10 things you SHOULD NOT do after a workout


Now we will talk about what is not recommended to do after active physical activity.

Here you will find some useful tips that will help you stick to the basic rules. They will help you achieve some success and avoid injury.

1. Forget about stretching after a workout

Once you have finished your workout, you should stretch the muscles that you worked in training. This will not only help them recover faster, but also contribute to their growth.

2. Too active cardio after training.

You can do 20-30 minutes of light cardio after weight lifting, but don't push yourself too hard or you'll seriously interfere with the physiological and hormonal mechanisms that lead to muscle hypertrophy. It is best to separate cardio and strength training so that there is at least 5 hours between them.

3. Nutrition after training

After an intense workout at the gym, your body is in dire need of nutrients, especially amino acids and carbohydrates. Your body needs it to repair damaged muscle cells and feed a depleted nervous system. Try to feed your body with high quality food 15-20 minutes after you finish your workout.

4. Avoid high amounts of fat.

The purpose of post-workout meals is to provide carbohydrates and amino acids to the bloodstream, which are then quickly distributed to muscle cells. Since fats tend to slow down digestion, they should not be consumed in large quantities.

5. Sleep after a workout.

Sound sleep is always good. Unfortunately, an hour or two hours of sleep at night is not enough for us to fully recover. Therefore, after training, you should avoid physically strenuous work. You need some time to recover. Just sit down for a while, rest and eat. Hard training will only be effective if the body gets enough rest to go through the recovery process.

6. What not to eat after a workout.

You just burned a bunch of calories, so you deserve a delicious meal, right? Maybe. But that doesn't mean you have to pile on hamburgers and other rubbish. In fact, you should strive to give your body everything it needs, and this is not always what you want.

The list of foods to avoid is long, but it definitely includes candy, cake, and fast food—just about anything common sense tells you to avoid.

7. Don't strut around - the unwritten rule of the gym.

Beginners - this is for you. You should not turn into such a person who, after his workout, walks around the gym, sits in places that others could use for training, and so on.

After you've completed your quota, head to the locker room, cool off, have some protein or something to eat, just don't keep wandering around and disturbing others.

8. Proper cooling of the body after training

There is no need to do anything extravagant - just let your heart return to the calm rhythm of the beating. To do this, after training, you can perform a few simple yoga exercises, stretching, gently rolling on a roller, or simply arrange a light run on a treadmill (10-15 minutes). This will help you prepare for your next workout by reducing your recovery time.

9. Don't sleep after your workout - stay mobile.

After an active workout, there is always a temptation to lie down and relax for a long time. However, you should not be in a sitting or lying position for a long time, you need to move. The body needs about 2 hours to slow down all the processes working in it, after which you can go to bed. Rest immediately after a workout can be compared to emergency braking: it harms both the rubber and the suspension and even the entire engine.

10. Don't touch your face right after your workout.

Touching your face after leaving the gym is the last thing you want to do. All equipment in the gym can be a breeding ground for unwanted germs and bacteria, so keep your hands away from your face. It's best to wash your hands and dry your face with a clean towel, experts say, especially if you don't plan on taking a shower.