Correctional and pedagogical work with young children. Educational portal Individual work at an early age

Early age is a special period of the formation of organs and systems, the formation of their functions, primarily the functions of the brain. The functions of the cerebral cortex develop as a result of the interaction of the organism with the environment, this happens especially intensively in the first three years of life. During this period, the ability of the brain to receive signals from the outside, process and store information is improved, which forms the basis for the further intellectual development of the child. Early childhood is characterized by a number of features.

Firstly, this is an extremely fast pace of development, which has a spasmodic character. Periods of slow accumulation alternate with critical periods: the crisis of 1 year is associated with the mastery of walking, 2 years - with a turning point in the development of rhea, the beginning of the development of speech-cogitative activity, as well as the development of visual-effective thinking. At the age of three, the development of the child's self-awareness begins, and vice versa, the absence of jumps is the result of deviations in the development of the child. During critical periods, the child may experience some behavioral features, decreased performance, and functional disorders.

Another feature of development at an early age is the instability and incompleteness of emerging skills and abilities.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors (stress, past illness, lack of targeted pedagogical influence), skills may be lost, the phenomenon of retardation (“stuck” at an earlier stage of development) is observed.

The reason for the uneven development of the psyche of a young child is determined by the fact that the maturation of various functions occurs at different times. Each mental function has its own sensitive terms. In general, early age is a sensitive period for the development of all types of perception (sensory-perceptual activity), involuntary memory and speech. The formation of these processes occurs within the framework of objective activity with active interaction with an adult. It is at an early age that the foundation is laid for the development of thinking and speech.

Another feature of early childhood is the interconnection and interdependence of the state of health, physical and neuropsychic development of children. Changes in the state of health of the baby affect his neuropsychic sphere.

At an early age, a high degree of orienting reactions to the environment is clearly manifested. It is known that with sensory, emotional deprivation, the rate of development of the child slows down significantly. Sensory needs cause high motor activity, and the state of the motor sphere largely determines the child's ability to cognize the world around him.

A young child is characterized by increased emotionality. Early formation of positive emotions is the key to the formation of the child's personality, the basis for cognitive activity.

The psychomotor development of a child in the first years of his life depends on many factors, primarily on hereditary characteristics, general health, gender, environment. Delayed psychomotor development can be caused by various adverse factors affecting the developing brain in the perinatal and early postnatal period.

Differential diagnosis at an early age is difficult; with different localization of disorders, similar symptoms can be observed (for example, underdevelopment of speech in a hearing-impaired, mentally retarded and alalik child). The retarded pace of development may concern one or more functions, be combined or not combined with various neurological disorders.

In connection with different forms and varying degrees of severity of organic damage to the CNS, the timing of maturation of different structures is delayed to a different extent, which means that sensitive periods for the development of certain functions have a temporary spread.

Assessment of the level of psycho-motor development of the child in early and preschool age must be done very carefully. At the same time, one should take into account the features of the development of general and fine motor skills, sensory-perceptual activity, rhea, and emotional development.

The diagnostic group can include children with the consequences of perinatal CNS damage, who have a delay in psychomotor development and speech. It is important to determine the severity of violations - children with gross organic lesions of the central nervous system are sent to preschool institutions for children with intellectual disabilities.

In a kindergarten for children with mental retardation, a diagnostic group can be formed as a different age, the main indicator is the level of mental and speech development of the child (children from 2.5 to 3.5 years old can be accepted). The number of children in the group is 6 people.

At the forefront in working with young children is the study of the dynamics of development with a targeted examination and on the basis of constant observations in the process. corrective work.

Children entering a specialized group are distinguished by a number of features.

As a rule, these are somatically weakened children, lagging behind not only in mental, but also in physical development. In the anamnesis, there is a delay in the formation of static and locomotor functions (the function of moving one's own body in space), at the time of the examination, the unformedness of all components of the motor status (physical development, movement technique, motor qualities) in relation to age capabilities is revealed.

A decrease in orienting-cognitive activity is found, it is difficult to attract and hold the child's attention. Difficulty in sensory-perceptual activity. Children do not know how to examine objects, find it difficult to orient themselves in their properties. However, unlike mentally retarded preschoolers, they enter into business cooperation with adults and with its help cope with the solution of visual and practical problems.

Children practically do not speak - they use either a few babble words or separate sound complexes. Some of them can form a simple phrase, but the range of the child's ability to actively use the phrasal rhea is significantly narrowed.

They mainly manipulate objects, but they are also familiar with some objective actions - they adequately use didactic toys, although the methods for performing related actions are imperfect, children need a much larger number of trials and fittings to solve a visual problem. Unlike mentally retarded preschoolers, children accept and use the help of an adult.

General motor clumsiness and insufficiency of fine motor skills determine the lack of self-service skills: many find it difficult to use a spoon, and may find it difficult to dress.

Taking into account the above features, the following program tasks are defined:

- Improving motor functions , which implies the need for the development of general and fine motor skills, the formation of elementary graphomotor skills.

In close connection with the development of movements,sensory education aimed at improving optical-spatial and auditory functions, improving sensory-perceptual activity.

The solution of the above two problems is carried out on the basis ofsubstantive activity as a leading activity of an early age (from 1 to 3 years). It is important not only to improve visual-motor coordination, it is necessary to encourage children to solve visual tasks in didactic games and in everyday life, developing visual forms of thinking.

The development of a young child occurs in active interaction with an adult, therefore it is very important to form in childrenskills of emotional and situational business communication with adults and peers .

The main means of communication are speech means, important aspect working with young children ispurposeful development of speech , its functions.

The content of the correctional work and its main stages, conditionally designated as "Steps of development", which can be correlated with the periods of training.

During the first month of the child's stay in the diagnostic group, an in-depth comprehensive examination is carried out in order to determine the level of development of the child.

In the future, classes are held individually or children are combined into subgroups of 2-3 people.

The main feature of correctional work is an integrated approach to the formation of certain skills in children, which involves:

Diagnostic study of the child at the time of his admission to the group to clarify the starting opportunities, prospects and pace of learning;

Feedback from the family in order to obtain complete information about the development of the child and counseling the family;

Interaction with medical specialists, especially a neuropathologist and a neuropsychiatrist, in order to monitor the child's health and provide timely medical care;

Construction of classes taking into account age and individual characteristics;

Classes of an integrative nature, which implies the possibility of solving several diverse tasks within the framework of one lesson;

Individually differentiated approach: within the framework of one general task, the target settings may coincide, but the ways in which each child completes the task may be different depending on his violations, which are most pronounced in each child;

The construction of the program is carried out in a spiral: at each next stage, the tasks of work become more complicated and in each type of activity skills are not only fixed, but also become more complicated;

The use of game motivation in all classes;

The duration of classes is set depending on the degree of complexity of the lesson and on the condition of the children on a given day, but no more than 15-20 minutes;

The need for continuity in the work of an educator, speech therapist and speech pathologist: using similar material, within the same topic, each of the specialists solves general and specific problems.

Conventionally, two months are allotted for the passage of each step. Terms may vary depending on the individual characteristics of children.

1. Development of general fine motor skills. Formation of elementary graphomotor skills

1 step

The improvement of the motor functions of the child occurs on the basis of imitation of an adult and actions with objects, therefore it is necessary:

Develop posture praxis while imitating individual movements of an adult (in terms of general motor skills: sit down, stand up, stomp, clap, shake your head, etc.);

To normalize the state of the tone of small muscles, for this purpose, you can use the massage of the fingers and hands in games with walnut, alternately with cold and hot water (similarly with an ice cube), with dough, clay;

Arouse interest in visual activity, introduce paper and various visual means: drawing with a finger and palm, applying color spots. At the same time, children should be taught proper fit, do not force the child to activity if he is tired and does not show interest in it.

2 steps

In terms of general motor skills, to form more complex skills:

Learn to imitate more complex actions: walking, jumping, tilting, imitating actions with objects: transfer, rearrange, shift, etc .;

When developing hand motor skills, it is important to improve grasping movements, learn to grab large objects with two hands, and small ones with one hand, fix various ways grasping: fist, pinch;

When performing correlative actions in didactic games, develop the accuracy of hand movements, hand-eye coordination;

To teach the correct grip of a pencil, to stimulate rhythmic games with a pencil and paper, to learn to perform free arcuate, as well as circular hand movements "Kalyaki-malaki", "Tangle", "Cloud", "lamb"), while at first the child passively participates in joint with an adult activity (an adult leads the child's hand), and then performs the movements independently.

3 step

Develop the praxis of the posture while imitating the movements of an adult, constructing images with the help of fingers and hands ( finger gymnastics, the simplest poses: “cam”, “roof”, “high chair”);

To consolidate the ability to grab an object with a pinch and use the index type of grasping (with two fingers: forefinger and thumb), for this purpose, didactic games for carrying, shifting and sorting can be offered to children small items, stringing on a rod, games with a large mosaic, constructor);

Develop the movements of the hands (especially useful are the relaxation exercises “Let's Stroke the Kitten”, “Malyar”, “Rinse the Linen”); exercises of this type should be alternated with dynamic ones ("Fist - palm - fist");

To teach how to thread a flexible cord into a hole, to teach how to fasten buttons (on special aids);

Learn to draw points of a given brightness, arrange them at different frequencies, learn to draw vertical and horizontal lines, then draw a line in different directions. (In this case, it is advisable to use the techniques of copying, rims, drawing on supports, drawing on a limited surface, arbitrary line drawing with game motivation, drawing on reference points, coloring a sheet without limiting the surface in different directions).

4 steps

Learn to perform a series of imitation movements (in terms of general and fine motor skills);

Develop fastening skills (buttons, buttons, Velcro) and lacing;

To teach elementary expressive hand movements in finger games - dramatization (“A horned goat is walking”, “Finger-boy, where have you been?”);

To teach to perform actions with objects, focusing on verbal instructions (If children have mastered the movement or action well, it is useful to use instructions on the contrary, contradicting the show: the teacher says: “Goat”, but shows a fist, and the child must act according to the instructions);

Learn to draw broken, wavy and arcuate lines, learn to perform movements in one plane when painting over a sheet.

2. Sensory perception

2.1. Development of visual perception

1 step

The development of sensory-perceptual activity at the first stage involves the solution of the following tasks:

Stimulate orienting activity, drawing the child's attention to objects and phenomena, providing motivation;

Improve the skill of fixing the gaze on an object, concentrating, tracking its movement in a small space;

Develop the ability to recognize household items and toys, according to the instructions of an adult and showing them, distinguish them among heterogeneous objects, find identical ones (instruction like: “Give a toy”, “Show the ball”, didactic games with paired toys - a choice of two objects);

develop visual attention and visual memory, when observing two objects (games like “Where is the mouse?”, “Where did the bunny run?”). In this case, the objects move before the eyes of the child.

2 steps

More serious requirements are imposed on sensory-perceptual activity, therefore it is necessary:

Develop the skill of identifying objects based on a holistic perception without analyzing signs and properties (the child follows instructions like: “Give me the same toy.” “Find the same balls,” the adult comments on the child’s actions and sums up: “That’s right, these are the same balls, you have such just like mine");

Learn to correlate an object and its image, recognize it in a picture;

To learn to distinguish between two objects by an undifferentiated sign of size (large - small);

Develop attention and memory, learn to follow the movement and movement of objects in relation to other objects. For example, the teacher suggests to the child: “Look at the toys. Show me the doll. Show me the mouse. Close your eyes, ”at this time the teacher changes the location of the toys. The child opens his eyes and is asked: “Take the doll. Put her in her place";

Develop the ability for a holistic perception of objects, working with split pictures without a background in two parts;

To develop spatial orientations, first of all, the child should be taught orientation in his own body by imitation: "Show me where your head, arms, legs are." Similarly, the child recognizes body parts when presented with a doll.

3 step

The formation of visual perception at this stage occurs due to teaching children the differentiation of objects in shape and the identification of the object and the form of the standard sample. The following tasks are solved:

To teach to follow the instruction “Give the same figure”, encouraging practical trying on, comparison. An adult accompanies the child's actions with speech, generalizes them, resorting to "objectification": "Well done, I have a window (square) and you, they are the same." For practical acquaintance with the form, the "Segen Board", a box of forms ("Mailbox"), and then planar matrices - stencils and inserts for them in the form of subject images and geometric figures are used;

You should learn to perceive objects, differentiating them by quantity: one-many;

Learn to collect cut pictures without a background, developing a holistic perception;

Improve orientation in your own body, as well as parts of the body of another person, dolls, toy animals (“Show me where the bunny has ears, paws, tail”) and their images.

4 steps

A new task is set - to form visual gnosis, in particular, the skill of identifying objects based on color (red, yellow, blue). If the child quickly masters the idea, green color is added. At this stage, the following tasks are solved:

Learn to follow instructions like: “Give the same ribbon”, focusing on the color of objects. An adult teaches the child the methods of practical trying on (attaching), comments and summarizes his actions: “That's right, I have a red ribbon and you, look: they are the same - red.” At this stage, the child is not required to name the color and find the object according to the indication of the color. Didactic games are used such as: "Hide the mouse", "Pick up a dress for the doll", "Close the saucepan";

To teach the perception of objects by quantitative characteristics: one-many, one-two. The child follows the instructions: “give one, show where there is a lot”, “Give the same amount (one, two)”, etc.;

Develop optical-spatial functions in games with split pictures (image on a card with a white background);

Improve the perception of form in games for the selection of three-dimensional geometric bodies and planar figures of a more complex configuration (star, oval, polygon);

Exercise in the perception of form in games with didactic toys: a pyramid, a matryoshka, matrices;

Develop spatial gnosis in designing by imitation and model (desk building material is used, as well as arithmetic sticks, from which the child adds simple figures);

Form spatial orientations in coordinates top-bottom.

2.2. Development of auditory functions

1 step

Develop auditory concentration using sounding children's and musical toys. Games like "Guess where the rattle is?", with two screens in front of the teacher and a rattle behind one of them;

Develop auditory attention and memory: the game "What sounds?" - sound is produced behind the screen, and the child chooses the right toy from the two in front of him.

2. step

Develop auditory perception when distinguishing non-speech sounds (a series of 2-3 sounds), learn to recognize objects and animals in pictures, focusing on the onomatopoeia of an adult: "Chu-choo-choo" - what is it going to?, "Bee-bee" - what is this?”, “Who calls you - “meow”?”

3 step

Develop the ability to recognize and distinguish non-speech sounds in a series of 3-4 signals;

Recognize and distinguish between the vowel sounds “A”, “O”, “I”: “Mom sings a song, shakes her daughter: “Ah-ah”, “Who sings, show the picture?”, “The doll cries: “Oh-oh -o", the steamer hums: "Uuu", the mouse squeaks: "I-i-i";

Develop an orientation towards the volume and duration of sound in games. For example, a child must find a toy, focusing on the volume of the drum sound (loud-close, quiet-far). Another option is for the children to stand in a circle and pass a bell behind their backs, the driver must find a toy. "What's buzzing?" (depending on the volume? A large steamer hums loudly, a small one quietly).

4 steps

Orientation in the sound of musical instruments: a pipe, a bell, a tambourine, a drum, a metallophone;

To teach to perceive and reproduce an iterative rhythm (repetition rhythm, sounds are presented at the same time intervals) no more than two signals. The child is offered to clap, tap on a tambourine, drum (with and without visual control, when the teacher pronounces the sound behind the screen);

To learn to focus on the height, strength, timbre of the voice: “Who is meowing - a big cat or a small kitten, a big or small pipe is playing?”, “Who is calling you - a big bear or a small one: “Ay?”.

To teach with closed eyes to locate the source of sound;

Strengthen the ability to focus on the sound of vowel sounds. On a signal (A, O, Y, I) perform certain actions;

Learn to listen to the intonation of an adult, to respond to the volume of his voice (loud, soft, whisper).

3. Formation of objective activity

1 step

The propaedeutic period involves the solution of the following tasks:

Develop somato-sensory gnosis in touch localization games. For example, a child is offered: "Catch a pussy." The child closes his eyes, and the adult touches the legs, knees, head of the child with a toy. The child must catch the pussy;

Develop visual-motor coordination, teach the actions of grasping, feeling, moving objects (first, joint movements are allowed, then the child performs them independently);

More complex tasks involve learning how to use tools with objects that have a fixed value: a spoon, a cup, a scoop, a bucket, a watering can.

2 steps

Improve grasping with a pinch, forefinger and thumb in games of sorting, carrying;

To teach to perform some correlative actions in games with inserts, saucepans, pyramids, to encourage orientation in size;

To teach to combine a figure with a slot, to act consistently, purposefully, to support an object with the other hand, to exercise in coordinating the movements of both hands (Segen's board, matrices are used);

Exercise in grabbing and carrying objects of different sizes and shapes (“Collect balls”, “Collect cubes, rings, sticks”);

To teach instrumental actions using auxiliary means or tools in problem situations: “Get the candy”, “Get the toys out of the can”, etc.

3 step

Develop tactile gnosis, learn to feel an object, trace a finger along its contour;

Develop stereognosis, exercise in recognizing objects by touch, different in size and shape (ball, pussy, wand). You can offer games with a “wonderful bag”: “Find your toy”, “Whose handkerchief?”; games with "Mailbox" to the touch;

To learn by touch to navigate the texture of the subject;

Improve correlative actions in games with a pyramid, nesting dolls. Learn to assemble a pyramid of 3 rings, taking into account the size, disassemble and fold a 2-component nesting doll;

To learn to correlate pairs of objects in size, for example, to pick up dishes, clothes, furniture of different sizes for dolls;

Improve gun actions in problem situations: "Push the ball", "Fix the car";

To teach how to make the simplest tool or auxiliary tool: instead of a scoop, use a plank, instead of a chair - a cube, with the help of a teacher, tie two ropes to hang doll linen, etc .;

To improve visual-motor coordination, to consolidate the skills of examining an object: palpation, tracing with a finger. The adult comments and summarizes the child's actions, naming the large and small details of the object, their size and shape;

To teach to recognize objects by the circling movement of the hand and show them;

Learn to draw with a finger on the table and in the air the outline of a circle, square;

Develop constructive praxis: reproduce the simplest buildings in imitation and model.

4 steps

Improve tactile gnosis: learn to distinguish between temperature properties (cold, hot, warm);

To teach practical discrimination to the touch of texture features (smooth, hard, fluffy, soft), find in " wonderful bag» paired objects by texture, by size;

To consolidate the skills of designing by imitation and by model;

Perform correlative and instrumental actions in games with objects;

To teach object-game actions: drive a car, roll a doll, feed a hare, rock a doll.

4. Formation of communication skills

1 step

Establish emotional contact with the child, encourage visual contact, form the ability to listen to the teacher, respond to the appeal, perform simple instructions: "Come to me", "Look at me", "Show me a toy";

Create a warm emotional atmosphere, evoke a positive emotional attitude to the situation of being in kindergarten take into account the individual characteristics of children. At first, you can offer a flexible schedule for visiting the group, bringing your favorite toys, being in the group with your mother;

Develop the ability to pay attention and respond to facial expressions and gestures of an adult, his intonation;

Learn to perform exercises, imitating the movements of an adult;

To form in children the image of their own Self, to teach them to recognize themselves in the mirror, to choose their reflection from two (paired with another child);

Cause in children joint emotional experiences (joy, surprise) in outdoor games, fun, round dances and musical games;

Learn to greet and say goodbye to adults and children of the group.

2 steps

To consolidate the desire and readiness for joint activities with an adult. Joint games and exercises with one object (ball, bucket, ball) are recommended;

Learn to imitate the expressive movements and facial expressions of an adult, depicting a bear, bunny, bird, etc .;

Exercise in imitation of facial movements in game situations: raise eyebrows, frown them, smile, wrinkle your nose;

Understand gestures and expressive movements (pointing gesture, head nod, head shake, inviting gesture, etc.), combined with and without verbal instruction;

Learn to recognize yourself and your loved ones in photographs. It is advisable that each child bring a small album with such photographs;

Pair children and learn to interact in games with one object (roll a ball, a car to each other, pour sand into one bucket).

3 step

To teach joint activities with an adult during individual lessons, in games, in everyday life;

Encourage speech in communication situations, asking for “give”, indicating “here”, etc .;

Learn to imitate elementary articulatory movements: open your mouth - yawn, stretch your lips - blow, show the tongue - “aaaa” - does the neck hurt;

Encourage imitation of expressive movements in outdoor games: a fox sneaks, a cockerel proudly walks, a bunny jumps;

Learn to recognize yourself, your loved ones, teachers in photographs;

Organize "Games nearby", encouraging children to interact: pass a toy, perform joint actions - build a tower, alternately placing cubes one on top of the other.

4 steps

Expand the range of joint activities with adults in games with story elements “Dress the Doll”, “Feed the Animals”, “Let's Build a House”;

Use elementary dramatization in games using folklore (songs, nursery rhymes), improve the skills of expressive movements;

Develop articulatory praxis in imitation games;

To teach to recognize peers from the group in photographs by looking at joint photographs: “Our holidays”. "We are walking".

Unite children in process games and introduce plot elements: “Let's put the dolls to sleep”, “Let's build a house”, etc .;

Learn to address each other by name, say hello, say goodbye, show sympathy, sympathy.

5. Development of speech

1 step

Developing the impressive side of speech, one should strive to solve the following tasks:

The child must understand and correlate the word with familiar household items, toys, actions;

Learn to understand elementary one-word instructions: "Give." “Take”, “Go”, etc. and the questions “Who is this?”, “Where?”, “What?”;

Learn to listen to the speech of an adult, respond to a call by name.

In expressive speech, the simplest vocabulary is formed on the material of onomatopoeia. The child imitates the adult in the pronunciation of vowels: “A-a-a” - mother sings ”; “Wa-wa” - the baby is crying, ”etc.;

The child should be encouraged to pronounce the available babbling words in relation to a particular subject.

2 steps

In terms of the development of phonemic processes, learn to listen to non-speech and speech sounds, imitate them.


Improve onomatopoeia skills: "Ay", "Wah", "Tu-tu", "Boom-boom";

Enrich impressive and expressive speech, form an understanding of nouns - the names of body parts: arm, leg, head, nose, eyes, etc. and animal body parts: paw, tail, ears, etc.;

Learn to understand and follow instructions: find, show, give, name, bring, lift, open, close; understand adjectives: give me a big ball, give me a small ball; pronouns: I, you, mine, yours, such;

In the active dictionary, learn to use nouns in the nominative singular; verbs in singular present tense and imperative mood; possessive pronouns: my, my; personal pronouns: at me, at you, at him;

Encourage the construction of grammatical constructions, ending the teacher’s phrase with onomatopoeia: the pussy meows “meow”, the car hums “bee-bee”, the dog barks “woof-woof”;

Strengthen the ability to perform simple designs.

3 step

Phonetic-phonemic development:

Repeat vowel sound combinations, imitating the articulation of adults: A, U, I, AU.

In impressive speech:

Recognize objects by their name: toys, body parts, clothing, toilet items, household items, natural phenomena (rain, snow, sun), animal names. The passive verbal dictionary should include the names of actions performed by the child himself with loved ones, animals;

Learn to perform actions with familiar objects according to the instructions. At the same time, the adult comments on the actions of the child, summarizes them, encourages the child himself to do so.

In expressive speech:

To learn to use words that are simple in syllable structure (classes 1 and 3 of syllabic structures according to A.K. Makarova), the names of native people, their names, the names of toys, their images, the names of household items, natural phenomena, while distortions of the sound-producing side are acceptable;

Encourage them to make requests (“Give”, “More”, “Show”), express their state, needs (verbs: “I don’t want”, “I’ll go for a walk” and interjections: “Ah”, “Well”, “Here”) ;

To learn to actively use onomatopoeia for animals, vehicles, musical instruments (“Meow”, “Av-av”, “Bi-bi”, “U-u-u”, “Doo-doo”, “Bam-bam”);

To teach in impressive and expressive speech to use nouns in the form of the accusative case of the singular in the meaning of the object (“Eat porridge”, “Dress the doll”) and in the plural in the nominative case;

Learn to understand nouns in the form dative case in the meaning of a person (“Give me a doll”, “Show mom a ball”);

The vocabulary is expanded by understanding and using verbs in the singular imperative and 1 and 3 persons of the singular present tense of the expressed mood; adjectives denoting the size (large-small) in the initial form.

In terms of the formation of the syntactic side of speech:

To teach in impressive speech to understand, and in expressive speech to reproduce by imitation two-part non-common sentences (“I’m going.” “The dog barks”), to spread the phrase through onomatopoeia (“The kitty meows “meow”);

Learn to understand and follow two-step instructions (“Come to me and take the doll”);

Understand two-word combinations with an adjective (“gray bunny”), adverbs (“cries loudly”, “beeps softly”).

4 steps

Development of phonemic processes:

Improve orientation in speech and non-speech sounds;

Learn to imitate the pronunciation of vowels (A, U, I, O), vowel combinations (UA, AU, IA);

Learn to listen to the sound of consonants (P, B, M, C, F, T, D, N, K, G, X), correlate with the display of certain objects in the name of which a sound is heard.

We are happy to help you and your kids!

Elena Patrusheva
Plan of educational and educational activities for the adaptation period in the early age group

1 week Introductory lesson: - Acquaintance of parents and children with each other, with kindergarten, group, educator.

Tour of the kindergarten.

Introduction to the program "from birth to school". Create a positive attitude

Monday Morning Didactic a game: "Let's get acquainted"

Walk Outdoor game

"Let's find toys" Learn to walk educator

Evening Consultation with parents: « Age features from 1 to 2. Pay attention to the features of your children.

Tuesday Morning Reading a poem by A. Barto

"They dropped the bear on the floor" Learn to listen carefully to the poem, to understand the content.

Walk Outdoor game "obedient ball" Learn to throw.

Evening Consultation: "The value of the daily routine, maintaining the emotional well-being of the child" Pay attention to the daily routine so that parents observe it.

Wednesday Morning Didactic game

"Who is this?" Learn to build relationships with adults and peers.

Walk Outdoor game

"Catch the ball" children

Evening Consultation: "The meaning of the subject activities child for his mental development "Introduce the subject activities child and its purpose.

"Collect the rings" Develop color perception, quantities.

Walk Outdoor game

"Let's find toys" Learn to walk educator

A conversation about every child

Friday Morning Reading nursery rhymes: "Magpie-Magpie" Teach reproduce available sound combinations of the word - text.

Walk Outdoor game "obedient ball" Learn to throw.

Evening Finger game "The gray bunny washes" Develop fine motor skills fingers and hands. Match words and actions.

"Look into my window" Create a positive attitude to play together

Walk Outdoor game

"Catch the dog" Develop physical activity

Evening Game "Floats-sinks" Improve the research activities of children. Learn to play with water.

"Geese-geese" Develop the ability to understand the plots of a simple dramatization

Walk Outdoor game "Small and Big" Get to know the size

Evening Game « Balloons» Learn to match objects by color.

Wednesday Morning Musical didactic game "Yes Yes Yes" Teach simple movements. Develop a sense of rhythm.

Walk Outdoor game:

"Catch the ball" Develop dexterity

Evening Game "What's Rolling" Get to know the shape of objects.

Thursday Morning Didactic game "Choose a toy" Learn to navigate in space.

Walk Outdoor game

"Who will get in?" Develop physical activity

Evening Musical and didactic game "We are going" Learn to perform game and dance movements to the music.

Friday Morning Didactic game "Plant a Butterfly" Develop color perception

Walk Outdoor game "Jump to the palm" Develop agility and speed.

Evening Conversation with Almaz's parents. about conditions family upbringing Facilitating the adaptation of Diamond

Monday Morning Didactic game "What changed?" The development of attention, the correct pronunciation of the name of objects.

Walk Outdoor game

"Who will get in?" The development of dexterity, tenacity, the development of the ability to play the ball.

Evening Consultation with parents “Individual approach to the child” To draw the attention of parents to the formation of certain character traits of the child

Tuesday Morning Didactic game

“What else is the same shape?” Teach children to find objects of the same shape.

Walk Outdoor game "Bubble!" Learn to name the shape, size; develop the speed of reaction; ability to pop bubbles with both hands.

Evening Conversation with parents “Your child” Identification of negative character traits and individual characteristics of the child

Wednesday Morning Repetition of nursery rhymes "Like our cat"

Repeat a familiar nursery rhyme, create a joyful mood

Walk Outdoor game "Jump to the palm" Development of dexterity, speed of reaction and movements

Evening Finger game for nursery rhymes "Like our cat" Develop fine motor skills.

Thursday Morning Didactic game "Reflection in the Mirror" Learn to identify a reflection in a mirror with an object. Understand and answer questions educator.

Walk Outdoor game

a game "Who will get into the basket?" The development of dexterity, the development of the ability to play the ball.

Evening group Parent meeting " Upbringing in children of independence in self-service” Show the importance of independence in self-service in parenting

Friday Morning Reading by A. Barto "Horse" Familiarize yourself with the content of the poem. Cultivate love for animals

Walk Outdoor game "The cat is sneaking" Training of the vestibular apparatus.

Evening Finger game "Tom Thumb" Develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands. ll Correlate word and action.

The plan of educational and educational work in the early age group of 1 ml.
Day of the week: 26.10.15 Theme: "Toys". Purpose: To introduce children to the toys of the group, their purpose. Develop interest in play activities. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the toy. Final event: exhibition "Fox Toys". Date: 30.10.2015

Group and subgroup
Changes in RPPS

Morning of joyful meetings:

"Friendly Circle"

morning exercises

Greet children with a smile. Create an atmosphere of comfort. Teach Misha how to greet others.
To form and develop the CGT to teach Vanya how to use a potty, a towel.
“Roll the ball to Chanterelle” to teach Dasha, Roma to roll the ball along a straight toy, pushing with both hands, develop dexterity, eye.
Exercise: "Walking in the forest" No. 4 (file cabinet).
Breakfast: teach Mitya to hold a spoon correctly, use a napkin.
Suspended game: "Sly fox"
Artik. hymn.: "Centipedes" No. 4 (card file)
Masha, Misha
"Tower" to acquaint with building material
(cube), learn to distinguish and name objects by size (large-small). Develop attention, speech, the ability to beat the construction
Inclusion in RPPS
different in size
toys: bear, bunny, fox.
Teaching children to distinguish between toys
Tell children about relationships between children.

Story game: Yulia, Alice "Daughters-mothers" to learn how to care for a doll, swaddle it, put it to bed, develop the ability to build a simple plot (swaddling-walking in a group, feeding-putting to bed).
Manipulative games: Vanya, Egor "Geometrics" to teach children to play together, on their own, to develop attention.
"Pyramids" Vanya D., Roma to teach how to assemble a pyramid from multi-colored rings decreasing in size, alternating in a certain sequence.

Type: Cognitive development. Topic: "Chanterelle" see Paramonova L.A. page 53
Program content: Learn to navigate in the surrounding game environment. Introduce children to a new toy. Learn to recognize and name parts of the body of a toy, to imitate an animal. Cultivate respect for the toy.
Equipment: fox toy, car.
Techniques: surprise moment, show, story, question-answer, individual. work, encouragement.
Vocabulary: Chanterelle, fox, head, paws, torso, tail, ears, nose ..
2 subgroup (complication) exercise for the development of phonemic hearing "Who is screaming"
Individual work: Misha, Masha, Zhenya.

Kind: Experimenting with materials and substances. Topic: “Snowball, fluttering, spinning” (see program)
Program content: Teaches how to create an image of a snowfall. To consolidate the ability to draw spots with cotton swabs and fingers. Get to know white. Learn to apply strokes over the entire surface of the sheet. Cultivate accuracy in working with paints.
Equipment: sheets of blue paper, cotton buds, white and blue gouache, napkins.
Techniques: a surprise moment, an artistic word, a show, a question-answer, an individual. work, encouragement, admiration.
Dictionary: snowball, cloud, snowfall, white, of blue color.
2 subgroup (complication) to learn to set two-color shades using 2 colors (white, blue). Individual work: Roma, Misha, Masha.

Joint activity of an adult and children
Independent activity of children

Group and subgroup
Changes in RPPS
Joint activities with children regime moments


Game activity

Observation: ice.
To develop the attention of children, the ability to listen to an adult. Introduce the properties of ice (slippery, smooth, transparent, cold). Learn for questions. Cultivate curiosity, develop safety behavior skills.
Dictionary: ice, cold, smooth, slippery, transparent.
Individual. work: Andrey, Egor.
Suspended game: "We'll warm up a little..."
Work. activity: “Take the toys to the house” Vanya D ..
Skills: Zhenya, Matvey
Develop self-care skills, learn to dress consistently, ask for help politely.
Game exercise: "Throw the bag into the ring" to develop dexterity, eye, the ability to act on a signal.
Bringing a bucket of snowballs for a walk. Let's play snowballs.
During the game, to form in children elementary ideas about the correct behavior on a walk. Cultivate respect for toys.

The plot game: Julia, Dasha "Ship" to learn how to select attributes for the game, use substitute items in the game.
Children's games with portable material::
- shovels, buckets
- sled with dolls
- engines (cars, carts)
- panicles, scrapers

To develop in children the ability to come up with a simple game plot, to bring the plan to the end.

Return from a walk

round dance games

sleep ritual
Learn Zhenya. Masha take off her shoes and put them in the drying cabinet.
Teach Misha, Mitya to wash their hands with soap and use a towel. Notice in appearance inaccuracies and correct them.
Reading fiction: “The cat went to the market” to introduce children to Russian folklore, to arouse a desire to listen to the nursery rhyme to the end, to persuade the end of the phrase.
Draw the children's attention to the table setting, name the served dish, name its taste, teach Zhenya to say "thank you".
Teach children about the benefits of sleep. Teach Vanya Sh. how to put on pajamas
Singing the lullaby "Bear"

Physical culture and health
Game activity

Individual work, according to NPR cards
Motor activity with physical. equipment

Gradual lifting of children, teaching them to walk along the “health path”, accustoming them to hardening procedures.
Teach Masha to use a comb. "Crawling under the arcs" to teach Zhenya, Roma to crawl under the arcs, develop dexterity ..
Outdoor game: "In the clearing of Bunnies"

ISO-table: "Fence" Teach Masha, Dasha to hold a pencil correctly, press it moderately. Develop the ability to draw straight vertical lines. Fix blue color
Examining the painting by A.S. Ushakova "Children play toys"
The world outside the window ”(lights on the street) make Yulia want to observe with the teacher, answer the question, develop attention, speech.
Experimentation and research Zhenya, Alisa
"Light heavy"

Subject game: "Machine"
Roma, Andrey learn to play together, use substitute objects in the game
Didactic games: "Boots", "House" (lacing) to develop fine motor skills, attention. Learn to play on your own.

Games in the speech corner: "Lotto" (toys) to learn to find the right picture, superimpose the picture on the picture, develop attention, speech.

Interactions with parents
Invited parents to take part in the exhibition of drawings "Funny chanterelles"

Analysis of regime moments in the morning period of time

Date: 02.02.2016
No. p.p.
Analysis Criteria
Grade levels

Organization by the teacher of the morning reception of children

Conducting individual work with children in the morning

Working with parents

The ability of the teacher to distribute attention to all children

Children's ability to wash properly

Teaching kids how to use a towel

Carrying out educational work during education

Using art word with children

Children's ability to use appliances

Children's food culture

Preparing the group for the lesson

High grade

Lesson conclusion: In children junior group cultural and hygienic skills are developed, children know how to wash themselves properly, and have the skills to use a towel. Children know the rules of behavior at the table while eating.
Suggestions and recommendations: In regime moments, it is proposed to use the use of an artistic word (rhymes, counting rhymes) for the educator. Continue to conduct individual work with children on the skills of cultural eating.

The analysis was carried out by: Khlopenova Marina Vladimirovna

Analysis of regime moments of the second half.

Age group: early age, 1 junior group
Educator: Kachalova Nina Nikolaevna
Date: 03.02.2016
The teacher raised the children together with the assistant teacher at 15 o'clock, in accordance with the daily routine for younger children. She turned on soft music, thereby contributing to the gradual awakening of children.
After getting up, the teacher conducted hardening activities with the children along the “health path” and hygiene procedures. During the hygiene procedures, the teacher carried out an individual approach to the children: she made sure that the children washed themselves properly, dried themselves with a towel, used individual combs when combing. In
during hygienic and tempering procedures, the educator used an artistic word and nursery rhymes.
There was also work on the development of skills of independence in dressing, the education of neatness, politeness, and mutual assistance. In the regime moment, the teacher praised, approved of the children, encouraged them to politely ask for help if necessary.
Next, the teacher invited the children to go to the dining room for an afternoon snack. During the meal, the teacher told the children about the benefits of food, wishing them "bon appetit". During the regime moment, the teacher reminded of the culture of children's behavior at the table during meals, later reminded the children of the need to thank at the end of the meal.
After an afternoon snack, the children were invited to play didactic games, conditions were created for the children's independent activities, and the educator conducted individual work with the children (according to the schedule of individual work). Educational activities the teacher was carried out in subgroups, the topic of the classes corresponded to the calendar plan of educational work.
Further, the teacher organized group and subgroup joint activities with children, created conditions for independent activities of children.
In the evening, the teacher interacted with the parents, answered questions of interest, gave recommendations, talked about the successes of the children.
Conclusion: The teacher pays enough attention to individual work with children. Children are able to act independently with objects. The teacher pays enough attention to the joint activities of the adult and the child.
Recommendations: Continue to conduct individual work with children, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children.

Attached files

Organization of work on speech development young children.

The development of speech is one of the most important areas of work of the educator,

Which provides timely mental

Child development.

When does the development of children's speech begin? For parents - at that unforgettable moment when the baby said the first word. In fact, much earlier.

Psychologists are increasingly emphasizing the importance of early childhood for the formation of the human personality. In the development of speech, its role is

definitely dominant.

Speech is a social phenomenon and serves as a means of communication between people.

Timely and correct speech development is a necessary condition for the formation of a child's personality. Through speech, the baby learns the world, accumulates knowledge, expands the range of ideas about objects and phenomena, masters the norms of social behavior. With the help of speech, a person expresses his thoughts, feelings, experiences, shares his impressions. In the process of speech development, the child masters the language. Assimilation of speech at preschool age is a necessary condition for mastering literacy, for further education at school. Speech, as a means of expressing thought, is an instrument of thought. It is associated with mental development. Delayed speech development usually adversely affects the intelligence of the child.

The second year of life is the most important stage in the development of a child's speech. Therefore, special attention is paid to the development of speech in the system of the entire pedagogical process. It is necessary to systematically and intensively influence the speech development of children, using for this purpose regime moments, independent play, classes aimed at developing actions with objects, motor activity and special classes for the development of speech.

During this period, the child's ability to imitate the speech of adults sharply increases, understanding of speech, active speech intensively develops. From the first months of the second year of life, the baby increasingly begins to use meaningful words on his own. This is in most cases associated with a certain situation that causes him joy, surprise. The kid uses simplified or onomatopoeic words. Comprehension sharply outstrips active speech. The child can already find a toy upon request, and by 1 year. 3m. he can perform simple actions, not complex assignments.

Up to 1 year 6m. phrasal speech in children is absent.

From the second half of the second year of life, the child increasingly begins to use two-word sentences (mother, bi - bi), and in 1 year. 10m. uses two and four word sentences, but the words in such sentences are not yet connected with each other.

In my experience working with young children, I am convinced that an active vocabulary is crucial in mastering phrasal speech. The baby begins to use phrases only when the active dictionary reaches 40 - 60 words. The dictionary is replenished especially quickly by the age of two. The number of words used by the child is from 100 to 300. Most often these are nouns. Of the adjectives, words are used that indicate the size of an object. I believe that the volume of the dictionary directly depends on the conditions of upbringing, on the frequency of communication with an adult, and the quality of speech depends on what words others use more often, how often they indicate to the baby the actions that can be performed with toys, objects, signs of others items. The role cannot be overestimated. mother tongue, which helps children to consciously perceive the world around them and is a means of communication. This led me to the idea that more attention should be paid to the development of children's speech. It is the early age that is most favorable for laying the foundations for competent, clear, beautiful speech. Timely and complete formation of speech is one of the main conditions for the normal development of the baby and his further successful education at school. In the process of speech development in young children, an interest in the sounding word appears, which also significantly affects the understanding of the speech addressed to the child and the development of his own speech.

Working with young children, from year to year I faced the same problems, namely: there is very little material on the speech development of children from 1 to 2 years old. The available material is partially outdated and has lost its relevance, and new developments are scattered throughout the methodological literature. Thus, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to systematize the work on the development of the speech of young children, having processed many sources and introducing new forms and methods of work.

In September, I conducted a series of observations in order to identify speech deviations.

  • All children understand the speech of an adult addressed to them.
  • 10 children easily find the right items and complete basic tasks and instructions.
  • 8 children actively use speech, addressing adults and peers, using simple words and phrases.
  • 4 children use sentences of 2-3 words in speech.

The following issues have also been found:

  • 8 children do not show initiative in communicating with an adult, do not turn to him with a request or statement.
  • 5 children use babble and simplified words.
  • 3 children replace speech with facial expressions and gestures.

Thus, we can conclude that passive speech is well developed in young children, they are able to follow the verbal instructions of an adult, but along with this, they have insufficiently developed active speech.

As a result of examining children according to the method of K. L. Pechora (see Appendix), I made the following recommendations for the development of speech in young children:

  • Carry out articulatory gymnastics and exercises daily: “Smile”, “tongue plays”, “kitty laps milk”, “pipe”, “horse”.
  • Daily use finger games: "magpie - crow", "pallets", "cockerel", "fun hands", "cat - cat".
  • Use games to develop an air stream: “swirl snowflakes”, “autumn leaves”.
  • Enrich the active and passive vocabulary, based on the tasks of developing speech.
  • Learn to express your desires and needs with speech, not gestures.
  • Include in the life of children games - dramatizations and games - dramatizations based on fairy tales.
  • Daily use an artistic word (rhymes, short poems) in sensitive moments.
  • Read fairy tales with repetitive actions.
  • Consider subject and plot pictures.
  • Consider toys and describe them.
  • Daily use of games for the development of fine motor skills of hands.
  • Learn to follow orders and instructions from adults.

For children with low language development, I recommend the following:

  • Learn to understand the speech of an adult addressed to him.
  • Learn to actively use simple words and sound complexes in speech (bee - bee, knock - knock, yum - yum).
  • Continue to acquaint children with the names of surrounding objects, teach them to recognize them in the picture.
  • Learn to play with other children.
  • Play along with other children.
  • Encourage them to repeat simple words after an adult, answer questions (what is it ?; who is it?).
  • Learn to follow simple instructions from adults.

For the successful speech development of children in the second year of life, I set the following tasks:

1 year to 1 year 6 months

  1. Promote the development of speech understanding and expand the vocabulary of understood words:

To teach, according to the word of an adult, to find and show in natural conditions and in the picture toys, items of clothing, utensils.

Learn to understand words denoting parts of the human body (arms, legs, head), parts of the face, household and game activities, signs of objects (color, size, shape).

To learn to understand phrases that are simple in design and content, with which an adult accompanies the display of toys, his actions.

Learn to understand the plots of small dramatizations with toys, consisting of two or three actions.

The system-learning task in the second year of life is to maintain and develop the need for communication.

2. Promote the development of active speech:

To improve the ability of children to imitate frequently heard sound combinations and words. To replenish the active dictionary with the names of familiar objects, their qualities, actions.

Learn to show and name familiar objects depicted in the picture.

To form the ability to answer the questions: “who is this?”, “What is this?”, “What is he doing?”

To develop verbal communication, encourage them to switch from communication using gestures and facial expressions to communication using available speech means.

Learn to pronounce two-word sentences by imitation.

From 1g.6m. up to 2 years.

  1. Development of speech understanding:

Expand the range of understandable words denoting parts of the body and face of the child (arms, legs, head, stomach, mouth, eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, forehead)

Tell the children the color of objects (red, blue, yellow, green), size (large, small), shape (cube, brick, prism roof),

Condition (clean, dirty), as well as the location of the item (here, there), temporary (now) and quantitative (one, many) relationships (by the end of the year).

To consolidate the ability of children with the help of an adult to select familiar objects by color.

To learn to understand words denoting the ways of moving animals (flies, runs), ways of eating (laps, pecks), voice reactions (meows, barks); ways of moving a person (walks, runs), his labor actions (washes, washes), as well as words that characterize his mood (cries).

Learn to understand sentences with prepositions in, on.

Form generalized ideas about objects and actions.

To teach to recognize and show familiar objects, regardless of their size and color; correlate the same action with several objects (you can feed not only the doll, but also the bear).

To promote understanding of the plots of small dramatizations with toys, puppet theater performances about events familiar to children from personal experience.

2. Development of active speech:

Encourage the replacement of onomatopoeic words with common ones.

offer samples correct pronunciation words to encourage children

To imitation.

Continue to expand and enrich children's vocabulary:

  • nouns denoting the name of toys, clothes, shoes, dishes, vehicles, bright representatives of the animal and plant world; proper names.
  • verbs denoting household, game actions; actions opposite in meaning (take off - put on); actions denoting the desire and emotional state of people (laugh, cry, want), their relationship.
  • adjectives denoting color, shape, size, taste, temperature differences (sweet, sour, cold).
  • adverbs (high, low, quiet, ahead).

Teach children to make phrases from two to three words; use

Correct grammatical forms; agree on nouns and

Pronouns with verbs, use verbs in the present,

past and future tense; use prepositions.

Suggest examples of question words.

Learn intonation expressiveness of speech.

To promote the development of children's need for communication through speech. Give them reasons to contact adults and peers. Give examples of the correct pronunciation of words.

In my work, I always combine play with learning and get the opportunity to make the learning process meaningful and interesting. The most important thing, in my opinion, is to interest the kids, to awaken creative and cognitive activity. In my work with children, I pay great attention to the acquisition of sensory and sensory-motor experience.

Games - classes for teaching children the development of speech, I build on a combination different types activities (familiarization with the environment, play, theater, design, classes with didactic material) with various areas of educational work. When teaching children plot construction, actions with a didactic toy, familiarization with others, I actively use the game. Playing with a building, any plot of a picture with the help of various toys and objects, I always accompany with emotional comments, actively use the artistic word, literary material. This method of teaching allows me to interest the kids, hold their attention longer, create an emotional mood and a positive motive for activity. Classes on familiarization with the environment, with didactic material, designing are at the same time classes on the development of speech. In the process of acting out the plots, I always have an ongoing conversation with the children. Such an organization of children's activities stimulates their speech activity, and in the future organizes a real dialogue with toys, characters or with an adult, thereby stimulating the development communicative function speech of young children.

In the classroom and in the daily life of children, I widely use the artistic word: songs, nursery rhymes, short poems. These bright works are characterized by clarity, rhythm, expressiveness. They convey folk experience and wisdom, have a rich melody of sound, great opportunities for fixed dialogues (question-answer). Many folk songs, nursery rhymes and author's poems meet the needs of children in the game. All kids can participate in these games at the same time. Children are happy to repeat onomatopoeia, accompanying them with movements corresponding to the text.

With movements, we accompany not only the texts of nursery rhymes and poems, but also some plots of fairy tales.

I bring to your attention some of the methods and techniques that I successfully use in my speech development classes.

Articulation gymnastics.

In order for the sound pronunciation to be pure, strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech are needed - the tongue, lips, soft palate. Since all speech organs are composed of muscles, therefore, they are amenable to training.

Gymnastics aimed at developing the organs of speech is called articulation. Such gymnastics helps to strengthen speech muscles and prepares the basis for pure sound pronunciation.

It is important to remember that articulatory gymnastics is only a preparatory stage in the production and automation of sounds. Only a speech therapist should be directly involved in the production of sounds!

Starting from early childhood, for a preventive purpose, as well as for speech correction, it is necessary to carry out special gymnastics aimed at strengthening muscles, developing full-fledged movements, certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.The child learns to pronounce various sounds due to good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Accuracy, strength, range of motion develop gradually in a child. Adults can help him with this by conducting articulatory gymnastics. Articulatory gymnastics contributes to the development of movements of the speech organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds and for combining simple movements into complex articulatory ones.

Articulatory gymnastics should not be very tiring. Playing with the tongue lasts no more than 3-5 minutes. Violations of sound pronunciation are explained by the insufficient development of the articulatory apparatus, low mobility of the tongue, lips, and lower jaw.

In classes for the development of speech and familiarization with others, I widely use articulation gymnastics. Children are happy to join the game and perform exercises:

  • "Window" Open your mouth wide (hot), close your mouth (cold)
  • "Balloons" Puff out your cheeks, deflate your cheeks like a balloon.
  • "Delicious jam"Lick the lips in a circle, reach out with force with the tongue to the nose, cheeks, chin (imagine that you are dirty in jam).
  • "The cat laps milk"Lick the plate like a pussy does.
  • "Drum" Open your mouth, drum with your tongue on the upper teeth (like a drummer).
  • "Baby elephant" Play elephant: stretch your lips forward with a tube, "make a trunk"; "gather some water for them," smacking his lips slightly.
  • "Horse" Play horse: click your tongue, then snort (you can play with a toy horse at the same time).
  • "Fence" Make a fence: smile with tension, baring your teeth.
  • "Brushing teeth" To brush your teeth with your tongue (swipe your tongue over the upper, then along the lower teeth).
  • "Engine" Play the train: hum, "ooh," lips with a tube (you can show a drawn or toy train at the same time).
  • "Steamboat" Show how the ship is buzzing: with your mouth slightly open, we draw the sound "s-s-s".
  • "Watch" Show your child a clock with a pendulum, let the kid depict how it works, move your tongue in the same way: left and right, to the corners of your mouth.

I also very often use our favorite exercises:

  • "The cat laps milk"
  • "Train"
  • "Tongue plays hide and seek"
  • "Horse"
  • "Delicious jam"
  • "Fish"

Finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics and special exercises to coordinate speech with movements also contribute to the activation of speech development. The movements of the fingers and hands have a special stimulating effect. Speech reactions are directly dependent on the fitness of the fingers. After all, each finger of the hand has an extensive representation in the cortex hemispheres brain. To this end, I often use folk "finger" games, not only in the classroom, but also outside of them. Children very quickly master them and play them without showing an adult. These are games like:

  • "Okay"
  • "Magpie-Crow"
  • "Goat horned"
  • "Cockerel"
  • "Finger Boy"
  • "Hide and Seek"
  • "Lock"
  • "Spider"

Getting started, you should remember the following principles for conducting classes using finger games:

  • Before playing with a child, it is necessary to discuss its content, work out the necessary gestures, finger combinations, and movements. This will not only prepare the baby for the correct exercise, but also create the necessary emotional mood.
  • The exercise should be performed together with the child, while demonstrating their own passion for the game.
  • When playing the game repeatedly, children often begin to pronounce the text partially (especially the beginning and end of phrases). Gradually, the text is learned by heart, the children pronounce it in its entirety, correlating the words with the movement.
  • After choosing two or three exercises, gradually replace them with new ones. You can leave the games you like most in your repertoire and return to them at the request of the baby.
  • Do not set several complex tasks for the child at once (for example, show movements and pronounce text). The attention span of children is limited, and an impossible task can "beat off" interest in the game.
  • Never force. Try to understand the reasons for the refusal, if possible, eliminate them (for example, by changing the task) or change the game.
  • Encourage children to sing along, "don't notice" if they do something wrong at first, encourage success.

I try to do finger gymnastics at any convenient moment:

  • "Rain"
  • "Grey Bunny"
  • "Kittens"
  • "Merry family"
  • "Finger Boy"
  • "We shared an orange"
  • "Doll Masha baked cookies"
  • "Ship"
  • "Flowers"

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

In the classroom, I widely use games for the development of fine motor skills of hands. Training the movements of the fingers and hands, contributes to the activation of speech centers, the improvement of articulation movements, the development of coordination, the child learns the properties of objects. The higher the motor activity of the child, the more intensively his speech develops. My kids love to play the following games:

  • Table and floor mosaic.
  • Lego constructors.
  • Construction kits.
  • Lacing.
  • Fastening and unfastening buttons.
  • Velcro games.
  • Finger pool.

Games for children from one year old:

  • strong hands
    The child squeezes rubber toys (the best is a rubber hedgehog, since the needles act like a massager).
  • mosaic
    First you need to lay out simple shapes (paths, flowers, squares), and then move on to more complex ones (houses, cars, Christmas trees).
  • constructor
    The size of the details and the "complexity of the design" depend on the age of the baby: you need to start with the largest details and with the simplest structures (for example, from building a turret).
  • beads
    The size of the beads also depends on the age of the child. First, instead of beads, you can use balls from pyramids with round details and string them on a thick cord; then the details need to be gradually "grind".
  • lacing
    Since laces are varied in their “content”, it makes sense to beat the process of “lacing”: for example, ask the child to sew a dress for mom (button lacing) or lace up a shoe (lace-up boot).
  • magic tray
    Semolina is poured on a tray with a thin layer and the child's finger is passed over the croup. The child is then shown how to draw different shapes. At the age of 2 - 3 years, you can draw numbers and letters.
  • colorful clothespins
    The essence of the game is to teach the child to pin clothespins on their own. To make the game interesting for the child, you can attach clothespins according to the theme (that is, rays to the Sun, needles to the hedgehog, rain to the cloud, grass to the ground, and the like; for this you need to, respectively, make blanks for the Sun, a hedgehog, and so on ).
  • Cinderella
    You need to mix white and red beans and ask the child to sort it out by color.
  • funny pictures
    Evenly distribute the plasticine on a sheet of cardboard and show the child how to lay out drawings using peas.
  • counting sticks
    Show your child how to use counting sticks to lay out different figures. It is desirable that the counting sticks are not smooth, but ribbed (this serves as an additional massage for the fingers).
  • little sculptor
    Modeling dough (dough recipe: 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, a little water). The advantage of dough modeling over plasticine modeling is that the "sculptures" can later be used as toys.
  • fasten the button
    You will need two pieces of thick fabric. On one of them, sew three buttons of different diameters. In the second, cut the corresponding loops. First, show the baby how to fasten the buttons, commenting as follows: “We fasten the large button into a large loop, the middle button into the middle loop, and the small button into the small one.” Then take the baby's hands in yours and repeat the exercise. And only after that invite the baby to try to fasten the buttons on his own. Do not insist if the baby does not want to or will not succeed. This is a very difficult exercise and for him successful implementation training required.
  • stencils It is recommended to start with stencils for the inner stroke (as it is easier for a child to trace stencils
    inside than outside) and from the most simple forms(for example, a circle or a square). practical advice: You can buy ready-made stencils, but it is better to make them yourself. The fact is that most standard stencils have a small thickness, and it is not convenient for a child to circle them, since the pencil slips all the time. Therefore, the stencils must be sufficiently "puffy". A good way out is to cut them out of a piece of linoleum.

The development of fine motor skills is facilitated by playing with water and sand:

  • "Ringing Brook"
  • "Drop-one, drop-two"
  • sand molding
  • "We wash handkerchiefs"
  • "Fingers swim"
  • "Funny fish"
  • "Little Anglers"

Development exercises speech breathing.

The key to a clear pronunciation of sounds and clear diction is well-placed speech breathing. These exercises are very popular with kids for their brightness and unusualness. The purpose of these exercises is to develop a smooth speech exhalation.

Exercises for the development of speech breathing:

  • football
    Roll up a cotton ball and put two cubes as a gate. The child must, blowing on the ball, drive it into the gate.
  • windmill
    The child blows on the blades of a spinner or windmill from a sand set.
  • snowfall
    Make snowflakes from cotton wool (loose lumps). Explain to the child what snowfall is and invite the child to blow "snowflakes" from the palm of his hand.
  • leaf fall
    Cut out various autumn leaves from colored paper and explain to the child what leaf fall is. Invite the child to blow on the leaves so that they fly. Along the way, you can tell which leaves fell from which tree.
  • butterfly
    Cut butterflies out of paper and hang them on strings. Invite the child to blow on the butterfly so that it flies (while making sure that the child makes a long smooth exhalation).
  • boat
    Blow smoothly and for a long time on a paper boat.
  • dandelion
    Invite the child to blow on a faded dandelion (watch for the correct exhalation).
  • Bubble

Try to gently blow out as many bubbles as possible.

Nursery rhymes and poems for finger games.

Which adult has not noticed how children love to play with words? The child still does not pronounce the words, suddenly a sound suddenly breaks out, and now he is already repeating it in every way - he is humming. How much joy in the eyes of a child while walking! He plays with sound.

Then, playing with the word, children begin to understand their native language, learn its structure, learn colloquial speech. It is no coincidence that almost all folk rhymes are built on dialogues. Kids love rhymed speech, its sound, they experience great pleasure when poetry is read to them.

We offer to your attention nursery rhymes for finger games. Every mother can play these games with her baby. Many of these games came to us from grandmothers, so any mother has an idea how to play them. Indeed, in these games, the intonation with which the nursery rhymes are read, and the movements of the hands and fingers are also important.


Magpie, magpie, white-sided magpie
She cooked porridge, fed the kids.
(with the index finger of the right hand they drive along the palm of the left)

I gave it, I gave it
I gave it, I gave it
(fingers are bent in turn, starting with the thumb)

She didn’t give it: you didn’t carry water,
I didn’t chop firewood, I didn’t cook porridge -
You have nothing!
(little finger does not bend)


What did they eat? - All right, all right! Where were you?
- By Grandma.

- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
They ate porridge, drank brew.
(child and adult rhythmically clap on the text of the nursery rhyme)

Shu-u-u ... flew!
They sat on the head, sang like a cockerel.
(raise hands up and down on head)


Masha put on a mitten:
(clench fingers into a fist)

"Oh, where am I doing my finger?
I don't have a finger, I'm gone
Didn't make it to my house."
(open all fingers except the thumb)

Masha took off her mitten:
"Look, I found it!
(unbend the remaining bent finger)

You search, you search - and you will find,
Hello, finger, how are you?
(squeeze your fingers into a fist)

The use of the artistic word.

Also in my work I widely use the artistic word.

I believe that folklore for the smallest (songs, nursery rhymes, pestle, lullabies) emotionally enriches the kids, brings up a sensitive perception of their native language. From early childhood, the child should hear the works of oral folk art. In the morning, during the reception, I meet children with a bright colorful toy (cat, cockerel) to switch the child’s attention to the toy and accompany its movements with reading nursery rhymes:

  • "Cockerel"
  • "Pussy"
  • "Dog"

I begin my acquaintance with nursery rhymes by looking at illustrations, pictures. I give the opportunity to consider, talk about the character of the nursery rhyme, his features. Children learn to move, "talk" like a cat, a dog, a bear, depending on who the nursery rhyme is about.

I use nursery rhymes in all regime moments. It is impossible to speak with children in a gray, colorless language. In order for the kids to remember nursery rhymes faster, I pronounce them expressively, emotionally.

A well-chosen nursery rhyme helps to establish contact with the baby.

It is useful to accompany a game with a child, actions when washing, dressing, feeding him with the words of songs and nursery rhymes. Gradually, the baby begins to recognize them, and later to sentence himself. The songs of a playful nature are most loved by children: “Finger-boy”, “Vodichka, vodichka”.

Thanks to listening to nursery rhymes, the child's vocabulary is replenished with new words (for example: cheeks, mouth, eyes, etc.), the ability to build sentences develops. Observations of natural phenomena, birds, animals can also be accompanied by reading poetic texts. From this, children's impressions will become more vivid and accurate. For example,the joy of the child at the sight of the sun suddenly peeking out will become even greater if at this time he hears the words of the song “Sun-bucket”.

Reading nursery rhymes (“Chicken - ryabushechka”, “Kisonka - Murysenka”, etc.), you can teach kids onomatopoeia to birds and animals.

Staging fairy tales (“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, etc.) with the help of toys, table or puppet theater helps children understand their meaning.

By daily carrying out purposeful work on the speech development of young children, we have achieved the following results:

  • Expanded children's understanding of the surrounding reality. On this basis, children's speech developed intensively, and a need for verbal communication arose.
  • Onomatopoeic words were replaced by common words.
  • The volume of the dictionary has increased significantly (from 10 - 30 to 200 - 300).
  • Many children have learned some of the grammatical constructions of the language.
  • Children show initiative and activity in communicating with adults and peers.
  • Children began to use sentences of 2-3 words.
  • The formation of coherent speech began to take place.

I bring to your attention the abstracts of classes on the development of speech of young children with elements of finger games and gymnastics.

Visiting grandmother.

Program content:

  • Expand orientation in the environment; learn to recognize animals and birds living next to a person (cat, dog, cockerel).
  • Learn to memorize commonly used words for animals and birds; the ability to imitate their voices.
  • Continue to acquaint children with folklore works, enrich their speech with words and lines of folk poetic creations.
  • Encourage imitation of new words, sentences of two or three words; respond in short sentences to understandable questions from adults.
  • Cultivate goodwill, sociability.

Dictionary: onomatopoeia - "woof-woof", "meow-meow", "ku-ka-re-ku"; scallop, beard, feathers, paws, legs, tail, ears, eyes, fluffy, soft, pancakes.

Material: toys - dog, cat, rooster; a dog house, a cat stove, a fence for a rooster, millet in a round lid for a rooster, a scarf, an apron, pancakes.

Preliminary work:

  • "Learning" the poem "Dog" by N. Komisarova.
  • "Learning" nursery rhymes "Like our cat", "Cockerel", "Okay"
  • "Learning" games with fingers - "Dog", "Cockerel", "The cat went out for a walk."
  • Observation while walking for birds, cats, dogs, feeding them.
  • Looking at illustrations in books.
  • Reading works of art or the teacher's story about animals and birds.
  • Guessing riddles about a dog, a cat, a cockerel.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Hello guys. Do you want to visit your grandmother?
Children: We want.
(I put on a scarf and an apron).
Grandmother: Guys, do you want to know who lives with your grandmother?
Children: Yes, we do.
Grandmother: Come with me, I'll show you something. Look what is it?
Children: This is a booth.
Grandmother: Guess the riddle and you will find out who lives in it: “Who woof-woof (barks), does not let strangers into the house? Bow-wow." Who is this?
Children: dog.
Grandmother: That's right, dog! This is our Bug - a squiggle tail! Pet the dog. What kind of fur does she have? Soft, fluffy. What colour? The dog has a tail. What else does a dog have?
The poem "Dog" by N. Komisarova (children finish the last words in the lines)

The dog came to us
smart dog,
tail wags,
Loudly, loudly barks:
Woof woof woof!

Grandmother: Guys, let's show a dog made of fingers. Does everyone have a dog? Everyone has. And now the dogs howl: woof-woof-woof.

Finger gymnastics: Children connect the pads of their fingers, depicting a dog's face, and raise two fingers up - show their ears.
Grandmother: I won’t let someone else into the house,
I'm sad without a master -
Woof woof woof!
Children: Dog.
Grandmother: What does the dog like?
Children: Bone.
Grandmother: Let's treat the dog with a bone (we treat). The dog says "Thank you" to you guys.
Teacher: Meow meow? Guys, who is this?
Children: Cat, cat, pussy!
Grandmother: Where is he? Let's eat. That's where he hid. On the stove! Look how beautiful my cat is. Pet the cat. What fur? What colour? The cat has fur.
What else does the cat have?

Like our cat
The coat is very good
Like a cat mustache
amazing beauty,
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

(The telling of the nursery rhyme is accompanied by hand movements, the last words in the lines are spoken by the children.)
Guys, let's play with our fingers, and the cat will look.

Finger game: “The cat went out for a walk”

One two three four five -
The cat went out for a walk
The cat went out for a walk
At the same time, with the tips of the thumbs of the right and left hands, alternately touch the tips of the index, middle, ring fingers and little fingers.
Our fingers count:
One two three four five!

With the index finger of the right hand, alternately bend the fingers on the left hand, starting with the little finger. When repeating the game, bend the fingers on the right hand.
Grandmother: The cat wants milk. Let's treat the cat with milk. The cat says "Thank you" to us.
Grandmother: Guys, guess the riddle:

Rises at dawn
Singing in the yard.
Scallop on the head. Who is this?

Children: Rooster.
Grandmother: That's right, guys, cockerel.

The cockerel stands all bright,
He cleans the scallop with his paw!

Pet the rooster. See what the rooster has.
Children: Scallop, head, beard, wings, beautiful multi-colored tail, legs, feathers.
Grandmother: Let's read the cockerel nursery rhyme:

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
That you get up early
Eat loudly.
Do you let the kids sleep?

Children: Ku-ka-re-ku!
(The words of the nursery rhyme are accompanied by hand movements. The last words in the line are spoken by the children.)
Grandmother: And what is this cockerel?
Children: Beak.
Grandmother: And what does the cockerel like to peck?
Children: Millet.
Grandmother: Look how much millet I have in store for the cockerel. How does a cockerel peck? Klu-klu (with the index finger they show how the cockerel is pecking - on the palm.) And when does the cockerel sing loudly?
Children: When the sun wakes up.
Grandmother: Let's draw a cockerel sun. I will draw with my finger a big-big, round, round sun and a straight-straight ray, and you will draw a straight-straight ray with your finger. (We draw the sun on the millet.) This is what a beautiful sun we got. Look, cockerel in the sun. (Cockerel crows).
Grandmother: This cockerel told us “thank you for the sun. Let's make a cockerel out of fingers.

Finger game: "Cockerel"
Palm up, index finger rests on the thumb (beak). The remaining fingers are spread out to the sides and raised up - a scallop.
Roosters: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Grandmother: Guys, today you pleased your grandmother and if you help me, I will treat you to pancakes.
Palms horizontal. Clap your hands, changing their position: first one on top, then the other.

Sweeties, sweeties!
Where were you? By Grandma.
Grandma baked for us
Sweet pancakes.

Hold the left palm horizontally and tap on it with the fingers of the right hand gathered with a pinch.

Watered with oil.

Extend both hands in front of you.

She gave it to the kids.
Lena two, Ksyusha two,
Dasha two, Olya two,
Wife two - gave everyone!

Stretch your arms forward - to the sides and bow slightly.

Good pancakes
Our grandmother!

Well done, good guys. They helped me bake pancakes. I'll treat you to pancakes now. (I take pancakes out of the oven and treat the children).
Children: Thank you, grandma!
Grandmother: And now, guys, invite guests to taste our pancakes and tea. “Come, dear guests, let's taste our pancakes, drink some tea!

"Ryaba Hen"


consolidate knowledge of the content of the tale; repeat individual words and phrases after an adult;

contribute to the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech;

develop fine motor skills, correlate the movements of the fingers; develop concentration, coordination;

evoke in children the joy of listening to a fairy tale, the desire to listen to it also and participate in the story.


magic chest (dry pool),

characters for the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" (toys).

Vocabulary work: activation of verbs in speech.

Lesson progress

1. The teacher brings a magic chest filled with various cereals to the group.

Look guys, what did I bring? (children's answers).

The teacher invites one child to come up and try to get what is there.

(the child comes up, touches the dry pool with his hands and takes out an egg from there).

What is this? (Egg)

See what kind of egg is this? (children's answers).

That's right guys! Do you know who took it down? (chicken Ryaba).

The teacher takes out the chicken Ryaba from the basket.

Look, guys, and here is the Ryaba chicken, she came to us.

What characters from the fairy tale do you still know? (grandfather, grandmother, mouse)

As the children answer, the teacher takes out all the heroes of the fairy tale from the basket.

Well done, the milestones of the heroes remembered. You know the story well.

I suggest you show this fairy tale with the help of our fingers.

2. The teacher pronounces the text and shows the movements, the children repeat with him.

Once upon a time there was a grandfather

They circle an imaginary beard with both hands from top to bottom.

And a woman

They depict how the corners of a scarf are tied under the chin.

And they had a hen Ryaba

They tap the table with their index finger.

The hen laid an egg

exercise "rings"

The pads of the thumbs touch the pads of the other fingers.

Yes, not simple, but golden.

Grandfather beat, beat - did not break.


Rhythmically with alternation, they tap the fist of one hand on the palm of the other.

Baba beat, beat - did not break.


The mouse ran


Wiggle with straight fingers

without tension.

Tail waved

"Rays" - strain straightened fingers.

The testicle fell and broke

They drop relaxed hands on their knees.

grandfather crying

They cover their faces with their hands.

Baba is crying

They cover their faces with their hands.

And the hen cackles:

"Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman, I'll lay your testicle


different, not golden, but simple.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Did you enjoy showing the story?

How did we show it? Fingers. active speech

1. Consulting- this is such a form of work with the family, where the object of the consultative and educational process is not only a child with developmental disabilities, but also his family.

Parents regularly and systematically, after certain periods of time (at least 1-2 times a month), receive targeted tasks with methodological recommendations for their implementation to work with their child. As a rule, children with a slight developmental delay are enrolled in counseling.

Sample work plan

I. Interview with parents:

Changes that have occurred in the development of the child over the past period (conversation with parents).

Problems that have arisen in the work, ways to solve problems.

Filling out the development card (if necessary).

II. Working with a child and practical training of parents in the techniques and methods of working with him:

Establishing contact with the child (in a playful way). Since counseling is carried out 1-2 times a month, special attention should be paid to establishing contact with the child, establishing a trusting relationship between an unfamiliar adult (specialist) and the baby, while interacting with the child, it is necessary to maintain a joyful mood, satisfy the child's needs for benevolent attention. It is necessary to gain confidence in the child, and the child must begin to interact.

Conducting classes with the child (with comments for parents). Mother's observation of an individual lesson of a defectologist. Observing the lessons of your child with a specialist, the process of mastering certain rules of behavior, knowledge and skills help parents better understand his difficulties, assess the adequacy of the requirements and take a more correct educational position in the family.

Analysis of pedagogical methods of working with a child.

Watching joint activities parents and child, evaluation of their cooperation (if necessary).

Determination of the prospects for further work with the child.

Conducting consultations on a planned topic or consultations on questions of interest to parents.

III. Summing up the visit.

2. Individual correctional lesson aimed at restoring or compensating for disturbed structures and functions of the body, preventing and / or eliminating activity restrictions. Individual correctional classes are held at least 2 times a week. In individual remedial classes, the defectologist works independently with the child, and asks the mother to record the entire course of the lesson. Parents are required to repeat tasks at home, copy the actions of the defectologist and their sequence.

Requirements for the organization of classes with young children

Educational (provided) material to meet program requirements ( individual program), a long-term plan, the topic of the lesson, the tasks set.

The organization of the playing space and the selection of toys in accordance with the age of the child (should not be dangerous to the life and health of children). The size of objects decreases with the age of the child.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements must be observed: handling of toys or use of individual toys. It is advisable to use plastic, rubber toys.

The use of game motivation in all classes.

Building a lesson taking into account lexical topics and a single storyline.

Construction of classes taking into account age and individual characteristics.

The lesson should be integrative in nature, which makes it possible to solve several diverse tasks within the framework of one lesson.

The construction of classes should be carried out in such a way that at each subsequent lesson the tasks of work become more complicated and in each type of activity the skills are not only fixed, but also become more complicated.

Work on the development of speech should be traced throughout the lesson (not only as part of the main structure of the lesson, but also at each stage of the lesson).

The duration of the lesson is set depending on the degree of complexity of the lesson and on the condition of the child on a given day, but not more than a minute (with children who cannot move independently, with children with disabilities with cerebral palsy, it is possible to conduct individual lessons lasting 30-45 minutes).

Sometimes additional work is required to include the child in the lesson, which leads to a lengthening of the lesson (depending on the characteristics of the child).

The lesson should be subject to general didactic, scientific principles.

The principle of creating success.

Classes should have a subject-practical orientation.

Approximate structure of a lesson with young children

I. Organizational moment (games and exercises to establish emotional contact with the child, games and exercises aimed at developing communication skills).

II. Main part.

1. Exercises for the development of sensory perception:

games for the development of visual perception;

games for the development of auditory perception.

2. Games and exercises for the development of speech.

games to stimulate sound activity.

3. Games aimed at physical development:

exercises for the development of hand movements and actions with objects;

exercises for the development of general motor skills;

development of orientation in space.

III. Summing up the lesson.

Approximate content of work to improve the level of competence of parents

1. Acquaintance with the stages and patterns of the psychophysical development of a healthy child.

The role and forms of communication with the child at a particular age stage.

The value of situational business communication, leading to further development and qualitative transformation of the subject and gaming activity children (to the transition from individual actions to procedural games), to the emergence and development of speech.

The emergence and development of speech.

Acquaintance with the concepts of "leading activity", "zones of actual and immediate development".

2. The significance of purposeful classes for the psychophysical development of the child.

3. The value of the daily routine in the life of a child.

Classes and rest of the baby in the family.

What is the best way to organize a walk.

How to develop independent actions of the child in the process of performing regime moments.

4. The role of the subject-developing environment in the development of a young child.

What is a subject-developing environment.

How to organize a subject-developing environment in the family.

The value of toys for communication between a child and an adult.

Toys: role, types, purpose.

Criteria for evaluating toys when buying.

Game, role, stages of formation, types, organization of the game at home.

5. The value of communication in the life and development of a young child.

Types of communication, their role in mental development child.

When and how to organize communication between an adult and a child for a walk.

Does the child need to interact with other children?

6. Development of self-care skills in a young child.

Techniques for the formation of self-service and neatness skills for certain age periods.