What should be remembered during the arrangement of a small closed kitchen? What you need to know and remember when drinking alcohol Prefer durable packaging

So we celebrated a cheerful and satisfying Maslenitsa, and on February 23, Great Lent begins for Orthodox Christians, which will last until April 11. The decision to observe Great Lent must be approached consciously and carefully. Do not take it as a fashionable diet. Although in Lately many, unfortunately, this is how it is perceived. It has become fashionable to fast, and those who do not do this are no longer in trend. But how unpleasant and completely absurd a fasting person looks, from whose mouth, for example, every now and then a selective obscenity rushes. Priests do not tire of repeating that the essence of fasting is not in limiting food of animal origin, but, above all, in spiritual abstinence, repentance, forgiveness, deliverance from bad thoughts and spiritual impulses. The words of the holy elder have already become classic: “You eat even meat while fasting, but don’t eat each other!” Lent is, first of all, a spiritual act, and then a bodily one. However, fasting has a great impact on our physical condition and health. What do doctors recommend to those who are going to fast?

With proper observance of fasting, the entire body is cleansed and healed. But people with a weakened body and those who suffer from chronic diseases are not advised by doctors and nutritionists to fast. Therefore, before making a decision, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In winter and early spring, our body is most vulnerable, because we experience the effects of cold, lack of sunlight, and food is less rich in vitamins, and during fasting, we also exclude meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products from the diet, which are simply necessary for full-fledged work. organism. Any extremes are harmful, and a sharp change in diet can lead to discomfort and deterioration of well-being. Therefore, even healthy people doctors advise preparing your body for fasting, gradually refusing food of animal origin and introducing fasting days on plant food. And for the elderly, children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and those who have had serious illness, strict fasting is generally contraindicated. It is not recommended to observe a strict fast for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the replacement of animal proteins with coarse vegetable proteins puts an additional burden on the digestive system, which is fraught with an exacerbation of the disease.

How to eat in fasting? Doctors insist: you can’t refuse a single meal during fasting - you must have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Under no circumstances should you go hungry! You need to eat more vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, legumes. Dairy products can be replaced with soy milk and tofu. The main food in fasting is porridge. In order to preserve the trace elements contained in them as much as possible, the cereal should be placed in boiling water and boiled for only three minutes, then transferred to a thermos or covered with a blanket for several hours so that it is steamed. It is important to observe and correct drinking regimen: one and a half - two liters of fluid per day. You also need to leave the fast gradually, gradually adding meat and dairy products to your food.

Regardless of whether you fast or not, I wish you good health and pure thoughts!

In apartment buildings, and especially those that were built in Soviet time, the premises are not large enough. The fact that they should use inexpensive high-quality custom-made kitchens, in theory, many people know. But not everyone knows how to put it into practice. Is your kitchen very small? Narrow? Do not know what to do to make this space as functional as possible, and at the same time pleasing to the eye? After reading this article, you will find the answers to these questions.

When arranging a closed narrow kitchen, there are several factors to keep in mind. First of all, you need to consider its size - it can be long and narrow, or square. If you want it to serve you as a dining room, you need to choose furniture so that a table of the right size fits in the kitchen. Otherwise, you will have to carry dishes and dishes to the living room every time. Another factor is the window - whether there is one at all, and if so, what size.

An enclosed kitchen has many benefits that can make your daily life easier.

  • First of all, this room is separated from the rest of the apartment. If guests come to you, and the kitchen is a mess, you will not have to blush for it.
  • Due to the fact that it is not connected to the rest of the apartment, there is no need to worry about smells - just install a good hood.
  • In other rooms, the operation of appliances will not be heard - for example, the noise from the refrigerator or dishwasher.
  • It can be decorated in a different style, not like the rest of the rooms - this gives more freedom and design possibilities.

How to visually enlarge the space?

The most common problem with a closed kitchen in apartment building, is its size, as a rule, it is a rather small, often narrow room. However, this should not become an obstacle to an interesting and modern arrangement of space. You just need to remember that:

  • The kitchen should be bright. Light walls and cabinet fronts will visually enlarge the space and will not overwhelm it. This allows you to better organize the space above the countertop - for example, by placing additional cabinets, without worrying that the kitchen will look cluttered.
  • Facades should reflect light. In a classic kitchen, glazed doors are suitable, while in a modern kitchen they are shiny.
  • Cabinets are best installed with the letter "G". Thanks to this, you can form a working triangle.
  • The window sill can be used for growing greens. Thanks to this approach, you will not only provide yourself with greenery, but also decorate the space with plants.

Use footage 100%

A small kitchen is no excuse for not having enough space. It is enough to choose such pieces of furniture that will allow you to use the footage most efficiently. Kitchen cabinets must be functional. It is worth choosing models with sliding or rotating shelves. Sliding doors will be ideal to save space and not interfere with movement. Retractable countertops have proven themselves well. Thanks to this solution, you will always have additional space at arm's length.


The closed kitchen in an apartment building provides many design options. You just need to remember the solutions that will help you use the space as efficiently as possible. One of these is the furniture available here http://www.cbma.com.ua/kuhni/ to order, which will meet your requirements and taste. You can find more tips in the video accompanying this article. Enjoy watching.

What should be remembered during the arrangement of a small closed kitchen?

"... you, believers, speak your own language, and how can we poor unchurched ones understand you? Here I am, a learned man, but I have not comprehended what this word "churched" means.

Foma Aristotelevich Akvinsky-Maidanov

And you, dear, good day! Inner, mystical immersion in the life of the Church is properly called "churching". With the word, everything is simple: just as you, Foma Aristotelevich, constructed a name for yourself from cubes that already mean something, so the term "churching" consists of quite meaningful parts. The prefix "in-" means entry, immersion inside, the root of the "church" here is the "house of God", but the suffixes "linen-" emphasize that we are dealing with a process, and not a completed action - remember the words "renewal" , "recovery". It turns out that churching is an internal, moreover, mystical immersion in the life of the Church. I emphasize once again that it is the internal, and not the external, when a person does not just call himself a Christian, but lives this life, he has no other, and the norms preached by the Church become his norms. Churching is a long and complex process, like recovery.

“Mrs. Gorodova, I opened your article “Everything about the mysterious life of the Church” and, naive, I think: finally, the light of truth will shed on the mysterious topic, where do the priests get Mercedes and golden crosses, from what income do they fill their stomachs "But bummer! You didn't write about the mad grandmas in the church - you were afraid? Then at least you wrote about the mad grandmas in the churches - about those that pounce on everyone who comes in. It's also a mystery - where do such evil ones come from, if everyone keeps saying that Is God love? But I'm afraid you can't even do that!"

Gleb Golubkin

Gleb Golubkin, don't be afraid! Since I started writing on religious topics, I have to regularly answer not only for other people's stomachs and Mercedes, but for all the fires of the Inquisition at once. Although, thank God, in recent times less and less: than more people churching, the less horror stories and mossy myths swarm in our heads. As for the calculation of other people's money, as well as other people's vices, and anyone else - the priesthood, just believers, unbelievers, and even pure atheists, it doesn’t matter - then, if you allow, I will share personal experience. When, in a sinful deed, I have an ardent desire to convict someone, and some kind of restless evil force that has suddenly settled in me begins to stir up this anger, inciting to go to the scoundrels with a merciless war, I, still blazing with indignation and already ready to give out on - a mountain of angry philippics, be sure to firmly say to myself: "Stop!" Even for a minute, but I slow myself down. Then I take a deep breath. Then exhale. And then I remember one famous gospel episode. Do you remember how the Pharisees brought a sinner to Christ for judgment? The Pharisees put the unfortunate woman in the center and said: "Master, this woman was taken in adultery; and Moses in the law commanded us to stone such people: What do you say?" Of course, the Pharisees at the same time also tested Christ, they wanted to find a reason to accuse Him, at least of something. But Jesus, bowing low, wrote something with his finger on the ground and did not pay attention to them. "When they continued to ask Him, He raised himself up and said to them: He who is without sin among you, first throw a stone at her. And again, bending low, he wrote on the ground." And here is the riddle, here is the question: what did the Son of God write?

There is a version that Jesus wrote the sins of accusers, because Christ sees the heart of a person. And then the Pharisees, "hearing this and being convicted by their conscience, began to leave one by one, beginning from the elders to the last; and only Jesus remained and the woman standing in the middle. Jesus, rising up and not seeing anyone but a woman, said to her: woman! where are your accusers? has no one condemned you? She answered, "No one, Lord. Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.'

So, as they say, God forbid you sort out your sins before starting a registry on someone else's. And we must also remember that during an angry boil, especially when we ourselves heat it up, our soul comes into a destructive state, called in asceticism "blasphemous self-exaltation." "Hulnoe" - from the word "hula", that is, swearing. And "self-exaltation" is winding oneself up, introducing oneself into rage and anger. Blasphemous self-exaltation is an unhealthy state and always destructive - first of all for the person himself. To indulge him, and even more so to take root in him, that is, to make him habitual, to receive emotional release from his boiling, is simply detrimental.

As for those old women who are not always friendly to those who come to church again, the phenomenon itself must be attributed to trials (they say temptations in the Church) that can be encountered by those who have just begun their journey to God.

Taking pleasure in the rage at the denunciation of other people's sins, we destroy our soul

There is a vivid parable in the Gospel that reveals the psychology of people coming to the Church. Jesus tells of a vineyard owner who hired laborers early in the morning for a denarius. Then the owner went to the marketplace at three, six, nine, and finally at eleven o'clock in the evening, and each time, recruiting workers, he said: "Go and you into my vineyard, and what will follow, you will receive." And when in the evening, at twelve o'clock, the owner of the vineyard began to pay, he began with the last - those who came at about eleven received a denarius. Then those who came to the vineyard in the morning decided: they will get more. But they also received the same amount, and began to grumble. Then the owner of the vineyard said: "... friend! I do not offend you, did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go; I want to give this last the same as you; what I want, or is your eye envious because I am kind? last first and the first last, for many are called, but few are chosen."

People who are just going to church should know that they can be met with a critical attitude of those who, according to the parable, came at six o'clock in the morning and did, as it seems to them, more. But the Church is not a human organization, it is a divine-human organism. And God, as the head of the Church, Himself gives to man - not according to merit, but according to Divine grace. Let us remember that we were the first to be saved, entered Paradise, a robber crucified on a cross, no matter how incomprehensible it may seem to us. This is the principle of God's grace, which is beyond the legal laws of justice, because God is above all human laws - He Himself establishes the laws of the universe. And people who have met criticism or condemnation in the Church should understand: this is not from God, it is just a test of their faith. It is necessary to show tolerance, remember your path, the fact that you are not without sin, humble yourself. What does the parable teach? First: God is immutable, that is, He is unchangeable, He cannot be measured by our desires. Second: a person may experience temptations, but they will come from people who are also believers, who also "worked in the vineyard", simply measuring everything by human standards of justice. Third: a person must always believe that the Lord is coming to meet him, and it doesn’t matter what experience you have behind you, whether you came to God in infancy, at six in the morning, or at sunset, at eleven in the evening, you will still be with God because God looks into the heart of man and accepts everyone. And there is no greater joy in Heaven than the joy of a repentant sinner.

“Everyone has his own meeting with God, his own way,” says Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol. “The Apostle Paul compares people striving for likeness to God with those who compete: “Don’t you know that those who run on the lists all run, but one receives a reward? So run to get it. "There are no universal recipes in this, if I may say so, race, but two general tips can be formulated. First: "We must seek Christ, and not Christ's." , that is, people, both disappointment and devastation will await us. "Seeking Christ" means paying attention to the external form, to the external manifestation of religiosity, and such imitation, I would say more harshly, monkeyism, displaces the inner essence of communion with God. a person is unique, and the inner spiritual life, despite the existence of general laws, is unique. The main thing is that the heart burns with love, and how it will manifest itself is already individual. tenderness or some kind of goodness are also only forms of manifestation of spiritual life, looking for them is a dead end.

How to seek Christ? To begin with, one must try to be inwardly involved in what is happening in the temple. There is such a thing as faith through hearing. We must learn to listen. And if some moments are distracting, then you should not pay attention to it - remember: when you go to God, you will meet temptations on the way.

To be continued

Daily prayer of St. Philaret (Drozdov)

Lord, I don't know what to ask of You? You alone know what I need. You love me more than I know how to love You. Father, give to Thy servant what I myself cannot ask. I do not dare to ask for a cross or consolation, I only stand before You, my heart is open; You see needs I don't know. Behold and do according to Thy mercy; strike and heal, bring me down and lift me up! I revere and remain silent before Your holy will and Your destinies incomprehensible to me. I offer myself as a sacrifice to You; teach me to pray. Pray in me yourself.

Even the mighty and indestructible Everest suffers from garbage mountains erected by ungrateful tourists. The problem is so critical that the Nepalese authorities have ordered the conquerors of the highest mountain in the world to leave a deposit of $ 4,000, which is withdrawn if the climbers do not bring back their waste.

But not so many tourists visit this attraction - only about 300 people a year. What can we say about other heavenly corners of our planet, which thousands of vacationers come to see? The Maldives, for example, is visited annually by about 900,000 tourists. Not surprisingly, the local authorities were forced to create an artificial island - a garbage dump. The same goes for historical species Egypt. Soon, near the pyramid of Cheops, you can see a garbage pyramid.

The theme of the formation of ecological consciousness among modern tourists is becoming increasingly popular. If you love to travel but would like to leave a trailblazer instead of a carbon footprint, then use rules of the "green" tourist.

1. Take care of your trash

Want to organize a picnic behind the hotel, explore a tropical forest Or are you climbing mountains? Think about where you will put the accumulated garbage. It is not at all difficult to take a special waste bag with you, leaving it in the nearest trash can. If you were able to bring your things to the place of rest, then you can easily bring the empty container back. The problem is that garbage left in nature can destroy someone's habitat, polluting the water source and soil over time.

In addition, in many countries there is a strict system of fines for garbage not brought to the bin. This is a rather painful topic for inexperienced tourists. For example, garbage thrown on the beach in Singapore, a cigarette butt or chewing gum will cost 1,000 local dollars.

2. Choose durable packaging

A rag eco-bag can solve the problem plastic bags, and a reusable water bottle will save you from a mountain of plastic containers.

3. Choose the right souvenirs

The Red Book often does not stop masters of souvenir crafts. Endangered species of animals or plants go to cute trinkets that gather dust in cupboards and bookshelves for years, bringing no more joy.

It is quite obvious that you should not buy figurines made of African elephant tusks or dried wings. rare species tropical butterflies. But even if the population of any animal species is not close to zero, this does not mean that you need to buy 10 snakeskin wallets. There is little environmental responsibility in such an act.

4. Skip Some Exotic Foods

Shark fins, turtle soup, crocodile tail, whale meat and more. Of course, some people get only one chance in life to try this dish. But this is exactly the kind of life experience that should be abandoned in order not to become one of the reasons for the increase in demand (and, accordingly, supply) for the cruel killing of endangered animals.

5. Buy local farm produce

If possible, give preference organic products produced locally at your destination. In this way, you will help local producers and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions that appear during the transportation of products from other countries. Therefore, forget about foreign soda, chocolate bars and chips, at least for the duration of your trip. And why is this all, if in the same countries of Southeast Asia, for example, you are surrounded on all sides by sweet and alluring exotic fruits?

6. Choose a “green” mode of transport

In a recent study, scientists from Canada found that 25% of cars are responsible for 90% of all pollution related to vehicle emissions. It’s better not to even think about what consequences 100% traffic leads to. At the same time, not a single day of urban residents can do without a “refreshing” breath of carbon dioxide and other carcinogens.

When traveling to the green and clean corners of the planet, try to leave them as clean as possible. If on your own two you really can’t, but public transport tired, then give preference to a bike ride. And great "does not roll"? You can rent an electric car, a hybrid car or a car with a fuel cell engine.

7. Stay in green hotels

Recently, tourists are increasingly paying attention to the environmental component of the hotels where they stay. In an effort to meet the latest eco-trends and not lose customers, hotels of all levels apply the principles of saving water and electricity, use alternative energy sources, properly dispose of garbage, use environmentally friendly materials in construction, and even conduct educational work among staff. To find out if the hotel is worried about environment, just find information about whether it has a special environmental certificate (LEED, Green Hotel, Green Leaf, Green Key).

By the way, some hotels attract tourists with exotic dishes and show programs with wild animals. Here you can also go on principle and refuse such a hotel. You can even save money, because turtle soup for lunch is not offered for a beautiful smile.

8. Choose sustainable entertainment

Traveling in Indonesia, for example, you can refuse to visit the zoo in Surabaya, which has been nicknamed the zoo of death due to unbearable conditions for animals.

Studying the traditions of the Faroe Islands, one should not admire and even more so take part in the mass slaughter of black dolphins and whales.

If you're here to enjoy the South African scenery, don't settle for a hunting safari organization.

Want to try your hand at scuba diving somewhere off Bermuda? Don't forget the importance of conserving endangered coral reefs.

When planning which places you want to visit in a new country or city, study the cultural program also from an environmental point of view. There are a lot of reviews and advice on this topic on the Internet. There is no need to create a stir by funding the extermination of species or the mistreatment of animals.

9. Try to relax outside the box and without harm to nature

Comfortable rooms in five-star hotels are hard to refuse. But at least once you can try to relax unusually. "Green" tourism is becoming more and more popular with each new season. Yes, and the fantasy of nature conservationists does not sleep: ecotourism, rural or agrotourism, tourism of immersion or stay in the countryside, ecological educational programs and so on. The selection is really impressive.

10. Little green tips

When you go on a trip, do not forget to turn off household appliances. While in a hotel room, do not turn on the air conditioner unnecessarily or do not leave the lights on in the bathroom. Use water sparingly, because in some countries it is truly an invaluable resource.

It may seem that in some ways such advice limits your vacation. But now the topic of ecology concerns everyone.

"I'll just try once, and nothing bad will happen" - not exactly a good type of adult behavior, is it?

Have a nice trip!

It's been nine long months since you've enjoyed a cup of coffee with breakfast or a glass of wine with dinner, not to mention an aspirin when you're in pain. headache. No wonder if the thought of abstaining for additional months while you breastfeed makes you wonder if breastfeeding is worth it.

Well, relax. Even though most of what a woman consumes ends up in her milk, moms can benefit from proper timing. A cup of coffee or a glass of wine, drunk immediately after feeding, will be fully absorbed in three to four hours, when the next time feed, leaving a very small part of what could be potentially dangerous in the mother's system. Therefore, eat, drink and take medicine, remembering the simple rules.

Contrary to stories about breastfeeding, there is no set list of foods that breastfeeding mothers should avoid eating. For generations, women have been advised to refrain from eating onions, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, or anything spicy, or they will have to suffer from pity for a colic baby. In reality, every child reacts differently to these foods, and the only way to know if a particular food is causing a problem is through trial and error. However, if the family has serious problems with allergies to foods, it is better to abstain from these foods for a while. To identify which foods are causing the problem, you need to eliminate all suspected foods, and then introduce them one by one, watching the baby's reaction. In addition, instead of cutting food out completely, try giving it a few months later. Children overcome food intolerance.


You should always consult your doctor and pediatrician before taking any medicine. In many cases, doctors can recommend safe options.

In general, paracetamol and ibuprofen are considered safe for breastfeeding mothers, while aspirin is generally not recommended as it can cause side effects. Large doses of antihistamines can delay milk production and cause drowsiness in the baby, however, nasal drops or rubbing will not pass into breast milk.

When it comes to prescription drugs, the rule of thumb is that any medication that is safe for a baby to take, such as amoxicillin, can be taken by breastfeeding mothers. However, be sure that the doctor who prescribes your medicine knows that you are breastfeeding. The same goes for birth control pills: Minipils, which contain a small amount of progestins, and Norplan, which has an even lower content of hormones, are considered safe. However, since the long-term effects of hormones on breastfed babies are not yet known, barrier methods of contraception are the best option.

Alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine.

Until recently, drinking beer or a cocktail was recommended to women as a way to relax and improve milk flow. However recent research showed that babies consumed less milk when pre-feeding mothers drank alcoholic beverages before feeding, they also slept more frequently and for shorter periods of time. As for the instructions for use alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, there is increasing debate about how harmful they actually are. Although some research has been done on the subject, medical experts are confident that the benefit breastfeeding significantly outweigh the risk of occasional drinking.

Moderation is also key when smoking while breastfeeding. It is best if breastfeeding mothers give up the habit altogether, as a small amount of nicotine passes into milk, and children whose mothers smoke are at risk of airborne infections caused by smoke inhalation. Women who cannot quit smoking should limit themselves to smoking just a few cigarettes a day, and should smoke immediately after feeding rather than before, and should never do so near the baby.

Small amounts of caffeine also pass into breast milk. It has been recognized as a cause of irritability and bad sleep in babies. But, instead of giving up coffee for nine months or more, it is recommended that breastfeeding mothers drink coffee after feedings.