Where to find cool weapons in Fallout 4. The best weapons. Video: how to find an extraterrestrial alien pistol

Unique/rare weapons are the strongest, most useful, and overall best weapons in Fallout 4. They give the player special bonuses, such as an increased chance to push back the target, or poison/irradiate them. You can get it by killing unique (legendary) enemies (and searching their corpses), or completing quests. This guide will show you the best and rare weapons in Fallout 4, where to find them, and what they do.

Deathclaw Gauntlet

Type- glove
Bonus- No
Location- To get the weapon, you must start the quest “Devil's Due”.
Go to the Salem Witch Museum in the northeast. Enter through the basement and then go upstairs and go to the bathroom next to the main entrance. Take the intact Deathclaw egg, and you will need to kill or escape from the Wild Deathclaw (in the original - Albino Deathclaw). Then head to the nest marked by the quest marker in the north of the map, between Lynnwoods and Teth's Scout Bunker. The weapon is stuck in the ground next to him.

You can take the weapon and then deliver the egg to Diamondcity without placing it in the nest.
Until the egg or quest is taken, the weapon will not appear on the nest.
The choice to “return the egg” will be negatively perceived by the paladin Dance (not tested on other companions)

Location of the Salem Witch Museum

Nest and weapon nearby

Nest on the map

Nailgun (Railway Rifle)

Type- a launcher that fires railway spikes.
Bonus- uses railroad spikes as ammunition. Nails the enemy to the wall.
Location- It can be found in a secret bomb shelter in the Long John's Landfill, occupied by super mutants, southeast of Diamondcity. To open the shelter, you need to turn on the power generator in the building next to the store with the Red Rocket logo. Then go to the overturned carriage near the house and climb inside. The Nailgun is waiting for you in the shelter. Hints on finding the shelter and opening it are available in John's terminal, on the second floor of the house.

Note: Excellent against opponents in power armor, removing an entire element in one or two shots.


Eddie's Peace

Type- revolver
Bonus- +50% to limb damage
Location- You can get it during Nick Valentine’s personal quest “It’s About Time.” It is used by Eddie Winter, whom you will have to fight at the end of the mission, in his hideout at Andrew Station. Just remember to examine the body.

Pickman's Blade

Type- knife
Bonus- 25 additional damage to targets from bleeding.
Location- It's in Pickman's safe. Go to Pickman's Gallery, south of BunkerHill.
Go up to the third floor, then go down to the basement, through the hole in the wall. After passing the long catacombs, you will see raiders attacking Pickman. For getting rid of the raiders, he will give you a key that opens the safe behind one of the paintings. This knife is in the safe.

Old Faithful

Type- laser pistol
Bonus- double damage to enemies with full health
Location- You can buy it at the Diamond City Market from Arturo. This is the only pistol with a yellow border on the outer ring.

Righteous Authority

Type- laser rifle
Bonus- Doubles damage from critical hits. Increasing filling speed
critical attack indicator by 15%
Location- You receive it as a reward for the quest “A Call to Arms.” This is the first quest you complete for the Brotherhood of Steel. Speak to Paladin Dance at the Cambridge Police Station to begin it.

Junk Jet

Life is in vain if you haven't killed anyone with a teddy bear!

Type- trash launcher.
Bonus- uses trash as ammunition. Shots can cause a lot of damage.
Location- The Junktron can be found in the Arcjet Systems basement, in parts that become available during the “Call to Arms” quest. It lies on the table in the engine control room (it is in front of the room where the generator is located, from where you can take the nuclear battery for power armor), next to a destroyed concrete wall.


Type- Shotgun
Bonus- Chance of stun on hit.
Location- can be purchased from Penny Fitzgerald in the Alliance. You must pass psychological test at the gate to enter, but apparently there won't be a single wrong answer.

Big Boy

Type- Nuclear grenade launcher
Bonus- fires two mini-nuclear charges at a time.
Location- You can buy "Big Boy" at the Diamond City Market, from Arturo.

Kellog's Pistol

Type- Revolver
Bonus- Critical hits restore AP
Location- Can only be obtained during the main quest “Reunion”, in Fort Hagen. After killing Kellogg, search him to get a gun.

Fort Hagen

Press and Pray (Spray N'Ray)

Type- submachine gun
Bonus- explosive bullets cause area damage
Location- can be bought from the traveling merchant Cricket, who most often appears near Vault 81, in Bunker Hill, where, like all traveling merchants, she keeps a counter, and in front of the Diamondcity gates.

Type- rifle
Bonus- double shot
Price - 3138
Location - This rifle can be purchased in Vault 81 from Alexis Combs. To open the Vault you will need to bring 3 nuclear blocks, so take them with you. When you open the Vault, go right to the lift. Go down and turn right from the lift and you will find a merchant in the warehouse.

Special survival kit (Survivor's Special)

Type- laser rifle
Bonus- when the player's health decreases, it deals more damage
Location- it is used by the paladin Brandis, who can only be met in the Theta Reconnaissance Bunker, in the final stage of the quest “The Lost Patrol”, when you receive the access codes there. You can get it either by killing Brandis, or by persuading him to return to the Brotherhood. Or simply stolen.


Wastelander's Friend

Type- pistol
Bonus- +50% damage to limbs
Location - you can buy this pistol from Trader Deb in BunkerHill. She sits in the common hall, behind the monument.

Le Fusil Terribles

Type- shotgun
Bonus- +25% to damage and damage to limbs, increased recoil.
Location- This shotgun can be found on Libertalia, a capsized ship in the east. To get on board, use the lift, then go up the stairs and go into the captain's cabin. The weapon will be right in front of you, opposite the entrance, on a yellow box.

Libertalia (1 - lift; 2 - wheelhouse)

Good Intentions

Type- laser rifle
Bonus- critical hits provoke the target
Location- in the Quincy Ruins, far in the southeast of the map. This is the densest range of Shooters, and you will be greeted by three leaders at once. Of these, we are interested in the one that sits at the very top. Climb to the top of the destroyed highway and find a shack in which sits a raider leader named Clint, clad in power armor. Kill him and the rifle is yours.

Experiment 18A

Type- plasma rifle
Bonus- +25% to rate of fire, +15% to reload speed
Location- You can buy it from the merchant at the Institute, on the first floor. Very expensive, but very effective against synths.

Volley (Broadsider)

Type- a gun
Bonus- No
Location- Obtained as a result of the quest to help the USS Constitution team “The Last Voyage of the Constitution.” Uses real cannonballs as ammunition. There are not many of them (in fact, three dozen in the Castle, FortStrong and Castle Tunnels, and are extremely rare among merchants), but they do a lot of damage.


Type - pistol
Bonus - increased chance of hitting VATS, +25% reduction in AP consumption
Location - Can be obtained during the quest “Agent Work”, the first in the chain of story quests “Underground”. At the very end of the quest, Deacon will call you and point to Tommy Whispers' body on the floor, and tell you that his gun should belong to you.

Short Syringen Rifle

Type- rifle
Bonus- No
Location- Vault 81, northwest of Diamondcity. First you must complete several quests for the residents of the Vault. After the quest “The Nook”, Dr. Forsyth will give you this weapon.
Note: this weapon, which exists in a single copy, is not considered unique by the game itself. Unlike the rest rare species weapons can be disassembled on a workbench.


Type- minigun
Bonus- +15 fire damage
Location- Start the side quest “Excavations” in Good Neighborhood. At the end, if you decide to side with Fahrenheit and convince her to leave or kill Bobby, she will give you this minigun as a reward.

Tinker Tom Special

Type- Rifle
Price - 1649
Bonus- If you haven't entered combat yet, increases accuracy in VATS, but increases
cost in OD
Location- To the Underground headquarters, near the Old North Church, northeast of Diamond City. Can be purchased from technician Tom, provided good relations with the Underground.

General Chaos's Revenge

Type- sword
Bonus- +50% damage to robots
Price- 2100 excluding “Charisma”
Location- South of Concord you can find the Drumlin Diner. If you
helped Trudy and her son, and killed the bandits, she will give you access to her goods. She is the first to see plasma weapons on sale.

Winner (The Gainer)

Type- Revolver
Bonus- +15 fire damage
Location- The winner is located at an unmarked pumping station, a little east of Finch's Farm, on the opposite bank of the river. Go into the building and go down to the remote control with buttons. You must dial the combination 10, 4, 5, 1 by pressing each button several times. The door will open and you will see a dead body and a revolver next to it.

Virgil's Rifle

Type- laser rifle
Bonus- +50% damage to super mutants
Location- you can get this rifle during or after completing the Shining Sea quest if Virgil dies. Go to the Rocky Cave, southwest of the Atom Crater - it is located outside the border of the outlined map area. This is a dangerous place, with high levels of radiation and the mandatory Death Claw before entering. Virgil lives in this cave, and you can kill him, or, in case you did not find the serum at his request (or did not look, or found it, but decided to lie), he himself will ask you to kill him before it is too late . The rifle will be on his body regardless of Virgil's form - human or mutant. You can also just steal it.


Type- rifle
Bonus- freezes opponents
Location- The cryolator is locked in a display case in Vault 111 with a lock of the highest level of complexity, so you cannot pass by in any case, nor can you take it. But, using the bug with Dogmeat, you can get it without hacking - just take Dogmeat with you, stand so that Dogmeat is between you and the display case, and order the dog to bring you an item (talk→bring→item). The dog will take it from the shelf as if the Cryolator was lying on the floor.

Reba II

Type- Rifle
Bonus- +50% damage to bogworts and insects
Location- go to Salem, on the peninsula in the northeast. Kill the swampmen in front of the house on the street and talk to Barney Rook on the roof. He will ask you to repair several turrets around the settlement, and when you do this, he will give you the key to the room (you can steal it from Barney's pocket) where this rifle is located. Attention: in the event of his death, or threats from you, the rifle will disappear from the table.

Prototype UP77 “Limitless Potential”

Type- plasma pistol.
Bonus- the weapon does not require ammunition or reloading.
Location- This universal plasma pistol can be found in the abandoned trading settlement of University Point, on the coast southeast of Diamond City. Security guards and passersby in Diamond City itself will tell you about this location. Go to the credit union building, located to the right of the front entrance, then go through the right door, closed from the terminal nearby. Then go down to the basement and go to the bank vault. Hack the safe, locked with a high-level lock (there are two of them here, we are interested in the one located opposite the entrance), and press the red button. A secret room will open inside of which the treasured weapon will be waiting for you on the table.

University Point on the Commonwealth map

The location of the safe we ​​need

Lorenzo's Artifact Gun

Type- gun.
Bonus- When fired, it throws the enemy back.
Location- You can get it if, during the quest “The Secret of the Cabot House”, you decide to kill Lorenzo in the Parsons Psychiatric Hospital. The weapon deals physical and radiation damage, and also sends opponents flying. Unfortunately, it is often impossible to use this pistol, due to the fact that it uses very rare and expensive ammunition intended for a range of weapons.
Note: In fact, both the Lorenzo pistol and the Zeta pistol are just an improved version of the standard range of pistols.

Parsons Psychiatric Hospital on a map of the Commonwealth

Zeta Gun

Type- gun.
Bonus- absent.
Location- the zeta pistol is an alternative to Lorenzo’s Pistol, if during the task “The Secret of the Cabot House” you decided not to kill him, but to free him. After killing Jack Cabot, search his corpse. The Zeta Pistol is no different from the Lorenzo Pistol.
Note: Most companions have a negative attitude towards killing the Cabots.

Singer (Partystarter)

Type- grenade launcher.
Bonus- +50% damage to people.
Location- The grenade launcher can be purchased for only 5,000 hard-earned caps in the KLE0 store in the Good Neighbor location.

Store KLE0.

Big Jim

Type- adjustable wrench.
Bonus- +20% to the chance of damaging the enemy’s legs.
Location- Head to Walden Pond, which is southwest of the Liberty Museum and south of Concord. Climb into the drain pipe, and simply go forward along the tunnel until you reach the room where the raiders Walter and Whiplash are located. After the death of both raiders, you can safely take Big Jim from the table on which there is a red toolbox.

Walden Pond on a map of the Commonwealth


Type- sword.
Bonus- +13 additional flame damage.
Location- When you want to take this weapon, your character must be at least level 20. The sword can be found at the Sogas Ironworks plant, inside the Sogas Blast Furnace, northeast of Diamond City. To pick up the sword, you will have to defeat the bandit leader, nicknamed Slag. The raider is wearing power armor. The settlement quest “Finch’s Farm” is associated with shishkebab. After you defeat Slag, talk to Jake Finch and accept the quest “Out of the Frying Fire and Into the Fire.” Jack will lead you to Abraham Finch, who will give you additional experience and, after admiring the Shish kebab, will hand it to you.

Sogas Ironworks plant on the map of the Commonwealth

Raider leader Slag

Grognak's Ax

Type- axe.
Bonus- increased chance during combat to knock the enemy off balance and cause additional damage from bleeding.
Location- The weapon can be found in the Hubris Comics building, northeast of Diamond City. You will also be taken to the building on assignment, but only if you have already picked up the Silver Cloak radio. Once you are inside, you will notice an ax lying in a display case, standing close to the left wall. After opening the display case, feel free to take the weapon for yourself.

Furious Power Fist Weapon

Type- glove
Bonus- successive attacks on the same target increase damage.
Location- Brass knuckles can rightfully be considered one of the most difficult weapons on this list to obtain. Stock up on explosives, power armor, and the best weapons you have, then head to Swan Pond on Boston Common. The area is contaminated with radiation, and the water is doubly dangerous, so be on your guard. You will remove the brass knuckles from the body of the dead Swan when you win the fight.

Alien Blaster Pistol

Type- gun.
Bonus- absent.
Location-Once you reach level 14, a flying saucer will fly over you and crash west of Boston. Find the shipwreck near Oberland Station, then go down the hill to a small cave nearby. Inside you will not be a kind alien. Unfortunately, you will have to finish with him, but find a good pistol from him.

Kremvh's Tooth

Type- sword.
Bonus- poisoning effect.
Location- You can find this sword in the Dunwich Drillers quarry, which is located in the northeastern part of the map, between the Sweatshop and the Salem Witch Museum. Finding it is quite difficult, since it is hidden under radioactive water. Finding ourselves at the very bottom of the quarry, we pass through a crack made in the north-eastern wall, then we descend lower and lower into the face. We go along a corridor with almost no branches to the vertical workings. Having gone down the stairs, we turn again into the side passage and go all the way to the dead end. The door is located on the left. Along the way you will meet many ghouls and raiders. Then we go to the well. We dive into it. At its very bottom you can find a passage leading to the side. We swim through it into the ritual room, where the treasured Tooth will be waiting for you on the altar.

Shem Drowne Sword

Type- sword
Bonus- additional damage to the target from radiation
Location- Having taken several cases from Valentine from the table, we start the quest “The Gilded Grasshopper”. At the end of this quest we find ourselves in a small cemetery, behind the Gallery
Pickman. Having excavated the grave of Shem Drawn we get a sword.

2076 World Series baseball bat

Type- bat
Bonus- chance to throw the enemy into the air
Location- Jamaicaplain. In the City Hall vault. The key can be found on a corpse in the church. This weapon also leads to a side quest from Pipboy’s “Miscellaneous” section: to find the treasure of Jamaicaplain, which we get by picking up a holographic recording from one of the corpses of the scavengers at the entrance to the city. First, we search the church, which can be accessed from a neighboring building, and then we head to the city hall itself. The bat is in the right display case in the treasure room. Raiders would be very surprised if they saw this collection.


Rockville Slugger

Type- bat
Bonus- 40% to AP consumption
Location- bought in Diamondcity, at the market from Mo Cronini

Death From Above

Type- grenade launcher
Bonus- +75% to movement speed while aiming
Location- can be purchased from Tigan on Prydwen after receiving the rank of Paladin in the Brotherhood of Steel.

Silver submachine gun. (Silver submachine gun)

Type- submachine gun
Bonus- No
Location- it is given to the player by Kent Connolly during the quest “Silver Cloak”, in Good Neighborhood.

The Last Minute

Type- gauss rifle
Bonus- +50% damage to limbs
Location- can be purchased from Ronnie Shaw in the Castle after completing the quest “Old Guns”.

Wazer Wifle Var. descriptions 1

Type- laser rifle
Bonus- endless ammunition
Location- after completing the main story quest (most likely for the Institute), you can talk to “Sean”. One after another, he will give you three unmarked quests (asking you to bring something from the trash). A day after the last “gift” he will give you this rifle.

AX90 Fury

Type- gun
Bonus- +50% damage to super mutants
Location- can be purchased from Tegan after completing the main quest “Reunion”

Sentinel's Plasmacaster

Type- plasma rifle
Bonus - ???
Location- bought from Tigan on Prydwen after receiving the title of Guardian in the Brotherhood of Steel (end of the storyline).

In that guide we'll sort it out weapon modificationFallout 4 , how to repair weapons and even how to remove it back into the holster.

War War never changes! The game greets us with these words, and also greets us with futuristic, cyberpunk weapons, without which it is no longer possible to imagine the Fallout series. The vector of development, from the third part, was directed towards an action game (shooter) and in the fourth it reached its maximum. The role-playing system is simplified, armor plays a completely different role, but the screaming... weapons never change!

Fallout 4 weapon modification

One of the main features of the game was the ability to improve your guns. This happened in the third part, but here everything is much simpler, but at the same time much more global. Now you don’t need to look for certain things for certain modifications and carry around heaps of junk like a junk shopkeeper. Now if you find an aluminum can, then it is aluminum, you find an aluminum pipe and it is also just aluminum. There is no need to search all over the world for a children's car with wheels to make a slingshot. Just collect all the trash, go to the workbench and start working.

In this part of the game, the concept of weapon repair, because in Fallout 4 weapons now last forever.

At the workbench you can perform the following actions:

    Modify any weapon (if you have the necessary spare parts).

    Dismantle unnecessary weapons for spare parts (if you still don't know how to disassemble a weaponFallout 4, then here is the answer)

    Rename the weapon if you don't like the name.

Improvement occurs in several stages. First, we select a base, for example a bat, then we select the material from which it will consist, for example aluminum, and then we hang a body kit, such as chains, nails, and so on.

The firearm is a little more interesting, because there are many more improvements, from changing the handle to installing an optical sight and a modified barrel. Modifications affect many parameters, such as damage, accuracy, rate of fire, and so on.

There are also many additional bonuses, such as plus 15 points of damage to ghouls if you go into the full moon naked but in socks and if your right leg is 75% damaged. This is a little annoying, because when you equip this weapon, you feel as if you are taking out a loan for quick money. It would be possible to simply add 15 damage.

Many people can't understand where to buy weapons inFallout 4, but in fact, after an hour of playing you will find a lot of people who will be happy to push you goods and sometimes they will come across valuable copies. You can learn about unique weapons and where to purchase them from this.

Finally, before reviewing the types of weapons, let’s look at how to hide a weapon inFallout 4, after all, some NPCs will not even talk to us if we poke guns at them. Everything is very simple! Press and hold the R key, and to get a weapon, select it in the Pip-Boy (by the way, read about how to make a Pip-Boy with your own hands, and you will find out where to buy the original Pip-Boy from Bethesda), if it is selected, just press left mouse button.

Fallout 4 melee weapons

Impact weapon

Brass knuckles

Fallout 4 radiation weapon (radioactive)


Submachine guns

Fallout 4 energy weapon

Heavy weapons

Fallout 4 plasma weapon


Fallout 4 Automatic weapons


Fallout 4 has a wide selection of weapons. This page shows the places where you can find the best, unique and special weapons.

Unique weapon Nailgun

This weapon can be found almost at the very beginning of the game. It is quite effective and causes devastating damage, and can rip off an enemy's head or limbs.

Pistol Winner

This revolver has the property of incendiary cartridges, additional fire damage - 15 units. One of the best pistols in the game, especially if you have the Duelist perk. You can find him near Finch Farm.

Legendary Ax of Grognak

This ax is quite powerful for inflicting pain in close combat; it has the Wounding property, causing additional damage to enemies from blood loss.

Kremva's Tooth Knife

This weapon can be found in the Dunwich Drillers location. The blade has a poisonous effect. Don't forget to remove your Power Armor before diving for the blade. Otherwise, you will lose the exoskeleton armor.

2076 World Series Baseball Cue

Unique melee weapon. The bat's legendary ability is its chance to throw an opponent into the air during battle. You can find this weapon in a settlement called Jamaica Plain. Start your search from the building next to the church.

Shotgun Justice

It can be considered the most powerful shotgun in the game, especially with modifications. The nice thing is that you can find it in the middle of the game. You can buy this irreplaceable weapon for 1,400 caps in the Alliance store.

Alien pistol

One of the most canonical weapons in Fallout 4, which belongs to alien representatives. You can get it at the UFO crash site.

Launcher Big Boy

This modification of the Fat Man will cost 8,000 caps. You can buy it from a merchant named Arthur in the Diamond City settlement. The main difference from the Fat Man is double damage! Launcher fires two projectiles at once.

Cryo-gun Cryolator

One of the most unusual weapons in the game it is located exactly where you begin your journey in Fallout 4, namely in Vault 111. But you won’t be able to get it right away, since hacking the box will require an expert level.

Launcher Fat Man

Fallout 4 also couldn't do without Fat Man, who won't even leave a wet spot from his enemies. There are several places in the game where you can find it, but the easiest way is the Robot Junkyard in the northeast side of the city with the house.

Sword of General Chaos' Revenge

Probably the best sword in Fallout 4. You can get this weapon from an NPC who is located in the Drumlin restaurant. The establishment is located southeast of the Freedom Museum. When you arrive at the place, you will see an armed clash. Your task will be to make sure that the woman survives, since only she can buy a sword from her.

Launcher Chlamotron

The weapon will use junk directly from the inventory instead of ammo. You can find this miracle of technology while completing Brother Dance’s tasks, namely on the table in the ArcJetSystems control room.

Laser rifle Righteous Power

You can get this rifle after completing a quest for the Brotherhood of Steel, which you will receive from Dance. Although the rifle will become weak by the end of the game, it will still take its well-deserved place in the repository of rarities.

There are a lot of different weapons in Fallout 4, but which ones? best weapons in Fallout 4? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since this degree depends on the situation, for example, an alien blaster is one of the best weapons in medium combat, but at long and close distances it loses its advantages. Below is a list of the best weapons in Fallout 4.

Alien blaster

Perfect for medium-range combat. This weapon arrived from space on an alien ship and belongs to the category of energy weapons. Clots of energy are capable of destroying an enemy in a couple of shots. However, it is very difficult to aim when shooting, which makes it unsuitable for long-range combat. The main disadvantage of the blaster is the lack of ammunition for it in the wasteland. All the cartridges that you took from the alien will need to be saved since there will simply be nowhere to get new ones. These are arguably the best weapons in Fallout 4.


You can find it at the very beginning of the game in Vault 111, but it is impossible to get it from under the lock, since you do not have a high hacking level. You have 2 options:

  • You can get it later
  • Take advantage of a bug in the game and ask the dog to bring it to you.

The cryolator shoots cryogenic clots that freeze the enemy and cause significant damage to his health. Excellent for combat at medium and close distances.

Power brass knuckles

Best weapon melee in Fallout 4. To get it you need to kill the Swan in Boston Common Park. This weapon is very useful in close combat, but in other cases it is useless. The main advantage is that it does not require any ammunition, and you can kill a weak enemy with one blow.

The game has a wide variety of weapons. It’s extremely interesting – you can create anything. But legendary weapons remain especially interesting in Fallout 4. Let's figure out what it is and what it is like, where to find legendary guns and whether it is possible to make them yourself.

What you need to know about legendary weapons in Fallout 4

How can you tell if a gun is truly legendary? It's important to know what these features are called in Fallout 4. The word that denotes the property will always come first. For example, if a breech-action pistol is designated "Incendiary", then it will be called "Incendiary breech-action pistol". In addition, there must be an asterisk next to the name.

Similar guns in Fallout 4 can be modified and improved. The peculiarity will not disappear from this. There is no way to remove it. Add a new one too.

Remember that “legendary” and “unique” are not identical concepts in Fallout 4. You can easily find a similar gun with the same property (for example, two incendiary shotguns).

Fallout 4 Legendary Weapon IDs

Unfortunately, the ID of the legendary item itself can be anything - after all, the property does not depend on the type of gun. You can easily come across an incendiary minigun or a deadly drone. Therefore, you will have to register non-unique legendary weapons in the console yourself.

In the case of unique “legendaries” everything is different. They have their own ID and have different names and characteristics. At the same time, the appearance coincides with the more common models (with the exception of Grognak's Axe).

Some extremely useful models in Fallout 4 unique weapons with legendary features and ID to add via console:

Unfortunately, not all of Fallout 4's unique guns can be added to your inventory via the console. They will appear, but they will not have a legendary property - only the name will remain from it. Therefore, some models like the Press and Pray SMG or the Big Boy rocket launcher are not included in the list.

You can use a cheat code to register large quantities of legendary guns without using an ID. But, unfortunately, it is not possible to specify specific types and features. To do this you need:

  1. Choose a place for the future spawning of things.
  2. Open the console with the [~] button.
  3. Enter code placeatme 1F8545.
  4. Wait until the chest appears and begins to fill with legendary items.
  5. Choose the best samples from everything that has appeared.

Items will appear randomly - a smoothbore, a minigun or a Fat Man may drop out. And the trunks and armor will spawn endlessly. Feature: the more dangerous the location, the better the set of things in the box.

What's the first weapon to collect in Fallout 4?

Pair useful tips for those who want to get the perfect legendaries and assemble the most successful set.

  • You can’t use “Irradiated” against ghouls! The damage from it will heal ghouls, for whom radiation is like a stimulant for the player. The Anti-Radiation feature works better against them.
  • For snipers, the best weapons would be “Liquidator” or “High-Precision” weapons. When using VATS, it is worth taking “VATS-compatible”.
  • But fans of rapid-fire and heavy weapons (like miniguns and Gatling lasers) will enjoy the “Fast”, “Explosive” or “Infinite” features.
  • "Cripple" is ideal for fighting large creatures (Death Claws, Beasts, etc.), which are important to immobilize with a shot in the leg before killing.
  • Weapons and armor with the “Cavalier” or “Defensive” features will allow you to completely protect yourself from physical or energy damage in certain conditions.

Where to find legendary weapons in Fallout 4

Unfortunately, it is impossible to do it yourself using legal methods. Legendary properties in Fallout 4 are legendary in order to be inaccessible to regular crafting. Therefore, you will have to suffer in search. There are three ways to get such guns in the game:

  1. Knock out legendary enemies.
  2. Receive as a reward for certain quests.
  3. Register the legendary barrel in the console, that is, use cheats.

Not all legendary opponents have such weapons with them. They can carry a complete trifle - for example, simple raider armor with a legendary property. The more powerful the enemy and the higher the player’s level, the higher the chance of getting something useful from him. And a higher difficulty level increases the chance of a legendary opponent appearing in the location. Lifehack: set the difficulty level to “Very high” and save before entering the location, and then lower it to the required level.

A unique variant of a legendary weapon is given as a quest reward. For example, when completing the Reunion mission in Fallout 4, you can pick up a Kellogg Pistol with the Tireless trait, or in the Call to Arms mission, you can receive a Righteous Overlord Laser Carbine with the Happy trait as a gift. In addition, unique guns with legendary parameters can be found in caches and sold to traders.