________

Date, month, year of birth ______________________________________________________________

Home address: _______________________________________________________________

Diagnosis, pathological condition, on the basis of which the child is subject to individual education at home, according to the list of school-age diseases approved on July 28, 1980 by the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 281 - M and the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR No. 17 - 13 - 186 (disease code).

For the period of ____________ from “_____” _______________ to “_____” ______________________

(Day month Year).

Reason: conclusion of the clinical expert commission No. _________ dated ________________.

(Day month Year).

Chief Physician__________________________________________________________________________

Deputy Chief Physician ______________________________________________________________

Head of Department ___________________ _____________________________________

(signatures) (decoding of signatures)




To the director

GOU _______________ No. _______________



from a parent (or legal representative)




I ask you to organize individual education for my child at home (or at school according to an individual schedule) from “____” _________________ 200__ to “_____” ________________ 200__.

Reason: medical certificate issued by ________________________________________

(name of medical institution and date of issue)

I am familiar with the regulatory documents on the organization of home education, the individual curriculum, and the lesson schedule; I have no complaints about the organization of the learning process and the content of educational programs.

Date ___________________________________

Signature________________________ (signature decryption)___________

The organization of individual education at home for sick children poses the task of mastering educational programs within the framework of the state educational standard by students who, due to illness, cannot study in an educational institution.

Individual education of sick children at home can be organized in all types of educational institutions by order of the education department.

The organization of teaching sick children at home is carried out by the educational institution in which the student is studying.

A student who lives in a micro-site of another school and has a certificate from a medical institution to teach a sick child at home (for the period of illness), at the request of the parents, can be transferred to the school at the place of residence, regardless of the class size.

Education is carried out only at home, within the hours allotted by the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RSFSR dated November 14, 1988 No. 17-235-6 “On individual education of sick children at home in subjects included in the school curriculum, at the request of parents and the decision of the administration of the educational institution "

The basis for organizing individual education for sick children at home is: a written application from parents addressed to the director of the educational institution, a medical report from the medical institution.

When assigning teachers working with sick students, priority will be given to teachers working in that classroom.

If it is impossible to organize home education for a sick student with the help of its teaching staff, the administration of the educational institution has the right to attract teaching staff not working in this institution.

Certification and transfer of students is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Financial support for individual education of sick children at home.

Individual education for sick children at home is provided to students free of charge in the range: 1-4 grades. - up to 8 hours per week; 5-8 grades – up to 10 hours per week; 9th grade – up to 11 hours per week; 10-11 grades – up to 12 hours a week.

If the period of study for a sick student at home does not exceed two months or the date of completion of study at home is not clear from the medical certificate, then teachers are paid hourly; in other cases, payment to teachers is included in the tariff.

In the event of a teacher’s illness (no later than a week), the school administration, taking into account staffing capabilities, is obliged to replace classes with a sick student with another teacher.

In the event of a student’s illness, the teacher, whose work is paid according to the tariff, is obliged to work the unspent hours. The terms of work are agreed upon with the parents.

The administration of the educational institution submits an order to the accounting department if classes with a sick student are terminated ahead of schedule.

The main regulatory documents regulating the individual education of sick children are:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”
  • Model regulations on an educational institution (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2001 No. 196)
  • Letter of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFR No. 17-253-6 dated November 14, 1988 “On individual education of sick children at home”
  • Joint Letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated July 8, 1980 No. 281-M and the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated July 28, 1980 No. 17-13-186 “List of diseases for which children need individual lessons at home and are exempt from attending mass schools"
  • Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996.

No. 861 “On approval of the Procedure for raising and educating disabled children at home and in non-state educational institutions”

  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 2008. No. 379 n “On approval of forms individual program rehabilitation of a disabled person, individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child, issued by federal government agencies medical and social examination, the procedure for their development and implementation"

The regulatory framework for individual learning at home determines the general provisions for organizing the learning process, the rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process.

The basis for organizing individual training at home is medical certificate (conclusion) from a medical institution And written application from parents addressed to the director of the educational institution. Based on them, it was published on September 1, 2014 order from the school director on individual education at home.

Load distribution carried out in accordance with the specialty of teachers and their qualifications. When appointing teachers who will teach children, preference is given to teachers working in a given class. The school administration also involves teaching staff who do not work in this institution to work with children with disabilities.

Defined volume of teaching load student in accordance with letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 17-253-6 dated November 14, 1988.

Compiled in accordance with regulatory documents educational plans And work programs. The choice of curriculum is carried out jointly with parents (legal representatives) on the basis of psychological, medical and pedagogical recommendations.

Compiled Timetable of classes taking into account the individual characteristics, psychophysical capabilities of sick children and their interests, guided by the school curriculum, taking into account the duration of the lesson no more than 40 minutes, the minimum duration of the break is 10 minutes.

The director's order was issued " About organizing tests at the end of the quarter students undergoing individual education in the 2014–2015 academic year"

During illness, treatment of a child outside the home, classes are postponed to another time at the request of the student’s parents (legal representatives) and the order of the school director, while taking into account the inadmissibility of overloading the student.

In case of teacher illness The school administration, taking into account staffing capabilities, replaces classes with a student who is receiving individual instruction at home with another teacher, or lessons are moved to another time in agreement with parents (legal representatives). The transfer of classes is agreed upon with parents (legal representatives).

In the event that classes with a sick student are terminated prematurely, The school administration submits an order to the accounting department to remove the teaching load.

Each student is given Personalized Learning Journal. The individual training log is a document and its maintenance is mandatory. Deputy Director for educational work systematically monitors the correctness and timeliness of filling out individual training logs. The individual learning log is designed for the academic year.

The Deputy Director for Academic Affairs gives instructions to class teachers on the distribution of journal pages allocated for current progress records in accordance with the number of hours allocated in the curriculum for each subject. The class teacher pastes into the journal an extract from the order for individual education of the student and a lesson schedule compiled taking into account the wishes of the parents and the health status of the students. Teachers systematically fill out the following fields:

The topics of the lessons taught correspond to the calendar and thematic plans. At the end of each quarter (half-year), the teacher gives a final grade and transfers it to the class register, indicating the number of hours according to the plan and the number of hours actually spent. This data is recorded by teachers in the summary statement on the progress of a student undergoing individual training at home and in the report on the results of individual training for each quarter. The journal of individual home education is stored in the archives of the institution for 5 years.

In written subjects, students lead notebooks, which are regularly checked by teachers. Students lead diaries, where the class schedule, homework and grades are recorded.

In the cool magazine on the left unfolded page of the sheet in the mark line opposite the name of the student mastering general education programs in the form of home education, an entry is made: “Individual training, order dated _______ No. _______.” Quarterly, semi-annual, and annual grades are transferred from the journal of individual learning at home to the class journal of the corresponding class. In the same way, information about transfer from class to class and graduation from an educational institution is entered into the class register of the corresponding class. Certification and transfer of students according to individual plans at home are carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

The rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process implemented in the form of individual education at home are defined in Regulations on individual training And a tripartite agreement on the upbringing and education of a child, undergoing individual training at home due to health reasons according to medical documents.

The general management of the educational process in the form of individual education at home is carried out by the school administration. The Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, who supervises the individual training of students, monitors the implementation of educational programs, the quality of classes, the certification of students, and the preparation of documentation; compliance with the lesson schedule at school and timely conduct of classes at home.

The Russian Federation sets federal state educational standards and supports various forms of education and self-education (Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Homeschooling is a form of education that a child receives at home, and the learning process itself is carried out according to an individual curriculum. Recommended for children who, for medical reasons, cannot study directly in an educational institution. The task of individual education at home is for students to master educational programs within the framework of the state educational standard. The regulatory framework for individual learning at home determines the general provisions for organizing the learning process, the rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process.

The organization of individual education at home is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (according to paragraph 2 of Article 51, for children in need of long-term treatment, education classes can be conducted by educational institutions at home). Subjects of the Russian Federation may adopt regulations on this issue. So, in Moscow this is the Moscow government decree of September 25, 2007 No. 827-PP “On the organization of activities of state educational institutions of the city of Moscow, implementing general education programs in various forms of education” and the appendix to it - Regulations on the forms of education in state educational institutions in Moscow that implement general education programs.

The organization of the educational process may have its own characteristics depending on the psychophysical development and capabilities of students. These features may be, firstly, different time frames for mastering educational programs (possibly increasing them compared to a general education school); secondly, the variability of the organization of classes with students (classes can be held in an institution, at home, or combined, that is, some classes are conducted in an institution, some at home); thirdly, the flexibility of curriculum modeling.

The choice of curriculum is carried out jointly with parents (legal representatives) on the basis of psychological, medical and pedagogical recommendations.

Organization of individual training at home

Individual home education can be organized in all types of general education institutions, and the organization of home education itself is carried out by the educational institution in which the student is studying.

However, a student who lives in a microdistrict of another school and has a medical certificate for studying at home (for the period of illness), at the request of the parents, can be transferred to the school at the place of residence, regardless of the class size.

In any case, the basis for organizing individual education at home is a written application from parents addressed to the director of the educational institution, as well as a medical certificate (conclusion) from the medical institution. On their basis, an order from the school director is issued on individual education at home.

When appointing teachers who will teach children, preference is given to teachers working in a given class. If, for objective reasons, it is impossible to organize education at home using its own teaching staff, then the administration has the right to attract teaching staff who do not work in this institution.

Certification and transfer of students according to individual plans at home is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Financial support for individual education of children at home

Individual education for children at home is provided free of charge in the amount of:

If the period of study at home does not exceed two months or the date of completion of study is not clear from the medical certificate, then teachers are paid hourly; in other cases, payment is included in the tariff.

In the event of a teacher’s illness, the school administration, taking into account staffing capabilities, is obliged to replace classes with a student who is receiving individual instruction at home with another teacher.

In case of illness of a student, the teacher, whose work is paid according to the tariff, is obliged to work out the missed hours. The terms of service are agreed upon with the parents (legal representatives).

During the teacher's incapacity for work, the dates of lessons are postponed to another time in agreement with the parents (legal representatives). In this case, the deputy director for educational work or another person responsible for this area (curator, class teacher or coordinator) prepares an order indicating that due to the illness of a teacher working with a student at home, lessons are postponed to another time . The transfer of classes must be agreed upon with parents (legal representatives) and their written consent (in free form) must be obtained.

In the event that classes with a sick student are terminated prematurely, the school administration submits an order to the accounting department to remove the teaching load.

Rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process implemented in the form of individual training at home

Participants in the educational process, implemented in the form of individual education at home, are students, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff (teachers, administration).

Rights and responsibilities of students in the form of individual learning at home

at home has the right:

receive complete general education in accordance with state standards;

make proposals for improving the educational process;

respect for human dignity, free expression of one’s own views and beliefs, freedom of information, as well as moral and material encouragement for academic success.

Student in the form of individual training at home must:

comply with the requirements of the educational institution as specified in the local regulations of the school;

study conscientiously, strive for conscious and creative mastery of educational programs;

respect the honor and dignity of employees of an educational institution;

follow the class schedule;

stay at home during the hours allotted for classes according to an individual schedule;

keep a diary, notebooks (if there are no corresponding medical restrictions).

Rights and responsibilities of parents (legal representatives)

they have a right:

protect the legal rights of the child;

make proposals for the organization of the educational process and the content of educational programs, arguing their necessity, but taking into account the physiological capabilities, intellectual abilities and creative interests of the child;

contact the administration of the educational institution to resolve conflict situations.

Parents (legal representatives) of children are obliged:

comply with the requirements of the educational institution as specified in the local regulations of the school;

support and stimulate the child’s interest in the educational process;

create optimal working conditions for the child and teacher to conduct classes at home;

control diary keeping and homework completion.

Rights and responsibilities of teaching staff

A teaching employee of an educational institution has the rights provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

A teacher who carries out teaching activities in the form of individual teaching at home, must:

know the specifics of the disease, features of the daily routine and organization of home activities;

implement government programs taking into account the physiological capabilities, intellectual abilities and interests of children;

develop skills of independent work with textbooks, reference and fiction literature;

control the academic load, as well as the student’s keeping a diary (schedule, assessment, recording of homework) and sign it, prevent the child from getting tired, draw up individual lesson plans;

promptly fill out a log of lessons conducted and provide it to parents (legal representatives) for signature after each lesson.

Classroom teacher must:

coordinate the class schedule with parents (legal representatives) and teachers - control the keeping of a diary;

maintain contact with the student and his parents (legal representatives), collect information about the individual characteristics of students, health status and impressions of the learning process;

promptly inform the school administration about all violations in the educational process.

School administration obliged:

prepare normative documents on the organization of the educational process;

control the implementation of educational programs, methods of individual training, certification of students, documentation at least once every quarter;

control the timeliness of classes at home, maintaining a logbook;

provide the home education process with qualified personnel;

promptly inform parents (legal representatives) about all changes in the educational process.

The procedure for managing the educational process

The general management of the educational process in the form of individual education at home is carried out by the school administration.

The competence of the administration of an educational institution includes the following management actions:

making a decision on the organization of the educational process;

development and approval of a local school act - Regulations on the organization of the educational process in the form of individual education at home;

control over the organization and implementation of the educational process;

control over the distribution and use of funds.

Sample contents of the folder “Individual training at home”

Regulations on the forms of education in educational institutions of the city, region (for example, for Moscow this is an annex to the Moscow government decree of September 25, 2007 No. 827 - PP);

Regulations on the organization of individual training at home;

orders (copies) “On individual education of sick children at home” for each student;

certificates (copies) from a medical institution regarding the recommendation of training;

schedule of individual lessons (for each student), written agreed with parents;

a list of teachers working in the form of individual training;

educational and methodological sets of individual training at home (programs, textbooks, teaching aids, thematic and lesson plans, texts of tests and tests);

plan for intra-school control of individual learning;

certificates on intra-school control of individual education at home;

statements from parents (legal representatives);

Design of a class magazine and a magazine of individual lessons

For each student a journal of individual lessons, where the dates of classes are entered in accordance with the schedule agreed upon with the parents (legal representatives) of the student and approved by the head of the educational institution, the content of the material covered, and the number of hours. Marks of the current certification are posted in the journal of individual lessons. After the teacher conducts a lesson, the parent (legal representative) puts his signature in the journal (can be in the “Homework” column). Based on these records, remuneration of teaching staff is made.

In the cool magazine on the left unfolded page of the sheet in the mark line opposite the name of the student mastering general education programs in the form of home education, an entry is made: “education at home, order dated _______ No. _______.” Quarterly, trimester, semi-annual, annual, and final grades are transferred from the journal of individual education at home, signed by parents (legal representatives), to the class journal of the corresponding class. In the same way, information about transfer from class to class and graduation from an educational institution is entered into the class register of the corresponding class. A copy of the order is included in the journal of the class in which there are homeschoolers.

In case of partial damage (total loss) journal of individual home education, a report is drawn up to examine the degree of loss of this document (complete loss of the document) and a decision is made on this fact. If the data from a damaged journal is irreplaceable, the commission draws up a corresponding write-off act and decides to transfer the remaining data to a new journal. Lost data is restored using the documents available to the teacher: a diary, a student’s notebook.

The journal of individual home education is stored in the archives of the institution for 5 years.

Sample Homeschooling Curriculum


Russian language


Mathematics (algebra/geometry)

The world around us / life safety



Foreign language

Total hours:


2. Life safety courses and the surrounding world are integrated.

3. Teaching courses in biology, physics, and chemistry should be environmentally friendly.

4. The regional studies direction should be reflected in the teaching of reading, history, literature, and geography.

Internal documentation of the educational institution

I. The first of these local acts is the decision of the school’s pedagogical council. The agenda of the August Pedagogical Council addresses the issue of students' right to receive education in various forms: external studies, family education, home education, education based on individual curricula, and correspondence education.

The following decision is recorded in the minutes of the pedagogical council:

1. Provide school students, at the request of parents and medical indications, in the 200_/200_ academic year with forms of education: external education, family education, home education, education based on individual curricula, correspondence education.

2. Based on medical indications and requests from parents (legal representatives), organize individual home education for school students. Responsibility for the organization and implementation of the educational process based on individual training at home should be assigned to the Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management.

3. Methodological associations agree on thematic and lesson planning.

4. The Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management should take control of the process of individual training at home and its effectiveness.

II. Next, the school administration draws up, and the school director approves, the Regulations on the organization of individual education at home. Then the school director, based on the relevant documents, issues an order for the school “On individual education of sick children at home”.