Power armor: power armor models. Power armor: models of power armor Types and parameters of Power armor


This armor was designed and manufactured for the United States Army by leading security systems supplier West-Tech. This company had previously developed prototypes of combat exoskeletons, but the first model that fully justified the investment on the battlefield was the T-45d model. In 2067, the first T-45d power suit was officially deployed during the operation to liberate the city of Anchorage occupied by Chinese troops. The armor showed unexpectedly high effectiveness against Chinese vehicles and infantry. The ability of a soldier equipped with T-45d power armor to carry equipment and weapons in quantities that would otherwise require a platoon of soldiers to transport has repeatedly played a key role in local conflicts in Alaska. Soldiers protected by this armor could easily destroy entire cities occupied by Chinese troops without putting themselves in danger. In 2076, the more advanced T-51b armor was adopted by American forces.

This model of power armor is significantly inferior in mobility to the later T-51b model, in particular due to the outdated servo design, which leads to a limitation in the wearer's movement speed. The first T-45d was powered by energy cells, which discharged at an alarming rate when active actions armor wearer. Externally, the T-45d is very similar to the T-51b, but its armor is based on riveted steel sheets, while the T-51b is based on lightweight plates of softer shapes made of polymer composite materials. Electrical and mechanical armor is located directly underneath the armor plates, making the T-45d more susceptible to damage than the T-51b, whose subsystems are protected by an additional sealed casing. In addition, the old model of power armor requires the owner to wear a special suit for better perception of the wearer’s movements by servo sensors - the suit already fits the body tightly, and coupled with the heat generated from the armor’s batteries creates severe discomfort. A special bracket is welded to the chest plate, probably for storing armor, or for facilitating the transportation of wounded and dead soldiers.


This armor provides excellent protection from damage and increases the wearer's physical strength due to the servo drive. The armor is sealed, so the wearer also receives radiation protection. When worn, the helmet seals the suit completely and also reduces the amount of radiation absorbed by the body. The armor itself is very heavy, and outdated models of servomotors do not allow a person equipped with armor to take advantage of all the advantages of the dexterity that nature has endowed him with - the wearer of the armor receives a penalty to dexterity.


Abandoned BS bunker (only with the Dead Money add-on connected) - there is a helmet on the table.
Secret apartment of the Brotherhood of Steel - on the shelf you can find armor and a helmet.
Hidden Valley - several pieces of armor can be found in the bunker, for example, in the warehouse of the Torres knight there are 4 armor and 3 helmets in excellent condition. They can be stolen easily (by first stealing the warehouse key from Torres) by moving them using the "Z" key behind the container, where Torres' knight will not see them. They may also be on sale from Torres herself.
Can be received as a reward upon completion of the quests “Blind Eye” or “Don’t Meddle in Other People’s Business.”
Hoover Dam - one or two pieces of armor may be available for sale from Quartermaster Bardon.
The power helmet appears on sale at the Smart Home Center in the Old World Blues add-on.
Available from the Great Khans merchant.

T-45d Brotherhood power armor;
Restored NKR power armor.

On the left shoulder you can see the symbol of the Brotherhood, but this armor is not factional, unlike the T-45d Power Armor of the Brotherhood;
The armor that Elder McNamara or Chief Paladin Hardin will give the Courier upon completion of the quests “Blind Eye” or “Don’t Meddle in Other People’s Business” is regular, not factional.

When a character wearing armor sits, the armor's shoulder pads rotate at an odd angle.


Like the T-45d, this armor was designed and manufactured for the United States Army by leading security systems supplier West Tech. In 2076, the T-51b power armor model was adopted by the US Army to replace the T-45d model, which was outdated by that time. Like its predecessor, the T-51b showed excellent results in battles with Chinese infantry and heavy equipment. The ability of a soldier equipped with power armor to carry equipment and weapons in quantities that would otherwise require a squad of soldiers to transport has repeatedly played a key role in local conflicts in Alaska. Soldiers protected by this armor could easily destroy entire cities occupied by Chinese troops without putting themselves in danger.

Of course, this armor survived Great War, and is still used by some groups of the post-war world - such as the Brotherhood of Steel. While the Brotherhood of Steel in the Mojave, and west of Nevada, uses the updated T-51b model, in more remote regions, such as the Capital Wasteland, the Brotherhood and Outcasts there use the outdated T-45d model.

This model of power armor is significantly superior in mobility to the previous T-45d model - updated models of servos and HiFlo hydraulic systems respond to any movement of the wearer and practically do not limit his movements. The T-51b is powered by a TX-28 micronuclear reactor mounted on its back, generating approximately 60 kilowatts of output power. The outer frame of this armor is made of lightweight and durable polylaminate composite, and is capable of absorbing up to 2.5 kilojoules of kinetic energy. The outer armor plates are coated with a 10 micron thick ablative silver coating to reflect laser and plasma radiation without damaging the armor's electrical and mechanical subsystems. The T-51b model is equipped with a recycling system that allows it to collect, filter and purify waste from its carrier, providing it with a certain supply drinking water. The helmet is equipped with a searchlight, target designator, gas mask system and intercom. The helmet's eyepieces are made of bulletproof glass, capable of protecting the owner from any kind of firearms. As a rule, the armor reactor contains enough active substance to ensure the full functioning of all exoskeleton systems for 100 years.


This armor provides its wearer with better protection than its predecessor, is stronger, and has less weight - all this by replacing the steel frame with a polymer one, and silver plating makes the armor less vulnerable to attacks from energy weapons. Even though the T-51b gives its owner a smaller strength boost than the T-45d, it does not restrict his movements. Armor also allows you to more effectively withstand radiation; a helmet that hermetically seals the armor increases radiation resistance even more. In addition, due to the fame of the Brotherhood, or due to the distinctive design of the helmet, a Courier wearing such a helmet receives a bonus to charisma.


Hidden Valley - one copy can be purchased from the Torres knight.
Secret apartment of the Brotherhood of Steel - one set can be taken there.
Deathclaw Cape - The dead prospector is wearing this armor.
Courier Mile - in a metal box next to containers for ammunition and medicine (for character level 40 and above). (Lonesome Road)
Route 15 - in a metal box next to Colonel Royz (the probability of generation depends on the character level).

T-51b Brotherhood power armor.

The fact that the helmet's eyepieces are bulletproof is mentioned by the Courier himself in a conversation with Ricky (Honest Hearts)
T-51b power armor is non-faction armor (members of the BC will not accept you as one of their own).
The Courier's companions can also wear this armor.
This armor has the highest safety margin among all (excluding add-ons and DLC) types of armor in the game.
The helmet of this particular armor adorns the start menu of the Fallout game.

As with the T-45d, the shoulder pads on this armor can be angled strangely when seated.

By properly upgrading your power armor, you can make the passage much easier and stop being afraid of enemies.

In addition to various types of power armor, for example, T-45, T-45b, T-45d, raider power armor T-45DM, T-51, T-51b, as well as rare armor T-60, T-60a, T-60b , T-60c, T-60d and the unique X-01 power armor, there are also various modifications for it, for example, X-01 Mk.II and X-01 Mk.VI differ in their characteristics by more than twice.

Power armor has a frame and six main modules - one for the torso, one for the head and four each for the limbs. The most important part, of course, is the nuclear charge module, which can be improved with modifications in order to waste less energy.

To carry out modifications, you need a separate machine - the “Armor Maintenance Station”, which can be found at the Red Rocket truck stop and in Sanctuary Hills. You need to place your power armor directly into the machine, and then open the interaction menu.

After that, you can look at the available modifications for each of the six pieces of power armor. Can be changed as main model, A, B, C, D, E, F:

The material from which it is made, for example, make it titanium or explosion-proof:

So install a modification, for example, a blood purifier or servos:

U different parts power armor - different modifications:

Mods consume a lot of different materials, so stock up on steel, lead, aluminum, fiber optics, glue, electronic circuits, and other materials.

Once again, we note that different pieces of power armor contain both the same and different modifications, which allows you to make one power armor for assault operations, another for moving around the Wasteland, and a third for exploring hard-to-reach places, for example, by placing jetpacks on it, as well as increasing protection from radiation:

However, to get these improvements, you will have to upgrade a whole range of perks, including perks from the Intelligence, Strength, and others.

You can also install modifications to the frame from different types of power armor, combining different options. You can get them not only by searching in the Wasteland, but also by completing tasks, as well as buying from merchants.

Where to find T-60 power armor in Fallout 4?

This is quite rare armor, which has higher parameters in terms of protection from damage, radiation and electricity. Now we will tell you where you can find it.

IN Fallout 4 has only two factions that use this model - the Brotherhood of Steel and the Atom Cats, and you can either get it for free by completing a bunch of quests and winning the trust of the faction, or steal it if you can , and also buy for several tens of thousands of credits.

We won’t tell you how you can steal it, we’d better explain that getting it for free is quite simple - you need to join the Brotherhood by completing a number of story and side quests, then during initiation into the Knights of the Brotherhood, you will receive this armor as a gift on the airship Brotherhoods. You can also buy it there from Overseer Teagan.

“Atomic Cats” may well replace the Brotherhood; for this you also need to complete a number of quests for them, after which you will be allowed to visit the store, which is run by a character named Rhodey. If you are not interested in being on good terms with this gang, you can always rob them.

Parts for the T-60 power armor can be found in a place called Fiddler's Green Trailer Park. You will first have to hack the room under the characteristic sign in the nearby office building, you can do this either with your hands or through the terminal - this way you will get a key that opens trailer.

You need to find a yellow trailer with an orange line on the side, it is located north of the office. T-60 power armor will be inside, but you must be at least level 25, or better yet 30, otherwise you will receive T-51 armor.

Where to find X-01 power armor in Fallout 4?

This is a unique power armor in Fallout 4, so you will have to run after it - there is only one copy of it in its entirety, and its component parts are scattered throughout the Wasteland. Only characters starting at level 35 can get it, and even level 40 would be better. This decision of the developers is justified by the fact that it has the best security parameters.

So, before you start searching in a certain place, make a save so that if you get the wrong spare part, you can come back later, being at a higher level. Keep in mind that the search is being conducted in places with high radiation, full of traps and enemies, so be well prepared.

The first copy of X-01 can be found in the location Installation K-213, located in the sea (southwest of the game world map). You can get there through a hatch in the Abandoned Shack, located on the western border (two cells higher on the map from the southwestern corner). There are a bunch of synthetics waiting for you there, so you'll have to kill them. The power armor is located on the bottom floor, behind the stairs. She is missing her left arm and right leg, but you can make them yourself.

The second copy of the X-01, an advanced version of the Mk.3, is located in a place called Custom House Tower, which is on the coast, east of Diamond City. You need to find a building called “Court 35”, go there and use the elevator - it will take you to the very top of the tower. There you will be attacked by a number of robots, having destroyed them you need to go into the room from which they came and press the red buttons - then the door leading to the armor will open.

Some pieces of power armor are in the National Guard Training Yard, they are located in the armory, which is located behind the main building. You will need the skill of a master burglar or a master hacker to get there; the terminal, by the way, is located in the barracks nearby. Once you get inside, beware of the traps - if they go off, a giant security robot will be waiting outside to pummel you.

There is a concrete guardhouse halfway down the road between Nordhagen Beach and Fort Strong. You'll easily find the armor inside - there's no security system at all, so you can just walk in and grab it. Another copy of the armor is located in the South Boston Military Checkpoint, which is in the southeast of Diamond City. Walk around the building until you see a cave. Inside it is the X-01 power armor of the first version. You will need expert-level hacking skills to open the terminal.

We remind you once again that this armor will only be available if you are at level 40 or higher.

Any gamer familiar with the Fallout universe knows what power armor is. This one is the most powerful in any part of this post-apocalyptic computer game. Moreover, even if you haven’t played any of the parts, but just saw the cover of the game, you already know what this type of armor looks like. It has the most impressive size and stands out from any other. Particularly noteworthy is the helmet, which has long been associated with this series of games. However, not everyone knows that in fact, power armor is not a single item. Not only is it assembled from several different elements, it also has a large number of varieties both within the same game and between different episodes. So what types of this protective suit exist in this universe?

Where it all began

The most popular and well-known power armor among players is the T-45d, which first appeared in the third part of the game, then migrated to the New Vegas add-on, and eventually ended up in the fourth part, which went on sale quite recently. According to the plot of the game, this type of armor was invented in 2067 and did not immediately take its final form. It was originally equipped with a fairly small battery, which drained incredibly quickly, rendering the armor ineffective. Therefore, the battery was eventually replaced with a nuclear microreactor. The servo drive installed in the armor allows the equipped fighter to carry much more equipment with him than usual, but it also has its downside - the fighter’s movements become noticeably more constrained. It is also worth noting another drawback - many systems are located directly under the top layer of armor, which makes them more vulnerable. As for the helmet, it is equipped with a large number of additional functions, such as a searchlight, a laser target pointer, a gas mask and a device for no point, since now you know all the necessary information about the main and original version.

First improvements

However, this is an option that only appeared in the third part of the game. What happened before him in the Fallout universe? Power armor did not always look as described above - for example, in the first parts of the game its place was taken by the more bulky T-51b model. Considering the chronology of events in the games, this model was developed later than the previous one, namely in 2076 - by that time the kit described above was completely outdated. The T-51b was seriously ahead of its predecessor in terms of mobility, since it was equipped with latest system. In the same way, it made the fighter stronger and allowed him to carry a lot of weapons and ammunition, but at the same time did not hinder his movements. This time the armor was immediately equipped with a microreactor, the service life of which was a hundred years. The materials from which this armor was made provided protection from any type of damage, including laser attacks and radiation. In addition, the new armor systems have an additional casing that protects them from damage - much more reliable than the previous version. The helmet has changed only externally - all its systems remain the same, only an air recirculation system has been added to them. The power armor of parts 4 and 3 of Fallout clearly cannot be compared with this masterpiece.

T-60 - defense progress

The question of where to find power armor always faces gamers who play any part of Fallout. IN different situations the answers to it may be different, but when it comes to the T-60 model, then everything is quite simple. The fact is that in the story you will quickly find this option armor in the fourth part of the series. Its main difference from the previous two sets is increased convenience. There is a special valve on the back, when turned, the back of the suit opens, the fighter can go inside, after which the armor closes and seals. This, of course, is not the only difference between this model. It is also worth noting the special display that is present inside the helmet - it allows you to monitor the state of the suit, all its systems, the environment, the fighter’s body, and so on. In fact, using this armor has become much more convenient, because you can constantly monitor how much ammunition you have left, track damage, and much more.

X-01 - the standard of power

So, you have learned about the most basic types of power armor that are found in the Fallout universe. However, there are many more varieties of them, and some of them deserve special attention. Since the last and most relevant part of the game is the fourth, we will talk about the kits that can be found there. And the first type worth mentioning is the X-01 power armor. This set is the rarest in the entire game, but it is also the most powerful. The fact is that this armor is made of a special alloy that combines high strength and lightness. So the X-01 power armor is what players most often pay attention to when looking for a model for themselves in the world of Fallout Episode 4.

Raider armor

If the X-01 power armor is the best in Fallout 4, then it's also worth considering the worst armor option. It's worth noting right away that this set is not factory-made - most likely, this is the work of raiders who found a damaged armor set and restored it for their own use. A sample of the T-45d armor was found, so many of the characteristics of this kit are the same as the original. However, the most striking difference lies in the limitation of the possibility of improvement - if the original kit has six slots for improvement, then this kit has only two. But it is worth noting that, even being the weakest version of power armor in the game, this model still makes its wearer an extremely dangerous opponent.


If we have already talked about the T-51b model, then we cannot help but recall the armor on the basis of which it was created. This set is a prototype of this armor, but at the same time differs in some respects - it is slightly less functional, suffers from a lack of mobility compared to the model that will replace it in 2076.

Improved Power Armor

This model of power armor is very different from all previous ones, because it was made much later. It began to be used only in 2198, so you can easily imagine how much it differed from all other versions. If we talk about which games you can find this kit in, then everything is quite simple. Given the chronology of events, you can find sets of such armor either in the second part or in the addition to the third, which is called New Vegas. Power armor of this type is no longer designated as either the T-series or the X-series - in fact, the game does not state at all whether a given armor type had a specific series. In order to power these kits with energy, microreactors were used, which remained on old decommissioned armor kits. Even with their extensive use in the past, they still stored enough energy to supply new armor with life for a long time. In many ways, the improved kit was similar to the legendary T-51b, but there were plenty of differences. The materials used have been completely changed, and the hydraulic control system has given way to electrically assisted servomotors. Thus, in Fallout Vegas, power armor is already very different from how it looked (and functioned) before.


Another type of armor from the distant future, which can only be found in the New Vegas episode. It was made using drawings by the well-known scientist Nikola Tesla. It is equipped with special ones that are better known to people as “Tesla coils” - it is with their help that this armor is able to form energy projectiles for weapons much faster and much more silently. At the same time, shooting accuracy and the level of damage inflicted on the enemy are significantly increased.


This type of armor is not canonical, since it is found only in the game Broken Steel, which is not an official part of the series, but only an addition to the third part of the game. However, it is still worth paying attention to it, because this particular armor became quite popular even later, after 2277. Most likely, this model is also based on the T-51b, since specifications they have the same. However, the helmet is greatly modified, and the armor immediately shows that it was created for aggressive force actions. Its main advantage over the original version is the fact that it can be repaired using elements from other sets of the same armor, which could not be done with the T-51b.

NBS armor

If the previous set of armor could still be attributed to the original series of games, since it was found in an add-on that is not as story-driven as New Vegas, then in this case it’s worth saying right away that this set may overlap with the canon and in some ways then contradict him. This armor is used in the game Fallout Tactics, which largely contradicts the main plot of the games. This armor is a modification of the T-51b, more precisely, its commercial counterpart, which was used in the nineties in the Midwest. This is a limited edition, so there is a limited number of sets available throughout the entire game. It is quite controversial, since in some respects it outperforms the original, and in others it is seriously inferior - for example, in energy supply, since it is powered not by a classic mass-produced microreactor, but by a reactor of unknown origin.

In Fallout 4, power armor works on special sources energy: micronuclear batteries, and therefore the player will not be able to use it endlessly. In addition, to explore the world around us, the main character will still have to get out of his power armor. If in Fallout 3 this type of armor was ordinary equipment, then in the fourth part it is a kind of costume. To get into it, you must first turn the small valve on the back of it. After this, the armor will open and the player will be able to climb into it. The suit closes automatically.

Almost all parts of the costume (helmet, torso, sleeves, shoulders, etc.) can be replaced or improved. This way, you can constantly improve your power armor, making it more resistant to various types damage If necessary, the suit can be repaired. There are special spare parts for this, but they weigh quite a lot, so you won’t be able to carry them with you all the time. For this reason, we recommend keeping them in stock in your workshop.

Note: if you leave your power armor unattended, it will likely be used by locals or worse, so always keep an eye on such valuable equipment and do not leave energy batteries in the suit.

Raider Power Armor

The most mediocre power armor in Fallout 4. Raiders often wear it, so you can find it in places where these bloodthirsty criminals live. You can collect parts of this armor directly from the corpses of raiders. Although, if you don’t feel like searching the dead, you can easily find a full set of armor in one of the caves in the Wasteland.

This cave is located in the southern part of the game world (indicated on the map). There is a small lake nearby. Let us note in advance that there is very strong radiation in the cave, so we advise you to prepare well, for example, take antiradin. The armor will be located to the left of the entrance.

You can also get a full set of raider power armor in a place called Dunwich Drillers. In this canyon you will find a boss wearing this armor. We kill the villain and take our trophy from his corpse.

T-45 power armor

Most likely, your very first power armor will be the T-45 model, since it is the easiest to find, but its protective parameters are far from ideal.

Where to find: You need to go east from Vault 111. In a few minutes you will come to the Robotics Disposal Ground. On the territory of this trash can you will find batteries for power armor and the Fat Man weapon. Let us remind you that this gun can fire mini nuclear warheads. Incredibly powerful weapons that must be used extremely carefully, otherwise you can undermine your own character.

Next you should go southeast to the USAF Satellite Station Olivia. There, among the mountains of garbage, you can find working T-45 power armor. This suit can also be found at the bottom of the lake, located southeast of Vault 111, on the way to the Red Rocket.

Note: the lake is extremely radioactive, so you should not linger in it for long.

Power armor pieces (helmet and torso) can also be found near the shipyard called Irish Pride Industries Shipyard. To get to it, you need to go southeast from the above lake. The armor will be located near the crashed rotorcraft.

T-51 power armor

The power armor of the T-51 model boasts very high protective characteristics and good mobility. A real gift for any Wasteland resident, however, it is quite difficult to get.

However, we note that if your character’s level is below ten, then in almost all places where T-51 armor should be located, you will find only T-45. Thus, we can assume that this item has a direct link to the hero’s level. Therefore, you should look for this power armor from level fifteen to be sure.

Where to find: You need to go south from Vault 111 and get to Fort Hagana. To the east of it will be Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates. Get ready to fight a lot of ghouls.

After the battle with the ghouls, you need to hack the terminal, open the safe and take the key from it. This key can be used to open the trailer. This is where the T-51 power armor is located.

Find this armor set main character may also be at the Military Outpost located in South Boston. The suit is behind a grate opened by a terminal protected by a mid-level lock.

If this is not enough for you, then you should go down to the coast near the Old North Church and find a crashed rotorcraft there. Next to him will be a cage with armor. To open it, you will have to hack a terminal with a lock of medium difficulty level.

T-60 power armor

One of the most advanced and powerful power armor models in the game. There are two variations of it: basic and advanced. Differs from other suits by the presence of a visual interface in the helmet, demonstrating information about environment(radiation), character health and armor condition.

Parts of the T-60 armor of the first modification (legs, torso and helmet) can be obtained from the head of the Shooters, who is located in the Mass Pike location. It is located west of Diamond City. We are looking for a fork in the overpass, located slightly west of the Mass Pike tunnel.

Improved T-60b II power armor is given out by the Brotherhood of Steel for completing several quests before the arrival of the airship.

If you don't want to become a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, then you should go to the Atomic Cats Garage and find a girl named Rowdy there selling various items. She just sells various elements of T-60 power armor. However, you can save your caps and simply rob the saleswoman at night.

X-01 Power Armor

The rarest and most powerful power armor in the game. However, repairing and modifying it will require spending a lot of resources and bottle caps. But with its help you will scatter your enemies like kittens. It is intended for high-level characters, so there is no point in looking for it before your character reaches level forty.

Some players are trying to get it at level thirty, but there is no guarantee that the T-60 power armor or worse will not be in the place where the X-01 should be. In fact, you can get this reservation after completing the main storyline (if you decide to take on it at all, and not just walk around the Wasteland and complete secondary quests).

So, this high-tech suit can be found in the Abandoned Shack, located in the southwestern part of the game world. Go inside the building and go down to the basement. You have to fight with a lot of synthetics. However, if you have problems a good relationship with the Institute, then the Synths will not attack. The power armor is at the bottom of the basement right under the stairs.

This costume can be found elsewhere. First you should go to the Customs Tower. Then we go west from it and find a large building with the number 35 on it. You should go into it and take the elevator to the roof of the building. Two large robots will roll out towards you from both sides. Destroy the iron dummies, and then make your way into the rooms where they came from. Find buttons in the rooms and press them. As a result, a third door will open in the center, leading to the room where the X-01 power armor is located. If you come there with a character below level 35, you won’t find the armor you need.

Piezo Nuclear Power Armor

It is a unique Power Armor that cannot be found using conventional methods. First of all, you will need to go to the Cambridge Polymer laboratory. Once inside, we look for a room with a computer terminal.

This terminal contains the formula for creating Piezo Nuclear Power Armor. So, for this we need gold, the isotope of uranium-238, lithium hydride and a little bit of a miracle.

We immediately begin searching for the materials we need. Fortunately, you don’t have to go far for this, since all the elements are right in the laboratory. By the way, here you can also find an excellent suit for protection against radiation. Be sure to take it - it will come in handy in the future.

Having found all the materials, we again approach the computer terminal and install the uranium-238 isotope in the right receiver. As for unidentified elements, they first need to be identified. This can be done using the terminal. We simply put two elements into the containers located to the left of the system and activate identification. After finding the necessary resources, we use them in the following order: first, lithium hydride, and then gold. Now you can start making armor. You can pick up its parts at the pick-up point located to the right of the terminal.

This armor has average protection, but has one interesting bonus - radiation increases the rate of recovery of action points (AP), that is, in places with high radiation you will fight more effectively in this power armor.