Autonomous heating device in the apartment. Autonomous heating in an apartment building: features of the device. Selection of pipes, boiler and radiators

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Heating is one of the most expensive and often the least quality utilities for apartment building residents. Despite the astronomical amounts on receipts, not all apartment buildings have a temperature in a dwelling during the heating season that meets the established standards. That's why everything more people think about abandoning the centralized service and switching to individual gas heating in the apartment. To fulfill such a desire is quite realistic, but for this you need to make efforts in collecting documents for the reconstruction of housing and passing through all instances.

Heating a city apartment: features and problems

The traditional centralized heating system in most apartment buildings, as a rule, functions according to the same principle, but differs in the way the coolant is supplied. Each of these principles has its pros and cons:

  • dependent. Heat enters the individual radiators directly from the CHP without additional distribution, the temperature is maintained without the inclusion of a thermal unit in the process;
  • independent. From the central boiler house, heat is supplied to the MKD heating unit and distributed to the apartments with the possibility of additional adjustment of the hot water temperature using circular pumps.
  • There are two types of systems - open and closed. The type of connection is one- and two-pipe. With such a heat supply scheme, even under the conditions of the standard temperature of the coolant, at the initial stage, poor permeability may occur due to the formation of an air lock or clogging of pipes.

    Similar problems do not arise if gas heating is installed in an apartment building.

    It should also be remembered that almost the entire housing stock of the Russian Federation was built in the last century according to various building codes and regulations. When installing new heating, differences in SNiPs, according to which equipment and equipment were installed (materials, methods of connecting elements, etc.), will no longer be the cause of cold batteries.

    Advantages of gas heating systems

    Heating in private houses and apartments of MKD can be carried out using gas. This type of heating is reliable and inexpensive to operate. Heating is carried out by gas, which is transported through pipelines, or at the expense of bottled fuel.

    Gas individual heating in the apartment can only be arranged by connecting the boiler to the main pipeline. Bottled gas is not used for heating apartments in MKD.

    The undoubted advantages of gas heating include economic efficiency and cleanliness.

    Another advantage is automatic temperature control if an individual boiler using gas is installed.

    Modern systems have high tightness and reliable protection that prevents gas contamination of the surrounding air by turning off the gas supply if its content reaches 0.4%.

    Autonomous heating in the apartment

    Deciding to improve efficiency and reduce heating costs, apartment building owners are wondering if it is possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment with central heating. Replacing centralized heating with an autonomous circuit is a feasible task, the only obstacle to which may be improper operating conditions for a gas boiler.

    The main condition for installing a gas boiler in an apartment is the presence of a special chimney.

    An obstacle to installation may be low pressure in the gas pipeline network, designed only for kitchen gas stoves. In this situation, connecting a boiler can further reduce the pressure in the system. Therefore, it is desirable to install equipment equipped with a closed combustion chamber with a coaxial chimney.

    The choice of model depends on the specific needs of the owner.

    Find out more about what conditions you need to meet in order to get permission for.

    What you need to install a gas boiler in an apartment

    Before finally abandoning centralized heating, you should study the requirements of legislative and regulatory documents. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1.7.1 of the Rules and Regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of September 27, 2003 No. 170, replacing heating equipment and heating an apartment using a gas boiler is a reconstruction residential premises.

    According to Part 1 of Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, such events should be carried out in compliance with legislative norms in agreement with the local government and on the basis of its decision.

    The first step will be to obtain an opinion from the gas supply organization on the technical feasibility of installing autonomous gas heating in the apartment in a particular MKD. Then you need to write an application for refusing the service to the heat supply organization, having previously ordered a rework project from Gorgaz.

    To cancel a service central heating and switch to individual, you need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

    • application for reorganization;
    • title documents for residential premises (originals or notarized copies);
    • registration certificate for the premises;
    • written consent of all family members;
    • residential renovation project
    • the conclusion of the body for the protection of architectural monuments, confirming the possibility of reorganization.

    After receiving the project documentation, you need to sign an act fire safety project at the local branch of the All-Russian Volunteer Fire Society (VDPO).

    The next stage is the coordination of documentation in the administration. The decision on approval/refusal is made within 45 calendar days.

    In case of failure to provide required documents refusal to reorganize the premises may be motivated by Art. 27 LCD RF. The applicant has the right to challenge the negative answer in court.

    The nuances of the device of the gas heating system

    A heating gas boiler is a device that heats the coolant by burning gas. The equipment is usually equipped with:

    • heat-insulated housing;
    • hydraulic block;
    • heat exchanger;
    • gas burner;
    • control and safety devices.

    Depending on the type of gas boiler, the scheme for connecting heating batteries to the boiler will differ.

    Gas boilers are floor and wall, and heating systems are single-circuit and double-circuit. The latter are more common and more common in apartment buildings.

    Using the example of a two-circuit system device, you can familiarize yourself with the set of equipment and the sequence of its connection.

    Rules for installing gas equipment in an apartment

    Before you install a gas boiler in an apartment, you should make sure that all the requirements for the equipment itself, the room where it is planned to be installed, and the installation method are met. The main conditions should include:

    • installation exclusively by a specialized installation organization;
    • departure to the installation site of a gas service engineer before opening the gas valve leading to the boiler. The employee will check the correct connection of the equipment and issue an appropriate conclusion.

    The boiler is connected according to the operating and installation instructions. When installing, you should take into account the features of the room where it will be located, as well as the location of the gas boiler.

    The principle of choosing a gas boiler

    When selecting the unit, the economic, sanitary and technical indicators of the device, as well as the thermal regime of the premises, are taken into account.

    Reliable and safe operation of the heating system depends on the correct calculation of the boiler power. The calculation includes:

    • building heat loss;
    • coefficients that take into account possible adverse conditions and the climatic zone of the area.

    The main differences between gas boilers are their power. According to this indicator, they are divided into devices:

    • high power - up to 15,000 kW;
    • medium power - up to 1,700 kW;
    • low power - from 4 to 65 kW.

    When choosing, it must be taken into account that the wall gas boilers have low power, and outdoor - medium and large.

    Boiler installation features

    Each type of gas boilers has its own installation algorithm, however, during installation there are 2 general conditions: the dimensions of the room and its purpose.

    The height of the room in which the boiler is installed must be at least 2.5 m, and the area must be at least 15 m3. Existence of ventilation and an extract - obligatory requirements.

    It is forbidden to install gas equipment in the bathroom, toilet and living rooms.

    The system is pre-pressurized to P=1.8 atm, and then de-aired. After that, all elements of the connections are checked for tightness.

    The installation of a voltage stabilizer is mandatory and the installation of an uninterruptible power supply is highly desirable. This is necessary for the stable operation of electronic control elements.

    The first start-up precedes the filling of the system with water. To do this, the device must be turned off. To avoid the formation of air bubbles, the heating system should be filled with water gradually.

    Installation of any gas equipment should be carried out at a temperature of +5 to +35 degrees. In frost, such work is not carried out.


    To replace centralized heating in an MKD with an autonomous one, you need to obtain permission from the authorized bodies, order a housing reconstruction project and install gas equipment in accordance with legislative and technical standards. Before you make gas heating in an apartment building, you should make sure that its installation in a dwelling is possible and complies sanitary standards and security conditions.

    Lawyer. Member of the Chamber of Advocates of St. Petersburg. Experience more than 10 years. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, land law.

In our country, the issue of high-quality heating in apartments is quite important - after all, the majority of residents live in high-rise buildings. And, alas, the state of the heating network, even in newly built houses, can rarely provide high-quality heating for each apartment during the cold season. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Lately many apartment owners began to look for Alternative option heating. And most often they opt for such an option as an autonomous heating system at home.

Benefits of Autonomous Systems

The system of independent heating of the house appeared for the first time in Europe. However, having a significant number of advantages, it quickly spread throughout the world. Today, in most countries, residents prefer to use individual systems for heating their apartments. And for good reason, because this method has a number of advantages over a centralized system:

  • affordable cost. It is this advantage of the system that often becomes decisive when a centralized system is abandoned. The fact is that even taking into account the fact that you have to pay for the amount of gas used for heating, you will pay much lower amounts for utilities. In addition, unlike a centralized system, you can use autonomous heating when it is needed. That is, if necessary, you can adjust the intensity of heating, and in case of departure - just temporarily turn it off altogether. This saves a lot of money. In addition, you will not experience the inconvenience that occurs when one of the heating elements of the centralized system riser breaks down - after all, in this case, several apartments are left without heating at once.

In addition, the cost of a new building with autonomous heating is much lower. After all, the planning and installation of a centralized system requires a significant investment from the developer, which significantly raises the price of the housing itself.

  • increase in housing stock. There are often situations when the construction of an apartment building is impossible for a simple reason - in the construction area there is no possibility of connecting to the central heating main of the city. And this means that the only option to maintain heat in each apartment is to use autonomous heating systems. It should be noted that recently there are more and more houses with such a heating system. In many cities of Russia (St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg, Bryansk, etc.), apartment buildings with autonomous systems heating systems were put into operation in 1999. And since that time, the number of high-rise buildings with individual heating of each apartment has been growing rapidly.

  • saving natural resources. By phasing out district heating, users are thereby greatly helping to save a huge amount of resources that previously had to be spent on heating a house. In addition, with individual heating, it becomes possible to independently adjust the heating level. But even in this case, the heating boiler is often turned off by the user - that is, there is an additional saving of natural gas.
  • improving the quality of heating. In fact, those who switched from centralized heating to autonomous heating in an apartment building notice a significant improvement in the level of heating. Quite often this is due to the fact that heat is constantly leaking in a centralized system. In addition, autonomous heating of a residential building, located in one apartment, requires much less money and time for prevention.

Another advantage of autonomous heating can be called the fact that the system also allows you to constantly heat water. That is, there is simply no need to use such resource-intensive boilers.

Disadvantages of autonomous heating

Like any other heating system, an individual one also has its drawbacks. The most serious are:

  • user negligence. Any system in the house, whether it be heating or sewer, requires periodic preventive inspection and maintenance. And often the reason for a significant decrease in the efficiency of the system is just the long absence of service repairs. As a rule, the system should be inspected by a specialist at least once a year. But many users simply forget about it, or simply do not want to spend money again. In fact, a preventive inspection of the system by a specialist is inexpensive, but it can save you from a major breakdown in the future.
  • the need to create a high-quality ventilation system and the negative impact on environment. It should be noted that today the problem is less relevant than 10 years ago. Projects and rules for creating ventilation systems are approved by law, and quite a lot of attention is paid to this issue when planning a house.

  • decrease in the efficiency of the system due to unheated adjacent rooms. Unfortunately, this problem is very relevant. It especially affects those who, having purchased an apartment with individual heating in a new house, do not have neighbors. In empty apartments due to the lack of residents, autonomous heating of houses does not work. That is - common walls always remain cold. As a result, this significantly reduces the level of heating in the occupied apartments. However, many owners of apartment buildings were able to solve this problem. A modern heating system is installed in each individual apartment, which allows you to automatically maintain the minimum level of heating, without requiring constant monitoring.

Every year more and more houses are put into operation, in which each individual apartment has its own heating system. The systems are regularly upgraded, which makes their implementation and use as efficient and more affordable as possible.

Recently, more and more often you can hear about the desire to save energy resources and increase the cost of fuel.

The amount of savings in fuel and energy resources and material resources spent on providing heat to consumers will directly depend on the method of heat supply.

How can you provide heat supply to multi-apartment residential buildings?

There are two options - to power the heat pipelines from the main heat networks or install an autonomous heat point.

Both options are good, but the presence of an individual heating point for several apartment buildings and autonomous heating using energy-saving means will please more. Why?

Because the distance between the pair "heat point - consumer" is minimized, thereby reducing heat loss along the heating network line. This type of heating is called decentralized, or autonomous.

A lower percentage of expenses for heating and hot water supply in an apartment building - and all because the costs of transporting and delivering the coolant to the end consumer are reduced.

Simply put, the source of heat supply is practically nearby, and therefore the time for supplying heat to residential buildings and the percentage of heat losses are reduced. This also leads to a reduction in the cost of maintaining, servicing and repairing heating networks.

The efficiency of heat supply systems - as a result, follows from the previous factor. Since the source of heat supply is nearby, then the amount of payment utilities for hot water and heating is somewhat lower.

Independence from the citywide heating schedule. In other words, while heating has not yet been given in the city (“because the heating season has not started according to the schedule”), and on the street already low temperature, apartment heating from an autonomous heat source will come in handy.

In addition, each consumer will be able to choose the best for his apartment. temperature conditions- turn off / turn on the heating system only for your apartment, adjusting the level of heat supply.

In this case, there are no connection problems due to "technical" and seasonal reasons.

Lower cost and higher payback of new buildings with an autonomous source of heat supply.

A separate boiler room in each house will increase free space in the courtyard. Click to enlarge.

This is more likely to play into the hands of developers, because in the case of the “traditional” construction of an apartment building, you have to spend quite a lot of time getting permission to connect a new building to a centralized heating network, install a meter (which is mandatory for any new building today).

The presence of "additional free space" within the whole microdistrict. This also contributes to the implementation of housing programs, the construction of new buildings and the arrangement of microdistricts not for heating mains, but for the infrastructure of the districts.

In addition, providing apartment buildings with an autonomous source of heat supply is also possible if there is already an established gas supply system in the construction area.


However, along with the advantages that consumers of decentralized heating and hot water have, there are a number of disadvantages:

  1. The need for additional space allocated for the construction of an autonomous boiler house.
  2. Non-environmental operation of the boiler room. For a gas boiler house operating autonomously, it will be necessary to additionally equip an exhaust gas exhaust system in order to reduce smoke emissions into the atmosphere as much as possible, having obtained the MPC value required by SNiP (maximum permissible concentrations).
  3. Price. Since autonomous heating today is not yet as popular and in demand as centralized heating systems, the production of boiler equipment for it has not been put on the conveyor. Consequently, prices for decentralized heating and hot water systems are still high.

Is it possible to eliminate the above shortcomings completely, or at least minimize them? Can. An additional area for an autonomous boiler room can be "found" on the roof of a multi-storey building that will be heated.

The "salt" is that the so-called rooftop boilers require flat roofs for their installation.

An increasing number of new buildings are already equipped with a roof-top boiler house with equipment installed above and top-mounted piping.

Of course it will cost to install. additional equipment, and the decentralized heat supply of one apartment building itself is not cheap, but it will all pay off faster than if the house were simply connected to a centralized heat supply system.

Varieties of decentralized heat supply

Another example of autonomous heating of a multi-storey residential building is a block boiler house, consisting of a separate module. Block or modular boilers can be transported as they are delivered in containers.

The use of modular boiler rooms in an apartment building. Click to enlarge.

Their execution does not require the construction of a new building specifically for boiler equipment - the entire installation is already “encased” in a container, in addition, the module is thermally insulated, and the assembly is carried out directly at the manufacturer.

Previously, such blocks were used as heating systems for temporary structures (change houses), but now they are offered (after a number of modifications) as an alternative to centralized heating.

But most the best option autonomous heating is an apartment heating system powered from the main gas pipeline or through the power supply network (depending on the type of boiler), the “core” of which is a wall-mounted boiler (gas or electric).

Why wall mounted? Because wall-mounted boilers have a number of advantages:

  1. Easy to install, easy to hang on the wall using a set of fasteners (fasteners must be supplied with the boiler equipment)
  2. They are light in weight and small in size, do not take up much space in the room
  3. With their size, they have good power (10-25 kW) and are able to heat a room up to 100 m2 - and this is quite enough for one four-room apartment
  4. Available in both single and double

If the owner of the apartment plans to install a wall-mounted gas boiler as heating equipment, then he should check the completeness of the equipment, namely:

  1. Boiler with two circuits (working both for space heating and hot water)
  2. Combustion chamber - closed type
  3. The presence of a fan to provide forced draft (fence fresh air from the street) and the removal of combustion products through the chimney
  4. Pump for forced circulation of the coolant
  5. Electronic ignition and full automatic – for efficient fuel use

An additional advantage in autonomous heat supply can be considered the possibility of installing a “warm floor” system - provided that the insertion of an additional pipe for taking the coolant does not affect the pressure level in the system.

In the case of an electric boiler that also works according to a two-circuit scheme (heating + providing the consumer with hot water), the difficulties will be much less: you will only have to get permission to allocate an additional power line, plus coordinate the insertion of the direct and return pipes into the general water supply system.

The only exception will be electrode boilers without heating elements that work to heat running water.

Possible Complications

If everything is so simple and easy, why are apartment owners in no hurry to re-equip their heating systems? The answer is simple: there is no permit for the conversion of heat supply.

No housing company will give an apartment owner permission to refurbish heating system"just". And all because, as mentioned above, the cost of maintaining and repairing the heat supply system will decrease.

It follows that the owner of an apartment with refurbished heating will pay less, and this is already unprofitable for the management company.

Another question is if there will be several families in several apartments who want to re-equip the heating of the house, making it autonomous, and even better - residents in several nearby houses.

But in this case, the transition to autonomous heating can be fraught with such difficulties as obtaining permission to carry out all construction and installation work - and all this at the expense of willing owner-initiators.

Finally, I would like to note that it is advisable to entrust all work on the installation of autonomous heating in an apartment building to professionals who have the appropriate licenses to carry out work of this kind. Even if you just want to put an ordinary wall-mounted boiler at home.

If for some reason the tenants of an apartment building are not satisfied with the heating of their apartment, then it probably occurred to someone of them: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment?

At first glance, this is a completely impossible task. However, in fact, there is nothing supernatural in this.

It is only necessary to sensibly and competently approach the solution of the problem, and any apartment in an apartment building will be able to acquire its own system individual heating.

If the question arose before a person: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment, then it is obvious that there were a number of reasons that were a prerequisite for the occurrence.

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Individual heating of an apartment - what is it, why and for what

Most often, people decide to abandon the central heating due to the fact that:

  • they are not satisfied with the quality of heating - lack of heat, discomfort in the cold season
  • they want to regulate the level and timing of heat supply to the apartment themselves
  • they want to reduce heating bills

How to prepare a legal framework

So, the owner of the apartment decided on the technical parameters of the equipment.

There was one, but a very significant issue - obtaining permission to install this equipment in your apartment.

To answer: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment building, only the interdepartmental commission responsible for the use of the housing stock can.

It is there that you will have to apply for the appropriate permission.

First of all, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • application for the installation of individual heating
  • consent of all apartment owners
  • minutes of the meeting of all residents of the house with consent to the installation of individual heating in a particular apartment
  • title documents for the apartment
  • technical passport of the apartment and its copy
  • if the house is an architectural monument, then the conclusion of the relevant authority on the legality and possibility of redevelopment

In addition, you will need a lot of various technical documentation, starting with an apartment redevelopment project and ending with copies of purchased equipment.

To collect all the necessary documents and permits, you will have to bypass more than one service and organization. If it is planned to install an electric boiler, then for permission it is necessary to contact the city power grid. For the installation of a gas boiler, a permit is issued by the city gas service. Its experts inspect your home for the presence of a working chimney.

Permission to disconnect from the general house heating is given by the city heating network. The project for the re-equipment of the apartment will be approved by the design. In addition, this project must be coordinated with the SES authorities and the fire department.

When the entire package is assembled, all the necessary permits have been received and approved, you can safely purchase equipment and conclude contracts with professional contractors who will quickly, correctly and safely install individual heating in your apartment. However, that's not all. The last step is to receive the acceptance certificate.

Problems of high-rise buildings

The owners of apartments located on the last floors of multi-storey buildings often have: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment on the top floor.

In fact, the inhabitants of the upper floors have fewer problems with disconnecting from the central heating, since to disconnect, you only need to make jumpers to the lower risers and that's it. Whereas in apartments located on the lower floors, when disconnected from the central heating, there may be a violation of the heating in adjacent rooms.

Installing individual heating in an apartment building will require a lot of both material and moral costs. You will have to spend a lot of time to bypass all instances and to carry out technical work. But all the effort will pay off with further cost savings and improved comfort in your apartment.

You can switch to independent heating only for the whole house:

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