Are fasting days good for the liver? Unloading days. Principles of nutrition when unloading the liver

With the fact that from time to time it is useful to carry out food unloading, everyone agrees. Here we will discuss only how best to do this.

The reason for a fasting day may be the desire to improve your well-being, get rid of the symptoms of an incipient disease. (flu, cold, high blood pressure, headache, etc.) get yourself in better shape (get rid of edema, bulging belly) or just start dumping excess weight. Fasting day will help you give up "bad" foods or habits and go on a reasonable diet.

Finally, a fasting day is the first step in mastering interval nutrition.


If you decide to go one day without food, you need to prepare for it. Even if a person skipped breakfast, lunch and dinner, this does not mean at all that he has been starving all day. The well-being and the effect of the fasting day as a whole depend on the preparation.

If you decide to start in the morning, this is incorrect choice because there is already gastric juice in the stomach and you are hungry. In the small intestine there is previously eaten food (yesterday), in the large intestine - waste, and in the gallbladder - bile, waiting for a new portion of food. First you need to deal with this, otherwise abstinence will turn into painful self-deception.

The day before fasting, therefore, live and eat as usual, but in the evening, 2-3 hours after dinner, it is worth starting preparations for a fasting day.

Preparation takes 3-4 hours and comes down to two procedures:

  1. Tubage (blind probing)- for the liver and gallbladder.
  2. Taking a laxative- to remove food debris and waste from the intestines.


The choice of pharmaceutical products is important. It is difficult to say in advance which one is better.

If you are inexperienced, we advise you to use magnesia (MgSO 4 - powdered magnesium sulfate) both for tubage and as a laxative. In total, it will need 50 grams (2 bags or 2 jars of 25 grams). You can try other means (see below), but it is better to start with magnesia. The heater can be used both electric and water.


The gallbladder is an organ the size of egg(50 ml), which receives 1.5 liters of bile per day. The purpose of the gallbladder is to thicken bile and supply it to the intestines in a timely manner. The functions of cleansing and digestion of the body depend on the clarity of its work.

Bile is needed for the absorption of fats, but also along with bile, the liver gets rid of toxins and metabolic products. If there is a problem with the excretion of bile, not only digestion suffers, but the whole body.

One of the most common problems of a fasting day is full gallbladder. With regular meals, the gallbladder works "by the hour of eating." If the food does not arrive on time, it overflows and creates problems, so a fasting day must necessarily be preceded by a tubage, also called blind probing.

When the gallbladder does not empty, the person experiences headache, dry mouth, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, weakness, palpitations, blood pressure may rise and yellowness may appear. These are signs of intoxication, showing that the products excreted by the liver did not leave the gallbladder and ended up in the blood again.

Sometimes, if the release of bile does not occur in a timely manner, it may not go into the intestines, but into the stomach and esophagus. In this case, bloating and pain in the abdomen, belching with air, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, and a brown coating on the tongue appear. Another consequence of the "untimely" emptying of the gallbladder is constipation.

Untimely or incomplete emptying of the gallbladder is called biliary dyskinesia. Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder leads to its chronic thickening and the formation of stones, that is, cholelithiasis.

Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder leads to its chronic thickening and the formation of stones, this is Cholelithiasis.

With stagnation of bile, unpleasant changes occur in the wall of the gallbladder: inflammation, thickening, swelling, polypous growths, etc. An infection “sticks” to an unhealthy organ, which is called cholecystitis. The outflow of bile with it becomes even more difficult, and if the harmful factors are not eliminated, everything ends with the removal of the gallbladder, the most popular method of its “treatment” in the world.

Tubage procedure

Tubage can be performed in the morning on an empty stomach or at any time of the day, but not earlier than 2-3 hours after eating.

It usually takes 1-2 hours to empty the gallbladder.

Conduct sequence. Drink 1 glass of rosehip infusion or 1 dessert spoon of Holosas diluted in a glass of hot water.

After 10-20 minutes, start tubage. Put a heating pad on the liver area (recall that the liver is located not in the stomach, but behind the ribs, in women - under the breasts). The temperature is not very high (42-43 0 C), so that it warms, but does not burn. Dilute in a glass of hot water 10 grams (2 teaspoons) of magnesium sulfate powder, drink this solution in 4 doses of 50 ml, with an interval of 15 minutes. You can drink through a straw so as not to irritate the taste. In a glass, you can add ½ teaspoon of citric acid or juice from half a lemon.

Magnesium sulfate also comes in capsules and granules. If you are lucky enough to get one, the procedure will require the same 10 grams - 40 capsules of 0.25 grams. In Europe, Canada, the USA, magnesium sulfate is produced under the name Epsom Salt.

Warming up lasts 1-2 hours. If during this time there is no “grumble” in the intestines and there is no urge to go to the toilet, it is recommended to do some exercises (see below) and extend the heating for another half an hour.

For some diseases, doctors do not recommend warming up. internal organs. You can replace the warm-up with vigorous exercise or jogging. There is, however, one inconvenience: a successful tubage can end with a sharp urge, so be prepared to quickly get to the toilet.

Gallbladder exercises

Exercise 1. Walking around the room, at first normal, then with a high raising of the hip. Perform within 30-40 seconds. Breathing alternates: for 2-3 steps - inhale, 3-4-5-6 steps - exhale.

Exercise 2. Stand up with your feet wider than your shoulders. Raise your hands up - inhale, 2-3-4 springy bends forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 3 Stand up with your feet hip-width apart. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, 2-3-4, putting your hands on your knees, do springy squats - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 4 Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Turn the body to the right, moving the arms to the right, - inhale, sticking out the stomach, turn the body to the left - exhale, drawing in the stomach.

Exercise 5 Lying on your back, put your hands along the body. Raise your hands up - inhale, pull your left knee to your chest with your hands - exhale. Lower your leg, and raise your arms up again - inhale. Pull the right knee to the stomach with your hands - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

Exercise 6 Lying on your back, bend your legs. Raising your chest and head, reach your knees with your hands - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 7 Lying on the right side, put right hand under the head, and the left on the stomach, bend the legs. Perform diaphragmatic breathing. When inhaling, stick out the stomach, slightly bending in the lower back, while exhaling, pull the stomach in, making the back round. Repeat 8-10 times, then lie on the other side and do the same.

Exercise 8 Get on your knees, with your hands resting on the floor. Sit on the right heel, moving the left leg back - inhale (do not take your hands off the floor). With a sliding movement, move the left knee between the hands and lie on the stomach on the left thigh - exhale. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat 3-5 times.

Exercise 9 The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Bend your back, and then arch it, as cats do.

Exercise 10 The starting position is the same as in the previous one. Raise your right hand to the side up - inhale, clasping your chest with it, bend over and reach the floor with your right shoulder, slightly turning the body to the right - exhale. The same with the other shoulder. Repeat 3-5 times.

Exercise 11 Kneeling, spread your arms to the sides - inhale, sticking out your stomach, tilt your torso forward, and take your hands back - exhale, pulling in your stomach. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 12 Lying on your back, bend your legs, put your hands on your stomach, elbows down. Perform abdominal breathing, 8-12 movements.

In some cases, with a particularly “lazy” gallbladder, you can not feel anything after spending an hour or more on tubage. In this case, you should eat 1 chicken egg, or 5 quail. If you trust the manufacturer, drink raw - but it's better to boil them.


A person has a special reflex of "emergency evacuation" of bile, which allows the gallbladder to be released - the gag reflex. Everyone has them breastfed babies spitting up when overeating. Any intoxication or poisoning is accompanied by nausea - preparation for vomiting - and this is normal, but due to education over the years, we diligently suppress this reflex, so that overeating and poisoning remain "unpunished". If it is not possible to empty the gallbladder with a tubage, a fallback should be used.

The realization of the reflex is divided into two types. There is vomiting, in which it “turns inside out”, dreary, hiccups, and disgusting in the mouth (acid and bile) - we don’t need this. And there is regurgitation, like in small children when overeating, which empty the stomach and fall asleep - this is worth learning.

Technique. Take a liter jar, fill with water room temperature. Drop half a teaspoon of baking soda on your tongue and quickly drink as much water as you can (usually holds 700-800 ml). Release the stomach only while standing, leaning over the toilet or other container.

Place one hand on the lower abdomen, and with two fingers of the other hand, gently tap on the root of the tongue, as if inviting the stomach to take part in regurgitation. As soon as the first wave comes, push it up with your hand lying on your stomach, also gently. The same with each wave, until the stomach is completely free.

The whole process takes 2-3 minutes. When the stomach becomes empty, relief immediately sets in, and the gallbladder dumps bile into the intestines.

Warning! If you've never tried to vomit on your own before, don't push yourself too hard! Drinking water does not go back - it's not scary, it will come out with urine. If you “tear your tongue”, capillary hemorrhages on the face may occur, the whites of the eyes will turn red, an attack of hypertension will occur - it’s not pleasant enough.

Taking a laxative

In order to cleanse not only the large intestine from waste, but also the thin one from the remnants of food, not any laxative is suitable. This explains the choice of magnesium. The remaining 40 grams of powder should be diluted in a glass of hot water until completely dissolved, allow the solution to cool, and then drink in one gulp. It is easier to do this in two steps, dividing the solution into two glasses of 100 grams. Finally, rinse your mouth or drink clean water.

On this active actions finished. It remains to wait for the “carrying” effect, visit the toilet several times and go to bed.

Urges, as a rule, begin in 1.5 - 2 hours and last about an hour. You should not lie down or drink plenty of water at this time, since both of them delay the process of bowel release.

Due to the peculiarities of magnesia, the feeling of hunger after taking it does not appear soon; that is why sulfate mineral waters are so popular among those who want to “lose weight”.

Morning. Eliminate the feeling of hunger

Waking up on a "day without food", you need to remember what is possible and what is not. No food is allowed, but you can have tea or coffee (though without milk and sugar). You can substitute sugar (in tablets). Juices and sweet drinks are not allowed. There are no restrictions on water. The motor mode is active, and there is no need to be afraid of weakness, it will not happen. Bath, sauna, sports - all this is possible.

After washing, drink tea or coffee, then take a shower (preferably a contrast one), pouring over your hands and feet cold water. Make a charge. Now you will surely feel that you are hungry.

The first rule of proper fasting is don't go hungry! A simple exercise that allows you to eliminate the feeling of hunger in 1-2 minutes is called "Jasper Frog Makes Waves" and is performed as follows. You need to lean your palms on a chair or a low table. Take a deep breath while pulling in your stomach. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Exhale, relaxing your stomach. Repeat the exercise 10 times. After a minute or two, the feeling of hunger will disappear.

The same exercise can be done in a different way. Place your palms on your stomach. Take a deep breath while pulling in your stomach. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Exhale while relaxing your stomach. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Exercise is effective in a standing position, sitting and while walking; little help in the supine position. Hands are used simply for control.

Do it whenever you feel hungry. In some cases, it makes sense to drink 100-150 grams of alkaline water before exercise (Essentuki No. 17, Polyana Kvasova, Luzhanskaya).

Usually a "day without food" passes quietly and does not require any special efforts. You can cook, taste food, sit at the table - just don't eat! To do this, do not forget about the "jasper frog, chasing waves."

On this day, it is also useful to carry out a tubage - at any time, with any of the means indicated in the table. This tubage is special in that it is carried out "on an empty stomach", therefore, unlike the first, "preparatory" tubage, the procedure will not end with "grunting" in the stomach and urges. At the end of the procedure, it is worth taking fiber (simple bran or fiber from a pharmacy). Take 2 tablespoons of vegetable fiber, pour it with a glass of water, stir and drink. Fiber allows you to "bind" toxins and metabolites in the intestines, preventing them from being absorbed.

First meal

In the morning it turns out that the weight has decreased by 1.5 - 2 kg, and the state of health is good, and this feeling should not be spoiled by overeating. Breakfast should be simple and, preferably, without easily digestible carbohydrates, which include all cereals, bread, potatoes, sweets, sweet fruits and jams from them, fruit juices. These foods are not only quickly digested, raising blood sugar, but also quickly excreted, causing a feeling of hunger.

It is advisable to prepare animal products for breakfast: meat, fish, poultry, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, cheese. Raw vegetables are also great for them, which in winter can replace pickled and salted ones. Sprouted seeds, nuts, berries are also good.

On this day, you can leave the usual, three meals a day, but you can try to refuse lunch or breakfast. And of course, you should not have an extra snack. If you have mastered the "Frog", it is not difficult.

One- or two-day fasting is completely harmless. It can be carried out regularly - for example, every week. Such fasting does not guarantee a significant weight loss or a cure for diseases, but it allows you to improve your well-being and properly organize your diet.

Don't risk starving yourself long time without knowing who is responsible. Better to learn and do it right.


For tubage You can use various means, each of which has its pros and cons:

    Magnesium sulfate in powder (Epsom Salt). Dose 5-10 grams (1-2 teaspoons) per 200-300 ml of water. Plus - it works for everyone, sometimes a large dose or warm-up time is required. Minus - bad taste.

    Hunyadi Yanosh. Almost the same as magnesium sulfate, but also contains Na 2 SO 4). Solution in a bottle with a concentration of 30%. For tubage, use 30 ml of H.Ya., diluting it in 200 ml of water. H.Ya. can also be used as a laxative. This requires 150 ml of H.I. dilute in an equal amount of water and drink.

    Sorbitol. Dose 15-30 grams (1-2 tablespoons) per 200-300 ml of water. Action is average. Plus, it tastes sweet. Minus - fermentation and grumbling in the intestines, which can continue the next day. Before going to bed, you should take 4 grams of coal (20 tablets).

  1. Mineral water. Essentuki №17, Borjomi, Polyana Kvasova, Luzhanskaya №4. Plus, it tastes good. The action is soft. Minus - warm-up time, 1.5 - 2 hours. The effect may not occur. So, the choice of means for tubage was wrong.

As laxative can be used:

Magnesium sulfate. Dilute 40-50 grams in a glass of water. To reduce the unpleasant taste and accelerate the “carrying” effect, add 1 teaspoon of citric acid (powder) to the solution. Drink and after 2-3 minutes, take 1 teaspoon of baking soda with water. Plus, it always works. The reaction after 1.5 - 2 hours. Minus - nasty taste.

    Fortrans. Powder in sachets. Dilute 1 sachet in 1 liter of water, drink 1 glass every 10 minutes. Plus - tolerable taste. Minus - to get a "carrying" effect, you need to spend 4 hours.

In view of the mass propaganda of medicine on television, everything more people think about healthy way life. With this article, we will continue the cycle of publications about health, telling you about the ways in which we can cleanse our liver.

We chose this topic for a reason, since the liver, for our body, is a vital organ. Just think about it, it performs about 500 functions, while only one of them - blood purification, it performs from 200 to 400 times a day, so you can imagine how much and intensity of work it performs.

The main task of the liver is to cleanse the body, freeing it from various biological waste. Our liver produces about one liter of bile every day, which removes all toxins from our body. Every drink we drink with dyes, fruit with pesticides, pills, antibiotics, alcohol and much more, will definitely affect the liver. Therefore, imagine how many harmful components you eat per day, and how much will accumulate in a year!? All this passes through the liver and leaves its mark. To make this clearer to you, let's take a simple example. Many of us have a water purification filter at home, either for tap water or for a coffee maker, and you could clearly see what happens to it after a few weeks of operation, the same thing happens to our liver, since it is the same filter, only inside our body.

If you decide to improve your liver, then this is worthy of all praise, since often this question is puzzled only when they already have problems with it. To know what to pay attention to when cleansing the liver, we must understand in more detail what exactly the main functions of the liver are.

The liver neutralizes and removes an excess of hormones and vitamins, as well as negative components contained in the food we eat (ammonia, phenol, ethanol, acetone, etc.). Another of the main functions of the liver is to neutralize toxins, allergens and poisons, making them less harmful and dangerous to our body. When used a large number food containing fat, our liver filters it so that it does not enter the bloodstream and is in normal levels. Accordingly, the fat lingering in the liver, along with bile, enters us in gallbladder, as a result of which they can be transformed into stones or sand. The rest that is not fossilized is excreted through the intestines. Fats that have not left the liver begin to settle in the liver cells and provoke its obesity.

In addition to fatty foods, Negative influence a sedentary lifestyle affects the liver, as a result of which our liver is heavily loaded: cell membranes are destroyed and liver cells are destroyed. In addition, the unfavorable environmental situation also makes a negative contribution.

Why did we start our article with such a long introduction? To begin the treatment of any disease or to carry out the healing of organs, you need to have the necessary minimum knowledge about it. Otherwise, it will look like Don Quixote with a windmill, not knowing what, but we are actively treating it and are proud of ourselves. You must take this matter seriously. To improve the organs, including the liver, first of all, you need to get as much information as possible in order to know how and what to do. Now that you know about the functions of the liver and understand why it becomes contaminated, you can begin to cleanse it.

So, if the liver is polluted by harmful food, then, where should one start cleansing it? It is necessary to cleanse cleansing with proper nutrition and an appropriate diet.

Diet for liver cleansing

First of all, we exclude fatty and sweet foods from our diet, it simply should not be in it. In addition, you should remove from your diet:

  • Smoked products;

  • Spicy seasonings;

  • Canned food and conservation;

  • spices;

  • Liver and pork;

  • Soups on rich broths;

  • Muffin;

  • Chocolate, sweets, cakes, etc.

Of course, without fail, we exclude the use of alcohol in any form.

Well, now let's talk about what can be eaten. In this case, doctors advise to lean on seafood, but only so that they are not fatty. Give preference to cod, as it contains lipotropic substances that help release liver cells from fat.

Make yolk-free omelettes every day. Consume dairy products, but only fat-free or low-fat, which, thanks to their high calcium content, contribute to the elimination of toxins.

As often as possible, eat vegetables that can be taken both raw and cooked. Especially useful for cleansing the liver will be: sea ​​kale, squash caviar, vinaigrette, etc.

Arrange fasting days at least 2 times a week in order to unload the liver and give it a rest.

Diet for liver cleansing

Below we want to give you an example of a menu that will help cleanse the liver and not burden it.

First breakfast:

Steamed fish cutlets (100g), vegetable and rice garnish;

Green tea, without sugar.


Low-fat cottage cheese (100g);

Baked apple with raisins.


Fish soup with vegetable salad (250g);

Boiled cod (100g);

Green tea.

Afternoon snack:

Steamed protein omelet (150g);

Rosehip decoction.


Boiled shrimp (100g) and rice (150g);

Seaweed salad;

Green tea.

Mineral water

Of course, it is impossible not to mention in this article about the huge benefits mineral water, which has a tremendous effect on cleansing the liver. Mineral water promotes the outflow of bile, resulting in a reduced risk of stone formation, and also enhances the elimination of toxins from the liver.

It is important to note that if you were puzzled by the issues of recovery after you began to experience pain in the right hypochondrium, then in this case it is better not to use mineral water, since its use can contribute to the displacement of stones, which will clog the bile ducts.

If you are doing liver cleansing for preventive purposes, then taking mineral water will be very helpful. The following mineral waters are best suited for this: Borjomi, Essentuki, Mirgorodskaya.

Medicines for liver cleansing

More recently, drugs have appeared on the shelves of pharmacies that are designed specifically for the liver, such drugs are called hepatoprotectors. This type of drug is available in two types: natural remedies- to protect the liver and those based on essential phospholipids that restore liver cells.

How to cleanse the liver folk remedies

The best folk remedies that help cleanse the liver are honey and rose hips. To do this, brew a rosehip broth, pour a tablespoon of fruits with boiling water, and insist it for 6-8 hours in a thermos.

For every half cup of decoction, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink it in this amount 2-3 times a day after meals. This tool helps to activate the liver, which stimulates the secretion of bile.

In addition to this drink, the following herbs contribute to liver cleansing:

  • Mint;

  • millennial;

  • Immortelle;

  • Celandine;

  • Sagebrush;

  • Nettle, etc.

Fasting days(contrast days) are specially selected partial fasts that are part of the therapeutic nutrition system (see), used for violations of organ function and metabolism.

The therapeutic effect of fasting days is associated with features chemical composition diet. Fasting days are varied and are named after the main product that is part of the diet. The following fasting days usually apply.

Cottage cheese - 400-600 g of lean cottage cheese, 60 g of sour cream and 100 g of milk or cottage cheese in the form of cheesecakes, pudding. Assign for heart disease, obesity, atherosclerosis.

Vegetables - raw vegetables or a combination of raw and cooked vegetables. Cucumber day - 2 kg of fresh cucumbers are eaten in 5-6 doses. Potato day - 1.5 kg of baked potatoes with a small amount of vegetable oil or sour cream in 5 doses of 300 g. Watermelon day - 1.5 kg of ripe watermelon without peel is distributed into 5 doses. Vegetable fasting days are prescribed for obesity, gout, uric acid diathesis, kidney disease, heart failure, epidemic hepatitis at the beginning and height of the icteric period, acute and angiocholitis, chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis with ascites.

Fruit - various fruits and berries in raw or boiled form (compotes), sometimes combined with rice porridge. Apple - 1.5-2 kg of sweet ripe apples in their natural form, mashed, peeled or baked. Compote - compote of 200-250 g of dry fruits, 100-120 g of sugar and 6-6% glasses of water. When indicated, add 2 servings of rice porridge from 25 g of rice each.

You can give 500 g of dried apricots, washed with boiling water, in 5 doses during the day. Assign for hypertension, obesity, nephritis, heart failure, liver disease. Apple fasting days once or twice a week are prescribed for chronic colitis and enterocolitis during diarrhea and unstable stools.

Tea - 5-6 glasses of natural with sugar, 10 g of sugar per glass of tea. Assign for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, nephritis, acute gastroenterocolitis at the beginning of treatment.

Meat - defatted meat 300-600 g (fresh weight) and 400-500 g raw vegetables(cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes), boiled or stewed (beets, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin), butter or vegetable 25 g or sour cream 50 g. Assign for obesity in combination with atherosclerosis.

Fasting days are assigned for 1-2 days repeatedly at intervals of 7-10 days, taking into account the general nutrition of the patient, the tolerance of fasting days, the nature of the disease. When carrying out fasting days, it is necessary to observe bed rest in a hospital or. If patients are well tolerated fasting days in the future, they can be prescribed on an outpatient basis, but with an indispensable condition for compliance with bed rest. Bed rest is not necessary during fasting days for obese patients without circulatory disorders and liver function.

Fasting days are food rations with a special set of products that have a therapeutic effect on metabolic disorders and changes in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most commonly used tea fasting days (5-6 glasses of natural tea with sugar, 10 g of sugar per 1 glass); apple (1.5-2 kg of ripe sweet apples in their natural form, baked or mashed without skin before use); vegetables and fruits (1.5-2 kg of various fruits, berries or vegetables raw, natural or in salads); compote (compote of 200-250 g of dried fruits, 100-120 g of sugar and 6-6.5 cups of water); dairy (5-6 glasses of milk or sour dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.); milk-curd (5-6 glasses of milk and 300 g of cottage cheese); cottage cheese; meat [skimmed meat 300-600 g (wet weight) and 400-500 g of raw vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce), boiled or stewed (beets, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin), butter or vegetable oil 25 g or sour cream 50 g]; rice-fruit [raw, mashed or baked apples or compote of 200-250 g of dried fruits, 100-120 g of sugar (for patients diabetes without sugar), rice milk porridge, 3 servings (25 g of rice, 250 in milk per serving)]; oatmeal.

During fasting days, the daily amount of products is divided into 5 doses. Liquid (tea, coffee, water) is given as directed by the doctor, depending on the form of the disease and the patient's condition.

Indications. In acute gastroenterocolitis, exacerbations of chronic colitis and enterocolitis (pronounced dyspeptic symptoms and profuse diarrhea), a tea fasting day is prescribed at the beginning of the course of treatment; in chronic colitis and enterocolitis during diarrhea and unstable stools - apple fasting days (1-2 times a week) in combination with diet and other therapeutic measures (apples are given ripe, sweet varieties in the form of freshly prepared raw apple puree without peel). With epidemic hepatitis at the beginning and height of the icteric period, acute cholecystitis and angiocholitis, exacerbations of chronic cholecystitis and angiocholitis, attacks of cholelithiasis, cirrhosis of the liver with ascites, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, when symptoms of liver failure appear, vegetable and fruit fasting days (grape, apple) are used. , watermelon, carrot, etc.), compote, rice-fruit, milk-curd, and with cirrhosis of the liver with ascites - and milk fasting days.

In case of obesity, cottage cheese, meat, vegetable and fruit fasting days are prescribed (apples, plums, cherries, etc., containing no more than 10-12% carbohydrates). Unloading days are prescribed 1-2 times a week against the background of calorie-restricted diets.

With atherosclerosis in combination with overweight - the same fasting days as with obesity (meat or cottage cheese - no more than 300 g per day). In case of circulatory failure of II-III degree with edema or severe congestion in the lungs, milk is prescribed (100 g of milk 8 times a day, at night 20 g of glucose with 1/2 cup of tea), apple fasting days (raw, mashed or baked apples with sugar). In case of heart rhythm disturbances, fasting days do not have a positive effect. With hypertension during periods of high blood pressure and with the development of circulatory failure - apple fasting days.

In acute nephritis in the first days of the disease, chronic nephritis and nephrosis with the appearance of azotemia, edema, and increased blood pressure, fasting days are indicated, with apple, vegetable, fruit, compote days for azotemia, and milk and milk-curd cheese days for nephrosis with edema. In diabetes mellitus in combination with obesity - the same fasting days as in obesity, in diabetes mellitus with acidosis symptoms - rice-fruit and oatmeal fasting days, 1-2 times a week during the course of treatment in a hospital.

Mode. In most cases, during fasting days, bed rest is observed in a hospital or sanatorium; in the future, if well tolerated, fasting days can be prescribed on an outpatient basis, but subject to bed rest. Patients with obesity in the absence of symptoms of circulatory failure and impaired liver function may not be prescribed bed rest.

Contraindications to the appointment of fasting days: a combination of these diseases with chronic normacid gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer. Relative contraindications are pronounced vegetative-vascular neurosis, poor tolerance for hunger.

See also diet therapy.

The liver is a filtration center human body. Thanks to the functionality of this organ, the body is freed from toxins and harmful substances before they enter the circulatory system. It is for this reason that a healthy liver is the key to the proper functioning of each of the systems of the body as a whole. Constantly neutralizing poisons, this organ is pretty tense and needs periodic cleaning., therefore, a special diet for cleansing the liver will help its recovery in the best possible way.

Main functions of the liver

The human liver is overloaded daily, especially if fatty foods, sweets, or alcohol are constantly present in the diet.. Medication also does not go unnoticed. The main functions of the liver:

  • transformation nutrients, which then enter the intestine, are absorbed into its walls and transported to tissues and organs;
  • neutralization of the main share of toxins that enter the body with alcohol, medicines and various poisons;
  • maintaining the balance of glucose, proteins and fats in the blood;
  • filtration and disposal of old red blood cells from the circulatory system;
  • production of proteins and cholesterol;
  • collection of essential minerals, vitamins and iron.

By changing your menu and opting for healthy food, at least for a while, you can help your liver cleanse and improve functionality.

Switching to a diet menu

You cannot change the menu abruptly and drastically. Moreover, it is even dangerous, since the gastrointestinal tract gets used to a certain nutrition system and refusal of the usual food is stressful. The liver suffers most from addictions: its main enemies are alcohol and smoking. As a result of these dependencies, a huge amount of free radicals and decay products of poisons continuously pass through the human filtration center, which overloads it. Diet for cleansing the liver implies a complete rejection of alcohol. If quitting does not work, then it is recommended not to smoke on an empty stomach and to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked as much as possible.

Liver problems arise due to addiction to fatty, fried, salty, smoked, canned food. In this case, the preferences must be changed. During the period of the diet for cleansing the liver, there should be enough vegetables and fruits on the table, since with a deficiency of vitamins the result will not be so effective. Beets, carrots, lemons and oranges are especially valuable foods for restoring the functionality of the liver. The diet should be saturated with proteins and dairy products.

Basic principles and rules of the diet for cleansing the liver

Liver cleanse diet should be done at least once a year
, especially if there are problems with the functionality of this organ. Its main principles are:

  • You need to eat often and little by little, and portions should be small. For example, 6 meals of 200 g each is an ample daily allowance;
  • simple carbohydrates must be replaced with complex ones, less flour and more various boiled cereals;
  • the diet should be rich in protein, so the use of dairy products, meat and fish is a prerequisite for a cleansing diet;
  • fats should be in the diet, but only the right ones. For example, a slice of hard cheese is an excellent healthy snack, and a summer salad drenched in mayonnaise, on the contrary, will overload the liver;
  • everything fried in a pan and deep-fried is prohibited. Dishes must be baked, steamed, eaten fresh or, in extreme cases, boiled.;
  • During the liver cleansing diet, you can sometimes indulge in a cleansing cocktail. Its ingredients are one third of a glass of beetroot juice, a quarter of a lemon, a whole apple and a peeled cucumber. All this is interrupted in a blender and drunk. Such a remedy will improve the outflow of bile and have a laxative effect, due to which the body will leave a considerable amount of toxins and toxins.

Approved Products

What foods should be included in a liver cleanse diet? Studying this issue should be given a little time and attention, so that the change in diet is beneficial and gives the desired results:

  1. Bakery products: long biscuits, crackers, stale bread, biscuits.
  2. Soups and broths: vegetable soups, low fat chicken bouillon, non-sour borscht without roasting.
  3. Fish dishes: low-fat river and sea ​​fish, baked in foil, boiled or stewed.
  4. Meat: beef, veal, chicken breast, turkey. All boiled, stewed or baked.
  5. Fats: butter - no more than 30 g per day and hard cheese.
  6. Vegetables: any in stew, baked and raw, you should pay attention to parsnips, beets, avocados, cabbage, carrots and fresh herbs.
  7. Cereals: oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, rice, arnautka with milk and water as a side dish. Eliminate millet and semolina.
  8. Pasta: any, but only from durum wheat.
  9. Dairy products: kefir, yogurt home cooking or store-bought, but without additives, yogurt, cottage cheese. The fat content of cottage cheese should not exceed 5%, kefir and yogurt of low fat content, preferably one percent. Milk can also be left in the diet, but its maximum fat content for the duration of the liver cleansing diet is 2.6%.
  10. Fruits, berries, nuts: nothing overly sweet, sour or high-calorie. The diet menu should include apples, kiwi, dried fruits, berries, such as currants, gooseberries, plums, cherries. As for nuts, they should be consumed as a snack. The liver is easier to cleanse, and hunger is satisfied with the help of almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts. But it is better to forget about bananas, peanuts, grapes, raisins for the duration of the diet. Citrus fruits, although they are acidic, can sometimes be consumed, as they help the liver cleanse. Particularly relevant in the composition of the diet are lemon and orange.
  11. Drinks: herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, decoction of chamomile and rose hips. Green tea with jasmine will come in handy, as it both invigorates and cleanses, but natural or instant coffee and black tea are prohibited - the liver is overloaded from these drinks.

In addition to all of the above, you can eat a couple of boiled eggs a day, and add 50 g of honey to tea. With such a varied diet, a liver cleanse diet will not make you starve.

Several diet menu options

Without a carefully designed menu, it will be harder to cleanse the liver, because, as a rule, compliance with the chosen diet and daily regimen are the main criteria for obtaining a good result. There are a lot of options for various diets for cleansing the liver.

First option

The easiest and most effective option is to start the day with cereals and end it with a dairy product.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal, apple and green tea.
  2. Second breakfast: a handful of walnuts and a piece of hard cheese.
  3. Dinner: vegetable soup, cottage cheese casserole and juice.
  4. Dinner: chicken breast with vegetables, baked in foil, boiled rice and herbal tea.
  5. Before going to bed: a glass of yogurt or kefir.

Portions should not be large, as such a dietary menu for cleansing the liver is quite varied and satisfying. Therefore, it is better to get a kitchen scale. The total portioned volume of dishes included in the main meals should not exceed 200-250 grams.

Second option

In order to unload the liver and improve the outflow of bile, the day should begin with a choleretic agent.
. Here is the daily menu that will come in handy in this case:

  1. On an empty stomach: 1 teaspoon of milk thistle seed flour.
  2. Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, apple and avocado salad, green tea.
  3. Second breakfast: 1 egg, cabbage and carrot salad.
  4. Lunch: 20 min. to - choleretic collection or rosehip broth, stewed fish with cabbage, prunes with walnuts.
  5. Dinner: buckwheat with steamed chicken cutlet or beef liver, juice.
  6. Before going to bed: herbal tea or kefir.

Milk thistle, choleretic collection and apple salad, avocado will speed up the process of bile release, and stewed cabbage and beef liver will support hemoglobin levels.

Third option

To moderate your appetite in the evening, but still not feel hungry, you can organize a cleansing diet as follows:

  1. Breakfast: milk oatmeal with dried fruits, green tea.
  2. Second breakfast: summer or cabbage salad, juice.
  3. Lunch: borscht, baked chicken breast and vegetable stew.
  4. Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir or yogurt with lingering cookies.
  5. Dinner: omelet with cheese and vegetables and mint tea.

You can see that in the first half of the day (before lunch) the menu is not as varied as in the second. A menu compiled according to this principle will allow you not to feel hungry before going to bed while going through a diet for healthy liver cleansing.

To get a good result at the end of the liver cleanse diet, you should listen to these recommendations and tips:

  • You can’t abruptly leave the diet menu - this will immediately overload the rested digestive system. The first week you need to be extremely careful and still refuse junk food;
  • Any cleansing diet involves drinking large amounts of purified water. This reduces appetite and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. Mineralized alkaline water can also be present in the diet, but not be the main drink. Drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime. If it was not possible to eat, and hunger does not recede, then you can drink a glass of milk or eat one egg, but meat and fish are prohibited - these foods are digested for about four hours;
  • the diet should have enough refined carbohydrates - they are the most nutritious and satisfy hunger for a long time;
  • if the impetus for changing the diet and switching to a diet for cleansing the liver was any discomfort, you should first undergo an examination. It is necessary to carefully study the nature of the problem, donate blood and look at the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and liver on ultrasound, and then choose the treatment option.

If any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or liver are present, the doctor must approve the diet. Developed for the patient individual menu nutrition for every day, which should take into account the needs and not overload the suffering organ. In this case, it is better not to joke with choleretic agents and drugs - the rationality of their use in each specific case evaluated by the doctor.

The liver is the main filtering organ that protects a person from the effects of poisons and has taken on many vital functions. It is unique, as it is able to completely restore its cells from a quarter, so it is often transplanted, saving numerous lives. Following a diet to cleanse the liver at least once a year reduces the risk of liver failure and increases the resistance of the digestive system in general, especially in cases of poisoning.

The liver is considered the toxicological center of the body, it helps the body to remove waste harmful substances, neutralizes toxins, drugs, poisons, preservatives and other “chemistry” that enter it. This "hard worker" works without holidays or days off, filtering blood every minute.

Each person - without knowing it or quite consciously strains his liver: not only alcohol is dangerous for it, which everyone knows about, but also fatty foods, taking medical analgesics and antibiotics, an excessive amount of sweets, infections and many other things. Of course, sometimes the liver needs help, and it's worth a little diet, in order to give the body the opportunity to repair all existing damage.

How to help the liver work properly

First of all, it is necessary to avoid products that negatively affect this organ.

Eat smoked, spicy, fatty, pickled foods as little as possible - these are the main enemies of the liver. Do not eat products that have undergone processing - sterilization, pasteurization, and containing dyes, preservatives. All this only adds to the work of the liver.

Sausages and sausages, prepared minced meat contain nitrates and also overload the liver.

She does not like sour berries, as well as radishes, garlic and radishes.

Give up fast food, fatty and sweet pastries and cakes, alcohol. After all, after using alcoholic beverages the body receives serious poisoning, and the main blow falls on the liver. And if you regularly expose it to such a load, then even a healthy liver will not survive - normal liver cells will degenerate into fatty ones, and the body will remain practically without protection.

The ideal diet for the liver

Try to steam your meals, eat more vegetables and herbs: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, dill and parsley. If you like fish, then it is better to indulge yourself with perch, pike, trout or cod dishes. Avoid very oily and smoked fish, as well as fish of those species that feed on carrion (catfish, tench, bream). If you prefer meat, then veal or turkey is better. In general, the diet of a healthy person should have everything, but in reasonable quantities.

Pamper your liver with bananas, prunes, raisins - this is not only useful, but also perfectly uplifting. However, remember that these foods are high in sugar, so avoid eating them before bed.

Foods such as cheese, fresh milk, kefir and cottage cheese provide invaluable help to your liver. But the liver also has a favorite - it's honey. Use it with pleasure, because it is useful for the whole body.

To support the liver, you can not do without physical activity. Try to do exercises such as “biking”, squats and jumps more often, walk more on fresh air- it always gives strength.

One a famous person once said that healthy man- the most precious work of nature. Man tries his best to protect nature, and human nature. You just need to help her a little, taking care of yourself and your health.

When is a liver cleanse needed?

About the need to cleanse the liver (that is, its overload) they say:

  • the appearance of chronic fatigue;
  • the appearance of emotional lability (sometimes laughter, sometimes tears)
  • the appearance of skin problems;
  • the appearance of increased bleeding;
  • the appearance of digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence).

And this is not a complete list of symptoms in which a person needs to cleanse the liver! Otherwise, the functional insufficiency of the “main filter” will quickly lead to the development of liver diseases, which will be much more difficult to cope with.

Sample diet menu for the liver

Option 1

- breakfast- rosehip broth, 100 g of boiled fish, 100 g of salad with cabbage and apple.

- 2nd breakfast- compote, 5% cottage cheese with raspberries.

- dinner- vegetable juice, 150 g boiled chicken breast with buckwheat, 100 g vegetable noodle soup with herbs.

- afternoon tea- tea and soft-boiled egg.

- dinner- 200 g of millet porridge with pumpkin and a glass of kefir.

Option 2

- breakfast- 200 g of oatmeal with fruit and green tea.

- 2nd breakfast- apple juice, 150 g of carrots with vegetable oil.

- dinner- 100 g vegetarian cabbage soup, steam cutlet, 150 g vegetable stew, black tea with a slice of lemon.

- afternoon tea- drinking fruit yogurt.

- dinner- 200 g steam omelet with cheese and tomatoes, mint herbal tea.

Option 3

- breakfast- 200 g of multi-grain porridge with cherries, black tea with a slice of lemon.

- 2nd breakfast- 150 g vegetable casserole, tomato juice.

- dinner- 100 g of vegetarian borscht, 150 g of fish with stewed cabbage.

- afternoon tea- low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of fruits.

- dinner- 200 g of buckwheat porridge with milk, tea with biscuit cookies.

In the main meals, portions can be increased by a maximum of 100 g, and the last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime. If you stay up late, after 6-7 p.m., switch to fruits, vegetable salads or light snacks, fish and meat products after this time, it is better not to eat, since the meat is digested for about 3-4 hours.

Recipe diet for the liver for a week

Once a year, you need to apply a diet for the liver for a week. During such a diet, the diet is quite varied. With a diet for the liver for a week, the menu is as follows:

࿋ Monday

Breakfast: cottage cheese, milk, buckwheat with a small piece of butter, tea (you can with milk).


Dinner: vegetarian soup, noodles with meat, apple jelly.

Snack: cookies with tea.

Dinner: boiled fish with potatoes.

Before bedtime: kefir.

࿋ Tuesday

Breakfast: pasta with lean meat, tea (can be with milk).

Lunch: milk and cottage cheese.

Dinner: cabbage rolls with meat, potato soup with Hercules and berry jelly.

Snack: 1 large or 2 medium apples.

Dinner: milk porridge with rice, a glass of mineral water.

Before bedtime: kefir.

࿋ Wednesday

Breakfast: milk oatmeal, boiled fish, tea (you can with milk).

Lunch: cabbage casserole.

Dinner: soup with vermicelli, stewed carrots with boiled meat, dried fruit compote.

Snack: biscuits and tea. You can throw a slice of lemon into tea.

Dinner: buckwheat cereal and a glass of water (preferably mineral).

Before bedtime: kefir.

࿋ Thursday

Breakfast: protein omelette cooked in a steam bath, dairy rice porrige, tea (possible with milk).

Lunch: cottage cheese. You can add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.

Dinner: borsch from cabbage, beets, potatoes, beans and beets without meat, mashed potatoes, dried fruit compote.

Snack: biscuits and tea. You can add a slice of lemon to tea.

Dinner: boiled pasta with a small piece of butter, cheese and 1 glass of water (preferably mineral water).

Before bedtime: kefir.

࿋ Friday

Breakfast: raw carrot and apple salad, meat steam cutlets, tea.

Lunch: oven baked apple.

Dinner: mashed potato soup, boiled fish with stewed cabbage, fresh fruits.

Snack: biscuits with rosehip broth.

Dinner: buckwheat cereal, a glass of water (preferably mineral).

Before bedtime: kefir.

࿋ Saturday

Breakfast: boiled potatoes with herring and tea. You can put a slice of lemon in tea.

Lunch: 1 large or 2 medium apples.

Dinner: vegetarian cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage, cutlets cooked in a steam bath with vermicelli, dried fruit compote.

Snack: cookies with 1 glass of rosehip broth.

Dinner: steamed protein omelet, syrniki with sour cream and 1 glass of water (preferably mineral water).

Before bedtime: kefir.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlets, tea. You can put a slice of lemon in tea.

Lunch: jam with carrot puree.

Dinner: vegetarian borscht, cottage cheese pudding and baked apple.

Snack: berry jelly.

Dinner: semolina porridge with prunes and a glass of water (preferably mineral).

Before bedtime: kefir.

You need to eat 1 time in 3 hours in small portions, since overeating is the first enemy of the liver. Prepare as much as possible fresh and steamed. Heat food exclusively on a steam bath. Eat more foods that are high in fiber. After all, it is she who is able to remove cholesterol.

Eat right and be healthy!

By following a diet for liver disease, you allow it to get a break and recover. It must be done at least once a year. It is enough to follow the general recommendations when compiling a diet:

☀ eat small meals, increasing the number of meals. Limit the amount of food eaten at a time to two hundred grams, but eat 5-6 times a day;

☀ the intake of light carbohydrates, namely sugar and other sweets, should be limited, but complex carbohydrates in the form of various cereals, on the contrary, increase;

☀ give preference to raw foods, cooked in a double boiler, baked in foil, boiled or stewed;

☀ following a diet for the liver, include in the diet food that is rich in protein, meat, fish and dairy dishes; reduce the consumption of animal fats to a minimum, you can use only vegetable oil;

☀ prepare a “liver health cocktail”. It consists of a third of a glass of beetroot juice, one cucumber without skin, one apple, also without skin and one lemon, or rather its pulp. All these products must be mixed in a blender, adding two tablespoons of olive oil to them. The cocktail perfectly cleanses the liver of toxins, removes toxins, has a choleretic and laxative effect.

Weekend Cookie Diet

If you experience discomfort from the liver - (a feeling of heaviness during exercise, loss of appetite, belching, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth), you need to reconsider your diet. Arrange for the liver (once every ten days) a day off. This will give the body the opportunity to rest a bit and cleanse itself of harmful excesses.

A good unloading effect, for example, has a pumpkin vegetable salad:

fresh white cabbage, apple, carrot, pumpkin, tomato season 1 tsp. olive oil. You can eat salad with a glass (200 ml) carrot juice mixed with kefir, or mineral water without gas.

It is useful to drink vat and decoctions based on mint, lemon balm and milk thistle on "hepatic-unloading" days. Milk thistle cleanses and restores liver cells and has a mild choleretic effect.

Be healthy! ethnoscience help you get healthy!

Who should not cleanse the liver

The liver can be cleaned by anyone who has zero or low acidity, contraindications apply to the following categories of people.

☀ Patients with diabetes mellitus, especially type I diabetes.

☀ People in whom a chronic disease goes into an exacerbation stage.

☀ Cleansing cookies can not be carried out against the background of fever, headache, colds.

☀ Pregnant women and women in their period breastfeeding.

☀ People who have high acidity - there is a danger of exacerbation of gastritis, ulcerative process.

☀ Women during menstruation.

It must be emphasized once again that before cleansing it is desirable to undergo an examination (ultrasound) of the biliary system and consult not with relatives, neighbors or friends, but with a doctor in order to avoid acute obstruction of the bile ducts and urgent surgery.