Lesson notes on sound ts in the preparatory group. Tasks for preschool children, letter “C.” List of used literature


- introduce the letter “C”;

- continue to work on the proposal;



Literacy lesson notes

(V preparatory group)

Topic: “Sound (S). Letter (C).

Prepared by the teacher:

Fatkulbyanova A.V.

Topic: Sound (ts). Letter (c).


Strengthen the skill of pronunciation of sound (ts);

The ability to hear in a word, isolate and name sounds;

Exercise in determining the place of sound in a word, in sound analysis of words, in identifying a stressed vowel;

Introduce the letter “C”;

Continue working on the proposal;.

To strengthen in children the skill of forming nouns with a diminutive meaning using the suffixes –ets-, its-, -ts-.

Cultivate positive motivation for the activity.

Equipment: letter C in large format, cards with syllables (u, li, tsa, li, tso, ku, ri, tsa, si, ni, tsa, pa, lets), cards for each child with words in which the letter C is missing (zay_y , ov_a, geese_a, _irk, ptene_), subject pictures for each child with the sound T, cut-out alphabets, pens.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time
The one who affectionately names the object so that the sound T appears in the word will sit down.
Soap-soap, oil-oil, window-window, dress-dress, tree-tree, swamp-swamp, mirror-mirror, business-business, body-little body, dish-saucer.

Introduction to the topic.

Today we will remember the sound Ts and work with the letter Ts.
Remember what the sound C is called.
Look at the letter C.

Composing words from syllables.
-When I went to the kindergarten today, Dunno walked towards me. He was very upset. At school he was asked to write a word, but he forgot which one, he only remembers that this word contains the syllable CA. Let's think about what word Dunno could have been asked. (Children make up words).

Let's play the game: "The words fell apart."
-The words scattered into syllables and everything got mixed up. Collect the word and read it. (The defectologist teacher writes the syllables of one word on the board, the child goes out and collects the word, the children read.)

You have cards with words on your tables, but they are missing the letter C. Write the letters and read the resulting word.

Finger game "Chicks".

Five chicks, (Thumb and forefinger - beak, the rest
pressed to the palm)
Five lumps (Clench all fingers into a fist)
They stand next to a barrel in the yard (use your fingers to depict a barrel)
I wanted to get drunk with them (Open my beak fingers)
Water flows from the cracks. (flip your fingers, lowering your hands from top to bottom)
Here are chickens drinking from a puddle (Show how chickens drink)
And everyone’s paws are cold (Fingers are shaking)
Here the claws are drawn up, (Press the crooked fingers to the palm)
We ran to warm ourselves up to the kvochka. (“Run” your fingers across the table)

Making proposals based on individual pictures.

-Guys, look at your picture, come up with a sentence based on this picture and count how many words are in your sentence. (Children pronounce their sentence and name the number of words in it).

- Guys, what time of year is it now? What appears in spring? (Flowers)

- Listen to the sentence: “Flowers are blooming.” How many words are there in this sentence? Now we will lay out this sentence from the letters of the split alphabet. But first, let's repeat the rules of the proposal. (Together with the teacher, the defectologist repeats the rules for writing sentences and lays it out from letters).
Result: Well done, everyone worked well today


Target: Introduce a new letter and sound “Ts, ts”.

Program content:

NGO "Cognitive and speech development"

1. Develop curiosity and cognitive motivation.

2. Improve the skills of sound-syllable analysis of a word.

3. Learn to isolate words with a given sound from the text, practice word formation.

4. Strengthen the ability to analyze a sentence and compose it from letters.

5. Continue working on diction: improve the clear pronunciation of words and phrases;

6. Develop memory, thinking, sustained attention.

7. Develop the ability to analyze the correctness of performing one’s tasks and the tasks of comrades during testing.

NGO "Social and communicative development"

1. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to achieve complete completion of a task, the ability to listen to your comrades without interrupting.

3. To develop an adequate response to comments and corrections from comrades, the ability to kindly evaluate friends’ answers, and to form correct self-esteem.

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

1. Contribute to the development of a sustainable interest in native speech.

2. Encourage children to empathize with the characters works of art(Carlson) in the process of perceiving fiction.

Using modern educational technologies: “Basket of Ideas”

Equipment: interactive board, multimedia projector, laptop.

Demo material:

1. “Basket of ideas” panel;

2. Computer presentation physical exercises "Carlson, funny little man."

3. Envelope with tasks:

sentence diagrams

a) “__ __ |__ __”,

b) “__ __ __ __”,

V) "__ __ __".

5. Cards with the letters “C”, “ts”.

6. Letter box with learned letters.

7. “Basket of ideas” for writing sentences in letters.

8. Self-analysis screen.

9. Cards with children's names for self-analysis.

10. A toy or picture with the image of Carlson.


1. Boxes of letters with learned letters and the letter “Ts, ts”.

2. Chips to indicate sounds: blue square - hard consonant, green square - soft consonant, red square - vowel.

3. Reading sheets with the letter “Ts - ts”.

Children stand in a semicircle near the board on which Carlson is attached

with an envelope in hand.

Educator: “Guys, Carlson has come to us. Let's see what's in his envelope."

The teacher takes the envelope and takes out sheets of assignments from it.

Teacher: “Guys, there are some tasks here. Apparently, Carlson is asking us for help. Well, shall we help Carlson? Let's read the tasks in order."

I task.

Educator: Divide into two groups. Task for the first team: Which diagram would fit the sentence “The heron has chicks”?

Task for the second team: Which scheme would fit the sentence “Flowers are blooming in the garden”?

Draw your ideas for diagrams on pieces of paper, throw your ideas into our “idea basket” for discussion.

Educator: “Do you think the sentence patterns are drawn up correctly?”

Children: “No, that’s not right.”

Educator: “Why do you think?”

Children: “There are mistakes in the diagrams.”

The capital letter at the beginning of a sentence is not indicated.

There is no punctuation (period) at the end of a sentence.

The small word (preposition) in the sentence is not indicated.

Children discuss the solution together and correct the mistake along the way.

Educator: “Now can you say which of these schemes represents our proposal?”

Children offer a corrected diagram: “|__ __ __”.

Educator: “Read the sentence according to the diagram to check.”

Children read the sentence correctly according to the corrected diagram.

The teacher offers to continue completing the tasks from the envelope.

II task.

Part 1 – Game “Name the word” based on the sound with which the word “heron” begins.

Educator: “In this task you need to come up with words for the sound with which the word “heron” begins.

Children come up with words: chicken, chick, chick-chick, chickens, tank, scratch, gypsy, gypsy, gypsy girl, gypsy, gypsies, circus, circus performers, circus, church, church, king, queen, princess, prince.

Part 2 – Introducing the letter “Ts,ts”.

Educator: “What letter can represent the sound “ts”?”

Characteristics of sound: consonant sound, always hard, dull.

Children: “With the letter “tse.”

Educator: “What letter is this and why?”

Children: “The sound “ts” is a consonant, which means the letter is a consonant.”

The teacher shows a card with a picture capital letter"C".

Teacher: “What letter is this?”

Children: “This is a capital or large letter “CE.”

The teacher shows a card with a picture of a small letter “c”.

Teacher: “What letter is this?”

Children: “This is a small letter “tse.”

Educator: “What can you say about these letters?”

Children: “They have similar elements, but differ in size.”

III task.

Making a sentence on the “basket of ideas” “The heron has chicks” in letters.

Educator for individual work invites one child to the board, and the rest of the children, sitting at the tables, write this sentence independently.

Teacher: “Let’s check if you completed the task correctly.”

The child reads the sentence out loud. The rest check the proposals in their own records and in the “idea basket”

Child: “U” is a small word, it is written separately. It is also

the first word in the sentence, and I capitalized it. I wrote the word “Herons” with a small letter, since it is not the beginning of a sentence, not the name of a person, not the name of an animal, or a geographical name. After “ts” I wrote the letter “a”, since after a hard consonant the sound “a” is heard and the letter “a” is written. After “l” I wrote the letter “l” because after a soft consonant the sound “l” is heard and the letter “l” is written. I wrote “Chicks” with a small letter, since this is not the name of a person, not the name of an animal, not a geographical name. After the “t” I wrote the letter “e”, because after a soft consonant the sound “e” is heard, but the letter “e” is written. After “ts” I wrote the letter “y”, since after a hard consonant the sound “y” is heard and the letter “y” is written. I put a period at the end of the sentence.

The teacher, if necessary, turns to the children for help.

Educator: “Now, guys, you did a great job. Carlson and I suggest you take a little rest. We invite you to come and visit us. Repeat the cheerful movements after Carlson."

PHYSMINUTE"Carlson, funny little man"

See the attached presentation.

A funny physical activity helps children relax and get positive emotions; a funny song will lift their spirits and help the teacher get the children into a working mood.

Educator: “Let’s continue to do exciting tasks!”

IV task.

Reading sheets No. 30, 31 with completing tasks.

The teacher distributes 1 sheet of paper to everyone.

a) Each child reads columns of words one column at a time;

b) Reading columns with tasks:

Educator: Find:

In the 1st row of columns:

In the first column is the first word;

The third word in the first column

In the second column is the first word;

In the second column is the second word;

In the 2nd row of columns:

c) Work on the text “Year”.

Read one sentence at a time.

Individual work with fast reading children:

d) Reading and solving riddles.

Educator: Carlson brought answers to the riddles (shows scissors and carrots).

Phonetic exercise. Let's play with sounds.

"Mother sleeps. The girl asks the children not to make noise: “Tskstsktsk! Quiet! Do not make noise!". The sound is pronounced abruptly.

“The grasshopper is chirping”: Tsktsttsttsttst……

Educator: “And in order to pronounce the sound T beautifully and correctly, we will do speech gymnastics.”
Speech gymnastics:
“The circus performer knows how to prance and train animals and birds.”

Didactic exercise."One is many." The teacher asks to change the last syllable in words (Work on word formation).

Chicken - chickens, mill - mills, hospital - ... ., mitten -, button - ... ., onion -, border - ... .


Carlson: “Well done, guys, you completed all the tasks. For this, I’m giving you the game “Following the Sound Track of Words” for your group.

Ryabova Lyubov Yurievna


MADO GCRR d/s No. 4 “Yolochka”

r.p. Golyshmanovo

Target:- introduce children to the deaf consonant sound [C] and the letter C; continue to teach children to determine the location of a sound in three positions; learn to formulate a word diagram.

Developmental environment: cut alphabet in large and small format, plot pictures, syllabic table, toy or flat image of a chicken; subject pictures depicting sheep, caterpillars, tits, starlings, foxes, martens, she-bears, she-wolves, herons, motorcycles, flowers, and a well.

Org. moment:

Today, guys, we will again go for new knowledge to the Kingdom of the ABC. But first, guess the riddle: “He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye, two shells.” Who is this? (Chick).

How do you call chickens? (Chick-chick-chick)

(Draw a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how it gets out of the shell: first stick out its head, then the right wing, then the left.)

The sound analysis is given by the teacher.

You probably already guessed what sound and letter we will be talking about (we will listen and pronounce the sound [Ts]).

The sound [C] is always pronounced firmly. The obstruction is formed by the anterior part of the wall of the tongue. The sound [Ts] is complex, it consists of the sounds T and S, which are pronounced quickly one after the other. If you bring your hand with the back of your hand to your mouth, then when pronouncing the sound [Ts], one blow of the air stream is felt, and not two, as with TES or THOUSAND.

3. Definition by ear of a word with the sound [C] in a quatrain:

Now, listen to the quatrain and name the words with the sound [C]:

The hen admired the chickens:

If it's not a chicken, it's smart!

Well done, daredevil,

A very valuable chick! (chicks, hen, chick, smart girl, well done, daring, valuable chick)

Let’s pronounce the sound [Ts] in syllables: Chick looked around and was surprised: “Ats-ots-uts, its-ots-ats!”

I saw a sheep and got scared: “Tsa-tso-tsu!” (express fear with facial expressions)

The chicken reassured him: “Tsa-tsa-tsa.” (say in a lower voice)

  1. Among the people, guys, there is such a proverb about chickens. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched .

What do you think it means? (said when one judges the results of something prematurely). Let's say it again and remember.

5. Physical minute “Heron”

It's very difficult to stand like this:

Don't put your feet on the floor,

And don't fall, don't sway,

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

Guys, determine the location of the sound [Ts], in three positions:

- at the beginning of a word : heron, flower, target.

- V middle : button, chicken, ring.

- at the end : hare, singer, German.

(Give your examples: cucumber, starling, sage, well done, etc.)

6. Sound characteristics. (consonant, voiceless, hard)

7. Guys, what does the letter C look like?

Here is the letter C:

With claws at the end.

Scratchy claw

Like a cat's paw.

8. Place of the letter in the alphabet: - Guys, name the neighbors of the letter C. (X, CH)

9. Reading the syllable table and words.

Assignment: you need to make words from the syllables laid out on the floor and read them.







10. Result: - What sound did you become familiar with? Give a description.

With what letter? What does she look like?

Screening of the presentation "Letter C"

List of used literature:

1. Bondarenko T.M. 2006 " Complex classes in the preparatory group of the kindergarten."

“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0002166 date of sending the registered parcel September 6, 2013. Receipt No. (mail ID) 62502663120182

2. Pozhilenko E.A. 1999 “The Magic World of Sounds and Words” A manual for speech therapists

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

  • consolidate correct pronunciation sound C (TS);
  • learn to hear and identify sound (at the beginning, middle, end of a word);
  • introduce the concept of “a deaf consonant, always a hard sound”;
  • introduce the letter C;
  • learn to read open and closed syllables with the sound C;
  • consolidate the skill of sound-letter analysis of syllables;
  • consolidate the correct agreement of the pronouns MY, MY, MY, MY with nouns;
  • consolidate correct usage nouns in R.p., units. and many more number;
  • enrich the subject vocabulary with the sound C;
  • develop fine motor skills fingers;
  • develop spatial orientation on a plane;
  • develop memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: - toy - heron, pictures for the sound T, beginning of the word - heron, king, number, cicada, chain, chicken, flowers; the middle of the word is sheep, sheep, ring, rings, cucumbers, porch, chicken, caterpillar, bird, tit, egg, face; the end of the word - cucumber, finger, blacksmith, singer, baby; pictures for the game “The Cubs Got Lost” - lion cubs - lioness, tiger cubs - tigress, cubs - she-bear, etc. (see game); individual speech therapy mirrors; picture "smile-fence"; picture of Grasshopper; magnetic board, marker black, blue, red; card letter C; card-picture “What the letter C looks like” - “This is what the letter C is like: with a claw at the end”; wall ABC; blank letters, for writing with a finger, with a tactile surface (velvet paper); red and blue cardboard mugs; “Find the window” cards to determine the place of a sound in a word; tables for reading syllables; notebooks (halves of an ordinary thin squared notebook); pencils (plain, red, blue); cotton balls and pebbles for each child; ball.

During the classes

Organizing time:

Guessing riddles: - A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys (Sheep); - He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye two shells (Chicken); - Two mothers have five sons, one name for everyone (Fingers); - Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are nails (Scissors); and another riddle at the discretion of the speech therapist - A large sunflower in the sky, It blooms for many years, It blooms in winter and summer, But there are still no seeds (Sun); What sound did we hear in the answers - the sound Ts.

Phonetic gymnastics "Walk in the forest".

Concepts: hard consonant, soft consonant.

We're in the forest. A Grasshopper is jumping in the forest - Ts - Ts - Ts: (picture Grasshopper). Consideration of articulation. Picture "Smile - Fence". Smile, teeth together, tongue behind teeth. There is an obstacle, which means the sound is consonant. The speech therapist explains to children that consonant sounds can be hard and soft. For example, a cat meows - the sound is m - m - m - soft. Children hold a cotton ball in their hands, squeeze and unclench it. They conclude that it is soft. A soft sound is indicated green. Children imitate the Grasshopper - tsk tsk tsk. The speech therapist explains, and the sound T is always a hard consonant, like a pebble. Children squeeze pebbles in their palms and pronounce the sound T - hard pebble, hard sound. The sound C cannot be soft - it is always a hard consonant sound. Next, the speech therapist explains to the children that the sound T is a dull sound. Children cover their ears with their palms - the sound does not ring in their ears - it is a dull sound. Children pronounce the sound T, imitating the Grasshopper, first all together, then one at a time.

Game "Name the picture".

Children name pictures, highlighting the sound Ts. The game uses “Find the Window” cards to determine the place of the sound Ts in a word. Words: heron, chain, sheep, ring, egg, cucumber, finger, singer;

Game "Greedy".

The speech therapist lays out pictures in front of the children. He asks them to name them correctly. Then the participants in the game take turns covering any picture with their palm and saying: “My cucumber.” My chicken. My ring. My scissors, etc. The speech therapist monitors the correctness of the task.

Game "What Isn't There"

The speech therapist lays out pictures in front of the children. He asks them to check whether the sound C is hidden in each word. Then the teacher asks them to photograph the pictures with their eyes and remember in what order they are laid out. And now the children close their eyes - the speech therapist removes one picture, asking: -What’s missing? We repeat three times. We hide two pictures twice. Three pictures at once.

Game "Catch the Sound".

The speech therapist offers children to train their ears. As soon as you hear the Grasshopper - TsTsTsTs: clap your hands, catch the sound C. In the game you can also give words for the sound C, thus preparing children’s ears to differentiate the sounds C - S. Words: heron, number, king, owl (we don’t clap, there is no sound T), tit, chicken, lioness, boot, ring, porch, egg, lettuce don’t clap - this is not a Grasshopper, well done), sun, scissors, sheep, fox, caterpillar, etc.

Physical education minute:

We are in the forest, the Grasshopper is chirping - TTSTSTSTS.. Children pretend to be grasshoppers, jumping and running in a circle, chirping - TTSTSTSTS: Next, the children pronounce the words, performing the appropriate movements.

Oh, oh, what a thunder
(hands pressed to the cheeks, head tilted to the sides);
- Our Blacksmith is building a house.
(use your hands to depict a roof above your head);
- Hammer: knock - knock - knock:,
(clap hands in front of you);
- The rooster is coming to help.
(hands down behind the back, steps with legs raised high, knees bent);

Ball game "One - many".

The speech therapist invites children to play ball, changing the words - one - many: ring - rings, egg - eggs, face - faces, heron - herons, chain - chains, number - numbers, cucumber - cucumbers, singer - singers, finger - fingers, baby - babies, etc. Well done - well done!

Showing the letter - card C; - showing and finding the letter C on the wall ABC; -showing the card “What the letter C looks like” - “This is what the letter C is like, with a claw at the end”; -where the tail or claw of the letter C is at the bottom right; - let's raise right hand and write the letter C in the air; - writing the letter C with your fingers on tactile cards;

The concept of a “hard consonant” sound.

The speech therapist tells the children that letters and sounds are always friends. And we already know the sound T well. The children again look at the articulation in the mirror, pronounce the sound T. A wide smile, the teeth stand in a beautiful fence, the tongue behind the teeth. The speech therapist asks the children if there is an obstacle here when we pronounce the sound T. - yes, there is an obstacle, our teeth are closed. Thus, the sound T has an obstacle - teeth (children see this in mirrors). The speech therapist reminds children that sounds that have a barrier when pronounced are called consonant sounds. And the sound T is also always a hard sound (children squeeze and unclench pebbles in their palms) and is indicated in blue. The speech therapist then shows a blue circle or square and draws a blue circle on the magnetic board under the letter C. The sound T is also a dull sound (children pronounce the sound, chirp like Grasshoppers, cover their ears with their palms - the sound does not ring). Thus, the speech therapist once again fully characterizes the sound C: - consonant sound - there is an obstacle (teeth);

  • the sound T is always a hard sound (like a pebble);
  • the sound C is a dull sound (the ears do not ring);

Work in notebooks.

Children print the letter C in notebooks (five, seven letters), according to the teacher’s model. Children draw a blue circle in their notebooks under the letter C, while saying that the sound C has a barrier - it is a consonant, a voiceless, always hard sound, denoted in blue.

Reading syllabic tables.





Sound-letter analysis.

The work is done by children in notebooks. Children print the syllables CA and AC (you can make it more difficult to give the word SHEEP) with simple pencils. And under the syllables and the word they draw diagrams of sounds with red and blue pencils, justifying whether there is an obstacle in the sound or not, a consonant sound or a vowel is analyzed.

Ball games "Come on, repeat."

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist throws the ball to the child and asks him to repeat the phrases:

tsa-tsa-tsa - the boy is standing at the porch;
tso-tso-tso - the sun is shining in our faces;
tsu - tsu - tsu - they gave us a cucumber;
tsy -tsy -tsy -we washed the cucumbers;
dude - dude - dude - the cucumber is eaten, and our boy is great!

Game "Echo".

The speech therapist asks the children to repeat rows of syllables - first loudly, then quietly.




tse -tse -tsa, etc.

Game “Say proverbs and sayings” (explain their meaning);

The sun will also peek into our window;

He who undertakes everything succeeds in nothing;

The end is the crown of the matter;

Well done against the sheep, and against the good man the sheep itself;

Game "The Cubs Get Lost"

Children help baby animals find their mother. Work from pictures: lion cubs - lioness, tiger cubs - tigress, bear cubs - she-bear, camels - camel, donkeys - donkey, fox cubs - fox, wolf cubs - she-wolf, lambs - sheep, lizards - lizard.

Summary of the lesson.

The speech therapist asks the children: - What sound did we play with today? - Is there an obstacle to the sound C? -What can we tell you about the sound T? (The sound C is a consonant sound, dull, always hard) - How do we designate hard consonant sounds? -What letter represents the sound C? (Letter C). - What does the letter C look like, how do we write it? Well done kids. Our lesson is over.

Where do we start? What will we do first?

Guys, birds also learn sounds in the forest. There is a board with a task under the tree.

Our lips, tongue

They study all the time.

They need to know how

Sounds are coming!

Now we will find out how the sound [Ts] is made. Take the mirrors and say the sound [Ts].

Lips open or closed when pronouncing a sound C?

Are your teeth open or closed?

Is the tip of the tongue up or down?

What about the back of the tongue?

Place your hand to your mouth and make a sound C. What kind of air stream: warm or cold, long or short?

Now put your palm on your neck and say the sound C. Do the vocal folds tremble or not?

Guys, does the air stream meet an obstacle?

Is the sound [T] voiced or unvoiced?

Is the sound [T] soft or hard?

This sound is always hard; it does not have a little brother, a soft sound.

Guys, now we know how sound is formed, we can pronounce it like birdlings. Turn around yourself and turn into starlings.

Well done, starlings, now I can let you fly through the forest, listen to other birds chirping. But be careful, there are many predators in the forest! If you hear the sound [T], stop and do not move under any circumstances, so the predator will not notice you. The teacher names sounds and syllables one by one.

Turn around and turn into guys.

Birds flew through the forest

And a little tired.

Guys, look at the birds sitting on the branches of a tree to rest. Let's approach carefully and take a look.

Look at the bottom branch of the tree, who's there?




TIT, WILD GOOSE, WILD DUCK, SWAN - not a migratory bird, not a waterfowl.

Starling, heron, firebird, tit - how different all birds are. Do they have anything in common?

Where will the birds live now?

Guys, let's help the birds move into the house. In the first birdhouse there will live birds whose names have the sound [C] at the beginning, etc.

Words: starling, heron, tit, firebird.

We completed the first task! Everyone learned about sound. Now the second one.

What is it about? What can we see, write and read?

What is the difference between a sound and a letter?

Now we will get acquainted with the letter! This is the letter C.

Letter C - hook at the bottom,

It’s like a tank with a faucet.

Guys, look, the letter C has a hook and a tail.

How many sticks does the letter C consist of?

Are all sticks the same length? (show the same ones, the longest, the shortest).

How to write the letter C? SLIDE! One is a medium stick, two is a long stick, three is medium, leaving a small tail, four is a short stick.

Now we are familiar with the letter C, we can put it back in its place! The teacher unfolds the poster.