Determining the type of personality in sports. Determining the type of personality in sports Psychological test will you be a professional athlete

The impetus for activity in any activity can be equally the desire to achieve success and the fear of failure. These are the contours of two important types of motivation - motivation for success and motivation for fear of failure.

The motivation for success is undoubtedly positive character. With such motivation, a person’s actions are aimed at achieving constructive, positive results. Personal activity here depends on the need to achieve success.

But the motivation of fear of failure is less productive. With this type of motivation, a person seeks, first of all, to avoid censure, punishment. The expectation of unpleasant consequences is what determines his activity. Having done nothing yet, a person is already afraid of a possible failure and thinks how to avoid it, and not how to succeed.

Instruction. Answering the questions below, you must choose one of the answers: "yes" or "no". If you find it difficult to answer, then remember that “yes” can mean both “of course yes” and “more likely than not”. In the same way, “no” can mean both an explicit “no” and “rather no than yes.”

Self confidence.

Self-confidence prevails in athletes high class, which is logical, because their name is familiar not only to coaches and acquaintances, but also to the press and strangers. They have gained status in society, have prestige among other athletes.

As a general rule, athletes are more confident than non-athletes, but there are athletes who come into the sport to overcome their feelings of insecurity. In addition, there is a group of athletes who seek to hide their insecurities through sociability and the desire to train.

The coach must know which of his athletes is more self-confident and who is less. Since each requires its own approach in the training and competitive process. An insecure person needs more emotional involvement of the coach, more praise from the coach and teammates or opponents. Confidence also increases significantly if a trainer praises an insecure athlete in the press. Also, the coach should give an adequate response to the performance of an uncertain athlete called to the competition unexpectedly: you should not scold him for an unsuccessful performance, you should understand his mistakes with him during the competition.

Self-doubt takes its roots from childhood upbringing, so communication with a psychologist and psychological tests help to identify the level of self-confidence of an athlete.

Pain tolerance.

Research shows that there are several types of athletes that differ in their pain tolerance characteristics. Most athletes are more pain tolerant than non-athletes.

Athletes during sports activities are able to develop tolerance to pain by reducing the intensity of the input stimulus (i.e. the body does not receive a signal about pain) and willfully block visual, kinesthetic and pain impulses (i.e. the athlete does not seem to see, does not feel and does not feel pain).

There are two main types of athletes: pain-hidden and injury-prone. The last type of athlete is recognized as the most difficult in clinical psychology studies. They may exaggerate the seriousness of their health or feign to justify defeat. The first type is more common, such athletes tend to hide injuries, even serious ones.

The coach should be attentive to his athletes and know his athletes in order to warn serious injury athlete or anxiety about their health and feigning injury. As a rule, excessive concealment and excessive exaggeration of ailments indicate psychological problems athlete. Thus, the coach should work in conjunction with a psychologist with such athletes.


Athlete's anxiety is an important personality characteristic. It is important for athletes to have a low level of anxiety in the process of sports activities.

The study of anxiety in sports psychology occupies a significant part. Today I will briefly tell you.

By tests

MMPI and projective "house-tree-man" can set the level of anxiety. Studies show that, in general, athletes have lower levels of anxiety. Do not assume that the complete absence of anxiety is an excellent result. This is also not good, as is a high level of anxiety. Thus, we can talk about the optimal level of anxiety, when an adequate sense of fear is maintained in life-threatening situations for one's own self.

Theoretically, a high level of anxiety should interfere with an athlete in stressful situations of sports activity. However, in practice it is different. It happens that high-class athletes experience a high level of anxiety before and during important competitions.

The coach needs, if the athlete has a low level of anxiety, to bring his actions to automaticity during the training process. In addition, you can arrange several meetings with a psychologist, where work will be carried out to teach psychoregulation during the start.

In addition, there are athletes who consciously or unconsciously choose dangerous species sports to survive the feeling of danger. Thus, they can increase self-confidence due to the low level of anxiety.

Strength of character.

The firmness of character is recognized by many researchers, coaches and athletes as an ideal personal characteristic for sports. High firmness of character includes emotional stability in stressful situations, adequacy in assessing oneself and others, independence in thoughts and actions.

It is noticed that a high-class athlete has a high strength of character, in addition to excellent physical data. Sometimes athletes with low strength of character, the so-called softness of character, can achieve a successful result in competitions, but for this they need a lot of energy, both physical and emotional.

This characteristic of the athlete's personality is determined by the 16-factor Cattell test. Having knowledge of this characteristic, it is easier for a coach to build an athlete's relationship with him and the team, as well as to build training and competitive activities.

In addition, an athlete can come with a soft character, wanting to increase his hardness.


In sports, aggressiveness is an important component of success. According to research, a high level of aggressiveness distinguishes an athlete from a non-athlete. The athlete must be able to show aggressiveness within the rules of sports activities. Thus, managing your aggression is a significant task. The level of aggressiveness is variable throughout sports activities, even so, it changes before the sport, during the sport and after the sport.

Using the data of psychological diagnostics, the coach can understand the level of the athlete's aggressiveness and be ready for manifestations of aggressiveness on the part of the athlete at different moments of sports activity. It should be noted that the visual understanding of the level of aggressiveness does not always coincide with the test data. Such a discrepancy is connected, first of all, with the individual history of the athlete's life. It should not be forgotten that psychological diagnostics gives a superficial understanding of the athlete's aggressiveness, so the coach should communicate with the athlete in order to get a more accurate picture of how aggressiveness was encouraged in the athlete's family, because. the athlete's reaction to the encouragement of aggression by the coach will depend on this. In connection with the data obtained, the trainer can adjust the level of aggressiveness by involving a psychologist in communication. If it turns out that aggressiveness was not encouraged by parents or the athlete himself, for some reason, does not show the required aggressiveness during the competition, but feels guilty, which hinders his development in sports activities. In this case, the coach should discuss with the athlete what motives do not allow them to perform at the proper level. It will be a coach's mistake if he shows aggression towards his ward.

The coach teaches the athlete the ability to control their level of aggressiveness during sports activities through constructive encouragement/punishment of aggressive behavior. The coach can thank for the aggressiveness shown during the competition, because it helped the athlete to reach a new level, for example, the athlete won his first fight with a knockout, because. during the fight he showed excessive aggressiveness, but within the rules. But the coach can express dissatisfaction with the aggression shown if the athlete acted outside the rules. In both cases, the coach conducts an explanatory conversation with the athlete.

Often, aggression by an athlete is directed to an object that has nothing to do with aggressiveness. In this case, you should find out to whom or what exactly the athlete’s aggressive energy is directed to and express aggression at the address. Such actions will help to avoid an acute conflict with the addressee in the future, thereby helping the athlete to improve, and not freeze in one place.

At the end of a career, the coach will need to prepare the athlete for another life, in accordance with this, the coach will need to be told where to direct excessive aggression if the athlete required a high level of aggressiveness during sports. In some cases, it is useful to involve a psychologist.

A strict relationship between sports and the athlete was not found. Some athletes with notoriously low aggressiveness may enter sports that require excessive levels of aggression because they want to be more aggressive. It can also be vice versa, athletes with a high level of aggression can go to those sports where a low level is required.

High-class athletes are distinguished by the competent ability to use their aggressiveness, i.e. in some situations they can show a low level of aggression, and in some situations they can show a high level. At the same time, the athlete retains a good relationship with the coach, with opponents and teammates, despite outbursts of excessive aggression or emerging conflict situations.

Thus, a high-class professional athlete is characterized by the ability to control his aggressiveness, which is the task of a coach.



Extraversion - ease of communication, confidence in unfamiliar situations, relatively high self-esteem, desire for interpersonal communication. Introversion - difficulty in communication, the desire for solitude and self-communication, avoidance of communication in unfamiliar situations.

Studies show that there are more extroverts among high-class athletes than among other athletes. But it is impossible to say unequivocally that an athlete who has achieved high results is always an extrovert. Introverts are found in sports such as tennis, motorsport, cycling and skydiving. In addition, marathon runners and stayers, swimmers, and climbers are prone to introversion.

In addition, studies show that athletes are more extroverted than non-athletes, and there are more extroverts among male athletes than female athletes.

But not everything is so clear. Among high-class athletes, there is a change from extraversion to introversion. Perhaps the desire for introversion is expressed by an increase in stress load, and in order to reduce the tension of the situation, athletes prefer isolation.

It is important for a coach to understand what prevails in an athlete now. With extroverts, the coach should be more sociable - give all kinds of support with increased anxiety of the athlete. The coach may involve family and friends to assist the athlete. With introverts, it is better for the coach to use indirect censure rather than direct praise, and also not to involve relatives and friends in the help. The athlete will most likely need privacy and minimal communication with the coach and with anyone else.

In addition, the coach should be patient if the coach and the athlete turned out to be with varying degrees of extraversion. It is important for athletes and coaches to find mutual understanding.

Achievement motivation.

To understand the level of achievement motivation of an athlete, an understanding is required: the formation of an athlete's value system, methods of education, personal attitude to sports activities and physical activity, in particular. The desire for success is formed in the personal characteristics of the athlete, it does not depend on external factors. In addition, for each athlete, the definition of "success" is strictly individual. For some, it may be the need to show oneself, to win and avoid defeat, to achieve prestige in relation to oneself. For another, it may be a need for self-improvement, to improve one's personal record. In addition, success can include needs: in communication, power or subordination, in following norms, rules and requirements, self-knowledge and knowledge of others. Success motivation can be divided into two areas: personal and social. To the personal area can be attributed all the skills acquired individually - in the struggle with oneself, to the social - due to rivalry with others. All these data are obtained through systematic meetings with a psychologist.

An athlete with a high level of success motivation always strives for a positive outcome. Such an athlete chooses average and elevated levels the complexity of the task in sports activities. It is important for him to receive a reward from the coach on account of his choice of task and successful completion. In addition, after the failure of their chosen task, they strive to achieve success with all their might - at this moment, support from outside is very important. Such athletes take credit for the successful completion of the task, they assign its performance to themselves thanks to their qualities.

An athlete with a low level of success motivation, initially underestimating his capabilities, aims for defeat. He chooses either easy tasks or super-difficult ones. Then, when he fails, he refers to the high level of difficulty, and when he succeeds, he refers to the easy one. Such an athlete should be supported by the coach in the success of even an easy task, the coach should indicate to the athlete independence, personal qualities athlete who helped him achieve success.

In any case, the coach at the initial stage is obliged to talk about the advantages of victory, to give the athlete the opportunity to reveal his talents, i.e. do not demand immediate victory. In addition, physical and emotional stress must be adequate for each stage of an athlete's development.

Another important point is maintaining the level of success motivation throughout the entire sports activity. The coach should understand the reasons why the level may decrease or increase in order to correctly adjust the workflow.

It is important for a coach to balance the personal and social needs of an athlete or a team. The coach should recruit athletes with different levels of desire to achieve success in order for the team to play. In the case of an individual sport, the coach will be able to focus on one of the areas of motivation for the success of the athlete, but one should never work exclusively on one area - this can lead to conflict between the athlete and the coach, or the press, or other athletes and coaches, or with another staff.


Is there an athletic personality type? Yes, because there is a certain predisposition of each person to a particular sport. To determine your personality type, you can resort to the well-known psychological test Myers-Briggs. By answering the test questions, you will be able to understand your own personality - how to fully reveal and realize it. A better understanding of yourself is the key.

The Myers-Briggs typology provides for four psychological categories. When answering the test questions, choose from two questions - the one that, in your opinion, is the most suitable for you.

1. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Do you usually:
A) think about your actions before you commit them
B) act impulsively

To you:
A) work better alone
B) work better with other people

You prefer:
A) to be introduced to others
B) get to know yourself

People around you consider you:
A) shy and modest
B) overly friendly and noisy

At the party you:
A) prefer to sit on the sidelines
b) You can easily and freely talk to strangers.

If your answers are dominated by answers (A), you are an introvert (I). If your answers are dominated by answers (B), you are an extrovert (E).

2. Are you a realist or a dreamer?

A) prefer strict order
B) love unexpected changes

A) attention to detail
B) have difficulty remembering them

You prefer:
A) implement other people's ideas
B) make them yourself

You prefer:
A) facts
B) dreams

You prefer:
A) certainty
B) flexibility

You prefer:
A) know what will happen
B) imagine the future.

If your answers are dominated by answers (A), you are a realist (P). If your answers are dominated by answers (B), you are a dreamer (M).

3. Are you a thinker or a “sensualist”?

Do you believe that:
A) emotions control logic
B) logic controls emotions

A) take criticism personally
B) agree with the opinion of an authoritative person

A) love a happy ending
B) prefer the bitter truth

People around you consider you:
A) outgoing and friendly
B) cold and distant

You make decisions based on:
A) other people's feelings
B) logic and common sense.

If your answers are dominated by answers (A), you are a sensualist (H). If your answers are dominated by answers (B), you are a thinker (M).

4. Are you a flyer or a "fixer"?

A) are often late for appointments
B) always punctual

Do you appreciate:
A) inner harmony
B) achieving goals

A) go with the flow
B) follow a set routine

A) delay making decisions
b) Make decisions quickly.

If your answers are dominated by answers (A), you are an opportunist (P).
If your answers are dominated by answers (B), you are a solver (R).

Now collect all four capital letters resulting from your answers and write them down. For example: IRMP is an introvert, a realist, a thinker, an opportunist. Then find yourself among the following psychological types personalities and read your psychological characteristics in relation to sports.

Nickname - entertainer
The main characteristics are sociability, charm, spontaneity, accommodating, superficiality, lightness. He perceives sports as a spectacular performance with spectators and applause. The moment of victory is important to him. People around him like his warmth and optimism, and he is saturated with everyone's attention. Therefore, playing sports alone and without spectators is not interesting to him. Such a person needs to gain more stability and concentration. If this sport game in a team, then such a person infects everyone with his energy and ideas. He does not like hard workouts according to the schedule, he is more impressed with sports when he wants it.

Nickname - watchman
The main characteristics are perseverance, kindness, talkativeness, conscientiousness, cooperation, self-centeredness, insecurity, the desire to manage. Such people like to engage in a sport in which they can find harmony. They do not like conflicts, so they prefer non-aggressive sports. They have a strong sense of responsibility, which is why they make good coaches. The interests of others are higher than their own for them. But they tend to scatter, so they can change sports, starting to do one or the other, never giving their best anywhere.

Nickname - Competitor
The main characteristics are heroism, drama, sociability, fun, friendliness, recklessness, self-centeredness, impatience, stubbornness. Such individuals in sports like to overcome difficult obstacles. They train well and consistently, focusing on the specific results they want to achieve. They move quickly, so they love sports associated with speed, with movement. Always ready to take a risk. They are characterized by swiftness. They like the very spirit of the competition, they treat their rivals with interest and passion. They prefer individual sports more than team sports.

Nickname - Overseer
The main characteristics are the desire for order, diligence, logic, practicality, nervousness, indifference, prudence, imperiousness, stubbornness. Sport for them is order, they value organization and discipline in sports. They like to be in the spotlight, so when they lose, they are disappointed. Sometimes, in their sports, they lack patience. They need to learn to take into account the needs, the feelings of their teammates.

Nickname - explorer
The main characteristics are persuasiveness, energy, enthusiasm, even mood, ingenuity, rich imagination, flexibility, dispersion, insensitivity. This type of personality is looking for something new in sports. These may be newly emerging sports, or extreme sports. These are the people who travel from country to country, chasing giant waves for windsurfing. For them, sport is a performance in which they are in a hurry to take part. But, as a result, they often miss important details that can help them win. Do not like strict regime workouts. They quickly and easily adapt to new conditions in sports, to a new team.

Nickname - Mentor
The main characteristics are decisiveness, generosity, sociability, sensitivity, authority, illusions, a tendency to manipulate. Such individuals make excellent team captains, true leaders of the sport, because they believe in others, they know how to lead the team and inspire it to win. They are genuinely interested in the thoughts and desires of other athletes. Their disadvantage is that they are too aggressive, and begin to put pressure on others. Hence their conflicts in the team. Also, such athletes are capable of fanaticism, and for the sake of a major victory they can sacrifice the interests of other people.

Nickname - Inventor
The main characteristics are frankness, enterprise, inspiration, courage, speed, ingenuity, versatility, attentiveness, narcissism, absent-mindedness. They are interested in creative sports, and those that require the tension of the intellect. The rigid order of training depresses them, they are interested in independence and flexibility. They are happy to play sports when they can show ingenuity in these activities. But sometimes their impulsiveness prevents them from completing the classes they have begun. They need to learn to focus more.

Nickname - strategist
The main characteristics are decisiveness, readiness to protect, vigor, dynamism, confidence, frankness, inflexibility. These are individuals who can become leaders of any team, even a very weak one, and lead it to victory. But they need to be obeyed and will be in the team to manage volitional methods. But, in any situation, they will take responsibility for themselves. In relationships with other athletes, they lack flexibility. They also tend to be somewhat intolerant of mistakes.

Nickname - free spirit
The main characteristics are friendliness, sensitivity, kindness, flexibility, openness, self-criticism, isolation. Such people see sport as an expression inner peace. They do not like to rush, and they like to get aesthetic pleasure from playing sports. They are calm and not nervous about trifles. During sports competitions- these are exactly those athletes who are ready to sacrifice their own victory for the sake of helping other athletes.

Nickname - Defender
The main characteristics are conscientiousness, dedication, reliability, receptivity, stability, kindness, dependence, insecurity. Such people think about the feelings of other people, are faithful to their partners, so they are good at playing sports in pairs. They are ready to give up their own interests because of a partner. Their disadvantage is the lack of self-confidence, so they are drawn to stronger partners.

Nickname - Analyst
The main characteristics are coldness, confidence, realism, fearlessness, observation, slowness, rigidity, impassivity. They prefer the quietest sports in which they are more observers than active participants. They are interested in solving complex problems in sports and making achievements, but only alone. Everything is analyzed. They live with their heads, not their hearts, and in sports they lack the expression of feelings.

Nickname - planner
The main characteristics are reliability, practicality, logic, observation, responsibility, organization, diligence. They can start playing any sport, even the most dangerous, but first they work out a plan of action in detail. Take advantage of every opportunity to win. They never retreat and do not give up practicing a certain sport without leading to victory. Their disadvantage is the inability to relax.

Nickname - Harmonizer
The main characteristics are romanticism, seriousness, thoughtfulness, idealism, self-restraint, sacrifice. For such people, sport is a wonderful occupation in life. It is best that the sport be beautiful, filled with meaning and non-aggressive. They have such high ideals that they are often disappointed. At the same time, playing in a team can do them good, because they will feel the support they need.

Nickname - individualist
The main characteristics are imagination, determination, sensitivity, originality, inner strength, concentration, anxiety about others, stubbornness. These are complex natures and they are looking for difficult, sometimes unusual sports. Most often they are not team players. They are respected for their principles and belief in doing good. Just such individuals discover something new in sports, put on new numbers.

Nickname - spy
The main characteristics are independence, pedantry, intelligence, calmness, detachment, fussiness, temperament. They have an active imagination and are good analysts. In sports, they also show these qualities, and, faced with some kind of barrier, they are looking for a way to overcome it. They see new opportunities, and where others give up, they continue to train and move forward.

Nickname - director
The main characteristics are independence, diligence, criticality, analyticity, restraint, stubbornness, isolation. These are the most hardworking athletes who believe that with hard work they can achieve victory. They try to translate their ideas into sports in all available ways. They are self-confident and pragmatic, they make decisions quickly. They value knowledge and competence, it is difficult to experience failures in sports. They need to learn to enjoy the fruits of their own achievements.

Natalya Govorova

Reading time: 4 minutes


The term "sports training" implies the competent use of all knowledge, conditions and methods for a directed impact on the development of an athlete. Tests are called non-specific exercises with a numerical result obtained in the course of measurements. They are needed to understand your current state of health and determine your readiness for physical activity. So, we determine the level of sports training.

Endurance test (squats)

Put your feet wider than your shoulders and, straightening your back, take a breath and sit down. We go up on the exhale. Without stopping and resting, we do as many squats as we can. Next, we write the result and compare it with the table:

  • Less than 17 times is the lowest level.
  • 28-35 times - the average level.
  • More than 41 times - a high level.

Shoulder Endurance/Strength Test

Men do push-ups from their socks, beautiful ladies from their knees. Important point- the press must be kept in tension, do not fall into the shoulder blades and lower back, keep the body in an even position (the hips with the body should be in line). When push-ups, we lower ourselves so that the head is 5 cm from the floor. We count the results:

  • Less than 5 push-ups - weak level.
  • 14-23 push-ups - the average level.
  • More than 23 push-ups - high level.

Rufier index

We determine the reaction of the cardiovascular system. We measure our pulse in 15 seconds (1P). Next, we squat 30 times for 45 seconds (average pace). Having finished the exercises, we immediately begin to measure the pulse - first in 15 seconds (2P) and, after 45 seconds, again - in 15 seconds (3P).

The Rufier index itself is determined by the following formula:

IR \u003d (4 * (1P + 2P + 3P) -200) -200 / 10.

We consider the result:

  • Index less than 0 is excellent.
  • 0-3 - above average.
  • 3-6 - satisfactory.
  • 6-10 - below average.
  • Above 10 is unsatisfactory.

In short, an excellent result is one in which the sum of heart beats is less than 50 for all three 15-second intervals.

The response of the autonomic nervous system to physical activity - an orthostatic test

The test is carried out as follows:

In the morning (before charging) or after 15 minutes (before eating), spent in a calm state and horizontal position, we measure the pulse in a horizontal position. The pulse is counted for 1 minute. Then we get up and rest in an upright position. Again, we count the pulse for 1 minute in an upright position. The difference in the values ​​obtained indicates the reaction of the heart to physical activity under the condition of a change in body position, thanks to which one can judge the fitness of the body and the “working” state of regulatory mechanisms.


  • A difference of 0-10 strokes is a good result.
  • A difference of 13-18 strokes is an indicator of a healthy untrained person. The rating is satisfactory.
  • A difference of 18-25 strokes is unsatisfactory. Lack of physical fitness.
  • Above 25 strokes is a sign of overwork or some kind of disease.

If the average for you, the average difference in strokes is 8-10, then the body is able to quickly recover. With an increased difference, for example, up to 20 strokes, it is worth considering where you are overloading the body.

We estimate the energy potential of the body - the Robinson index

This value demonstrates the systolic activity of the main organ - the heart. The higher this indicator is at the height of the load, the higher the functional abilities of the heart muscles. According to the Robinson index, it is possible (of course, indirectly) to speak about the consumption of oxygen by the myocardium.

How is the test carried out?
We rest for 5 minutes and determine our pulse for 1 minute in an upright position (X1). Next, you should measure the pressure: the upper systolic value must be remembered (X2).

The Robinson index (the desired value) looks like the following formula:

IR \u003d X1 * X2 / 100.

We evaluate the results:

  • IR is equal to 69 and below - the mark is "excellent". The working reserves of the cardiovascular system are in excellent shape.
  • IR is 70-84 - good. The working reserves of the heart are normal.
  • IR is 85-94 - the average result. It indicates a probable insufficiency of the reserve capacity of the heart.
  • IR is 95-110 - the rating is "bad". The result signals a violation in the work of the heart.
  • IR above 111 is very bad. Disturbed regulation of the heart.

The study of sports motivation

(questionnaire by R.A. Piloyan, 1984, modified by E.G. Babushkin, 2001)

Athlete Questionnaire

Instructions: Dear comrade! Going in for sports, you probably noticed what a large number of factors that affect athletic performance. You can say what is important in your life and what is not important to achieve the planned result. The proposed questions point to a number of factors. Determine to what extent this or that factor is important for you and put one of the following answers in the questionnaire opposite the question number: “yes, very important”, “more important than not important”, “not very important”, “rather not important than important”, “not important”.

So how important is it to you?

1. Through sports, to assert your individuality.

2. Thanks to sports, you can fully reveal your capabilities.

3. Thanks to sports, you can better understand your capabilities.

4. Through sports, increase self-respect for your personality.

5. 5. Thanks to sports victories, experience a feeling of superiority over other people.

6. Thanks to sports, increase self-respect from relatives and friends.

7. Thanks to sports, increase self-respect from friends and comrades.

8. Thanks to sports, increase self-respect on the part of those who work with you and study.

9. Thanks to sports, increase self-respect on the part of those who manage your work and study.

10. Through victories in sports, increase self-respect from teammates.

11. Gain self-respect through winning sports

12. by the sports management.

13. In honor of your victory, they raise the flag, play the anthem.

14. Ability to improve the ratio of meetings with a specific opponent.

15. Raise awareness of your sport.

16. Thanks to sports, win recognition in your neighborhood, on your street.

17. Get extra food.

18. Get in shape.

19. Win the best prize in a competition.

20. Get into competitions abroad.

21. Get into the national team.

22. Win a prize at major competitions.

23. Thanks to success in sports, get a decent job.

24. Thanks to success in sports, get an apartment, a car, etc.

25. The presence of a coach in the gym.

26. The presence of objective refereeing.

27. So that there is no support from the fans of your opponent.

28. The presence of family well-being.

29. Having a good relationship with the coach.

30. Safely arrange your life after playing sports.

31. The presence in the hall of a loved one.

32. Thanks to sports, to have wide connections with business people.

33. Thanks to sports, to communicate with great people.

34. Thanks to sports, get all-round recognition.

35. Through success in sports, achieve your own well-being.

36. Have novelties in the arsenal of their actions.

37. You have a tactical plan for the competition.

38. Increase the reliability of your actions.

39. Increase the effectiveness of competitive actions.

39. Increase the reliability of your techniques in competitions.

40. The ability to compete at a different pace.

41. Ability to perform successfully in various situations.

42. The ability to actively continue the performance in case of failure.

43. Successfully escape dangerous situations.

44. Increase special endurance.

45. Improve your speed.

46. ​​Increase strength qualities.

47. Increase flexibility.

48. Increase agility.

49. Increase emotional stability.

50. The absence of colds in your body.

51. Absence of headache.

52. Absence of pain in the region of the heart.

53. Absence of pain in the liver.

54. You have no injuries.

55. Absence of other diseases.

56. Be aware of the enemy's ability to mobilize at critical moments.

57. Be aware of what tactics your opponent prefers.

58. Know about the ways in which the opponent prepares his "crown" techniques.

40. Know about what actions make it difficult for the opponent to perform.

59. Have information about the physical strength of the enemy.

60. Be aware of the shortcomings in the opponent's technique.

61. Know the purpose of the enemy in meeting with you.

62. Know about the speed capabilities of the enemy.

63. Know what actions the enemy is good at.

64. Know about the opponent's endurance level.

65. Know the enemy's favorite tactics.

66. Know the technique of the enemy.

67. Know how the opponent endures setbacks.

68. Know what techniques the enemy has.

69. Know psychological preparation enemy.

70. Know the results of the last performances of the opponent.

71. Your lack of physical fatigue before the competition.

72. Lack of excessive excitement before the competition.

73. Having a sense of confidence before the competition.

74. Lack of indifference before the competition.

75. Having a sense of sports anger before a competition.

76. Know the results of the draw.

77. Know the results of the opponent's last performance.

78. To have victories over this opponent in the past.

79. Absence of pain before the competition.

State the following about yourself:

1. Sports experience ...............................

2. Sports category ..........................

3. Your best sporting achievements...............

Processing of materials for the study of sports motivation.

The structure of sports motivation includes the following grounds:

Incentive reasons that includes two factors. The first factor - K1 - reflects the fundamental orientation of the athlete to the satisfaction of spiritual needs - self-affirmation, self-expression, fulfillment of public duty. The coefficient K1 was found as follows.

The answer “yes, very important” is worth 5 points; “more important than not important” - 4 points; “not very important” - 3 points; “rather not important than important” - 2 points; "Doesn't matter" - I point. The sum of points when answering questions from I to 15 is divided by 15 and the value of the coefficient K1 is found. The second factor - K2 - reflects the orientation of the athlete to meet material needs. The sum of points when answering questions from 16 to 23 is divided by 8 and the value of the coefficient K2 is found.

Basic bases including three factors. The first factor - KZ - reflects the degree of an athlete's interest in favorable social conditions for sports activities. The KZ coefficient is found by dividing the sum of points when answering questions 24 to 34 by P. The second factor - K4 - reflects the degree of an athlete's interest in accumulating knowledge / special skills. The coefficient K4 is found by dividing the sum of points when answering questions from 35 to 49 by 15. The third factor - K5 - reflects the degree of interest of the athlete in the absence of pain. The K5 coefficient is found by dividing the sum of points when answering questions from 50 to 55 by 6.

Procedural grounds that includes two factors. The first factor - Kb - reflects the degree of an athlete's interest in accumulating knowledge about his opponents. The coefficient K7 is found by dividing the sum of points when answering questions from 56 to 71 by 16. The second factor - K7 - reflects the degree of an athlete's interest in the absence of psychogenic influences that adversely affect the results of competitive activity. The K7 coefficient is found by dividing the total score when answering questions 72 to 80 by 9.