What are the benefits of red viburnum? We talk about the valuable qualities of the plant

Red viburnum is not only an ornamental bush that many summer residents grow in their gardens as decoration, but also a valuable plant, long known for its medicinal properties. Its brilliant ones are valuable for their unique healing qualities, which cannot but impress. The benefits of red viburnum have been known since ancient times.

In Rus', for example, its branches were used to decorate a wedding table - it symbolized a happy family life. In different countries, people used it to treat diseases. It was believed that a pretty tree planted next to the house protected its inhabitants from the “evil eye” and brought prosperity. Traditional healers used all parts of the plant as medicinal raw materials: bark, leaves, flowers and berries. Decoctions were made from red fruits, fruit drinks and infusions were made that helped overcome the disease.

What are the benefits of red viburnum?

The plant has a rich chemical composition. Fresh viburnum fruits are considered dietary products, they contain only 26 kcal, and dried ones - 200 kcal per 100 grams. They contain a variety of vitamins (A, C, E, B, K, P), essential oils, organic acids, phytoncides, pectins (participate in the normalization of digestion), tannins and minerals (calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper, etc.).

Red viburnum is famous for its high content of valeric acid. The berry is known for its healing properties due to the presence of a large amount of viburnin glycoside. It has been scientifically proven that the fruit contains several times more ascorbic acid than raspberries. This suggests that viburnum helps in blood renewal, supports the immune system and has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Viburnum fruits have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects; they are considered the best. Decoctions of the berries are recommended for bronchitis, sore throat, heart disease and hypertension. The benefits of red viburnum are invaluable for our health. By eating a few berries every day, you can get rid of depression, mental trauma and prevent digestive disorders.

The fruits are indicated for vitamin deficiency, gastritis, kidney swelling, ulcers and atherosclerosis. A paste of ground berries and honey will help strengthen your immune system. The healing mixture will fill the body with the necessary complex of vitamins and protect against colds. Alcohol infusions treat colitis and vascular spasms. Natural juice from the fruit is taken to cleanse blood vessels. The benefit of red viburnum lies in its laxative effect. It is used as a restorative, rejuvenating and tonic agent in cosmetology. Compresses help remove pigmentation and acne.

Medicinal recipes

1. For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, make a berry tincture from 3 glasses of fruits and 2 liters of boiling water. The container is tightly closed and infused for 6 hours, then filtered and drunk 2-3 times a day, 20 grams before meals - the course duration is a month.

2. For constipation. Boil a glass of viburnum for half an hour, then add honey to taste and pour into a glass container. Take 20 grams per day orally.

3. From neuroses. Grind 20 g of fresh berries, mix with a glass of hot water - leave the solution for 4-5 hours. Drink 100 ml twice a day before meals.

4. A viburnum mask with sour cream, which is applied to a clean face and kept for 20 minutes, will help against acne and blemishes on the skin. Do the procedure twice a day, and after 2 weeks the number of rashes will noticeably decrease. Red viburnum also evens out color, tightens skin, smooths out wrinkles and gives freshness.

Benefit and harm, of course, are not equivalent. The berry undoubtedly has more healing qualities, but despite its rich chemical composition, the plant also has contraindications for use. It should not be used if you have platelet problems or increased blood cell coagulation. Viburnum is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.